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CHRONICLE 1879-1884 |
The Willimantic Chronicle - Year of 1882 Published every Wednesday. McDonald & Safford, Editors and Publishers. M. Wallen, A.H. Freeman, O.G. Hanks. Prompter: O.M. Richardson. 608. TWC Wed May 3 1882: About Town. 609. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Mrs. Marion Malkin and daughter Nellie will go to Europe soon to be absent about three years, the latter to perfect her musical education. 610. TWC Wed May 3 1882: John Fuller, the Scotland stage driver, will hereafter carry the mail from this place to Windham Centre in place of William Cummings. 611. TWC Wed May 3 1882: The ball given at the Hooker house Colchester, last Friday evening was a grand success. Mr. W.W. Perry is the new proprietor. 612. TWC Wed May 3 1882: A French company from Taftville will give an entertainment in Franklin hall Saturday evening for the amusement of our Canadian inhabitants. 613. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Letters patent have been issued to E. Allen and J.H. Morrison of Norwich for a machine for turning spools; and to J.B. Atwood of Stonington, for a machine for doubling and winding silk. 614. TWC Wed May 3 1882: The borough government has succeeded in obtaining an order for adequate safeguards at the railroad crossings, now if as good work can be done about the station our people will be happy. 615. TWC Wed May 3 1882: The extortionate plumber is almost proverbial, but he is totally eclipsed by the whitewasher. We are told of one of the latter who demanded three dollars and fifty cents for less than two hours work. 616. TWC Wed May 3 1882: A.S. Turner has removed his stock of dry goods to a store on Church street. The store he vacated is undergoing repairs previous to its occupancy by Hunn & Co. who intend to make it an attractive drug store. 617. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Laborers are at work repairing a culvert on Jackson street at the junction with Maple which drains those streets but which has been for a long time of no service. It will be made of sufficient capacity to carry the drainage off. 618. TWC Wed May 3 1882: The Rapid telegraph company has added another wire to its line. Our people really enjoy the privilege of dispatching messages at the low rate of twenty words for fifteen cents, and the office in this place receives a liberal patronage. 619. TWC Wed May 3 1882: A.R. Burnham now occupies his new carriage shop on Valley street. It is a very large and convenient structure and we hope his business will be greatly increased in it. Mr. Burnham has certainly no superior as a carriage builder in this part of the country. 620. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Mr. G.V. Alpaugh of the old and reliable dry goods firm of Alpaugh & Hooper returned Saturday from Boston where he has been recruiting their stock of goods in all departments. Dress goods, hosiery underwear, and a large invoice of carpets have been purchased. 621. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Mrs. Joseph P. Abel, who suffered a paralytic shock a few days since and has since been in a semi-unconscious condition, died Tuesday morning. She has been long a resident of this village and was widely known and highly esteemed. She leaves a husband, who is blind, and four children. 622. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Speaking of the assault upon Miss Jewett the Bulletin says: The inability of the officers to ferret out any one more resembling the man than OLoughlin, who was captured at Windham with the remnants of sugar cookies in his pockets, was leading to a fixed, but erroneous impression that the suffering family of the assaulted lady, as well as the woman herself, were determined to identify no one for fear of being dragged into the courts and subjected to the severe examinations which characterize such trials. The village has not yet been found. 623. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Organization of the highest branch of Freemasons in this village was effected last Wednesday evening, and is known as St. Johns Commandery No. 11, K.T. Some of the highest officers in the state were present and officiated in its institution. The following are the officers of the new commandery: Chester Tilden, E. Commander; David C. Card, Generalissimo; Charles Broadhurst, C. General; Chas. J. Fox, Prelate; John H. Bullard, Sen. Warden; Chas. S. Billings, Jun. Warden; Edwin T. Hamlin, Treasurer; Albert R. Morrison, Recorder; Charles P. Brann, Std. Bearer; Orlando D. Brown, Swd, Bearer; Edgar A. Smith, Warder; Amos W. Bill, 3d Guard; Oren S. Mosely, 2d Guard; George L. Phillips, 1st Guard; William Thomson, Sentinel. 624. TWC Wed May 3 1882: The new blacksmith shop on Church street is complete and occupied by Joseph Flour. 625. TWC Wed May 3 1882: At a meeting of the court of burgesses, Monday was voted to pay labor bill for April, $348.13, John M. Martin $4.25, Gas Co. $1.25, Wm. P. Worden $60.00, Luke Flynn $60.00, John M. Robertson $1.00, Baldwin & Webb $22.80, Alpaugh & Hooper $37.00, U.S. Street Lighting Co., $112.75, Fire Department, salary $128.75, John L. Hunter, $136.70, L.E. Baldwin $14.06. Voted to accept the invitation from the G.A.R., to take part in the parade on Decoration day. Voted to give E.M. Cushman permission to lay a pipe across Main street, in front of his property. 626. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Wedding Bells.Tuesday morning at St. Josephs Catholic church were married Mr. Joseph Cotter and Miss Katie Gavigan, well-known young people of this place. The marriage ceremony took place at 8 oclock and the pastor, Rev. Fl. DeBruycker, officiated and immediately after celebrated the Nuptial High Mass, at which the newly married pair assisted. Miss Lillie McDermot and John R. McNamara, both of Norwich, assisted as brides maid and best man. The church was well filled with friends and acquaintances of the principals, and they exceeded in number any attendants of a wedding at that church which has occurred for a long time. After the communion Father DeBruycker, in his kindest tones, spoke words of cheer and advice to the young couple. At the conclusion of the marriage rites they were driven to the home of the brides mother where a sumptuous collation awaited those happy enough to be of the party. Mr. and Mrs. Cotter left on the evening train for New York and will return after their wedding tour to reside in this village among their friends--and they have a host.Mr. Cotter has been a resident of Willimantic only a few years but Mrs. Cotter has been reared here and from one of the oldest and most cultured Irish families. The presents were numerous and of value into the hundreds of dollars. We wish them a long and happy life. 627. TWC Wed May 3 1882: A correspondent of Jewett
City in speaking of the production of the play Rosedale in that village
last week mentions former residents of this place in the following
complimentary language; Mr. John W.F. Burleson, in the role of Elliott
Gray, was the central figure of the drama. He appeared in full military
uniform, in citizens dress, and in the disguise of Call,
the cracksman. True to life in each character, he proved himself
a true artist, interpreting the exacting part throughout with the
dignity of ability of a Booth or a Wallack. His singing was as enjoyable
as his fine acting and called forth only praise. 628. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Mansfield. 629. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Ashford. 630. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Baltic. 631. TWC Wed May 3 1882: South Windham. 632. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Mr. John Howland, a former principal of the Danielsonville high school, and Miss Sarah B. Chollar, a graduate of that school, are making preparations to enter the Christian missionary field in Mexico. 633. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Fred. Winslows prettiest baby received the prize at the glass blowers exhibition in Putnam Saturday last. 634. TWC Wed May 3 1882: E.A. Wheelock was awarded the rubber mounted harness at the bands fair in Putnam, as the most popular mill agent, receiving 1,268 votes against 575 for G.A. Hammond. 635. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Brooklyn. 636. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Lebanon. 637. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Scotland. 639. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Columbia. 640. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Born. 641. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Married. 642. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Died. 643. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Indians on the war-path in Arizona have killed twenty persons at the San Carlos agency and about the same number on Eagle Creek. At the latter place they killed a man named McMaster, his wife and children and ten Mexicans. 