The Willimantic Chronicle,
McDonald & Safford, Editors and Publishers.
Wed Aug 4 1880: About Town.
Levi Frink's new block has taken a new start and begins to look something
like a building. Meanwhile he is selling off his stock at low prices
to save moving.
A.J. Nichols the former superintendent of the Smithville Co.'s mill came
to town last week.
Rev. H. Montgomery will preach at the Methodist church next Sunday at
2 o'clock.
One of B. Cook's express wagons was ruined by a train on the New London
Northern road at the depot last week. The horse and driver escaped.
Dennis Shea moved his bottling establishment to his new building on Saturday.
Messrs. Palmer of Montville and Doubleday of Liberty Hill spoke at the
temperance meeting at Bank building Sunday afternoon.
1282. Wed Aug 4 1880: Henry Hartland, of Rockville a carpenter working
on the new mill, fell from the roof to the floor, a distance of eighteen
feet on Thursday, and received injuries from which he died in a short
1283. Wed Aug 4 1880: Nathan W. Kennedy, of Dayville,
has entered the lecture field under the auspices of the American
Lecture Bureau of New York. We wish him success in his new vocation.
1284. Wed Aug 4 1880: C.S. Holbrook, of Holbrook, Mass.,
a graduate Yale college, has been engaged as principal of the school
in the First school district.
1285. Wed Aug 4 1880: Prof. Turner has accepted a call
to lead the choir at Martha's Vineyard during camp meeting. He will
be on hand in his old place at the Willimantic camp meeting.
1286. Wed Aug 4 1880: Rev. Dr. Church preached at the
Congregational church last Sunday, Rev. Horace Winslow being absent
on his vacation. The Sunday school will meet every Sunday during
August, whether there be preaching in the morning or not.
1287. Wed Aug 4 1880: William Noyes has bargained for
the hardware business of T.H. Eldridge, and the parties are now in
all the horrors of inventory.
1288. Wed Aug 4 1880: H.A. Adams returned home last
Monday night having finished his labors in the special commission
of collecting the manufacturing statistics of the city of New London
to be used in compiling the census report. It required two weeks
time to perform the work.
1289. Wed Aug 4 1880: There will be a Hancock and English
flag raising on the Loomer farm in Columbia on Saturday, August 7th
at 10 o'clock a.m. Able speakers will be present and the Columbia
Cornet band will furnish music for the occasion. Refreshments will
be provided, and everybody is invited.
1290. Wed Aug 4 1880: Arrangements have been made for
a grand horse trot, on Thursday, August 12th on the Windham Co. fair
ground. The gentlemen who are arranging matters are A.B. Sprague,
L. Searles, E. Stanley, John Searles and H.I. Brayton.
1291. Wed Aug 4 1880: Rev. A.M. Crane of West Boylston,
Mass. will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday.
1292. Wed Aug 4 1880: Dr. Barstow and wife of South
Windham were presented with a daughter this morning.
1293. Wed Aug 4 1880: Rev. G.W. Holman is out of town
on a vacation.
1294. Wed Aug 4 1880: Wanted--A good light express
wagon with top, suitable to carry a cabinet organ. Apply at music
1295. Wed Aug 4 1880: H.L. Reade of Jewett City who
has done considerable evangelical work in various towns of Connecticut
and Massachusetts, is supplying the pulpit of Rev. O.D. Hine of Lebanon,
during the latter's vacation.
1296. Wed Aug 4 1880: The census returns of the counties
of Windham, New London and Litchfield show net gains during the past
ten years as follows; Windham 5,295, New London 7,184, Litchfield
3,284. Windham County shows very much the largest percentage of increase,
and in this respect the town of Windham far outstrips any other of
the towns or cities in the three counties. The percentage of increase--65
per cent--in this town, and which is due entirely to Willimantic,
we think is not exceeded by that of any town or city in New England.
1297. Wed Aug 4 1880: Court of Burgesses. At the Court
of Burgesses on Monday evening there were present, Warden Davison
and Burgesses Bowman, Sullivan, Avery, Billings and Keigwin. It was
voted to pay Wm. Vanderman, repairs on watering trough, $18.77; H.N.
Williams, repairs and care of fire alarm, $16.02; labor bill for
July, $284.31; Wm. Dodge, commission on tax list of 1878, $63,23.
Voted to make the following abatements from the list of 1878: A.W. Loomis
error, $3.00; M.M. Potter, poor, $0.29; James Sullivan, error, $0.42;
E.M. Thorne error, $3.00; Henry Schlote, $0.98; Mary Gavigan, $3.00;
William Levy, $1.65.
Voted that Messrs Stiles & Alpaugh have permission to raise their
one story wood building one story and to extend the lower story 20 feet,
the roof of said extension to be covered with tin, also to put a stairway
between said building and Hamlin's block to be covered with tin.
Voted that W. Hayden have permission to put up a building on the south
side of Main street the two upper stories to be of wood, the roof to
be covered with tin and the wood work to be painted with fire-proof paint.
1298. Wed Aug 4 1880: Borough Meeting. A meeting of
the electors of the borough was holden at Music hall Tuesday afternoon,
and it was voted to accept the layout of Union street between Jackson
and Milk streets according to a plan presented to the meeting by
the court of Burgesses. Also the lay-out of a new street from Main
street, north, over lands of the late Scott Smith. Also the lay-out
of Summit street from Chestnut street to the borough line was accepted,
and the extension of Spruce street so as to straighten it at its
junction with Jackson street. The new street asked for from Jackson
to Milk was voted down. No one appeared to advocate this street and
Mr. Nelligan who is interested as a property owner in the neighborhood
saying there was no necessity for it, there seemed to be no other
proper course but to take the action which was taken. It was voted
to pay the rent for the Union Bucket Company for the year ensuing
from the first of April last. It was also voted to refund to St.
Joseph's Catholic society the amount paid by it as taxes on the parsonage
during its legal exemption from such taxation.
The question which excited the most interest, was the building of a foot
bridge from Main street over the railroads and across the river to Pleasant
street. The lay out by the Court of Burgesses presented to the meeting
contemplated building the bridge from the pass-way between Chester Tilden's
building and the building of James Walden on Main street. It was found
that there was strong opposition to this Main street terminus by the
land owners immediately interested and a resolution was offered instructing
the Warden and Burgesses to change the Main street terminus to the pass-way
between the blue front building of Amos W. Bill and the Robertson block
owned by S.F. Loomer and also instructing them to go forward and build
a foot bridge as otherwise contemplated in the plan presented to the
meeting. There was considerable discussion on the resolution and a number
of votes were taken, the earliest of which seemed to satisfy none but
the Warden, who had the counting machinery in his hands, and the opponents
o the resolution. Finally it was decided to divide the house so that
a fair expression and count could be reached. The sheep then passed to
one side of the hall and the goats to the other, and when the count was
made by impartial tellers it was found there were forty in favor and
twenty-three against the resolution.
The meting voted to assess a tax on the last perfected list to carry
out the vote of the meeting. After the adjournment, considerable dissatisfaction
was expressed among the friends of the foot-bridge, that the laying of
the tax on the last list exempted a large amount of property which has
become taxable, since, and another meeting is talked of to rescind that
1299. Wed Aug 4 1880: List of Patents. Granted by the
United States to citizens of this State for the week ending July
27th 1880, furnished for the Chronicle from the Law and patent Office
of J. McC. Perkins, 809, L Street (just north of patent Office, Washington,
C.R. Shelton, New Haven, rifle barrel for shot gun.
A.A. Dennett and G.H. Holmes, assignor to New Britain Knitting Co. New
Britain; mechanism for opening thread guide of straight knitting machines.
1300. Wed Aug 4 1880: Oneco.
The annual examination at Oneco school occurred on Friday July 30. It
was attended by many people of the district and the exercises passed
off in a very pleasing and entertaining manner after which remarks
were made by the visiting committee Albert Frink and by Orren W.
