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1791-1795 |
868. WH Sat Oct. 5, 1793: Philadelphia, July 21. No circumstance has added more distress to the present calamity, than the disagreement of the physicians about the disease. They at first differed as to the mode of cure; but now it appears they do not yet agree, in determining what is, and what is not the yellow fever. 869. WH Sat Oct. 5, 1793: Extract of a letter from
a gentleman in Philadelphia, to his friend in this city, dated the
19th of Sept. Ever since our return from New-York, our eyes,
our ears, and our hearts have been effected. It is supposed, that
on an average, from 30 to 70 have died a day. Thousands of our inhabitants
have fled. It is but just to mention, that owning to the exertions,
under God, of the undefatigable Dr. Ruth, and a specifick now used,
recommended by him, many of the infected recover. The Doctor is highly
deserving of the united thanks of his distressed fellow citizens,
for his zeal, his vigilance, and his humanity, at a time when some
of his medical brethren, have, thro fear, 870. WH Sat Oct. 5, 1793: September 26. Very disagreeable
accounts are received of the Indians in that quarter. Since the first
of August, a 871. WH Sat Oct. 5, 1793: To George Washington, President of the United States. The memorial and Petition of the Convention of Mero District, (Territory South of the Ohio) We, your memorialists, being regularly chosen and fully authorized by the citizens of Mero, to represent the situation of our country, address you, sir, amidst dangers which threaten our total dissolution, without your aid. We omit to speak of the outrages this frontier has suffered from the insolence and barbarity of the Creeks and Cherokees ever since the first establishment of our settlement of Cumberland. We request only to call your attention to the list of the killed and wounded since the treaty of Holston, amounting to one hundred and seventeen, which we enclose. This list proves how slender a tie, upon these barbarous people are treaties, without the restraint of coercion and fear. The loss of our property we name not. What succour has been granted, though liberal, each days melancholy experience shews to be inadequate to the protection of our lives. The despair of our fellow citizens causes a daily increase of population to the Spanish government. Long experience emboldens us humbly to suggest, that while our hands are tied, and the enemy permitted to proceed without retaliation, we cannot flatter ourselves with any bounds to our calamities. How far it may, in general, be expedient to reconcile this enemy with presents and rewards, is not for us to decide; but we cannot help deploring, that, with respect to this country, such treaties appear to have an evil tendency. That our sufferings proceed not from any known provocation on our side, we appeal to the Father of truth and mercy; Therefore, in full confidence of humanity and justice, we pray, that we may be further assisted to support this frontier, which in our present situation is found to be in the utmost danger. We further petition, that to awe our enemies, this government may be permitted to retaliate upon the invaders and aggressors, or to demand them from their towns, if they pursue these insufferable violences; or, in case they refuse to deliver them up, that we may have the sanction of public authority to do ourselves justice; for we know not, in our present situation, to what despair the people may be driven. David Wilson, Chairman. Thomas Donnel, Clerk. 872. WH Sat Oct. 5, 1793: Windham, October 5. We hear from New-Jersey, that the horses, in many parts of that state, die of a distemper called the blind staggers. One of the farmers there has lost upwards of 400(l) in horses. 873. WH Sat Oct. 5, 1793: Died 874. WH Sat Oct. 5, 1793: New Goods. Timothy Warren,
Respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has just
received a large 875. WH Sat Oct. 5, 1793: An elegant Sulkey and Harness, to be sold in Windham. Enquire of the Pringer. October 2, 1793. 876. WH Sat Oct. 5, 1793: Stolen from the subscriber,
the 25th instant, a new Scythe and tackling. Any person that will
return it to the 877. WH Sat Oct. 5, 1793: The person who left a Great
Coat at a house in this town on Tuesday last, may have information