644. TWC Wed May 3 1882: An Atcheson (Kansas) correspondent asserts positively that Frank James, brother of the late Jesse James, the Missouri outlaw, recently passed through that city with four other men, and that he was organizing a gang having for its object the extermination of the Ford Brothers and all others connected with the killing of Jesse. 645. TWC Wed May 3 1882: During a fight in New Mexico between the hostiles and Indian scouts and troops four scouts and three soldiers were killed and four soldiers wounded. A man who arrived at Lordsburg, N.M., from the Gila river says he assited in burying twenty settlers, killed by the Indians, and that several others were missing. 646. TWC Wed May 3 1882: Stanislaus Metas, aged nine, arrived at Safford, Arizona, from Stevens sheep camp with the following dreadful story of the recent Indian massacre: Before daylight the Indians attacked the camp while we were all asleep. My father and five other men attempted to get their guns, but were too late. The Indians rushed in from all sides and overpowered them before a shot could be fired. The work of slaughter then began. An Indian put the muzzle of is gun against the head of one man and fired, blowing his brains against the door and walls. I saw them kill my mother and two brothers by beating their brains out with stones. They killed five persons, and tied my father and tortured him most dreadfully. He begged them to spare him, but they only tortured him the more and finally they split his skull with an ax. An Indian squaw, the wife of one of four friendly Apache sheep herders who worked with us, saved my life by holding me behind her and begging them to spare me. When all the Mexicans were dead except me the Indians left. The squaw who arrived with the boy said there were ninety-three Indians in the attacking party. The outbreak is the most disastrous which ever occurred in Arizona, not less than forty persons having been killed. 647. TWC Wed May 3 1882: The town of Galeyville, in Arizona, just over the New Mexico line, has been burned and completely destroyed by Apache Indians. Thirty white people were killed. 648. TWC Wed May 3 1882: The Wasp and the Minister. Congregations are often brought to the brink of an explosion of mirth without knowing it. Such was the case in a Hartford church. The godly and eloquent pastor was in the midst of his powerful discourse. The large congregation hung upon his lips as he moved up to the climax of his argument. He himself was deeply absorbed in his work, as his ringing voice and forcible action showed. Just then he somehow became aware of a distraction near at hand, and glancing obliquely, espied a colossal wasp perched upon his left shoulder. A second glance was conclusive. The wasp was brindling and humping himself in a manner that meant mischief. He was in no haste, but, as if knowing his advantage, he leisurely performed those agile and ominous gymnastics which are the preparations and signals of assault. He would torment the helpless minister before stabbing him. All this the parson comprehended with concealed terror, meanwhile pushing along the vigor of his speech, and keeping up the boom of his discourse. Mysterious is the complex movement of the human mind. Futile was the intimidation, fugacious the hope, vain the plan, fatal the delay of that wasp. Procrastination and pride was his destruction. An inspiration seized the parson now working double lines of thought. His plan was formed and executed with such a rapidity and success that the congregation were ignorant of the splendid strategy. Raising his voice to an unwonted strain, he swung is right arm around to that left shoulder, plucked the astonished wasp therefrom, placed him upon the desk, and, shouting in stentorian tones, Yes, my beloved hearers, brought his clenched fist down upon that precise spot whereon his enemy lay, with an energy that made the big Bible leap, raised a cloud of dust from the cushion, and carried complete conviction both to the body of the wasp and the minds and hearts of the spell-bound congregation. It was the climax of his discourse. So instantaneously was the maneuver executed that none detected the real occasion for it, and the edified hearers remarked to one another, as they left the church, the uncommon earnestness and vigor of their beloved pastors delivery that day.Hartford Courant. 649. TWC Wed May 10 1882: About Town. 650. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Among the numerous out of town attendants at the funeral of Thomas Turner was W.C. Witter Esq., brother of Mrs. Turner. He is a thrifty New York lawyer and a graduate from the law office of J.R. Arnold Esq., of this place. 651. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Mr. Theodore M. Ives of New York, has been elected a director of the Willimantic Linen Co. to take the place of the late Mr. Thomas Smith. Who will be made president of the company is not yet made public, but it is understood that there are two or three who are anxious. 652. TWC Wed May 10 1882: The Superior court which was to come in yesterday has been postponed a week and sits next Tuesday with Judge Hovey on the bench. The term will be held at Brooklyn. One hundred and thirty-six cases are noticed for trial, twenty-one of which are in the jury docket. 653. TWC Wed May 10 1882: A young son of Jerry Geary while clambering about the unfinished house of John Hickey on Bassett park Sunday fell two stories from a beam. The descent left him unconscious and also with a scalp wound three inches in length which was dressed by Dr. McNally. 654. TWC Wed May 10 1882: A canvasser is at work soliciting subscribers for the establishment of a telephone exchange in this place. The attempt has been made before and we hope it may this time be made successfully. It will be a part of the Connecticut telephone system which communicates with nearly all important places in the state. 655. TWC Wed May 10 1882: The Rev. T.W. Broderick of New London, one of the bright sons of Mr. Edward sons of Mr. Edward Broderick of this village, left for Hartford Tuesday morning to attend the synod, but left there Tuesday afternoon for New York where this morning he took passage in the steamship Gallia of the Cunard line for Europe. He will first visit Rome, after which he will make an extensive tour through the country, visiting the prinicipal places in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, England and Ireland, and will return in about five months. 656. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Dr. Gallup may now be found at his residence on Pearl street. 657. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Mr. C.E. Congdon has bought the vacant lot north of the Methodist church of that society. 658. TWC Wed May 10 1882: E.W. French has taken the agency for the Mason & Hamlin and other organs of eminent make. He is selling out his sewing machine supplies at cost at his office, 58 Union street. 659. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Continued ill health necessitates the dissolution of partnership in the Boston Furniture store. Mr. Finnegan retires and Mr. Casey will continue the business in the same location, and a large stock of furniture will be carried as heretofore. 660. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mason while driving from South Coventry to this village Tuesday were thrown out and badly bruised. Mr. Mason remaining unconscious for some time. The young horse which they were driving became frightened and shied capsizing the wagon. 661. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Bernard Bell, the shoemaker who has occupied a room under Brainard house for upwards of a dozen years, took a sudden and clandestine departure from this village on Monday of last week and left no hint to his destination. He was a quiet, industrious and accumulative citizen but it is understood that domestic trouble was the cause of his departure. 662. TWC Wed May 10 1882: M.O. Laughna, a New York artist, has just completed a pencil sketch of Willimantic for the purpose of engraving a birds-eye view of the village. It will differ from the one already in existence by representing a perfect draft of each house and by being more extensive and elaborate. Some of the principal buildings will be engraved separately and printed in the margin of the picture. It will be ready for distribution about the 1st of July. 663. TWC Wed May 10 1882: An exchange says: C.L. Bottum of Willimantic, Ct., and G.R. Trescott of Trescott & Long of Livonia, N.Y., have started anew an old silk mill in Springfield under the firm name of Bottum & Trescott. Mr. Bottums name guarantees the firm a favorable reception among silk buyers, as he has gained considerable reputation as a manufacturer at Willimantic and his trade mark is widely known. The other partner is new to the manufacture, but has had considerable experience in selling silks. They have taken a five-years lease of the premises from Horace Smith and are getting in improved machinery as fast as it can be supplied by W.G. & A.R. Morrison. 