Bates. Miss L. Emilie Dixon the teacher has taught this school
a period of five years, keeping excellent order and advancing the
school to its present standing.
There will be a flag-raising at Bates hall on August 10th. Also a Democratic
town caucus. Speaking by members of the old and young Democracy.
We hope to see sterling do her share in redeeming Windham County the
radical stronghold of Connecticut from her affiliation to a central government.
Sterling will give a rousing majority of Hancock and English and in all
probabilities one representative who will oppose the schemes of the wily
and treacherous Jewell.
1301. Wed Aug 4 1880: Scotland.
Mrs. Kingsbury Cady passed away last week after a long and painful illness.
The funeral services were conducted by Rev. S.A. Davis of Hartford.
Dr. G.B. Hamlin and wife of Willimantic narrowly escaped serious injury
last week while driving through Scotland. A dog belonging to James Hanna
attacked and frightened the horse and Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin were thrown
out. The horse ran under the shed at James Burnett's barn and struck
her head against a post, throwing her down and stunning her. Mr. and
Mrs. Hamlin passed the night with Horace Brown who carried them to Willimantic
in the morning. It is feared that the horse will never recover from the
fright and injury received.
Mr. Carlisle has moved to the Lewis Gager house on the hill. Mr. Wilkinson
who bought the Zephaniah Palmer farm of Mr. Carlisle will make extensive
alterations and improvements on the house before he occupies it.
Rev. S.A. Davis preached at the Universalist church last Sunday.
Mr. John Pollard, one of our oldest citizens is quite out of health.
It is said that our population was understated in the current census
report and that the true number is 590 instead of 540.
As Joseph Ensworth was sawing wood by horse power recently, a stick flew
from the saw and struck him in the face, making an ugly gash. With a
fortitude born of many trials, Uncle Joe got a needle and thread, stood
before the looking glass and sewed up the holes in his lip, then wrapped
a sheet around his face and went about his business thankful that the
stick didn't break his head all to pieces as the one at the sawmill did
last year.
1302. Wed Aug 4 1880: Columbia.
Three cheers for Hancock and English.
And now George W. Thompson has put up a transparency bearing the names
of the above candidates above which are two flags crossed.
On Saturday August 7th, there is to be a flag raising at the residence
of Ferdinand King formerly the residence of Septimas Loomer deceased.
It is to be flung to the breeze about 10 o'clock a.m. and will be a pleasant
occasion. Speakers from abroad are expected to be present and all lovers
of constitution and union are invited to be present.
Last Friday a man came along with a performing bear with which he was
exhibiting to the children when the Willimantic beer team came along.
The driver left the team and they seeing the bear started for home at
a rapid rate distributing beer and soda bottles promiscuously. The team
brought up near Norman H. Clark's after demolishing a portion of the
bridge in that vicinity.
1303. Wed Aug 4 1880: Eastford.
The new mill will be completed soon. Some of the machines are here. The
old mill starts this week under the firm of Harris & Son.
H.P. Bullard is doing a big grocery trade considering the number of inhabitants
in the place.
1304. Wed Aug 4 1880: South Coventry.
Mr. Loren Wincheser, past four score and rather enfeebled in health,
consulted Dr. Congdon at the Park Central hotel, Hartford, last
Thursday. Upon the premises of Mr. W. is a handsome white-flowering
tree with large corded leaves, hitherto nameless to the owner,
having been examined by several, but none classing it. It has recently
been named a linden. In Europe the flowers are light yellow, in
America, white.
Mrs. J.N. Dow is again confined to her room with asthmatic affections.
Walter Payne and family are stopping at the homestead.
A balloon fly trap, the property of a youthful bachelor imprisoned 981
flies on day last week.
Those having the care of Mrs. Isham reported her as failing last week.
At present writing, Mr. Wm. Wood is very ill and said to suffer greatly
from difficult respiration. Wm. Wood Jr. is sojourning at home for a
few weeks, desiring to overcome the effects of malaria.
Dr. G.E. Mecan of Norwich, sold his celebrated salve with "first-rate
success" here last Saturday.
Fred. Washburn and bride returned from their wedding tour on Saturday.
Mrs. Mason and daughters arrived home from Cottage City, Martha's vineyard,
on Friday.
Clarence Hoxie was in town over Sunday.
Quite extensive improvements are being made on the premises of Tracy
& Wood. They have removed their old Stephenson water wheel and put in a
new "Risdon," and are soon to add steam power.
On account of the drought and increasing business, Morgan & Bottum,
silk manufacturers, have been compelled to purchase a steam engine to
obtain sufficient power.
J.M. Wood, woolen manufacturer, is inquiring the merits of different
water wheels, expectant to make a change in a few days.
Charles Rood started for Cincinatti, O., Monday night.
1305. Wed Aug 4 1880: The son of Sitting Bull was recently
induced to sit for his photograph at Fort Buford. The young warrior
was very suspicious that the camera was some kind of an infernal
machine, but finally consented on condition that he might sit with
his revolver in his hand, and at the first sign of danger shoot the
artist. The artist decided to take the chances, and a fine cabinet
picture was the result.
1306. Wed Aug 4 1880: Governor Murray, the recently-appointed
executive of Utah, delivered an oration, in which he took occasion
to outline his policy toward the Mormons. He said that the tree of
liberty had grown broad enough to shelter all patriots, native and
naturalized, and was rich enough in timber to furnish scaffolds and
coffins for all who conspire against the Constitution or violate
the written laws. He then went on to say that until Utah had abjured
Mormonism there was no possibility that it could become a State.
1307. Wed Aug 4 1880: For Sale. A Family Carriage or
Carryall suitable for carrying passengers to the Camp Ground. Also
a lot of good hay. Thos. Turner.
1308. Wed Aug 4 1880: The First Duel in the United
States. The first duel in the United States was fought at Plymouth,
Massachusetts, on the eighteenth of June, 1621, between Edward Doty
and Edward Leicester, two servants, both of whom were wounded. For
this outrage they were sentenced to the punishment of having their
heads and feet tied together, and of lying thus twenty-four hours
without food or drink. After suffering, however, in that posture
an hour, at their masters' intercession and their humble request,
they were released by the governor.--Portland (Me.) Press.
1309. Wed Aug 4 1880: Odds and Ends.
Copper pennies were first coined 1797.
The New Haven police quickly quelled a street fight by throwing water
on the combatants with a fire engine.
1310. Wed Aug 4 1880: Ward Haight, his wife and daughter, and Belden
Wilmot, of Stamford, Conn, were lost in Log Island Sound while returning
from a blackberrying excursion in a small sharpie which was overloaded
with driftwood.
1311. Wed Aug 4 1880: A party of fifteen disguised
men, twenty miles from Atlanta, Ga., went to the house of Joe Thompson
(colored), dragged him out, beat him fearfully, and fatally shot
his son and killed his daughter. A citizens meeting at Jonesboro
denounced the killing and offered $500 reward for the murderers.
Several arrests were made. Thompson said he recognized as leader
of the crowd John Gray, whom he recently prosecuted and had convicted
for assault and battery.
1312. Wed Aug 4 1880: During his tour in the West General
Sherman, who has just returned to Washington, visited several Indian
tribes, especially in the Northwest. He says the Indians there are
quiet and peaceable, and that there need be no fear of an outbreak
in that region. Sitting Bull has been deserted by all of his once
formidable band except about eighty warriors, and these are not disposed
to make trouble. They became scattered after coming over the border,
and seem thankful because they have been allowed to return to their
homes. The Indian reservations in the Northwest, the general says,
are rapidly becoming surrounded by strong, white settlements, and
soon hostile uprisings will be out of the question. The Indians seem
to realize this, and are turning their attention to agriculture and
the education of their children.
1313. Wed Aug 4 1880: According to Rowell's Newspaper
reporter for 1880, Connecticut has 103 papers of which 20 are published
in Hartford and 19 in New Haven.
. Wed Aug 11 1880: About Town.
The new gas main through Main and Union streets is completed.
