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Carpenter Cemetery, Silver St., North Coventry, CT, Feb 1998 |
LOCATION: Silver St., North Coventry, Tolland Co., CT
DIRECTIONS: On the west side of Silver Street just south of the intersection with US Route 44.
DESCRIPTION: This small cemetery is surrounded by a farm on three sides and Silver Street on the fourth or
east side. The gravestones face east. All are sandstone unless otherwise noted. The white marble military
commemorative stones were placed by the WPA during the depression.
SURVEY and TRANSCRIPTIONS: Completed 26 March 2000 by Jan (Wilson) Ramos. The survey was
taken from south to north and front to back (or east to west), thus Row 1-Grave #1 is the southeastern most plot.
PREVIOUS SURVEYS and TRANSCRIPTIONS: C. R. Hale Collection, Old Cemetery (aka Carpenter, Silver Street), copied by G.B. Fallow, Oct. 2, 1935; Project First for the American Association for Gravestone Studies, 1986 - a cursory count with description of lot and location; date range incorrect.
READING THE TRANSCRIPTIONS: Descriptions of the stones are contained in parentheses ( ). Additional
information, corrections, or comparisons about the individuals are shown in brackets [ ]. Line breaks are indicated by the forward slash mark / .
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The information contained in brackets is from the following sources:
In Memory of/ Chauncey Rust/ Son of Capt Ama/ ziah & Mary/ Rust he Departed/ this Life May/
5th 1776 in ye/ 4th year of his/ (remainder underground)
footstone - Chauncey Rust
[Not in Coventry vital records; Hale only lists footstone with name.]
(white marble)
Susan M./ WIFE OF/ Harlow Fowler/ died/ July 10, 1868,/ AE 65.
[Too late for old Coventry Vital/church records; Hale does not list this stone.]
(double headstone; very eroded; difficult to read)
Left - Here lies ye/ Body of ____/ ____ Bad/ ger __ April/ (remainder illegible)
Right - Here Lies ye/ Body of/ Tabitha ______/ to My _____/ day (remainder illegible; 2 additional lines)
(double footstone)
Left - Tabitha/ Badger
Right - __n_____/ Badger
[No records in Coventry Vital/church records. Hale lists Tabitha Badger d. 12 January 1774 in her 88th
year, Daniel Badger d. 21 Apr 1774 age 89].
(double stone, possibly a footstone since there are no dates; no headstone evident; this stone is in line
with other headstones)
Left - Mrs./ Sarah/ Long
Right - ____/ Joseph/ Long (title illegible)
[Coventry Vital/church records lists Joseph Long Jr. m. Sarah 17 May 1716, births of children, no deaths;
Hale lists both names, with no dates as transcribed here].
(white marble commemorative marker with flag)
Revolutionary War/ Major/ Thomas Brown/ Lexington Alarm/ Died Nov. 8, 1803/ AE. 71.
[Coventry 2nd Church records - d. 1803, no Vital records; Hale lists state stone as transcribed here.]
In Memory of Mrs Anna/ Brown Late Const to/ Colo. Thos Brown and/ Dautr to Capt Rulsell/
Woodbridge who/ Departed this life Feb/ ye 3rd 1779 in ye 35th/ year of her Age/ who Lived Beloved
and/ died Bemoaned/ In the Fair Book a life Divine/ May God _____ her Name/ ___ ____ Fill Some
humble place/ ____ ____ Slaughtered Lamb
footstone - Mrs Anna/ Brown
[No Coventry Vital/church records; Hale lists same at age 34.]
In Memory of/ an Infant Child of Colo. Thos and/ Mrs Anna Brown/ who Changed/ Worlds January/
ye 13th 1777.
footstone - January ye 13/ 1777
[No Coventry Vital/church record; not on Hale list.]
In Memory of Mr/ Lemuel Long who/ died July 3d 1810 In the/ 83d Year of his Age/
In Gods own arms he/ left the breath/ That Gods own Spirit/ gave.
footstone - Mr. Lemuel Long
[Coventry Vital/church records - Samuel Long m. Martha Bristor 11 Apr 1755, births of children,
2nd Church - Samuel Long d. 1810, age 83; Hale gives age as 82.]
[Names Samuel and Lemuel often interchanged in old records.]
(double headstone)
Left - In memory of/ Abigail Wilson of/ Cap'n Wm and Mrs./ Sarah Wilson/ who died ye Nov 12/
1776 in 12th/ year of her age
Right - In memory of/ Rachel Wilson of/ Cap'n Wm and Mrs/ Sarah Wilson who died ye Oct 7/
1776 in 1st/ year of her age
[Girls died while father and three of four older brothers were away during war per pension file deposition
for John Wilson by Lucy (Wilson) Fuller, sister.]
[Coventry Vital/church records - Abigail b. 1 Jan 1765, no death records;
Hale - Rachel as transcribed here, Abigail d. 12 Nov 1776 age 11.]
In Memory of/ Mrs. Sarah wife of/ Cap'n William Wilson/ who died ye Oct 7th 1802/ in the 72nd/
year of her age.
footstone - Mrs Sarah/ Wilson
[Coventry Vital/church records, b. 4 Jun 1732, 2nd church d. 1804; Hale gives d. 7 Oct 1804, age 72.]
(white marble commemorative stone with flag; stub of original stone found sunk in the ground in 1998)
Revolutionary War / Lt. William Wilson / Lexington Alarm / Died 1819 / AE 90
[William Wilson was a lieutenant at the time of the Lexington Alarm; promoted to captain by the CT
General Assembly in July 1775 and led a company from Coventry during the war that included his son John.]
[Coventry Vital/church records William m. Sarah Rust 26 Jul 1749, births of first 9 children 1749/50-1767,
but not last 2 in 1770, 1775, 2nd Church - Capt. William Wilson d. 1819 age 90; Hale as transcribed here.]
