Page 20.
1680. 16
Anna Geares daughter George &
Sarah Geares born ye 6th January.
Jonathan Parkes sonn Thomas & Mary Parkes born ye 6th
Mary Latham the daughter of Joseph & Mary Latham, born
ye 5th September.
Elizabeth Packer daughter Jno & Lydia Packer born 25
Samuell Burrows sonn John & Mary Burrows born ye 5th
Mary Lewis daughter John & Mary Lewis born ye April 12-
Ezekiel Turner & Susanna Keeny were marryed Dec. 26,
Christopher Wickwire sonn John & Mary Wickwire born
Jan. the 8- 1679.
Richard, sonn Benjamin & Mary Atwell born ye May 1,
Ann Douglas daughter of Wm. &
Abiah Douglas born ye 24th May.
Adam Pickett of New London - married unto Hannah the
daughter of Danyill Wetherell of New
London - 26th of May.
John Fox sonn John & Sarah Fox born ye last of June.
Joane Stebins ye daughter John & Deborah Stebins born
ye 6th September.
Wayte Mayhew sonn John & Joane Mayhew born 4th October.
Margaret Stebins daughter Daniel & Bethia Stebins -
born ye 3rd November.
Samuel Avery ye sonn Thomas & Hannah Avery born ye 15
Danyill Smith ye sonn Nehemiah & Lydia Smith - born ye
29th November.
Christian Chappell Daughter Wm. & Christian Chappell -
born ye 3rd of February.
Richard Jennings son of Richard & Elizabeth Jennings
born ye 11th of March.
Wm. Potts sonn Wm. & Rebecca Potts born ye 13 March.
Lydia Mynor daughter Wm. & Lydia Mynor born ye 16th
Deborah Parke daughter Thomas & Mary Parke born in
Lucy Bradstreet daughter Symon & Lucy Bradstreet - born
ye 24 October.
Nathaniel Holt sonn of William Holt of New Haven marryed
Rebecca daughter of Thomas Beebe
ye April 5th.
Ruth Dymond daughter Thomas & Elizabeth born ye Sept.
Elizabeth Rogers daughter James & Mary Rogers born ye
29th August.
Martha Miner wife of Clement Miner
departed this life the 5th July. 17
Top  |

Page 21.
Sarah Dart daughter Richard &
Bethia Dart was born ye 10th of June.
Jonathan Avery sonn of James Avery departed this life in ye
month of August.
Adam Pickett ye sonn of Adam & Hannah Pickett was born
ye 7th September.
Peter Caulkins ye sonn of David & Mary Caulkins born ye
9th October.
Jonathan Avery ye sonn James & Deborah Avery born ye
9th November.
Nicholas Edgecombe ye sonn Jno & Sarah Edgecombe born
ye 23 of January.
Hercules Haynes sonn of Charles & Mary Haynes born ye
29, April.
Heaster Mould ye daughter Hugh & Martha Mould born ye
23rd August.
Febie Douglas ye daughter of Robert & Mary Douglas born
ye 20th January.
Isack Geares sonn George & Mary Geares born ye 26th
Martha Morgan daughter Joseph & Dorothy Morgan - born
ye 20th March.
Margaret Hubbard daughter Hugh & Jane Hubbard born ye
14th April.
Thomas Willot ye sonn James &
Willot born ye
11th of January.
Allyn Willy ye sonn John & Mariam Willy born ye 25th
Lydia Parker daughter John & Lydia Parker born ye 20,
Ann Bradstreet daughter Symon & Lucy Bradstreet dyed ye
2nd October.
Richard Christophers ye sonn of Christopher Christophers
was marryed unto Lucretia the daughter
of Peter Bradley of New London January 26.
Joseph Shapley sonn Benj. Shapley & Mary his wife -
born ye 15 July.
William Holt ye sonn Nathaniel & Rebecca Holt - born ye
15th July.
George Dennis of Long Island was marryed unto Elizabeth the
widow of Josiah Raymond ye 26th
January- 1680/1.
Top  |

Page 22.
Samuel Fox sonn Samll & Mary
Fox born April 24th.
Robert Burrows sonn of John & Mary Burrows born ye 9th
Richard Christophers marryed to Lucretia Bradley 26th
January- 1681.
Benjamin Starr & Lydia Latham
marryed on Wednesday the 20th of May 1702.
Bejamin son of Benjamin & Lydia Starr born Tuesday 4,
December 1702
Mary - daughter Benjamin & Lydia Starr born December
26- 1703.
Lydia - daughter Benjamin & Lydia Starr born October
25- 1705.
Elizabeth Starr daughter Benjamin & Lydia Starr - born
October 4- 1707.
Jasper, sonn Benjamin & Lydia Starr born March 21,
Elizabeth Starr departed this life March 30, 1710.
Samuel Beebe son
of Samuel Beebe married Elizabeth Rogers daughter of James Rogers - ye 9th
day of February- 1681, by whom he had:
October 27, 1681. 18
March 16 1688.
January 25 1689.
Hopestill )
Patience )
February 26 1691.
5 1695.
Son July
16 1697.
October 10 1701.
Top  |

