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592. WH Sat Aug 1, 1795: Augusta, June 18. His Excellency the Governor returned from Savannah Sunday last, at which place he had been for the purpose of meeting with a number of the Chiefs of the Creek Nation in consequence of a notification from Major Seagrove, Agent of Indian Affairs, with those chiefs came in two or three hundred Indians, as far as Beards Bluff, at which place Major Seagrove met them, and gave them a very pertinent and promp talk; after which the Chiefs were escorted to Savannah, where the Governor had a talk with them, in the course of which he told them that, five years had elapsed since the Treaty at New-York, that we had rigidly complied on our part, with every
stipulation, that they had not complied on their part that he now wished to know whether they intended, wished or had it in their power to
comply, as it was high time our citizens should receive the property plundered from them, they seemed not to understand him, but on the
questions being again put, and the Governor observing at the same time the treaty was promulgated in the federal Hall New-York, that
M’Gillivray and the Chiefs who accompanied him, engaged on their part and in behalf of their Nation, for the due performance thereof, and the
President on the part of the United States, that he did not think they could be ignorant of the engagement, for when he looked round he saw two chiefs who were present at the treaty, they then understood him and asked for time to give answer, they took about a day and answered to
this effect: - That it was not in the power of the nation to comply with that article of the treaty for the restoration of the property taken previous to the treaty, that M’Gillivray had deceived them, that he well knew a great part of the property was in the hands of the Spaniards and
could not be collected, that they thought it was in their power to return the property taken subsequent to the treaty, that they were willing to make compensation for property that could not be restored. The Governor desired them to inform Major Seagrove what mode they intended to adopt to make compensation which they promised to do. The Mad Dog in the presence of the Governor desire Mr. Seagrove to apply to the President of the United States to point out some mode by which compensation may be made. At this meeting there were about 50 chiefs,
several of whom had not been within our lines since the Revolution, who expressed the warmest wishes that a permanent peace might be
established, as a proof of which they brought in with them upwards of 20 negroes, some prisoner and some horses.

593. WH Sat Aug 1, 1795: Knoxville, June 5. On Thursday last arrived in town, five Choctaw Chiefs, with their interpreter, on their way to visit the President of the United States.

594. WH Sat Aug 1, 1795: Knoxville, June 19. On the 29th of May, a party of four or five Indians, and a white man in an Indian dress, attacked Capt. Logan, two of his soldiers, a woman, and three children, upon the Kentucky road, near Logan’s station, killed one of the soldiers by the name of Manes, and a little girl about nine years old, and carried off the woman, or murdered her where she could not be found. Her horse was found some distance from the road stabbed in five places. The woman and child were of the name of Beavers.
We learn that on or about the first inst. a large party of Creeks, said to consist of between 800 and 1000, had surrounded the Chickesaw towns, and confined the inhabitants to their forts. Prior to our informant’s leaving the Chickesaws, a skirmish had taken place between
them and the Creeks, and several were killed on both sides. A distinguished Chickesaw Chief of the name of Underwood, it is said is among the killed.
It is said, the Spaniards are erecting a fort at the Chickesaw Bluff, upon the east bank of the Missippi, in lat. 35 degrees North, within the
limits of this territory, and that on the 24th of May last, his Excellency Governor Guyoso [Guyofo?], of the Natches, was at that place. If this be true, it is so rapid a stride of encroachment, that the United States cannot behold it with indifference.

595. WH Sat Aug 1, 1795: Daniel Crocker & Co. Have just received a new and general assortment of Goods, which are now offered for sale on such terms as they trust will please. They want to purchase a quantity of check’d Flannel, to be delivered by the 15th of September next. Those who have accounts open with said company, of more than a year’s standing, are requested to call on them for settlement. Mansfield, 29th July, 1795.

596. WH Sat Aug 1, 1795: General Orders. State of Connecticut, June 13, 1795. The Captain General directs that the annual and inspection returns of the Militia of this State,, agreeably to the forms distributed for that purpose, be accusately completed, and punctually transmitted to the Adjutant General, by the 20th of October next. By order, Eben. Huntington, Adjt. Gen.

