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The Willimantic Chronicle - Year of 1881

Published every Wednesday.

McDonald & Safford, Editors and Publishers.
Office, Hall's Block, Main & Union Sts.
$1.50 per year.

Wed Mar 2 1881: About Town.
Huber Clark, Esq. has gone to Chicago on business relating to the Otis estate.
Dr. Church has copies of the New Methodist Discipline for sale.
H.C. Hall, grocer, offers to rent his building and tenement on Union street.
Mr. F.H. Stickney, formerly editor of and publisher of the Rockville Journal has opened a bank in Longmount, Col.
The complimentary social, given for the benefit of Geo. L. Wheeler, netted a sum which made George happy. The music by Rollinson's full orchestra was beautiful.

224. Wed Mar 2 1881: C.H. Dimmick, tonsorial artist, has engaged the services of Walter Plumbley well known in this vicinity as a first class barber, and will hereafter run three chairs to accommodate his trade.

225. Wed Mar 2 1881: We publish in another column a touching obituary on the death of Charles P. Bidwell, of South Coventry, from the pen of Mrs. Maria A. Barber, editress of the Coventry Register.

226. Wed Mar 2 1881: John Dunham invites attention to his large stock of fresh vegetables and other eatables.

227. Wed Mar 2 1881: Captain Charles T. Baker, well known here, and late of the army, died in New York on Monday at the age of 61 years. He will be buried in Windham, his native place.

228. Wed Mar 2 1881: C.N. Andrew has lost his shepherd dog and offers a liberal reward for his return. He answers to the name of Rover.

229. Wed Mar 2 1881: John C. Bowers of Willington Center will sell his farm, stock, hay, farming tools, household furniture, etc. at auction on Thursday, March 24th at 10 o'clock a.m., rain or shine.

230. Wed Mar 2 1881: Charles Brown, a yard man in the employ of the Northern road at New London, had an arm crushed while coupling cars Wednesday evening. The limb was amputated by Dr. Carlton.

231. Wed Mar 2 1881: Rev. C.C. Lasby of the North Methodist church Hartford, preached in town last Sabbath in exchange with Rev. Dr. Church.

232. Wed Mar 2 1881: The widow of the late Dr. W.H. Otis, who resides in Springfield, has signified her intention to contest the will of the deceased doctor.

233. Wed Mar 2 1881: The floating ice and high water are a source of inconvenience to the mills. The Windham Co's. mills were obliged to stop on Monday on account of anchor ice, and the Smithville mills stopped on Tuesday on account of back water.

234. Wed Mar 2 1881: It seems that Danielsonville and Brooklyn have become incensed at the course Putnam has taken in the court house matter, and it is now understood that these favor giving Willimantic just what she asks for. An emissary was sent from Brooklyn to convey this intelligence, and our Danielsonville Correspondent makes the same statement.

235. Wed Mar 2 1881: A free exhibition in athletic sports given by the Willimantic Athletic Club, at their rooms on Saturday evening, called out a large attendance, ad had it been generally known the hall would have been crowded. The exercises, though not so extended, were after the programme carried out by them in former exhibitions. Among the more interesting features of the evening was the five mile walk which was won by Fred Sanderson, in forty-five minutes seven seconds, and the tug of war between teams under the charge of John S. Walden and Henry L. Lincoln, the latter winning.

236. Wed Mar 2 1881: Henry F. Parker, of South Coventry, was driving up Railroad street on Monday, when his horse suddenly started detaching the seat from its fastenings, and throwing Mr. Parker out. The horse took advantage of the accident and started into a run, and about the time he had reached Main street, his gait was anything but slow. A case of rubbers in the wagon, was scattered over the street, and into the mud, which constituted the only damage.

237. Wed Mar 2 1881: John Hamlin, formerly of this place, and at present located in the practice of law at Thompsonville, has sued Lawyer Halliday for libel, alleging that that gentleman is the author of certain scurrilous articles which have appeared about him in a Hartford Sunday paper. According to the progress the two gentlemen are making with the legal papers it is believed that they will learn something about law before they get through with the case. Lawyer Halliday of course, asserts that he was not the author of the items in question. This correspondent, whoever he is, is also taking great liberties with the names of reputable young ladies in the village and whenever his identity is fully established, Thompsonville will be altogether too hot a place to hold him.

238. Wed Mar 2 1881: The Willimantic Farmer's Club held their annual meeting for choice of officers Saturday afternoon, 26th inst. Mr. Jared H. Stearns (Mansfield's representative in the legislature) was elected President, George L. Rosebrooks of Mansfield, Philo Burgess of Lebanon, Arnold Warren of Coventry were elected vice-presidents, N.P. Perkins Secretary and Treasurer, Bradford Larkin assistant Secretary and treas. A vote of thanks was extended to the retiring officers and the club adjourned to meet with N.P. Perkins, Pleasant Valley, Tuesday evening march 15th, to discuss the subject of sorghum raising and its manufacture into syrup. We hope to see the club flourish like a "green bay tree" the coming year, and awaken the farmers in all the surrounding country to take a more lively interest in scientific farming. The new officers elect are among the most enterprising and thrifty farmers in this section.

239. Wed Mar 2 1881: That part of our neighborhood called Pleasant Valley has a great attraction for the Perkins family. Here on what was once dignified by the classic title of Pudding Lane is the farm which was settled by a Perkins and has been in the same line for five generations, Samuel, Daniel, Benjamin, and the two daughters, Elizabeth Humphry and Jane Andrews still have a home on the homestead. At the house of the last named, there was a delightful gathering Monday evening to celebrate the 15th anniversary of her marriage with Charles N. Andrews. The neighbors in goodly array were re-enforced by the company of George Robinson, wife and daughter, George Deming and the Misses Cooley, Spencer and Collins from Hartford, and Frank Briggs and wife from Pawtucket, all bearing presents suitable for a Crystal wedding, till the cottage was filled with good company, lively cheer and lovely gifts; the more noticeable of which were an elegant hat tree, fruit stand, flower vases, pickle dishes, mirrors, etc. The wedding ceremony, with fitting speeches, social chat and sallies of wit and repartee seasoned with an excellent supper made one of the happiest of times in spite of the rain and mud which kept many of their friends away. The adieus spoken at a late hour were mingled with hearty wishes for the future good of their hosts.

240. Wed Mar 2 1881: South Windham.
The injuries sustained by the covered bridge at the point during the late freshet were repaired last week under the supervision of Alex. Fuller of Willimantic. The bridge has been built some twenty-six years and with the exception of the floor, which is frequently replaced, is in just as good condition as when first erected to all appearance. During this period Manning's bridge has been carried away several times and is always more or less injured by a large freshet. All of which goes to show that if it is ever to be rebuilt it will be good policy for the town to put one there to stay, at least till people find there is a bridge there.
The schools in this district close this week for a short vacation, I think two weeks. Mr. Butler and Miss Goodwin are to continue during the remainder of the year.
I am told that since my last writing the owners have decided not to build the saw mill I mentioned because of the obstacle thrown in the way by Mr. Hewitt, and further that the logs are to be taken to New London and sawed there. Should this information be correct time will prove it.

241. Wed Mar 2 1881: South Coventry.
The Ripley homestead on Ripley Hill has been purchased by the Hon. Chauncey Howard, and it is rumored that the buildings will be repaired, the grounds cleared and beautiful and the place used as a summer residence.
Several accidents have recently happened to our village people. A short time since Arthur Washburne was thrown from a horse and severely bruised. Later Frank Parker met with a very similar accident, the horse falling and breaking the ligaments of one of the young gentleman's ankles. On Monday H.F. Parker and Charles Kolb took a little trip to Willimantic in a business wagon. Mr. Parker while driving on Railroad street took too short a turn and the wagon seat not being properly secured he was thrown out, badly bruising and spraining his arm and hand. The horse continued his journey up Main street sowing broadcast a stock of rubber shoes which Mr. Kolb had just purchased and deposited in the wagon. The horse having passed the excited crowds, stopped for a drink of water and was captured without having done any damage. Mr. Kolb succeeded in capturing all except one pair of his rubbers, and the gentlemen returned home at once, and were greeted with the inquiry, "Charley have you scooped up all your rubbers," which was the first intimation they had received that there was a telegraph line running between Coventry and Willimantic.
Wm. F. Sweet of the firm of Hammond & Sweet of this village, has purchased the store belonging to Walter A. Loomis, and now occupied by Levi A. Hall, and will, it is said, remove his business there while Mr. Hall will occupy the store now held by Messrs. Hammond & Sweet, or open a store at some other location in the village.
Spelling schools have become the rage. The first was held on Friday evening Feb. 18th, in the M.E. church vestry. There was a good attendance. First there was oral spelling, and then any who had spelled orally were allowed to compete for a prize--a copy of Webster's Unabridged--by writing 100 selected words. Mrs. Wm. A. Lathrop proved the champion "spellist" of the evening and captured the dictionary, which is, we are informed, not the first prize she has won in like contests. On Wednesday evening Feb. 23d, our orthographists again assembled, another "Unabridged" having been provided to re-arouse their ambition. Miss Sarah Scott was victor, not only scouring the prize, but remaining longest on the floor in the oral exercises which followed.

242. Wed Mar 2 1881: Danielsonville.
William Ennis the owner of "Woods Hill" farm (so called) met with a disastrous loss on Friday night last, in the destruction by fire of his barn and all the live stock in it. Forty one head of cattle, six hogs and one horse were in the barn, none of them being rescued owing to the progress the fire had made when discovered. The family were awakened about midnight by the light from the burning building, too late to save anything. The loss was total there being no insurance. Mr. Ennis is a hard working, industrious farmer, and it is unfortunate that he should have neglected to provide for such an emergency.
Charles E. Woodis and Otis W. Hunt opened a skating rink in Music hall last week with fair success. We understand they intend visiting the large towns in Windham and New London counties providing sufficient patronage is given them.
Postmaster Shumway will endeavor to submit to the recent intimation by President Garfield that postmasters will not be disturbed until the expiration of their commissions. His commission has two years to run, and the evil day is afar off.
Quite a change is going on among the employees of the Attawaugan and Ballouville companies. We understand a number of them are to have situations in the new mill just completed by the Quinebaug company.
Marvin Wait Post G.A.R., of Dayville held a very successful fair last week.
Dr. Joshua Perkins is absent on a trip to Georgia and Florida. We shall miss his active form, but only for a short time, as we learn he will return in season to take part in the annual Borough elections.
The court house question still interests us, although the time is past for active participation in its settlement. The treatment which Danielsonville received from the town of Killingly, has set some of us to thinking that possibly it would have been better policy to have pooled our issues with Willimantic, and made a united effort to share the honor with her. Let the result be what it may, there is no disguising the fact that the people in the north part of the town have by their action, prepared and driven in the wedge that will eventually divide the town.

243. Wed Mar 2 1881:Rockville.
Mr. Whitlock's private school vacated during Washington's birthday. All the other schools were in running order.
The Lyon Bros. from Ashford who have been in the grocery trade here during the past year, have re-rented their store and will make Rockville their general headquarters. Another brother, who has been in charge of their Ashford store, will now engage with them at the Rockville store.
A new grocery store will be opened on Ward street this week by Benjamin Young, son of L. Young, one of our oldest and most prosperous grocers. We wish Benny much success.

244. Wed Mar 2 1881: It is rumored that the National Thread Co., located at Mansfield Hollow are to erect a large mill, 500 feet in length, the coming summer.

245. Wed Mar 2 1881: Columbia.
The Cornet Band gave their party on Wednesday evening. The middle of the day was unpleasant but before night it had become clear, although rather cold. There was a good number present and all seemed to enjoy themselves. Several selections were played by the band before dancing, which was to the music furnished by Coate's orchestra.
N.P. Little has sent off his third carload of lumber to Boston. There is greater activity in the lumber business than there has been for some time. Mr. Little's mill is well supplied with logs and still they continue to come.
Charles Holbrook is cutting and getting out the railroad ties upon a lot belonging to Addison H. Fitch. This makes the second lot that he has worked upon this winter.
Edward P. Lyman is getting lumber for the purpose of putting an addition upon the house occupied by his father, Samuel E. Lyman, as soon as the spring opens.
The Literary Association met on Friday evening. Miss Lizzie Brown gave a select reading. Miss Lizzie Brown gave a select reading, after which there was quite a spirited discussion upon the following: Resolved, that love is a stronger passion than revenge. The resolution was supported by Nathan K. Holbrook and S.B. West, and opposed by Charles E. Little, Charles F. Clark and Dr. T.R. Parker. It was decided that the resolution was sustained. That is probably all right here as so little practical demonstration of the question of any spirit of revenge in this town.
The winter term of three of the schools in this town closed last week; the South West district, Miss Edith Clark teacher on Wednesday, and Pine Street district William P. Johnson of Bozrah teacher, and West district, Albert E. Brown teacher on Friday. The two first named were somewhat interrupted y sickness which will somewhat reduce the average attendance; in the first named one death occurred during the term, in the case of Idella Lewis, on the 7th of January. We give below the roll of honor, comprising the names of those who were present every day of the term and of those who were not tardy a single day. Of those who were present every day, there were in the South West district Willie Root, Clayton Root and Ella Root; in Pine Street district Willie Bliss, Fred Ball and Howard W. Yeomans with some that had not been absent only one or two days, in the West district Katie Robinson was absent one half a day. Of those not tardy there were in the South West district Willie Root, Clayton Root, Ella Root and Addie Root; In Pine Street district, Katie Downer, Mary Clark, Georgie Downer, Amy Thompson, Veva Little, Sophia Thompson, Katie Storrs, Clarence Little, Samuel Little, Burdette W. Downer, Willie Bliss, Fred Tucker, Tressie Tucker, and Howard W. Yeomans; and in the West district Jennie M. Buck, Lillie S. Townsend, Flora E. Buck and Clara I. Thompson. In the West district prizes were given as follows: A nice volume, "The children of the Abby" to Katie Robinson for excellence in spelling in her class. A photograph album to Flora E. Buck for superior lessons having been perfect during the last month of the school. A Turkey morrocco purse, to Jennie M. Buck for excellence in spelling having missed but nine words during the term. It is a fact worth of mention that Isabel Little of the Center school has not missed a day for some six or seven terms of school; neither has Howard W. Yeomans lost a single day for five continuos terms.
Our thanks are due to W.W. Lyon and his estimable companion, to whom he was recently united, for kind remembrance in the shape of a box of excellent cake. That their days may be many and filled with unalloyed pleasure is our earnest wish.

