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The Willimantic Journal

An Independent, Local, Family Newspaper.

Published Every Saturday Morning

Office in Franklin Building, Up Stairs

627. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: Willimantic Soldiers in the Fifth Regiment. Very much anxiety was felt in our community the first of the week by the reports of the retreat of Banks and capture of the 5th regiment. It was soon known that some were taken prisoners and that many were missing. By late reports and by letters and telegrams received by the friends of our soldiers, much of the anxiety has been relieved. We are sorry to believe, however, that the following who are missing are probably prisoners. We hope that they have been recaptured or will soon be released. Wm. S. Purington, son of Mr. Benj. Purington, T._. Underwood, C.H. Underwood, (father and son,) C.W. Atwood, and Henry Babcock. Babcock was sick and is probably now within our lines. Purington is known to be a prisoner, and so are probably the others.

628. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: We understand Mr. N.F. Peck has opened a first class drug store in Bassett's Block, and the public may expect to hear something about it next week.

629. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: The Brown Family. We very cheerfully print the following communication from Mr. Nathan Brown, of Lebanon, respecting the Brown family. We did not expect our account of the later generations was perfect, for we found the town records either wanting or incomplete. Our town records for the last fifty or seventy-five years are very deficient, and but few have family records. It is only by the aid of individuals who are interested and conversant with their family history that we can obtain the facts. What we obtain from town, church, and probate records, we can pretty generally rely upon, and in regard to the early history of our families we feel quite confident. With respect to the last two or three generations we can only complete the records by the aid of those who are in possession of the facts. And we beg not only the representatives of the Brown family, but all other Windham families to furnish us with such information as they have. These genealogies which we are publishing will appear revised and corrected in our History of Windham, if we publish that work, and their completeness will depend on the additional facts and records furnished by those interested. A family that can boast so distinguished and honorable ancestry as the Browns ought to feel an interest in perfecting their genealogy: Mr. Weaver, Dear Sir: In looking over your historical reminiscences of the Brown family, as published in the Journal, I notice some important omissions, which those acquainted with the facts would be gratified to have supplied. In speaking of Stephen Brown, Jr., you omit to mention his 2nd wife, who was Annis Hunt. She had but one child, a daughter, now the wife of your respected fellow-citizen, Vine Hovey, Esq. In this connection it is proper to say also, that the name of Almira is omitted from the genealogy of Joseph Hill's family. It should come in between Washington and Harry. She was the wife of Mr. Lemuel Palmer, of Mansfield, and has recently deceased. You make the family of John Brown to consist of but 12 children, whereas, there were 14. The name of Olive, the youngest daughter of the first wife is not mentioned, she has been dead some 10 or 12 years; Emeline also, the oldest daughter of the 2nd wife, now Mrs. Enos Porter, of Glastenbury, is not mentioned. John Brown (No. 4,) to whom you pay a deservedly high compliment as a much respected and useful citizen, manufacturer, &c., was in company with his brother Stephen in the manufacturing business, who should come in for a share of the honor of those energetic exertions by which the country was in part supplied with that very useful article, salt petre. The business after a lapse of a few years was again revived in the time of the war of 1812 under the direction of John (No. 4) and his son John, which some of the present generation can well remember as being contributors of their mite toward so useful an enterprise. Yours with much esteem, Nathan Brown. Lebanon, May 27, 1862.

630. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: Sad and Fatal Accident in Chaplin. S. Houston Bill, aged 14 years, son of Lester Bill, Esq., of Chaplin, accidentally lost his life, on Friday, May 30th. He was riding on a load of gravel which was being conveyed along the village street to mend the highway, when he somehow lost his balance and fell backwards over the side of the cart directly in front of the wheel, which passed over his shoulder, neck and face, killing him instantly. We are informed by one who knew him well that he was a promising boy, a good scholar, with a very pleasant disposition, which made him a general favorite in the neighborhood where he lived. He was greatly beloved by his fond parents, to whom this sudden and appalling blow is a very heavy and trying affliction. His funeral was largely attended on Sunday last from the Congregational church, where an interesting and appropriate discourse was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Williams, the pastor. Among those who followed his remains to their last resting place, were his fellow pupils in the Sabbath and other schools, who strewed on his coffin and in his grave the beautiful flowers of the season.

631. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: A letter has been received from John N. Weaver of this place, now of the 5th Conn. Who was in the retreat. John has for some time been in the hospital service driving an ambulance. When the Regt. Found it would be more agreeable to quit than stay, he turned his face towards the Potomac, did what he could in picking up and caring for the wounded on his way, arriving at headquarters with his team, on Tuesday morning, having been forty-eight hours without rest.

632. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: We are glad to obtain letters from several of our soldiers at Newbern. We publish one this week, and intend to print another in our next number. We hope our friends in all the Conn. Regts. will write us short letters for the Journal, and give all the particulars they can in regard to the soldiers from this place and vicinity. The Journal is sent to all the Conn. Regts. (except the 9th) every week, and may be found at the Chaplain's tent.

633. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: On Wednesday night next those who, from any cause, protract their vigils into the "wee small hours" of the morning, will, should the sky be cloudless, have an opportunity of witnessing an example of one of the ways in which the earth occasionally interferes with the affairs of the heavens. On that night a total eclipse of the moon will occur, commencing at 6 minutes before 12, midnight, and ending at 3:18 in the morning. The projection of the earth's shadow upon the disk of the moon does not have the effect of causing its total disappearance, but it continues faintly visible through out the eclipse as a dark, reddish-looking body, and affords an interesting sight to the spectator.

634. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: We are pained to learn by a telegraphic message, received to-day at noon, that Mr. Joseph A. Watson, of this village, died this morning, at Providence, of consumption.

635. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: We hear that they are soon to have a rector at St. Paul's church, Windham Center. Will our friends there inform us how it is?

636. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: The latest reports from the Conn. 5th, are, that only about 90 are missing.

637. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: From the 10th C.V. Camp 10th Conn., 5 miles from Newbern, N.C., Picket Headquarters, May 23d, 1862.Mr. Editor: Since the sunny banks of the Neuse have become the theater of our actions, events most interesting and important have here transpired which it has not been permitted the pen of past ages to record. The sharp and desperate encounter of March 14th, which in two short hours bereft of life an hundred braves; together with scores of events of major and minor importance, will find their way into the pages of History and be sure to add a still higher luster to our nation's glory; but incidents of less importance though none the less interesting, will escape the pen of the future Historian. It is one of these which I have chosen as the subject of this communication, viz. The presentation of a sash, belt, and opera glass to our captain, J.L. Otis, and also a sword, sash and belt to our 2nd Lieut. T.D. Hill, who has hitherto discharged, (and faithfully too,) the duties of 1st or Orderly Sergeant. As several members of the Company from Willimantic and vicinity, contributed to the purchase of the presentation articles, and bore a part in the presentation services, I trust a brief description of the ceremonies will be interesting to their friends at home. The recipients were taken altogether by surprise as neither of them had been informed of our intended purpose. At 4 in the afternoon, the beating drum announced the usual time of drill, and the Company was soon in line when the Capt. was informed that some articles had been purchased for our new Lieut. and the present was considered a favorable opportunity to present them; whereupon Private William Keough stepped from the ranks, and presented to the Capt. the articles designed for him with the following appropriate remarks. "Having been requested by the members of Co. B. to perform the pleasing and felicitating duty of presenting to the officers of our Company these appropriate memorials, is a request which I most cheerfully comply with. "In presenting to our Captain these tokens of remembrance without regard to its intrinsic value, unembellished by the labors of art, it is the object of his command, not only to express their gratitude but their high estimation of the faithful adherence to his duties as an officer and for the generous and self sacrificing spirit which has ever characterized his actions toward those prostrated upon beds of sickness. Circumstances indicative of a speedy restoration of our dismembered Republic are daily increasing, creating a vivid impression upon our minds that the day is not far distant when we shall have the privilege of once more beholding the soil of Connecticut, and in the full enjoyment of our former peaceful associations. "And when, in after years, our worthy Captain, surrounded by all the endearing associations of domestic life, (which we can assure you is our most sincere desire) the presentation may cause a reminiscence of the times when the command and commander shared equally the privations and hardships incident to the battles of Roanoke and Newbern, and cause a thrill of joy at the recollection, when our Star Spangled Banner waved in all its brilliancy over the enemy's fortification on Roanoke not unmingled with tender emotions in memory of those of his command who fell at Newbern. "Therefore, in the name and in behalf of Company B., I present you these testimonials of their appreciation and esteem." The Captain's countenance plainly indicated his mingled joy and surprise at this unexpected change in the programme. He followed, however, with some very appropriate and touching remarks, expressing his heartfelt hanks to the donors, and his pleasure at having so successfully obtained the favor and good will of the soldiers under his command. Think not the hard, rough usage of a soldier's life tends to harden the heart, or deaden its finer sensibilities, for ere the Captain had done, many an eye had been moistened, many a silent "God reward you" had been uttered, convincing me of the fact that "Soldiers are men." The followed the presentation of the sword, &c., with another neat little speech such as our soldier brother is quite capable of producing. The already too great length of this article suggests that I should omit this last, which I do, assuring you that it was worthy the occasion. Our Lieutenant replied, assuring us that the future as well as the past, should witness his best endeavors to promote the welfare and interest of the company of which he was proud to be a member. Three cheers were then proposed for Capt. John L. Otis, and three for Lieut. Theron D. Hill; and I doubt if ever a hundred voices awakened a louder and more pleasing echo amid the forest pines of North Carolina, than did we upon that occasion. Thus concluded the ceremonies; and here will I conclude, hoping soon to be able to describe by word of mouth that which by pen requires too great an expenditure of time and labor. H.H. C.

638. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: John Gould of Norwich, a shoemaker, has been arrested for breaking into a leather store and stealing rolls of leather. He was discovered by Mr. H.A. Bromley, watchman for the Norwich & Worcester R.R.

639. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: Mr. Joseph Hall, of Preston, died on Friday last of lockjaw, caused by a wound in his finger made by the machinery of his woolen mill.

640. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: A son of Kirby Safford, aged 14, of West Woodstock, was killed on the 21st, by being thrown from a horse which took fright while plowing and ran to a fence, upon which he was thrown, fracturing his skull.

641. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: David Gallup, Esq., of Plainfield, has been chosen President of the Quinebaug Bank in place of L.W. Carrol, Esq., resigned.

642. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: Marriages.

In West Woodstock, May 28, at the Congregational church, by Rev. J.W. Sessions, assisted by Rev. Francis Williams, of Chaplin, Appleton M. Griggs, Esq., of Chaplin, and Mary D. Sessions, eldest daughter of the officiating clergyman.

643. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: Deaths.

In Providence, June 6th, Mr. Joseph A. Watson, of this village.

In Chaplin, May 30, S. Houston Bill, aged 14,

In Chaplin, May 17, Cynthia E., wife of Charles Tucker, aged 46.

644. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: Recruits Wanted for the Morris Rifles, to serve three years, unless sooner discharged. This company is being raised under the call of the Governor, for the 14th Conn. Regiment. Men enlisting in this Company receive the State Bounty and pay, which is lost if they enlist in companies not mustered by this State. Compensation $6 per month to the wife by the State. If no wife, $6 per month to the youngest child. $2 per month to each child under fourteen years of age not exceeding two. $13 per month with Rations and Clothing, by the United States. $30 per year Bounty from the State. $100 Bounty from the United States when honorably discharged; making the pay of Privates who enlist in our Connecticut companies range from fifteen dollars and fifty cents to twenty-five dollars and fifty cents per month, besides the $100 Bounty and Board and Clothing, depending on the size of family, &c., as above stated. Enroll in our Companies, and you will not only receive more pay, but go forth bearing the honors of Connecticut, as well as of our common country. No. 1 Bassett's Building, Opposite Brainard's Hotel, Willimantic, Conn. Recruiting Officer, J.F. Long, Jr.

645. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: Notice. The Annual Meeting of the members of the Windham County Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at their office in the Windham County Bank, on Monday, the 9th day of June next, at 2 o'clock P.M. John Palmer, Sec. Brooklyn, May 26, 1862.

646. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: At a Court of Probate holden at Columbia, within and for the district of Andover, on the 29th day of May A.D. 1862 - Present, John S. Yeomans, Esq., Judge. On motion of the Administrator on the estate of Abigail P. Clark, late of Columbia, within said district, deceased - This court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the said administrator, and directs, that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic, and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said town of Columbia, nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from record. William H. Yeomans, Clerk.

647. TWJ Fri Jun 6, 1862: Old Hundred in Camp. On Sunday evening, a few hours after sunset, while we were sitting in our tents in company with several other "specials," one of our number laying his hand upon our knee suddenly said to us, "Hark! What is that?" In a second all had ceased talking, and every ear endeavored to catch the sound which had attracted the attention of his comrade. There was silence for a moment, and then there was wafted across the air the music of that glorious old Anthem "Old Hundred," in which it seemed a thousand voices were participating. All of us immediately sought the open air, and there stood until the last note died way upon our ear. Never before have we heard anything so magnificently grand as that same "Old Hundred," sung by the soldiers of the Union army on the plains of Yorktown. The air was made vocal with music, and the woods around reverberated with the mighty strain. Beneath the canopy of heavy the soldier gazed toward into the starlight sky, and sang until God "from whom all blessing flow," an anthem that stirred in the heart of man the best and holiest emotions. The incident was a sublime one either for the poet or artist. - Yorktown Correspondent of Inquirer.

648. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: What the Southern Confederacy Has Done for the South. - The rebel government has

Impressed the negroes without the consent of their owners.

Imprisoned citizens charged with no crime.

Burned millions of dollars worth of cotton, against the protestations of the owners.

Burned sugar and cotton which had been paid for by innocent purchasers.

Banished law-abiding citizens form the Confederacy.

Confiscated private property, to the value of millions of dollars, to the use of the army, and forced the owners to take in exchange worthless Confederate bonds.

Depreciated the currency of the country by flooding the land with shinplasters and enormous over-issue of bank bills.

Laid an embargo on the importation and exportation of goods and southern productions.

Passed an odious conscription law forcing every man between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five into the army, an act of despotism unknown in Europe even in Austria, France and Russia. - Baltimore American.

649. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Death of the "Spy." Died in Willimantic, June 7th, 1862, "The Windham County Spy," aged 9 weeks. Spies are usually shot, (if they get their deserts,) but this one died of starvation. Mr. Spaulding in his valedictory, thinks we shall be jubilant at this announcement. Not at all. We do not of course regret that his base attempt to injure us and ruin our business has signally failed; but instead of rejoicing we are more inclined to pity one who by his folly and wrong-doing has made a disgraceful failure, and brought upon himself much disappointment and mortification. The result of his efforts to supplant the Journal, has been just what every sensible man acquainted with the circumstances has foreseen from the beginning. Though he tries to lay the blame of his failure on others, he has only to thank himself for his want of success. In conclusion he asks if we can look him in the face and say we never offered him other inducement than the matter of wages, to come to Willimantic? Mr. Spaulding has never shown his face to us since we first discovered his treachery; and as we have been confined at home we have had no opportunity to face him. But we were never afraid or ashamed to meet any one with whom we had dealings or business relations; and if we had ever got a chance, we should have told Mr. Spalding to his face, what he very well knows, that all we ever offered to induce him to come to Willimantic, was seven dollars a week, which was all his services were worth. We never agreed to sell him the Journal office, which was the property of another man, nor "give up" what did not belong to us, or agree to abandon the paper on the first of April. Everything in regard to it after that date we considered uncertain, depending upon circumstances and future contingencies; and consequently no bargain or agreement was made between us, extending beyond that period. Whatever Mr. Spalding has said, either in public or private, inconsistent with this statement, is entirely destitute of foundation in fact. We feel perfectly conscious that we have in every respect not only dealt fairly and justly with Mr. Spalding, but have treated him with great forbearance. We cherish no animosity towards him, on account of his dishonorable conduct, and sincerely desire that he may become an honest, industrious and truthful man.

650. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: For the Journal. J.L. Spalding and the Bogus "Spy." In the dying struggles of the bogus "Spy," last week, Spalding devotes a column to my special benefit, giving me credit for more than I am entitled to. Had I sustained him, his Spy would have lived but a few weeks longer. I should not notice him were it not for his willful and malicious misrepresentations in regard to the decision respecting the postage on his paper. He says: "With the present issue the publication of the Windham County Spy ceases; We hoped and expected to establish ultimately in Willimantic, a first class printing office, and a weekly newspaper which should be a credit to the place. But in this we are disappointed." A pretty subject, he, to establish a first class newspaper! He came to Willimantic with scarcely a dollar, and had to leave New London with his goods between two days, and Sunday night at that, as parties were ready to attach a portion of his household effects had he attempted to remove them by day-light. And after he came here he was so "hard up" that, with two or three exceptions, he had to call on Mr. Weaver twice a week for his pay, which was seven dollars a week. I am credibly informed that he owes hundreds of dollars in Norwich, and hundreds more in New London, a large part of which he has swindled them out of. He owes in New London, Messrs. Hamilton & Powers $19 for fish; Messrs. Badett & Cornell over $24 for coal; Mr. Turner, nearly $40 for groceries; Mr. Weston Smith $8 or $10 for teams; he owes for the rent of the tenement he lived in nearly a year, and Mr. Ruddock some $40 or $50, besides many others. It was not so much the simple owing of these bills that his debtors complained of, but the impositions he practiced upon them. Messrs. Hamilton & Powers told me that they should never have trusted Spalding that amount, but he sent the office boy for the fish, and they supposed Mr. Ruddock was to pay the bills, but when the presented them they found Spalding was owing Ruddock. In this and other ways a large number were swindled. Mr. Badett, (whom Spalding says is a fine man,) of the firm of Badett & Cornell, large coal dealers, said to me, "J.L. Spalding is the biggest scoundrel that ever walked in New London," and he called at Mr. Ruddock's office once to get some circulars printed to send after Spalding to Willimantic, warning the people against being swindled by him, but Mr. Ruddock was not at home. Mr. Weston Smith, who keeps a livery stable at the City Hotel, formerly of Willimantic, said to me that J.L. Spalding with the poorest specimen of mortality he ever saw. Messrs. Badett, Smith, and several other gentlemen gave me a history of his rascalities while in New London, all of which confirmed the statements made by Mr. Ruddock in regard to his character. Spalding has been told to his face by more than one person that he was a liar, swindler and thief, and some things not decent to mention, and he has been given names to back up these statements which were perfectly responsible. He has never to my knowledge denied one of them, but has spent the whole of his venom on one or two persons who are able and willing to back what they say. And this is the fellow, with scarcely a shilling, without credit, and utterly bankrupt in character, that talks about establishing a first class printing office, and newspaper in Willimantic! He talks about my injuring his business and hurting his character! He has never had any business here since the first of April. All he has done was to pick up a few jobs which by false pretenses he gouged out of Mr. Weaver, to send to his brother at Webster; most of his time has been spent in loafing around some of the stores and saloons in the village. With regard to his character I don't think it can be damaged much more than it is already. I have only stated facts that have been told me by respectable and responsible men, and if the truth hurts I am not to blame and cannot help it. He says his paper and job work have been printed out of the county, and he might have added out of the State. The whole thing was a bogus concern, and a fraud on the face. The Spy was printed by his brother, at Webster, Mass., and more than three-quarters of it was made up from the Webster Times, including advertisements. Spalding says: "Mr. Walden received from the Department, authority to prevent our circulating the Spy through the Post Office without pre-payment." That is false, and he knew it was false when he wrote it. Not being satisfied with my decision and the decision of the Department confirming it, he wrote the Post Office Department, and wrote his letter in my store. He received the same printed circular and letter referring to the article in reference to newspapers that I did, and showed me the circular and read me the letter. The circular read, "Newspapers must be published and printed in the county to secure free circulation to subscribers in the county." My decision was that Spalding's subscribers must pay postage on the Spy the same as other papers printed out of the county. He was never asked to prepay postage on his paper to subscribers, and he never offered to pay except on his last number. The whole statement was a lie and a dodge, got up as some excuse for closing up his bogus Spy. I never said aught against Mr. Spalding, until he commenced his attempt to break down Mr. Weaver, editor of the Journal (an invalid), for the purpose of establishing his paper on the downfall of the Journal. Spalding spent days and weeks going from store to store and house to house, lying, and trying his best to injure Mr. Weaver, and, I am informed, boasted that he had the advantage of him because Mr. W. was unable to get round to contradict him. It is unnecessary to say a word in regard to Spalding's fling at D.S. Ruddock, of the New London Star. The latter is too well known to be injured in the least by anything Spalding can say. I have inquired of several persons, among them, Andrew Grant, mail agent, H.B. Downer, conductor on the Northern Railroad, both of New London, and Gen. Baldwin, of Willimantic. These persons well know Mr. R., and are known to many of our citizens, and they all agree that Mr. D.S. Ruddock is a gentleman whose word can be relied upon. The merchants of Willimantic have reason to thank him for the timely warning he gave them and in putting them on their guard respecting a dangerous (because plausible) fellow, who prefers swindling his living out of others to earning it. I have columns more than I could give the public. James Walden.

651. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: New Drug Store. An entire column of our advertising page this week gives full notice of the advent of a new business concern among us. Mr. N.F. Peck has leased the fine new store in Bassett's Block, next to Mr. Wood's extensive hardware emporium, which he has fitted up in splendid style as a first class drug store. We understand Mr. Peck is an experienced druggist, a member of the "American Pharmaceutical Association," having a theoretical and practical knowledge of chemistry, and by education and experience thoroughly qualified for his business. We commend him to the favorable notice of the public, and cannot forbear to make honorable mention of his enterprise in fitting up his establishment in such a beautiful manner, and giving the public full and definite information in regard to what he has to sell, through the columns of the Journal.

652. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: The Late Joseph A. Watson. While we were printing off our last edition we received a telegram announcing the death of our friend Mr. Watson. We knew he had been in failing health for some time, but were taken by surprise with the news of his decease. Mr. Watson came to Willimantic when a young man, and for years has been the capable and efficient clerk in the office of the Windham Company. His good nature, honesty, integrity, and obliging disposition, made him many friends and we do not believe he left an enemy. He was a hard worker, and his unwearied industry, and application to business, we fear, undermined his health. His pastor, the Rev. S.G. Willard, accompanied by Hon. John Tracy, agent of the Windham Co., with other Willimantic friends, attended his funeral at the residence of his brother, in Rehoboth, Mass. Mr. Watson leaves a widow (a daughter of the late Doct. Wm. Witter,) but no children.

653. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: More Strawberries. Our friend Tilden, of the firm of Tilden & Dimmick, handed us, on Wednesday, a box of fine ripe luscious strawberries, which came from "Dunbar's". We understand this firm are agents for the sale of Mr. Loring's fruits, garden truck, &c., and that strawberries, fresh from his beds, may be found there every day during the season.

654. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: The Eclipse. We were aroused up about 2 o'clock yesterday morning to see the "great eclipse." As soon as we could rub our eyes open we looked but "couldn't see it." All we could discover was black clouds, which entirely obscured the heavens preventing the show from coming off. We retired with a strong disposition to "shake up" the youngster who had disturbed our quiet slumbers and "sold" us into the bargain.

655. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Death of Col. Drake. Colonel Albert M. Drake, of the 10th Connecticut, died at his home in South Windsor, on Thursday last week. He was a graduate of Yale College, and was a practicing lawyer in Hartford at the breaking out of the rebellion. He was a Lieutenant in the 1st C.V. (three months) and subsequently 1st Lieutenant in the 10th. At the death of Col. Russell he was appointed Colonel in his place. He was an excellent officer and greatly beloved by his command. His age was 27, and his disease consumption.

656. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Suicide. Mrs. Margaret Johnson, of this village, committed suicide on Monday last by cutting her throat with a razor. She was a widow lady, aged about sixty-seven years, and as she has been in a low desponding state of mind for some time it is probable she was partially deranged.

657. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Items Wanted. We earnestly appeal to our agents and other friends in this and adjacent towns, to send us items of news promptly, such as marriages, deaths, accidents, fires, ministerial changes, particulars about soldiers, &c.

658. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Owing to the number and length of communications we are reluctantly compelled to omit our historical article this week. We will make it up next week.

659. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: From the 10th C.V. Camp 10th Conn., 5 miles from Newbern, N.C. Picket Headquarters, May 26, 1862. Mr. Weaver - Dear Sir: I trust you will pardon me for intruding myself upon your notice. May I not in speaking of Connecticut's pet Regiment, so interest you that the intrusion will be unnoticed? Do I claim too much for this regiment, when I call it he [sic] pet? I know it has had that name given it by one high in command in this Division, and I think it also has that name in old Connecticut. Well, but let me speak of our present encampment. For a long while our camp was situated close by the railroad, and but a few rods from the city. But in course of time we took our turn at picket duty. The entire regiment was taken out with the exception of those left to guard the camp. Each company took four or five tents out with them, sufficient to hold quite all the men, intending to remain only one week. One week flew swiftly by; another and still another, and yet we remained, and no signs of being relieved. At last came an inspection by Gen. Foster, and he pronounced us to be in fine condition - arms, equipment, &c., all in fine order; but the tents were miserable concerns, and in a few days, we received orders, to move our things from the camp at Newbern and pitch it permanently at the place of our picket camp. This was done. New "Sibley" tents were furnished us and immediately set up and, now we have quite a picturesque encampment. It is surrounded on all sides by pine woods, so dense that the camp is not visible till one is right upon it. Here we have our drills on a small parade ground; and make a fine show, especially at dress parade. Of all the companies, in the manual of arms and other drill, company B. excels all. Officers and men unite in giving this company the praise, except it may be some envious and ill-disposed person. In this company are many of your Willimantic boys. Andrew J. Hovey, formerly orderly sergeant in your old company, is now color sergeant. All the boys are well and presume would like to be remembered to their friends in Willimantic. A few days since, at dress parade a list of promotions was read, which was quite startling in its length. Among the others was that of our 1st Sergeant to the 2d Lieutenantcy of our company. This met with our hearty approbation you may be sure. These old pines listened to three as hearty cheers as ever went up from the throats of three score men. Well, it so happened that your humble servant was appointed by the company to purchase a sword, sash and belt for our Lieutenant. It was kept secret from him, and one night we surprised him before the company by a little speech and the presentation of the tokens of our regard. At the same time, also, we presented a splendid marine glass to our Captain, of whom there is not a man in the company can speak ill; all love him and he knows it. The presentation and speech was in both instances made by William Keough, of Mansfield. Every one seemed well pleased. To-morrow company B. goes out on picket; there are two roads leading out of our camp into the enemy's country which we have to guard. On one the pickets extend out five or six miles to a small creek. The last picket is stationed on the banks of this creek and is composed of a squad of six privates and a sergeant. These chaps would have some "tall walking" to do if they were attacked by a force of rebels large enough to make them run. But the boys in the gallant 10th don't stand for the odds, but "go in" as see Roanoke and Newbern." But I shall weary you I fear. Excuse me if I have been tedious. The health of the men is good, and all are in excellent spirits, expecting to be home soon. Save a little of Fourth of July for us if we don't happen to get home before that time. Truly yours, Romulus.

660. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: The Norwich Bulletin says that among recent counterfeits are "threes altered to ones" on the Merchants Bank of that city. It must be a money making operation.

661. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Brigadier-General Wessells of Litchfield Co., Conn., received a bullet in the shoulder at the battle of Seven Pines, near Richmond, on the 30th ult.

662. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Rev. H.L. Hall, Chaplain of the 10th Regiment, has been sick of typhoid fever at Newbern; he is now getting better.

663. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Clark, o the Winsted Herald, has sued Humphrey of the Litchfield Enquirer, for libel, claiming $10,000 damages.

664. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: The Senate has unanimously passed a resolution recommending the people of this State to observe as holidays the 14th of June and the 17th of September in each year, the first to be called Flag Day and the latter Constitution Day.

665. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: The following is said to be a reliable list of the missing in Co. K. Capt. Sutton, 5th Conn. Regiment: - Serg. Joseph T. Eccleston, New London; Private Rufus Keeler; Lorenzo Church, Plainfield; Michal Shay, Willimantic; David A. Mallory, New London; E.D. Smith, Willimantic; Philip Fisher, South Windham; James Ryon, Willimantic; Charles W. Atwood, Willimantic; Alonzo Bulkley, Hartford.

666. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Outrages at Marlboro. Last Saturday night, some miserable specimen of humanity at Marlboro cut the halyards to the liberty pole, broke into the Methodist church and placed eight rotten eggs under the minister's cushion, and two under the cushion in Mr. Joel Fuller's pew; they also defaced the church by posting obnoxious lettering upon the walls. All but one of the eggs were discovered before they were broken. The guilty parties are marked.

667. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: A carpenter named Perry, said to be from Somers, was drowned at Springfield, on Saturday afternoon, while in bathing.

668. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Henry Whitmarsh, a lad fourteen years of age, was instantly killed in Isaac Cook's woolen factory, in Preston, on Saturday morning last. In running a belt over a pulley, he got caught, and was so terribly mangled that he lived but a few minutes. He had been in Mr. Cook's employ about a year, and was a promising young lad.

669. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Henry L. Parker, brother of John M. Parker of Hartford, and William S. Brockway, both of whom were wounded in the battle of Roanoke Island, members of the 10th Conn. Regiment, left their homes in Lyme last week to rejoin their regiment.

670. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: The following promotions were on Monday made in the Tenth regiment, to date from June 5th; Lieut.-Col. Ira W. Pettibone to be Colonel in place of Col. Albert W. Drake, deceased; Maj. Benjamin S. Pardee to be Lieut-Colonel, and Cap. Daniel L. Mead of Co. I. to be Major.

671. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Marriages.

In this village, on Monday, June 9, by Rev. Mr. Bradford, Mr. Gideon Merrick, of Willington, and Miss Mary A. Tingley, of Willimantic.

672. TWJ Fri Jun 13, 1862: Deaths.

In this village, on Friday, June 13, passed on to higher life, Hattie Augusta, aged 23 months, youngest child of A.W. and Hannah E. Jillson. The friends of the family are requested to attend her funeral at 5 o'clock P.M., Monday at the residence of her father.

In Willimantic, June 9, Margaret Johnston, aged _7 [possibly 67?]

In Gaysville, Vt, March 17, after a long and distressing sickness, Mrs. Roxana Wilson, aged 6_ [looks like 60] Near Yorktown, Va., April 17, of a wound received in the skirmish of the 16th, J. Emery Wilson, of Co. C, 6th Regiment Vermont Volunteers, formerly of Gaysville, Vt., aged 24. A large and sympathizing congregation assembled at the church in Gaysville, on Sunday, April 27, to show respect to his memory.

673. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: History of "Ponde Towne." No. III. Though it had been agreed between the inhabitants of the North End and South End that there should be a future division of the town, according to the statement of the case given in our last number, yet the plan was not by any means satisfactory to all. The North End preferred not to divide but to have the meeting house at the "Centre," between the two sections. Those at the "Ponds" being the smaller number believed it would be some time before they could support a minister alone, and during the interval they would still be connected with the South End and obliged to attend church there, which would cause them much travel and inconvenience. But the South Enders were in the majority and determined to have the matter their own way, though they wished to do it in a "loving" and peaceful manner. On the surface the controversy was conducted with propriety and apparent good feeling, though there was evidently much will and some ill feeling generated. The controversy lasted several years, and was considered of much importance by the infant settlements. On the 27th of Dec., 1697, the matter was brought up in the annual town meeting, and the following action was had: "Mr. Shuball Dimmick, William Hall, Joshua Ripley, Lieut. ffitch, Sargt. Samll Hide, were chosen a committee to ad to the Select men to endever to settell the divident line or to put things into a capacity for the uniting of each end of the town together in the most loving way & suitable manner that they can, and further if these men above named cannot agree, then the towne have made choice of the worshipfull Mr. William Pitkin & deacon Olmstead & Sargt. John Tracy of Norwich, as a committee to issue the business in contravercy in the towne in respect to deviding or not deviding the towne, and give them full power to deside the mater in contravercy, and if in case they do not see cause to devide the towne they are to state the place where the meting house shall stand, and the towne doe ingage to stand to their judgement for a finall issue of the matters in contravercy, & the towne doe promis to pay the men for their travill & to pay for their entertainment to their landlord." Three days after, (Dec. 20th, 1697,) the committee made the following report: "we whose names are hereunto subscribed, being appointed a committee at a towne meting Decmber 17, 1697, for to endever an agreement and make settlement of those things in contravercy in the Towne as to deviding of the towne, after we had much decoused about it we cannot but judge it a thing improper & as yet not attainable for us to do, therefore we have concluded after we had debated & decoursed things to the best of our understanding, we judge the meting house must stand in the senter between the two ends of the Towne as formerly agreed on." The report was voted on next day "by the inhabitance of the north end of this Towne which ware: 10: vots, none to the contrary: the number of vots for the south end was: 8: on the negative 3." This apparently settled the matter, and immediately after it was "voted that those persons to whom it doth most properly belong should have liberty to call the revern Mr. Smll Whiting to ordination." The matter remained quiet for some time, but it is very clear that the decision of the committee, though so generally acquiesced in, was not satisfactory to the South Enders. The feeling in regard to the subject evidently retarded the building of the meeting house and delayed the settlement of Mr. Whiting. By some means the South Enders managed after a while to have the controversy re-opened, which raised quite a breeze, and caused much indigation at "Ponde Towne." On the 6th of Feb. 1798-9. "A town meeting voted to have a comitty come and judge whether it is best for us to devide or not, and make report to the generall court in may next, which if it be not to divide the town to state where the meeting house shall stand for the whole towne; and having obtained the courts sanction to their judement in the case this shall put a finall issue to this contriversy. "The worshipfull Mr. William Pitkin, the reverd Mr. Timothy Woodbridg and Mr. Richard Edwards were chosen to act as above sd." The vote is not given on this resolve, but it was probably carried by only a small majority in the face of a most determined opposition. On the same day "William Hall on the towns men with nineteen men with him enter their protest against votting any thing that may be a means to bring us of from or make void that agreement that was made December the 21, 1697, which was to build a meting house in the senter." These were probably all North Enders, though the names are not given. Two of them, however, concluded to acquiesce in the decision, as the following record will show. They were both early and prominent settlers of "Ponde Towne": Where as Samuell Birchard & John Arnold have signed to a writing & Protested against ye chusing of a committee at a town meting: by one of ye select men ye first munday in ffebruery 1699: after second consideration do protest against that protestation, &c., Meh. 9, 1699. The inhabitant of the North End of the town finding themselves in a minority, and that their brethren at the South End were set on a division, gave up the controversy, and the settlers of both sections agreed upon the following articles "respecting their equal privileges of the whole township," which were signed by the principal men in the different parts of the town: "Windham, the 16th day of March, 169_. "Articles of agreement made and Concluded upon, by the Inhabitants of the Town of Windham, that is to Say, the Inhabitants of the South End of the Town, and the Inhabitants of the North End of the Said Town, Respecting their Equall Privilidges of the whole Township, the Remoatness of the Settlement being Such that if the Said Privilides be not Equally divided, will become a burthen and a Snare to the Said Inhabitants thereof, to the promoating the Good of each place; Therefore after So Long Debate and trouble of each end, Wee, the Inhabitants of the Said Town do mutually agre and Conclude to Divide the privileges thereto belonging to the whole; To be Divided between the South End of the Said Town, and the north end of the Said Town Equally, not making any Demur, nor have any Respect to our own Self Interest, Butt do desire in Faithfullness according to our best light and Capacity that at present we have, Wee doe Conclude as followeth.