of it, by enquiring 878. WH Sat Oct. 12, 1793: Worcester, September 26. Last week, before the Hon. Supreme Judicial Court, then sitting in this town, Samuel Frost was indicted by the Grand Jury, for the murder of Capt. Elisha Allen [or Ailen?], of Princeton. On his arraignment at the bar, he pleaded guilty. The Court, however, willing that he should have a trial by jury, did not at first record his plea; but ordered him to be remanded, in order that he might have time for reconsideration, and an opportunity to retract. But on being called a second time to the bar, he still persisted in his plea; and the Court proceeded to the examination of witnesses, in order that they might be able to determine whether any thing could appear, which would render it proper for them to recommend him to the Supreme Executive, as an object of the mercy. The subject of inquiry was, whether he was a person of sufficient understanding to be properly guilty of the crime alleged against him. On supposition that he was not, he had been formerly acquitted, when brought to the same bar for the murder of his own father. But after a candid and impartial examination, the Hon. Court pronounced it a frivolous pretence; and proceeded to award against him the sentence of death, without offering the smallest encouragement of using any influence to obtain his pardon. The solemn sentence he received with an apparent hardened insensibility and stupid indifference, which prove him destitute of every social principle, and of all proper sense of the enormity of the crime, for which he must shortly suffer an ignominious death. 879. WH Sat Oct. 12, 1793: Died. 880. WH Sat Oct. 12, 1793: New and Cheap Goods. Frederick Stanley, has now received from New York an assortment of Dry Goods, suited to the present and approaching season, consisting of a variety of articles, both useful and ornamental, many of which were bought at vendue, and will be afforded at reduced prices, indeed, for ready pay. Also, Loaf and Brown Sugars, Sequin and Bohea Teas, Wines, Brandy and Rum of the best quality, and many other articles in the Grocery line. Said Stanley is under the necessity in earnestly request those indebted to him, not to let slip the favourable opportunity the present season presents, of making full payment, that he may be enabled to fulfil his engagements to others. Butter, Cheese, checkd Flannel, Tow-Cloth, Geese Feathers, and almost every kind of Produce, taken in payment, either for Debts or Goods. Windham, October 11, 1793. 881. WH Sat Oct. 12, 1793: Miner Smith, Informs his
Customers and others, that he still carries on the Nailing Business,
at his Shop in 882. WH Sat Oct. 12, 1793: We the subscribers being
appointed by the hon. court of probate, for the district of Pomfret,
Commissioners on the estate of Mr. Caleb Lyon, late of Woodstock,
deceased, represented insolvent, give notice, that six months from
the ninth day of September 883. WH Sat Oct. 12, 1793: New-York, Sept. 28. Extract
of a letter from Philadelphia to a Gentleman in Baltimore, dated
the 20th instant. You request I would endeavour to give you
a particular account of the state of the city in general, and the
rise and progress of the malignant fever new raging here. I believe
it will be difficult precisely to determine its origin; but it is
generally admitted to have been imported from 884. WH Sat Oct. 19, 1793: Hartford, October 14. We
are not ale to give our readers a particular account of the progress
of the fever in 885. WH Sat Oct. 19, 1793: Windham, October 19. Died. 886. WH Sat Oct. 19, 1793: Drugs & Medicine. Benjamin
Dyer, has just imported from London, a large and general assortment
of Genuine Drugs & Medicine. Which he is now selling on the lowest
terms, at his store in Windham, of which the following are a part.
Genuine Hoopers Lockyers and Andersons Pills; Hills
Balsam of Honey; Turlingtons Balsam of Life Batemans
Drops; British Oil; Godfreys Cordial; Hungary Water; Harlem
Oil; Huxhams tinct. Of the bark; Stoughtons Elixir; Daffys
Elixir; Eatons Styptic, per bottle; Dr. Batemans Cordial
Elixir; Franciss Female Elixir; Essence Burgamot; Essence Lavender;
Essence Lemons; Essence Peppermint; Oil Lavender; Oil Cloves; Oil
Cinnamon; Giauber Salts; Aether Vitriol; Gum Camphor; Borax; Colombo
Roots; Red Peruvian Bark; Second do. [ditto]; Pale do.; Rad. Quassia;
Opium, Jalap.; Manna; Magnesia Alb.; Scria; Flour Sulphur; Flos.