246. Wed Mar 2 1881: Brooklyn.
The members of H.H. Hatch's dancing school held their first grand quarter ball last Tuesday eve, Feb. 22d, in the Town Hall. To the good management of the committee of arrangements, assisted by the floor managers, was due the success, and pleasure of the evening.
I understand William Clapp, a former resident some eight or nine years ago, has purchased the Baldwin place. We are glad to welcome so good a citizen back among us, although sorry to learn that Mr. Baldwin has severed the tie that would be most liable to induce him to return to Brooklyn.
Court came in Tuesday after adjourned several times. Think now we will have a short session, Judge Martin will preside.
E.L. Preston, proprietor of the Preston House, who has been quite ill, is recovering.
Mr. John Burdick, is so as to be about. Mrs. Sprague Bard and Mrs. E. Robinson are convalescent.
Rev. C.R. James, pastor for the Unitarian church in Brooklyn, Ct., has recently had printed sermon, entitled "What do Unitarians believe?" giving a concise statement of Unitarian views and methods, which will be sent to those desiring it on application as above.

247. Wed Mar 2 1881: Ashford.
A daughter of Kimm Mitchel, who works in the silk mill at Conantville, fell on the ice and broke her leg.
Mrs. Margrett Lyon is slowly recovering from fever.
Henry E. Robbins shot a fox last week and also came very near capturing a wild cat; he shot one last winter that weighed 22 pounds. This species of game is very scarce in this section.
The Lyon Brothers, who have been doing business in West Ashford, will move to Rockville where they have had a store for the past year.
John A. Murphy has been appointed trustee of the assigned estate of George W. Young.
The school in Warrenville closed last week, Miss Emily Peck teacher, Miss Peck is classed as one of our best teachers and has taught the same school for several terms with good success.
Miss Wealthy A. Slaid has been obliged to leave the silk mill of P.G. & J.S. Hanks on account of sickness.
The sociable, last Wednesday night, at the house of Clarence McLean was well attended, and a very nice time was enjoyed as there always is at his house.
There are 216 dwelling houses and 21475 acres of land in Ashford. The amount of the Grand list is $357,987.

248. Wed Mar 2 1881: Norwich.
A rink for roller skating is soon to be opened, and doctors are expecting a thrifty season. It will fill the place left vacant by the "double ripper."
A painful accident occurred to a little daughter of John Kelley, Greenville. While swinging the child was caught by a hook in the calf of the leg, where she hung until the hook tore out from the flesh when she fell to the ground.
A sabre that was once the property of Benedict Arnold is in possession of a resident of the city.

249. Wed Mar 2 1881: Thompson.
The recently published Illustrated History of New England, which has been several years in preparation, contains a sketch of Windham county from the pen of Miss E.D. Larned.

250. Wed Mar 2 1881: Montville.
O.W. Douglass has a first class roadster which he procured last week, "small boys get out of the way."
C.A. Chapman has secured the services of Mr. Elias Beckwith to assist him as clerk in the grocery business.
Rev. D. Moses has begun to engage in the insurance business. May he find it congenial and remunerative.
A.M. Etheridge has disposed of his livery stable to Mr. John A. Coggshall of Uncasville.
Mr. Calvin Beebe has straightened matters in the Chesterfield school district, Calvin is the "boss."
Prof. J.C. Watts has secured the services of Thomas Street to paint the dwelling he is soon to occupy.
Mr. James Sheridan lately found a gold watch belonging to another man in his pocket, James returned the watch to the owner. Honesty is the best policy, Jame's reputation is now unexcelled.
Mr. Jeff Butler is monarch of all he surveys on the pinnacle, having erected a mansion suited to his taste. He presents a fine study for all who admire primitive man.

251. Wed Mar 2 1881: Died.
Stone--In South Coventry, Feb. 25th, John Stone, age 71 years.
Ray--In Willimantic, Feb. 26th, Mary Ray, age 66 years.
Eaton--In Mansfield, Feb. 27th, William S. Eaton, age 49 years.
Nichols--In Mansfield, Feb 57th [it really did say 57th], Lucy E. Nichols, age 25 years.
Bidwell--In South Coventry, Feb. 25, Charles P. Bidwell, Age 29 years.
Chapen--In Windham, Feb. 28th, John B. Chapen, age 33 years.
Patterson--In Willimatnic, Feb. 27, E.A. Patterson, age 65 years.
Batch--In Mansfield, Mar. 1st, Samuel H. Batch, age 58 years.

252. Wed Mar 2 1881: Death of Charles P. Bidwell. Early last Friday morning was the mournful and startling intelligence of the death of Charles P. Bidwell was communicated from family to family through this community, and by telegrams to friends in other places, all hearts were touched by the sorrow, and the common expression was, "How sad, sudden and unexpected!" for the fact of his illness had scarcely become generally known. Tuesday he had been seen about our street apparently in his usual health and vigor, and these tidings were nearly as terrifying as those of instantaneous death, from which it is said the litany of the English church contains a prayer for deliverance, yet these peculiar, mysterious dispensations seem to be growing more common.
The deceased had been complaining of a throat trouble for some weeks, which may have predisposed him to disease. At length an attack of cold ushered in the actual ailment, though nothing alarming was recognized; but instead of progressing toward recovery, a serious lung affection developed itself, and to its insidious but sure effects the deceased was obliged to yield Tuesday night. Medical skill and careful nursing were then of no avail, for the fiat of the Great Disposer of Events had gone forth and at a quarter before eight o'clock Friday morning, February 25hth, death ensued, it is thought, from apoplexy.
Sunday at 1 o'clock p.m. was the funeral appointment, and upon this solemn occasion a large concourse of relatives, friends, neighbors and acquaintances assembled to pay their final tribute of respect to one who had died in the prime of his manhood at the age of 29 years,--to an only child who had been a loving and dutiful son, a kind husband, a good friend and neighbor, esteemed for his genial manners, social qualities, strict integrity, generous and obliging disposition. Mr. O.A. Sessions, an undertaker from Willimantic took charge of the order of ceremonies, and the funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. Augustine Hibbard, formerly of this place. A touching allusion was made to an incident of the past, in the days when Solomon Bidwell, the grandfather, was living. "A great many years ago" said the preacher substantially, "I was transacting a little business near this house and I saw a little child in his father's arms. The father was fondling and tenderly caressing that little one who was none other than the one whose loss we mourn here today,"--the young proprietor of the "Bidwell House,"--which building was erected by Solomon Bidwell, the grandfather of the deceased, and established as a public house in the year 1822, after whose decease, descending to his son, the late Lyman Bidwell who died August 25th, 1877, the deceased, Charles P. surviving his father but three and one half years. The fact of the late decease occurring upon the 25th day of the month and the burial rite performed upon Sunday, has been mentioned as coincident with the death ad burial of the parent which also occurred upon the 25th day of the month and the burial upon the same day of the week. Thus the kindred trio have each been borne to their last resting place from this old homestead.
The late C.P. Bidwell had been a worthy member of Warren lodge of Freemasons in this place for about eight years.
At the head of the burial casket lay a beautiful floral tribute--a pillow of rare flowers with the inscription "Charlie" running through its center in raised letters of purple. A wife and mother and a large circle of friends are left to mourn the loss of the departed, and universal are the expressions of condolence for those whose hearts are aching in this sudden affliction.

253. Wed Mar 2 1881: To Rent. The second and third stories of a brick building on Main and Union streets, comprising four good rooms in second story and large hall overhead. Also a good tenement with large and commodious rooms. Enquire of H.C. Hall, at the Cash Grocery.

254. Wed Mar 2 1881: Wife Notice. My wife, Etta Bowers, having left my bed and board without cause or provocation, on the 25th day of February, A.D. 1881, I hereby give notice that I will pay no bills whatever on her contracting from this date. John C. Bowers. Dated at Willington, Conn. This 25th day of February, A.D. 1881.

Wed Mar 9 1881: About Town.
T.M. Parker is preparing to remove his business to Hartford.
The Morrison machine shops employ at present about fifty men.
"The Oaks" is rapidly assuming the appearance of a city of cottages.
A much needed improvement--The post office remodeled and renovated.
Benner, the pump and washing-machine man has hung out new signs under Bank building.
Cooley's Weekly says:--"Caterer Wormsley will open a café in Willimantic soon, with French waiters."
Dr. F.G. Sawtelle has removed his office and will hereafter practice medicine conjointly with Dr. T.M. Hills.

256. Wed Mar 9 1881: A.S. Barber, formerly of this place but at present located in providence, has been in town making arrangements to open a photograph gallery in the rooms to be vacated by C.H. Townsend.

257. Wed Mar 9 1881: Bluebirds have really been seen in this vicinity. R.H. Squier, of Ashford, informs us that he saw them on the road between Willimantic and that place and wasn't looking for them either. These are surely the first of the season.

258. Wed Mar 9 1881: John D. Church of Watertown N.Y. who has been in the Life Insurance business the last ten years has accepted the position as special agent of the Conn. General for the state of Conn. He is a brother of Dr. Church.

259. Wed Mar 9 1881: The opera house having no reception room, the store of E. Perry Butts & Co. will hereafter be open after all first-class performances, so that ladies can get their wraps, and have a suitable place to stop while waiting for their carriages.

260. Wed Mar 9 1881: Rev. Mr. Barrows, a native of Mansfield, occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church on Sunday. He has been for twelve years a missionary in Turkey, and his account of the manners, customs and religions of that country were exceedingly interesting.

261. Wed Mar 9 1881: A party of about forty, uninvited, invaded the house of Miss May W. Rollinson on Monday evening. It was a surprise party well and successfully arranged. The evening was passed pleasantly in social intercourse, singing and refreshments. Such occasions always produce a feeling of good cheer and pleasant remembrances. It is proper just here to pay a compliment to Miss Rollinson's always beautiful contralto which awakens an agreeable impression whenever heard.

262. Wed Mar 9 1881: Mr. Isaac Sanderson, proprietor of the Brainard house, has purchased the farm called the "Widow Leach Place" situated on the "Brick Top" route to Windham, about a mile from this village. The farm contains about sixty acres and the horse shoe trotting park is located on the same. It is the intention of Mr. Sanderson to work the land into a high state of cultivation and provide early and late vegetables for his table and in great variety. He is one of the few men who have the knack of running a hotel successfully and to the satisfaction of their patrons.

263. Wed Mar 9 1881: Accidents will happen to the best regulated railroads as well as in the best regulated families. Whether the New England railroad could in the past be classed in that list is a matter of universal doubt, but its management at the present time seems to be very careful. The accident of Thursday at Hop River has palliating features. It seems that the section men on the road were repairing the track, at the place of the accident, and had a rail out at the time the extra freight was due. The train was flagged at a proper distance but it was so heavily laden, and it being down grade, the train could not be stopped before reaching the dissection in the tracks, where the engine and a number of cars were pretty thoroughly wrecked. Three of the train hands were injured. The train was transporting a cargo of molasses. Operations were necessarily suspended for a number of hours to clear the track. The Philadelphia express made its trip over the Air Line railroad.