The roof of the European house is receiving a coat of metallic roof paint.
Wilson & Rood of Windham centre, have made an assignment of their
G.H. Alford is adding a story to his house on the corner of High and
Valley streets.
Efforts are being made for a bicycle club to be formed here among some
of our young men.
One of B. Cook's horses while standing on Railroad street, yesterday,
became sleepy and laid down breaking the thills.
Rev. A.M. Crane of West Boylston, Mass., occupied Rev. Holman's pulpit
Sunday. Mr. Crane is a native of Mansfield.
A barbed wire fence has been constructed along the line of the New York
and New England railroad between this place and Putnam.
There has been laid on our table by Geo. Harris of Eagleville a mammoth
potato weighing one pound and three ounces. Who beats it?
Mrs. Hattie Brainard, who recently retired from business, has been engaged
to take charge of the millinery department at the Linen Co.'s store.
A three wheel wagon, handsomely painted, for the purpose of advertising
Bixby's blacking, attracted considerable attention on our streets last
1315. Wed Aug 11 1880: Lost--Some weeks since between
Frank Bennett's and D.H. Clark's livery stable, a satin and gros-grain
striped sunshade. The finder will confer a favor by leaving it at
this office.
1316. Wed Aug 11 1880: Dr. H.A. Steward has returned
to town, and is making his headquarters at the Brainard house. The
doctor is too well and favorably known in this vicinity to need any "puffing."
1317. Wed Aug 11 1880: A house recently painted, on
North street, somewhat resembles Joseph's coat in point of colors--five
being counted on its exterior. It has the credit of being odd as
well as gaudy.
1318. Wed Aug 11 1880: R.J. Money of Norwich occupied
the pulpit in the Congregational church in the morning and the Methodist
in the afternoon, Sunday in the absence of the pastors who are away
on a vacation.
1319. Wed Aug 11 1880: Lucius Cross, of Mansfield City,
left us, on Saturday, a stalk of corn having its leaves striped handsomely
in four colors. Mr. Cross has several of these stalks and proposes
to save some seed for future planting.
1320. Wed Aug 11 1880: At the Democratic caucus, on
Tuesday evening, the following delegates to the State convention
where chosen John L. hunter, E.H. Holmes, Jr., Henry Page, and Jeremiah
O'Sullivan. The delegates were given the power of substitution.
1321. Wed Aug 11 1880: At the races to come off at
the Windham County fair grounds, Thursday, Aug. 12th, we notice the
following horses from this place are entered: Dick, Billy Stevens
and Dixie, owned respectfully by M. Nelligan, Isaac Sanderson and
E.L. Palmer.
1322. Wed Aug 11 1880: The State temperance picnic
will be held at Fenwick Grove on Thursday, the 12th inst. Neal Dow
of Maine, the temperance candidate for President, Rev. A. Miner,
of Boston, and several Connecticut gentlemen permanently identified
with the cause, will address the assemblage.
1323. Wed Aug 11 1880: We saw in the carriage shop
of Abel R. Burnham, a few days ago, a fine Brewster wagon which he
had just finished for H.W. Hale, formerly of this place, but now
of Meriden. The workmanship on this wagon can hardly be excelled
for it is in Mr. Burnham's best and most thorough style, and there
is not a workman in the State who excels him.
1324. Wed Aug 11 1880: Mr. Fred. G. Sawtelle, M.D.,
is to occupy the house left vacant by the death of Dr. Otis. Dr.
Sawtelle, comes from Danielsonville to this place, where, previous
to his entering the medical profession, he held the responsible position
of paymaster of the Quinebaug Mfg. Co. Enjoying the pleasure of Mr.
Sawtelle's acquaintance, we can assure the people of Willimantic
and vicinity that they will find him a faithful and attentive physician
as well as an amiable and worthy citizen.
1325. Wed Aug 11 1880: Gilbert Potter, an old resident
of Columbia, died at his residence in that town, on the 7th inst.
at the age of 69 years. Mr. Potter was a man of much good sense and
excellent judgment, and though he always led the quiet and unobtrusive
life of a farmer, his townsmen, thoroughly appreciating his strict
integrity backed by good judgment, had repeatedly called him to the
most responsible town offices, the duties of which he always most
acceptably filled. In 1853 he represented the town of Columbia in
the lower branch of the legislature. In political faith Mr. Potter
was a democrat of the Jacksonian school, and in early life had been
an active member of the party; but as age and bodily infirmities
crept upon him he laid aside the working harness but did not cease
to feel the liveliest interest in the success of the good cause he
had so much at heart. He leaves a wife and one daughter, the latter
an invalid.
1326. Wed Aug 11 1880: Flag Rising in Columbia.--Mr.
King, living on the Septimus Loomes place, in Columbia, raised a
Hancock and English flag opposite his house on Saturday last. There
were about two hundred present, and the following gentlemen were
made the officers of the occasion: President, W.H. Yeomans, 2d; Vice-presidents,
J.E. H. Gates, A.O. Wright, Columbia; C.E. Congdon, Chester Tilden,
Windham; Gen. Anson Fowler, John D. Kingsley, Lebanon; S.M. Sweet,
William Lathrop, Coventry; J.H. Marsh, L.D. Post, Andover; Leroy
G. Perkins, C.W. Marsh, Mansfield. Secretaries--J.D. Downer, Columbia;
W.P. Yeomans, Andover; Frederick Sweet, Coventry. Hon. E.S. Cleveland
spoke, in his best vein, for about one hour, showing to the farmers
present that the extravagancies of the Republican party had cost
the country hundreds of millions unnecessarily, taken from the pockets
of the people who have visible taxable property. John L. Hunter also
addressed the meeting. Mr. George Briggs catered to the crowd with
clam and fish chowder, and received the endorsement of those present
who partook of it.
1327. Wed Aug 11 1880: Court of Burgesses.
As per adjournment, a meeting of the Court of Burgesses was held at the
borough office, Monday evening, August 9th, the Warden presiding.
Present--Burgesses Avery, Keigwin, Sullivan, Billings and Bowman.
Record of last meeting read and approved.
Voted, to lay out a street thirty-three feet wide, from Main street south
to Rail road lands, over what is now known as Hooper's lane, according
to a plan now in the borough office.
Also, to lay out three streets: one leading from South Main street southerly
between the Natchaug hotel property and lands of Catharine Tingley to
South Park street (so called); one from Pleasant st., southerly, between
lands of Willimantic Linen Company and Rev. Horace Winslow's to said
South Park street, and one from lands of Willimantic Linen Company, to
lands of heirs of Alfred Young, over what is known as South Park st.
Also, to call a meeting of the legal voters of the borough, to be held
at Music hall, Bank building, on Tuesday, August 17th, 1880, at 2 o'clock
p.m., to act upon the petition of E.A. Buck and 122 others for the following
purposes, to wit:
First--To see if the borough will rescind the vote laying a tax of three
mills on a dollar on the last perfected list, passed at the meting of
the legal voters of said borough, held August 3rd, 1880.
Second--To see if the borough will rescind the vote to construct a foot-bridge
between Main and Pleasant streets, passed August 3rd, 1880.
Third--To see if the borough will provide sewerage for said borough and
take the necessary steps therefor.
Fourth--To see if the borough will vote to introduce water into the borough,
and take the necessary steps therefor.
Fifth--To see if the borough will vote to lay out and construct a drive-bridge
and provide approaches thereto, at some point between Main and Pleasant
Sixth--Also to see if the borough will accept the lay out of a street
over what is now known as "Hooper's lane" as recommended by
the Court of Burgesses.
Seventh--To see if the borough will accept the lay out of three streets:
one leading from South Main street, southerly, between the Natchaug hotel
property and lands of Catherine Tingley to South Park street (so called);
one leading from Pleasant street, southerly, between lands of Willimantic
Linen Company and Rev. Horace Winslow's to said South Park street, and
one from lands of Willimantic Linen Company to lands of heir of Alfred
Young, over what is known as South park street, as recommended by the
Court of Burgesses.