Zinc; Spunge; Hair Pencils; Tooth Brushes, forted; Pewter and Ivory
Syringes, with Pipes; Oil Cloth; London, Birmingham, and Shell Lancets;
Surgeons Pocket Instruments; Surgeons Needles, sorted.;
Horse Phlemes, sorted; Oval smelling Bottles, sorted.; Pungent Smelling
Bottles, sorted; Glass Ink-stands; Phials and Phial Corks, by the
gross; Apothecaries Scales & Weights. Also, Ink-Powder and Cake-Ink,
Wafers and Sealing-wax, Raisins, 887. WH Sat Oct. 19, 1793: Wanted Immediately, A journeyman, who is a good workman at the Boot and Shoe-making business; who will find steady employ and good encouragement, by applying to Elisha & John Gleason. Pomfret, October 14, 1793. 888. WH Sat Oct. 19, 1793: Broke into the subscribers
inclosure the fore part of last September, a black line back yearling
Bull; no 889. WH Sat Oct. 19, 1793: Broke into the inclosure of the subscriber the 28th September, three dark brown Mules. The owners are desired to pay charges, and take them away. Benjamin Fuller. Hampton, Sep. 28, 1793. 890. WH Sat Oct. 26, 1793: Indian Country. Extract
of a letter from a gentleman at New York, who was with the Commissioners
at the late 891. WH Sat Oct. 26, 1793: Augusta, (Georgia) Sept.
12. The following recent depredations evince how slender a reliance
we have to place on the pacific disposition of the Creeks, and how
unsafe our frontier people are in their lives and property, unless
some speedy and effectual Sept. 14. A trail of between 30 and 40 Indians was
discovered on the 5th inst. by one of the scouts within two miles
of Waffords station. 892. WH Sat Oct. 26, 1793: Winchester, September 20.
Extract of a letter from the Territory South of the Ohio, September
4. Times here 893. WH Sat Oct. 26, 1793: Philadelphia, October 17.
We have the satisfaction of announcing to the public, that for some
days past, the 894. WH Sat Oct. 26, 1793: Windham, October 26. Jehu
Brainard, Esq. is appointed Sheriff of New-Haven County in the Room
of Col. Fitch, 895. WH Sat Oct. 26, 1793: Windham, October 26. Peter Chappel, who was committed to the goal at New-London for murder, from whence he made his escape sometime since, was last week returned to said goal. 896. WH Sat Oct. 26, 1793: A pair of Saddle-Bags were picked up near the Island Bridge, in Windham, about 20 days since. The owner may hear of them by applying to the printer. October 23, 1793. 897. WH Sat Oct. 26, 1793: From the Federal Gazette. An Account of the Origin, Symptoms and Treatment of the Epidemic Fever, which now prevails in the city of Philadelphia, in a letter from Dr. Benjamin Rush, to Dr. John Rodgers, Physician in New-York. My Dear Friend. In compliance with your request, I sat down at a late hour, and after a busy day, to give you a short account of the origin, symptoms and treatment of the fever, which has prevailed with so much mortality in our city, for the last six weeks. I shall begin by observing, that I have satisfactory documents to prove that the disease was generated in our city. To suppose, because the yellow fever is an endemic of the West-Indies, and because it seldom occurs in North America, that it can exist among us only by importation, is as absurd as to suppose, that the hurricanes which are so common in the West-Indies, and which occur here only once in twenty or thirty years, are all imported from that country. The disease attacks in a variety of ways, according to the habit and predisposition of the patient, or the nature and force of the exciting cause. It sometimes comes on in the form of a regular quotidian or [testiau?]. Many are indisposed for two or three days with head-ach, and pains in the back, sides, or bones, without much perceptible fever. But in a majority, it attacks with chills, head-ach, sickness or vomiting and fevers, pains in the limbs or back. The pulse, in this state of the disease, since the tenth day of September, has generally been full and tense ; the tongue whitish and moist; the eyes red; the pupils dilated ; the urine high colored; the thirst great, and the skin hot and dry. These symptoms remit every day, or every other day, and from the tertain type, which is its original and natural form, a recovery or death, generally happens in acute cases on the 3d, 5th or 7th days. It attacks all ages. Even young children are not exempted from it, but it is most acute and most mortal in young persons, between fourteen and twenty-five. Before the 10th of September, I found strong purges of calomel and jalap, alone, given on the first day of the disease, sufficient to conquer in most cases. (Each purge consists of 10 grains calomel, and 15 of jalap. One should be given every 6 hours, until 4 or 5 large evacuations are procured from the bowels.) They brought away large quantities of green, dark colored, or black bile of a most foetid and acrid nature. The pulse, which in the warm weather, was weak and low, rose with every evacuation. The skin likewise which remained dry under the most powerful sudorifics became moist under the use of those active remedies. Since the 10th of September, I have found bleeding, in addition to the mercurial purges, to be necessary in nineteen cases out of twenty. The pulse; the appearance of the blood, the spontaneous hemorrhages, and the weather (exclusive of the stimulus of the contagion) all indicated the use of the lancet. At first I found the loss of ten or twelve