597. WH Sat Aug 8, 1795: Mr. Jonathan Kingsley of Woodstock, (Vermont) now in the 77th year of hi age, was born in the year 1718, at Windham, (Con); and at the age of 26 years was married to a young woman, (by whom he had 9 children) and who died the 18th of July, 1793; and, on the 26th of June, 1794, he again married to a young woman of the age of 25 years, who, on the 10th of April 1795, was delivered of a beautiful daughter. The youngest child whom he had by his first wife, was a grand-mother, before he married to his present one. The number of children, and great grand children, are 100. Farm. Journ.

598. WH Sat Aug 8, 1795: Windham. Died, at Canterbury, Mrs. Jerusha Pellet, relict of Mr. Jonathan Pellet, aged 79.

599. WH Sat Aug 8, 1795: From the Farmer’s Weekly Museum. Go pick up a basket of chips, Tom, says a father. I can’t go now, answers Tom. Don’t tell me you can’t, says the father in a pet; go along quick, and do as I tell you. Tom begins to pout and make excuses. Don’t you mind? continues the father. I’ll teach you to do as you are bid; boxes his ears. Tom bellows heartily; seizes the Basket; staves it out at the
door; scratches up chips, dirt and all together; flings them into the basket as though he meant to revenge upon it the injury done his ears ;
lugs them into the house, and overhears his indulgent mother chiding her husband for his severity. Upon this Tom takes new courage and resolves to show his spunk; staves down his basket; oversets the frying pan, and mingles chips, dirt, bacon and eggs, all together upon the hearth. The mother’s tone is now changed; her resentment is raised to the highest pitch; she flies at him; lays him over the head and shoulders. After the shower of blows subside, Tom cries out, you have not hurt me, but continues bawling as though he had lost every part of his head, but his tongue. For half an hour, nothing is to be heard but the bellowing, sobbing and muttering of Tom. The mother is sick of the noise, and appeals to the father for a redress of grievances. I would not have such a noise in the house. Tom is old enough to be taught better, says the good woman. You know it does no good to try to still him; it is his nature, and he can’t help it, answers the husband. Poor man! You are not the only person, who would impute your own faults to nature. Look into your garden; if I may form a judgment of it from Tom’s conduct, it is sadly overrun with weeds. Whose is the fault, nature’s or your own? In the spring, it was sown with the seeds of whatever is pleasing or useful; you ought to have improved it, instead of that you have suffered “ill weeds to grow apace,” overshadowed the flowers, and choak the useful plants. It is just so with Tom’s mind. Nature generally perfects her works, but she has left it with man to give the finish in stoke to himself. The infant mind may be well compared with a garden; the parents are the gardeners. The seeds of judgment, fancy, and social intercourse are sown by nature, and only need cultivation. The soil is fertile; noxious weeds are continually springing up, and should be cropped in the bud. No passion should be allowed to shoot up in too luxuriant a growth; a proper harmony should be observed thro the whole.
We are assured that children shall not be punished for the crimes of their parents; but certainly in many instances parents are blamable for
their children’s faults.
The science of family government may be comprehended in a few words. Never command your child to do any thing, but what is reasonable; speak but once; let it be with a mild, but decisive tone; trouble not yourself to run, or even look to see whether your commands are executed;
at least, not till the child has time to weigh your words; this will show that you suspect your own authority. If your child disobey, or be guilty of any other faults, first try the force of argument; address yourself to the feelings and apprehensions of the mind; arguments applied to the heart are more effective than those applied to the back. If you are uniform in your government, your precepts, your commands, and your countenance will accomplish the end. But in case of obstinacy, if nothing else avail, use the rod, and never lay it aside till the will is subdued.

600. WH Sat Aug 15, 1795: Windham. The heavy rains which fell Wednesday and Thursday last, occasioned the greatest freshet in the Shetucket, and other rivers in this vicinity, ever known, except the great flood in June, 1789. Most of the low lands bordering the rivers, were overflowed, and the irresistible torrent which rushed over the fields, swept off great quantities of hay, carts, fences &c. even large trees were forced up by the roots, and hurried down the current. Within a few days past five stage horses have dropped in their harnesses, between New-London and New-Haven, owing to excessive heat. A man in Coventry, last Saturday, fell down dead as he was working in the field. Another person in Lisbon, died as he was pitching hay from a cart; both it is supposed, occasioned by the extreme heat of the weather.

