104. WH Sat Apr. 5, 1794: Windham, April 5, 1794. We
hear that a disorder rages at New-Haven, which appears to baffle
the skill of the
physicians; many die with it in 43 hours after they are attacked. The
students of Yale-College are all dismissed in consequence of the
prevalence and mortality of the fever. Dudley Baldwin, Esq. of Greenfield,
it is said, having visited his sister who was sick with the fever in
New-Haven, caught the disorder, and both dying were buried in one grave.
105. WH Sat Apr. 5, 1794: Windham, April 5, 1794. Dr.
Rufus Johnson, is appointed surgeons mate in the 21st regiment
of militia.
106. WH Sat Apr. 5, 1794: Windham, April 5, 1794. Married,
at Brooklyn, Capt. Roger Wolcott Williams, to the amiable Mrs. Polly
Scarborough, of that town.
107. WH Sat Apr. 5, 1794: Windham, April 5, 1794. Died,
Mrs. ______ Linkon, wife of Mr. Samuel Linken; of this town, aged
upwards of 90
years: her surviving partner, has passed his 100th year.
108. WH Sat Apr. 5, 1794: At a meeting of the Physicians
of Windham county, in the second society in Windham, on the fourth
Tuesday of
September, 1793, voted, That this meeting be adjourned to the fourth
Wednesday in April next, then to be holden at the dwelling-house of
Capt. Dorrance, inholder, in said second society, in Windham. Extract
from the minutes. Attest. Thaddeus Clark, Clerk, pro tem. The Physicians
of Windham county, are desired to meet agreeable to adjournment, to chuse
a Clerk for said county, in the room of Albigence Waldo, deceased, and
transact such other business as may lie before them. By order, Thaddeus
Clark, Clerk, pro tem.
109. WH Sat Apr. 5, 1794: Plainfield Academy. The Trustees
of the Academy of Plainfield, hereby notify the public, that the
School under their direction, again appears in a very respectable,
and flourishing situation, under the care of Mr. Eliphalet Nott,
as principal
Instructor; and will be open the ensuing summer for the reception of
young Ladies and Gentlemen. Where Reading, Writing, English Grammar,
Geography, Arithmetic, and other branches of the Mathematics, together
with the learned languages, will be taught, and great attention paid
to the manners and morals of the students. Board may be had on reasonable
terms in respectable families, near the Academy. Plainfield, April 2,
110. WH Sat Apr. 5, 1794: Will Cover, the ensuing season,
at the stable of Jared Dyer, in Canterbury, the noted imported Horse
Recovery. He is of a beautiful bright bay colour, imported from England,
sixteen hands high, ten years old, equal for strength, beauty and
activity, to any
Horse on the continent. He has proved remarkable sure for colts, and
his colts are actually selling for more money than any ever raised on
the continent, sired by any other horse. Said horse will be kept constantly
at the stable of said Dyer, and is the same horse kept by him the two
last seasons, and known by the name of the Pool Horse. The terms are
Ten Dollars the season, and Seven Dollars the single leap: money to be
paid before the Mares are taken away. Likewise, the Nimrod, will cover,
at the same stable. He is nine years old, sired by Herod, and out of
favorite well bred hunting Mare, sired by Atlas. He is of a dark bay
colour, seventeen hands high, of great beauty, bone and strength,
extraordinary carriage, moves equally gay, lofty and fine, as any Horse
on the continent; is a very fast trotter, free from all manner of
blemishes, and is a full blooded imported Horse kept but four seasons
in America; has proved remarkably sure for colts, and his colts are
remarkable for bigness, beauty and activity. His is the Horse formerly
owned by Mr. John Knowles, state of Rhode-Island. The terms the same
as the Recovery. The Nimrod is so noted as a sire, that there has been
frequent applications made for him from New-Jersey and New-York states,
where he was kept two seasons.