"1. That the dispensation of the Gospell may be Carryed on with peace and Unitie amongst us, Wee the Inhabitants abovesaid do Conclude and agree with the Consent of Our Reverend Minister, so divide the Lords dayes, and dayes of publick Worship of God, thus, that is, to begin at the day of the Date hereof, to the twenty fifth day of December next Ensuing the date hereof, to have the meeting half the time at the South end of the Town, and then from the first of August next Ensuing the date hereof, to the Twenty fifth day of December next Ensuing the date hereof, to have the meeting at the North end of the Said Town, and then to be at the South end of the Town till the Twenty fourth day of June; and then To be at the north end of the Town till the Twenty fifth day of December following, and So to be Divided annually from time to time until Seven Years be Expired. And at the end of Seven years Each place is to Endevour to keep a minister by themselves, Butt if the north end neighborhood do finde themselves in a Capacitie before the Seven years be Expired, to Gett a minister amongst themselves, the neighborhood at the South end doth Engage not to hinder the Same but further, they doth Ingage to Repay to the neighborhood at the north end of the Town the money that they paid towards the building of the Ministers House.
"2. Itt is agreed that each end Shall build a Meeting House upon their own Cost and Charges, bigg enough to accommodate the whole Congregation, and to Sett them where the Inhabitants of each place Shall See most Convenient for the present and future advantage of each place. Further the neighborhood of each place doe Covenant and agree that they will finde as Convenient a House as possibly they Can for the Comfort of the whole Society to meet in, as it falls to be their Turns, until their Meeting Houses be upp, and fitt for Such a Work.

"3. Itt is fully and firmly agreed upon, that there Shall not be one privilidge nor advantage that Respects the whole Town, but shall be Divided between the two ends abovesaid, as to instnce those particulars, and what elce may be a priviledge, that at present we doe not think of, we do Ingage to each Other to Enjoy and not to debar our neighborhood of the Same. (1) to Instance that all military affairs, as training days and those dayes of Town meetings that may or Shall fall within the line of time of the above Divided Privillidges Shall be at each end according to the time of their Enjoying of the Other priviledges abovesaid (2) that we will from time to time Give a more Surer and ample Confirmation, if by any advice or Counsell, we do Engage to Give and make to each Other a more ample and Surer writing, if need So require, or Law Call for it unto abovesaid writing at any time when thereto required, as to the true performance of the abovesaid, we under written have to these presents Sett our hands.

Shuball Dimmack

Joseph Hall

William Hall

Samuell Hide

Samuell Linken

Robert Hebard

Thomas Huntington

John Abbe

Jonathan Ginnings

Richard Hande

Jonathan Bingham

Peter Cross

William More

John Fitch

William Beckus

John Backus

Joshua Ripley

John Larabe

Joseph Cary

Benamin Miller

Joseph Dingley

Benjamin Howard

William Moulton

Joseph Heberd

Thomas Bingham

Joseph Huntington

John Waldo

Jonathan Crane

Jeremiah Ripley

Samuell lWhiting

John Read

Joshua Allen

Nathaniel Bassett

On the 23d of September, 1701, it was agreed in town meeting respecting the division of the town as follows: Voted granted & agreed on with respect to the deviding of the towne that we will begin at the pine tree that is on the right hand of the path as wee goe to the north end of the town, the next pine tree that is to the north side of the long meadow and soe to rune a due west line to Willimantuck river and then from said pine tree a line either northerly or southerly soe as to a divide the towns' land equielly half the fourty eight home lots now laid out to belong to the south end of the town, & the other to the north end of the town the dividing line to alter no mans propriety of land now laid out and with respect to the seader swamps there is to be free liberty to all proprietors to geet seader as they see caus soe as not to carry it out of town to other towns the land that is to be divided is between the two west lines as the town formerly agreed on should be the bounds of town tis also agreed on that if the six mile meadow happens to be within the bounds of the north end of the town the proprietors of the towne doe hereby resigne it up to the inhabitants of south end of the town for soe many acres of upland as there is acres in the six mile meadow, and the sd land that is to be given in lue of the six mile meadow is to the north end of the town and not further of the lor (lower) line than the six mile meadow will be of the lor line and that there shall be free liberty of high ways to the above said meadow and lands that are now layd out and not to debear one another of that privilege. And further that the inhabitance of the north end of the town shall forthwith send for the survors and runne out 14 mile from appaquague west at their cost and then the south end of the town to begin and goe on with halfe the charge at the dividing of the towne as is above exprest, &c. The whole town was surveyed, the town lines agreed upon, and at the May session, of the General Court, in 1703 the division was consummated and each town received its patent; the "north end" or "Ponde Towne," being named Mansfield (in honor of Gen. Moses Mansfield) and the "south end" was called Windham. The ecclesiastical connection between the towns continued until 1710 when Mansfield settled a minister (the Rev. Eleazar Williams, son of Rev. Joh, of Deerfield memory,) and organized a church of their own. We have thus given a brief ac9ocunt, mainly from Windham records, of the early settlement of "Ponde Towne" or the portion of Windham which was set off and became the town of Mansfield. Hereafter we intend to give some account of the families and their descendants that settled there before 1703; among them the Arnolds, Bassetts, Crosses, Dimocks, Dunhams, Fentons, Halls, Storrses, Royces, and others.

674. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: The Legislature have elected Ge_ Buck, Samuel Bingham, and Hen_ White, Commissioners for this County.

675. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Mr. Thomas H. Underwood, of Willimantic, and his son Charles, members of the 5th C.V., arrived home on Tuesday night. They were taken prisoners at the time of Banks' retreat, detained at Winchester until Jackson retreated, when they were released on parole. On reaching Washington they were discharged. The father had been in the hospital service some time, and was near Strasburg when the retreat commenced. Arriving at Winchester, he gave his attention to the wounded during the battle near there, a part of which he witnessed. He remained by the wounded and was detained a prisoner. His son escaped, but while making his way towards our lines was captured and brought back. Henry Babcock, he says was taken a prisoner at the time of the fight at Winchester, and was taken along with the rebels when they retreated. His health had not been very good, and he was not on active duty at the time he was taken, but was convalescent. Charles Atwood he thinks was taken a prisoner while on the retreat, and taken along by the rebels. With regard to the other Willimantic boys he has no certain information. We understand however, that Sergt. Salem Purington is still a prisoner, and that Earl Cranston has escaped and is now with his regiment. Mr. Underwood gave us an interesting account of the retreat and of the battle at Winchester. He says there was but one man in all the 5th Regiment, so far as could be learned, that flinched, and he was not one of our boys. He says they stood their ground firmly for sometime after other regiments broke and fled and then retreated reluctantly, in obedience to positive orders, because they were being flanked by ten or a dozen regiments of the rebels. He says the citizens of Winchester deliberately shot down our men when retreating through it and also took prisoners. He said it was commonly reported and believed that a lady fired a pistol at our men, on the retreat when she was at ___ fired at by one of our soldiers and seen t9o fall across the window sill. He does not confirm the report respecting the cruel treatment of the wounded.

676. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Trade has been very fair in the village since the small pox excitement was over. On Saturday our merchants were as busy as bees all day.

677. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Building operations are progressing finely. The Linen company's dwelling is up and covered. Mr. Hanover's store is being raised up a story and will be a pretty tall building when completed. Portions of it are to be used as a manufacture of his bonton skirts. Mr. Bassett's new building on the depot lot is nearly completed, so that O.S. Perkins & Brother have moved into one store; Mr. John Morse & Co. will soon move into the other part. Walden's and Hayden's brick stores are progressing favorably. Our mills we believe are all but one on full time - the Windham Co. run but three-quarters.. The mills of the Thread Co. have been driven with work for months. All our business affairs are in a satisfactory condition as could be expected in these times.

678. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: The Rev. William Salter is supplying the pulpit of the Congregational church, at Mansfield Centre, recently vacated by the Rev. Anson Atwood. The retirement of the late venerable pastor after 43 years service was quite an event in this staid old town. We are told by one who heard his farewell sermon that it was deeply interesting and affecting. He was one of the fathers of the Willimantic Congregational church, and was greatly respected and beloved by our people. We are glad to learn that he carried with him good evidence of the respect and affection of the people to whom he had so long ministered. May his last days be serene and happy.

679. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Jane Maloney, an idiotic child of Mrs. Lovina Maloney, of Columbia, aged 14 years, was burned in a shocking manner, on the 6th inst., by her clothes taking fire. She was left alone in the house for a short time by her mother, who was but a few rods from the house, when she was startled by her cries as she came out of the house in a sheet of flames. Her clothes were all burned from her body before her mother could get to her. She lingered apparently unconscious till the morning of the 8th inst., when she died.

680. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Mr. A. Lathrop, has arrived home from Mauch Chunk, Pa., where he has been engaged in the coal business. Mr. Lathrop says we can have no conception of the terrible and disastrous flood in the Lehigh Valley, the greatest ever known. Hundreds of lives have been lost, and millions' worth of property destroyed. Mauch Chunk suffered severely, and it will be months before the canal can be repaired and the business resumed. Coal, we see, has gone up from $1,090 to $1,50 per ton.

681. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Windham Center.

The Rev. David Breed is engaged to supply, for a limited time, the pulpit of the Congregational Church, rendered vacant by the death of the late Rev. G.I. Stearns.

St. Paul's Church (Episcopal) is still without a rector. Sam'l H. Smith, of the Center, a private in the 8th, C.V., died at Newbern, of typhus fever, June 5th, aged 45. He leaves a wife and five children.

682. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Accident. Wm. Allen, son of Mr. Levi Allen, near North Windham, a young man about 18, was severely injured by the falling of a portion of the frame of a small barn, while it was being raised, with him upon it, on the premises of Mr. Joseph Conant, in South Mansfield. His recovery at first was considered doubtful, but we are glad to hear he is some better and that there are now more hopes of him.

683. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Mr. J. Weeks, the photographic artist, has arrived in town, and his advertisement is in our paper today, and his wagon on the vacant lot in front of the depot. Mr. W. "takes" the face of nature or the human face equally well, and a reasonable amount of the "filthy" therefore. And besides that he is a downright good fellow if you don't believe it, go and see him.

684. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Chaplain. News reached his friends recently that Morris Church of Chaplain, aged about 19, died last month at New Orleans of typhus fever. He was a private in the 12th C.V. On e other soldier from this town, Jesse Mack, of the 11th, died some time since.

685. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Good Butter. Dr. Griggs, of Mansfield, recently brought us some samples of hard, yellow, sweet butter, the product of his Alderney cow, the finest flavored and most excellent we ever tasted. We are satisfied that the Alderney is the cow for family use, and that Mrs. Griggs knows how to make butter.

686. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: The bill abolishing slavery in all the Territories of the United States has passed both Houses of Congress, and is now the law of the land. That bone of contention is thus, we trust, put forever at rest. The bill emancipating the slaves of rebels has passed the house.

687. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Fire. The alarm of fire on Saturday night was occasioned by the partial burning of a waste house belonging to the Smithville Co. It was soon extinguished. Loss, some $25.

688. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: News reached here last week, that Wm. Gallagher, of the 27th N.Y.,V. was killed at the battle of Fair Oaks, near Richmond. He was from this place, where his mother and sisters reside.

689. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: A German laborer at Hartford, in the employ of William Winship, nearly cut his foot in two lengthwise, by carelessly putting it in front of the apparatus of a mowing machine. So much for not being careful when sharp tools are around.

690. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: John Cline of New Haven, stood upon the limb of a tree on the public square in that city and sawed the same between his resting place and the body of the tree. When the sawing was complete, the limb fell to the ground, and so did John, who was seriously damaged by his unfortunate location on the aforesaid limb.

691. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Julius Eggleston has been appointed by the President, postmaster of New London, vice Stanley G. Trott, whose commission expires July 1st.

692. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: On Friday night the Merchant's Hotel, Norwich was destroyed by fire. The building was occupied as a hotel, and by the Post-office, the Chelsea Savings Bank, the Probate office, County Clerk's office, and a club room. Everything was taken out of the Post-office, County and Probate offices but owing to the rapidity of the fire, nothing of consequence was saved from the other parts. Damage and insurance not yet known.

693. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: At the annual meeting of the members of the Windham Co. Mutual Fire Insurance Company, held on the 9th day of June, the following gentlemen were chosen Directors for the ensuing year, viz; Aaron H. Storrs, Wm. James, Henry G. Taintor, John Gallup 2d, Uriel Fuller, David Gallup, John Palmer, Septimus Davison, Geo. B. Mathewson, Wm. C. Osgood, Apollos Richmond. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors, on the same day, Aaron H. Storrs was chosen President for the ensuing year, John Palmer Secretary and Treasurer, Uriah Fuller and John Gallup 2d, Auditors.

694. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Friday evening as the prisoners at the State Prison were about being placed in the cells and the usual preliminary search was being carried on, a convict named Jones rushed upon Mr. Joseph B. Buck, an overseer and stabbed him twice with a shoeknife, inflicting, probably, a fatal injury. One of the wounds was inflicted in the abdomen, penetrating the stomach, and the other in the hand.

695. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Edward C. Herrick, a most worthy man and thorough scholar, formerly librarian and of late years Treasurer of Yale College, died at New Haven, June 11th, at the age of 51. He was a man known to every one who has had anything to do with Yale College for the past 30 years; of great erudition, and of scientific accuracy. There are, and have been, few more scholarly men in the United States than Edward Herrick.

696. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Rev. Julius H. Ward recently from the Berkeley Divinity School, began his labors on Whit-Sunday, as minister of Grace Chapel, in Yantic.

697. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Rev. J.J. Bronson, late of West Harwich, Mass., has accepted a call to the Second Baptist church in Waterford, Conn. His post office address is New London.

698. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: The Ashford Baptist Association convened on the 4th and 5th inst., at West Woodstock. The introductory sermon was preached by Rev. E.D. Bently of Willimantic. Other sermons were preached by Rev. B.S. Morse of Sturbridge Association, Rev. C.L. Baker of Tolland, and Rev. S. Barrows. The churches in Eastford, Thompson Center, Westford, Mansfield, Willington, Stafford, Andover were reported without pastors.

699. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: The Baptist State Convention held its anniversary at Stamford on Tuesday and Wednesday the 10th and 11th inst. Rev. J.P. Brown of Plainfield, was elected president, Rev. H. Cushman of Hartford, secretary, and Rev. C.B. Crane of Hartford, assistant secretary, and Rev. Dr. Ives of Suffield preached the annual sermon. Revs. Jabez Swan and Emery Shailer, the missionaries of the convention, were appointed for the ensuing year. Two new churches, one at Meriden and one at Norwalk, were received into the fellowship of the body. A series of highly patriotic resolutions on the state of the country was presented by Rev. J.A. Bailey of Waterbury, and unanimously adopted. The convention meets next year at Willimantic, Rev. C.B. Crane of Hartford, to be the preacher.

700. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: The meeting of the Windham Co. Association at Canterbury week before last was well attended, and the proceedings full of interest. The Rev. Mr. Davenport of Danielson preached the usual sermon. Mr. Jeremiah K. Aldrich was licensed to preach. The reports on the subject of Religion, from the churches were cheering. Two esteemed member brothers in the ministry had died during the year. Rev. Otis Rockwood formerly of Woodstock, and Rev. G.I. Stearns of Windham.

701. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Marriages.

In the Congregational Church, Windham, by the Rev. David Breed, J.G. Abbe, Esq., of New York City, and Miss Sarah E. Fuller, of Windham.

702. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Deaths.

In Coventry, June 16, Clara A. Robertson, aged _7 [looks like 27].

At Newbern, N.C., Samuel H. Smith, of Windham, of the 8th Regiment, C.V., aged 30.

703. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Whereas my wife Elizabeth C. Nichols has left my bed and board without any cause or provocation, this is to forbid all persons from trusting or harboring her on my account, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Charles W. Nichols. Mansfield Centre, June 14, 1862.

704. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: At a Court of Probate holden at Coventry, within and for the District of Coventry, on the 12th day of June, A.D., 1862. present, Andrew K. Brown, Esq., Judge. On motion of Samuel J. Whaley, Administrator on the Estate of Samuel Whaley, late of Coventry, within said District, deceased; This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the Administrator, and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic, Windham County, and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign-post in said town of Coventry nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from record. A.K. Brown, Judge.

705. TWJ Fri Jun 20, 1862: Geo. A. Bull, Blacksmith, at his new shop, Bull's Head, Near the Sash and Blind Factory, a few rods north of Tanner's Stable, is prepared to do all work in his line, such Carriage and Wagon Ironing, Shoeing, and all kinds of country work, Forging for machinery, &c., &c. From nearly 30 years' experience in all kinds of Smith Work, he feels confident he can suit is customers. Willimantic, June 18, 1862.

706. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: The Dark Day. It is eighty-two years since the famous dark day of May 19, 1780. The darkness commenced between nine and ten o'clock in the forenoon, and people were obliged to light candles at noon. Domestic fowl, birds and beasts retired to rest, and everybody was seized with consternation, many supposing it to be the commencement of the "judgment day." The sky presented a brassy appearance all day, and the darkness of the night was correspondingly intense. A motion was made by a member of the Connecticut Legislature, which was then in session, to adjourn, but the motion was not carried, a member remarking that if the judgment day had arrived, they should not abandon their duty. The hall was lit up, and the members proceeded with the routine of business. A good story is told of the celebrated Rev. Matthew Byles, of Boston, no less so for his wit than his sermons. A lady sent her little daughter to the Doctor's house, with a request that he would send back an explanation of the curious atmospheric phenomenon. "Give your mother my compliments," says the Doctor, "and tell her that I am as much in the dark as herself."

707. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: Marriage a Hundred Years Ago. The following extract from the Gentleman's Magazine for 1750 may not be uninteresting to our readers:

"Married in June, 1750, Mr. Wm. Donkin a considerable farmer, of Great Tosson, (near Rothbury,) in the county of Northumberland to Miss Elanor Shoton, an agreeable young gentlewoman of the same place. The entertainment on this occasion was very grand, there being provided no less than 120 quarters of lamb, 44 quarters of veal, 20 quarters of mutton, a great quantity of beef, 12 hams, with a suitable number of chickens &c. which was concluded with eight half anklers of brandy, made into punch, 12 dozen of cider, a great many gallons of wine, and ninety bushels of malt made into beer. The company consisted of 550 ladies and gentlemen, who concluded with the music of 25 fiddlers and pipers, and the whole was conducted with the utmost order and unanimity.

708. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: The State Prison. We have refrained from remarks pro and con on State prison affairs, especially in regard to the management under the late Warden, preferring to wait until the matter had been thoroughly investigated so that we could speak intelligently. From what we had heard in regard to the man, we could not believe that Mr. Webster, who was so brutally murdered, was a tyrant, or that he had been guilty of inflicting cruel or barbarous punishment; and we thought the efforts made in connection with the Toole case to blacken the character of a most worthy man and excellent public officer, who had fallen a sacrifice while in the faithful discharge of duty was most ungenerous and unjust. We are glad to find by the report of the Joint committee of the Legislature who have carefully and thoroughly investigated the subject, that the late Warden and his assistants are entirely exculpated from all charges in regard to harsh or cruel punishment, or unkind treatment. On the contrary, the committee agree that justice to the dead, as well as to the living, demand an expression of the opinion that "improper punishment" is not allowed, but that the convicts have been treated in a manner eminently kind and humane. The following extract from the committee's report sets the matter entirely at rest: That for the purpose of making the customary annual examination into the condition and management of the Connecticut State Prison; also to carry out the instruction of this General Assembly, as contained in a resolution directing this committee to "make due investigation, and ascertain whether improper punishment is allowed to be inflicted upon convicts, and whether any further legislation is necessary," your committee visited the prison on Tuesday, the 27th day of May last, also on Friday, the 6th day of June inst., and made such examination and investigation as a most diligent improvement of the time your committee were able to remain at the prison would admit of. Every department of the prison and various workshops were visited, carefully examined, and found to be in excellent condition. According to the best information your committees could obtain, the shower bath was introduced about ten years since. It does not appear ever to have been regarded with favor by the officers of the prison, and has been but seldom used. For the three years from 1854 to 1857 it was used but once, and then with warm water to wash a filthy fellow. During the last two years it has been used in but a single instance, and then upon a prisoner who committed an assault upon the Deputy Wardon. As to the Infliction of punishment by whipping, according to the best information your committee have been able to obtain, the "cat" has been in use for the last forty-five years, and in all probability from the establishment of Simsbury Mines as a State Prison, in the year 1773, down to the present time, from which it would appear to have been most fully sanctioned by time and usage, if not by the strict letter of the law. It is not that instrument of savage cruelty, knotted, loaded with lead and wound with wire, as it is imagined by many to be, and if whipping is still to be sanctioned by law, and an election is to be made between the cat, as used in the Connecticut State Prison, and the rawhide, as used in State Prisons in other States, your committee do not hesitate to affirm, that in their opinion the cat is by far the most safe and suitable punishment to be used. Solitary confinement is more frequently used than any other mode of punishment, and is resorted to, as a general rule, in the first instance, when punishment is deemed necessary, instead of the whip. To say nothing of the injury to the health of the convict, which at times results from confinement in the solitary, which, in one instance at least, and that, too, quite recently, proved fatal, there are, in the minds of your committee, serious objections to its indiscriminate use, notwithstanding the special favor with which it is regarded in many prisons; for it is found that while in some cases a short confinement is sufficient, in others, that no amount of confinement in the solitary will subdue the refractory; and when they come out, it is only to be more stubborn, refractory and disobedient. Strict discipline must be maintained, the disobedient and refractory must be subdued, at the same time, in the opinion of your committee, if proper and suitable inducements were held out to the convict, as incentives to good behavior, the more objectionable modes of punishment, as the cat and the solitary, would seldom have to be resorted to by the kind, discriminating and judicious disciplination. The only modes of punishment in use, (the shower bath being regarded as obsolete, and the chain and shackles, when used, used not as a punishment but from necessity,) are whipping and the solitary. They are both sanctioned by law and the regulations of the prison, and so far they cannot be regarded as improper. If punishment has been inflicted without sufficient cause, in an improper manner, from personal spite, passion or ill-will, it is to be regarded as improper. With a view to ascertain the character of the punishment inflicted upon convicts, as indicated by the resolution of this General Assembly, your committee, on the occasion of their late visits, carefully examined, under oath, all the officers of the prison. The testimony of the officers was uniform, that no under officer was allowed to strike, punish or in any way maltreat a prisoner; that punishment was always inflicted by the Warden or his Deputy; that in case of whipping, the number of stripes limited by law was never exceeded; and the opinion of the officers was, that the late Warden, Capt. Webster, erred, if in any way, upon the side of leniency; that he was never known to punish excessively; was kind-hearted and humane, and in the habit of remaining with the refractory and disobedient before inflicting punishment, and never known to strike a prisoner after he had yielded and promised obedience. Your committee also examined some (18) eighteen or (20) twenty prisoners, who bore uniform testimony, with but one exception, to the fact that they had been well treated while they had been in prison. It having been reported that the overseers in the prison were in the pay of the contractors, the matter was investigated by your committee, and the report was not only unsustained by any testimony which your committee could elicit, but, on the contrary, the testimony went to show that the overseers were not in the interest of the contractors; were not employed or paid by them, either directly or indirectly, and never had been. From a careful review and consideration of the testimony, as elicited by your committee from prisoners as well as from officers of the prison, and in view of the law concerning prisons as it now is, justice to the dead, as well as to the living, demands the expression of the opinion on the part of your committee, not only that "improper punishment is" not "allowed to be inflicted upon convicts," but also that the treatment of the convicts in the Connecticut State Prison has been, and now is, eminently kind and humane. At the same time your committee do not wish to be regarded as endorsing the officers of the prison, present or past, as infallible, for they are and were but men; or as approving the law relating to prisons, for it is essentially the same as that enacted in 1773, the law of force, hard labor, the prisoner's lot, the only incentives to its faithful performance, the solitary and the lash; at the same time it should be borne in mind that among these convicts are hardened and desperate men, men who, for having violate the law, have forfeited their liberty, and are now paying the just penalty of their crimes; also, that the officers of the prison are in a position of trial responsibility, and great personal danger, as recent occurrences most fully prove; and while the just rights of the convict should be properly guarded and protected, in the opinion of your committee the authority of the officers should not be abridged, neither should that confidence, which has been reposed in them in days pasts, be withheld at the present time. Under the management of the late Warden, Captain Webster, the former high character of the prison for good order and discipline was fully maintained, and his sudden removal by death is not only a serious loss to his family, who relied on him for counsel and support, but also to the State. In the language of the Directors, in their annual report, "He fell at the post of duty, and by his death the State lost a most faithful and efficient officer, the community a worthy and valued citizen, and the world a gentleman whose assiduous yet discreet kindness, and whose qualities of both head and heart, will render his memory dear to a large circle of friends." Your committee also endorse the recommendation of the Directors that this General Assembly should present to the family of the deceased some fitting testimonial of the regard of the State for his worth, and its appreciation of their loss.

709. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: The General Association of Connecticut. The General Association of Connecticut held its 153 annual meeting at Norwalk last week. Rev. Joseph Eldridge, of Norfolk, was chosen moderator; Rev. F.D. Avery, of Columbia, scribe; and Rev. E.W. Robinson, assistant scribe. Tuesday, morning and afternoon, was occupied with the ordinary business; including reports of committees appointed last year. Among these was the report of the committee on Home Evangelization, by its chairman Rev. J.P. Gulliver. On Tuesday evening, the annual sermon was preached by Rev. Merrick Knight, formerly of Chaplin, and more recently of North Coventry. On Wednesday and Thursday mornings a prayer meeting was held from eight to nine. On Wednesday forenoon, delegates from Ecclesiastical bodies in correspondence with the General Association made address. On Wednesday afternoon the Lord's Supper was celebrated by a large assembly, at the invitation of the Norwalk church, which is itself above two hundred years old. At the close of this interesting service, three quarters of an hour were given to addresses from Messrs. Davis and Thornton, freedmen from Virginia. The man that thins slavery no curse, and the negro nobody, might get his ideas changed by hearing those men. And yet they are uneducated men, and in no wise disposed to take the lives of those who have oppressed them. They only ask freedom. They are willing to work, and believe that men ought to work. In the evening the Connecticut Missionary Society, auxiliary to the American Home Missionary Society, held its annual meeting. Interesting addresses were made by Rev. Messrs. Charpiot, formerly of Coventry, now of Trumbull, Prof. Fisk, of Chicago, Dr. D.B. Coe, of New York, and Dr. Bacon. On Thursday morning, Dr. Bacon, on the part of a committee, presented an admirable report on the state of the country, with appropriate resolutions; which were unanimously adopted. The Association adjourned a little after noon on Thursday. The meeting for June, 1863, is appointed at Hartford. Norwalk contains nearly eight thousand inhabitants, and has many fine residences with no little beauty of scenery. The growth of the place has been rapid for ten years past. It is the home of Judge Butler, of the Superior Court, of Gen. O.S. Ferry, and of Mr. Speaker Carter, of the present Legislature.

710. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: A generous lot of fine, large and delicious strawberries, found their way from Mr. John Tracy's gardens to our domicil the other day. They were new varieties to us, and judging form the rapidity with which they disappeared one would hardly suppose they possessed very good keeping qualities.

711. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: A splendid photographic view of the Main street of this village, Taken from a point in front of Mr. Walden's bookstore, and looking down to J.E. Cushman's furniture store, may be seen at the Post office. The buildings on both sides of the street are accurately represented, and many of the signs are plainly legible - "coffins," over Cushman's building being especially conspicuous. This beautiful specimen of the art, was taken by Mr. J. Weekes, who is now temporarily located in our village.

712. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: Counterfeit 3s on the Windham Bank are in circulation. They are imitations; vig. Female seated on bale, female portrait on right, frog in lower corner. Look out for them.

713. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: A store in Baltic, owned by Silas Frink, and occupied by J.T. Carpenter & Co., was totally destroyed by an incendiary fire Thursday morning. The building and goods were insured for $5,000.

714. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: Carlos F. Carter, youngest son of the late Deacon P.W. Carter, of Waterbury, who was traveling in Palestine, was drowned in the river Jordan, on the 14th of May, while bathing in that hallowed stream.

715. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: Charles A. Baker, who was sent to Wethersfield for forging on the Stafford Bank for a small amount, has been released by the Legislature.

716. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: Rose Brown, a colored woman, died in Norwich on Saturday, aged 100 years, 7 months. She was born in Norwich, or within the limits of Montville, and passed the whole of her long life near where she was born and died.

717. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: A most remarkable storm of wind and rain a regular tornado - passed over Springfield, Mass., on Saturday evening causing much damage. Trees were torn up or twisted off, chimneys blown down, buildings damaged, etc. Several ladies had their dresses and skirts blown completely off, and the dear creature only saved themselves from a like fate by clinging to posts. At West Springfield the rain was mingled with hail, and considerable damage was done.

718. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: The first through shipment of cotton from Memphis to New York was made on Friday last. It consisted of 200 bales, and will be followed daily by other shipments.

719. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: The Mormons have had a small rebellion of their own. A fellow named Morris, who set up for the Prophet Moses just returned to earth, got up a crowd of followers, established a settlement, repudiated the regular Government, and began plundering for a living. Militia was called out, a siege and fight ensued, the new Moses was whipped, and 174 of his foolish followers were sent to prison. Some lives were lost, among them that of the new prophet.

720. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: The following promotions have been made in the Seventh Regiment, the commissions dating from May 19: Lieutenant Colonel Joseph R. Hawley to be Colonel, vice Colonel Terry promoted to be Brigadier General; Major George F. Gardiner to be Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain Daniel C. Rodman to be Major.

721. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: A private letter to the Waterbury American says that Colonel Chatfield, of the Sixth, is in command of the brigade at Stone Inlet, near Charleston.

722. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: Letters received by the Adj. Gen. Williams from the 13th C.V., now at New Orleans, state that the command is now in excellent health and good condition. On the 30th of May there were 1080 men in the regiment, including the absent and sick.

723. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: Enlisting ought to go on rapidly now that the Secretary of War offers such inducements. Every man who shall enlist a recruit will receive $2 bounty, and every recruit shall, upon the mustering in of his company, receive one month's pay in advance.

724. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: Lieut. Col. Charles Mathewson, of the 11th Conn. Recently returned from Newbern, having resigned his commission in consequence of ill health, has been made the recipient of a handsome gift from his fellow-officers, who forwarded to Col. Almy the sum of $225 for a purchase of a tea-set to be presented to him. Col. A. had the good fortune to buy a set 2$ per cent below its real value. It consists of a tea-urn, sugar bowl, milk-pitcher, and silver dish - on each of which is inscribed: "presented to Lieut. Col. Mathewson by officers of the 11th Connecticut, as a testimonial of their respect and esteem. Newbern, N.C., June 13, 1862."

725. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: Maj. J.J. Dimock, son of J.W. Dimock, esq. of Hartford, died in Baltimore on Sunday the 22d. He was connected with the N.Y. 2d, and has been in service over a year. His death was occasioned by fever contracted while on the Peninsula.

726. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: Marriages.

In Mansfield, June 18, Nathan H. Ayer, of Preston, and Amelia S. Baldwin, Mansfield.

In Andover, Mass., June 19, by Rev. Prof. E.P. Barrows, of the Andover Theological Seminary, assisted by Rev. Edward Hitchcock, D.D., of Amherst College, Mr. Charles H. Hitchcock, geologist of the State of Maine, and Miss Martha B. Barrows, daughter of the officiating clergyman.

727. TWJ Fri Jun 27, 1862: Deaths.

In Baltimore, June 21, Mr. Gardner S. Boone, aged 42.

In East Longmeadow, Mass., June 13, Mr. Ephraim T. Hunn, aged 97. He was a revolutionary privateer; was taken prisoner by the British and confined in the old Jersey prison ship at New York for a long time. After his release he was stationed at New London and witnessed the burning of that city by the traitor Arnold, in 1781.






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