Eighth--To see if the borough will vote to lay a tax sufficient to meet
the requirements of any vote or votes passed at said meeting.
Voted, to adjourn two weeks.
1328. Wed Aug 11 1880: Farmer's Club.
The Willimantic Farmer's Club met at the house of J.A. Lewis on Saturday,
August 7th, and was called to order, at two o'clock p.m., by the
Secretary Atwood was present but being quite feeble from the injuries
received some two months since, J.A. Lewis was appointed Secretary pro
The club voted unanimously to hold a three days' fair, commencing October
5th, an appointed as the executive committee, Messrs. Arnold Warren,
of Coventry; J. G. Martin, of Windham; Caleb Anthony, of Scotland; Isaac
G. Larkin, of Lebanon, Geo. L. Rosebrook, of Mansfield; Albert Brown,
of Columbia; Merrick Barton, of Chaplin; Charles A. Stevens, of Andover;
Ezra Knowlton, of Ashford; Wm. H. Holt, of Willington; D.M. Deming, of
Hampton; and Fred. Burnham, of Hebron.
The club voted to appropriate fifty dollars for music and appointed D.M.
Deming, Nathan Gallup and Norman L. Babcock the committee to secure it.
The following were appointed judges:
On produce, No. 1--Jarrard Stearns, of Mansfield: Arnold Warren, of Coventry,
and Martin Parker, of Andover.
On produce, No. 2--Bradford Larkin, of Windham; Mrs. N.P. Perkins, of
Mansfield, and Mrs. Isaac Perkins, of Lebanon.
On horticulture--F.S. West, of Columbia; S.O. Hatch, of Lebanon, and
Mrs. Jennie C. Robinson, of Willimantic.
Sheep and swine--Wm. Reynolds, of Mansfield; A.B. Fuller, of Columbia,
and Philo Burgess, of Lebanon.
On poultry--J.D. Jillson, of Mansfield, A.C. Kinney, of Willimantic,
and Wm. H. Holt, of Willington.
On blood stock--J.G. Martin, of Windham; Geo. L. Rosebrook, of Mansfield,,
Origen Bennett, of Chaplin; Caleb Anthony, of Scotland, and Legrand Johnston,
of Willington.
On grade and native stock--Alex. Hawkins, of Coventry; Isaac W. Storrs,
of Mansfield, and Isaac G. Larkin, of Lebanon.
On steers--D.M. Deming, of Hampton; Samuel H. Greene, of Mansfield; George
Parker, of Coventry, and George C. Martin, of Willimantic.
On ploughing--Philo Parker, of Andover; B.F. Bennett, of Windham, and
Nathaniel Brown, of Lebanon.
Horses, colts and draft horses--A.T. Walker, of Willimantic; E.L. Burnham,
of Windham, and S.M. Sweet, of Coventry.
On single carriage horses and pairs--James McFarlain, of Mansfield; L.T.
Button, of Hampton, and James M. Johnston, of Windham.
On trotting horses--James M. Johnston, of Windham; Edward Harris, of
Willimantic, and Charles P. Bidwell, of Coventry.
On domestic manufactures--John M. Alpaugh, of Willimantic; Mrs. J.A.
Lewis, of Willimantic, and Mrs. James J. Slate, of Mansfield.
On agricultural tools and dairy utensils--N.L. Babcock, of Coventry;
Philo Thompson, of Mansfield, and Mrs. N.P. Perkins.
On horses and ox shoes--Norman Dunham, of Coventry; Harrison T. Rood,
of South Windham, and George W. Glynn, of Mansfield.
On arts and fine arts--J.R. Arnold, of Willimantic; Lizzie P. Barrows,
of Mansfield, and Wm. C. Jillson, of Willimantic.
The Stearns brothers were engaged to keep a supply of ice water for the
comfort of the people, and the following resolution was passed:
Resolved, That if any liberal person wishes to add to any of the premiums
offered by the club, that such donation be gratefully acknowledged.
1329. Wed Aug 11 1880: Danielsonville had a rousing
Hancock meeting last Thursday evening at which was formed a club
of 110 members, with F.C. Baker as president. Windham will have to
look out for her laurels or they will be carried off by Killingly.
1330. Wed Aug 11 1880: Arrangements are being made
for the publication of another weekly paper in Putnam. The sheet
will be neutral in politics, and of a distinctive local character.
It is expected to be issued about September 1st.
1331. Wed Aug 11 1880: A son of George W. Thatcher
of Westminster met with a very painful accident a few days since.
While playing in the yard near the house, a horse that was feeding
near by became frightened and ran upon him in such a manner as to
break one of his legs and fracture a knee-pan.
1332. Wed Aug 11 1880: South Coventry.
The funeral occasion of a much respected citizen, Mr. Wm. Wood was solemnized
last Thursday at his late residence on Main street, appropriate
remarks were made by the Rev. W.D. Morton. The deceased was 59
years of age and had been a freemason for many years. The burial
ceremonies under the Masonic order were conducted by the members
of Warren Lodge No. 50., F. and A.M., in which a delegation from
Eastern Star Lodge No. 44., F. and A.M., Willimantic, took part.
The burial service was conducted by Chester Tilden, Master of Eastern
Star Lodge.
The question is under consideration of enclosing the school house and
grounds in Dist. No. 1 with an iron fence.
Hammond and Wallens orchestra expect to give an excursion to Watch Hill
Main Street presented an unusually gay and lively appearance Saturday
p.m., parties going to and from the lake, library, confessional, the
race at Pleasant Valley park, the excursion to Newport and the gypsies
encamping at the corner of main and Huntington streets.
Sara Scott returned from Shelter Island last week.
Mrs. Mary Mason and son are making their annual visit at Mrs. H.W. Masons.
An ox belonging to John Bradbury choked to death last week.
1333. Wed Aug 11 1880: North Windham.
Mr. P. Wyllys has commenced the sale of his peaches of which he has such
a nice article every year. We are sorry to learn that some of his trees
are dying.
Smith & Bean have dissolved partnership, J. Smith is now running
the steam saw mill.
Mr. Chas. Champine who broke his leg the fore part of the summer has
removed with his family to Willimantic.
The widow of the late Chas. Spencer a former resident of this village
is staying with her son Freeman D. Spencer.
Mr. and Mrs. Delharen have returned and are now caring for the boarders
from the steam saw mill.
1334. Wed Aug 11 1880: Mansfield Centre.
Mr. Geo. B. Armstrong has been confined to his house by illness for about
two weeks.
Mrs. S.M. Dewing has taken up her summer abode among us, and the improvements
on her farm will be pushed as rapidly as possible.
H.D. Russ has purchased a new horse and buggy.
Chas. Campbell has just completed a new fence in front of his house.
At a Democratic Caucus held in Mansfield, August 7th, the following named
persons were elected delegates to attend the State convention to be held
in New Haven, Wednesday, August, 18th; Norman B. Perkins, Archibald Buchanan,
Hector W. Stone, John S. Hanks.
1335. Wed Aug 11 1880: Colchester.
The members of Worcester Lodge No. 10, F. & A.M., met at the house
of Mr. John Geer, Wednesday evening, August 4th, to celebrate the ninety-sixth
anniversary of the birthday of Harris B. Rogers, the father of Mrs. Geer.
Mr. Rogers is the oldest member of the lodge here, having been made a
Mason April 2nd, 1817.
A caucus of the Democratic electors was held in the Town hall, Monday
evening, August 9th. Geo. Foote was chosen chairman and M.D. O'Connell
clerk. The following were elected delegates to the respective conventions
named: State--George B. Rathbone; Ira A. Dinsmore and James Rudden. County--Geo.
B. Avery, A.G. Wickwire, John English, Jr., and Ralph T. Carrier. Congressional--Geo.
Foote, R.C. Jones, M.D. O'Connell and Demas Carrier.
1336. Wed Aug 11 1880: List of Patents. Granted by
the United States to citizens of this State for the week ending Aug.