111. WH Sat Apr. 5, 1794: We the subscribers being
appoint by the hon. court of probate, for the district of Windham,
commissioners to receive and examine the claims of the creditors
to the estate of Mr. James Keyes, late of Hampton deceasd,
represented insolvent; give notice that we shall attend said business
at the houwe of said deceasd in said Hampton, on Friday the
2d day of May next, at eight of the clock in the
morning, and on the first Mondays of the four next succeeding months.
Isaac Bennet, Elijah Greenslit, Commrs. Hampton, April 2d, 1794.
112. WH Sat Apr. 5, 1794: The Inhabitants of the town
of Windham, legal voters in Freemens Meeting, are hereby notified
to meet at the Court-House in said Windham, on Monday the 7d day
of April next, at nine of the clock in the forenoon, then and there
to choose two persons to represent this town in the General Assembly
to be holden at Hartford in May next, and to give in their votes
for Governor, Deputy Governor, and twelve Assistants, and for Secretary
and Treasurer, and also to give their votes for twelve persons to
stand in nomination for
representations in the Congress of the United States. Windham, 24th March
1794. Joshua Maxwell, John Clark, Alfred Elderkin, James Robinson, Ebenezer
Waldo, Constables.
113. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: Bennington, March 14. The
Rev. Doct. Samuel Peters, formerly of Hebron, Connecticut, is elected
Bishop of Vermont, in lieu of the Rev. Doct. Bass, who does not accept.
114. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: Hartford, April 7. Yesterday
about four oclock in the afternoon, the new Goal in this city,
which was nearly
finished, was consumed by fire. It was set on fire by Betsy Goodhue,
an insane woman, who was confined in one of the apartments, and who
perished in the flames.
115. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: Windham, April 12, 1794.
Last Monday being Freemens Meeting, the following gentlemen
were chosen to represent the towns prefixed to their names, in the
General Assembly to be holden at Hartford in May next, viz.
Windham, Hez. Ripley, Esq., Ebenr Devotion, Esq.
Canterbury, Col. Moses Cleavland, Elisha Payne, Esq.
Lebanon, Elkanah Tisdale, Esq., Peleg Thomas, Esq.
Ashford, Mr. Samuel Spring, Mr. Eseck Saunders.
Mansfield, Constant Southworth, Esq., Mr. ____ Freeman.
Hampton, Col. Ebenezer Mosely.
Coventry, Maj. John Hale, Mr. Eleazer Pomeroy.
Norwich, Elisha Hyde, Esq. Col. Roger Griswold.
Franklin, Eli Hyde, Esq.
Lisbon, Mr. Samuel Lovett.
Hartford, Chauncey Goodrich, Esq., Wm. Moseley, Esq.
Hebron, Sylvester Gibert, Esq., Joel Jones, Esq.
New-Haven, David Daggett, Esq., Mr. Isaac Beers.
Milford, Gideon Buckingham, Esq., Mr. Stephen Gunn.
116. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: Windham, April 12, 1794.
Married, Mr. Isaiah Williams, of Canterbury, to Miss Lydia Webb,
of Windham, Scotland Society.
117. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: Windham, April 12, 1794.
Died, at Lisbon, widow Deborah Lathrop, aged 103.
118. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: Knoxville, Feb. 27. On Wednesday,
Feb. 27. On Wednesday the 4th inst. James Russell, Robert Shannon,
and William Cox, on their way from Nashville to this place, were
ambuscaded on the Cumberland mountain, 18 miles from South-West-Point,
by a party of Indians, consisting of about 25, who fired on them,
and wounded Russell thro the body and arm. Russell and Shannon
were coming from Gen. Robertson to Gov. Blount with public dispatches.