664. TWC Wed May 10 1882: John OLaughlin, the tramp arrested near this place by Officer Flynn some time since on suspicion of having committed an assault on a Norwich lady and who gave evidence at that time of not having a sound mind, created a stir in the North courtroom Monday by jumping up on a seat and declaiming is unintelligible language at a rapid rate, but among the great volume of words stood out bold and firm the declaration, I have been regularly baptized and my name is registered in high heaven! He was requested to be silent by the court, but he paid no heed. He was approached by the sheriff but remained resolute and unterrified, jabbering on with unabated vigor. The sheriff set him down but he determinedly rose up and continued to talk. He was finally hand cuffed and removed from the court room. He was adjudged insane, and on motion of the states attorney his case was nolled and he was turned over to the town authorities. 665. TWC Wed May 10 1882: From among the members of the Young Mens Athletic club a base ball club was formed Tuesday evening, and will be known as the Athletics. It is made up as follows: M. Gallivan, catcher; T. Sullivan, pitcher; J. Savage, short stop, J. Hinchey, first base; J. Kearns, second base; T. Leary, third base; P. Fitzpatrick, left field; O. Ronan, centre field; M. Cryne, right field. Manager, T. Leary; captain, O. Ronan; correspondent secretary, J. Sweeney, Jr. The club is now ready to receive challenges from any amateur organization in the state. 666. TWC Wed May 10 1882: The Warden comes out with a timely notice ordering the abatement of all nuisances which may induce disease. He says the absence of a proper system of sewerage and water makes it imperative that all precautionary measures in our power be adopted for the promotion of the public health. To his judicious utterance the borough by law relating to the matter is appended with the admonition that it will be strictly enforced. The proper time for attending to these matters is before the teaching of experience compels it. There are a number of places in the village near the principal thoroughfares which will have to be improved before they will have to be improved before they will be in a perfectly healthful condition. 667. TWC Wed May 10 1882: At an adjourned meeting of the court of burgesses held at their office, Tuesday forenoon, the following business was transacted: Voted to allow the Messrs Morrison to erect telephone poles on Valley street by obtaining consent of property owners where said poles are erected subject to the approval of the committee of the court of burgesses. Petition of the Telephone Co. for the erection of poles for the use of their project, was received and liberty granted on same conditions as given the Messrs. Morrison. Warden Baldwin, Burgesses Buck, Congdon and Miller were appointed a committee on erection of telephone poles. Voted to grant permission to the Willimantic Linen Co., to grade South main street under the direction of the warden of the borough in accordance with plans submitted, said grading to be done free of any expense to the borough. Voted to pay the following bills: Wm. Vanderman, $5.71; James Conlin, $16.82; J.C. Lincoln, $52.50; John C. Smith, $86.00; Michael Sullivan, $142.22; L.E. Baldiwn, $18.25. A petition was received from C.B. Pomeroy and twenty others for layout of the new street between the house of said Pomeroy and Edwin Bugbee running north about 400 feet. 668. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Some two weeks ago Mr. Perkins Ladd, who resides on the road to South Windham near dug out, met with a severe accident. He was working at a saw mill in Lebanon and while about his duties a slab from a log flew from the saw and pierced his leg just above the knee. Proper precaution to save his life from the loss of blood was taken by his companions and he was taken home where Dr. Houghton was called to treat him. Examination showed that the main arteries of his leg were disjoined and the wound was dressed with the greatest care to establish circulation of the blood and save the member. After a short time mortification set in and the only chance of life,--which was before dubious,--was amputation. A counsel of five physicians was convened Friday and it was decided to perform the operation immediately. It was performed successfully with very little loss of blood by Dr. F.H. Houghton in the presence and with the assistance of Drs. Bennett, Samuel and C.H. David and H.S. Trigg, of Hartford. The chances for the mans recovery were very slight from the fact that he had very little vitality, not having fully recovered from the shock of the accident. He did not recover from this greater shock and died in about four hours after the operation. 669. TWC Wed May 10 1882: One Charlton H. Davis, a man who some two months ago came from New York to superintend the gold mining company of Ashford was on Monday arrested for rape committed on Mary J. Whittaker of Ashford a young girl but thirteen years old. Davis was arranged before Justice Brooks of Ashford, pleaded not guilty, and asked for an adjournment of the case for one week which the court granted, fixing his bail at $1000, which the accused not being able to give he was placed in the hands of the officer to be held till the adjourned court. The accused claims that he has a wealthy brother in New York city who will assist him in making a defense to the crime with which he is charged. Those who have known Davis since his presence in Ashford very much doubt his story, but the justice concluded to give him opportunity to verify what he stated. John L. Hunter appeared for the prosecution and C.M. Brooks for the accused. 670. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Miss Sallie Wenberg and her little brother Bennie were out trouting on a brook near Willington Hollow on Friday last and noticing what they supposed to be a full dressed doll in the water. Sallie pushed it ashore with her fish pole when it proved to be the body of a full grown infant. The town authorities were notified and on Sunday an inquest was held before the jury one Ida Button, an employee in the Daleville woolen mill, formerly of Holyoke, acknowledged that she was the mother of the child; that no one was present at its birth; that after a short period of unconsciousness at the time she found that the child was dead, and that she placed the dead body in a trunk or drawer of a bureau, acquainting no one with the facts of the birth and death. The girl also laid the paternity of the infant upon one Sparrow, a young man residing with his father in Willington between the glass factory village and the hollow. She further stated that after the body had lain for a number of weeks, having put some salt on the body as she testified, she placed it in an old satchel with some stones, and sank it in the brook where it was found. She said that she made this disposition of it to conceal its birth. 671. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Thomas Turner.Hardly
has the tender feeling of sorrow vanished from this community over
the loss of two of its old and respected citizens who have been towers
of strength during our entire prosperity, than we are called upon
to mourn the demise of one whose hand has been powerfully felt for
good through almost a generation. The sad event which terminates
the mortal career of Mr. Thomas Turner occurred last Thursday morning
at one oclock. Although the end came not unwarned its unwelcome
tidings sink none the less deeply into the sorrowful sentiment of
our people and find expression unstinted. The coil of life had for
more than sixty years encircled a capstan free from the ravages of
disease, with but one exception. Some months ago the germs of an
incurable malady took possession of his frame and baffled the skill
of learning to stay their progress. Soon after the first prostration
his indomitable will revolted against the tyranny of disease and
he defied it. But the grim destroyer had marked him for its victim
and would not be shaken off. Through the weary months that followed
he contested the inroads of his affliction with the obstinacy of
one used to hard knocks and battles in life, and the cord was snapped
asunder when strength to wrestle did not longer remain. With him
earth is done, but he was woven a warp that will be consolation to
his bereaved family and be pointed to in after life with admiration.
Comparatively few men live whose death deserves so favorable notice.
Mr. Turner is a native of England, born in the year 1819, he emigrated
from Manchester to cast his future in the land of the free
and the home of the brave
when 23 years of age bringing with him his wife and child. His destination
was Daleville in Willington, and he entered the employ of Mr. Dale as
an overseer in the manufacture of silk fabrics. When fairly settled at
his labors the wheel of legislation, which grinds the hopes of many,
dealt to that industry a fatal blow and he was cast upon the world to
earn his bread the best he could. By frugality and industry he obtained
subsistence for his family until, in about two years, he obtained a situation
with the Windham manufacturing company in this place as an overseer,
but shortly afterwards accepted a similar position in the Hayden mills.