ounces of blood sufficient to subdue the pulse, but I have been obliged, gradually, as the season advanced, to encrease the quantity to sixty, seventy and even eighty ounces and in most cases with the happiest effects. I have observed the most speedy convalescence, where the bleeding has been most profuse, and as a proof that it has not been carried to excess, I have observed in no one instance, the least inconvenience to succeed it. I have bled in three cases where I have seen incipient petechiae, and in each case, with success. I was warranted in this bold practice not only by the tension of the pulse, but by a precedent for it, which I recollected in the works of Dr. De Haen, of Vienna. I bleed not only in the exacerbations of the fever, but likewise in its remissions and intermissions, where I find a low, flow, but corded pulse. I have recovered two patients with this pulse, in whom it beat less than 50 strokes in a minute. On every day of the disease, after giving the mercurial medicine, I prescribe a purge. Castor oil, - salts, - cremor tartar, - sulphur, and clysters, answer in most cases, but in some, I have been obliged to have recourse to calomel and gamboge in moderate doses. (Each dose consists of two or three grains of gamboge, made into a pill with a little flour & common syrup. A dose should be given two or three times a day, so as to procure large evacuations from the bowels.) I was led to purge every day, not only by recollecting the advantages of that practice in the yellow fever of 1762, in carrying off the accumulated bile, but by observing the disease in all cases to attack a weak or previously disordered part of the body. The purging creates an artificial weak part, which by inviting a determination of the fluids to the bowels, prevents those effusions in the brain, stomach, bowls, liver, and lungs, which bring on death. I have in nearly every case for the three last weeks, rejected bark, wine and laudanum to the first state of the disorder even though the most perfect intermission of the fever took place. (The Bark has been recommended as a preventative of the fever. However proper it might have been during the warm weather, I am satisfied that it is not so now. So universally is the contagion diffused, thro every part of the City, that out of a great number of persons in apparent and good health, whose pulses I have examined, I have met with only two, in whom they were not fuller than natural. In two old persons in good health, between 70 and 80, the pulse beat between ninety and an hundred strokes in a minute. I have found this preternatural fullness and quickness in the pulses of black as well as of white people; also in a woman who had the yellow fever in 1762. This state of the pulse cannot be ascribed to fear, for that passion weakens it. The only preventatives that experience warrants, are a temperate diet; the loss of a little blood- and keeping the bowels gently open. To these should be added great caution in avoiding fatigue ; the hot sun and the night air.) Nor do I conceive those medicines to be necessary in the convalescent state of the disease. Mild and nourishing diet, restores the strength much sooner than the most powerful tonics. I have reason to believe that laudanum to be poison when given with an active corded pulse in this fever. The next articles to purging and bleeding in my materia medica, are cool air and cool drinks. I often direct the head to be bathed, and the hands and face to be washed with cold water. Toast and water, balm tea, lemonade, tamarind water, barley water, and apple water, are the common drinks of my patients. The less they eat in the first stage of the disorder, the better. As soon as the pulse is reduced, I indulge them in wine whey, bread, or roasted apples, or mush in milk, chicken, beef, mutton, or veal broth, coffee and tea with buttered toast, and weak chocolate ; I forbid the use of animal food, until they are able to walk about. Cleanliness is advised to every stage of the disorder, with gentle exercise, and country air to complete the cure. In those few cases where the disease comes on with typhoid or typhus symptoms, I recommend the common remedies for those states of fever. If sufficient bleeding and purging have been omitted in the beginning of the disorder, and haemorrhages, with petechiae, a low pulse and a black vomiting, have come on, little can be done. The ceremonies of bark, clysters and the cold bath, may be performed in such cases, but I have heard of no instance in which they have done any service. I think I have seen blisters afford relief in local determinations to the head, breast and stomach, after sufficient evacuations have been used. Where a troublesome vomiting does not yield to blood letting I know of no remedies equal to a tablespoonful of sweet milk given every half hour, or to weak camomile tea. Where a dull pain in the bowels attends with a full, or corded pulse, I have prescribed clysters of cold water with evident advantage. Where flatulency attends, I prescribe camomile tea, or weak brandy and water, provided the pulse be sufficiently reduced. By means of the remedies before mentioned, I think I was the unworthy instrument in the hands of kind providence, of recovering more than ninety-nine out of an hundred of my patients, before my late indisposition. A number died during the few days of