3rd 1880, furnished for the Chronicle from the Law and Patent Office
of J. McC. Perkins, 809, L Street (just north of Patent Office, Washington,
F.C. Cannon, New Haven, carriage lamp. (Re-issue)
R.F. Gaylord, Hartford, erasive-tablet.
A.C. Hubbard, Danbury, telephone support.
V.A. King, assignor to Winchester Repeating Arms Co. New Haven, machine
for heading cartridge shells.
E.S. Smith, Waterbury, assignor to Smith & Griggs Mfg. Co. clasp.
P. Star, Danbury, hat-forming machine feeder.
1337. Wed Aug 11 1880: Brooklyn.
The excitement in town at present is over the "Grand horse Trot"
to come off August 12, at the fair grounds, for a purse of $250.00. In
the three-minute class are Warren Potter, Danielsonville, ch. M. Lucy
Belle; H. Burke, Rockville, b.g. Dick; E.L. Palmer, Willimantic, b.g.
Dixie; G. Miller, Hartford, b.g. Gypsy.
2.37 class has the following: I Sanderson, Willimantic, b.g. Billy Stevens;
H. Burke, Rockville, b.m. Kitty Hill; Owner, Norwich, b.m. Helen Mar;
H.L. Braiton, Brooklyn, ch. S. Pottowotomie; E.C. Vinton, Woodstock,
blk. G. Rarry N. Also, between the heats, there will be a mile heat trotted
against time by a Norwich horse, with the understanding that if the time
is made that it is claimed the horse can make, he will be sold to Hon.
T.S. Marlor. All lovers of a good time and of a good horse in particular,
can be assured everything will be done on the square. The names of the
managers, A. B. Sprague, Edward Stanley, H.I. Braiton, Lewis Searles
and John Searles, are sufficient guarantee of the fact, the names of
the horses are well known, and also what they can do. The above races
will be mile heats, best three in five to harness, and are to be trotted
according to the rules of the National Association. Races will be called
at two o'clock sharp. Admission twenty-five cents. Ladies attending can
be assured everything will be conducted with propriety and a pleasant
time may be expected.
Daniel B. Hatch is still improving his country residence; a company from
Norwich is putting down concrete walks both inside his yard and in front
from the Baptist church to the post office.
Miss Sarah Downing, who is stopping at home for a few weeks, received
a pleasant surprise last Friday evening, when Misses Dora Bates and Mattie
Locklin, friends from Mansfield, called to spend the Sabbath with her.
The visitors departed on Sunday evening.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. R. White, of Bridgeport, who are stopping
at Mr. E. Robinson's, will feel sad to learn of the death of their son.
1338. Wed Aug 11 1880: Columbia.
S. Pierce, Esq., and his friends from Bristol spent all of last week
rusticating and fishing at the reservoir. Mr. Pierce has been there
before and does not require to be told where to go for a good time.
The party caught a number of bass and had lots of sport.
The flag raising at Mr. Kings' came off according to announcement on
Saturday. There were delegations from all the adjoining towns, and all
passed off satisfactorily. The hickory was raised under the direction
of N.K. Holbrook, between which and a large maple the flag was suspended.
Speeches touching the issue of the campaign were made by hon. E.S. Cleveland,
of Hartford, and J.L. Hunter, Esq., of Willimantic. The Columbia Cornet
band was in attendance and discoursed music for the occasion. Among the
boys we noticed Mr. Dayton Lyman of Hartford, who played the piccolo,
adding very much to the music. Mr. Lyman is a musician of the Putnam
Fred O. Clark, from Talcott & Post's, who is spending his vacation
in town, and Miss Sprague, of Hartford, made a trip to Block Island and
several other watering places last week.
People are just beginning to learn what a nice place the reservoir is
for a good picnic. On Monday of this week Fidelity Temple of Honor, of
Willimantic, to the number of twenty-five, spent the day in Brown's grove,
at a social gathering and picnic. The time was spent in fishing, boating
or such amusements as were most pleasing.
1339. Wed Aug 11 1880: Oneco.
The Democrats of Sterling assembled at Bates Hall August 10th. A.H. Bates
and Alvin L. Cory were chosen delegates to the State convention,
A.J. Bitgood and N.J. Wood to the congressional convention. A.H.
Bates, Alvin L. Corey, and A.S. Franklin town committee. N.J. Wood
gave the opening address, after which a Hancock and English flag
was unfurled, amid cheering and firing of cannon. After a brief
speech by Mr. Wood, Orren W. Bates, was introduced whose remarks
were listened to with much interest, not only for their truth,
but because of the great promise the young Democrats will have
a leader worthy of the cause.
1340. Wed Aug 11 1880: Died.
Burnham.--In Willimantic, August 5, Eliza C. Burnham, aged 73 years.
Potter.--In Columbia, August 7, Gilbert Potter, aged 69 years.
Hayes.--In Willimantic, August 8, Olive Hayes, aged 3 months.
Hunt.--In Willimantic, August 9, William B. Hunt, aged 5 months.
Nichols.--In North Windham, August [no date given in article] Florence
A. Nichols, aged 6 years.
1341. Wed Aug 11 1880: Frederic G. Sawtelle, M.D. Physician
and Surgeon. Office and residence at the house recently occupied
by the late Dr. W.K. Otis, Temple street, near Union, Willimantic,
Conn. Special office hours, 7 1/2 to 9 a.m. 12 1/2 to 2 and 7 to
9 p.m.
1342. Wed Aug 11 1880: Metallic Iron Roofing Paint.
Established 1865. Protect your buildings from fire, water and decay
by using the Metallic Roofing Paints and Elastic Cements. Acknowledged
to be superior. To all other paints, now in use, for preserving and
protecting Tin and Iron. Prompt attention paid to repairing of old
roofs. William G. Spear, Agent.
1343. Wed Aug 11 1880: Strayed or Stolen.--One black
mare; weight about 900 lbs; four years old; marked on near forefoot, "A.E."
A liberal reward will be given by Charles Robbins, Box 126, Norwich,
1344. Wed Aug 11 1880: To Rent. A very desirable Tenement,
on Maple street, lower floor, six rooms, and basement wash room,
well and running spring water. Thomas Turner. July 13th, 1880.
Wed Aug 18 1880: About Town.
Agent Boss has the frame to his new house up.
Rev. G.W. Brewster conducted the services at the camp ground Sunday.
Rev. Lester Potter of Everett, Mass., preached to the Baptist people
last Sunday.
The firm of Dimmick & Dougherty as been dissolved by mutual consent,
Dougherty continuing the business.
O.A. Sessions displays in his window a drawing of the Linen Co.'s new
mill as it will appear when completed.
Capt. D.A. O'Neill goes to Camp Fairchild, on Wednesday, August 25th.
to be examined in regard to military matters.
Chester Tilden has got the start for the month with the "r"
and is receiving fresh oysters every day which he will sell at lowest
E.T. Hamlin last week received a box of 'the best oysters in the world"
taken from Alewives Cove, New London by S.B. Lyman.
The Western Union Telegraph Company are adding three extra wires to their
line through this place between Boston and New York.
An asphaltum walk is being built in front of the Hayden block, and a
cross-walk of the same material is being constructed across the street
at the same place.
1346. Wed Aug 18 1880: E.S. Beebe is canvassing the town for ad elegant
edition of Longfellow's poems. The drawings were made especially for
this work by the best artist in America at a cost to the publishers for
the illustration alone of $60,000.
1347. Wed Aug 18 1880: Benjamin Dyer, the butcher living
in the eastern part of Windham, received a kick from his horse while
sitting in his wagon, which broke his leg below the knee. Dr. I.B.
Gallup of this village was called and reduced the fracture.
1348. Wed Aug 18 1880: John Clark while fooling about
the horses in Maxwell's stable Monday evening received a kick in
the face which split his nose and lip and inflicted other injuries.
He was attended by Dr. McNally.