That these men were not killed may be counted among miracles. The
facts respecting this transaction are as follow: As these men passed
Obids river, the preceding day, they discovered a fire, which
induced them to push forward about fourteen miles, when they turned
off the road, and laid all night without fire, judging they would
be followed by Indians. The next morning they kept the woods four
miles before they struck the road and finding no sign of Indians,
they pursued their rout in confidence that they had not been discovered,
but they had not proceeded above half a mile, when they found themselves
in a well chosen spot for an ambuscade, surrounded by Indians, the
most distant of whom was within thirty feet;they all fired, and many
of them threw their tomahawks, without doing any injury, except to
Russell; the ball which struck him was turned in its direction by
a large metal button, or it would have passed through the most vital
part of his body. Mr. Russell is now at the block-house, South-West-Point,
under the care of a surgeon, and it is hoped the wound will not prove
119. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: Knoxville, Feb. 27. Extract
of a letter from a gentleman in Sumner county, (Mero district) dated
February 8. A party of about 6 Indians yesterday in the afternoon,
fired on James Gamble, as he was cutting wood, within one hundred
yards of Captain John Morgans station; they pursued him within
50 yards of his door, when they were fired on by one man (there being
only two in the station) upon which they retreated. One ball passed
thro Mr. Gambles breast; he is still languishing, but
it does not appear that he can recover.
120. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: We the subscribers being
by the hon. court of probate for the district of Windham, appointed
commissioners to receive and examine the claims of the creditors
to the estate of Mr. Isaac Cushman, late of Mansfield deceased, represented
hereby give notice, that six months from the date of this advertisement
is allowed for the creditors to exhibit their claims. Attendance will
given to the business of receiving all claims of creditors properly attested,
and none but such, at the dwelling house of Mr. Dan Storrs in
Mansfield, on the first Tuesdays of May and September next, at one oclock
P.M. on each of said days; no accounts will be received after
the limited time. Constant Southworth, Benjamin Hutchens, Commrs.
Mansfield, April 11th, 1794. All persons indebted to the estate of Mr.
Isaac Cushman, late of Mansfield, deceased, are hereby requested immediately
to settle the same with me the subscriber, without further
notice. Amasa Stowell, Admr. (on said estate.)
121. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: The subscriber wants to
hire a Journeyman blacksmith, principally at the scythe-making business;
also a young man, partly learnt, who wishes to finish his learning
with the subscriber, may have a good chance by applying; and two
boys as apprentices are wanted, one of about fourteen, the other
nine or ten years, whose employment would be suited to his strength
and years, enquire of, Asa Torrey. Lebanon, April 7th, 1794.
122. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: The inhabitants of the town
of Windham, are notified that I shall attend on the sealing of weights
and measures, at my dwelling-house on Tuesday the 15th of April instant.
Jacob Robinson, sealer of weights and measures. April 7th, 1794.
123. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: To be sold at public vendue
for hard money as the law directs at the public sign-post in Lebanon
2d society, the 2d
day of May next, so much of the real estate of Joseph Barrel, Esq. non
resident, as will pay the town taxes in our hands to collect against
said estate, together with the lawful charges arising thereon. Eleazer
Richardson, James Richardson, Paul Carpenter, Town Collectors. Lebanon,
April 3, 1974.
124. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: The hon. court of probate
for the district of Plainfield, having allowed seven months from
the first day of April
instant, for the creditors to the estate of Sarah Munro, late of Canterbury
deceased, to exhibit their claims against said estate. Those
who neglect to bring them in to the subscriber by said time, will be
debarred a recovery according to law. John Munro, Admr. Canterbury,
April 4, 1974.
125. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: Will cover, the ensuing
season, at the stable in Ashford, in Eastford parish, the imported
horse called Fearnot. Said Fearnot was sired by the best blooded
hunter in Yorkshire, called Conqueror, who was owned and kept by
lord Miklewood, and covered
for twenty-six guineas the single leap, and six guineas for grooms service,
and out of a favorite hunting mare, owned by the Marquis of
Rockingham, called Dove. Said Fearnot, is seven years old next June;
is upwards of sixteen hands high, of a bright bay colour. Said horse
beauty, carriage and spirits, is allowed to be by the best judges, equal
to any horse in Europe, or America, and shews the hunting blood very
compleat, which evidence he carries with him. Much more might be said
with propriety, as to his pedigree, but is too lengthy for an
advertisement. Fearnot, though of the highest spirits, is of a most pleasing
temper and humour. The terms for covering are, five dollars the
leap, and seven dollars the season; Cash to be paid when the mares are
taken away. Should any mares put for the single leap, prove not with
foal, by paying two dollars more, they may go the season. Nichols &
Averel. Ashford, April 8, 1794.
126. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: Bosphorus, that truly tough
and game full bred Horse, will cover the ensuing season, at the stable
of the
subscriber, in Windham, at six dollars, the season, or four dollars the
single leap, the money to be paid before the mares are taken away.
Bosphorus sire and dam were imported by Gov. Sharp of Maryland.
He is jet black, full fifteen hands and half high, with bone, muscle
figure sufficient to attract the notice of breeders of good Horses. The
owner doubts not but Bosphorus points will stand the test of the
strictest examination; and pledges himself that the facts stated in the
following pedigree are well authenticated. Bosphorus was got by
Brilliant, out of the Maid of the Mill, his grand-dam Selima, his great
grand-dam Old Selima, bred by Lord Godolphin; Brilliant was got by
Badger, his grand-sire was got by Lord Chedworths Bosphorus, justly
esteemed the best twelve stone horse then in England; the Maid of the
Mill was got by Othello, and her dam by Childers. Good attendance given,
by Benjamin Brewster. Windham, April 11, 1794.
127. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: The subscriber being appointed
Executrix to the last will and testament of Ebenezer Geary, late
of Lebanon, deceased, give notice to the creditors of the deceased,
to bring in their accounts to the subscriber well attended, within
six months from
this date, otherwise they will be debarred any recovery. Lucy Geary,
Executrix. Lebanon, 8th April, 1794.
128. WH Sat Apr. 12, 1794: A receipt for making a bad
Husband a Good one. Take of the plants, sincerity, cheerfulness and
modesty, each one pound, of the mother of carefulness two hands full,
infuse them into a larger portion of personal decency mixed with
the flowers of
complaisance, drain the essence from all impurities, and add of the oil
of condescension, quentunt sufficit. This has been found a never failing
nostrum, and may be safely given in large doses, morning, noon, and night.
N.B. The inventor of this nostrum has ranged the whole kingdom
of Botany, and exhausted the resources of chemistry, to discover a preparation
that would make a bad wife a good one; he is sorry to say
his researches have been ineffectual; he can therefore, as a prescribing
physician, only give the ladies his advice, which is; to keep good
while they are so.
129. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: Philadelphia, April 7. Extract
of a letter from Cincinnati on the Ohio, dated 3d of January. Wayne
has advanced a post on St. Clairs battle ground. He calls it
Fort Recovery. About 300 skulls have been buried there of the Unfortunate
who fell on the 4th of
November. They were interred with military honours. Some pieces of field
ordnance have been recovered. Two companies are left to garrison the
post. The army remains in its former cantonments at Grenville, 6 miles
in advance of Fort Jefferson. All the cavalry are in Kentucky. Many officers
have been [captured?] and more is expected, will experience the like
fate; a few have retired in disgust, and thus matters stand.
Morgans sentence has been announced in orders. He is broke. As
to privates, the present army is composed of a set of great vagabonds.
I am
one among many whose property has been severely plundered by them. The
officers here, themselves say that the service could not suffer by the
dismission of three quarters of the soldiers; Tis a poor presage!
It would excite your wonder to see the extensive settlements and
improvements that have arisen notwithstanding the war on both sides of
the Ohio, since I was last here. Between this and Pittsburgh a distance
of 150 miles, towns and scattered houses appear almost every where. The
town I am in has increased wonderfully indeed and another has grown on
the opposite bank of that river called Newport. Newport stands at the
mouth of the Licking.
130. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: Philadelphia, April 7. On
Sunday afternoon a boat was overset in the Delaware, and of ten persons
who were in it, 5 were drowned. The names of the unfortunate sufferers,
were Francis Anderson, Mrs. Anderson, Thomas Cook, Polly Cowart,
and Polly Goldie.
131. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: Philadelphia, April 9. By
a gentleman just arrived from Lexington (Kentucky) we are informed,
that Gen. Wayne moved from his winter cantonments, with the legion
of the United States, on the first of March, for the Miami Villages.
The same gentleman also informs, that previous to the march of the legion,
a duel was fought by lieut. Houston, of the 2d, and lieut.
Bradshaw of the 1st sub. Legion, which terminated in the death of both,
the former having expired on the spot, and the latter twenty hours
132. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: New-Haven, April 10. It
is reported, in many parts of this state that a disease now rages
in this city similar to
that which prevailed in Philadelphia last fall, which report is without
foundation. The Scarlet Fever, sometimes denominated the Ulcerous sore
Throat or Canker Rash, which has raged in the neighbouring towns, has
been the prevailing epidemic in this city ever since the 1st January
1794. The number who have been affected with this epidemic during this
period, is 290, of which only 8 have died. The malignancy of the disease
has abated, and its symptoms appear comparatively mild.
133. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: New Haven, April 10. Hamden,
April 9, 1794. On Monday last, Capt. Thomas Potter, of Hamden, ordered
out his company for exercising; Mr. Allen Potter called on him in
the morning, and as is customary on such occasions, discharged his
piece to honor his Captain, which burst into a number of pieces,
one went thro his clothes into his breast, and one into his
shoulder; by its bursting tore off his hand, all but his thumb, which
hung by a tendon; the Doctor examined his wounds, judged them not
mortal, and proceeded to amputate his hand; he bore the operation
with great resolution, and sent the shattered remains of his hand
out to the company as a warning to his fellow soldiers. What is remarkable,
that it happened on his birthday, he being 23 years old. He appears
to be in a fair way of recovering.
134. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: New London, April 17. On
Monday last his excellency the Governor, attended by his Aids, and
the Adjutant General, arrived in this city, and in the afternoon
proceeded in company with Rochefoutaine, the engineer, to take a
view of the harbor, in order to fix on the most eligible spots on
which to erect fortifications. It was determined to repair forts
Trumbull and Griswold, but the works of the former, which are very
extensive, are to be curtailed three fourths; and a block-house to
be built in each. In addition to these will be erected two smaller
batteries nearer the water; on each side of the river there will
be a surface for heating red hot balls.
We learn that Gen. Jedidiah Huntington has undertaken the superintendance
of erecting the above-mentioned fortifications; the public therefore
may rely on having them built with strength, neatness, economy and dispatch.
A model of a cannon mounted on a carriage of a new construction, was
made from the directions of Gen. Rochefoutaine, and exhibited to the
Governor who expressed his approbation of it, and has directed that they
be made use of in the forts of this port. The gun is placed on a
carriage nearly of the usual form, which slides on a second carriage
or platform, which is moveable; the end below the muzzle turning on a
pivot, while the other end may move thro an arch of 180 degrees.
The machinery is simple and the gun managed with less strength than canon
mounted in the usual manner. This manner has two remarkable advantages,
it elevates them above the breastwork so as to fire over and save the
necessity of embrasures, which always weaken a fortification; at the
same time it gives to the direction of the fire a sweep of 180 degrees,
instead of about 15, usually allowed to embrasures; an immense advantage,
when moving bodies are to be attacked. This manner of
mounting cannon is now used throughout [France?]
135. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: New London, April 17. Extract
of a letter from a gentleman in New Haven, to his friend in this
city, dated April 9. Since the first of January, the Scarlet
fever accompanied in many instances with the Cynancha maligna, has
been epidemic here. There have
been about 260 persons, chiefly young, who have had the disease, out
of which number we have buried eight only. These were persons of a highly
putrid diathesis, where deep-seated lived ulceration made its appearance
in the throat, on their first complaint. I am happy to inform you that
the disease now puts on a more favorable aspect and partakes more of
normal fevers.