264. Wed Mar 9 1881: Court of Burgesses--The monthly meeting of the Court of Burgesses was held at the borough office on Monday evening, the Warden presiding and the full board present. It was voted to pay U.S. Street Lighting Co., street lights for February, $98.00; labor bill for February, $25.09; Geo. A. Conant, legal services, $19.75; Geo. W. Burnham, water committee, $5.50; Allen Lincoln, do. $2.50; J.W. Webb, repairs on hydrants, $6.42; Willimantic Gas Co., gas, $0.50; Willimantic Journal, printing, $57.50; Carpenter & Fowler, supplies for fire department $1.60; Willimantic Savings institute, rent, $10.00;H.N. Williams, repairs of fire alarm and salary, $46.40. Voted to accept the bond of Lucius M. Sessions, collector of taxes. Voted to accept the enlistment returns of the fire department as recommended by the board of engineers. Voted to abate the following taxes from list of 1879 as per request of collector, E.F. Casey; J.B. Baldwin, $2.40; S.A. Comins, $3.00; Stephen Cole, $0.91; Patrick Cryne, $3.30; J.L. Flour, $.0.25; Mary Gavigan, $3.00; James Hayes, $0.54; A.J. Kimball, $3.00; A. Loomis, $3.00; Patrick Murphy, $0.33; D.A. O'Neil, $1.20; Frank J. Perry, $0.15; Mary Rooney, $1.98; Ann Rice, $3.30; E.M. Thorne, $3.00; Dwight Carey, $1.50; E.S. Cranston, $0.60; H.H. Fitch, $1.35; Mrs. A. Royce, $3.00. Total $39.11. Voted to give Thomas Turner permission to open four private pass ways across the Rollinson estate. To give H.C. Hall, permission to build a wood shed between his brick buildings on Union street. Mr. S.F. Loomer appeared and asked for an abatement of the license on all shows held in the opera house under his management. After discussion it was voted to lay the matter on the table until the next meeting.

265. Wed Mar 9 1881: The National Thread Co.--Reference was made in our last issue to the rumor that the National Thread company, located at Mansfield, was to build a large new mill. Whether or not the mill will be built right away we are unable to affirm with authority; but certain it is that the directors of the company are talking quite seriously to that effect at the present time. There is an available water privilege owned by them near to their present location, and if they remain there it will be of advantage to them to utilize it. A corporation that will employ three or four hundred hands is an important acquisition to any town. It is apparent to everybody who has witnessed the rapidity which has characterized the establishment and growth of the business of the National Thread Co. that at no distant day it must be a corporation with no small capital. It is also apparent that Mansfield Hollow, so remote from the outside world, cannot be a very convenient place in which to locate a large manufacturing business, even with the advantage of water power. This being the case, it is reasonable to suppose that by the offer of liberal inducements the company could be prevailed upon to locate in Willimantic. The future growth and prosperity of the village demand that our people--and especially our capitalists--should be alive to all the chances that are afforded of adding to its population and wealth. While the village is in the present prosperous condition, it is best to seize the opportunities of encouraging it, and instead of pampering old-fogyism, and taking a selfish course toward all enterprises, extend a liberal hand and welcome them. If the stockholders of the National Thread company are to build a mill,--and it is tolerably certain that they are,--the place for it is in Willimantic; and before they have settled definitely where to build, overtures should be made to them to induce them to build here. Old companies can take care of themselves,--new ones need encouragement.

266. Wed Mar 9 1881: Death of the Rev. Zadoc S. Haynes.--Rev. Zadoc S. Haynes of the Providence Conference passed peacefully to his rest at the residence of Newell L. Taylor, Monday evening in the 65th year of his age. Mr. Haynes was born in Guilford Vermont. Converted at 16, he studied in preparation for the ministry at Newbury Vermont, and was an active, beloved and useful Methodist preacher 38 years. He preached at W. Bradford, Barnet, Cabot, Perkinsville, Bellows Falls, Londonderry, Hartland, Woodstock, Williamstown, Chelsea, Rochester, Randolph, Royalton, Thetford and Newbury, Vermont. Stoughton, Mass., and at Manchester, Thompsonville, Greenville, Hope, Baltic, and Hockanum, Conn. He resigned his charge at Hockanum in September last, yielding to the pressure of chronic disease of the liver, which grew worse until he died. Mr. Haynes was one of the evenly balanced kind spirited men, who won many warm friends, and left peace and harmony in his wake. His mental abilities would compare well with many who had larger opportunities, his address was agreeable and persuasive, his intercourse with his people courteous and cordial, and many will rise up in the great assembly to call him blessed. He leaves a record of devotion and usefulness which many famous men might covet. There are left to mourn their loss, and rejoice in his gain, a widow and four children, Rev. Emery J. of Brooklyn, Carlos of N. Adams, Albert S. of Manchester, and Mrs. N.L. Taylor. All are members of the church which he loved except Emery J., who is pastor of the Washington Avenue Baptist church Brooklyn, N.Y. The family desire us to express thanks to the friends who have been so helpful and considerate in time of affliction. His funeral obsequies will be conducted at the Methodist Episcopal church Thursday at 3 p.m., Rev. G.W. Brewster, Dr. Church and others taking part in the same.

267. Wed Mar 9 1881: To Editor Willimantic Chronicle: The closing exercises of the Natchaug school, will take place this week. Oral examination of the studies of the Winter term will be held on Wednesday Thursday and Friday mornings, at the usual time of school. The exercises in free hand drawing will be exhibited in the various rooms. Miss E.P. Rollins the assistant in the high school department has given instruction in vocal music in all the grades of the school during the past two terms. As it is the first attempt of the kind in the town at systematic instruction in music, the committee and teachers cordially invite all patrons and friends of the school to be present on Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, and witness the progress made in music; they are also invited to attend the oral examinations on the other days, as above. Be kind enough to show an interest in the success of our school and attend these exercises. Wm. C. Jillson, Committee.

268. Wed Mar 9 1881: Editor Chronicle: My attention has been directed to an article in the Journal Feb. 25th in which H.W. Avery details his experience in North Windham, which I think does manifest injustice to at least one person. Any one would suppose from reading his article that he was the only teacher in that school during the winter. Now I in common with all who have taken a deep interest in the school, believe that Marcia J. Hunt is just as much entitled to credit as H.W. Avery. To be sure she was assistant and he was teacher, but if it is not just as much of a task to take care of 24 small scholars as 24 large ones I am in error. Mr. Avery fails to state that on the day he was absent the school was in session under the charge of his able assistant, yet he gives her no credit for doing double duty on his behalf. Miss Hunt may be assured that her efforts are appreciated by those whom they most benefit, and that she has received "honorable mention" even if it was not published. Z

269. Wed Mar 9 1881: Ashford.
Near the old village of Ashford is where the first settlement in town was made, and was near the center of the town as it was formerly laid out in the year 1705. The town formerly being about eight miles square, but since the original grant for the town, considerable many changes have been made, one mile on the west has been set to Willington and one mile on the north taken from Union and set to Ashford, and later, in 1848 what comprised the Ecclesiastical Society of Eastford was taken from Ashford and a new town organized by the name of Eastford. It was where the village of Ashford now is that the first church was built in 1717 near the site of the present one, ten acres of land having been given for a public common, a place for a meeting house and a burial place, and sixty acres set apart for a parsonage, and support of the gospel forever. It was voted at a town meeting "orderly held" in the month of November 1717 "that the town will raise money some way or another to build the meeting house and that we will go about it forthwith." The expense of building was finally paid by those persons to whom land had been granted for settlements at the rate of 20 shillings for every hundred acres. The Rev. James Hale was installed as its first pastor. After the house was completed and in the year 1727 it was voted by the town in orderly meeting assembled that the "stocks" (that being the instrument used for the punishment of certain misconduct at that time) shall stand upon the meeting house green, before the meeting house south door at the signpost, and I have no doubt but some of the oldest inhabitants of the town can remember of seeing them stand there. The signpost is no doubt, the place where criminals were publicly punished with the whip upon the naked back, and is said to be the place where a man was punished for not paying his priest tax, when a stranger rode up to the place and after witnessed the infliction of the punishment, modestly inquired, if they thought they could "whip the grace of God into a man," and then rode away with the remark, "Ye men of Ashford! You serve God as though the Devil was in you." It was here that George Washington attended church when he was on his tour through the country and during the services sat in William Perkins' pew. The old meeting house at the time it was built had no steeple, but after the people became more prosperous and probably more proud, a steeple was built from the ground at the side of the meeting house, and there are some old people that can now remember distinctly just how it looked, and remember what a stranger, in passing through the place, wrote upon it:
Old Ashford, Proud people,
Old meeting-house, new steeple.
The old house, with all its quaint historic reminiscences, long ago gave place to another of more modern construction, although at the time of the raising of the new house a serious accident occurred which came very near proving fatal to some. One of the main timbers overhead gave way precipitating a number of men to the ground injuring some very seriously especially Alvin Preston, who was hurt internally and was carried to the hotel where he remained a long time before he fully recovered.
Ashford formerly had two hotels but one being burned down bout a quarter of a century ago, has had but one since that time. This is now kept by Dyer H. Clark who succeeded his father Dyer Clark who kept the house a great number of years. It was at this hotel that Gen. Washington stayed over the Sabbath when on his trip from Boston to New York, the room in which he slept being the N.W. room on the second floor of the house and has almost been held sacred ever since as being 'Washington's room," and while stopping here, he wrote his name upon one of the panes of glass in the house with his diamond ring, and it can now be seen a the hotel, although the old windows have given place to new ones, yet the present owner of the hotel refuses to part with it.
The place supports but one store now although in former years three or four stores were well patronized and several prosperous industries were carried on. But many of the most wealthy inhabitants have either died or moved away, which makes the place more dull than in former years. The place is pleasantly situated on a large eminence of land, and in quite a fertile place, its main street being shaded with large elms which makes it quite pleasant in the summer and has at some times been a resort for people from cities who want a pleasant and quiet place to pass a few months in the summer. Anon.

270. Wed Mar 9 1881: Chaplin.
The selectmen of this town received word of the death in Haddam, last week of Dick Rogers. He was about 65 years of age and has been a pauper from his birth. Some years since he stole a horse and wagon in Tolland and was sent to the States Prison and having served his sentence he went to Haddam. Since that time the town has paid $1,400 ore or less for his board, and yet they don't mourn for him half so sincerely as they have done for men who never cost anything.
George Phillips and Henry Gallup have been settling some of their differences of opinion in a legal way. The question was in regard to some wood which Phillips chopped for Gallup, and which was not satisfactory. Gallup was defeated and has the costs to pay as well as the bill.
Daniel A. Griggs and wife have gone to Washington to witness the inauguration, and to visit their daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

271. Wed Mar 9 1881: Scotland.
John Ashley and wife started for Nebraska last week Tuesday, and communications received since report them snowed in somewhere in New York.
H.B. Geer will begin a thorough renovation of his house this week. Extensive alterations and improvements are to be made in the interior arrangements. H.B. Lester of Canterbury will do the woodwork and A.F. Hibbard the mason work.
Thomas H. and Luther Fuller have arrived in New York on the return of their trip in the old country.
Horatio Reade of Lisbon will return to Scotland with his family this spring, to the house formerly occupied by Mr. Latham.
John Fuller is reported to be the successful bidder for the mail route between Scotland and Willimantic for the next four years. The price is said to be much lower than ever before.
Money was contributed at the singing school on Monday evening to induce Mr. Fuller to give six additional schools.
John Coffee has rented his farm to his son-in-law and has removed to Willimantic.

272. Wed Mar 9 1881: Danielsonville.
The mystery about the burning of Wm. Ennis's barns bids fair to be cleared up. The probability is that they were set on fire by a half-witted fellow named Henry Butts who has had some previous experience in that line. We hear that he has confessed the deed.
Burdette was unfortunate in having his lecture on such a stormy night. There were opnly a few out, but they enjoyed it hugely.
I.T. Hutchins has so far recovered his health that he is able to make his early morning calls with old time regularity. Although at a time of life when most people begin to show the effects of age, Mr. H. continues to take an interest in public affairs, and keeps posted on all matters of interest. Evidently he does not intend to rust out.
I am sorry to see that you have not got over the bad habit of calling a citizen of this place a Danielsonvillian. Why the Transcript should have coined and put in circulation such an abominable nickname for its constituency is unaccountable. Call us Danielsonvillers, unless you can find a name shorter and better.
Col. Steere and wife, of the Miniature Opera Company are making a visit here. They are the smallest married couple in the world.
Erastus Hammitt has disposed of the local express business to J.G. Bill. There has been no opposition to Hammitt for the last five years, as he has attended to his business in a way to suit his patrons. Mr. Bill needs only to continue in the path of his predecessor to retain the confidence and patronage of the public.

273. Wed Mar 9 1881: Putnam had a large fire on Sunday night and a number of her business blocks were destroyed. The fire originated in a saw mill at the rear of the Arcade building, and when it was discovered it was beyond the power of the fireman to subdue it with the appliances at their command. The loss is estimated to be between thirty and forty thousand dollars.

274. Wed Mar 9 1881: At a Court of Probate holden at Coventry, within and for the District of Coventry on the 2d day of March, A.D. 1881. Present, Dwight Webler, Judge. On motion of Lydia H. Bidwell and L. Winchester, administrators of the estate of Charles P. Bidwell late of Coventry within said district deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the administrators and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic, and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post n said town of Coventry, nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record. Dwight Webler, Judge.