Page 23.
Richard Douglas sonn William &
Abiah Douglas - born ye 12 of July.
William Douglas sen. departed this life aged years 26th of
Benedict Shatterly ye sonn of Wm. Shatterly of Devonshire
near the city Exon in old England
married Rebecca, widow of John Dymon ye 2nd of August.
Jasper Latham sonn Joseph & Mary Latham born ye 29th
William Leeds sonn John & Elizabeth Leeds born ye 3rd
Jonathan Danyill sonn John & Mary Danuill born ye 15th
Abell Willy ye sonn John & Maryam born ye 3rd of March.
Lydia Parker daughter of John & Lydia Parker - born ye
10th of January.
Ebenezer Dennis sonn George & Elizabeth Dennis - born
23rd of October.
Abigail Burrows daughter Jno & Mary Burrows - born ye
10th August.
Robert Burrows senior dyed about the middle of ye month of
Samuel ffosdick sonn of John ffosdick of Charlestown in New
England married Mary Picket the
daughter of John & Ruth Pickett the 1st day of
Samuel Atwell the sonn of Benjamin & Mary Atwell born
ye 23 April.
Sarah Rogers daughter James & Mary Rogers - born ye
23rd November.
Nathanyell Holt, son Nathanll &
Rebecca Holt born ye 18th of July.
Joshua Raymond sonn of Joshua Raymond of New London was
marryed unto Mary Sands the
daughter of James Sands of Block Island the 29th day of
Elizabeth Mayhew daughter John & Joanna born ye 7th of
February . (January ?)
Hannah & Sarah Baker ye daughters of Joshua &
Hannah Baker born ye 18th January.
Christopher ye son Richard & Lucretia Christophers born
ye 2nd Dec.
William Hough senior - departed this life the 20th of
Anna Hough daughter William & Anna - born ye 23rd Dec.
Sarah Lewis daughter John & Elizabeth Lewis born ye
August 18- 1683.
Hannah Morgan daughter Joseph & Dorothy Morgan born ye
3rd December.
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Page 24.
Samuel ffosdick sonn Samuel &
Mercy ffosdick born ye 16th of August & departed this life 28th
Mary the daughter of James & Deborah Avery born
ffebuary 4th.
Sarah the daughter Ezekiel Turner & Susanna his wife
born Oct. 28, 1683.
Sarah Hough daughter John &
Sarah Hough born born ye 23rd April.
Samuel the sonn Samuel & Mercy ffosdick born ye 18th
Sarah the daughter of Thomas Leach & Abigail his wife
born 9th of July.
Hannah the daughter of James &
Deborah (Stallion) Avery born March 4- 1685.
John Pickett sonn of Adam & Hannah Pickett born ye July
John Lewis sonn John & Elizabeth Lewis born August 16.
Samuel sonn James & Mary Rogers born ye March 23.
Richard sonn Richard & Lucretia Christophers born
August 18.
Mary Willy daughter Jno & (Miriam - Moore) his wife
born ye 10th December.
John Daniels & Agnes Beebe were married December 3rd.
Susanna daughter Ezekiel & Susanna Turner - born ye
Jan. 2, 1685.
John Wickwire sonn John & Mary Wickwire - born December
2, 1685.
Anna Shapley daughter Benjamin & Mary Shapley born
August 31, 1685.
Mercy ffosdick daughter Samuel & Mercy ffosdick born
30th November.
John Dymond sonn Thomas & Elizabeth Dymond born 25
Baoni Ingham sonn Joseph & Mary Ingham - born June
Mr. Nicholas Hallam & Sarah Pygan were married July
John Daniels sonn John & Agnes
Daniels born October 22. 19
Mary daughter Ezekiel & Susanna Turner born May
30--1680 (6?).
Peter Harris & Elizabeth
Manwarring were married July 7, 1686.
John Homes sonn Thomas & Lucretia Holms born March
Samuel sonn John & Elizabeth
Lewis was born June 3, 1687.
Jonathan Rogers sonn James & Mary Rogers born April 13.
Top  |

