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CHRONICLE 1879-1884 |
The Willimantic Chronicle - Year of 1884 Published every Wednesday. McDonald & Safford, Editors and Publishers. M. Wallen, A.H. Freeman, O.G. Hanks. Prompter: O.M. Richardson. Chronicle, February 1884: 248. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: About Town. Geo. L. Wheeler goes to New London to prompt at the ball given by Company I., February 21st. A physician remarked that there have been about three hundred cases of measles during the present epidemic. Dr. Jacobs has removed his office and residence to R.W. Hooper's house Main street opposite the Revere House. Gen. T.S. Cummings of Mansfield Centre has gone with his family to New York to spend the remainder of the winter. The Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine Company have removed their office to the store of C.H. Utley and have put in the window a very neat sign executed by Andrew Kinney. Miss Helen Battey has rented the corner store in Tanner block and removed her tailoring shop to the rear room in it. She contemplates opening a fancy goods store there in the spring. The marriage of Mr. Arthur H. Lynch and Miss Emma Reed a well known and popular couple of this village, occurred last Saturday, Rev. S.R. Free performing the ceremony. The court of burgesses ought not to allow the telephone company to erect poles on Prospect street. We are surprised that they hesitated in that matter at their meeting Monday evening.
249. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: D.O. Lombard has lately been among the farmers of this vicinity buying lumber for the consolidated railroad. That road consumes a great many million feet annually, and he has charge of all purchases.
250. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: All the grocers have entered into an agreement to close their stores every night at 8 o'clock except Saturday and pay day nights beginning next Monday. The butchers are also trying to make the same arrangement.
251. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: The records in the probate judge's office Mansfield reveal the fact that the lat H.D. Russ' property inventories about $22,000 out of which he makes a bequest of $500 to the church at the Centre, the remainder to his family.
252. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: A.P. Benner, agent for the White Bronze Monumental Co., of Bridgeport, has just erected the first monument of that material in the Willimantic cemetery. In design it is very handsome and is said to be more desirable than marble.
253. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: John Congdon will sell at auction, Thursday, Feb. 7th, at his farm in Coventry, the fine Jersey Bull Norman B, two yokes of oxen, cows and young stock, tools, harness, household furniture, etc., Sale at 10 o'clock. If stormy next fair day.
254. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: What is the good in leasing a court house if it isn't used? When the present lease runs out, about two years hence, we guess our citizens may vote to make the necessary changes in the new town hall and save $400 a year. How does it strike you?
255. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: The Willimantic Silk company which removed from this village to Preston, Ct., last summer is now we understand employing sixty hands, running full time and doing a very satisfactory business in the manufacture of ribbons and hat band material.
256. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: The many friends in this village of Mrs. Charles H. Johnson, nee Miss Carrie A. Wheaton will be pained to learn of the death of her husband, who was also well known in this village which occurred about a fortnight since in Brooklyn. They were married but little over a year ago.
257. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: The county commissioners, Mrs. Smith and Mr. Benton of the state board of charities and Mr. Lippett of the state board of health together with the committee in the various towns of the county will visit the home for destitute children at Putnam Heights next Wednesday, February 13th.
258. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Within the past ten years all the towns in Windham county, except four, have decreased in population; these four are Putnam, Killingly, Windham and Thompson, which have largely decreased. The change is due of course to the manufacturing interests, as the drain from the agricultural districts is steadily going on to build up the manufacturing towns.
259. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Chas. H. Dimmick is now the sole proprietor of the opera house hair dressing rooms has just put in a large line of cigars and tobacco for the convenience of his patrons and his own profit. The hair goods have been removed to Mrs. McAvoys fancy goods store for sale, but Mr. Potvin who has always done the hair work will still continue to take orders at the barber shop.
260. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Miss Esther Smith, sister of John Smith, and a life long resident of this town, died at the home of her brother last Wednesday of heart disease at the age of eighty years. She was the last of the constituent members of the Baptist church, and has been faithfully devoted to its welfare during its entire history of fifty-six years. Rev. Mr. Holman paid a brief tribute to her memory in his excellent sermon last Sunday.
261. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: J.Q.A. Stone, editor of the Windham County Transcript, made the Chronicle a pleasant call yesterday. He was in attendance at the superior court, having been drawn to serve on the jury. This is his first visit to this village since he was interested in a newspaper here, and the changes which have taken place meantime are very remarkable. Mr. Stone is editor and proprietor of one of the best county papers in New England, we think.
262. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Among the thirty-one petitioners for release from state prison to the Board of Pardons, now in session at the Capitol are the two following: from Windham county Charles W. Bill who was convicted in May 1883 of horse stealing and sentenced for two years. Claims he was intoxicated and not responsible. From Tolland county, John Warren thins he has atoned sufficiently for wife murder in the second degree, committed in 1859, and asks for release.
263. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: The building near the cemetery which F.D. Post many years ago, erected for a sash and blind manufactory but never used, has at last been called into use. A company has been formed composed of J.E. Phillips, A.P. Benner and H.L. Hall, for the manufacturing of what is known as the Venetian blinds, and a 12 horse power engine and the necessary machinery is being put in. The business was formerly carried on at West Ashford by Mr. Phillips. The new firm will be known as the Phillips' Venetian Blind Co.
264. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: The United Temperance Workers were addressed at Franklin hall on Sunday evening by some of the members of the Womens' Christian Temperance Union, Mrs. Case president of the Willimantic branch of the Union spoke on the subject of "Hindrance to the Temperance cause." She was followed by Miss Southerland with a few remarks which were addressed more particularly to the younger members of the audience; after a short address by Mrs. Carpenter the meeting was adjourned for one week.
265. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: At a quarterly meeting of the United Temperance Workers held in Franklin hall on Saturday evening Feb. 2d, 1884 the following officers were elected for the ensuing quarter. President, J.E. Smith; vice presidents, H.M. Cady, W.H.H. Bingham, Herbert Williams and J.D. Willis; executive committee E.E. Merril, W.E. Bissel, W.H.H. Bingham, C.H. Webster, Allen A. Bingham, C.H. Edmunds, J.H. Appleton; secretary and treasurer, J.C. Michell; chorister, Geo. Wright; organist, Edward Spicer; ushers, Robert Hooper, George Elliott.
266. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: "The children's home at East Putnam has ten little inmates, all healthy, bright and happy. Go and see them. They are the wards of the county, and it is every resident's business to look after them, and should be every resident's pleasure. A grand chance to do home missionary work of a most tangible and satisfactory nature is this opportunity to save from Satan's snares and poverty's hold these young unfortunates whom the state wisely commands us to take especially good care of. Let Windham county see to it that she obeys orders." The Transcript's remarks are heartily endorsed by the feelings of the Chronicle.
267. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: O.S. Chaffee & Son have employed Jas. H. Picknell to tear out the interior of the first story of their mill corner of Church and Valley streets, and make such improvements and additions as will put it in first class condition for manufacturing purposes. The work is going on with all possible speed, and it is expected that the place will be in readiness for business in about one month. The matter has more than passing interest from the fact, that this part of the mill has been rented to out of town parties, who have perfected all arrangements for establishing a new branch of industry, that of manufacturing silk braid. Twenty-five braiding machines have been ordered, and more will be added as the business develops.
268. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Superior Court - The Superior court came in here yesterday at 2 o'clock, with Judge Andrews on the bench. The judge immediately upon opening the court adjourned for one week to Brooklyn, for the trial of criminal cases. There are twenty of them to be tried, seventeen of which are tramps. After finishing up the business in the eastern part of the county, the court will return here for the trial of court cases. At a meeting of the Windham county bar a committee was appointed consisting of J.L. Hunter, C.E. Searles and J.M. Hall, to draft appropriate resolutions relative to the death of Joel R. Arnold and Harrison Johnson. And after passing some resolutions favorable to the appointment of John J. Penrose, the able state's attorney for Windham county, to succeed Judge James A. Hovey on the superior court bench, the following committee was appointed to present the matter to Governor Waller; J.L. Hunter, G.W. Phillips, C.E. Searles and Judge Lyon. But the appended extract from this morning's Bulletin will if true leave the committee in the lurch. "Judge James A. Hovey of this city received a telegram from His Excellency, Gov. Waller, Monday afternoon, tendering him the nomination for reappointment to the judgeship on the superior court bench, and the judge immediately telegraphed back his acceptance of the nomination."
269. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: The ousting of Gen. L.E. Baldwin from the office of county commissioner, the title to which he held by appointment from Gov. Waller, shows how greedy these Windham county republican politicians are for the spoils of office. If the representatives vote to build an addition to the jail at Brooklyn as it is expected they will, the General with is extensive knowledge of building details would have been a valuable help to the board. Somebody by name of A.H. Stanton of Sterling received the appointment for the remainder of the present term and for the succeeding term.
270. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Court of Burgesses. A meeting of the Court of Burgesses was held at the borough office Monday evening, the Warden, John M. Alpaugh presiding. The minutes of the meeting held Jan. 7, were read and approved. Messrs. George W. Burnham and H.N. Wales of the board of Water Commissioners appeared and asked for instructions in relation to the matter of bonds. Mr. Geo. W. Phillips manager of the So. N.E. Telephone Co. appeared and offered the borough the use of the company's poles for fire alarm purposes, provided permission was given the company to erect a line of poles on Prospect street - no action taken. John M. Hall submitted amendments to the by-laws. A vote was passed adopting the amendment. A vote was passed fixing the bonds of the Water Commissioners at five hundred (500) dollars each, and the bond of the Treasurer of the Water Fund at one thousand (1000) dollars. The following bills were presented, and same ordered paid: Labor bill Jan. 9 to 31, $35.85; Ex. Hook & Ladder Co., salary to Jan. 31, $51.25; Alert Hose Co., salary to Jan. 31, $38.75; Montgomery Hose Co., salary to Jan. 31, $38.75; Buck, Durkee & Stiles, gasoline $163.62; F.L. Clark, police, $62; D.W. Shurtliff, police, $62; Chas. T. Brown, police $62, J.D. Willis, supplies fire department $6.90; C. Whitaker oiling hydrants, $1.75; Willimantic Gas Co., gas $6; A.R. Burnham & Co., repairs streets, $35.14; Killourey Bro's, lighting street lamps, $71.94; Fidelia C. Byers, rent, $6. Voted to dissolve.
271. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Police Notes. On Sunday last Edward Rohan was arrested by officer Clark, for theft and getting money under false pretences. It seems that Rohan, who has just been released from the county jail, went to Mansfield and took a cow and calf belonging to his father and drove them as far as the residence of Mr. Frank Northrup, to whom he swapped the bovines, saying they were his own property, and receiving $9.50 and another cow, which he left, stating that he would call and get her in the morning. Believing all was not right, Mr. Northrop [sic] procured Rohan's arrest, who after the office had deposited him in the corridor of the lockup and neglected to confine him in a cell, found it easy work to pry the lock off the front door and escape. The elder Rohan recovered his cow and calf and Mr. Northrup his cow, but the latter has not yet got his $9.50 nor the police recaptured the fugitive. A report was prevalent Monday, to the effect that a man named George Hornberger had been seriously stabbed in the back by a fellow named Sullivan the evening before in the vicinity of Sodom, but the most careful search failed to discover any particulars. Even the authorities seemed to be in the dark regarding the affair. At the trial last Monday of H.C. Nash proprietor of the Revere-house before the county commissioners, for violating the license law, and the case was quashed owing to some informality in the proceedings. J.L. Hunter and J.M. Hall for defense. The case of Town of Windham vs. E. M. Thorne was again postponed Saturday for one week.
272. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Militia Discharges. Recent orders from the adjutant general's office discharge these members of the Third regiment for the reasons assigned: Company C, Norwich - Private Frank V. Comstock and Amos C. Swan, non-residence. Company E. Willimantic - Privates William E. Ellis, John Foley, John Gleason, Nelson J. Larschelle, John McKenna and John Shea, non-residence; Private Octave Case; disability; Privates Edwin A. Aldrich, William Morrison and Lucien B. Woodworth, benefit of the service. Company G. Putnam - William Leclair, expiration term of service; Corporal Llewellyn A. Winslow, Privates Jerome C. Amidon, George W. Campbell, Harrison W. Grimes, John H. Knight, Patrick McGahan, Fred H. Moulton, Hiram E. Smith, Mark H. Wilson, and William H. Clark, non-residence. Company I. New London - First Sergeant Adam F. Bishop, Corporals Frank Smith, George W. Metcalf, Musician George A Buddington and Private Charles H. Dearborn, expiration of service. Private William D. Fairfield of company G dishonorably discharged for intoxication while in uniform.
273. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Base Ball. The best pitcher and catcher in the state are permanent residents of this village - Tommy Lovett and Dave Corcoran can't be beat.
274. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Mansfield Centre. Several cases of measles known as the black variety, are reported in this vicinity. Starting thus early in the season, gives promise of an abundant crop the coming spring.
275. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: The Windham County Transcript makes the following revelation for an explanation of which it would seem to be necessary to read between the lines: "As the election of Mr. Gurdon Cady as member of the State Board of Agriculture, at the annual meeting of the Windham County Agricultural Society in November, was declared illegal by some because some other of the county societies were not represented at the meeting, a joint meeting of all the county societies was called in Woodstock on the 12th instant, and Mr. Henry Larrabee of Windham was elected to the disputed membership, by the Willimantic and Woodstock societies. Certificates of election for both Messrs. Cady and Larrabee were submitted to the Board at Hartford, and Mr. L., receives the endorsement of the investigators, we hear."
276. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: We copy the following from the Putnam Patriot referring to a clergyman who was a former assistant of Rev. Fl. DeBruycker in this place which will be of interest here to those who remember him, as well as others: "Rev. Father Vygen said to his people last Sunday, that they should use not only their influence but their means, in the promotion of education, which meant civilization and great good. He thought, perhaps, that some of his people might not feel just right about the large addition he was about to have made in the educational interests of the Convent, and would therefore take the opportunity to say that they need borrow no trouble on that score. He had some twelve or fifteen thousand dollars which had, through the death of his father, in Germany, just fallen to him, and this he should not leave idle, but use it in the construction of the proposed addition, that it might do good in the land he had adopted, and in which he trusted God had placed him for good. Father Vygen, in other words, intends to bear the expense of the work himself.
277. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: One of our thrifty young business men launches out on the broad sea of hymenial bliss with one of Willimantic's fair daughter this evening, and so close has he kept the secret of his prospective marriage locked within his own breast that this announcement will be a surprise to most of his friends - of whom he has a great many. We refer to the marriage of Mr. A.B. Holmes and Miss Helen Murdock.
278. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: The public will be sorry to learn that Rev. L.H. Wells expects to relinquish his position as pastor of the new Episcopal church about the first of April. He will then be transferred to a large and flourishing church at Tacoma in Washington Territery, a village about the size of Willimantic and the terminus of the Northern Pacific railroad. Seven years ago it had less than one thousand inhabitants, it will thus be seen that its growth is very rapid. Mr. Wells has formed during his residence here a very good impression on the public as a clergyman of large ability and an exemplary citizen, and the many who have made his acquaintance will be sorry to have him leave. He was formerly a resident of the Pacific coast, and he returns thither for the benefit of his wife's health.
279. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: The contract for furnishing the brick for the new bank building has been awarded to Geo. K. Nason, the Church street lumber and coal dealer, he being the lowest bidder. The brick which he proposes to furnish is made by the Quinebaug Brick Co. of East Brooklyn, from whose yard most of the material for brick building in the eastern part of the county is taken. Sabin L. Sayles & Co., woolen manufacturers of Dayville have just finished a fine mill with them, and Music Hall block in Danielsonville which is the most imposing business block in this county except Loomer opera house is finest of them. Pressed bricks will be sued in the front of the new building, but the contract for these has not yet been awarded. It is estimated that about 300,000 common bricks will be used in its construction. Meantime progress on the foundation is very slow on account of bad weather.
280. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Married. Lynch - Reed - In Willimantic, Feb. 2, by Rev. S.R. Free, Arthur H. Lynch and Miss Emma Reed, both of Willimantic. Clapp - Lyon - In Pomfret, Jan 31, by Rev. F.H. Palmer, Horace Clapp and Mrs. Julia Lyon, all of Pomfret.
281. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Died. Whipple - In Southbridge, Mass., January 20, Olney P. Whipple; aged 66 years, 2 mo's and 23 days. Litterick - In Willimantic, Feb. 4th, Alice Litterick, aged 2 years, 7 mos. Tracy - In Willimantic, Feb. 1, Durward H. son of Harlow Tracy, aged 7 years, 5 mos. Smith - In Willimantic, Jan. 29, Esther Smith aged 80 years. Flaherty - In Eagleville Feb 1st, Thomas Flaherty, aged 28 years. McCaffrey - In Willimantic, Feb. 6th, Hugh McCaffrey aged 81 years.
282. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Wanted - Situation in a Meat Market by a middle aged man to learn details, cutting meats &c, with a view to purchasing an interest or setting up in business. Address Carnero, Chronicle Office.
283. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Mansfield. The steam saw mill upon R.W. Storrs premises is now ready for business. For a wonder, we have a good man, an excellent blacksmith located at the mills near Gurleyville. Mr. H.A. Nason is fitting up his Dancing hall, for a sash and blind shop. As Mr. H. Huntington was leaving home one day last week, he was turned out of his wagon and sprained his wrist. This community were pained to hear that the widow of the late Mr. William Cross was insane again, she was taken to the Hartford Asylum Saturday. The third of a series of lectures at the Storrs Agricultural School, by Mr. A.A. Browning, of Norwich, announced for Friday evening, Feb. 1st, was omitted on account of Mr. Browning's illness.
284. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Suing a Manufacturing Company. The Putnam Patriot gives the following account of a recent law-suit which will be read with interest in this section by people who are familiar with the Wilson - Linen Company case. An epitome of the case is as follows: In one of the mills of the Grosvenordale Company an elevator was used to hoist and lower material, but which was not considered safe for the mill hands to ascent and descend by. The "super" of the mill, although sometimes going up and down upon the elevator himself had strictly forbidden the help following his example. One of the hands named Malo, disregarded orders, and while descending at one time, some of the gearing broke precipitating him to the bottom, badly injuring him. For a time the company paid him his usual wages, furnished him medical assistance, and did all they could for the suffering man. Through bad advice, Malo was persuaded not to let "well enough alone," and to refuse all help from the company, and also to bring action against them, claiming $20,000 damages. The case came before Judge Stoddard at Norwich. Messrs. Shields, Halsey, and Governor Waller appearing for the plaintiff and G.W. Phillips and State Attorney Penrose for defendants. The trial occupied five days. The plaintiff claimed he had been made a cripple for life by the paralyzing of the lower part of his body, through carelessness for which the company is responsible. The defense, on the other hand, showed that he had been injured by disobeying positive orders and that his injuries had been greatly magnified; also that the defendant had persistently made himself worse by refusing to use his limbs in order to make out a case of heavy damages. Many witnesses were examined on both sides, and the legal gentlemen asserted all their talent in behalf of their clients. The court, after consideration awarded the plaintiff $1 damages, which, according to law, carries costs to an amount no greater than the damages, and therefore $2 was all Malo recovered. The decision is one of importance of manufacturers and employees.
285. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Mansfield. We notice that E.H. Hyde Esq. Has been appointed trustee of the Storrs agricultural school. If Mr. Hyde has been a successful farmer practically the appointment is a good one, the objection if any, being the distance he resides from the farm he should devote his time to. That the farm as at present managed is a dead weight on the taxpayers of the state is evident to any ordinary farmer and something more must e done in the way of improvement to satisfy the public that the money appropriated by the state is of any benefit to the farming community.A paper is being circulated and has been generally signed by the voters of both parties recommending sheriff elect West, to appoint George LeValley of this town one of his deputies. The appointment belongs to Mansfield this term and Mr. West could not make a better selection for his deputy than Mr. LeValley. The ten year old son of Mr. Darius Moon residing in Eagleville was caught last Monday under a falling tree fracturing the front part of his skull. John Hutchins and Charles Nichols Jr., visited Dunham's pond near Eagleville last Thursday on a fishing excursion and hooked up twenty-five pickerel weighing twenty-one pounds. Several other parties have tried their luck on the same pond with varied success but this was the best catch thus far. The writer was the recipient of three of the finny tribe, the largest of which weighed two and a quarter pounds. Thanks to the generous donor who walked a mile out of his way to do the favor. The boys from the Scandinavian Peninsular are making havoc with the giant oaks on the side of the road leading from Chaffeeville, east. The air is so full of chips, one would think a snow-squall was coming. The very best of timber two and three feet through the butt an very tall for white oaks. Mr. Theodore Lilly of Northampton, Mass., was in town last week, the guest of Geo. M. Crane Esq.
286. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: South Coventry. Carson & Gilboa are running their woolen mill nights. They make an excellent class of goods. We agree with our friend from Mansfield on the ice question. An elderly lady stopping at Mr. Hicks' on South street slipped the other evening, dislocating and fracturing her ankle. Henry Squires is having trouble with his knee again. Many will remember that he cut it last year and never entirely recovered. About a week ago he cut it again and the last account was that he had fallen and injured it once more.
287. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Andover. The remains of John Sprague of Hartford were brought here for burial Tuesday Man. 29th. Mr. Sprague was a native of Andover, and a son of the late Dea. John Sprague. Mr. Sprague age was sixty and he leaves a widow and a family of grown up children. Miss Julia Tuttle of Hartford was in town last Wednesday making calls among her friends. Miss Addie Hall of Moosup was in town last week as the guest of Mrs. B.E. Post. During her stay she called on many of her old friends here, who were much pleased to see her. The Rev. Dr. Pratt of the Hartford Seminary gave a free lecture in the Congregational church Tuesday evening upon the education of deaf mutes. Next Friday evening Miss Linda Kimball of Ellington will give a reading at the Baptist church. This will also be free. And as Miss Kimball has an excellent reputation as a reader she will most likely be greeted by a full house. Mr. C.H. Loomis of our place has been chosen county commissioner for three years in place of Mr. E.D. Alvord of Bolton whose term expires this year. The Rev. Mr. Cutler of Hebron occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church last Sabbath. Mr. Hawkins became so insane that he had to be taken to the retreat at Hartford Saturday.
288. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: Johnson's Improved Patent Cooking Steamer! The best and most efficient cooking steamer in the world for all culinary purposes. Samples may be seen at the residence of J.H. Bullard, Bassett Park. Please give the article a candid examination when the agent shall call. J.H. Bullard & Son, Agents for Windham Co.
289. TWC Wed Feb 6, 1884: N.W. French representing Wheeler & Wilson Manufacturing Company, Office with C.R. Utley, Cor. Main & Church Streets, Willimantic, Conn. Wheeler & Wilson New No. 8 [pic of sewing machine] Has the following points of excellence: range or work, ease and quietness of running, speed, self setting needle, no bobbin to thread. Any person about purchasing a machine should examine the No. 8. N.W. French, Agent, Cor. Main and Church Streets, Willimantic, Conn.
290. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: About Town. Two good tenements on Pearl street, with garden and barn to rent. Enquire of Dr. I.B. Gallup. H.C. Hall informs the public that his grocery store will hereafter be closed on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock. Dr. T.M. Hills left for Florida Monday night for an absence of about six weeks. Dr. T.R. Parker will have charge of his patients meantime. The post-master-general has discontinued the following: Post-offices at Quadic in Windham, mail to Thompson, to Windham, to Sterling and to Sterling Hill. The Ladies' Social Union will be held at Excelsior hall, Thursday Feb. 14th. A supper will be served from five until nine. Admission 5 cts. Supper 15 cts. A transient photographer has been taking pictures of the public and parochial schools in this village. The pupils were taken by rooms and the teachers in groups. H.C. Hall the cash grocer, has a big drive in oranges - 22 cases of very fine fruit is latest innvoice. He is selling them at the astonishingly low figure of 50 cents a peck.
291. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: David W. Semple, late traveling passenger agent on the New York & New England railroad, has been appointed to the same position on the Boston and Albany railroad.
292. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Henry Aldrich and H.W. Tabor of Providence are about to lease the Baltic mill at Sprague for $15,000 a year, and will put in a steam power at a cost of $35,000.
293. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: A man named Walsh residing on Union street took a dose of ammonia by mistake for medicine Sunday morning which burnt his mouth and throat in a frightful manner.
294. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Mr. Munson Nichols late assistant engineer of the New York and New England railroad company, has opened an office in Bassett block for the prosecution of the business of civil engineering and surveying.
295. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Mansfield voters of both parties have freely signed a paper, petitioning Sheriff Gelon C. West to appoint George LeValley of that town as one of his deputies, and it would be a very satisfactory appointment.
296. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: A Willington correspondent says: "Mrs. F.B. Knox nee Jennie Waldo of Willimantic a native of this town, has a music class here which she meets weekly, and also presides at the organ in the Baptist church on Sundays."
297. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: A resolution incorporating Lyman B. Jewell, James S. Parsons, Joseph Bishop, R.W. Farmer, M.H. Whaples and Arthur T. Bissell as the Standard Cement company with a capital of $750,000, with leave to increase to $3,000,000 was introduced into the Legislature last week.
298. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: The report that a grave had been discovered while excavating in the cellar of O.S. Chaffee & Son. Silk mill corner of Church and Valley streets one day last week is a hoax. The headstone being one which had been placed there by the former owner.
299. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Benjamin S. Wilbur, proprietor of the Windham hotel, died this (Wednesday) morning at 4 o'clock of cancer, after a long period of terrible suffering. Mr. Wilbur was well known as a hotel man through Eastern Connecticut and Rhode Island.
300. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: The Rev. Ezra Withey of New London will hold religious services at North Windham, on Friday and Saturday evenings Feb 15 and 165. Will also preach on the following Sunday Feb. 17 at 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Praise and prayer service in the evening at 6:30.
301. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Mrs. Alathea S. Hall, wife of Amos A. Hall, died at her daughter's in Providence last Friday. The funeral was held at her late home in this place yesterday at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Hall was known by her acquaintances to be a fine lady, possessing all the qualities of a true woman.
302. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: An odd sight on Main street Monday afternoon was a load of hay drawn by a cow. The cow was hitched in thills after the manner of a horse with regular harness on excepting bridle and bits while the owner led her with a rope around the horns. She seemed to take kindly to the work.
303. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Warden Alpaugh is obtaining signatures to a petition to be addressed to Charles P. Clark receiver of the New England railroad, requesting him to carry out the recommendation of the railroad commissioners relative to the dangerous crossings on Main and Union streets. It is to be hoped that he will accede to the wishes of this community.
304. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: John Congdon's auction which was advertised to take place last Thursday at his farm near Babcock Hill, was postponed until next Saturday, Feb. 16th on account of bad weather. There is a variety of articles to be sold and among them a thoroughbred Jersey bull, Normon B, registered in both herd books. Sale positive this time rain or shine.
305. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: L.M. Sessions, after a long and severe attack of typhoid pneumonia, died Sunday morning at 2 o'clock. He leaves a wife and one child. Mrs. Sessions became blind about three years ago and she has sympathy of the entire village. Mr. Sessions was born in the town of Chaplin and came to Willimantic about 10 years ago, and would have been 36 years of age next April. The funeral occurred this forenoon at 11 o'clock.
306. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: State Attorney Bill of Tolland county appeared before the honorable board of pardons on Tuesday of this week and made a statement concerning the petition of John Warren, sentenced in 1859 for life, for killing his wife in Willington. At time of trial Warren pleaded guilty of murder in the second degree. The statement that there was any compromise last Tuesday at the hearing, as stated in Hartford papers is incorrect. The petition for pardon was simply heard Tuesday and rejected Wednesday.
307. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Warden Alpaugh was elected a sergeant in the Putnam Phalanx at the annual meeting in Hartford last Wednesday, and J.O'Sullivan, the contractor and builder of this place was admitted as a new member. There are now nine members of that organization residents of Willimantic.
308. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Engine No. 33 of the New England road, which draws the passenger train leaving this station for Hartford at 4:10 p.m., exploded the lamp of its head-light down in yard Monday. The front of the engine was covered with the blazing oil, and for a moment things looked enough like a bad accident to attract a crowd. The blaze was extinguished by a bucket or two of water.
309. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Gentlemen who go through the ordeal of shaving generally use warm water, in which they dip their razors, without knowing why the edge seems keener than when the cold water is used. It is keener. If a razor, after being exposed to the cold, be placed under a strong magnifying glass the edge would seem like a saw. Dipping it in hot water throws the little particles back into place and makes the edge smooth.
310. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: We understand an effort will be made to raise by subscription money enough to secure the watering cart and a pair of horses and use the revenue from watering the streets to support the blind widow and child of the late L.M. Sessions, she having been left entirely destitute of relatives or means of support by her husband's death. She has always sustained an unblemished reputation, and is deserving in her bereavement of public sympathy and help. This would certainly be an example of well-directed charity.
311. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: The Rapid Telegraph Co. are pushing the work of erecting new poles for the addition of a number of wires to their line and are planting some whoppers through this village. It is estimated that the company will distribute about $10,000 for labor and supplies in this vicinity, which must have a healthy effect on the business of this village while the line is building. Another thing of much public interest is the fact that this company have secured the McDonough telephone patent right and will soon be establishing a telephone system and the charges will be about half the present telephone rates. Good.
312. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Rev. Geo. E. Reed, of Brooklyn, N.Y., formerly pastor of the N.E. Church in this place will deliver another of his illustrated lectures at the Methodist church Tuesday evening march 11th. Mrs. Reed will accompany her husband and together they will sing "Rock of Ages" illustrated by a grand illumination. The lecture will be superbly illustrated by more than sixty finely executed views exhibited by a double Oxy-hydrogen light under the direction of Mr. F.W. Moore, who has no superior in this field.
313. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: The Morrison Machine company met with an aggravating mishap last Thursday. In starting their engine the cross-head was broken necessitating a trip to the builders to replace the part before the machine could be run. The engine has only been in position a few weeks and is a model one. Besides this firm, that of O.S. Chaffee & Sons, and the silver plating firm of Buck & Whittemore, both of whom received power from the same engine were compelled to stop until the necessary repairs were made. W.G. Morrison left the same day for Fitchburg, Mass., where the engine was built to procure a new cross-head, and the engine was in readiness to start Monday morning. During the time that they were unable to work the engine, considerable inconvenience was caused there from the collecting of water in the lower story which they could not pump out.
314. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: It frequently happens if a call for the central telephone office is not speedily answered, the impatient man seizes the crank and whirls it round most violently about a hundred times, and when he gets through exclaims breathlessly, "There, I guess the central office will know that I mean business now." If the central happens to answer promptly after this tempest of rage, the man is pretty apt to say, "that fetched her and I knew it would." But the fact is all his violent turning of the crank was lost to all except himself. After the first call not a sound reaches the central office. When the annunciator falls on the first revolution of the crank it stays down till the call is answered, when it is again put back in its place to await a fresh call. Those people who have in the past wasted so much energy in trying to let the central office know that they mean business will now be apt to save their surplus strength for more profitable employment. Another thing: A simple turn or two of the crank does the work just as effectually as a hundred revolutions.
315. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: The Norwich Murder - Monday evening F.V. Conant, Alfred McClellan, and a friend named Button took a drive through the city. On returning to Conant's home on Elizabeth street Button drove the horse away to the stables, while Conant asked McClellan to go to a shed near by to see a pony. A few minutes later two shots were heard, and McClellan ran from that spot crying "Murder!" Conant appeared pursing him, and fired another shot. McClellan ran across the street and fell dead in the gutter. One ball hit his leg another his hat and the third passed through his heart. Conant examined the body to make sure of death, put up his revolver of 38 calibre, walked to the First Baptist Church, of which his wife is a member and entered the conference room. His wife was speaking as he entered. He took a seat and sent a boy to call her, and when she followed him into the vestibule, said to her: "I have killed Al. McClellan." She is reported to have exclaimed: "My God! I never thought it would come to this." They then returned home together where Conant was arrested. He gave the police his revolver, and accompanied them to the station house. It is rumored that a second woman some weeks ago told Conant that his wife and McClellan had been intimate before Conant married her. It is also rumored that Conant has been seeking opportunities to meet McClellan ever since. During the drive that afternoon Button says that both men were exceedingly friendly and cordial. Conant said nothing to lead him to expect the denouncement. Conant has been a salesman in the dry goods house of Hislop, Porteus & Mitchell, and is 35 years old. He has a boy 5 years old. McClellan was a professional athlete. He has traveled with Edmund Rice of New York under the name of "Rice Brothers." He has been with Tony Pastor and Doris. He had an engagement with Barnum. He was 27 years old. Conant was a resident of this village a few years ago being employed in the dry goods firm of Hammond & Palmer, now C.M. Palmer & Co., where he served an engagement of about one year.
316. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: The Singer Manufacturing Company have opened an office in Stiles' block, in the Furniture warerooms of J.C. Lincoln, and invite all who contemplate purchasing a sewing machine, to call and examine their New Improved Family Machine pronounced by most of the Dressmakers and all of the Tailors in town, the lightest running and best working machine in the market. Ask to see the new Drop Cabinet, L. Warner, manager. The Singer beats them all.
317. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Scotland. H.M. Morgan and Amos Chapman went to Windham frog pond after pickerel one day last week and brought home twenty-six that would weigh from two to five pounds each. Rather fish, but then - Mrs. Frink is repairing the building known as the Davison store, for a shoe-makers' store. Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Smith have been visiting in Providence
the past week. Frank Bacon has engaged to work for Clinton Smith for the coming year. W. Palmer Scott, a former resident of this town was recently taken to the insane asylum at Middletown. Mrs. Simon Fuller died, recently at her residence in Hartford. Dr. Ross is thinking about leaving town this spring to the regret of very many friends.
318. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: South Coventry. The Methodist vestry is receiving a fresh coat of paint. Frank More has the job. Dr. Flint has received the appointment as medical examiner for Coventry and Andover, in place of Dr. Bennett who moves to Bristol. Our veteran fisherman, Dwight Clark comes to the front with the biggest pickerel of the season. Wasn't it a whopper? The fish we mean. It was twenty-six inches long and weighed five pounds. Moral: Don't fish there again or you'll get caught.
319. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Columbia. Celia Richards drew a ticket for a half dozen china fruit plates in a package of baking powder and Charles Richards drew a lace collar in a similar package for sale at F.P. Collins. Charles E. Yeomans is employed as express agent on the Hartford & Springfield R.R. Owing to the forbidding aspect f the weather the society at Mrs. Giles Little's last week was slimly attended, this evening it meets with Mrs. Frank Cobb. Chas. Ely was in town last Tuesday and bargained with N.K. Holbrook for a tract of woodland which will be cut off at an early date. Fishing on the reservoir promises sport for those who enjoy such pastimes. Uncle Sam Brown spent a few hours there one day last week and hauled in seventy-five nice fish.
320. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Frank Conant's Terrible Crime. Norwich, Feb. 12. - Little else is talked of but the brutal murder of Al McClellan by Frank Conant. It cannot be called other than a brutal murder. Nobody seems to side with Conant or make any attempt at an apology for him. The only motive that can be assigned for the crime is jealousy. Mrs. Conant declines to say anything on the subject of the murder. The lady is very intelligent, and an ardent worker in the Baptist church. It is hinted about that a female friend of Mrs. Conant became angered at something that had been said or done, and had told her husband that she had been married [ unreadable]. No arrangements have been made [unreadable]
321. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Andover. Mr. Wm. H. Hawkins who was taken to the Retreat in Hartford only a little over a week ago, died there Friday, Feb. 8. His funeral was attended at 3 p.m., Sunday at his late residence here. His remains were taken to Cranston, R.I. for burial, on the morning train Monday. He leaves a widow but no children. Mrs. Lydia Watrous is still very low. Mrs. G.H. White met with a fall about a week ago and dislocated her hip. Dr. Sweet was called to set it; and she is now doing as well as could be expected. Miss Linda Kimball gave a select reading at the Baptist church last Friday evening. Those who attended were much pleased with the entertainment. The democrats of Andover will ask sheriff elect West to appoint a deputy sheriff her. We have a number of good men who would fill the office well, and out of the number Mr. J.H .Marsh is likely to be selected.
322. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: To the Public - Mr. Munson Nichols late Assist. Engineer N.Y. & N.E.R.R. Co.; has opened an office in this borough for the prosecution of the business of civil engineering and surveying. He is prepared to locate streets, road, or farm lines, and to make surveys and finished maps of public or private property. He is also ready to make plans for and supervising the buildings of roads, bridges, dams, aqueducts and sewers; and will furnish estimates on and take charge of contract work, including rock and earth excavation, foundations for masonry etc. Any commissions for city and farm surveying, or civil or hydraulic engineering, will be executed by him with promptness and accuracy. References. - L.B. Bidwell, Chief Engineer of the N.Y. & N.E.R.R. Co.; C.W. Wentz, Chief Engineer of the Delaware & Hudson Canal Co.; S.H. Sweet, ex-State Engineer and Surveyor, New York; Verplanck Corlin, Supt. New York state Adirondack survey; G.W. Carpenter, Supt. Albany City Water Works; R.H. Bingham, Albany city surveyor.
323. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Married. Daley - Shea - In Willimantic, Feb. 7, by Rev. Fl. DeBruycker, Mr. []rohan [looks like Crohan] Daley of Hartford, and Miss Catherine Shea of Willimantic.
324. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Died. Sessions - In Willimantic, Feb. 10, L.M. Sessions, aged 36 years. Terry - In Lebanon, Feb. 10, Clark O. Terry, aged 18 months. Preston - In Coventry, Feb 12, F.M. Preston, aged 75 years. Wilbur - In Windham, Feb. 13, B.S. Wilbur; aged 53 years.
325. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Business! I offer for sale the stock and fixtures of a small grocery store, located on the corner of Main and Walnut streets, Willimantic. This presents a fine opportunity for a person with a small capital to go into the grocery business. The location is very good, the rent reasonable and customer certain. Please call and see the subscriber without delay. A.J. Bowen, Trustee. Room 4, Opera House, Willimantic.
326. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: North Windham. Miss Sarah L. Peck left Monday morning for Montreal to attend the carnival now in progress.