275. Wed Mar 9 1881: South Coventry.
The winter term (13 weeks,) for the graded school, was examined last week Thursday by the board of school visitors, A.S. Hawkins, Fred. O. Sweet and Martin Parker. The exercises in the grammar department taught by Mr. J.B. Larned, were excellent and interesting to an unusually large number of visitors, whose presence was gratifying to the teacher and committee. The classes were examined by Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Sweet, alternately, receiving just criticism or commendation. Order, so necessary to success was spoken of by Mr. Sweet as satisfactory. The reading and algebra were criticized and a fitly spoken word advised the class in this branch of analysis to acquaint themselves with theorems and established principles. "Good progress has been made in arithmetic and the young mathematicians acquitted themselves with credit." The committee were well pleased with the clear record shown by the register, and in the matter of regular attendance, the teacher should be seconded by the parents to whom absences can generally be traced. The class in book keeping show a collections of journals and day books written up with much neatness and care.
Statistics: DeWitt Kingsbury and Louise Kingsbury have been present every day. Herbert Boynton, Arthur Lathrop, Ernest Ledoyt, Emily Knight and Augusta Wise have been absent but twice. George Barber, Arthur Champlin, DeWitt Kingsbury, Louise Kingsbury, Arthur Lathrop, John Reynolds, John Sheriden, Eddie Stanly, Arthur Snow, Hervie Brando, Abbie Foster, Ruth Kingsbury, Augusta Wise, Stella Kolb and Louisa Beckwith have not been tardy. Arthur Lathrop, Arthur Champlin, Eddie Stanley, Grace Webler, Emily Knight, Mary Barber, Abbie Foster, Augusta Wise, Mary Curley, Maggie O'Brien, Abbie Fogerty, Stella Kolb and Dell Bradbury have not whispered without permission during the term. Ruth Kingsbury and Louisa Beckwith have not whispered more than twice. Arthur Lathrop and DeWitt Kingsbury have not missed a question in Geography. Ruth Kingsbury Arthur Champlin and Eddie Stanley have missed but two questions in Geography. Arthur Champlin has not missed a word in spelling during the term. (Bravo! Evidently there is something of the spirit of "try" in this school.) Master Walter Dodge excels in the study of algebra. Registry list 35. Average attendance 29. 13 are marked perfect in deportment. We are informed that Principle Larned will retain his position in this department which was never more successful than at the present time. The intermediate department under the direction of Miss Sarah M. Scott, shows at its best this term. Miss Scott makes a specialty of teaching correct pronunciation as it is found in the vocabulary of every day life as well as in the school room. She does not allow a careless graceless remark of her pupils to pass uncorrected. Among creditable recitations was an exercise in "Swinton's Language Lessons" in which Gracie Bradbury has excelled. Grace Bradbury and Sadie Wood have not been absent or tardy during the term. Those marked excellent in scholarship and deportment are Maggie Kirkpatrick, Ella Phillips, Grace Bradbury, Eva Bond, Mamie Lathrop, Sadie Wood, Monroe Champlin, Frankie Gaghen, Frankie Stanley, John O'Brien, Grace Potter, and Mary Wellwood. Miss S. will continue as perceptress of this department next term. And it is no wonder that the committee and visitors delight to linger, among the little primarians who are taking their first steps up the adder of learning guided by the patient, tireless hand of Miss Perkins. This is a bright happy school and the committee agreed that if little Annie Parker continued to spell as promptly and correctly as now, she would soon be a successful competitor for a "Webster's Unabridged." Bertie Wood has not been absent or tardy, John Gaghen and Willie Champlin have been absent but one day, 10 have not been tardy. Willie Champlin has been to the head 21 times. Whole number of scholars 34, average attendance 26. Miss Perkins will teach the spring term.

276. Wed Mar 9 1881: Thompson.
It is rumored that W.L. Longdon, of Putnam, is contemplating locating his meat market in this town.
Cooley's Weekly publishes a lengthy account of the troubles which have rent asunder the Baptist church at Mystic, Rev. Mr. Randall's old church. Grave charges were brought against the pastor, the Rev. Geo. . Hunt, last fall and he left in January, since which time the flock has been without a shepherd.
Somebody passed a $2.50 gold piece for a penny in a North Grosvenordale store. We'll bet he was "gold mad" when he discovered the mistake.
The west part of the town has had an elopement sensation, the parties being a West Thompson tin peddler and the wife of a Mechanicsville Frenchman. It appears that the peddler who has a wife and children at the former place, became enamored of the woman whose husband fearing that she unlike Caesar's wife was not above suspicion, concluded to move family and goods to a place of safety. He accordingly loaded wife, children and goods on a team wagon and started for Sutton Mass. After his arrival thee and while he was resting his tired horses in front of a store Pratt suddenly drove into the village and in true Dick Turpin style carried off the woman from before the astounded husband's eye. No clue to the guilty pair has since been discovered.

277. Wed Mar 9 1881: Born.
Bill--In Willimantic, March 9th, a son (A.W., Jr.) to Mrs. and Mrs. A.W. Bill.
Keigwin--In Willimantic, March 9th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John G. Keigwin.

278. Wed Mar 9 1881: Married.
Bennett-Thatcher--In Willimantic, Mar. 5th, by Rev. A.J. Church, Andrew L. Bennett, and Miss Lizzie A. P. Thatcher, all of Willimantic.

279. Wed Mar 9 1881: Died.
Watrous--In Columbia, mar. 3d, Emily E. Watrous, aged 57.
Standish--In Andover, Mar. 8th, Fannie L. Standish, aged 72.
Haynes--In Willimantic, Mar. 7th, Rev. Zadoc S. Haynes, aged 65.
Nason--In Mansfield, Mar. 4th, Samuel K. Nason, aged 83.
Storrs--In Mansfield, Mar. 5th, Mary E. Storrs, aged 20.
Carey--In Willimantic, Feb. 27th, Maud Carey, aged 6 mos.
O'Brien--In Mansfield, Mar. 7th, Patrick O'Brien, aged 75.
Vasher--In Willimantic, Mar. 8th, Delia Vasher, aged 1 yr.
Manning--In Lebanon, Monday Mr. 7th (her birthday), Mary T. Robinson, wife of Jabez A. Manning, aged 53.

280. Wed Mar 9 1881: At a Court of Probate holden at Eastford, within and for the district of Eastford on the 21st day of February, A.D. 1881. Present, Hiram H. Burnham, Judge. On motion of Simeon A.Wheaton Administrator on the estate of Sophia Lyon late of Eastford, within said district deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the Administrator and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Windham, and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said Town of Eastford nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record, Hiram B. Burnham, Judge.

Wed Mar 16 1881: About Town.
The Court House Question Settled! The Committee Reports! The jail goes to Putnam where it is most needed! Provided she raises $30,000 Ten to one she can't do it! A telegram from Hartford states that the committee on the court house question has reported in favor of giving Putnam the court house and jail provided $30,000 to raised for their erection, also three terms of court, and giving Windham one term of power to adjourn criminal or civil cases here.
Marbles claim the attention of the children a good share of the time now.
The millinery department, at the Linen company's stores is being gaudily frescoed.
Dr. H.A. Stewart well known here is at the Brainard house treating all sorts of diseases.
H.C. Hall, on Union street is connecting his two brick buildings with a wooden addition.
The store occupied by J.R. Robertson, jeweler, has been adorned with a plate glass front.
Mr. A.E. Weldon has resumed his old position in the furniture house of Marshal Tilden.
Fourth Quarterly Conference at the Methodist Church this evening, Dr. M.J. Talbot presiding.

282. Wed Mar 16 1881: Geo. Rood has sold out the lot of horses recently brought to his stables in Windham, and has gone West to bring back another cargo.

283. Wed Mar 16 1881: A large auction sale of crockery will begin at the vacant store in Tanners block on Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. Joel Fox auctioneer.

284. Wed Mar 16 1881: The National band has reorganized under the leadership of Joseph Matthews, and Mr. Williams, former leader goes into the Willimantic band.

285. Wed Mar 16 1881: Andrew Martin is putting in for the French baker on Meadow street, a new oven capable of baking at one time one hundred and twenty-five loaves of bread.

286. Wed Mar 16 1881: The Windham Cotton Company on Monday made a reduction of eight per cent, on the wages paid their operatives. The Smithville company has reduced ten per cent.

287. Wed Mar 16 1881: Dr. Church took a handsome company with him in "Walks about Rome," to East Hampton on Monday eve, and at Portland Tuesday he showed them "what a Yankee saw in Europe."

288. Wed Mar 16 1881: James Carney has put a large stock of crockery, woodenware, and tinware into the store in Cunningham block formerly occupied by E.J. & R.L. Wiggins, and will open this week.

289. Wed Mar 16 1881: The Willimantic Athletic Club has decided on March 25th and 26th as the date on which to hold their annual games, at their rooms in bank building. None but amateurs are allowed to enter in any of the contests. Applications to enter the ten mile go-as-you-please race, and the 5 mile square heel and toe race must be made to T.M. Harries, secretary.

290. Wed Mar 16 1881: Three fine farms are offered in our advertising columns for sale. One contains thirty eight acres, another one hundred acres, with saw, grist and shingle mill together with a splendid water privilege located thereon, and the third two hundred and thirty-eight acres of land. A better chance to purchase a good farm has probably not been offered in this vicinity for some time. The property belongs to Mr. Edwin A. Buck, which is a sufficient guarantee of its desirability.

291. Wed Mar 16 1881: Court of Burgesses.--An adjourned meeting was held on Monday evening, the Warden presiding. Present, Burgesses Alpaugh, Keigwin, Billings, Harrington and Hall. Voted to pay E.F. Casey, commissions, $66.00. A petition was received signed by E. Bugbee and 48 others praying that a meeting of the legal voters of the borough may be called to see if they will vote to discharge the lien upon the St. Joseph's church upon the payment of the amount of the lien without interest. 2. To see if the borough will construct a sewer on Valley and Jackson streets. 3. To see if the borough will vote to pay the damage caused by lack of proper sewer capacity on said streets. Voted to lay the petition on the table. Voted to appoint the Warden, the Chief Engineer, and Burgess Harrington a committee to investigate the system of fire alarm, with power to replace the old gongs with new ones if they deem it expedient. The petition of S.F. Loomer for abatement of license was taken from the table, and it was voted to take no action in the premises. Voted to adjourn on week.

292. Wed Mar 16 1881: School District No. 1.--The exhibition given at this school on the afternoon of Friday was attended by about one hundred visitors who thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment. It was spicy and not so long as to be wearisome, with the parts well taken. The music was very creditably rendered, showing that the pupils had profited greatly by Miss Gunn's systematic instruction for the two past terms.
The written examination of the school was held on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and made a good showing for the whole school. The following are the names of such pupils as obtained a percentage of ninety or above: Morris Griffin, 98; Addie Alford, 98; Eddie Morrison, 98; Addie Willis, 96; Henry Magee, 96; Jennie Kinney, 96; Minnie Hudson, 96; Alice Puye, 93; Julia Winton, 91; Josie Beckwith, 90; Hiram Marston, 90; Timothy Regan, 90.
An examination will be held at the school house on Saturday, March 26th, at which time, Principal Holbrook desires to meet such scholars as have not been in attendance the past term, and who wish to enter any of the departments above the primary.

293. Wed Mar 16 1881: Resignation of Rev. Horace Winslow.--Rev. Horace Winslow preached a historical discourse last Sunday, reviewing his pastorate of the Congregational church in this village for the past twelve years. Mr. Winslow came to Willimantic in 1869. He found the congregation worshiping in the old church on Main street which with the exception of the addition of fifteen feet in length, was the same as forty years before. A new house of worship was a necessity, felt by the church and people, and attempts had been made to secure on, but nothing had been achieved. Fitted for the work by several previous experiences, Mr. Winslow at once began to work with a will for a new house. By subscription and the sale of the hold house the sum of $19,578 was raised. A committee was appointed and the work was begun. The house was finished at a cost of $47,000, leaving the society with a debt of $12,000. Rev. Winslow came to New England in 1845 and has preached without rest except the forced vacation which he took after his injury a few years since. He began work after his injury against the advice of his physicians, and now proposes to rest. He does not intend to give up preaching entirely in the meantime. We understand that he will move his family to his farm in Simsbury in a few days, and that his resignation will take effect April 28th, the anniversary of his coming to Willimantic. His resignation took the people by surprise, and many were affected to tears. We doubt if the society will secure a man who will give as good satisfaction during the twelve years to come as has the Rev. Horace Winslow during the twelve years he has been in Willimantic.

294. Wed Mar 16 1881: Mansfield.
Mansfield's particular Friend that we lost by removal to Ashford, does not find the climate congenial to his constitution. The complaint first showed itself about the head and face. The damages have been paid and all are hay again until they get another dog trade up. The aforesaid Friend lost a valuable trotter lately. It dropped dead in the road near the West Ashford school house. Cause alleged, too many oats.
E. Shumway has got his shumac mill running again. We should judge from the amount of sumac on hand he will have a summer's job.
J.C. Bottum and Muroe Church of Mount Hope, are going to build over their houses this spring.
March 29th, is the day set apart for all in this town who are unfortunate enough to own any real estate, to come forth and give over what surplus cash they have on hand to Messrs. Reynolds Bros. the tax collectors. Property aside from real estate is said to be counted out this year.