601. WH Sat Aug 15, 1795: Regimental Orders. The field, commissioned and staff officers of the 5th regiment, in the 5th brigade of militia,
are requested to meet at Mr. Dan Storr’s, inholder in Mansfield, on the 26th day of August inst. at 9 o’clock in the morning, to consult matters respecting the regimental review. By order of Abel Simmons, jun. Lt. Col. Comd’t.

602. WH Sat Aug 15, 1795: A Bargain. To be sold, two yoke of large Cattle in forwardness for fatting; also, a likely horse Colt, two years
old, by Abel Tracy. Tolland, August 12, 1795.

603. WH Sat Aug 15, 1795: We the subscribers being by the hon. court of probate for the district of Plainfield, appointed commissioners to
receive and examine the claims of the creditors to the estate of Samuel Ransom, late of Canterbury, deceased, represented insolvent; give
notice, that six months are allowed from the 7th of April last. To the creditors to exhibit their claims. We shall attend said business at the
dwelling house of Capt. Lot Morgan in said Canterbury, on the first Monday of September, and first day of October next at one o’clock P.M.
on each of said days. Lot Morgan, Jeremiah Brown, Com’rs. Canterbury, July 10, 1795.

604. WH Sat Aug 15, 1795: The hon. court of probate for the district of Plainfield, hath allowed eight months from this date for the creditors
to the estate of Shubael Cleaveland, late of Canterbury deceased, to exhibit their claims against said deceased’s estate, or be debarred a
recovery, agreeable to law. All persons indebted to said deceased’s estate are requested to make immediate payment to Lot Morgan, Adm’r.
Canterbury, 4th August 1795.

605. WH Sat Aug 22, 1795: Salem, August 11. Last Thursday was executed at Ipswich, Pomp, a Negro servant of Capt. Furbush, of Andover, for the murder of his master. The imprudent promises, and rash corrections of the master, had incited this very ignorant wretch to a cool perpetration of his crime. During his confinement he discovered extreme ignorance, but no vile passions. He was subject to fits, and to transient deliriums, and had been often confined upon these accounts. His ignorance explains his conduct, and the hopes encouraged that he should take possession of his mistress, and the estate, after his master’s death. He was carried into the meeting-house at 11 o’clock. A solemn prayer was made by Rev. Mr. Frisby of Ipswich, and a judicious and well adapted sermon by Rev. Mr. Dana, from the solemn denunciation, He that sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed. Mr. Bradford of Rowley prayed at the place of Execution. The Negro remained unmoved through the whole scene. He was directed to pray in his last moments, and he prayed with great solemnity. The officers discharged their duty, and there was great good order on the melancholy occasion. Would it be amiss to give a Criminal a decent dress, when brought into view for a public execution? We are told, there has not been an execution at Ipswich above 70 years before, and only two at Salem within a Century. So that these public executions are all which have happened in the county of Essex for a century past. The three last criminals were not born in the State.

606. WH Sat Aug 22, 1795: Windham.
The Rev. Dr. Dwight has accepted his invitation to the Presidency of Yale College; and it is expected that he will be inaugurated on Tuesday
preceeding Commencement, at 10 o’clock, A.M.
Last week, Mr. Thomas Pooler, of Brooklyn, fell from a Bridge in that town, and was drowned.
At East-Hartford, on Thursday, 13th inst. William Dyar, a Journeyman Papermaker, fell from a small bridge into Hockanum river, and was
immediately carried by the rapidity of the current over two milldams and drowned.

607. WH Sat Aug 22, 1795: Windham. Died.
Mrs. Mary Gilbert, consort of Mr. James Gilbert, aged 26.
At Canterbury, Mrs. Deborah Hyde, consort of Mr. Comfort Hyde.
At Plainfield on the 10th inst. Mrs. Sarah Perkins, wife of Doctor Elisha Perkins of that place. “The many objects of her bounty, as well as those who have been welcomed by her hospitality, will long be witnesses of the benevolence of her heart, and feelingly sympathize, with a numerous family, in the loss of this most excellent woman.”