The faculty are harmonious, and this city is subjected to a much less
degree of mortality, than the neighbouring country towns, from the same
disease. The exaggerated reported circulated by the false sons of the
Prophets, have been very injurious. The panic seized them at the very
period of the reign of that demon, who has periodically [resided?] in
College in the month of March, during my ____mory.
136. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: Will Cover, at the stable
of James Howard, in Hampton, (at the moderate price of Seven Dollars,
if paid down) the
beautiful bright bay Horse Light-Infantry, fifteen and half hands high,
imported from England. I am able to prove he is one of the best blooded
horses in England or America, and proved remarkable sure last year, and
is very noted for getting the best [folds], his pedigree is so length,
shall say no more than that he was got by Old Eclipse, that was sold
for 10,000 guineas, and covered mares at 31 guineas the season. N.B.
Good pasturing for mares. Hampton, March 24, 1794.
137. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: Ranger, That elegant horse
(generally known by the name of the Bold Hovey) will cover the season,
beginning the first week in May, at the subscribers stable
in Mansfield, where he will be kept one half the time thro the season,
and the other half of
the tie at the stable of Mr. Lemuel Barrows, at Willington, a few rods
north of the meeting-house. Said horse is to be exchanged on Saturday
of every week, and will stop at Mr. Samuel Thompsons, inn-keeper,
in Mansfield, second society, from 7 oclock in the morning, till
1 oclock
in the afternoon. The terms will be 12 shillings the single leap, or
18 shillings for the season, pay down. Ranger was sired by that noted
elegant horse the Old Ranger, and is rising fifteen hands high, and well
proportioned. He has proved himself a good sire, and remarkable sure
for colts. Said horse is so well known, that I think it unnecessary to
say any more as to his pedigree. Good attendance by the public' humble
servant. Richard Hall. Mansfield, 13th April, 1794.
138. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: The hon. court of probate,
for the district of Pomfret, has allowed six months from this date,
for the creditors to
the estate of Mr. Simon Carpenter, late of Pomfret, deceased, to exhibit
their demands against said estate to the subscriber, or be debarred a
recovery. Simon Carpenter, Exr. Pomfret, April 1st, 1794.
139. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: The subscriber hereby gives
notice to his creditors, that he shall prefer his petition to the
General Assembly to
be holden at Hartford on the second Thursday of May next, to be exonerated
and discharged from all his debts, upon his delivering up all
his estate into the hands of commissioners, for the benefit of his creditors;
when and where they are hereby notified to attempt, and shew
reason, if any they have, why his petition should not be granted. Richard
Cady. Canterbury, April 19, 1794.
140. WH Sat Apr. 19, 1794: The hon. court of probate
for the district of Stafford, having allowed six months from the
date hereof, for the
creditors of the estate of James Hastun, late of Willington, deceased,
to exhibit their claims against said estate to us the subscribers, who
will attend on said business at the house of the deceased on the first
Monday of June, July and August next. Those who do not bring in their
accounts by the above time, well attested, will be debarred any recovery.
And those indebted to said estate, are desired to call and settle their
accounts. Abigail Hastun, Daniel Di____, Admrs.
Willington, April 15, 1794.
141. WH Sat Apr. 26, 1794: Pittsburgh, April 5. The
latest intelligence from the army is by letters dated Cincinnatti,
March 6th. The Indian
flag, White eyes, &c, had given reason to expect 30 chiefs to treat,
with all the prisoners amongst them, to be with General Wayne by the
14th of February. The General in order to give them a good impression
of our force, was at the expense of bringing the cavalry from Kentucky,
where they were wintering. But no Indians had appeared. It is most probable
the British discovering their intentions, have had a talk, and have removed
their dissatisfaction, and encouraged them to continue the war.