295. Wed Mar 16 1881: Scotland.
John Babcock has sold his meat business to Angus Barber, and has moved to Preston where he will be employed by Calvin I. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kimball celebrated their golden wedding anniversary March 14th.
David Wilson Jr. expects to occupy the Lewis Gager place April 1st.
George Sanger Jr. will improve the Edwin Finney farm in Westminster the coming season.
N.W. Leavitt has been in town for a few days and left on Monday for a visit to Boston.
John Chesbro expects to make extensive repairs and alterations about his barns this spring.
John Ashley and wife arrived in Ulysses, Nebraska, March 7, having spent a week on the road, owing to snow blockades.

296. Wed Mar 16 1881: Ashford.
The great rain fall of Wednesday raised the streams very suddenly to a great height, overflowing several bridges in town and floating one or two down stream and doing considerable damage to the roads. David Russ in attempting to drive over a ridge near Buck & Dawley's steam saw mill, not knowing the bridge was gone, drove his horse off the abutments of the bridge, the planks having been washed away, and in attempting to rescue the horse was thrown into the current of the stream and carried down stream a considerable distance, before he could get out. A narrow escape for him as well as for the team.
T. Backus of Eastford fell and broke his wrist. It was adjusted by Thomas S. Slaid the natural bone setter of Ashford, and it is doing well.
The little child of Herbert F. Dawley, who was so badly burned a few weeks ago by falling into a pail of boiling water, is getting better. The poor little sufferer has undergone a great amount of pain but it looks now as though he is soon to recover.
John A. Murphy has been appointed tax collector in place of Nelson Hammond resigned, and will commence collecting on April first and those paying their taxes before April tenth are entitled to one per cent, reduction.
Mrs. Eliza Gifford is quite sick with typhoid pneumonia.
Michael Richmond the oldest person in town, was taken suddenly ill a few days ago, he having been in usual good health all winter.
C.N. Andrews of Willimantic advertises his farm in Ashford for sale at auction. This is a very desirable place, under a high state of cultivation, and produces a greater variety, and more fruit than any other place in Ashford.

297. Wed Mar 16 1881: Danielsonville.
Last Saturday, Mrs. William H. Sabin, stepped upon a child's hoop that lay on the piazza, and was thrown down with sufficient force to break her leg at the hip. Drs. Hutchins and Robinson reduced the fracture, and hopes are entertained that nothing serious will result from the accident, although the age of Mrs. Sabin is such as to cause her friends to feel somewhat uneasy.
In the death of Harry Chamberlain we lose an old resident who has done a great deal of hard work during his long life, especially in early life, and middle age. He was employed for a number of years by the Norwich & Worcester railroad, and also by various manufacturers, to do their stone work. Possessing great strength and good judgment in his business, he was a valuable man to employ. For the last twenty years of his life he was unable to work at his trade on account of rheumatic troubles, doing little more than to care for garden and lot adjoining his house. He was in his seventy-ninth year.
A spring approaches, the desire for public entertainment shows, and the like seems to grow less. Undoubtedly this is the main reason why the benefit entertainment given to John W. Daye was not an overwhelming success. The programme was excellent and gave satisfaction to all who attended, but the net result was smaller than it should have been.
We are pleased to hear of Dr. Sawtelle's success. He has many warm friends in Danielsonville.

298. Wed Mar 16 1881: South Windham.
Situated upon the base and eastern slope of Mount Obwetuck this is one of the pleasantest villages, especially in the summer months, which can be found in this section of the state. Containing about four hundred inhabitants, and so located as to afford unsurpassed facilities for manufacturing, it has always been engaged in business since and even before it received its present name. Two railroads--the N.L.N. and N.Y. & N.E,--pass through the place separated by the river Shetucket, thus affording means of receiving and shipping freight in all directions, and of transit for passengers which few places of its size can boast of. Roads converge in the center of the village from five different points of the compass and that this is a popular thoroughfare for pleasure parties may be judged by the large number of such which daily pass through here in the summer and in the winter too when the sleighing is fine. To the south and west are the four reservoirs of Smith Winchester & Co. which have a capacity for water sufficient to supply them even in the longest drought. To show the advantage of this as a manufacturing privilege it may be said that this water is used on four large wheels--from 26 to 32 feet in diameter--two of them being overshot and two breast wheels, besides supplying the saw mill and the nondescript which drives the machinery at the 'Novelty works." The Shetucket also furnishes an excellent water privilege for a large mill, and it was the intention of the Spragues in the days of their prosperity to erect a cotton mill there. To this end they purchased the property bordering on the river for a long distance both above and below, and surveys were made of the land they designed to flow. But misfortune overtook them and it still remains as before an easily secured location for almost any kind of factory. The village has two stores, the business of which is carried on at present by J.B. Johnson and Backus Bros. At the former is the post office and the latter contains both telephone and telegraph instruments. The telephone wire connects Windham center and Willimantic and the office was formerly at the depot, but when Mr. Backus became connected with the store it was transferred to this point. The telegraph office however still remains at the depot. We are also well provided with educational advantages. A capacious schoolhouse suitable for two separate departments and well provided with necessary apparatus, forms a feature which few these advantages and conveniences there is one thing which has never been here, and judging from the efforts made in the past, I presume, never will be here, yet which some consider as the only thing which can save the place from perdition. This is a church. Various ways have been tried to get one but all in vain, and it is probably that as long as the village has existed without one so long will it exist in the future in the same condition. The religious education of the people here as a rule has been sadly neglected, and the Rev. F. Thompson of Windham in a sermon some time since on the "morals of South Windham" found this to be the only feature for criticism. Still there has been a great deal of thought and debate on religious questions here. But be this as it may, our citizens are for the most part possessed of a character and intelligence, and harmony generally prevails in all sections.
Amos H. Moore, foreman at the machine shop has been confined to his house for some time by a serious lung difficulty. He is improving however.

299. Wed Mar 16 1881: Rockville.
Dr. Loomis has been spending the winter at Palatka, Fla. For his health.
Henry's west store is now turned into a crockery auction room.
B.L. Burr has bought the job printing office lately run by John Byron. A first class printer will be in charge and good work guaranteed. Success to you, friend Burr.
A.H. Eaton, our seedsman and florist has issued his annual catalogue, and will send it to any address free, or with a sample paper of flower seed for a three cent stamp.

300. Wed Mar 16 1881: Norwich.
Col. Allen Tenny went to Washington to see Garfield inaugurated.
Kate Cobb has given up the idea of petitioning the legislature for release. Kate makes a good prisoner, they tell us, and Justice is satisfied to keep her so. A sentence to state prison for life ought to mean something.

301. Wed Mar 16 1881: Sterling.
On Sunday, the sixth, your informant was called upon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Harden Gibson. But a few months ago we recorded the death of Mr. Gibson, and the aged companion to whom we then offered words of consolation and cheer, in her bitter sorrow, has so soon followed him. She was very feeble at the time of his death, and had since been failing rapidly, until Thursday evening third. Circumstances rendering it impossible to secure the services of the clergyman who officiated at Mr. Gibson's funeral their place was well supplied by Rev. Daniel Greene of Foster R.I. Many prayers were offered for the two remaining members of the afflicted household, and many words of consolation spoken by those realizing the great loss with which they had met. Mrs. Gibson was seventy four years old and suffered greatly during her last sickness was, for some time nearly helpless and required great care. The lone daughter is thus bereft of husband, father and mother.

302. Wed Mar 16 1881: Columbia.
Misses Clara Sawyer and Linda Hutchins teachers in the Rockville school, are spending their vacation at home; that their services are appreciated is evident from the fact that they have been employed there several years.
Mrs. Amanda Sawyer has moved into the new house recently erected by S.S. Collins.
Marshall Holbrook is getting timber preparatory to building a blacksmith shop west of his new residence.
The Literary Society have on their programme for Friday evening a mock town meeting. Among other propositions are to see if they will establish a telephone line from the post office to Henry Stimsons; to see if they will establish a ferry across the reservoir; to see if they will establish a park in Timberville, and in connection there with a Zoological Garden; to see what action they will take in regard to truant umbrellas, and if necessary to appoint a constabulary force for their arrest; to see if they will establish a dry bridge between Joel Tucker's and Egbert Brown's; also a skating rink at West's watering trough and sundry other matters of equal importance.

303. Wed Mar 16 1881: Brooklyn.
Sale of real estate:--John Searles has bought the D.C. Robinson place. The Deacon Newbury place is sold. Aaron Walker of Central Village is said to be the purchaser.
Moving seems to be in order this Spring judging by the number of changes that are to take place. Doc. Tanner and family are to have one part of Capt. Taylor's house, Ethan Chaffee's family the other. A Pray has hired the Uriah Fuller homestead and will move on to it. James Copelan goes down to West Village, and George Lewis takes his place. Mr. Shippee who has driven meat cart for George Williams the past winter is going to Unionville. There seems to be a general regret over Mr. W.'s loss of so good a man. It will be hard to make his place good, as he has given perfect satisfaction.
Mr. Dunkely, who was first mover in organizing a band in town, resigned the leadership , at the last business meeting. J. Williams was unanimously chosen to take his place, and is giving perfect satisfaction. Although the band has lost a number of members, their places have been made good by new men, and with new music bids fair to make a good appearance the coming season.
The prospects are, at present writing, good for the starting up of the silk mill in this place. We will write more in regard next week.

304. Wed Mar 16 1881: Born.
Thompson--In Willimantic, Mar. 12th a daughter to James and Anna Thompson.

305. Wed Mar 16 1881: Died.
Elliot--In Willimantic, Mar 7th, Emma M. Elliot, aged 46.
Day--In South Willington, Mar. 9th, Lizzie Day, aged 20.
Perkins--In Mansfield, Mar. 14th, John N. Perkins, aged 70.
Young--In Mount Hope, Mar. 12th, Mehetable Young, aged 74.
Safford--In Hampton, Mar. 14th, Benjamin Safford, aged 82.
Higinbotham--In Eastford, Mar. 11, Mrs. D.H. Higinbotham.

306. Wed Mar 16 1881: At a Court of Probate holden at Mansfield, within and for the district of Mansfield on the 12th day of March, A.D. 1881. Present, Isaac P. Fenton, Judge. On motion of Emily M. Warren Administratrix on the estate of Josiah Warren late of Mansfield within said district, deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the Administratrix and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Windham and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said Town of Mansfield nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record. Isaac P. Fenton, Judge.

Wed Mar 23 1881: About Town.
Dr. T.M. Hills is building an addition to his house.
The clothes line thieves are abroad; let the housewife beware.
The Record is dead. It has been recorded. The good die young.
Wm. Dodge has given up the bleacher business on account of his lameness.
Michael Moriarty was run over by a team yesterday near mill No. 2 and had a rib broken.
With a tax of two cents on the dollar, Mansfield cannot be a very agreeable place for property holders.
The property belonging to D.B. Isham, located on Jackson street, will be sold at auction on Saturday.
The Smithville Manfuacturing company is putting in a new elevator extending from the lower to the upper story.
A.S. Turner has swung out a large sign on the front of Commerical block bearing the inscription "Dry and Fancy Goods."
A.E. Sisson who has been a valuable member of the Willimantic band for about a year, has joined Colt's band in Hartford.
Charles A. Dunn, the gentlemanly and popular clerk of the Commercial house has resigned to take a similar position in a Norwich hotel.

308. Wed Mar 23 1881: The Nason property, located on Chestnut street, which has been advertised in the Chronicle for a short time, has been sold to John Babcock of South Windham.

309. Wed Mar 23 1881: Shad at this early season of the year are a luxury, but Chadwick & Holmes have them. They keep all kinds of fish of the best quality, and attend strictly to business.

310. Wed Mar 23 1881: Rev. K.B. Glidden of Mansfield Center occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church last Sunday, and read Mr. Winslow's formal resignation to the church and congregation.

311. Wed Mar 23 1881: A.W. Bill comes out this week with a flaming advertisement. The down town stove store, by the acquisition of an A.W. Jr., has been inspired with new life. Bargains are offered there.

312. Wed Mar 23 1881: The effects of the assigned estate of Geo. W. Young will be sold at public auction, at the residence of Ezra L. Knowlton in West Ashford, On Saturday by John [ ]phy, the assignee.

313. Wed Mar 23 1881: In the past week our cross-walks have been sunk almost knee deep in mud. If it were the duty of nobody to look after our streets, there would be no occasion for complaint; but the borough has a warden and it is the duty of that warden to look after these matters. Where is he, dead, or but sleeping?

314. Wed Mar 23 1881: Manufacturers and the general public are invited to inspect the extensive stock of painting materials at the Post Office Drug store. Mr. Flint has the only complete stock of painting materials, including artist's and wax flower sundries in the town, and will endeavor to meet the wants of all parties in this line.