1349. Wed Aug 18 1880: Geo. T. Rogers & Co., local
peach venders, would inform the public that they sell peaches of
the first quality and give full measure every time. The parties are
residents of the village and are not itinerant as has been stated.
1350. Wed Aug 18 1880: The death of Miss Weltha J.
Brown, daughter of Postmaster Brown, which occurred on Sunday last,
cast a gloom of sadness over a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
She was well known in this community and beloved by all. Her funeral
took place from the residence of her father, on Valley street, on
Tuesday last at 2 o'clock.
1351. Wed Aug 18 1880: A party consisting of S.B. Lyman
and wife, Mrs. Wm. L. Kenyon and Arthur Kenyon of Willimantic, Joseph
E. H. Gates, Marshall Holbrook, wife and daughter, Charles Holbrook,
Justin Holbrook of Columbia, and David Webler of Coventry pitched
their tents on New London harbor last week and enjoyed a few days
sport in catching and eating fish, clams and oysters.
1352. Wed Aug 18 1880: Mr. Wm. Keough, a resident of
Jonesville, Mich. Who is visiting friends in Mansfield, made us a
pleasant call yesterday. Mr. Keough came east to engage help to go
to Jonesville to operate a cotton mill of which he is agent, and
has been successful in engaging the required number in Massachusetts.
He says that Jonesville is a thrifty village of about sixteen hundred,
and that it supports two live newspapers.
1353. Wed Aug 18 1880: The mills used by Walden &
Flint, druggists of this place, for grinding sumac, located at Mt. Hope,
Mansfield, were destroyed by fire last Saturday. The loss which
was considerable was fully covered by insurance. The mills will
be immediately rebuilt larger and with improved machinery and will
be ready in time to receive their supply of sumac in the Fall as
per their circular issued to the various sumac cutters. Papers
which contained their advertisement for sumac will please copy
this item.
1354. Wed Aug 18 1880: Conductor Sprague on the Providence
division of the New York and New England railroad, brought a case
before Justice Sumner on Monday of a person being drunk and using
boisterous language on his train. The case was quite laughable inasmuch
as the fellow in a drunken state appeared as his own counsel. Ineffectually
however, as he was unable to avert the sentence, which was seven
dollars and costs, which amount he not being the happy possessor
of he will take up his residence in Brooklyn.
1355. Wed Aug 18 1880: Fatal Railway Accident--On Friday
evening the regular freight train on the New York and New England
railroad which left Boston at 4 o'clock and is due at this station
about 9 o'clock, collided with a number of extra peach cars at North
Windham, and the engineer of the regular freight train, Frank Way,
of Hartford was killed. He would probably have escaped without harm
but for the fact that he jumped from his engine ad received injuries
which resulted in his death. His remains were taken to Hartford for
burial. He leaves an invalid mother, who relied on him chiefly for
support. The responsibility for the accident, it is said, lies with
the engineer of the extra peach train, which he stopped at North
Windham for the purpose of getting a fresh supply of water, and was
on the time of the regular train. The engine of the ill-fated train
was wrecked and a number of the peach cars demolished. The Philadelphia
express due here at 9:15, was obliged by the accident to return to
Putnam and come by the way of Plainfield, making the train five hours
behind time. A wrecking train was immediately dispatched to the scene
of the accident, and in a few hour the track at that point was passable.
1356. Wed Aug 18 1880: Borough Meeting.--At the borough
meeting held at Music hall Tuesday, there was present a very large
attendance of voters interested in the subjects to be brought up
and discussed at that gathering--something like two hundred present.
The business which was first brought before the meeting was a motion
to see if the borough would rescind the vote passed at the last borough
meeting providing for a three mill tax on the last perfected list,
which was carried through without opposition either by voice or vote.
The clause in the warning to see if the borough would rescind the
vote to construct a foot bridge between main and Pleasant streets
was promptly approved. The third section of the warning, which introduced
the subject of providing proper sewerage for the borough, after remarks
by a number of persons, was disposed of by appointing a committee
of three, composed of E.A. Buck, E.S. Boss and S.L. Burlingham, to
investigate the matter and ascertain the cost and most desirable
location for the main sewer, and report at a future meeting. The
aforenamed committee was also appointed to take the matter of introducing
water into the borough into consideration and present their findings
to a future borough meeting. The main feature of the meeting was
the subject of laying out and constructing a drive bridge from Main
street to Pleasant. After a lengthy discussion as to the property
or legality of the borough having anything to do in the laying out
or construction of bridges, some maintaining that it came wholly
under the jurisdiction of the town, it was finally decided that the
borough could take the preliminary steps of laying out, but the town
was obliged to do the building and pay for the same, and in accordance
with this decision, a committee of three was appointed to ascertain
the cost and perfect the lay-out of a bridge from Main street to
Pleasant and report their doings to a future borough meeting. The
committee appointed was E.B. Sumner, E.E. Burnham and James E. Hayden.
It was voted to accept the lay out of a street over what is now known
as Hooper's Lane, as recommended by the Court of Burgesses. The borough
also accepted the three following streets as laid out by the Court
of Burgesses: one leading from South Main street southerly between
the Natchaug property and lands of Catherine Tingley, to So. Park
street, (so called). One leading from Pleasant street southerly between
lands of the Willimantic Linen Co. and Rev. Horace Winslow, to So.
Park street, and one from lands of the Willimantic Linen Co. to lands
of the heirs of Alfred Young over what is now known as So. Park street.
In accepting the last named street it was proposed instead of stopping
so abruptly, to continue the same to South street over lands of the
heirs of Alfred Young, the land for which was to be given, except
about seven feet in width, which would have to be bought, but the
Warden for some reason did not like to entertain the proposition.
It was at last compromised by a motion informally instructing the
Court of Burgesses to lay out a street over lands named, and let
it rest there. On the last clause in the warning, providing for the
laying of a tax sufficient to meet the requirements of any vote or
votes passed at this meeting, it was voted that the meeting take
no action of this clause. At this point the meeting dissolved.
1357. Wed Aug 18 1880: Scotland.
It is rumored that we are to have two new rival butchers in town soon,
which, if true, will keep us supplied with meat while Mr. Dyer
is laid up with a broken leg.
F.W. Cunningham returned from Brooklyn, N.Y. on Monday is making preparations
for making cider when the season shall open.
Scotland boasts of raising white huckleberries and white blackberries
on her hilltops.
Joseph Ensworth has lost nearly all his original teeth, and has pulled
every one of them with his own hands. For real, genuine grit and nerve
Uncle Joe takes the prize, as was shown by his sewing up his own face
a few days since after it had been cut open by a slab flying from a circular
The "young folks" to the number of twenty seven wended their
way to the seashore on Saturday, the 7th inst. and others joined the
party on Monday. Nearly all the "young people" left for home
on Saturday, and the "old folks" party was represented over
Sunday by Jonathan Maine and wife of Scotland and Mason Bates, wife and
children of North Windham.
1358. Wed Aug 18 1880: Mansfield Centre.
The Hollow and the south "end" of the street furnished about
20 for salt water party, on Tuesday last to be away 10 days. They go
to Greenwich, R.I. Among them are G.S. Williams and family James Farnham
and family J.M. Wallen and family. We hope they may have a nice time.
C.H. Weeks from Warrenville is painting and fixing up the old Union store
now owned by Gilbert S. Williams, which he expects to occupy next week.
1359. Wed Aug 18 1880: South Coventry.
Thursday morning, August 11th, the grim messenger bore hence from the
home of Mr. John Isham, the pleasant companion and loving mother, thus
loosening the silver cord of attachment that bound the happy family trio
many years fraught with joy and rare contentment. Mrs. Isham has been
for nearly a year suffering from the effects of cancer. Hopes and fears
have alternately filled the minds of her anxious friends, but at no time
has exhausted vitality been sufficiently restored to warrant the safe
use of the surgeon's knife, so the sands of life ran rapidly out. In
health her daily walk in life was like the peaceful, even-flowing river,
and in failing health the graces of forbearance and patience added loveliness
to her christian character. The funeral was attended from her late residence
on Saturday at 2 p.m. Rev. Mr. Buckingham, rector of an Episcopal church
in New London, of which the deceased had been a member for many years,
conducted the exercises. Her remains were taken to New London for interment.