my confinement, from the want of well-timed bleeding and purging. Since my recovery, the disease has became more violent and obstinate, and some have died under my care, from my inability from weakness, and occasional returns of my fever, to be early and punctual in my attendance, upon them; for a recovery often depends upon the application of the remedies, not only on a certain day, but frequently at a certain hour. The concentration of the contagion in every part of the city, moreover has encreased the difficulty of curing the disease, for it constantly counteracts the use of the remedies which are intended to abstract stimilus; thence we observe, (other circumstances being equal,) there is most mortality where there is most contagion. The delays in procuring bleeders, and the ignorance or neglect of purges added to some other circumstances to gloomy to be mentioned, have contributed very much of late to encrease the mortality of the disorder. But with punctual and skilful medical assistance, good nursing, and airy rooms. I am still of the opinion, that this disease is as much under the power of medicine as the meazles or influenza. The newspapers have informed you, how much the opinions and practice, I have delivered in this letter, have been opposed by many physicians of our city. They first called the prevailing epidemic, the jail fever. They might as well have called it the small pox. They have declared that we have two distinct fevers in town; the one a putrid yellow fever, and the other a common remittent. It would not have been more absurd, to have asserted, that we have two suns and two moons shining upon our globe. What makes this mistake the more inexcusable is with the present highly contagious epidemic, has not be observed as usual in the suburbs or in the neighbourhood of the city. But the mistakes of some of my brethren have not ended here. Where the disease has made its chief impression on the head, it has been called the internal dropsy of the brain. Where it has attacked the throat, as it has done in some mild cases, it has been called an angina maligon. Where it has attacked the sides it has been called a pleurisy, and in one person in whom it first affected the bowels, it was treated as a bilious cholic. The disorder in this case terminating in a black vomiting, and death on the third day. (One of these gentlemen urged in a consultation, as an objection to plentiful bleeding, that there were only ten pounds of blood in the human body.) The success of the new remedies has at last created such a clamour in their favour, that most of our physicians have been forced to adopt them. They bleed however as yet sparingly, & purge after the first day only with lenient physic. Some of them blend wine, bark and laudanum with them. They might as well throw water and oil at the same time upon fire in order to extinguish it. It was extremely unfortunate that the new remedies were ever connected with my name. I have no other merit, than that of having early adopted, and extended a mode of treating the disorder, which I had learned in the year 1762, from my first preceptor in medicine Dr. Redman, and which is strongly recommended by Hillary, Mosely, Mitchell, Kirby, and many other writers upon this fever. In my first address to the public I acknowledged that I received the first hints of the safety and efficacy of jalap and mercury in this disorder, in the military hospitals, in the year 1777, and from a description of a disease nearly related to ours, in an East-India publication. In the use of all my remedies, I have in this disease, depudiated names, and been governed only by the condition of the system. I am indebted to Dr. Sydenham, as well as to my own observations, for the decided manner in which I have rejected the idea of a common remittent in our city. I have been told, that by propagating this opinion, I terrify my patients. Perhaps I do, But I save them by their fears: for I excite in them at once a speedy application for help, and a faithful obedience to all my prescriptions. Universal truth, is universal interest, and falsehood and misery always go hand in hand. The opinion which has been published by some of our physicians, that we have now a mild and a malignant fever in our city, has led all those people, in whom the fever has come on in an insidious form, to neglect themselves for several days, under the idea, that they had nothing but a common fall fever, and from this deception, I believe hundreds have perished by the disorder. I cannot conclude this letter, without lamenting further, that several publications, from men who have never seen the disorder, or who had seen only a few cases of it, have contributed very much to distract the public mind; to lessen a confidence in mercurial purges and bleeding ; and to produce an indiscriminate use of general remedies without any respect to the state of the system, and thereby to add to the mortality of the disease. Adieu my dear friend. I shall only add, my prayers, that your city may be preserved from the calamities which now afflict ours, and that you may never know, from experience, the labours, the anxiety, the deep domestic distress, and the calamities which for six weeks past, have been the portion of Your sincere friend and Former preceptor in medicine, Benjamin Rush. |
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