315. Wed Mar 23 1881: Mrs. Loomer has re shingled her house on Union street.

316. Wed Mar 23 1881: It is rumored that Dr. Jacobs will go into the drug business at the store to be vacated by John Bowman on Union street.

317. Wed Mar 23 1881: A school meeting is called in district No. 1, for Monday evening, March 28th, to act on a petition of G.H. Alford and others in relation to having more room and more teachers in the primary department, and to take any action in relation to a new school house that may be thought proper.

318. Wed Mar 23 1881: The latest advices on the court house question would seem to indicate that Windham's interests have been manipulated either by a blockhead or trickster, and that same blockhead or trickster is a member of the judiciary committee. A little light on the subject may reveal the matter in its true phase. We shall see what we shall see.

319. Wed Mar 23 1881: The popular amusement of skating on rollers has been introduced here in Armory hall, under the direction of a competent instructor. The gentlemen having charge are conducting a rink in Norwich where they have been very successful. They are here Friday and Saturday of each week for the present. We have no doubt it will be well patronized in this place.

320. Wed Mar 23 1881: The school at South Windham gave an entertainment in the hall over the school rooms on Friday evening last, and passed a very pleasant time in signing, recitation, charades and dialogues. The parts were well taken, the singing by Miss Emma Larrabee's school being excellent. Taken all together it was a very enjoyable affair.

321. Wed Mar 23 1881: Rev. G.W. Holman celebrated the sixteenth anniversary of his marriage at his residence on Church street Monday evening. Only members of his church and congregation were present, and it was requested that no presents be donated, but notwithstanding, the visitors could not resist the temptation of showing their good will for their pastor, and an elegant berry basket and a purse of sixty five dollars was contributed.

322. Wed Mar 23 1881: J. O'Sullivan, contractor and builder, has already secured contracts for building quite a number of houses this spring, which indicates that building is rife. Martin Morrison is to build a two-story house at the corner of Spruce and Prospect streets; Thomas Ronan will build a cottage at Bassett park; James Donohue is to build a house in Sodom; and John Hickey will build a fine, large two-tenement house on East Park street.

323. Wed Mar 23 1881: We don't believe the town of Windham would care to pay thirty thousand dollars for the empty honor of being the shire-town of this county, with the prospect of having half the business of the Superior court done somewhere else. But perhaps we may be somewhat influenced in the matter from the fact that we have been granted about what will accommodate us without any expense attached, while Putnam is obliged to pay the thirty thousand or get nothing. As the thing now stands the county seat is shorn of its former prestige and glory.

324. Wed Mar 23 1881: Pursuant to adjournment a meeting of the Court of Burgesses was held at the borough office on Monday evening, the Warden presiding. Present: Burgesses Keigwin, Kimball, Harrington and Alpaugh. Records of the last meeting read and accepted. Voted, to pay Robert Fenton, surveying, $2.25, to empower the street committee to cause plans to be prepared of such streets in the borough as they may deem necessary; to instruct the Warden to advertise for sealed proposals for furnishing two, or more teams for use on the streets of the borough during the coming season, reserving the right to reject any or all proposals not deemed for the best interest of the borough; to adjourn until next Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock.

325. Wed Mar 23 1881: The Windham County Seat. In the contest of several towns of Windham county for the possession of the county seat, the town of Putnam, at the northeast corner of the county, seems to have out-generaled Windham, the chief contestant, and secured the committee's report in its favor. It has railway connections to recommend it. This result is all the more a surprise to Windham for the reason that Putnam, until a certain stage in the development of the scramble, had to all appearances kept out of the contest, and only entered it as a professed co-operator with Windham, to share half and half with it, the effort being to have two shire towns--a great mistake, since the county should have but one. The matter comes up by assignment tomorrow in the House. As the committee's bill makes Putnam practically the county seat, on condition that the town furnishes $30,000 for a court-house and jail, and leaves Windham to pay, with the rest of the county, all that these Putnam buildings may happen to cost, with that land, above that figure, the people of Windham naturally feel that they have beaten the bush while Putnam has got the bird; and they now ask that at least, as a matter of justice, they may be exempted from paying a tax to build Putnam's county buildings. The cost can yardly be less than double, probably considerably more than double the amount required of Putnam. The nail is driven and clinched, for Putnam by providing that if at any future time the county seat should be changed, the county buildings shall revert to Putnam. The bill kindly allows Windham one term of the court, per annum, if the court thinks its best, once year to sit there--on condition that Windham will furnish a court-house for that single term, "without expense to the county." Probably Windham won't object to furnishing, as it does already, whatever accommodations the court may need, in its rare visits; what that town does object to, we suppose, is to being taxed, under the peculiar circumstances, $8,000 or $10,000 to erect Putnam's buildings.--(From last evening Times.)

326. Wed Mar 23 1881: South Windham.
H.E. Card moved into his new house last week. His opinion is that a warm dinner is preferable to a cold one and he certainly ought to know That they may enjoy to their utmost their pleasant home, is the universal wish, and may many years of health, happiness and prosperity be theirs.
W.T. Rice informs me that he is to remove with his family to Warren, R.I. the present week, he having accepted a situation there.
A machine shop seems a strange place for a white cat to fancy, yet here is one which has left the family with whom it had lived for several years and taken up its abode at the shop. Though at first rather shy, puss soon became acquainted with all the men and now is a general favorite. It is found very difficult to preserve the white color when petted with greasy hands, and the cat is sometimes absent for a day at a time on a washing expedition, returning very neat and clean. But it will not last.
Robert Binns has completed the model of a cutter for use in paper mills which he has gotten up and intends to have patented. Should the working cutter act as well as the model there can be no doubt that it will be popular, for in addition to doing the work as well, it will combine a cheapness and ease of adjustment which no other possess, so far as we can learn.
News was received here Monday of the death of Mrs. H.L.M. Ladd of Franklin now living at Taftville. Her death was the result of an attack of pneumonia which is the third she has had in a trifle over a years. Mrs. Ladd was very well known and highly respected in this village, and the news of her death, after an illness, I am told, of only a week, came as a shock to all. During the time in which Mr. Ladd has taught this school, some over 21 terms, she has been a frequent visitor, and in all things pertaining to the school and its members during that long period she has taken a lively interest. A husband and three children are left to mourn the loss of a faithful, affectionate wife and a fond mother. They have the sympathy of all our people in their affliction, an affliction which all feel who knew her.

327. Wed Mar 23 1881: Danielsonville.
The report of the judiciary committee giving Putnam and Willimantic the courts, although not a finality, goes a long way toward it. Whether the smaller towns will oppose its passage remains to be seen. It is certainly unjust to them to lay a heavy county tax for the erection of a court-house in Putnam, when the borough of Danielsonville stands ready to give the county, free of expense, such a building and lot, as a committee appointed by the legislature, shall deem suitable and convenient. The best solution of the problem would be to appoint a disinterested committee of five to look the ground over, and determine the location and let the county build the court-house, and foot the bill.
William Rice, living in one of the buildings on the Gleason farm, now owned by Mr. Cornwall, committed suicide by hanging himself to the bed-post, last Tuesday night. He was a brother-in-law of the late Sylvanus Gleason, and had loaned him money at different times, all of which was a total loss. This, no doubt, was the prime cause of the deed, although ill health for the past year or two, undoubtedly had something to do with it. He leaves a wife and daughter.
The readings and declamations by the scholars in the High school last Friday, showed a great improvement over past years. Principal Somes has succeeded in removing the dread usually attending such exercises, so that the scholars take hold of it with an apparent relish.
Another old resident gone. Benjamin Austin Jacobs died early Friday morning, of old-fashioned consumption. He came to Danielsonville nearly thirty years ago. In politics he was a democrat, taking an active part in the Buchanan and subsequent campaigns, but of late year, on account of poor health, doing nothing more than to vote the regular ticket. Socially and intellectually he was above the average. In his best days few could get the best of him in an argument. He was seventy-one years of age, and unmarried.
Two young men from Providence have opened a fish market in Mrs. Upham's building.

328. Wed Mar 23 1881: At a Court of Probate holden at Mansfield, within and for the district of Mansfield, on the 14th day of March, A.D. 1881. Present, Isaac. P. Fenton, Esq. Judge. On motion of Nathaniel P. Perkins, administrator on the estate of John N. Perkins late of Mansfield in said district deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the Administrator and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Windham and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said Town of Mansfield nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record. Isaac P. Fenton, Judge.

329. Wed Mar 23 1881: To Davis A. Baker Judge of Probate for the District of Ashford, comes Mary A. Edwards of said town of Ashford, County of Windham and State of Connecticut, and informs said Judge of Probate that she in connection with Chauncey Edwards are the lawful parents of four minor children to wit: Willie C. Edwards, Charles A. Edwards, Edith Edwards and Elizie Edward. Said children are residing and being domiciled in said probate district of Ashford. That the said Chauncey Edwards has become immoral and dissolute and not a suitable person to have the care and management of said minor children, would respectfully ask said Judge of Probate to appoint John A. Brown of said Ashford, or some other suitable person as guardian of said minor children, to take the care and management of said children. It is ordered by this Court that notice be given said Chauncey Edwards by publishing this order one week before the holding of said court in the Willimantic Chronicle, a paper published in Willimantic in said Windham County, to appear, if he see cause, before said Court on the 30th day of March A.D. 1881 at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, to show cause, if any he have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. Davis A. Baker, Judge.

330. Wed Mar 23 1881: To Rent. A good place for a cash store. The grocery store lately occupied by Bissell & Underwood on Church street. The photograph gallery in Commercial block. The store on Church street occupied by the late D.A. O'Neil. Thomas Turner.

331. Wed Mar 23 1881: To Rent. A good tenement to rent, located on High street. Enquire of O.D. Brown, of the firm of Henken & Brown.

332. Wed Mar 23 1881: A Few Boarders Wanted. Good locality. Terms reasonable. For particulars apply at this office.

333. Wed Mar 23 1881: Proposals for Furnishing Teams. Sealed proposals will be received on or before the 4th day of April next, by the Warden of the borough of Willimantic, for furnishing two or more teams for use on the streets of said borough during the coming season. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, not deemed for the best interest of the borough. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. R. Davison, Warden. Willimantic, Conn. March 23d, 1881.

334. Wed Mar 23 1881: Columbia.
Mr. LaFayette J. Robertson, formerly of this place, now a successful merchant in Hartford, was in town Tuesday.
N.P. Little has purchased a considerable tract of lumber of Frederick Collins.
Mr. Little has been actively engaged in the lumber business during the winter and is constantly furnishing bills of lumber for different parties. George L. Dewey is in town canvassing for the "new revision of the New Testament." Dr. T. R. Parker has a critical case in Andover and that with his patients here keeps him actively engaged.
Constable Marshall Holbrook has been engaged for several days in the service of a writ of attachment assisted by Deputy Sheriff Cummings.
The Hop River Warm company has been making repairs on the embankment of the water course leading to the factory.
All the schools in town are to be taught by young lady residents, Misses Hortense Downer, Lillie J. Fuller, Jennie L. Fuller, Lucy H. Sawyer, Clara E. Holbrook, Lizzie J. Brown, Ada S. Townsend.

335. Wed Mar 23 1881: Abington.
A family by the name of Baker living in the south part of the parish recently lost all their property by fire. Last Thursday the ladies of the Advent society met to sew for them. A gentleman of the Congregational society gave them twenty-five dollars.
Miss Howard has a luxuriant orange tree six feet high, which she raised from a seed and had grafted, at this time the tree is in full bloom, which is a novelty for this place.
The Congregational society held a society meeting Monday the 14th. They chose a committee and have engaged the Rev. Mr. Burdett for the ensuing year, which act is satisfactory to all.
A son of Mr. Lyon thinks of going ere long to Colorado for the benefit of his health. His brother will accompany him.
Mrs. Jarves Clapp residing in Pomfret, just beyond the line of Abington society, has pieced a silk bed-quilt containing eight hundred and ten pieces, it is a perfect marvel of beauty and industry.

336. Wed Mar 23 1881: Central Village.
Condoning the "eccentricities" of a pastor is not a success in this village. After receiving Rev. Mr. Marsland back with open arms and presenting him with $100 in cash at Christmas, it did seem as if the Congregational church there should go forward in peace; but is has not. A few Sundays ago Mr. Marsland astonished his hearers by making a statistical statement in a sermon of the value of the property in his parish and showed them how slight a tax must be laid to increase his salary from $700 to $1,000. Some of his auditors were so vexed that they circulated a petition and appointed a committee to present it, asking him to resign. He received the committee and entertained them by opening his vials of wrath n the heads of the signers, after which he informed them that he would not resign so long as he had one majority in the church. Subsequently he met private rumor concerning his family publicly in the pulpit, declaring: "My wife did not come here as a servant for this people." Religiously speaking, things are warm in the parish, and a meeting is soon to be held to consider dismissing Mr. Marsland summarily from their service.

