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[ New London Vital Statistics Copy, Vol. 1 ] [ New London Town Records, Book 2 ] [ New London Marriages - Bailey ] [ New London Look-up Library ]
London Vital Statistics |
Please, do not contact me about
additional VR information
but, please, do so on suspected typos!
About this source.
Please, read this section - very important!
Surnames hyper-linked to pages
Description of original index and up-date.
Handwritten changes/corrections added to text.
Hyper-linked to and from transcription
No idea who made the changes, when they were added,
or if they are correct. <See #6 below under "About this
About this source:
This source was located at the main branch of the Memphis, TN, Public Library. No compiler/author or any publication info is in it. The book has been rebound with a generic black cover. The text print is aged, hard to decipher in places, and too faded and broken for scanning with OCR software. The Memphis Public Library suspects it was compiled c1900 and done by Grace Shaw Woldf - the same person who seems to have done New London, Connecticut Town Records, Book Second. The compiler refers to the second book in a couple of places.
Memphis Public Library online computer catalog description:
- Link to the online catalog
- Select Title and type in: New London vital statistics
- Up will come the very little info the library has on this source.
This transcription includes all typos; spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors; and chronological order errors. Whether these errors appeared in the original "Collated Copy from the Original Records" or were done by the compiler, I have no idea. I have neither added or changed a thing to the text except added a few blank lines to separate family groups listed together. What you see is how it appears. Do watch the dates. Just because a year date tops a section, doesn't mean everything in that section is of that year. The author has noted in a couple of places that she placed something in a section for want of a better place and says in another place that an entry belongs somewhere else. These comments by the author are actually in type. It appears a few of the dates beginning a section may be typos?
The index has been up-graded. It was flawed with page numbers missing for several surnames and some page numbers listed wrong by a page or two. The index is only of surnames - no given names. Do note the different spellings of many of the surnames. The index is hyper-linked to the transcription page numbers.
No real data in this source later than the 1770s except for a few entries at the bottom of p. 78 and top of p. 79 - very little anything after the 1750s.
If you have trouble finding a specific surname on a page, use the search/find option of your browser. With your cursor at the top of a page, on the menu bar of your browser:
Click Edit > Find in page/(on This Page) > type in the surname > Click "Find next"
Do look for different spellings of a surname and be aware there may be more than one listing of the surname on a page.Handwritten scrawl of changes and additions are scattered throughout the book. I have no idea who made the changes, when they were added, or if the changes are correct. They may have been done by the compiler for the penmanship looks as old as the typewritten manuscript or done by just anyone with a handy pen. They all appear to be done by the same fountain pen and same person. I have included these changes in an appendix for thought they might be leads; therefore, of some help?
The handwritten corrections are numbered in the text with footnote like numbers and hyper-linked to a separate page where the handwritten changes appear in red. The changes are also hyper-linked back to the text/transcription.
- "Marriages. Births, and Deaths." 1644 - 1725 ...................
- "From Miss Caulkins' Necrology of New London." ...........
- "Some marriages recorded by Joshua Hempstead" ..........
- "Marriages by Rev. Mathew Bayles" .................................
- Some "Deaths" 1652-1682: ................................................
- "From loose sheets, found in the book." .............................
pp. 1-62
pp. 62-63
pp. 63-72
pp. 72-73
pp. 73-77
p. 78
Reporting suspected errors
Please, do not contact me about additional New London data. This is all I have - the 2 books up on-line, this Vol 1 and the Second Book. I live no where near Connecticut and have never lived in the state. Do feel free to contact me on what you suspect is a typo; however, there appears to be typos in the source itself which may account for the handwritten inserts. <see #6 above> I will correct a transcriber typo but not a typo in the book. The transcription is word for word but I too am able to do typos! Thank you!
To report a suspected error in the index or transcription:
Use a subject of "New London I Error" - without the quotes:
Citing from this project.
Quoting of text for non-profit purposes only is permitted. The following cite format must be followed. As the Memphis Library thinks the compiler may be Woldf and date early 1900s, I'm qualifying this info in the cite with [ ] and circa.
[Grace Shaw Woldf], New London Vital Statistics from the Collated Copy from the Original Records, Vol 1, (S.l.: s. n., c1900?), rebound copy in custody of the Memphis Public Library, Memphis, TN, <p. #>. Transcribed by Susan G. Taylor <my e-mail address>, online <title of webpage>, <address/URL of webpage> as part of the USGenWeb New London, CT project <http://www.ctgenweb.org/town/ctcnewlondon/>; <date you personally saw/viewed/printed the page/data - accessed the webpage>.
[Grace Shaw Woldf], New London Vital Statistics from the Collated Copy from the Original Records, Vol 1, (S.l.: s.n., c1900?), rebound copy in custody of the Memphis Public Library, Memphis, TN, p. 62. Transcribed by Susan G. Taylor <my e-mail address>, online New London Vital Statistics Copy, Vol. 1 <http://www.ctgenweb.org/town/ctcnewlondon/nl1.html> as part of the USGenWeb New London, CT project <http://www.ctgenweb.org/town/ctcnewlondon/>; viewed 1 Aug 2000.Short footnote - subsequent citations:
[Woldf], New London Vital Statistics Copy, Vol 1, online transcription, p. 62.Bibliography:
[Woldf, Grace Shaw]. New London Vital Statistics from the Collated Copy from the Original Records, Vol 1, (S.l.: s.n., c1900?), rebound copy in custody of the Memphis Public Library, Memphis, TN. Transcribed by Susan G. Taylor <my e-mail address> . Online New London Vital Statistics Copy, Vol. 1 <http://www.ctgenweb.org/town/ctcnewlondon/nl1.html> as part of the USGenWeb New London, CT project <http://home.earthlink.net/~sgtusgw/ctnewlondon/>; viewed 1 Aug 2000.
Be sure the title of the book *and* the title of the webpages are underlined or italicized.- Copyright and Citing - sgt
Please, do not contact me about additional VR information!
USGenWeb New London, CT:
"New London Vital Statistics Copy, Vol. 1" published 1 Aug 2000
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Last Updated: 13-Apr-2009
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