His services for these companies run over a space of about five years
at the end of which time his failing health compelled him to resign.
His condition did not improve and he began to go down hill notwithstanding
he procured the best medical assistance at hand. He had hemorrhages of
the lungs and was given up by the physicians to die. About this time
a plain Scotchman from Colchester who had some knowledge of medicine
and a good deal of common sense induced Mr. Turner to put himself under
his treatment. Having no means of support his friend took him to Colchester
where he remained about two years and fully recovered his health. He
then came back to this place and entered the employ of Lord & Bassett
as a peddler. In company with the late G.W. Hanover he bought out the
business, consisting of a stock of general merchandise, of Lord & Bassett
and carried on the business for about four years when he removed to New
York and went into the manufacture of shoes. He soon transferred that
business to New Canaan, as the city did not agree with him, where he
pursued the enterprise and five years successfully. 672. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Scotland. 673. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Charles Brophy, of Dayville, was run over last Saturday by a stone drag. He received several bad scalp wounds; his ear was partly cut off, and he was badly cut about the head. The lads condition is critical. 674. TWC Wed May 10 1882: The Merrick Thread company of Holyoke, has recently completed a new mill 304 by 90 feet, which is now ready for machinery. 675. TWC Wed May 10 1882: A sad and fatal accident occurred in Plainfield Thursday. Mrs. Daniel Danforth, residing about one-fourth of a mile east of the post office, was at work in the yard and while in the act of setting fire to some brush, the back of her dress caught fire, and got under some little headway before she discovered it. Her husband was near by, but being himself in poor condition physically was unable to render any further assistance beyond seeking for help from the neighbors. Meantime his wife had run into the house, the flames all the while making rapid headway, and when reached by neighbors was in a condition most pitiable, her clothes nearly all being burnt, the flesh itself blackened by the flame, and the poor woman suffering the most intense pain. A physician was summoned, and every effort was made to relieve her of her great suffering until about 8 oclock Friday morning, when death came to her release. Several years ago a daughter of the family was burned to death in a similar manner. 676. TWC Wed May 10 1882: The Polish Jews make poor
mill help. Those who were taken to Taftville to work in the Ponemah
mills have been sent back to New York. They did not understand a
word of English, and constantly exhibited signs of distrust and fear.
They seemed to comprehend what labor is but exhibited a disinclination
to become too familiar with the work. The first delegation left Norwich
for the west last Thursday evening. 677. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Cannon, the Mormon delegate expelled from Congress, has cheekily petitioned his would be colleagues to authorize the payment to him, as a delegate to the forty-seventh congress of his full salary, mileage and stationery allowance for the whole term. 678. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Lebanon. 679. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Columbia. 680. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Mansfield Center. 681. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Hebron. 682. TWC Wed May 10 1882: South Coventry. 683. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Ashford. 684. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Died. 685. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Born. 686. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Mrs. Scoville, Guiteaus sister and wife of the assassins counsel, lectured the other night in New York to an audience of about eighty persons. The lecture was mainly devoted to her brother, whom she declared insane, and to religious subjects. 687. TWC Wed May 10 1882: Some one sent two infernal machines in the shape of parcels containing explosive material to William H. Vanderbilt and Cyrus W. Field through the New York city mail; but while still in possession of the post office officials both parcels exploded, luckily, however, without doing any injury. The parcels contained gun cotton, sulphuric acid and other chemicals, and were arranged that when opened suddenly they would explode. A parcel of a similar character, intended evidently for Mr. Walling, superintendent of the New York police, was left by mistake in the basement of the house of a gentleman who lives near the superintendent and who strikingly resembles him in features. That parcel also exploded without doing any injury. 688. TWC Wed May 10 1882: All the ranches in Sulphur Springs valley, Arizona, have been burned by the marauding Apaches. 689. TWC Wed May 10 1882: To companies of the Sixth United States cavalry, commanded by Captain Tupper, have had a severe fight with the Indians in Arizona under Chief Loco. The Indians lost twelve or fifteen of their number, and the troops had one man killed and several wounded. 690. TWC Wed May 10 1882: A dispatch received at Santa Fe, New Mexico, states that a column of Mexican troops under command of Colonel Garcia met the Indians whom Colonel Forsyth had been pursuing through Arizona, killed seventy-eight of them and took thirty-three prisoners. 691. TWC Wed May 10 1882: The Indian troubles in Arizona have subsided. In the fight on the border between the Mexicans, under General Garcia, and Locos band, the Indians lost seventy-eight killed and all their stock. Loco himself was killed and thirty three Indians taken prisoners. The Mexicans loss is said to be twenty-seven killed and wounded. A careful summary shows a total of 141 whites and Mexicans killed by Indians during the outbreak, 500 head of stock killed and captured and over $75,000 worth of property destroyed. 692. TWC Wed May 10 1882: United States troops under Colonel Forsyth had a fight with the murderous Apaches in Arizona. The troops had several of their number killed and wounded, and six of the Indians were killed. 693. TWC Wed May 10 1882: It is said that if you have presence of mind enough to face a raging bull and look straight into his eyes he is powerless to do you harm. We tried this experiment once, says an agricultural contemporary, and found it worked admirably. The fierce animal tore the ground with his feet and bellowed with all his might, but something seemed to hold him back like magic, and he did us no injury. Perhaps we ought to add, in order to be correct historically, that the bull was on the other side of a fence. We never try an experiment of that kind without taking proper precautions beforehand. 694. TWC Wed May 17, 1882: About Town. 695. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Notwithstanding the backwardness of the season Mr, John Babcock of South Windham lays on our desk some stalks of rye measuring three feet in height headed out. He says that the same piece of land has produced rye of equal growth fifteen days earlier. Generally this grain is sprouted but a few inches above ground. 696. TWC Wed May 17 1882: The following persons have been elected officers of the Willimantic Reform society: President, Rev. J.L. Barlow; Vice-presidents, John Brown, J.A. Conant, J.A. Lewis; Secretary and Treasurer, George Smith; Executive Committee, Joel Fox, W.D. Pember, Thomas Aurelio; Chorister, E.F. Reed; Organist, Miss Ida Bromley. Meetings will hereafter be held every Sabbath afternoon at 5:30 instead of 5 oclock. 697. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Edward F. Hovey, formerly of this place, a celebrated rifle shot, the other day in a match made one of the best scores on record in Colorado. Out of a possible 500 points he made 431. One hundred shots were fired at a two hundred yard range, off-hand, with a Winchester rifle. Nick Williams, the champion shot of the Pacific slope, in his recent match with John P. Lower, made the same score. 699. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Wm. H. Yeomans has been appointed superintendent of the Housatonic R.R., and assumed charge of it May 15th. He was for a long time connected with the old H.P. & F.R.R., in various capacities and afterwards was for a number of years superintendent of the Connecticut Western R.R. Mr. Yeomans is well known in this part of the state as a first-class railroad man and we are glad to learn that he is now to have a chance to run a first class railroad. 700. TWC Wed May 17 1882: The court of burgesses at their meeting Monday evening, voted to lay out the extension of Church street and a street running northerly from Prospect between the premises of C.B. Pomeroy and Edwin Bugbee and also to lay out Summit street east from Chestnut street to the extension of Church street, and that all the specification to be presented to a borough meeting for approval. Thomas Crandall was appointed a special constable. Paid D.S. Billings, $10. 