337. Wed Mar 23 1881: North Mansfield.
I see that our selectmen have appointed Wm. Reynolds to collect the tax in the South parish, and Gardner W. Reynolds to collect in the North parish, both are good men, and the tax will be collected, but they have got something to do as our tax is two cents on the dollar this year.
At the social held at Mr. Geo. F. King's March 10th, it was voted to make some repairs in the conference house, taking out the old seats and putting in new chairs, and also to do other necessary repairs. Our carpenter, Mr. Upham, will do the work which goes to warrant that the work will be well done, as he always does his work well.
Mr. Wallace E. King is canvassing this town for the sale of Lewis's potato bug exterminator and agricultural syringe. It is a very good thing, not only for potato bugs, but is also good for sprinkling flowers and the lawn.

338. Wed Mar 23 1881: Montville.
A man last Thursday night entered the barn occupied by Mr. Charles Sweet and drove away a pair of steers and a cow. A good wholesome lesson in jail is radically needed.
Rev. D. Moses, the eloquent Republican orator, left town last week to engage in insurance business. Before he left however a gentleman found it necessary to have an officer remind him of dilatory settlement of honest debts.
T.B. Holmes, formerly clerk in the employ of Mr. John A. Coggshall, has secured a like position with Mr. T.M. Potter, grocer in New London.
O.W. Douglass, Esq. the retired justice of the peace, has recently been the chief actor in a little drama as disagreeable as remarkable--Mr. Douglass has for a long time past enjoyed an honest reputation of strict probity and judicial integrity, and it has been with amazement unsurpassed that his many friends reluctantly believed anything to his detriment. Last summer Mr. Douglass rented, or let, a piece of land to a man named Finley, who was to raise the crops and divide the spoils. Mr. Douglass secured the crop of beans in his barn and locked it, telling Finley some other time they would share the beans. Finley allowed this state to continue till recently, he determined to finish the music. Judge Douglass went up to see Finley in regard to the bean affair last week and when he, the judge, returned it was ascertained that one eye was badly swollen, the mark of Finley's fist, and withal the judge has received a severe castigation. Much to the judge's surprise, it was shortly proclaimed that he had been continually dealing out the ardent to Mrs. Finley, and upon her complaint, prosecuting agent Montgomery was after the judge's scalp. Judge Douglass immediately started for Montgomery's residence in Greenville, and desired the affair hushed up. Then coming down to Palmertown the next evening he arose for the prayers of the christian people, confessed himself a mammoth sinner and solemnly protested that he should live in future a higher life. Mr. Montgomery came down and examined the affair and concluded under the circumstances to let the matter rest at present.

339. Wed Mar 23 1881: Eastford.
The school in district No. 3 closed on Thursday March 10th, under the instruction of Albert N. Hammond, who has labored hard for the last 18 weeks, teaching, and has had a very successful and thorough work in his undertaking. Mr. Hammond has taught a number of terms before, and has met with most beautiful success in every town. Names of scholars neither absent or tardy, Miss Sina Thurber, Martin V. Arnold, Amy Arnold, Emma Clark. Also Miss Bertha Lawton, absent only one-half day. First class in spelling, Cora Thurber received the first premium Birtha Lawton second. Second class, Emma Clark received the first premium, Vernon Arnold second. Average attendance 30. Whole number of scholars 46.

340. Wed Mar 23 1881: North Windham.
Miss Marcia Hunt and Miss Hattie Flint have been engaged to teach the summer term of school in this district, to commence the first Monday in April.
Mr. E.S. Lincoln has his steam grist mill in running order. He has secured the services of Mr. Ormsby again to assist him in his farming duties.
Mr. E.A. Flint has taken the farm of C.H. Buckingham on shares the coming year.
Mr. Butts has moved into the house of Albert Backus, and will care for Mr. Backus.
Mr. Burdick, a new overseer in the mill of E.H. Hall & Son, has moved into the house formerly owned by F.M. Lincoln but recently purchased by M.M. Welch.
Mr. Horace Snow lost a very fine cow recently.
There was quite a turnout from this village to attend the auction of E.P Kenyon on the 15th. Mr. Kenyon is to remove to Hartford.

341. Wed Mar 23 1881: Born.
Wilson--In Scotland, March 19th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson, Jr.

342. Wed Mar 23 1881: Died.
Robinson--In Coventry, March 17th, Phebe Robinson, aged 31 years.
Heffernan--In Willimantic, March 19th, May Agnes Heffernan aged 21 years 6 months.

343. Wed Mar 23 1881: For Sale at Auction. Wednesday March 30, 1881. The beautiful country residence of the late Hon. Charles W. Scott, situated about 9 miles from Willimantic, 8 miles from Norwich and 1 1-2 miles from Baltic station. Containing 300 acres of fine farming lands, wood lands &c., 1000 pear and other fruit trees, two story mansion house, three very large barns, piggery, henery, ice house, granery, sheds &c. Farm cuts 75 tons of hay, 30 acres under plow, beautiful scenery, healthy, good water. This is the most desirable gentleman's country residence or farmer's home ever offered at auction in this vicinity. Also will be sold the stock including registered Jerseys, tools, one gentleman's driving horse, a good stepper, one thoroughbred saddle mare and a good roader, buggies, carriages, harnesses, robes &c. Sale to commence at 12 m., sharp. For further particulars address W.H. Pearce, Baltic, Conn. If stormy, next pleasant day.

344. Wed Mar 23 1881: By C.A. Atkins, Auctioneer, Auction Sale of Real Estate. Saturday, March 26th, 1881. At 2 o'clock, P.M. I will sell at public auction on the above date, the House and Lot on Jackson street, Willimantic, formerly occupied by me. Said house contains 14 rooms, suitably arranged for two families. The lot is about 89 by 200 ft. There is also on the place a new barn, 24x24 feet, with carriage house attached. This property is very central, and can always be rented to good paying tenants. Don't fail to attend this sale, for the property is a better investment than government bonds at the price they are now selling. For particulars enquire of the Auctioneer, at Hartford, or D.B. Isham, So. Manchester, Ct.

345. Wed Mar 23 1881: For Sale. Two acres of Land situated in the village of North Windham, with 1 1/2 story house in good repair, barn and other outbuildings thereon. Also a good water privilege on this place. One horse 11 years old and a good roadster, one Concord Buggy, one Phaeton Carriage, one Harness. The above property will be sold low as the owner is breaking up housekeeping. Apply to Bridget Rynes, North Windham, Ct.

346. Wed Mar 23 1881: Three Farms for Sale! Locate in the Town of Ashford!
No. 1. One farm in the north part of Ashford containing 38 acres of land, suitably divided into mowing, pasturage and tillage, with a variety of fruit, and house and barn nearly new.
No. 2. Saw, Grist & Shingle Mill with splendid water power, and a good farm containing about 100 acres of land, large house and barn, wood sufficient for fire, fruit trees in bearing sufficient for family use.
No. 3. Farm No. 3, situated in the south part of Ashford, contains 238 acres of land, suitably divided into mowing, pasturage and tillage land, well adapted to stock raising or dairy purposes. Will cut hay sufficient to keep 34 or 40 head of cattle through the winter. Enquire of Edwin A. Buck, Willimantic, Conn. Willimantic, March 14, 1881.

347. Wed Mar 23 1881: District of Ashford, ss. Probate Court, March 5th, 1881. Estate of George W. Young of Ashford in said district insolvent debtor. The Court of Probate for the district of Ashford hath limited and allowed three months from date of this order for the creditors of said estate in which to exhibit their claims against said estate; and has appointed Ezra L. Knowlton and Henry R. Woodward commissioners to receive and examine said claims. Certified by Davis A. Baker, Judge.
The subscribers give notice that they shall meet at E.L. Knowlton's in said Ashford on the 4th day of April and the 4th day of June 1881 at two o'clock in the afternoon on each of said days, for the purpose of attending to the business of said appointment. Ezra L. Knowlton, Henry R. Woodward, Commissioners. All person indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to John A. Murphy, Trustee.


348. Wed Mar 30 1881: About Town.
W.N. Potter is remodeling his boot and shoe store.
James S. Baldwin has been appointed postmaster at Hampton.
Geo. W. Phillips has removed to the tenement over H.C. Hall's store.
John Bowman, the tailor will move into his new quarters in Commercial block this week.
Wales & Larrabee are settled in their new grocery on Church street, and ready for business.
The bluebirds, and even the robins have come, but the Windham frogs have not begun to sing.
E. Perry Butts has leased for a term of years the hose owned by Winfield Snow on Bellevue street.
Dr. H.A. Stewart, at the Brainard and makes examinations and accords consultations free of charge.
A variety of furniture and low prices at the Boston furniture store, lower Main St. opposite old thread mill.

349. Wed Mar 30 1881: The house belonging to Horace Jackson, in Hampton, was destroyed by fire Monday morning. Insured for $700.

350. Wed Mar 30 1881: The managers of the roller skating rink have left town on account of lack of patronage--but they didn't give it a fair trial.

351. Wed Mar 30 1881: Mrs. Black formerly with the Linen Co. will engage in the millinery business in the rooms directly over Tilden's furniture store.

352. Wed Mar 30 1881: E. Harris has hired the vacant store in Tanner's block at the corner of North street, and will remove his meat market to that place.

353. Wed Mar 30 1881: A.B. Palmer and W.L. Harrington of the firm of W.L. Harrington & Co., expect to start for Boston on Monday to select their spring stock of clothing.

354. Wed Mar 30 1881: The Windham Cotton company have speeded up their machinery in order to overcome the reduction in the wages of their operatives in some of the rooms.

355. Wed Mar 30 1881: Mrs. J.C. Dorman has just completed a handsome piece of needle work in the shape of a silk bedspread which contains three thousand two hundred and sixty four pieces.

356. Wed Mar 30 1881: Herbert, the two-year-old son of Rev. Emory J. Haynes of Brooklyn, N.Y., and grandson of the late Rev. Zadoc Haynes of this village, died suddenly of diphtheria last Wednesday.

357. Wed Mar 30 1881: Mrs. Samuel Tilden, mother of Chester Tilden, and an old and respected resident, while reading a paper, on Friday of last week was attacked with paralysis. No hope is entertained of her recovery, we are sorry to say.

358. Wed Mar 30 1881: A gang of laborers are at work discovering the leaks in the gas main on Walnut street. The absence of much frost in the ground will probably enable the workmen to confine gas in the pipes sufficient to supply consumers.

359. Wed Mar 30 1881: We publish this week a poem written for the Chronicle, entitled "The Pacific Coast," from the pen of Edward F. Hovey of San Francisco, a former resident of this place, and remembered by many of our inhabitants.

360. Wed Mar 30 1881: The Isham property, on Jackson street was held at auction on Saturday of last week, but was not sold because no one seemed willing to pay anything for the right of redemption. The mortgage is three thousand nine hundred and seventy dollars.

361. Wed Mar 30 1881: At 11 o'clock Saturday night a freight train on the Air Line was wrecked on the bridge at Rock Falls, four miles east of Middletown, the car next to the tender jumping the track. Seven cars went into the river fifty feet below, and eight others were derailed. Nobody was injured.

362. Wed Mar 30 1881: A.S. Turner has decided to continue the custom of closing his store two evenings each week. He made up his mind to open, but has courteously obeyed the wishes of other merchants who are pleased with the arrangement in order that the opening may not become general.

363. Wed Mar 30 1881: Trivial instances of "cheek" are but of every-day occurrence, but this important factor in business success reached its climax, when an entire stranger entered the kitchen of a boarding house not far distant from this office, and hired a servant right under the very nose of the mistress of the house, who wished to retain her.

364. Wed Mar 30 1881: At the regular meeting of Natchaug Lodge K. of P., held Monday evening, the following were elected and duly installed for the ensuing term: C.C. George W. Phillips; V.C., John H. Parker; Prelate, George H. Purinton; K. of R. & S. Horace A. Adams; M. of E., John Bowman; M. of F., S.N. Potter; I.G., James Dougherty; O.G., Alexander F. Ogden.

365. Wed Mar 30 1881: The elegant and gorgeous Diamond Dick, the Indian prophet, has shaken the Willimantic dust from his garments, and many a smitten lady in this vicinity will have to bind up her shattered affections and bear the disappointment. Those who were foolish enough to take medical advice from him, in preference to so many skillful physicians in town, are to be pitied, to say the least.

366. Wed Mar 30 1881: The following named members of Co. E. 3d. Reg't, of the G.N.G., have been discharged from the military service of the state on account of expiration of their term of enlistment: Sergeant James Haggerty, Corporal Timothy Connor, Corporal John Connor, Corporal Thomas J. Keating, Musician John D. Harrington, Private John Crawford, Private John H. Parker, Private Albert F. Whiton. On account of non-residence: Privates Michael Braney, Thomas Roach, James Shea, James E. Lynch, Timothy F. Quinn, Marty Galivan.

367. Wed Mar 30 1881: Information, on Thursday of last week, of the death of Mrs. Barney Cunningham from diphtheria caused a thrill of sorrow to run over a large circle of friends and acquaintances. She was one of the leading voices in the choir at St. Joseph's church, and she will be greatly missed in that capacity. The funeral was very largely attended, and was held at the Catholic church. The contribution of flowers was magnificent.