Her age was 44. The afflicted husband and daughter have much sympathy
in their severe trial.
At regularly warned meetings last week, H.F. Parker and J.M. Wood were
elected district committee for the First district, and George B. Carpenter
for the Third district for the year ensuing. These popular individuals
who are hand and glove with all public interests, and have long been
solicitous for the welfare of the community, will no doubt be governed
by wisdom in choosing teachers to preside over each department in these
institutions of learning.
C.H. Kenyon & Co. have purchased a steam engine for the branch manufactory
known as the "little mill."
Steam power has been added to the woolen manufactory of J.M. Wood.
Mrs. J.M. Wood is visiting at Stillwater, R.I.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cutler of Brooklyn, N.Y. are making their annual
visit at W. Tucker's in the North parish.
The auroral display in the northern skies Thursday evening presaged a
change in temperature, which came on Sunday which will be recollected
as a day in this maturing summer in which there was more than a breath
of fall. The early breezes across the blue waters of the lake were decidedly
invigorating. At mid-day the cloud shadows chased each other across the
cornfield, and to bask amid the sunbeams slanting across the south room
floor was not uncomfortable.
Ned and Irwin Hutchinson have been spending a few days at the seaside.
Frank Bradbury went to Narragansett Pier Saturday.
There was no service at the Congregational church last Sunday. Rev. W.D.
Morton is spending his vacation at Saratoga.
Rev. Stephen Hammond of Springfield, Mass., and Rev. Mr. Mathewson of
Chicago, Ill., occupied the Methodist pulpit on Sunday, and were listed
to by large and attentive congregations.
Clarence Hoxie arrived in town Monday night.
1360. Wed Aug 18 1880: State News.
Samuel Lock, a silversmith of Meriden, committed suicide by drowning
Sunday afternoon last.
John Lynch's seven year old daughter has been drowned at Bozrahville.
1361. Wed Aug 18 1880: List of Patents. Granted by the United States
to citizens of this State for the week ending Aug. 10th 1880, furnished
for the Chronicle from the Law and Patent Office of J. McC. Perkins,
809, L Street (just north of Patent Office, Washington, D.C.):
G.J. Capewell, Cheshire, tack driver.
S.B. Clark and L.C., Plantsville, machine for heating bolts.
F. Eggs, assignor to Smith & Eggs m'fg Co., Bridgeport, piano lock.
H.N. Gales and W.L. Wright, Bristol, band saw connection.
A.L. Howard, New Haven, fabricated paper or volcanized fiber applied
to corset stays as a substitute for whalebone &c.
J. Ives, Mt. Carmel, fastening for carriage aprons &c.
J. Kossuth, New Haven, corkscrew.
O.A. Stow, and H.S. Grannis, Plattsville assignor to Peck Stow &
Wilcox Co. Southington, tinsmiths, shearing device.
T.Q. Worthington, assignor of 1/2 interest to A.J. Ramsdell, New Haven,
rotary drier.
1362. Wed Aug 18 1880: Our thanks are due John G. Keigwin and H.M. Morgan
for contributions of apples, and to B.D. Crandall for some very palatable
native peaches.
1363. Wed Aug 18 1880: An exchange sums up our native
foreign products this: Russia leather is made in Connecticut, Bordeaux
wine is manufactured in California. French lace is woven in New York,
Italian marble is dug in Kentucky, Marseilles linen is produced in
Massachusetts, English cassimere is made in New Hampshire, Spanish
mackerel are caught on the Jersey coast, and Havana cigars are rolled
out by the million in Chicago.
1364. Wed Aug 18 1880: Born.
Mickle--In this Village, Aug. 15, a son to John, and Kate Mickle.
Mellody--In this Village, Aug. 10th, a son to Robert E. and Elizabeth
Scott--In Mansfield, Aug. 14th, a son to John J. and Ella Scott.
1365. Wed Aug 18 1880: Died.
Nichols--In North Windham, Aug. 11th, Florence A. Nichols, aged 5 years
6 mos.
Isham--In Coventry, Aug. 13th, Catherine R. Isham, aged 44 years.
Strickland.--In Hampton, Aug. 13th, Wilford Strickland, aged 7 months.
Slafter--In Mansfield, Aug. 15th, Artemas Slafter, aged 84 years.
Brown--In Willimantic, Aug 15th, Weltha J. Brown, aged 22 years.
1366. Wed Aug 18 1880: Dissolution. The partnership
existing under the firm name of Dimmick & Dougherty is this day
dissolved by mutual consent. Jas. Dougherty will settle all bills
against the firm and all accounts due the firm must be paid to him.
C.H. Dimmick, Jas. Dougherty. Willimantic, Aug. 16, 1880.
1367. Wed Aug 18 1880: Notice. Notice is hereby given
to all persons not to harbor or trust my wife, Mary Thomas on my
account as I shall pay no debts of her contracting, she having, without
cause, left my bed and board. William L. Thomas. Willimantic, Aug.
16, 1880.
Wed Aug 25 1880: About Town.
W.S. Gardiner, of Norwich, is chief of police at the camp ground.
Our esteemed neighbor, the Journal issues a daily during camp meeting
according to its custom.
The Boston boot and shoe store has raised a handsome new sign painted
by Frank Hanover.
Warden Davison will have the privilege of going right over his last week's
work on our streets.
W.L. Harrington & Co.'s clothing store in Turner building was almost
flooded out by the shower to-day.
Rev. Wm. A. Fenn, the former pastor of the Baptist church, preached to
his old congregation on Sunday.
Three of those beautiful elm trees on upper Main street were almost tore
to fragments by the wind to-day.
E.B. Sumner has been appointed prosecuting agent by the county commissioners
in place of E.E. Burnham, resigned.
Rev. R.J. Nichols of Scotland, will preach at the North Windham church
next Sunday, August 29th, at 2 o'clock p.m.
Michael O'Neil of Spring Hill, has the finest lot of peaches we have
seen this year. His largest measured nine and one half inches around
the waist.
Nathan D. Potter, who has had charge of the Linen company's meat market
since its opening, will resign his position and go to Colorado sometime
in October.
The ancient Natchaug house has been rejuvenated and christened the Riverside
hotel. It is under the management of Joseph Locke, the noted horse doctor
and trader.
Miss Olive D. Sanger, of Canterbury, is visiting at Hon. E.A. Buck's.
1369. Wed Aug 25 1880: The Hancock and English ratification
meeting at West Ashford on Monday was addressed by E.S. Cleveland
whose speech is very highly praised by all those who heard it.
1370. Wed Aug 25 1880: Landlord Sanderson, of the Brainard
house has showed his excellent taste in the selection of horseflesh,
in the purchase of a very handsome pair of "blacks" fit
for a king to drive.
1371. Wed Aug 25 1880: Rev. Dr. Church conducted the
services at the Congregational church on Sunday morning assisted
by Rev. Mr. Hurd of Taftville. Rev. Horace Winslow expects to occupy
his own pulpit next Sunday.
1372. Wed Aug 25 1880: All who are anxious to learn
the art of riding the bicycle can be accommodated at the Armory hall,
Centre street. J.C. Thompson, of the American Bicycle Co. New Haven,
is the teacher and has several machines in the hall.
1373. Wed Aug 25 1880: A beautiful, life-size portrait
of Dwight Hooker, of the Opera House Billiard Rooms, is displayed
in J.J. Kennedy's window. It is the handiwork of T.H. Goodwin, a
carriage painter who has recently located in this place.