In Memory of/ Mrs. Dorothy wife/ of Mr. John Wilson/ deceased who depar/ ted this life August/
ye 17th 1790/ In ye 88th year/ of her age
[Coventry Vital/church records - births of middle children, deaths of middle children while young,
nothing for this woman; Hale agrees with transcript here.]
In Memory of/ Mrs ____ Miner/ Who Departed/ this Life February/ ye 26 AD 1775/ in ye 67 year/
of her Age.
[No Coventry Vital/church records; Hale states d. 24 Feb 1773.]
In Memory of/ Mr Joseph Miner/ Consort _______ r/Elisabeth Miner/ who Departed/ this life March/
ye 29 AD ____4/ in ye ___ yr/ (remainder underground)
footstone - Mr/ Joseph/ Miner
[No Coventry Vital/Church records; Hale states d. 29 Mar 1774, age 40.]
Daniel Son of Mr./ Elias Page died/ Nov 20 1797 in/ ye 6th Year of/ his age
[No Coventry Vital/church records; Hale states age 5 - possible as age was difficult to read now.]
In Memory of ye dead/ Here lies Interd ye Remains/ of Mr. Thomas Page who/ departed this life Jan 29th/
AD 1785 in ye 65 Year/ of his Age. who calmly/ _____ed to ye King of im-/_____ & cheerfully resigned
his/ Soul into ye hand of his/Creator/ L__s death alrm thee now/ my friend/ Leaft here thy Joys should.
[Coventry Vital/church records - elder Thomas Page had children with wife Mary, married Azubah Strong
13 Feb 1750/51, more children; Hale - d. 27 Jan 1785.]
(broken, almost completely illegible)
Here Lies In ___ ___/ Baby __ __ml Long/(remainder illegible)
[Unable to check vital/church records with little info; Hale lists Leonard Long not found now;
possible that 'ml' was 'rd'; difficult to read.]
(white marble commemorative stone)
[No Coventry Vital/church record; Hale - age 89 from original stone; age not inscribed on state stone.]
(double stone)
Left - In Memory of Mrs. Rebeckah/ wife of Mr/ Benjamin Car/ penter who died/ Feb 3rd
1788/ In ye 85 Year/ of her Age./ Blessed are the dead that/ die in the LORD
Right - In Memory of/ Mr Benjamin/ Carpenter who/ departed this/ life May ye 29th/ AD 1785/
In ye 90th Year/ of his age.
double footstone
Left - Mrs/ Rebeckah/ Carpenter
Right - Mr/ Benjamin/ Carpenter
[Coventry Vital/church records - Benjamin b. 1 Oct 1695 (prior to arrival in Coventry), m. Rebeckah Smith
12 Apr 1727, births of children, no deaths for these 2; Hale - Rebeckah d. 3 Feb 1788, Benjamin died age
89; possible, difficult to read now.]
(Provided by Ruth Shapleigh-Brown, Executive Director, Connecticut Gravestone Network, 28 Mar 2000)
Badger, Ariel, son of Moses & Jerusha, died July 3, 1778 age 3 yrs.
Badger, Daniel, died Apr. 21, 1774 age 89
Badger, Tabitha, wife of Daniel, died Jan.12, 1774 age 88
Brown, Maj. Thomas, Lexington Alarm, Rev. War, died Nov.8, 1803 age 71, State Stone.
Brown, Anna, wife of Maj. Thomas, daughter of Capt.Russel Woodbridge, died Feb. 3, 1779 age 34
Carpenter, Corp. Benjamin, lst Co.2nd Regt. French & Indian War, died May 29, 1785 age 89, State Stone.
Carpenter, Rebeckah, wife of Corp. Benjamin, died Feb. 3, 1788 age 83
Long, Lemuel, died July 3, 1810 age 82
Long, Leonard
Long, Joseph
Long, Sarah
Marshall, John, son of John & Eunice, died Aug. 22, 1773 age 16 yrs.
Miner, Joseph, consort of Elizabeth, died Mar. 29, 1774 age 40
Miner, Grace, died Feb.24, 1773 age 66
Page, Daniel, son of Elias, died Nov. 20, 1797 age 5 yrs.
Page, Thomas, died Jan. 27, 1785 age 65
Page, Zeri
Rust, Chauncey, (Footstone)
Wilson, John, Capt. Bissell's Co. Rev. War., died July 28, 1773 age 71 State Stone.
[WRONG!!! Hale collection combined grandfather & grandson into one transcription. The elder John Wilson who died 28 Jul 1773, age 71, is the grandfather of John Wilson, the veteran, father of William Wilson, and husband of Dorothy Wilson. John Wilson, Coventry veteran of the Revolutionary War, was the son of William and Sarah Wilson, born 24 Apr 1760 at Coventry.   Jan (Wilson) Ramos]
Wilson, Dorothy, wife of John, died Aug.17, 1790 age 87.
Wilson, Capt. William, Lexington Alarm, died 1819 age 90 Rev.War. State Stone.
Wilson,Sarah, wife of William, died Oct. 7, 1804 age 72.
Wilson, Rachel, daughter of William & Sarah, died Oct.7, 1776 age 1 yr.
Wilson, Abigail, daughter of William & Sarah, died Nov. 12, 1776 age 11yrs.
Carpenter Cemetery Mystery and Discovery
Carpenter Cemetery Project COMPLETE!
Coventry, CT Cemeteries
Coventry, Tolland Co., CT GenWeb Project
Connecticut Gravestone Network
Copyright © 2000 Jan (Wilson) Ramos.
This electronic media is intended for personal use and the U.S. GenWeb Project only.
It may not be reproduced in any form for commercial use or profit.
Updated 14 May 2008