701. TWC Wed May 17 1882: The directors of the Willimantic Linen company on Saturday elected Colonel William E. Barrows to the office of president, made vacant by the death of Deacon Thomas Smith, and have chosen Colonel Lucius A. Barbour of Hartford to the office of treasurer. The presidents position is made an active one, and Colonel Barrows with it retains the place of general manager which he has held for the past six years. Col. Barbour, the new treasurer, is a well known Hartford gentleman of excellent business qualifications and experience, and largely interested in the company. 702. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Real estate has been unusually active during the past month. Dr. J.D. Bentley has bought a building lot of Mrs. Jane Holland, 119x130 feet dimensions located on the proposed extension of Church street north of Prospect and adjoining lands of A.J. Bowen. He is having plans prepared and it is expected will erect a house this season. A.J. Bowen Esq., has purchased a tract of land lying just outside the borough limits on High street from Geo. E. Snow. Sarah A. Carey has bought of John S. Smith a parcel of land located near the latters homestead. Henry P. Potter has bought an area of land lying on the Willimantic river beyond the Windham companys property. Lincoln & Boss have disposed of a house and lot to Frank Lincoln at the corner of Spruce and Prospect streets and also a house and lot located on Spruce street to Margaret Carroll. The sale of the William Johnson place in Windham Centre by Harlow H. Holmes, Jr., has been made to Chauncey H. Wilson. 703. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Prof. J.J. Kennedy has fitted up rooms at his residence on North street near Main, for the purpose of teaching piano, organ and voice, private singing classes, etc. Mr. Kennedy is too well known as a successful music teacher to need any praise from us. His professional card appears in another column. 704. TWC Wed May 17 1882: The system of telephone wires is being stretched over the town to about thirty subscribers. Should the telephone come into very general use it will be of much convenience, and especially as the outlying villages may be connected. The central office will be at the rear of H.E. Remington & Cos store in Bills block. 705. TWC Wed May 17 1882: A pleasant matrimonial event which will be of interest to a large circle of friends and acquaintances in this village is the marriage of Miss Ednah V. Snow to Mr. E.S. Coggins, which occurred today (Wednesday) at the residence of the brides mother in Meriden. The happy young couple go on a wedding tour through the wilds of Maine. They will carry with them through lifes career the wish of a large circle of friends, in this section, that their happiness shall be unadulterated. The bridegroom holds the responsible position of assistant superintendent of the Bradley & Hubbard Manufacturing Co., and is one of Meridens best young men. 706. TWC Wed May 17 1882: The post office was entered by burglars last Friday night and the cash drawer robbed of its contents of money, amounting to from four to eight dollars. Admission was gained by prying a rear window up with a coal shovel obtained at Postmasters Waldens woodhouse, and in that way breaking the fastenings. In the search for valuables they neglected to take a package of stamps from the money drawer but it seems were contented to take cash and letters. They took, as near as Mr. Brown can judge, about one hundred letters including forty-eight that were advertised. The remainder were mostly those beginning with the letter S and consisting mainly of the names Shea and Sullivan. No well founded clue has yet been obtained as to the identity of the thieves but suspicion rests upon some local notables who are known principally by their lawlessness. No previous burglarious attempts have ever been made at the post office in this place during its twenty years occupancy of the present building. All reasonable precaution has been taken by Postmaster Walden since the recent occurrence to insure safety against future attacks. The windows have been provided with strong iron screens which will be kept in place by bars of iron and hereafter a light will be left burning. 707. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Superior Court.The Superior Court came in at Brooklyn on Tuesday, Judge Hovey presiding. Prayer was offered by the Rev. Mr. Jarvis. At a meeting of the members of the bar a unanimous request was made to States Attorney Penrose that the liquor cases be continued;--those from Willimantic and vicinity to be tried at Willimantic at the August term and those from the other end of the county at Brooklyn in November. Owing to the extremely crowded state of the civil docket the states attorney acceded to the bar request. The case of Whitaker vs. Tatem, for false imprisonment, was begun to the jury on Tuesday afternoon. Thirteen other cases are marked for trial to the jury, and one hundred and thirteen to the court. At the bar meeting held after the opening of the court, the following officers of the Bar association were elected to hold office the coming year: President, John J. Penrose; vice-president, Gilbert W. Phillips; clerk, E.L. Cundall; examining committee, Charles E. Searls, M.A. Shumway and J.M. Hall. 708. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Reunion of the Twenty First.The annual reunion of the veterans of the Twenty First regiment, C.V., occurred in this village yesterday. The day, in weather was one of the best, and brought in the old veterans from every direction. The attendance was in excess of that for many years previous, and numbered about one hundred and twenty-five. The officers elected for the ensuing year are President, J.B. Baldwin, of this place, Vice Presidents, John L. Hill, of Norwich, A.G. Olmstead of East Hampton, and Robert A. Gray of Groton; Quartermaster, W.B. Avery, of this place; Chaplain, Rev. T.G. Brown, of East Hampton; Historian, Capt. A.W. Crane, West Boylston, Mass.; Surgeon, J. Hamilton Lee; Sec. And Treas. J.A. Brown, of Mount Hope. A number of deaths have occurred during the past year, and the realization came vividly to the minds of the veterans that their ranks were fast depleting. George D. Rowell, company A, Wm. H. Wright and Samuel Snow, company B, Henry Gray, company D, and Phillip B. Gray, company C were reported deceased. 709. TWC Wed May 17 1882: One of the Storrs trustees reckons the next and perhaps the most valuable lesson of all at the Mansfield schoolprovided it is taken with good humorshould be a practical study of economy and the art of keeping farm expenses within the farm income. They say some of the students have been smart enough to make their labor bills overlap their bills for tuition and board. In order to expend the amount of money which the state contributes to the maintenance of that school we should think it necessary as the surest way of accomplishing any good to distribute most of it among the pupils especially as there are but nine students desirous of becoming educated farmers. We should be glad to see the institution successful but there is no energy nor enterprise in the management and success is therefore out of question. The positions which were created have been filled by a drove of politiciansexcepting perhaps the tutorswho know as little about farming as it is possible to know. 710. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Mansfield Center. A Question