608. WH Sat Aug 22, 1795: Lands for Sale. The Subscribers have for Sale, considerable quantities of New Lands, in the states of New-York,
Pennsylvania, and Georgia, which they will dispose of upon reasonable terms to individuals intending to emigrate, to companies formed for
projecting settlements, or to other adventurers. Of the land alluded to, are the following; to wit,
A body of about 40,000 acres, situated upon the waters of the river Susquehannah, in the county of Luzerne, and State of Pennsylvania. This
tract approaches within less than a mile of the Great Bend of the Susquehannah, and within 20 miles of Delaware, having settlements upon
its borders, and within its vicinity in every direction. It is laid out into Farms of between four and five hundred acres each, and is to be sold collectively, in separate parcels, or in single lots.
About 20,000 acres in the county of Ulster and State of New-York, being part of No. 38, in the Great Hardenberg Patent. This tract is
situated between the two branches of the Delaware, on the Papakunk, has considerable settlements actually commenced within its limits, and is to be sold in a body.
About 5,500 acres in the township of Franklin, in the county of Otsego, and state of New-York. This tract lies between the Mohawk branch
of the Delaware river, and the Susquehannah, joining upon the Delaware on the East. It is in the neighbourhood of Harpersfield, a well settled
country, and is to be disposed of in a collective body.
About 8,000 acres in the county of Northampton, and state of Pennsylvania, nearly equally distant from the Delaware and Susquehannah
rivers, and no more than six or eight miles from either. This tract is surveyed into sizeable Farms, situated in the midst of considerable
settlements and to be sold collectively or in single lots.
About 11,000 acres in the County of Ulster and State of New-York situated in different divisions of the Minisink Patent and to be disposed of in a collective body.
A tract of 30,000 acres in the late county of Washington and State of Georgia, lying upon the waters of the Oconec and Ohoopec River, about 50 miles from Louisville, the contemplated seat of Government. This will be sold collectively or in thousand acre lots.
Further information of the abovementioned, as also of several other tracts of land, and indisputable titles to the same may be obtained by
applying to Ephraim Kirby, At his Office in Litchfield, or to Samuel A. Law, At his Office in Cheshire. August 11, 1795.

609. WH Sat Aug 22, 1795: State of Connecticut, August 17, 1795. Brigade Orders for the fifth Brigade. By the General. For the 5th
Regiment, Newman Sumner, is appointed Adjutant. For the 11th, the Rev. William Graves, Chaplain, in the room of the Rev. Noahdiah Russell, resigned. Amos Payne, Quarter-Master. Noadiah Russell, jun, Pay-Master. For the 12th Regiment, Asa Dutton, Pay-Master. For the 21st Regiment, William Pitt Cleaveland, Quart. Mast. For the 5th Regiment of Cavalry, John Newcomb, Adjutant. And they are feverally to be obeyed accordingly. By Order of the General, John M’Clellan, Brigade-Major.

610. WH Sat Aug 22, 1795: The subscriber wishes to hire one, or two Journeymen that are good workmen at the Blacksmithing business, for the term of one year: He also wishes to take one or two active lads as apprentices to the said business, to whom generous encouragement will be given, in schooling &c. Asa Nowlen. Canterbury, August 19th, 1795.

611. WH Sat Aug 22, 1795: Wanted immediately, a Journeyman Bookbinder, one who is a good workman. Apply to the Printer hereof.

612. WH Sat Aug 29, 1795: Winchester, August 10. Saturday last passed through this town, on their way to the seat of government, Major Wm. Colbert, a Chickasaw Chief, and two other Chickasaws, viz. William M. Gillivray, and John Brown, the younger. They were accompanied by colonels Hayes and M Gee; the latter as interpreter. The business we understand, is to endeavor to procure assistance from the United States against the Creeks, who have commenced war against the Chickasaws, and who will in all probability cut them off, unless speedy relief is afforded them.

613. WH Sat Aug 29, 1795: Richmond, August 7. The following wanton Murder was committed on Monday the 27th ult. near Hickory bridge,
Princess Anne county. William Stone and Batson Land, both inhabitants of said county, having some differences on Sunday evening respecting money matters, parted seemingly displeased. Next morning Mr. Land on coming to Stone’s house for the purpose of reconciling their dispute, was fired at by Stone from his door, with a musket loaded with buck shot, the contents of which lodged in Land’s body; he survived only a few hours. Stone, on hearing of Land’s death, surrendered himself to a Magistrate; but, on conducting him to Kempsville jail, he thought proper (for the present) to evade justice by a precipitate flight into the woods. What adds to this melancholy catastrophe is, their being in the closest intimacy and having large families.