327. TWC Wed Feb 13, 1884: Lebanon. A factitious paroxysm of religious fever has broken out in one of the uptown churches. If it shall conduce to the practice of the Golden Rule among its members and don't spread, no one will object. A number of cases of diphtheria in Coreyville and vicinity has created some alarm. Isaac G. Avery recently lost his only son, a bright and promising lad 14 years of age, with the terrible malady. His other children, three in number, have all been severely sick with the same complaint, but are now convalescent. Timothy Coughlin has also recently lost a son 5 years of age, with diphtheritic croup. Mr. Reuben P. Burgess sold his stock and dairy utensils at public auction, on Friday Feb. 1st preparatory to his early removal to the Babcock hill milk farm in South Coventry, which he has leased of its owner, Mr. John Congdon. Mr. Congdon retires from the business in consequence of failing health. The reputation which this farm bears for the excellence of its productions, will be fully sustained under the management of Mr. Burgess. Two young ladies, Miss Mary R. Gay and Miss Carrie Pettis and a little girl by the name of Nellie Williamson, met with quite an exciting adventure and narrow escape from injury on Wednesday last. While returning from Norwich and near the Ladd railroad crossing, Miss Gay thought she heard a sound like that of an approaching train, but looking from a side light in the carriage and seeing nothing, concluded she was mistaken and that it was the roaring of a stream near by, when suddenly she discovered a hand car with four men approaching with great rapidity. Using in vain her utmost endeavors to check her horse in time to avoid a collision, the hand car struck the carriage overturning and throwing its occupants into the street. Miss Gay pluckily held to the reins, and was dragged by the now thoroughly frightened animal some distance through the mud, but was unable to retain her hold. The horse at once became detached form the vehicle and ran as far as Mr. B.F. Huntington's, where it was stopped. The carriage was badly wrecked and the horse somewhat injured, but fortunately the young ladies save some slight bruises, were unhurt. Mrs. Wealthy A. Abell for many years a resident of this town, celebrated her 91st birthday anniversary at the residence of her son-in-law Wm. E. Strong in Colchester, where she now resides, on Tuesday Jan. 22. Not as many of her descendants were present as on some former anniversaries when the attraction of meeting in the "old house at home" in Exeter, was added to the occasion. Still there was a goodly number including friends and former neighbors from Lebanon. Mrs. Abell, who is remarkably active and reads readily the finest print without the aid of glasses, retains years. Her mind and memory being apparently as clear as ever. The evening was spent in social converse, interspersed with instrumental music, singing and dancing. Mrs. Abell's youngest son, Capt. Henry W. Abell and grandson, Charles L. Abell, and great grandson Henry E., all of whom reside in Kankakee county, Ill., came over a thousand miles expressly to take part in the festivities of the evening. Old Father Time lays alight finger on the captain; in fact he appears younger by several years, then when on his annual visit of a year ago. The report circulated among the guests in the early part of the evening, by those who were supposed to enjoy the captain's confidence that a change in his domestic relations was contemplated in the near future, was later on emphatically denied by the captain himself, and those who thought they had discovered the key to his youthful appearance, were finally compelled to fall back on the "red sunsets" as a more probable cause.There was a very pleasant gathering at the residence of Mr. R.P. Burgess on Thursday evening. Andover, Columbia, Liberty Hill and Lebanon village were represented.
328. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: About Town. Porter B. Peck of North Windham is dangerously ill of Bright's disease.There is some thought of changing the name of Norwich to Leadville.Peter Happ in company with a Mr. Seyfried has opened a barber shop in the basement of the Crocker House New London. Deputy Sheriff Pomeroy opened court here yesterday morning only to adjourn it again for one week. Judge Andrews did not appear. attention. A new sign and awning will soon adorn the front also.
329. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: If Mrs. W.B. Sprague will call on M.E. Lincoln at the office of Lincoln & Boss she may obtain a package left at the fair grounds at the late exhibition.
330. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: The Boston and Willimantic clothing company had an overcoat stolen from in front of their store on Monday night and as yet no clue to the thief has been discovered.
331. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Rev. J.L. Barlow left for Washington, D.C., last Monday morning as a delegate to the National Prohibition Conventions now being held in that city. He return [sic] on Saturday.
332. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Some people are always in clover. D.E. Potter sent home last week from Florida a photograph, in which appeared himself and dogs and a basket of game birds to which was attached a placard bearing the number 511.
333. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Policeman Shurtliff has been off duty for a week attending the superior court at Brooklyn as a witness against eight tramps six of whom were convicted. William Martin, supernumerary police, has been patrolling his beat.
334. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: A party of insurance men representing a combination of the largest insurance companies in the country, were in town last week looking over the risks with a view, we are told, of making the general increase in insurance rates.
335. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: The hotel porters and hackmen have now to toe the scratch at the depot. Heretofore they have been allowed to mingle with the crowd promiscuously and solicit business and the change does away with a method which was positively annoying.
336. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Geo. K. Nason, the lumber and coal dealer, whipped a car load of lumber Tuesday to Geo. W. Taft the manufacturer of road machines at Abington whose business has largely increased lately requiring much more room. He was able to buy the lumber very much cheaper here than in the eastern part of the county.
337. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Mansfield has ten leading manufacturing industries distributed as follows: J.B. Merrow & Sons, stockinet mill; J.L. Ross & Co., cotton mill; National Thread Co.; L.H. Hooker, axe helve and spoke factory; O.S. Chaffee & Son, W.E. Williams, Hanks Brothers, E.B. Smith & Son, H E. Conant & Co., James MacFarlane, all silk manufacturers.
338. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: The noted and popular organization the Mansfild Fife and Drum corps will give their fifth annual ball at the town hall Spring Hill, Mansfield on Friday evening of this week. They always have a merry time up there on these occasions and the event of Friday night will doubtless be no exception. Dumont Kingsley the caterer of this village will serve the company with refreshments.
339. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: The sensational temperance drama entitled "The Social Glass; or Victims of the Bottle," will be brought out at Mathewson Brother's hall Warrenville, Saturday night, Feb. 23, by the Willimantic dramatic club, and it will be a good chance to see a good play with a moral. A lesson for all, young and old. Admission 22 cents children 15 cents. Their presentation of this play at Stafford Springs last Friday night was a gratifying financial success.
340. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: It is unavoidable that there is some objectionable features in every business, but what is for the convenience of the public at large will not be injured by the assaults of one man actuated by personal feelings of malice. During the time that the gas company were laying new pipes the escaping gas from defective joints was considerable of a nuisance on our streets, but that trouble is now almost entirely overcome and the public at large is fairly wellsatisfied with the service of the gas company.
341. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: About one hundred persons interested in the formation of a base ball association were present at the meeting in town hall Tuesday evening. J.O. Sullivan was chosen chairman and T.J. Kelley clerk. An organization was formed by electing the following officers: President, Samuel Bingham; vice-president, Dr. T.. McNally; secretary, Dumont Kingsley; treasurer, J.L. Walden; directors, G.W. Malney, T.J. Kelly, G.M. Harrington. It was left with the directors to choose the manager of the club. About half enough money has been pledged for the support of the club with little effort on the part of the soliciting committee.
342. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: There is no truth in the report that a "fatal epidemic" has broken out among the cows in this vicinity. N.P. Perkins lost a valuable thoroughbred Jersey cow recently, but when the carcass was dissected by an expert veterinary surgeon, death was found to have been the effect of a violent bruise on the creature's side causing internal mortification, probably produced by a fall on the ice. The "epidemic" has not yet extended beyond one or two cows and guess there is no liability of its spreading roadcast. So our farmers need borrow no trouble from this senseless report.
343. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: A very large congregation was at St. Joseph's Catholic church last Monday at 10 o'clock, to witness the marriage ceremony of Mr. Michael L. Hurley and Miss Mary Foran performed by Rev. Father Quinn. Mr. Hurley holds the position of conductor on a passenger train on the Providence division of the New York & New England railroad, and is a very popular gentleman among a large circle of acquaintances, while his bride is widely known and respected in this village where she has always resided and is a sister of Capt. Thomas Foran. After a bridal tour through Massachusetts they will settle at Plainfield.
344. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Business Changes. Blanchette the banker will shortly remove from under the Brainard hotel to the new store in Congdon's block on Church street, and it is now being fitted up with the necessary ovens for that purpose. The place now occupied by him and Errickson the shoemaker, is to be altered for another branch of business. Charlie Bradeen will remove his restaurant in Church street to his news depot on Main street, and combine the two branches of trade. The Vienna bakery will move into where Bradeen's restaurant now is, and Errickson will occupy the site of the Vienna baker.
345. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Police News. Hezekiah Holbrook, a demented youth about 16 years old, was arrested Thursday afternoon last, by the depot police. Holbrook, who hails from Liberty Hill was being made sport of by a crowd of boys and becoming enraged he struck one of them and for this deed the policeman exerted his authority and conveyed the disturber of the peace to the lockup. Later in the evening the young fellow was released without being prosecuted.Lyman Barber (colored) a resident of Columbia, arrived in town Saturday, and at noon, being pretty full of ardent, went into the store of Buck, Durkee & Stiles to rest, to which proceeding the proprietors objected and requested him to vamoose. He declined to do so and laid down and went to sleep just inside the door. Officer Clark happened around about then and conveyed the tired darky to the lockup. He had a hearing at 7 p.m., before Justice Sumner who fined him $1 and costs, which eh paid the next day.
346. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Mrs. Salinda wife of Mr. George Whittaker died at her home on Oak street last Friday night at 8 o'clock after a severe three months sickness from enlargement of the liver. The funeral was held on Tuesday.
347. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Visiting the Home for Waifs. A meeting of the County Commissioners of Windham County together with H.E. Burton and Mrs. Virginia T. Smith of Hartford of the State Board of Charities and the committee from the several towns in this county appointed by the County Commissioners in pursuance of the act passed by the last legislature for the establishment and regulating homes for neglected and abandoned children, met by appointment at the home established for this purpose at Putnam Heights on Friday last. The following towns were represented by their committee and others - from Chaplin Mrs. Mary Utley, R. Utley; Scotland, Mrs. Chas. A. Brown; Hampton Mrs. John R. Tweedy; Canterbury Mrs. Marvin H. Sanger; Plainfield Mrs. John J. Penrose and State Attorney Penrose; Brooklyn Mrs. P.B. Sibley and Jailor Sibley; Killingly, Miss Mary Dexter; Windham, Miss Annie Tingley; Putnam, Mrs. John Gardner; John Gardner and A.W. McDonald of the Putnam Patriot; Woodstock, Mrs. Mary Barber; Thompson, Mrs. Elijah Crosby, and Mrs. J.D. Converse. The committee found the institution in good working order under the management of Mr. and Mrs. Preston with eight inmates four of them from two to four years of age requiring constant care and watchfulness the other four inmates ranging in age from five to twelve years, attending school daily and showing an average amount of intelligence under the circumstances. The committee expressed themselves highly pleased with the location of the home and its surroundings and under the watchful care of Mr. and Mrs. Preston. The moral and physical wants and needs of these wards of this county will be well cared for. Considerable time was profitably spent is discussing the law establishing these homes and the duties devolving upon those who are to carry out its details very much to the gratification of all present. I think that it is but the expression of the opinion of those present that this law must be sustained in the interest of humanity and if any political demagogue expects to further his political prospects by his pronounced position he will find himself most egregiously mistaken.
348. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Golden Wedding. The quiet hamlet of Howards Valley in Hampton was enlivened last Thursday evening by a recurrence of one of those events which few are permitted to celebrate. Following close upon the half-century wedding festival of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Starkweather their near neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Snow celebrated their golden wedding day. There is an appropriateness in the selection of St. Valentine's day as the nuptial period, which in their case has certainly proved a beautiful conception. So harmonious has been their fifty years of wedding life that on this occasion the aged groom was led heartily to exclaim "What is silver and gold and fame if one is not permitted to enjoyed the entire confidence and comforts and loving esteem of his family circle. There is more satisfaction in a contented mind than in great possessions with family discord." The observance of this occasion was entirely the work of relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Starkweather being the leader, and it was managed in the nature of a surprise to them. Invitations were issued extensively within a radius of a dozen miles and on the evening of the 14th a large party gathered despite mud to the hubs and inclement weather. Notwithstanding the sudden onslaught the host and hostess did not so far forget themselves as to permit their visitors to lack for entertainment, and the evening was spent in the jolly way so characteristic of country gatherings. The presents were numerous and consisted mostly of gold coin and useful household articles. In the course of the evening's proceedings Rev. Mr. Nichols, pastor of the little church at the valley offered a few unpromptu remarks in a quaint and pleasing strain, which were happily replied to by the host. At a late hour the party broke up well pleased, with the golden wedding surprise given to their esteemed friends. Mr. Snow is one of the most widely known hotel men in eastern Connecticut and has now on account of his advanced age retired to his farm in the quiet of Howard's Valley.
349. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: South Coventry. The Literary Society has another crowded meeting Monday evening of last week. Select readings were given by Miss Fannie McChristie and by Fred S. Sweet. The question: Ought women to be allowed the same civil and political rights as men? Was discussed. Speakers in the affirmative, F.C. Spalding, Wm. F. Sweet, Henry Kelly and H.P. Topliff. In the negative, Norman Perkins, Payson Little, S.A. Storrs and B.A. Rathbun. All were loyal to the ladies and desired their best good from "way down in their hearts" but difference of opinion will exist, you know. The question was decided on the weight of argument in the affirmative but on its merits in the negative. The next meeting will he held, we understand, Monday evening, Feb. 25th, and it will be devoted to Shakespeare. Rev. F.E. Jenkins exchanged pulpits with Rev. Beach of Mansfield last Sunday. Our mills are nearly all running full time and some all night. This does not look much like hard times. The American Rapid Telegraph Co. are pushing work through this place. They have a large force at work and nearly all the new poles are in position. H.W. Mason and wife start on Tuesday of this week for Bermuda where they will make a short visit. Miss Hattie Albro is spending a few weeks in New York with her brother.
350. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Hebron. Mrs. Lee and her daughter Nellie were the victims a few days since, of what came very near being a serious accident. They were on their way to Post Hill just over the Columbia line intending to call at the house of Deacon Robinson and when near Mr. Spaffords the near forward wheel of their vehicle seemed to be demoralized and they had proceeded but a short distance when near the house of James Townsend the axle broke short off and the horse taking fright ran and abruptly turning the corner, the ladies were thrown from the vehicle but not seriously hurt. The horse upon reaching Mr. Robinson's, turned into his door yard running for the barn, where he succeeded in completely fencing himself into a corner between the barn and wall, having deposited the broken vehicle across his path, where he was secured by Deacon Robinson. The ladies feel especially thankful that their escape from imminent danger was so providential. Easily frightened, or skittish horses however gentle are not safe for ladies to drive even if trained and constantly used by old and experienced horsemen. The beginning of the end has come and the culmination is at hand, the Rev. Mr. Cutler having tendered his resignation to take effect April 1st. This course obviates a difficulty which the society has deemed inevitable, however undesirable it might be, one which most, if not every member of the church were satisfied must be met, that of asking him to resign. Even his most devoted adherents became satisfied of this fact, and Mr. Cutler has shown his good sense in anticipating such action. Lucius Robinson has been confined to his house since last Thursday with a severe attack of rheumatism affecting his right shoulder and arm. So severe it is that he is unable to lie down or to help himself to any great extent. He has been a sufferer from the same complaint in former years but for some time has been quite free from it.
351. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Columbia. Mrs. Amanda Sawyer will occupy the tenement house of S.F. Ticknor the present year. A few of the young ladies arranged for a Leap Year Surprise party to be given Henry Hunt and after necessary preparations they repaired to the residence of his father and spent an agreeable evening as is usual on such occasions especially when the programme is carried out by the young ladies. James L. Downer spent last week in Hartford with his daughter Mrs. Robertson. Mrs. G.B. Fuller accompanied her husband on his trip with the committee on humane institutions and other members of the legislature to Meriden last Friday. S.F. Ticknor is furnishing a large supply of ties for the N.Y. & N.E. R.R. this winter. C.W. Ely's engine was moved from Hop River Station on Friday and workmen are busily engaged in making arrangements to commence work on the lot of timber recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Payson Little were in town over Sunday. On Sunday evening while Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Little were returning from Willimantic and near S.E. Lyman's the axle to the carriage broke frightening the horse into a run for a short distance when it threw itself and Mr. Little then held it down 'till assistance could be procured. It was a fortunate occurrence to the parties concerned that no injury to their persons was sustained and nothing more serious than damage to Mrs. L's dress which is more easily remedied than broken bones would have been. The result of a wager was an oyster supper given by
J.H. Bascom Saturday evening to a half-dozen gentlemen and all who
are acquainted with the post will understand this party had a good
time and came away not hungry. The weather was unpropitious again last Wednesday evening for a meeting of the Ladies social which was to have met with Mrs. Cobb.
352. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: F.V. Conant, who murdered Al. McClellan at Norwich, Ct., was held to await the action of the grand jury.
353. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Mansfield. Joshua C. Bottum of Mount Hope who was injured recently by falling through a hay scaffold has improved so as to be out again. Charles Jacobson has his house about finished. Last week he thought it would be a good plan to dedicate it before the partitions were put in, so he sent invitations to his friends and about seventy-five responded and the way that the house was warmed was a caution. Whenever you feel like having a good civil time, watch your chances and figure to get an invite to Charley's. The lecture of Mr. A.W. Cheever on the Mistakes of Farmers at the Storrs School was well attended and his remarks were practical and right to the point. We exect to see his theories carried into effect the coming season. Mr. C. has made money by practicing what he preached to us and why should not we?
354. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Ashford. Two school boys that attended school in District No. 9 one named Burrill and the other named Adams had a little misunderstanding over some trivial matter when the Adams boy drew his knife and cut the Burrill boy in several places, inflicting a severe wound in his head just back of the ear which bled profusely. A physician was sent for immediately and arrived in time to staunch the blood and probably save the boy's life. Mr. Andrew Chapman of Westford has just been granted a pension of eight dollars a month with back arrearages amounting to $1977.33 this will be a great help to him in his declining years. The firm of Lyon & Chapman has been dissolved and the grocery and drygoods business will be carried on by Lyon Bros. In the future.
355. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Died. Lamontague - In Willimantic, Feb. 14th, Meralda Lamontague; aged 17 years. Owens - In Willimantic, Feb. 14, Patrick, son of Teomas [mean Thomas?] Owens, aged 3 years. Palmer - In Willimantic, Feb. 14, Mrs. Levina Palmer; aged 82 years. Whitaker - In Willimantic, Feb. 15, Salenda Whitaker; aged 61 years. Belander - In Willimantic, Feb. 18, Emilie Belander, aged 45 years. Lennon - In Willimantic, Feb. 18, John Lennon; aged 20 months. Kingsley - In Lebanon, Feb. 18, Matilda R., wife of Walter G. Kingsley; aged 47 years.
356. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Wanted. A wet nurse. Apply at corner of North and Spring streets, or address P.O. Box 196.
357. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Found. A small sum of money which the owner can have by applying at the Western Union Telegraph office and paying for this advertisement.
358. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: For Sale or Rent, on excellent terms. New House, convenient and commodious. Apply to Joseph Jones, or E.B. Walden, High Street.
359. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: J.D. Leach, manufacturer, dealer and vendor of all kinds of family soaps. All kinds of soap material constantly on hand and for sale at the lowest cash prices. Cash paid for grease and bones. Manufactory east of Willimantic Fair Association grounds, P.O. Box 127, Willimantic, Conn.
360. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Mansfield Centre. The steam saw mill at Spring Hill is in full blast, and doing a land office business, ripping out lumber at the rate of four or five thousand feet per day.
361. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Notice. All persons liable to pay taxes in the town of Mansfield, South Parish are hereby notified that I have a warrant to levy and collect a tax of 10 mills on a dollar on the list of 1883, together with poll or military tax payable on the first day of march 1884 and for the purpose of collecting said tax I will be at the store of F.D. Fenton on Friday, March 7th, from 10 to 12 a.m., and on Saturday March 8th at the store of L.H. Hooker from 10 to 12 a.m. All persons liable to pay taxes as above will be liable to pay legal fees and additions as the law directs. Wm. Reynolds, Collector. Dated at Mansfield, Feb. 13th, 1884.
362. TWC Wed Feb 20, 1884: Munson Nichols, civil engineer and surveyor, Main street, opposite Brainard House. Willimantic, Conn. P.O. Box. 222.
363. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: About Town. Town Clerk Wales has been confined to the house for a week by sickness, but we are pleased to hear that he is improving.Charlie Pomeroy a son of sheriff Pomeroy, fell over backwards from a rocking chair Monday, and badly dislocated his shoulder. Warren Atwood has broken ground on Cold Spring farm for a farm-house to be built of stone two and a half stories and 26x34 feet. W.C. Crandall was in town last Friday calling on old acquaintances. He is now traveling for a stationery and job printing house in New Bedford. J.B. Johnson, South Windham, bought a fine mare with yearling colt of blooded stock belonging to Frank V. Conant, the Norwich murderer, the other day.
364. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: U.S. Gardner, of Bozrah who has for a number of years had general charge of the Willimantic camp ground during the meeting dropped dead in the street near Norwich Saturday. 365. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Florence Donnelly has sold out his saloon business opposite to Revere house to Thomas Haran and contemplates a trip to Ireland for his health, which has been very poor for this last year.
366. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Joseph Potter will sell at public auction at his residence on Village Hill Tuesday March 11th, commencing at 10 o'clock, live stock, farming tools and household goods. If stormy next fair day.
367. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Manager Isbell of the Adams Express Co., is thinking of removing the office from its present locations to the quarters formerly occupied by the defunct New England express company.
368. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: A melancholy case of bereavement has recently come to the home of Thomas Owens, residing on Bassett's Park. Since Christmas four of his children, all under ten years of age, have died from measles and membraneous croup.
369. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Capt. Thomas Foran purchased the restaurant on Union street formerly owned by G.G. Cross, of Thos. Jones yesterday. He will make many improvements and endeavor to serve the public in a way to give complete satisfaction.
370. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: A perfect crayon portrait of the poet Longfellow is displayed in the show window of J.E. Murray & Co. It is the work of Jeremiah Donohoe an amateur artist of this village who never took a lesson in his life. He is a genius in this line.
371. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Frank B. Harwood is cited to appear before Judge Shipman in the United States district court, which came in at New Haven yesterday. But an arrangement was made whereby the case was carried over to the May term of court to be held in Hartford.
372. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: It is said that the Linen company never sold so much thread in the same length of time as they have since January first. Under the former management they had an enormous stock in their store houses but the new manager is paying his attention to the manufacture and sale of thread exclusively now. Hence the result.
373. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Washington's birthday was observed here only by the closing of mills, banks and schools. The Linen company continued the stoppage until Monday. Messrs. Frank H. Blish and George Lathrop appear to be the most patriotic citizens in town, for they are the only ones who displayed the stars and stripes on that day.
374. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: A private masquerade party was given by Mrs. Jane Holland last Monday evening at her fine residence corner of Church and Spring streets. About twenty-five invitations were issued and accepted and the attendants appeared in costumes gaudy and grotesque. A fine time, of course.
375. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Mrs. Fuller wife of Dea. Andrew H. Fuller died suddenly at her home on Pleasant street last Sunday from nervous prostration. Mrs. Fuller possessed one of those kind, loving and unassuming natures which endeared her to all her acquaintances. She was a native of Willington the daughter of Amos Preston. Two brothers Sylvester T. and Lucius Preston, and one sister, Mrs. C.F. Morrison all residents of that town, survive her. Her husband is a native of Mansfield, and son of the late Daniel Fuller, and brother of S.S. Fuller postmaster at Mansfield.
376. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: The Dime Savings Bank placed an order with the Thompson Safe Co., of New Haven Monday for a burglar proof safe to go inside the fire proof vault which will be imbedded in the walls of the new building. A piece of the material of which it is to be made was taken to the Morrison Machine Shops and after testing its hardness to their satisfaction with their best steel boring tools they scarcely got beyond the surface. The metal was five eights of an inch thick. Burglars will please remember.
377. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: The insurance men who have recently been examining risks in this town, have ordered in numerous instances an increase of from thirty to one hundred per cent. There has been a considerable "cutting" of rates among agents in this town, but hereafter they will be uniform which is to the advantage of old and solid companies like the Aetna, Phoenix and Hartford.
378. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: These shooting, clubbing and stabbing fellows are putting in their work thick and it is coming uncomfortably near this locality. The "green eyed monster" seems to be the principle cause. Last Monday afternoon Stafford Springs came in for its share - Charles Larned, a young married man, called at the office of Dr. Henry Smith, the leading dentist of this place, accused the dentist of seducing his wife, and after a wordy quarrel, drew a blunt instrument and stabbed the doctor several times in the head and neck, inflicting severe, but probably not fatal wounds. Larned was arrested and held to await the result of the injuries.
379. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: A Chautauqua club has been formed in this village for the perusal of a course of religious reading. It is a mutual benefit society and extends through a course of four years. A meeting for the election of officers was held at the Baptist church parlors last Monday evening and the following chosen: Rev. G.W. Holman, president; Dr. F. Rogers; vice president; W.N. Potter, secretary; E.E. Bass, Treasurer. The alumni of the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle held their first annual banquet, at Boston Saturday, with about 150 men and women present. The event was a compliment to the Rev. Dr. J.H. Vincent, of New Haven, leader of the movement in New England. Professor W. Sherwin was toast master, and addresses were made by several leading Chautauquans. Professor Vincent was presented with two sets of books.
380. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Oliver Kingsley Arrested for the Lebanon Murder. The investigation in the Chappell murder case before Coroner Park, has resulted in throwing a weighty load of suspicion on a good for noting character of that place named Oliver Kingsley, whose record is of the very worst kind, fully half his time being spent in jail. Kingsley, who is a noted sneak thief was seen in the neighborhood of Chappell's house on the 18th inst., the night before the murder, and on the night of the murder he is known to have been in the neighborhood at 6:30 o'clock. He lived with one Wilcox near the village of Exeter, some two miles west of Chappell's farm, and is reported to have been absent from home until ate into the night. The feeling was so strong against him that it was thought best to take him into custody and he was arrested Tuesday afternoon by sheriff Hawkins on the 9:24 p.m. train, and taken to Norwich and lodged in jail. Oliver Kingsley is the son of the late Thomas Jefferson Kingsley of Lebanon, and is 35 years old. Several years ago he inherited $5,000 from his father. He went to Willimantic, and bought out a liquor saloon and dressed in broadcloth and silk velvet, and at the end of nine months had squandered all that he inherited. As soon as he was out of funds he took to stealing and has been sent to jail several times for petty thieving. He is the fellow who broke jail and ran through the streets of Willimantic in broad daylight a few years ago, with nothing on but a pair of handcuffs. He eluded pursuit however, had the handcuffs cut off his wrists and got into a second hand suit of clothes before he was captured. When arrested he admitted that he was in the neighborhood of Chappell's house, and pretended that he spent Tuesday evening February 19th, with a neighbor near by, but the neighbor denied Kingsley's story. He then made several conflicting statements as to his whereabouts during the night of the murder. He positively denies that he had anything to do with it. Coroner Park will make a report in accord with the facts brought out by the inquiry.
381. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Superior Court. Judge Andrews opened court Tuesday afternoon and tried the case of Chandler vs. Hopkins, a suit to recover pay for agricultural implements sold. The jury were out two hours when the court adjourned until Wednesday. The judge meantime granted a divorce in the case of Burdick vs. Burdick on the ground of adultery. The parties reside in Sterling. Three other cases were also heard, but no decisions were rendered. A bar meeting was held yesterday at which it was voted to ask his honor not to introduce new business after the Chandler Hopkins jury case, so that this term closed to-day at noon. Resolutions on the death of Joel R. Arnold Esq., were adopted.
382. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Police Notes. James Doyle of Lowell, Mass., Patrick Fitzgerald and John Reilly of England applied for lodging on Friday evening to Officer Shurtliff, who granted their request. At 3 p.m. on Saturday they had a hearing before Justice Sumner, who deemed the circumstances strong enough to hold them, so bound them in the sum of $100 each to appear at the criminal term of the Superior Court, holden in Brooklyn next April. In their examination they pleaded not guilty, and gave suspicious answers. Mr. Capen selectman, the evening before, had asked each of the prisoners various questions in presence of Grand Juror Burnham and made a memorandum of their several answers which at their trial they denied having made. Besides being tramps they are doubtless held on suspicion of knowing something about the Lebanon murder, if perhaps not the real perpetrators. They could not remember the various towns they passed through on their way here. They were a tough looking set. Officer Shurtliff took them to the usual boarding house at Brooklyn Saturday evening. Jeremiah McCarthy aged 19 was arrested Sunday evening by Officer Brown for intoxication and assault on his captor. At the trial Monday forenoon Justice Sumner appointed Grand Juror Burnham as guardian pro tem for the prisoner, he being in law a minor and without friends. After a conference with his ward, Mr. Burnham advised him to plead guilty to both indictments and place himself at the mercy of the court which he did, and Justice Sumner fined him $1 and costs on each count, amounting to $18.78, and in default of payment he was taken to Brooklyn.
383. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Mysterious Murder in Lebanon. One of those mysterious tragedies which have so often agitated other communities of late occurred in Lebanon about 2 ½ miles distant from So. Windham last week. Harvey Chappell an aged and highly respected farmer, and a bachelor resided on a cross road extending from the place known as Kick Hill to Lebanon near the White church. For sometime he has lived alone. On Wednesday the 20th late in the afternoon a tree agent named Noyes called at Mr. Fuller's - the second house north of Chappell's, selling trees. Mr. Fuller gave him the names of the residents of the other houses and he proceeded on his way. Going up to Mr. Chappell's house he discovered the back door open and lying upon the floor in a pool of blood he discovered a dead body. He at once rushed back and told Mr. Fuller of his discovery and together they went to the house. Mr. Chappell was lying close to a door leading into a milk room with his head toward the corner and a large quantity of blood upon the floor. His cap and spectacles lay near him also his lantern with the glass broken. One the floor were two very heavy though small tumblers, one broken. Two chairs were overturned, the door leading into another room was closed and a table with both leaves extended was against it cornerwise as though to keep it closed. There were evidence that the house had been thoroughly ransacked. A bag in which he carried his money was found upon one of the fenders of the fire place empty. A wallet in a bureau drawer among a lot of papers was overlooked and not taken, it contained $5. A pitcher was found in his wine cellar and I believe the door was found unlocked, the key to which he always carried with him. Dr. Barber of Lebanon the medical examiner was at once notified and he immediately summoned Coroner Park. An examination of the body revealed a serious fracture of the skull on the right side of the head extending upward from a deep cut on the right temple I should say two inches these meeting a cross fracture of about the same length. Both eyes were badly bruised and swollen and the nose severely cut but not broken, giving evidence of a severe blow in the face. On the back of the head was a severe bruise which showed the skull dented but not fractured. A cut was also seen on his right hand. The body was not examined at this time. Now as to the theories with regard to when and how the murder was committed. There can be no doubt that the deed was done on Tuesday early in the evening. Mr. Chappell was habitually late about doing the chores at the barn thus making the use of the lantern a necessity and the fact of his leaving the barn door open is proof to many that the chores were not finished when for some purpose he entered the house. Mr. Pendleton who cared for his stock, Wednesday night gave it as his opinion that the cattle had been in the barn at least 24 hours. The cause of his leaving the barn whether to go for something at the house, or seeing some one in the house will probably never be known. But the most plausible theory is that he became aware of a presence in the house and went in to investigate when he was immediately struck down. I am told that on one or two occasions before his house was ransacked and robbed during his absence. The door leading outside form the milk room was found unbolted, and the latch lifted, though the neighbors say the door was always kept closed and locked. He was last seen alive at Lebanon street late Tuesday afternoon. It is evident robbery was the object of the guilty parties, that the act was committed by those who were familiar with his habits who surmised that a man of his eccentric nature would keep money in the house in large sums. There is a belief that when he entered the house he recognized the parties who took this method to disguise themselves. It was not believed by his neighbors that he had any money in the house but $155 was found afterwards which escaped the notice of the thieves. Nothing was found which could be identified as the instrument with which the act was committed, and the utter absence of all authority in the matter let all possible clues be destroyed by parties of visitors who were allowed to handle anything and did handle and move about everything, before any officer arrived upon the scene. I wonder that the coroner allowed this to be done in his presence. The whole tumbler found upon the floor in the room, when examined Thursday looked a little peculiar. Upon the lower part on one side were blood stains and a hair evidently from Mr. Chappell's head stuck to it. I believe that one at least of the blows was struck by this - perhaps the one over the back of the head - for the head was bald on top, while the fracture of the skull was caused by a blow from a club in the hands of a person facing him for the fracture extended up, and by a person who swung a club from the left. No suspicion was aroused by the fact that he was not seen Wednesday as the barn door being open would give evidence that he was around the premises. Mr. Chappell was about 78 years of age and has lived there since the age of 1 year as he several times has told. He was eccentric and odd in his ways and very methodical having everything done in just such a manner. Thoroughly fair and honest in all his dealings, truthful to the last degree, he was not believed to have an enemy in the world. He left no nearer relatives than nephews and nieces, and it is thought by some that he left a will. The coroner took the testimony of Mr. Noyes and adjourned the inquest till Monday. Undertaker Sessions took charge of the body and the funeral was held Saturday from the church. A family was to move there soon to carry on the farm, with whom Mr. Chappell was to live. The knowledge of this by the guilty parties may have hastened the crime. Sheriff Hawkins visited the scene Friday but I believe found no very warm clues.
384. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Andover. The Ladies Society gave a sociable at the house of Mrs. M.P. Yeomans last Thursday evening. It was well attended and passed off pleasantly.The funeral of Mrs. Lydia Watrous was attended from the Congregational church Sunday afternoon. A very large number of people attended. The services were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Ward assisted by the Rev. Mr. June. The music was under the charge of Mrs. A.H. Lyman. The bearers wee Messrs. C.W. Johnson, Arthur Post and the four brothers of the deceased. Mr. Geo. O. Bingham of New London is in town for a few days and is now thinking of renting his place for another year instead of coming back to live on it.
385. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Hon. Marshall P. Wilder closed his recent address before the New England Historic-Genealogical Society in the following words: "To know nothing of our ancestry or from whence we came, to have no reverence for the precious memories of the past or an interest in those who are to succeed us in the battle of life, is to ignore the elements and influences that have made us what we are, to repudiate the natural instincts and affections of the human heart, and to suppress the aspirations and hopes of a soul that is to course on through endless circles of eternity. And what more precious testimonial of your love of kindred and home can you leave than that which provides for the transmission of the history of your ancestors, yourself and family, to future generations? And how consoling the thought that, when you shall have been gathered to your fathers, the history shall live through all coming time as a precious inheritance to your descendants!"
386. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: The Connecticut Humane Society was organized in 1881 for the "prevention of cruelty to animals." Although its offices and executive officers are in Hartford, it is a state institution and is prepared to extend its operations in all parts of the state. It has already appointed some fifty agents in the larger towns and cities, and its special agent, Dwight W. Thrall, will go if needed to investigate any special cases of cruelty to man or beast to any part of the state.
387. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Mansfield. Will N.P. Perkins, of Pleasant Valley give the result of his experiment of fattening pork last fall for profit? Many are interested in that line and any light upon the subject will be beneficial to the growers of the porcine race.
388. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: In the course of human events Windham will take a hand at governor making. We see it stated that Mr. Joseph A. Lewis of this town may this year be the Prohibitionist's candidate, and it is probable that the time will soon come when one of the great parties will look this way for their candidate.
389. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: We see that Representative Hadlai A. Hull of Stonington, - why by the way is a graduate from the Natchaug high school - is taking a foremost position among the members of our state legislature. He is a lawyer of much promise and a valuable member of the young democracy in eastern Connecticut who are taking an active part in the management of the party in this section.
390. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Mansfield Centre. The Mansfield fife and drum corps celebrated Washington's birth-day, by their fifth annual ball at the town hall on Spring Hill, Friday evening Feb. 22. E.L. Jackson and Nathaniel Knowlton drew the violin bow, Frank Green played the cornet, Everett Phillips the piano, while the big bass viol, which formerly performed evangelical psalm duty in the Baptist church hard by, was brought into requisition and under the manipulations of Al Freeman lent efficient aid on the occasion. Dumont Kingsley of Willimantic furnished the inner man with all necessary requirements, and was liberally patronized. The Selectmen of this town have appointed Wm. Reynolds in the south, and G.W. Reynolds in the North parish tax-collectors. The parties thus appointed are no novices in the business, they having served the town in this capacity several times before, and they bear the reputation of prompt, efficient and faithful collectors. The selectmen could not have made a better appointment.
391. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: South Windham. Men are engaged distributing telephone poles along our streets which looks as if we are to have a large sized nuisance there. But where there are as many ways of getting around as there are here to erect those unsightly poles upon our principal street seems most too much, and I can assure them that they will have a troublesome time getting them in position. The other lines have avoided the streets and this will do well to do likewise as our citizens are determined not to have their fronts on the street mutilated. F. Hamilton lost a valuable horse a few days ago. The animal was taken sick and died in 36 hours. Arnold Peckham has sold out his livery business to Johnson & Williams of whom he purchased it. It has been rather dull here during the past winter to let teams much. John Champlain, a nephew of Harvey Chappell who was murdered a few days ago, has offered a reward of 500 dollars for the discovery of the murderers. He might well have made it larger, and the town of Lebanon should have offered a large reward a week ago. When I have mentioned the idea of that town offering a reward I have been met by a sneer universally, "Catch them giving away anything, or offering to give. Why, they were never known to put out a cent only to defend a lawsuit." In Lebanon, South Windham always has had a terrible reputation among the true blues, who while they condemn crime in other communities, hold up their hands in holy horror when asked to contribute a cent to punish or detect crime in their own. The expression about the mote and beam may apply here. If there should be a reward offered by the town before this is printed I will apologize handsomely. If not I have one or two more things to say.
392. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Married.Cipher - Gallaher - In Willimantic Feb. 20, by Rev. G.W. Hollman, Mr. Cone Cypher [sic], to Mrs. Mary Gallaher both of Willimantic
393. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Died. Lynch - In Willimantic, Feb. 18, Annie, daughter of John Lynch aged 3 years and 3 months. Lee - In Willimantic, Feb. 24, Mrs. Ellen Lee; aged 39 years. Fuller - In Willimantic, Feb. 24, Mrs. Harriet Fuller, aged 69 years. Walden - In Willimantic, Feb. 25, Anna S. Walden; aged 36 years. Hyde - In Columbia, Feb. 22, Ella J. Hyde; aged 31 years.
394. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: For Sale - two story house on Pearl street. Modern improvements, hot and cold water. Apply to Marshall Tilden.
395. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: For Sale or to Rent - The pleasantly located and fine residence of the late Mrs. E.C. Potter on South Main St. Will be rented if not sold before March 15th. Apply to Marshall Tilden.
396. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: For Sale - To Close an Estate. The house, barn and lot situated in the southwest part of Columbia, formerly the residence of the late Thomas Chapman. [29?] acres of land may be had with the same if desired. Enquire of J.E. H. Gates, Administrator.
397. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Wanted - A reliable American woman to do the entire work in a family of two - man and wife. A permanent situation to the right person. References required. Organ Pipe Works, Mansfield Depot, Conn.
398. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Housecleaning made easy to all who use Spencer's Handy Soap. Nothing like it for cleaning windows, mirrors, paint work, tables, pantry shelves, floors, and oil cloths. For polishing tin, brass, copper, knives, forks, marble, porcelain, statuary and for removing smoke, pencil and ink marks, tar and grease from wood work it has no equal. Every box warranted as represented or money refunded. If your grocer has not got it, tell him to send to G.P. Spencer, Willimantic, Conn.
399. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Restaurant. Having purchased the well-appointed Restaurant corner Union and Temple Streets, Hanover Block, I shall do my very best to establish first-class Lunch & Oyster Rooms. Shall also keep full lines of Fruit, confectionery, Ice Cream, Cigars, &c., &c. Thomas Foran.
400. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: Apothecaries Hall wish it known that they guarantee Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets to be the best remedy for indigestion every made, they always relieve headache. Vegetine meets with wonderful success in the cure of Cancer and Cancerous Humor.
401. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: To Gentlemen! Just Received! A large lot of Imported and Domestic Woolens for spring wear which I am prepared to make up in the best and most fashionable styles, and at reasonable prices. Please call in and examine the goods, as it is certainly the Best Assortment ever shown in Willimantic. Latest styles in Gents Furnishing Goods. D.H. Henken, Corner Main and Railroad Streets.
402. TWC Wed Feb 27, 1884: S.B. Lyman, Auctioneer, Sales conducted in town or country at reasonable rates. Office at Lyman & Little's Boot & Shoe Store, 144 Main Street, Willimantic, Conn. |
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