Page 25.
Peeter sonn Richard & Lucretia
Christophers born July 18th.
Sarah the daughter James &
Deborah Avery born May 10, 1688.
Daniel the sonn Thomas & Ann Way born - December 23.
Alexander the sonn Nicholas & Sarah Hallem - born
October 27.
Samell Daniells sonn of John & Agnes Daniells born Nov.
Ruth daughter Ezekiel & Susanna Turner born March 2,
Hannah Hough - daughter John & Sarah Hough - June 30-
Cary Latham & Susanna ffoster were married - December
26- 1688.
Elizabeth - daughter John & Mary Wickwire - born March
23- 1688.
Samuel son of Gabriel & Elizabeth Harris - was born
July 14, 1665/6.
Samuel Harris (sonn Gabriel) married Elizabeth Gibson,
August 5, 1687.
ffeb. 29, 1692
20 1694
5, 1697
" "
9- 1699
6-- 1703
daughter "
" "
2, 1706.
Richard Manwarring & Eleanor
Jennings, married May 25, 1710.
Hannah Pickett daughter of Adam
& Hannah Pickett - born June 16- 1689.
Richard Rogers sonn of James & Mary Rogers born October
Anne the daughter of William Halls & Mary his wife born
September 1st.
William Hocsy, son of William Hocsy and Mary his wife born
July 1693.
John sonn of Richard & Lucretia Christophers born March
15, 1689.
Thomas Daniells son of John & Agnis Daniells born
January 2.
Samuel Harris sonn of Peeter Harris & Elizabeth - his
wife born April 29- 1689.
Samuel Chapman son of Samuel &
Chapman born June 27- 1689.
Top  |

Page 26.
Daniel Shapley sonn Benjamin &
Mary Shapley born febrary 14- 1689.
Ruth Fosdick daughter Samuel & Mercy Fosdick born ye
June 27- 1689.
Dorcas Tubbes, dau. Samuel & Mercy Tubbs born ye March
2, 1688/9.
The testimony of Mrs. Elizabeth
Truman & Mrs. Susanna ffox. They both declare of their own certain knowledge that they
very well know and are well acquainted with Robert Isbell sometime of New London Deceased,
and at his Decease he left two chindren named Eleazer & Hannah Isbell and that she the
s'd Hannah was married to Thomas Stedman which s'd Stedman had by his s'd wife two
children - a son and a daughter. The sons name was John and the daughters name was ann
Stedman who married Benjamin Lester. The above Ann Stedman was born June 1668.
John Stedman was born Dec. 25- 1669. The persons above named made this declaration and
gave in their testimony.
March 4- 1708/9.
before me
Daniel Wetherell- Assistant.
The wife of James Bennett dyed May
Jeffry Christopher junior - dyed may 17 - of ye small pox.
Jane the wife of Jeffry Christopher Jr. dyed June 7 - of
small pox.
William Lewis sonn of John & Elizabeth Lewis born ye
22- October- 1690.
Hannah Lewis daughter John & Elizabeth Lewis born ye
October 24- 1692.
William Chapman married Hannah Lester March 27, 1690.
Thomas sonn of Thomas & Anne Way born February 18-
Lucretia, wife of Richard Christophers deceased - January
7, 1690.
Elizabeth - daughter John & Elizabeth Keeney born -
October 27- 1690.
Mary - daughter Thomas & Mary Harris - b. Nov. 4- 1690.
Lydia Turner daughter of Ezekiel & Susanna Turner -
born ye September 5- 1690.
Richard Scarrett (this name dificult to decipher), son of
Ann Stedman the now wife of Benjamin
Lester was born ye May 24- 1690.
Abiah the daughter of John & Sarah Hough was born ye
October 30- 1690.
Top  |

Page 27.
Cary Latham the sonn of Cary &
Susanna Latham born ye September 3- 1690.
Jonathan Wickwire sonn John & Mary Wickwire - born
ffebruary 19- 1690.
Mary Coit daughter - Solomon & Mary Coit born June 30-
Mary Coit wife of Solomon Coit - dyed July 7- 1713.
Solomon Coit marryed to Elizabeth Short August 8- 1714.
Charles Short son of Thomas Short & Elizabeth his wife
- born December 26- 171[1 or 4]*.
1714 ------ 1704 ------- 1713.
Thomas Short dyed 27 September (171[...]*)
Deacon Joseph Coit dyed March 27- 1704.
Martha Coit wife of Deacon Joseph Coit dyed July 14- 1713.
Andrew Lester son of Benjamin &
Anna Lester - born November 2- 1691.
William Chapman son William & Hannah Chapman born March
29- 1691.
Richard Christophers was married unto Grace Turner of
Scituate September 3rd 1691.
John Richards son of John & Love Richards born 1st
January 1691.
Thomas Harris sonn Peeter & Elizabeth Harris born ye
August 31- 1691.
Robert Chapman son of Samuel &
Harris 20 born ye Oct. 23- 1691.
Annah Fosdick daughter - Samuel & Mary Fosdick born ye
December 8- 1691.
Elizabeth Welsh - daughter James & Penelope Welsh -
born ye January 25- 1691/2.
1692 ------ 1696 ------ 1704
Thomas Scarch (Scarrett ?) son
Richard & Penelope Scarch (Scarrett ?) born ye August 20- 1696.
Joseph sonn Richard & Grace Christophers born ye July
14- 1692.
Elizabet Prentice daughter of Jonathan & Elizabeth
Prentice born June 19- 1692.
Sarah Keeny daughter John & Elizabeth Keeny born May
27- 1692.
Jonathan Daniells son John & Agnis Daniells born March
22- 1692/3.
Joseph Tubbs sons Samuel & Mary Tubbs born September 3-
1692 & recorded in ye year 1704.
Top  |