General Wayne had prepared to march to An-Glaize river, where there were
said to be 200 Indians collected. The Miami towns were deserted, so that
it was unnecessary to pursue the same rout which General St. Clair had
142. WH Sat Apr. 26, 1794: Windham, April 26, 1794.
Married, at Pomfret on Sunday evening the 13th inst. Mr. Oliver Angel,
aged 72 to Miss Delia Fascet, aged 56.
143. WH Sat Apr. 26, 1794: Windham, April 26, 1794.
From a correspondent. Culture of Silk. At this age of the new world,
when the
treasures of nature are unfolding to view, prudent people ought to be
cautious of spending their time and substance in pursuit of imaginary
wealth; but those branches of business which are proved to be lucrative,
by an easy annual produce, for a series of years, on principles as
unerring as the [foliage?] of the forest, must merit general attention.
Such is the culture of Silk in this country; in recommendation of which,
I will state a few facts which have taken place in the town of Mansfield,
in Windham County. The people of this town the last season
raised from their own trees, 362 lb. 3 oz. Of reeled silk, which, with
a small addition of labor, is readily sold for seven dollars per pound,
amounting to 2534 dollars, and this with very little or no diminution
of other agricultural produce, the work being performed by women and
children; by this means many indigent families, who otherwise could not
obtain the necessaries of life, are placed in comfortable circumstances,
and others, are becoming affluent. This business is uniformly increasing
in this state, and various parts of the union; a great number of nurseries
of the mulberry tree, are placed throughout the northern and middle states,
which are not fit for transplanting, and it is hoped that the possessors
of them will post up notifications of sale. The first part of May is
the suitable time for transplanting. Those publishers of newspapers who
may conceive that the above sketch may tend to give a spring to an object
of public utility, are desired to publish the same.
144. WH Sat Apr. 26, 1794: The hon. court of probate
for the district of Plainfield, has allowed nine months from the
first day of April inst.
for the creditors to the estate of Mr. Uriah Cady, late of Brooklyn,
deceased, to exhibit their demands on said estate to the subscriber,
be debarred a recovery. Joanah [sic] Cady, Exr. Brooklyn, April
1, 1794.
145. WH Sat Apr. 26, 1794: For Sale, That pleasant
and very commodious situation adjoining the court-house in Windham,
on which is a
dwelling-house, large store, shop, barn, &c., and a large and excellent
garden; being a very suitable stand for a tradesman or merchant. The
whole or part will be sold, as best suits the purchaser. Enquire of the
subscriber, on the premises. Thomas Tileston. April 24, 1794.
146. WH Sat Apr. 26, 1794: The Royal Captain, a Jack,
imported from the King of Spains Family, Fourteen hands high,
a dapple grey, neat limbd, and of a remarkable handsome carriage,
will stand at the stable of the subscriber in Canterbury, one mile
north of the meeting-house. The prices for covering mares, will be
Four Dollars the single leap, Six Dollars the season, and Eight Dollars
to insure a foal, or the
subscriber will purchase the mules, and pay from Four Pounds, Ten Shillings,
to Five Pounds, according to their size and flesh, for each
mule at four months old, exclusive of the service of the Jack. Said Jack
will cover Jills at the price of Eight Pounds, Six Dollars of which to
be advanced, the residue of which not to be paid unless a foal is produced,
which shall live ten days. Benjamin Bacon. April 24, 1794.
147. WH Sat Apr. 26, 1794: Will Cover the present season
at the stable of the subscriber in Pomfret, old parish, the beautiful,
well-made Horse Liberty. He is of a dark, shining colour, with black
mane and tail, four years old this spring, is fifteen and half hands
high, and is judged to be the most complete horse in this country.
He was sired by the noted imported horse [Patriot or Patroot]. The
terms for covering are, fifteen shillings the season, and nine shillings
the single leap. Abner Sessions. Pomfret, April 21, 1794.