368. Wed Mar 30 1881: The ladies connected with the work for Home Missions, of Willimantic, wish to extend their sincere thanks, to all who so generously contributed to their New England dinner, and especially to Mr. E.A. Buck who so kindly solicited money for them.

369. Wed Mar 30 1881: The Senate on Friday passed the bill of acceptance of the handsome gift of the brothers Charles and Augustus Storrs, of Mansfield, who give to the state the buildings and the grounds of the Soldiers Orphans' Home, to be used as a State Agricultural School. Mr. Charles Storrs bought adjoining land, for the purpose of this gift, and the whole gift now includes 150 acres, besides the commodious and substantial buildings; moreover, he gives the state $5,000 in money to equip the school and set it agoing. The gift is conditioned on the state's granting $5,000 a year, for a while to keep up the school. The Senate's vote limits the time for such appropriations to three years: hardly long enough. The school, which is to be under the management of a board of trustees to be appointed by the Senate, is designed to educate boys and young men in the practical knowledge of intelligent and scientific farming.

370. Wed Mar 30 1881: A New Church.--J.A. Conant, J.A. Lewis, Geo. E. Bean and E.F. Reed are the prime movers in the establishment of a new church in this place. They have invited Rev. J.L. Barlow of Wisconsin, (formerly of Connecticut,) a Baptist clergyman, to assist in its organization. Although no creed or code of by-laws has as yet been adopted, it is safe to assume that they will contain planks favorable to anti-Masonry and prohibition.

371. Wed Mar 30 1881: Willimantic Athletic Club Games.--The athletic games held by the Willimantic Athletic Club on Friday and Saturday evenings of last week were very successful--even more so than the similar exhibition of last year. The club is decidedly the most popular organization which has existed in Willimantic for many years. The attendance both evenings was very large, and much interest was taken in the exercises. Friday evening's programme was begun by the ten mile go-as-you-please and was won by George Baker in 1 hour 7 1/2 minutes. John L. Walden kicked 7 feet 8 inches, and won the high kicking match. The sparring match between two darkies named respectively Seymour and Deming was a funny feature of the evening. Tug of war between club teams composed of C.S. Robbins, H. Moulton, W.H. Alpaugh, R. Alpaugh; second, J.L. Walden, H.R. Lincoln, J. Harries, C.W. Alpaugh, won by the latter. The Indian club exercise under the lead of J.L. Walden, was a pleasant feature. The fancy rifle shooting, by Diamond Dick, showed him to be a good marksman, but it was an unpleasant spectacle to the audience,--the only one which occurred during the two evenings. Exhibition of high jumping by J. Rollinson,--4 feet 9 inches. The tug of war between a club team of four and an outside team of five, made up as follows: W.A.C: H.H. Bottom, C.H. Bailey, H.R. Lincoln, J.L. Walden; outside, J.H. Parker, Wm. Sweet, Jas Dougherty, Goodwin, and ------, won by club team. The one mile walk had, as participants, F. Sanderson and F. Young, and was won by Sanderson in 8 minutes 2 seconds.
Friday evening showed the following result: Five mile walk, F. Sanderson, D. Killoury, F. Young, C. Robbins, was an exciting event of the evening, and was won by Sanderson in 43 1/2 minutes, with Killoury a very close second. Jumping exhibition by J. Rollinson. Tug of war between club teams. One our run by Steele, Burdick and Dunn, won by Steele. Swinging rings, by members of the club. The horizontal bars and tumbling were interesting. The egg race was a novel feature of the evening and created much merriment, won by F. Hancox. Charles L. Boss acted as time keeper and referee both evenings. The club netted a handsome sum.

372. Wed Mar 30 1881: Scotland.
The singing school gave a concert last Friday evening assisted by Mr. and Mrs. George Fuller and N.W. Leavitt. An admission fee of ten cents was charged and $13 was realized.
Frank Cary has been quite ill for some days. He expects to move to Willimantic April first.
H.B. Geer is pushing the repairs on the Devotion house. Among the curiosities brought to light are a coin dated 1700, and a well filled ancient snuff box.
A good number of friends were present at the recent golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kimball and among the numerous presents were two easy chairs, an extension table, hanging lamp, glassware, china, a clock, several gold pieces etc.
The new house on the Baker place in Lower Scotland, is being completed, after a stand-still of some years.
Wm. F. Palmer has resigned his office of postmaster and has recommended Jas. Burnett as his successor. Mr. Palmer has been very ill for several weeks, but is now somewhat better, and in a fair way to recover.
Miss Josie Gallup has been engaged to teach the summer term of school in the village. The term begins one week from next Monday.
Samuel Hughes has a July pullet which lays single yolk eggs measuring 6 1/2 by 7 1/2 inches in circumference. The eggs are rough and not very handsome, but in size and number, no pullet in this vicinity has ever beaten the record of this one. At last accounts she had laid 13 of the big eggs and was still at it.
Mrs. Waldo Bass was attacked with pleurisy several days since while visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph Spencer, at South Windham, and has not been able to return to her home.

373. Wed Mar 30 1881: Danielsonville.
The brickyard property has been sold to the Quinebaug Brick Company. The company is composed of Sidney D. Waters, Vincent Bowen and E.B. Miller. All of them are practical builders who thoroughly understand their business. It has fallen into good hands.
Mrs. E.F. Gobey has sold out her millinery business to E.F. Phillips of Putnam, who was recently burned out. He has taken possession.
The personal property of the late O.M. Capron was sold at auction last Saturday. The bidding was lively, and good prices were obtained.
The Stewart farm has been sold to a Wauregan gentleman.

374. Wed Mar 30 1881: South Coventry.
All who are indebted for the Chronicle are requested to settle with Mr. Dwight Webler.--Ed.
L.A. Hall has purchased the widow Brown place and will erect a building 32x44 for a store which he expects to occupy about June 1st. Wm. F. Sweet, of the firm of Hammond & Sweet, has bought the W.A. Loomis store which Mr. Hall now occupies, and will remove to that, Mr. Hammond remaining where they now are. John Carmon is building an addition to his store making it 25x35. There will be seven stores when Mr. Hall's is completed, and there are rumors of another to be.
The Bradbury Bros. are intending to build a new meat market near their father's store, now occupied by Hammond & Sweet.
It is rumored that there is to be another blacksmith shop, a building to be erected for the purpose in Barbers' village. We have three already.
Main street is being widened and straightened opposite John Carmon's store, a needed and great improvement.
Jennie Kolb has recovered from her recent illness and is visiting friends in Baltic. Edith Mason is visiting in Naugatuck.
The Rev. Mr. Jenkins preached at the Congregational church last Sunday. Rev. Alpheus Winter, a former pastor will preach next Sunday April 3d.
Norman Boynton's carriage shop, occupied by Charles G. Coombs, has recently been painted.
Measles are quite prevalent.
Rev. J. Dodge, the Methodist pastor, is to move on his farm on South street and will discontinue preaching for the present.
Mr. Waters was somewhat burned by the explosion of a quantity of powder at the cartridge shop recently.
A short time since as Potter's mail team was in waiting at the depot, the horses were suddenly seized with an inspiration to demonstrate practically the sentiment of "Homeward bound." Eye witnesses state that they made good time. When near Hammond & Sweet's store they parted company with the coach and pursued their journey unrestrained. The coach pole proved to be the principal thing subject to repairs.

375. Wed Mar 30 1881: South Coventry - From another Correspondent.
Hon. Chauncy Howard spent last week at his residence in South street.
The bay window of Mrs. Norman Dunham presents a very fine appearance, her plants are looking thrifty and loaded with a profusion of beautiful flowers.
The trees by the road side in front of J.B. Carmon were felled last Saturday to permit of the widening of the road; a retaining wall is being built thereby preventing the frost from crumbling off the bank.
Mr. Walter A. Loomis, one of Coventry's former merchants and a respected citizen, was in town Friday.
Mr. T. Dunham occupies with Dwight Nason the farm house of Hon. Chauncy Howard.
William G. Judd has purchased a young horse of Charles Congdon of Willimantic. Mr. Judd is possessed of wonderful activity for a man of his years and a four years old colt doesn't daunt him.
Mrs. E.E. Babcock has sold within a few weeks 170 bushels of apples to parties from Coventry and Providence.
Mrs. Samuel Storrs last week had some fine calla blossoms pressing their lovely faces against the window panes and greeting the passers by with their beauty.
There are several parties looking at Bidwell's hotel with a view of purchasing. It was founded in 1822 by Solomon Bidwell; after his decease it descended to his only son Lyman P., and from him to his only son Charles; thus three generations have passed away in a comparatively short time and with the last named it passeth out of the Bidwell name.
The Public Library is very much valued, constant additions are being made to it by gift and purchase.

376. Wed Mar 30 1881: Henry H. Flint, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, the best place in Willimantic to find the best and only complete stock of leads and oils, coach and carriage goods, artists' and chromo lithographic materials, wax flower sundries, etc.

377. Wed Mar 30 1881: Lebanon.
Our enterprising citizen Mr. Asher P. Smith has recently greatly shocked some of the good people hereabouts by painting his house red with green trimmings, and blinds a maroon color. This so called eccentricity of Mr. Smith has occasioned much unfavorable criticism, particularly among what might be not improperly styled the masculine fossils and feminine petrifications of the neighborhood, who, as ever, much dislike to see old established and orthodox order of things encroached upon. Some have even gone so far as to refuse to recognize Mr. S. when meeting him on the street, and others express their indignation by derisively inquiring if he has tea to sell, intimating that his house resembles a Japanese tea store rather than a habitable dwelling. There are those however not so firmly wedded to ancient customs who are disposed to credit Mr. Smith with a spirit of independence, which when exercised in the administration of his own affairs is at once laudable and praiseworthy.
Pussy willows are not getting ahead as fast this week as usual and in this section will not be ready to harvest as early as was anticipated two or three weeks ago.
There has been more sickness in town than usual the past winter. Our local physician Dr. Barber, has had his time fully occupied, being unable at times to see all of his patients as often as would have been desirable; and although having had a number of very severe cases his usual success has attended his ministrations.

378. Wed Mar 30 1881: South Windham.
One of the choppers in the woods below here was caught by a falling tree on Thursday last and was severely if not fatally injured. Dr. Huntington was called to render assistance but after a slight examination thought it best for him to be conveyed to his home in Willimantic. He found one leg was broken and feared that he was seriously injured internally.

379. Wed Mar 30 1881: Wanted. Three or four first-class machinists. Apply to W.G. & A.R. Morrison, Willimantic, Conn.

380. Wed Mar 30 1881: At a Court of Probate holden at Columbia within and for the District of Andover on the 28th day of March, A.D. 1881. Present, William A. Collins, Judge. On motion of Lucius G. Standish, administrator on the estate of Fanny L. Standish late of Andover within said district, deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the administrator and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic, and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said town of Columbia nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record. William A. Collins, Judge.

381. Wed Mar 30 1881: For Sale. Two acres of Land situated in the village of North Windham, with 1 1/2 story house in good repair, barn and other outbuildings thereon. Also a good water privilege on the place. One horse 11 years old and a good roadster, one Concord Buggy, one Phaeton Carriage, one Harness. The above property will be sold low as the owner is breaking up housekeeping. Apply to Bridget Hynes, North Windham, Ct.

382. Wed Mar 30 1881: A tomato vine has with some difficulty been grafted upon a potato. It was done simply as a matter of curiosity.

383. Wed Mar 30 1881: Twelve years after the landing of the Pilgrims at Plymouth there was not a plow in the vicinity of Boston, and the farmers broke up the land with hoes or other hand implements; in 1637 there were but thirty-seven plows in the whole State, and at a later period it was the custom for one owning a plow to do nearly if not all the plowing for a town. The town often paid a bounty to one who would buy and keep a plow in repair and do the work in this way.

384. Wed Mar 30 1881: Born.
Vanderman--In this village, Mar. 20th, a daughter to William and Ellen Vanderman.

385. Wed Mar 30 1881: Married.
Fuller-Davoll--By Rev. Dr. A.J. Church, Mar. 29th., William E. Fuller, of New Haven, and Miss Emma J. Davoll of Lebanon.

386. Wed Mar 30 1881: Died.
Cunningham--In Willimantic, Mar. 24th., Mrs. Annie Cunningham, aged 29.
Sullivan--In Willimantic, Mar. 28th, Jeremiah Sullivan, aged 64.

387. Wed Mar 30 1881: Patent granted by US for week ending Mar. 22nd 1881:
W.C. Joslin, Putnam, sash weight.

388. Wed Mar 30 1881: Columbia.
Last Friday evening N.R. Holbrook read an essay on education before the Library Association and to complete the evening's entertainment there was a mock trial conducted much to the amusement of the audience. N.K. Holbrook judge, William H. Yeomans prosecuting attorney, G. W. Thompson person assaulted, Dennison Avery criminal, Charles P. Little counsel for accused, Charles F. Clark, physician.

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