1374. Wed Aug 25 1880: William H. Chapman, the young
man who used to be connected with Ansel Arnold's flour and grain
establishment, died at his home in Ellington, Sunday last. He had
been suffering a long time from consumption, and the result was not
unexpected. He had a host of friends among the young people in this
1375. Wed Aug 25 1880: The Court of Burgesses has granted
the firm of G.H. Thomas & Co. the privilege of numbering the
houses in the village--provided the individual property owner pays
for numbering his own house. It will be a matter of convenience to
strangers in town, and we have no doubt but the majority of our citizens
will fall in with the idea; we notice a number have already.
1376. Wed Aug 25 1880: Marvin Massey, a resident of
this village, was found dead by the side of the railroad track about
a mile this side of Stafford Springs yesterday morning. It is the
opinion of the railroad men on the Northern road that he was struck
by one of the night freights. The only injury that appeared on the
body was a hole on the back of his head. He had been employed by
Gardner Hall, Jr., & Co. in building a dam at South Willington,
but had been absent from work a number of days on a spree.
1377. Wed Aug 25 1880: Frederick Slater, a gentleman
of color, came to town yesterday from Hebron to visit camp meeting,
but meeting some friends Frederick got a little hilarious, and upon
their refusing him beer in the saloon of Mr. Rood, Frederick showed
his spite by breaking one of the windows with his cane, and then
skedaddled with all the velocity his legs were capable of. A warrant
was issued by Justice Clark on complaint of Grand Juror Giles H.
Alford, and Frederick was brought into court, where in an amusing
way he told of his coming to town, taking a little beer, and under
its influence acting a little improperly, but said he was willing
to be excused. He had no friends or money, and Justice Clark adjourned
the case to Saturday at 9 o'clock to give the darkey time to look
around and get the wherewithal to settle damages.
1378. Wed Aug 25 1880: Court of Burgesses--The adjourned
meeting of the Court of Burgesses was held on Monday evening, the
Warden presiding. Present: Burgesses Keigwin, Billings, Bowman and
Avery. It was voted to pay Willimantic Savings Institute, use of
Music hall, $6.00; U.S. Street Lighting Co., street lights for June,
$100.50; Asa M. Allen, oiling hose, $5.00; George H. Millerd, repairing
hose, $5.00. Voted that G.H. Thomas
& Co. has permission to number the houses in the borough subject to the
supervision of the Court of Burgesses, provided they use two inch white metal
figures, and do not charge to exceed the rate of 25 cents a single number.
Voted to adjourn one week.
1379. Wed Aug 25 1880: Mansfield Centre.
G.B. Armstrong and wife are spending a few days with their son, Rev.
E.P. Armstrong of Killingworth, Ct.
1380. Wed Aug 25 1880: Scotland.
Rev. A.A. Hurd is absent for two Sabbaths on his summer vacation. His
pulpit was occupied on Sunday morning by Rev. Mr. Tillinghast of Providence.
In the afternoon he held a service at Howard Valley which was attended
by a number from this place.
It is expected that the new firm of Parkhurst & Babcock, butchers,
will be ready for business on Monday.
Cunningham & Son are to put in a new cider mill this week.
Mrs. Lemuel Beckwith, a former resident of Scotland, died in Hanover
on Friday, aged 68. Her death was said to have been hastened by the shock
received when her daughter, living with her, was injured by lightning
a fortnight before.
Mr. Doyle and family have moved to Norwich, thereby taking five pupils
from the Centre school.
N.D. Fisher of Brooklyn, N.Y. has been spending a few days in town.
Nathan Billings has accepted his old position as principal of the school
at Hanover for another year.
1381. Wed Aug 25 1880: Liberty Hill.
N.G. Douglass of Providence, R.I., is with his daughter, Mrs. W.M. Cummings
for a few days' stay, and for exercise, goes into the field with a scythe
and mows, although he is past 83 years of age. Mr. Douglass says his
father was a good mower at the age of 100 years, and was at the time
of his death, 110 years old.
Elder Cameron of Greeneville will address the public at Liberty Hill,
down by the mineral spring, on Sunday, the 29th inst. He proposes to
knock fire and brimstone out of the theological hell, also blow Spiritualism
high as a kite, and in the end, flat as a squash pie. To do all these
things, it might be necessary for him to fast, as we read of the man
Rev. Mr. Bronson preached in the Liberty Hill church at 5 o'clock Sunday
The Johnson Brothers' steam mill will start again some time this month.
Henry Holbrook has been in East Haddam for a week or two.
1382. Wed Aug 25 1880: Ashford.
The Bicknell place, so called, that has been in that name for three generations,
and where Capt. Samuel Bicknell now resides, has recently been sold to
& Dawley, who are to put a steam sawmill on the place, and cut off all
the timber. This will take some time, as it is the best timbered farm in town.
Buck & Dawley have sold out their store to J.A. Murphy & Co., and will
discontinue the grocery business and attend to the lumber business.
Charles Weeks, who has kept a store in Warrenville, has removed to Mansfield
Centre, into the store formerly owned by A.W. Buchanan.
The potato crop is rather light and some are rotting. The oat crop was
never better. Dyer H. Clark harvested 180 bushels from 4 acres.
C.L. Dean was in town last week.
The Misses Buck of Willimantic are staying in town for a short time.
H.F. Royce of Willimantic, and brother of Norwich, were in town last
1383. Wed Aug 25 1880: Columbia.
This town, so exceedingly quiet under ordinary circumstances, has been
shaken by excitement from center to circumference, and judging
from the various groups collected at different points on Sunday,
the thoughts were not all directed to heavenly and divine things.
The cause of all this excitement was the recent arrest of Seth
S. Collins upon complaint of Prosecuting Agent Chauncey E. Brown
for keeping a place where intoxicating liquors are represented
to be sold, and for keeping liquors with intent to sell. A search
was instituted and four dozen bottles alleged to be lager beer,
and a bottle containing a small quantity of liquor were seized.
The accused was brought before Asahel O. Wright, Esq., and after
two adjournments, the trial was commenced on Friday, Aug. 20th.
The plea was "not guilty," and so the prosecution commenced
to put in their evidence, occupying the whole day in the examination
of twenty-three witnesses, with many "more to follow." The
prosecution was conducted by E.B. Sumner Esq. assisted by Joseph
Hutchins. The counsel for the defense were John L. Hunter and John
M. Hall, Esqs. It is reported that 150 witnesses are summoned,
and if the examination occupies as much time in proportion as with
those already examined, the trial will be likely to occupy some
time; and judging from the opening, without any reference to the
case itself, the trial is likely to prove a mirror from which is
to be reflected points of character heretofore undiscovered.
Charles E. Little and two cousins are invigorating at Apponogue, R.I.
Miss Clara Sawyer is embracing the salt air at Fenwick.
Miss Emma Bascomb has returned from a sojourn at Point Judith.
1384. Wed Aug 25 1880: List of Patents. Granted by
the United States to citizens of this State for the week ending Aug.
17th 1880, furnished for the Chronicle from the Law and Patent Office
of J. McC. Perkins, 809, L Street (just north of patent Office, Washington,
J.S. Corban, Plainville, carriage spring.
I. Glover, Fairfield, to M. Hartley New York, cartridge capping and uncapping
T.F. Hammer, Branford, machine for boring and tapping pipe bends.
C.L. Jennings, New Haven, assignor to Parker & Whipple Co. West Meriden,
reversible catch.
F.W. Martin, Norwich, ornamentation of wood.
J.R. Munns, and F.M. Clough, West Chesire, water gauge.
N.S. Osborne, assignor to English & Merrick, New Haven, carriage
curtain support.
1385. Wed Aug 25 1880: At a Court of Probate holden
at Columbia, within and for the district of Andover on the 19th day
of August A.D. 1880. Present, William A. Collins, Esq., Judge. On
motion of Mary Ann Potter, administratrix on the estate of Gilbert
Potter, late of Columbia within said district deceased. This Court
doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors
of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the administratrix
aforesaid, and directs that public notice be given of this order
by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic, and by posting
a copy thereof on the public sign-post in said town of Columbia,
nearest this place where the deceased last dwell. Certified from
Record, William A. Collins, Judge.