of Guardianship. 711. TWC Wed May 17 1882: North Windham. 712. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Andover. 713. TWC Wed May 17 1882: It is stated that Guiteaus book, The Truth and the Removal, fails to sell. It has been on sale at the hotel stands in Washington for some time, and few if any copies have been sold. The book is a small paper-covered volume, and is the merest trash. It consists chiefly of the republican of the various essays and lectures written at various times by the assassin. The second part is entirely made up of newspaper clippings, his speech as made in court and published at the time, and copies of letters received by him, mostly from crazy people apparently. There are not a half-dozen pages of original matter written since the assassination of the President, and these are chiefly devoted to abuse of the newspapers of the country, whose editors he styles cranks. 714. TWC Wed May 17 1882: A Holland Colonization Society has bought lands in Dakota, on which they expect to settle within the coming two years twelve thousand Holland families. 715. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Columbia. 716. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Public Auction.In pursuant of an order of the Probate Court for the District of Windham to me directed as the Administrator of the estate of Olmsted B. Smith late of Windham in said district deceased, I will sell at public auction On Saturday, June 17th, 1882, at 2 oclock p.m., all interest in the real estate belonging to O.B. Smith, consisting of the mill situated at the corner of Church and Valley streets, Willimantic, and all personal property belonging to said estate, consisting of shafting, pulleys, belting, etc. Sale to take place on the premises. George C. Martin, Administrator. Willimantic, May 15th, 1882. 717. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Woodstock. 718. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Canterbury. 720. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Westford. 721. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Chaplin. 722. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Warrenville. 723. TWC Wed May 17 1882: South Coventry. 724. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Hebron. 725. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Married. 726. TWC Wed May 17 1882: There is trouble in the Scoville family, relatives of Guiteau. Mrs. Guiteau, sister of the assassin, lectured in New York to a small house. She attempted to repeat the lecture, but was restrained through the courts by her husband, who had come on from Chicago. His petition sets for the that George Scoville, temporarily residing in New York, shows that his wife Frances M. Scoville, is illegally detained and restrained of her liberty by her brother, John W. Guiteau, and your petitioner further says that since the late trial of her brother, Charles J. Guiteau, in Washington, his wife has shown strong evidence of mental disturbance, which has been increased by persons who have attempted to make use of her for purposes of gain and notoriety. 727. TWC Wed May 17 1882: Mr. and Mrs. Scoville, who have been having considerable trouble in New York through the efforts of the former to prevent his wife from lecturing, met in Chicago and had a reconciliation. 728. TWC Wed May 24 1882: About Town. 729. TWC Wed May 24 1882: D. Shirtliff & Co., have re-opened the old carriage shop at Conantville and will carry on the business of carriage and house painting and paper hanging. 730. TWC Wed May 24 1882: J.D. Willis carries a large stock of wood, coal and kindlings which he sells at the lowest price. All orders are promptly attended to. 731. TWC Wed May 24 1882: The railroad company seems to be in no hurry to comply with the orders of the Commissioners that gates be constructed at Union and Main streets crossings. 732. TWC Wed May 24 1882: The O.B. Smith property at the corner of Valley and Church streets will be sold at public auction by the administrator, Geo. C. Martin, on Saturday, the 17th of June. 733. TWC Wed May 24 1882: A handsome collection of twenty trout adorned the window of J.W. Webbs meat market Saturday. They were the catch of Messrs. J.B. Baldwin, J.W. Webb and H. L. Edgarton. 734. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Portraits of the dramatic company, neatly framed in a group, which has been under the instruction of Mr. John Crawford at Jewett City have been on exhibition in O.A. Sessions window. 735. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Louis Hahn of Hartford, formerly of Willimantic will said from New York today on the steamer Elbe, for Europe, and will be absent two months and a half, the trip being for business and pleasure combined. 736. TWC Wed May 24 1882: E.F. Casey who is now sole proprietor of the Boston furniture store is putting in a larger stock of furniture of every description and the low price he names is giving universal satisfaction. Give him a call and get the bargains. 737. TWC Wed May 24 1882: The executive committee of the Willimantic camp meeting association have fixed the time for the annual meeting, which is to commence Monday august 21st, and close Tuesday August 29th. Committees appointed are as follows: On Railroads, the Rev. Walter Ela; on printing, U.S. Gardner; on straw and lumber, J.D. Wilson; on police, U.S. Gardner and Gordon; collecting ground rent, S.S. Talcott; on boarding, U.S. Gardner and D.L. Brown, David Gordon; on locating, E.H. Hall, R.R. Latimer and S.S. Talcott; on music, H.K. Wilson. 738. TWC Wed May 24 1882: James Gallivan, a thirteen-year-old lad living in the Smithville companys stone row, was severely burned Sunday evening. A number of urchins were amusing themselves with kicking around a can filled with kerosene which they had ignited. It came in contact with this boy and the flames caught his clothing below the knee and quickly ascended to his body. But for the presence of mind of one of the lads who used his coat to extinguish the fire, the accident would have ended fatally. Dr. McNally was called and rendered medical assistance in alleviating the intense suffering of the boy. 739. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Parties along the line of proposed street from Valley to Milk were before the court of burgesses Monday evening to state the amount of damage they would sustain by the construction of the proposed street. Michael Nelligen claims $800; Phillip Dwyer, $400; Williams heirs, $450. Chief Engineer Bidwell of the New York and New England railroad was present, and demanded an annuity of $675, claiming that it would entail that amount of expense upon his company to maintain gates or a flagman at the Milk street crossing. The only other business which came before the board was a motion to direct the street sprinkler to skip cross walks in watering the streets. 740. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Orrin Fuller, a brakeman on a local freight of the Northern railroad, was killed instantly about 1 p.m. Wednesday. The south bound train was approaching cemetery bridge, half a mile above Norwich Falls, when Fuller, who was breaking on the car next to the engine, was ascending the iron ladder with his back towards the bridge. Conductor Curley saw the mans danger and shouted to him, but before he could realize the meaning of the warning he was struck on the back of the head and thrown to the track. Alonzo Hill was the first person to reach the body, and he found the neck broken and no pulse, so that death must have been instantaneous. The remains were taken on board the train to Norwich, when Coroner Young summoned a jury of inquest, who, after hearing the evidence, returned a verdict of accidental death, at the same time recording the fact that there is no tell tale signal provided by the railroad company at the approach to the bridge. Mr. Fuller leaves a wife and two children. He was aged 30 years and was an experienced railroad man, steady and attentive to his duties and much respected by his acquaintances. 741. TWC Wed May 24 1882: The 6:20 a.m. passenger train for Boston collided with the rear end of a freight train near Edward Taylors coal yard Monday with damage only to rolling stock. The freight train was in motion backing on to a side track to allow the passenger train to pass and the latter at this time rounded the curve at the Milk street crossing at full speed. Apparently there was sufficient distance to stop the train and avoid the accident but the train struck at rapid speed. The caboose of the freight was totally wrecked and set afire and a car smashed. The engine of the passenger train lost its smoke stack and had its front badly battered. 742. TWC Wed May 24 1882: William Connell was drowned in the canal of Thread mill No. 3 Saturday night and the body was discovered Sunday about noon by Thomas Ashton and others strolling in that vicinity. Their attention was attracted to a bag floating and when fishing it out the man was found in nearly an upright position under water. The bag contained a harness and a jug. He was taken out and a jury of inquest was immediately impaneled, who viewed the body and took what testimony was at hand and rendered a verdict of accidental drowning. Connell was a farmer, seventy five years of age, and resided in the vicinity of the camp ground. It is said that late Saturday night he was seen hunting for his team which he claimed somebody had stolen and it is supposed he wandered down to the sluice and fell in. The team was found Sunday hitched on a back street in the lower village. 743. TWC Wed May 24 1882: The Drinking Fountain.The
committee appointed at a borough meeting last December consisting
of G.W. Burnham, Allen Lincoln, deceased, and E.E. Burnham, to
whom was referred the proposition of Dr. Coggswell of San Francisco,
Cal., to give to the borough a drinking fountain, have had the matter
under consideration and will, at the borough meeting Friday submit
the following report: After voluminous correspondence with
Dr. Coggswell his final proposition with a photograph accompanying
the same is in substance as follows, viz: That he will ship to us,
free of cost, the fountain and send a competent person to take charge
of its erection and arrange the refrigerator placed at its base.