614. WH Sat Aug 29, 1795: Salem, Aug. 18. Murder of George Wilkinson. On Friday evening a melancholy affair happened in this town. One George Wilkinson, aged 24, of Sunderland, in England, who lately left an English ship on our coast, had made an appointment to meet at eight o’clock a woman of his acquaintance at Henry Blackburn’s, the Chimney-Sweeper at the lower end of St. Peter’s street. Wilkinson had
received his advance wages on the preceeding day, and generously furnished the party consisting of Blackburn and his wife, and himself
and girl, with a supper of bread and cheese and good liquor. At ten o’clock he proposed to depart, but Blackburn forbid him, but persisting,
Blackburn, the light being out, took a sword and struck him below the breast. It entered several inches and passed into the Colon, injuring
several blood vessels as it passed. Wilkinson fell, but no alarm was made till two o’clock, and then in consequence of the groans of this
unhappy man. Upon the discovery, Blackburn was ordered to go for a physician. The man lingered till the afternoon, and then expired. He
deposed before he died, upon oath before the Magistrates, that there had been no quarrel previous to the fatal stroke, nor could the wretch who
killed him, and who was present at the oath, make any excuse but his intemperance. A jury of inquest was called, and gave their verdict
Wilful murder by the hands of Henry Blackburn. He was buryed from the charity house on Sunday evening.

615. WH Sat Aug 29, 1795: Windham. We are informed (says a Hartford paper) by a gentleman from Vermont, that the farmers in general, in that State, have been very fortunate in gathering in their harvest, which has been greater this season than was ever known. Good old wheat, he says, is now selling there at four shillings and six pence per bushel. We also learn, from all quarters of this country, that so great a quantity of English grain was never raised in one season, and that Indian corn is likely to be very good. There is likewise, a prospect of Cyder’s being very plenty. (Of consequence, we may anticipate a great deal of domestic news next winter.)

616. WH Sat Aug 29, 1795: Public Notice is hereby given, that during the month of September next, attendance will be given at my office of
Inspection at Windham, in the county of Windham, for the purpose of receiving of all possessors of taxable Carriages who reside within said
county their entries of such Carriages and the duties required thereon, in and by an act of the Congress of the United States, dated the fifth
day of June, 1794, entitled, An act laying duties upon carriages for the conveyance of persons. All possessors of such Carriages are cautioned against neglecting their duty herein, as they would avoid the penalty in said act provided. Licenses for Retailing may be obtained at the said office of Inspection agreeable to another act of Congress of the same date, entitled, An act laying duties on Licences for selling Wines, and Foreign Distilled Spirituous Liquors by retail. All persons are cautioned against retailing contrary to said act, as they would avoid the penalty therein provided. Those who have heretofore taken out licences, which will expire on th 30th day of September next, will
subject themselves to the penalty in case they should continue to retail after said day without having first taken out new Licences. Edmund
Badger, Auxiliary officer of the Revenue. Windham, August 20, 1795.

617. WH Sat Aug 29, 1795: The hon. court of probate, for the district of Windham, have allowed the creditors of estate of Col. Ebenezer Gray,
late of Windham, deceased, six months from the date hereof, to exhibit their claims against said estate, to the subscriber or be debarred a
recovery agreeable to law. Attendance will be given for the purpose aforesaid, at the dwelling house of John Staniford, innholder, in
Windham. All persons indebted to said estate, are requested to settle the same immediately with the subscriber. John Staniford, Jun. Adm’r.
Windham, August 21, 1795.

618. WH Sat Aug 29, 1795: A Farm to be sold in Mansfield first society two miles from the Meeting house, on the road from Mansfield to Ashford, containing about forty acres, with a convenient house, barn and blacksmith’s shop, well proportioned for mowing, plowing and pasturing, with some wood-land, a convenient stand for a mechanic of any denomination. For further particulars, enquire of the subscriber living on said premises. Jonathan Nichols.

619. WH Sat Aug 29, 1795: The subscribers for the Library in the first society in Mansfield, are desired to take notice, that their meeting
stands adjourned to Tuesday the first day of September next, to meet at the dwelling house of Mr. Dan Storrs in Mansfield at two o’clock P.M. A general attendance is requested. C. Southworth, Moderator of said Meeting. Mansfield, August 24th, 1795.

620. WH Sat Aug 29, 1795: Good Seed Wheat to be sold by John Brown. Windham, August 28, 1795.

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