Page 28.
1692 ------ 1693
Edward Stallion & Christian
Chappell married March ye 8.
Ann the daughter Joseph & Katharine Lester born July 5.
Daniel 21
Jonathan - twin sons of William & Hannah Chapman - born February 22.
Edward son of Nicholas & Sarah Hallam born April 25-
Hannah Lewis daughter of John & Elizabeth Lewis born
Oct. 24.
John Fosdick son Samll & Mercy Fosdick born February 5-
Anna Lester daughter - Joseph & Katharine Lester born
July 3- 1693/4.
Thomas Lester - sonn Benjamin & Anna Lester - born Nov.
26- 1693.
Ebenezer sonn Thomas & Anna Way - born ye October 30-
John Prentice son of Stephen & Elizabeth Prentice born
ye December 11, 1693.
Wethersfield March 13-
This may certify whome it may
concerne that Mr. Thomas Avery & Mrs. Hannah Bulkley both of New London in their
Majesties Colony of Conn. in New England married at Wethersfield afor'sd on the said day
of the date of these presents.
By or before me-
John Chester
True Copy.
Justice of Peace.
Wm. Rogers sonn James & Mary
Rogers born ye May 10th (1683).
John son of John & Mary Chandler born October 13-
Elizabeth daughter Peeter & Elizabeth Harris born ye
August 10- 1693.
1694. 1695.
Nathaniel son of Nathaniel &
Hopestill Chapell was born December 23.
March 29 - Mr. Jonas Green & Jane Pygan were married.
Mary Christophers - daughter of Richard & Grace
Christophers born September- 18.
Mary Keeny daughter - John & Elizabeth Keeny born ye
January 20- 1694.
Hannah daughter Ezekiel & Susanna Turner - born
September 8- 1694.
Timothy Lester sonn Benjamin & Anna Lester born June
22- 1695.
George Richards son John & Love Richards born March 26-
Sarah daughter Nicholas & Sarah Hallam born March 29-
Top  |

Page 29.
1694 ------ 1695
Elizabeth daughter Thomas & Ann
Way born April 30.
Joseph Lester son Joseph & Katharine Lester born May
24- 1695.
Grace Denison daughter Mr. George
Denison & Mary his wife - born January 4- 1694-5.
Samuel Walker son Richard & Hannah Walker born -
November 13.
Jonas Greene son Jonas & Jane Green born 9th January.
Hannah - daughter William & Hannah Chapman - born July
Joshua Chandler son John & Mary Chandler - born
ffebruary 9, 1695.
John Coit & Mehittable Chandler were married June 25-
Sarah Greene daughter Jonas Greene
& Jane his wife - born October 19- 1696.
John Christophers & Elizabeth the daughter of Capt.
Mullford of Long Island were married July 26-
Jonathan sonn Richard & Grace Christophers - born
September 19. died October 12, following.
Jonathan Prentice sonn Jonathan & Elizabeth Prentice -
born February 26- 1696.
Lydia Keeny daughter John & Elizabeth Keeny born March
17, 1696.
Thomas sonn Samll Fosdick & Mercy his wife - born
August 20- 1696.
Elizabeth the daughter Ezekiel & Susanna Turner born
December 5- 1696.
John Coit - son of John &
Mehitable Coit born - May 25- 1696.
Joseph Harris & Mary Stephens were married December 1-
The daughter of Joseph & Mary Harris was born -
January- 12- 1697-8 and dyed February the 8th
Mary Harris daughter Peeter & Elizabeth Harris born
March 10- 1696.
John Lester sonn Benjamin & Ann Lester - born January
Hannah the daughter Stephen & Elizabeth Prentice - born
January 5- 1697.
Sarah Chappell daughter Nathaniel & Hopestill Chappell
- born June 20.
Elizabeth, daughter - Joseph & Katharine Lester - born
August 4- 1697.
Samuel Christophers son John &
Elizabeth Christophers born July 24.
Top  |