A lantern of colored glass is also furnished for the top at its actual
cost by the borough. If received by the borough it will be encumbent
upon them to furnish a suitable location, keep the lantern lighted,
furnish good spring water and ice during the warm weather; and should
the borough fail or neglect to provide as above the fountain would
not remain a gift but revert to its original owner or heirs. It is
supposed by the committee that the fountain will only be used to
slake the thirst of people and dogs. An inaccurate estimate of setting
the fountain may be $75 to $100, including concreting or paving about
it. Arrangements may be made with Mr. John Hooper to take water from
his spring at a cost of about $400.00, and $25.00 per year for its
use. The committee are of opinion that the most desirable location
would be in front of Dea. Cushmans store, he being perfectly
willing that it should be thus located. Dr. Coggswell two years ago
gave a drinking fountain to Pawtucket, R.I., which one of the committee
has been to see to form an opinion from what may be thought of theirs
by them relative to accepting the one now offered us. The committee
found that the prevailing sentiment was in favor of the fountain,
yet being placed in a very unsatisfactory location, from which they
contemplate soon to remove. The fountain at Pawtucket is valued at
about $3,500, its height about 20 feet, mounted with a stork
6 feet high, and would present quite an imposing appearance if placed
upon an eminence. It has been said that the Doctor had ulterior motives
in his gifts of drinking fountains but we think that is a mistake. The
Pawtucket people think they know that is not the fact, no refrigerator
having been placed in their fountain. The Doctor is an enthusiastic cold
water man and would almost consent to give a fountain to effect the reformation
of any young man from the use of Alcohol. We have no right to distrust
the motive of a gift if we find attending it beauty and utility. We would
say that our esteemed fellow citizen, Allen Lincoln, was a member of
the committee and it is just to say that he favored the project and was
active in the duties attending it. The balance of the committee are not
enthusiastic over the project but are of the opinion if Dr. Coggswell
would be willing to give the borough time for providing water for the
fountain under more favorable conditions than we now have at hand that
we should favor its acceptance, therefore we bet leave to offer the following
resolution. 744. TWC Wed May 24 1882: South Windham. 745. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Mansfield. 746. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Eastford. 748. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Lebanon. 750. TWC Wed May 24 1882: The Putnam Patriot with last
weeks issue went into the hands of a new proprietor. Mr. A.W. McDonald
a New York journalist formerly connected with the Scientific American
will hereafter be at the helm. Mr. E.C. Stone, who founded the paper
some ten years ago, has purchased a printing establishment in Worcester
and will soon take up his residence in that city. He has made the
Patriot successful in a business way and able as a local newspaper.
We extend a fraternal hand to our new journalistic neighbor. 751. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Danielsonville has taken stock in the telephone quite liberally. Thirty subscribers have been secured and the office will be in the store of Warden Dowe. Lighted onights and talking by wire all in the same month have reversed her usual actions of going carefully and slow. 752. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Rev. James Dingwell, the scholarly pastor of the Congregational church, delivers the memorial oration in Danielsonville on Decoration day. 753. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Sabin L. Sayles & Co., are building a large woolen mill at Dayville. 754. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Nathan W. Kennedy contemplates establishing a paper in Dayville which will be called The Sunbeam. 755. TWC Wed May 24 1882: A young man named Tatro, living in Danielsonville, who has been employed in L. Wordens livery stable, while walking a plank in the loft of the carriage department of the barn, last Tuesday morning, fell to the concrete pavement, a distance of about 18 feet. His skull was fractured and he remained unconscious until the following day when he died. 756. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Agent Griggs, of Grosvernordale, this county, is much pleased with his new Swedish help. Over 125 arrived at the North village recently, and entered the big mill at once. The young women are said to be rather prepossessing. 757. TWC Wed May 24 1882: The Hon. L.H. Fuller will deliver the oration on Memorial day before Warner post 54, G.A.B, Putnam. 758. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Strike in Rockville. The strike of the weavers in the Rockville woolen mills became general on Saturday, when the Rock weavers quit work. The strike includes all the woolen mills, save the Springville and Windemere, which latter concern is just over the line in Ellington. Over 300 weavers are in the movement for an advance of wages. If it does not end soon the American, the Rock, the Gingham, the New England, the Hockanum, and the Saxony mills will be idle and a large number of operatives he enjoying the delights of enforced idleness. There are indications that the complications arising out of the strike will break up the mutual agreements heretofore kept up by the mill owners in regard to a scale of prices. It is reported that the agents at the Rock and the American are to secede from the arrangement and go it alone. Thus far the strikers have been orderly, and one or two mills agents show a disposition to arrange matters. At the Rock mill the tariff for the weavers has been adjusted to meet the present difficulty, but they want as much as 10 per cent advance to satisfy them. There is little excitement and save the silent looms and crowds strolling about the streets, there is nothing to indicate that a strike had occurred. About 1,000 persons are out of work today. 759. TWC Wed May 24 1882: To the Board of County Commissioners
for Windham County. I hereby apply for a license to sell Lager Beer,
Rhine Wine and cider, at the railroad Passenger depot building on
Depot street in borough of Willimantic, in the town of Windham. My
place of business is not located within 200 feet in a direct line
of a church edifice or public school house. Dated at Windham this
22d day of May A.D., 1882 Hastings &
Handall. 760. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Stafford Springs. 761. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Columbia. 762. TWC Wed May 24 1882: East Willington. 763. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Baltic. 764. TWC Wed May 24 1882: Died. 765. TWC Wed May 24 1882: [Eastern Star Lodge mention of death of Bro. Thomas Turner,] signed by John G. Keigwin, Silas F. Loomer, E.T. Hamlin, Committee. G.F. Tilden, Secretary. 766. TWC Wed May 24 1882: [Notice to legal voters of the borough of Willimantic to meet to take action on borough changes] Lloyd E. Baldwin, Warden. E.A. Buck, C.E. Congdon, Hyde Kingsley, Geo. B. McCracken, Samuel J. Miller, A.E. Clarke, burgesses of the borough of Willimantic. 767. TWC Wed May 31 1882: About Town. 769. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Pastor McBurney, of the Methodist church, has been granted a three weeks vacation and is visiting his parents in Philadelphia. Rev. Mr. Free supplied the Methodist pulpit Sunday. 770. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Rev. H.L. Reade is expected to preach at North Windham next Sunday afternoon at 2 oclock in exchange with Rev. K.B. Glidden. He will preach at Mansfield Center Sabbath morning and evening. 771. TWC Wed May 31 1882: The telephone exchange is in partial operation and has already been instrumental in making material about which wild stories are told. Be circumspect in the use of language when talking through the central office. 772. TWC Wed May 31 1882: J.D. Brown, has received the appointment of station agent, vice W.H. Bolander, resigned, and leaves a similar position in Rockville tomorrow. Mr. Bolander goes to New York in the employ of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad. 773. TWC Wed May 31 1882: The dry goods department of the Linen companys store has been discontinued. The Chronicle mentioned a short time since that such a change was contemplated. The apartment occupied by the millinery store has been converted into an office for the president, Col. W.E. Barrows. 774. TWC Wed May 31 1882: The Boston Journal of Commerce says: W.G. & A.R. Morrison, manufacturers of silk and thread machinery, Willimantic, are filling an order for thread machinery for a large thread mill at Paisley, Scotland. Machinery made by this firm is in use in nearly every silk and thread mill in this country. 775. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Warden Baldwin has received a communication from Pinkertons detective agency notifying the borough authorities that a special delegation from his force is employed to protect the crowd of unwary people who visit Barnums circus and menagerie against pickpockets and other thieves, and inviting the local authorities to co-operate. 776. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Gardner & Pearce, silk manufacturers at Conantville are connected by telephone with this village. 777. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Holmes & Walden will have salmon and butterfish Saturday and also an abundance of shad. 778. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Mr. Arnold Warner, of South Coventry, has an announcement in another column relative to the Walter A. Wood mowing machine and other farm machinery. 779. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Conductor Warner A. Marsh, for 23 years past in the employ of what is now the New York & New England railroad company, is to assume the position of station master at Boston tomorrow. He will have charge of the trains and trainmen, and his whole attention will be confined to that service, running no more trains. Mr. Marsh has a large circle of friends over the entire line of this road, who are pleased to hear of his promotion, although they will regret to miss his pleasant face and genial ways. Two other railroad companies tried hard to secure his services. He is one of the most efficient men on the road, having begun at the lowest place and worked his way up. 780. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Mrs. Martha Wheeler, aged eighty-six, the mother of J.D. Wheeler, of this place, fell into a cellar-way at the house of her nephew, Policeman F.R. Hill, of Norwich, with whom she is visiting, and broke her right leg above the knee, Sunday morning. Mrs. Hill had just been to the cellar-way for some household utensil and, fearing that Mrs. Wheeler might mistake the door, as it led from the sitting room, cautioned her against going there as it led to the cellar. Mrs. Wheeler did not understand the caution, and thinking the door led to a closet, stepped into the cellar-way with the above result. The limb was promptly set and Mrs. Wheeler is as comfortable as could be expected. 781. TWC Wed May 31 1882: A case attracting more than ordinary attention in the Superior Court last week was Charles W. Weld vs Charles B. Pomeroy for an action of trespass. To all appearances the plaintiff sought to obtain judgement by evidence that they had concocted. In September, 1880, Deputy Sheriff Pomeroy, of this place, attached, at the suit of Buck & Dawley, a lot of wood and lumber in Eastfordthey having a short time before that sold the same to Wm. Edwards Sons of Southbridgeand Buck & Dawley having obtained judgement on their claim the property was sold at sheriffs sale. The plaintiff, Weld, claimed that before Buck & Dawleys attachment he had bought the property of Wm. Edwards Sons. The defendant claimed that the sale from Wm. Edwards Sons to Weld was fraudulent and further that Weld did not take possession of the property. After a very able and lucid charge from Judge Hovey the jury retired and agreed upon a verdict for the defendant, but before they had brought in the verdict, the plaintiff, probably anticipating the verdict, withdrew his action. Phillips, Bartholomew and Seward for plaintiff; Penrose and Sumner for defendant. 782. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Mansfield Center. 783. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Scotland. 784. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Intelligence comes this morning that Putnam has suffered the devastations of another extensive conflagration which will aggregate a loss of nearly $75,0000. [sic] The fire caught in Bugbee block about 2 oclock, and spread to Commercial block, both of which were totally destroyed. In the former was located the post office, Patriot office, Union hall, five stores and a number of private offices and was the most imposing building in the town. The latter, a large wooden building, was occupied by a hotel and stores. Nobody was seriously injured. It will be a destructive blow to Putnam, as she had hardly fuller recovered from the burning of her entire business portion. The origin of the fire is said to be incendiary. 785. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Monday, May 22d, Mr. Rawson, the depot master at Hampton, received a basket from Wrentham, Mass., containing eleven carrier pigeons, with a card affixed requesting him to set them free on some hill. He did so, when the started north-east as far as Apaquag then returning to the same place started again north, as far as Bigelow and back to the same place, then they took a perfectly straight line towards Boston and passed out of sight. At each time of starting they flew around in circles before rising very high into the air, and seemed to be surveying the country. They kept together at each trial and passed out of sight together. 786. TWC Wed May 31 1882: A new and magnificent hotel, the property of Dr. Levi Wilson, was dedicated last week at Uxbridge, Mass. The papers in that section speak in glowing terms of the event and in complimentary terms of the owner as a benefactor of that prosperous village. It has been leased by James Barker, a Connecticut hotel man of considerable note, and Mr. Frank E. Greenslit, the amiable brother of Editor Greenslit, has been engaged as clerk. 787. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Edward H. Wheeler of New London, has secured from the town of South Coventry damages amounting to $2,350 for having fallen through a defective bridge in that town some time since. 788. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Putnam recently established a system of street lights and at the time her newspaper correspondents were unstinted in their praises of the towns action in effecting the improvement. Particular pains were observed in the selection of lamps, and a style was adopted which burned kerosene and was handsomer than the rest. It turns out that they are not entirely satisfactory, as they require much labor to keep them in order and burn poorly. 789. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Memorial services were held in all of the churches in Putnam on Sunday. The Grand Army attended divine services at the Methodist church, Rev. J. Tregaskis officiating. 790. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Ambushed by Apaches. 791. TWC Wed May 31 1882: North Windham. 792. TWC Wed May 31 1882: South Coventry. 793. TWC Wed May 31 1882: South Windham. 794. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Married. 795. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Died. 796. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Mowing Machines, Wheel Rakes, &c. The Walter A. Woods Enclosed Gear Mowers, the Yankee and the Field Rakes. The most durable and the best operating machines in market. Circulars by mail. Address Arnold Warren, Agent. South Coventry, Conn. 797. TWC Wed May 31 1882: At a Court of Probate Holden at Ashford within and for the district of Ashford, on the 20th day of May, A.D. 1882. Present Davis A. Baker, Esq., Judge. On motion of Elisha D. Grant, Administrator, with the will annexed on the deceased Estate of Francis L. Fitts, late of Ashford within said district, deceased. This court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the Administrator and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic, and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said Town of Ashford nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record, Davis A. Baker, Judge. 798. TWC Wed May 31 1882: At a Court of Probate Holden at Mansfield, within and for the district of Mansfield, on the 29th day of May, A.D. 1882. Present Isaac P. Fenton, Esq, Judge. On motion of Ralph W. Storrs, Administrator on the estate of Nancy S. Boynton late of Mansfield, within said district, deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the Administrator, and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic, and by posting a copy thereof on the public signpost in said Town of Mansfield nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record, Isaac P. Fenton, Judge. 799. TWC Wed May 31 1882: To the Board of County Commissioners
for Windham County. We hereby apply for a license to sell spirituous
and intoxicating liquors, Ale, Lager Beer, Rhine Wine and Cider,
at the west store of Commercial block, No. 9 Main street, Willimantic,
Town of Windham. Our place of business is located about 100 feet
in a direct line from a church edifice. Dated at Windham this 15th
day of May, A.D. 1882. W.S. Hunn, A.S. Turner. 800. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Danielsonville. 801. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Woodstock. 802. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Canterbury. 803. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Lebanon. 804. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Columbia. 805. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Andover. 806. TWC Wed May 31 1882: Guiteau has written another letter asserting that he is in the protection of the Almighty, and that if he is hanged a judgment will fall on this country. |
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