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The Willimantic Chronicle - Year of 1883

Published every Wednesday.

McDonald & Safford, Editors and Publishers.
Office, Hall's Block, Main & Union Sts.
$1.50 per year.

M. Wallen, A.H. Freeman, O.G. Hanks. Prompter: O.M. Richardson.

393. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: About Town.
The selectmen should connect the town offices by telephone.
E.W. French has started a sewing machine agency at the boot and shoe store on Jackson street.
Henry Anthony, of Scotland, has taken a clerkship in the clothing house of W.L. Harrington & Co.
Now is the time to pack woolens and furs, a large invoice of camphor gum just received at Apothecares Hall.
Frank Bennett has bought a piece of land located at the corner of Summit and Walnut street of Whitman Williams.
Dr. D.C. McGuinness has removed his residence from Bingham’s block Church street to Commercial block over Apothecaries Hall.
Edgar Storrs of Spring Hill exhibits in Marshall Tilden’s show window good specimens of taxidermy in the shape of a coon and a weasel.
Robert Binns, of South Windham, who has shown a remarkable amount of inventive genius, has just taken out a patent for a ruffing wheel.
Rev. L.H. Wells of the Episcopal church addressed the students of Trinity college Hartford Tuesday evening on missionary work in Oregon and Washington territory.
A.S. Turner has sold two more building lots on the Rollinson place to Tousanti Landemorande. He has also sold a building lot to W.H. Burlingham at the corner of Prospect and proposed Turner streets.
The town of Mansfield has brought in her report on the fox question for the season. Seventeen handsome skins were exhibited in J.W. Webb’s market last Thursday as the result of the sportsman’s work there.

394. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: The Ashford stage, John Bolles driver, leaves Willimantic at 11:50 a.m. every day for Chaffeeville and returning leaves at 1:15 p.m. It will be convenient for persons wishing to communicate with that place to bear this in mind.

395. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: The firm of Brennan & Clune has dissolved, the latter continuing in the boot and shoe trade in the same place, and the former entering into a partnership in the meat business with W.A. Foley at the corner of Union and Jackson streets.

396. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: The ladies of the Methodist church were very successful with their festival last Wednesday evening realizing about $100 profits therefrom. They repeated it the next evening. The album-bedquilt which created so much interest was sold at auction to Benjamin Jones for $15, and it has brought in $242 in all.

397. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Rev. S.R. Free was attacked with a hard cold Saturday which threatened pneumonia, in consequence no preaching service was held at the Congregational church in the morning or evening. There being no means of public announcement of the fact many went to the church at the usual morning hour and were then informed by the sexton.

398. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: By resignation of Miss Ward, as teacher of the second intermediate department of the Natchaug school Miss Rice of the fourth primary has been changed to that room. Her place has been filled by Miss Alice B. Palmer of the second primary and Miss Hattie Bliven goes into that room as a new teacher. Miss Dorrance and Miss Yorke have also exchanged rooms in the primary department.

399. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Mrs. Vera A. Bartlett has engaged the west store of Cranston block and placed therein an entirely new stock of millinery goods of the latest New York designs and patterns. The store has been handsomely and attractively fitted up for business. Her extensive acquaintance in this section together with a long experience to her in the undertaking. The store will be opened for business next Saturday April 7th.

TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: A vocal concert was given at the opera house
Saturday afternoon by the singing school supported by the Linen company under the direction of A.M. Parent, teacher. It was exclusively for the pleasure of the company’s help and was largely attended and very satisfactory.

401. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: The annual meeting of the Congregational church society was held in the chapel Tuesday evening with a very good attendance of members. Nine new names were added to the society roll, and then the old society committee—W.C. Jillson, A.T. Fowler and G.A. Conant—was re-elected for the ensuing year. The following ushers were chosen: W.C. Jillson, A.T. Fowler, G.H. Alford, Joel W. Webb, A.J. Bowen, N.A. Stearns, W.H.H. Bingham. The financial affairs of the church were shown to be in a better condition than the year previous and the sale of pews will take place next Tuesday evening. Rev. S.R. Free will be re-engaged by the committee for another year.

402. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Court of Burgesses.—The regular monthly meeting of the Court of Burgesses was held at the Borough office last Monday evening. C.A. Capen appeared before the board and asked permission to lay water pipe through Elm and Main streets to his house which was granted subject to the usual restrictions as to liability of damage that might arise. Voted to pay the following bills. A.R. Burnham, repairs, $18.34; A.R. Burnham repairs fire department, $11.75; Alanson Humphrey, stone, $23.70; C.S. Billings, care fire department $15.00; Lee & Osgood gasoline, $49.45; Labor bill, March, $28.50; Willimantic Gas Co., gas, 50 cts.; Luke Flynn, police, $62.00; Chas. T. Brown, police, $62.00; D.W. Shurtliff, $62.00; R. Davision, rent, $56.25; Lincoln & Boss, coal, $3.75; Willimantic Savings Institute, rent, $37.50; James Walden, rent, $90.00; C. Whittaker, care hydrants, $1.50; Wm. P. Worden, lighting street lights, $65.00; Dime Savings Bank; interest, $650.00. Voted to accept the proposal of Frank Ford to furnish teams to do the Borough work for the ensuing season. Voted to dissolve.

403. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: At a recent meeting held in the basement of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, over which Dr. T. H. McNally presided and of which P.J. Carey was chosen secretary, to consider the matter of erecting a monument to the memory of the late Father Arnold Van Wersch it was decided to do so, and the plan of the procedure adopted was the division of the parish into districts and the appointment of the following committee to solicit subscriptions: Thomas H. Maxwell, Arthur Favreau, Jules Archambeau, Lons Bonnette, Jeremiah Mahoney, Henry Paul, Amady Newhouse, P.J. Carey, Dr. T.H. McNally, J.E. Murray, Martin Mullen, Thomas Ashton, James Haggerty, Thomas Keating, John Hennessy, Daniel Courtney, Michael Sullivan, Lawrence Casey, J. Aubartin, James Courtney, Edward Gavigan, Timothy Reagan, James Carney, Luke Flynn, Michael O’Loughlin, Hop River,--Michael Sullivan, James Sullivan, South Windham, --Thomas Walsh, Christopher Healy, North Windham, --Joseph Ottenheimer, Alphonse Jenno, Conantville,--Wm. Connor, Michael Lambert, Windham,--Andrew Bulkeley

404. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Railroad News.—Two smashups occurred on the New England railroad yesterday morning in the vicinity of Putnam. One occurred between two trains going west near Holmes Dump. The train in front had stopped and put torpedoes on the track but the train following ran into it owing to the forward train breaking in two when it tried to start up. The engineer and fireman were slightly wounded, four freight cars and caboose car wrecked, and the engine and tender thrown down making a bad wreck. This caused delay to east and west trains and they went via Plainfield.
In the afternoon the engine and some flat cars of a freight train were ditched near the High bridge owing to a displaced switch. No one was hurt.
A brakeman on the New England road named Edward Burke of Springfield, met with a serious accident Monday afternoon. He fell from a moving train in East Hartford and was dragged some distance when being unable to retain his hold on a car, he fell beneath the train, but miraculously escaped fatal injuries. As it was he received a severe abrasion of the thigh and three fingers were crushed.
A corps of engineers are and have been for over a week, surveying a proposed site for a branch road of the N.Y. & N.E. between and connecting their Hartford & Providence and Norwich & Worcester divisions. Assistant engineer Rich of the road stated that probably the new line would begin at a point some two miles east of Baltic station running along the east bank of the stream that drives the Baltic, Occum and Taftville mills, and connecting with the N. & W. road between the tunnel and Taftville depot. Going through Versailles it strikes a line in front of the M.E. church and crosses the highway some fifty feet above D.L. Gardiner’s residence. It was intended by the engineers to run the line through Occum and connect with the mill branch of the road, but the Taftville people strongly object, for some inconceivable reason, to its going through there, hence the change of site to the other side of the stream. The road will benefit the mills greatly in Versailles, Occum, etc., besides being an important connecting link between two divisions of the great New England trunk line.

TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Mansfield Centre.
George W. French the successful meat merchant of Mansfield City, has recently purchased of Edwin Storrs, twenty two acres of land which lay adjoining his place. This in connection with what he owned before makes him a snug farm situated in a desirable locality.
Mrs. Wm. S. Eaton has removed from the plebeian side of the brook to the Payne mansion on the “boulevards.”
The Macfarlanes are adding a new boiler house to their silk mills in Atwoodville.
Your Lebanon correspondent complains lately of a “strong and ominously suggested smell of sulphur.” Possibly he may have been listening to an old-fashioned orthodox sermon, which has led him to reflect on the past and caused great uneasiness about the future.

TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Mansfield.
Farm labor is in fair demand this spring at about eighteen dollars per month and board for good hands. We remember when the best of farm hands could be hired for ten dollars per month and male school teachers for less and board around in the district. It is doubtful if our district schools have improved much since those primitive days. Then the teacher kept five and one-half days for a week, or was allowed every other Saturday to themselves. Now with twice the amount of wages they spend but five days in the school room per week and manage to appropriate as many holidays to themselves as possible. Customs and things generally have wonderfully changed during the last half century.
Fifty years ago railroads, lightning telegraph and the telephone were nearly unknown and communication by mail was comparatively slow as well as the transportation of commodities.
In those days nearly all kinds of apparel were made by hand and if a family felt able to have a carpet they had to make it by hand from the raw material. The first pair of wool pants we had the pleasure of wearing were made by the good old lady with whom we lived, and the work was all done with her own hands from the wool to sewing on the buttons. She made for herself an all wool carpet which was pronounced a substantial beauty in that day and we believe it is in being at the present writing.
Auction sales are the order of the day just now and all the old articles that have been accumulating in the garrets for generations are being brought forward and sold to the highest bidder the purchaser buying because he thinks they are cheap really having no use for the purchase and carries them home to be again sold in like manner at no distant day.

TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Andover.
The funeral of Mrs. Fannie Lathrop whose death was noticed in last week’s Chronicle was attended from the Congregational church Wednesday forenoon. The Rev. Mr. Ward officiated and Mr. E.E. White took charge. The pall-bearers were Messrs. E.F. Webster, W.C. White, Judge Palmer and C.F. Lincoln. The singing was under the direction of Mrs. S.H. Daggett. Much sympathy is felt in our community for his two little boys now bereft of both father and mother.
The funeral of D.P. Sprague was attended from his late residence Thursday afternoon. His oldest daughter, Miss Ellen M. Sprague arrived from Chicago in time for the funeral, but his youngest daughter Mrs. Mary Pardo, of Toronto, Canada was unable to come on account of the sickness of one of her children.
At the annual meeting of the 1st Ecclesiastical society, Messrs, E.P. Skinner, Walter Abbey, and C.L. Backus, were chosen society committee.
Mr. E.D. White has been drawn as a juror at the coming term of the superior court at Tolland.
Mr. R.E. Bishop has moved his family to Manchester where he holds the position of baggage master for the N.Y. & N.E.R.R.
A meeting of our farmers will probably be held soon to consider the subject of starting a creamery.

TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Liberty Hill.
Ex-Sheriff Cummings gave a turkey dinner to a few of his friends on Thursday last. It was a success.
‘Gene and Kiah’s broom factory having recently been remodeled and converted into a dwelling, has been rented by Mr. Charles Wormsley the veteran restauranteur.
George Peckham, who has built more rods of stone wall than any 5 men in town, will occupy for the ensuing year a house owned by N.B. Loomis Esq., situated on the road leading from this village to Tobacco street.

TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Columbia.
The traveling on the turnpike between Columbia and Hebron is rarely ever worse than this spring and in other sections heavily loaded teams with railroad ties, lumber and logs do not improve the highways.
A quilting bee at S.F. Ticknor’s on Wednesday p.m. composed of Miss Olive’s friends and as the hospitality of the house is noted and the housekeeper’s cooking also we know had a fine time.
Mrs. Harris returned to Woonsocket Saturday after spending a few days with Mrs. H.E. Lyman also Hiram Harris of the same place on Monday who had also been a guest of his sister.
Sam Snow moved last week into the tenement house owned by Marshall Holbrook.
Leverett Watrous spent a few days in Meriden last week and Herbert Watrous of Meriden was in town at his father’s suffering from a severe cold and general debility.
W.H. and H.W. Yeomans returned from New York on Thursday.
The Boughton farm formerly owned by the late Augustus Post has been sold to Dr. Cobb, of Troy, N.Y., and the occupants are patiently awaiting the coming of the purchaser who has been expected for the last month.
Miss Alice Rogers of Albion, N.Y., has been visiting friends in town during her vacation and will resume this week her studies at Mt. Holyoke institute.

TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Tolland.
Mrs. J.E. Wilson who has been suffering from a severe cold for the past few days is slowly recovering.
Miss Mary Benton will teach in district No. 12 the coming spring term.
A.L. Edgarton has removed to the Harper place which he has recently purchased.
Alvah Rounds will take Mr. Frank Kimball’s place on shares for the coming year.
The Baptist “Gleaners” meet Wednesday evening at the home of Dr. William Clark in Tolland street.
We hear that G.P. Babcock formerly of this place now of Vernon is carrying on a flourishing business with his saw mill.
The school in the Cedar Swamp district begins next Monday.

411. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Dr. Chamberlain of the State Board of Health, reports pneumonia and acute lung diseases as the leading causes of death in February. From such diseases there were 17 deaths in Hartford, 25 at New Haven, 5 at New Britain and 8 at Bridgeport. Scarlet fever caused 12 deaths at Hartford and 5 at New Haven, and was prevalent in a mild form in several parts of the state, including North Manchester, Willimantic and Plainville.

TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Born.
Parker—In Willimantic, April 2, a son to John H. and Annie M. Parker.
Holbrook—In Willimantic, Mar. 29, a son to Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Holbrook.

TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Died.
Dougherty—Osawatomie, Kansas, March 21, Ambrose M. Dougherty, aged 43 years.
Bruco—In Willimantic, March 28, Alphonso Bruco, aged 5 months.
Murphy—In Willimantic, March 31, Hannah Murphy, aged 66 years.
Murphy—In Willimantic, Apr. 1, Peter Murphy, aged 85 years.
Hurley—In Windham, April 3, Mary Hurley, aged 65 years.
Briggs—In Chaplin, March 30, Ellen F. Briggs, aged 38 years.
Carpenter—In Columbia, April 1, Mary E. Carpenter, aged 37 years.
Andrews—In Hebron, April 2, Sarah Andrews, aged 88 years
Bartlet—In Iowa City, Ia., Mar. 28, George T. Bartlet, aged 37 years.

413. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: At a Court of Probate holden at Bolton within and for the district of Andover on the 30th day of March A.D. 1883. Present, F.E. Williams, Esq. Judge. On motion of Mary Ann Sprague Executrix on the estate of David P. Sprague late of Andover within said district, deceased. This court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the Executrix and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Windham, and by posting a copy thereof on a public signpost in said town of Andover nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record, F.E. Williams, Judge.

414. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: When you want to equip your stable with anything that is necessary to make it a perfect establishment, go to D.H. Clark’s on Church Street. He always has, and now especially has a very large assortment of Buffalo Robes, Wolf Robes, Lap Robes, Street Blankets, Stable Blankets, Harnesses, and all the smaller articles of horse paraphernalia. Carriages of all descriptions sold at his stable at reasonable prices. My livery stable is first-class in every respect, and I make it a point never to let a shabby turnout. Prices reasonable. David H. Clark, Church St., Willimantic, Conn.

415. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: Advices from Tuscon, A.T., state that the Indian situation is growing serious, as the Apaches on the San Carlos reservation are becoming very restless. So far as heard from twenty-seven people had been murdered and buried in seven days.
Advices from the south-west state that Mr. J.C. McComas formerly of Illinois, was murdered, together with his wife and child near Silver City, N.M., by Apaches.
It was rumored at Tuscon, A.T., that the troops and hostiles had had an engagement in the Whetstone Mountains and that the troops were defeated.

416. TWC Wed Apr. 4, 1883: South Windham.
Eugene Larkin an employee at the machine shop, severely lacerated the thumb of his left hand by getting it caught by a tool he was grinding between the grindstone and the frame which supports it.

417. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: About Town.
By the by, where is that drinking fountain, Col. Barrows?
H.C. Hall has received a large invoice of pure maple sugar.
John Ryan, the hackman, comes out this spring with a new hack.
Four second hand geese feather beds for sale cheap at J.C. Lincoln’s.
Fred Clark can accommodate anybody who wants his horse clipped.
The First National Bank has a tasty new awning over its door and window.
C.R. Utley wants a smart boy about 15 years old to learn the stationery business.
The silver plating firm of W.Y. Buck & Co has been changed to Buck & Whittemore.
Nelson Gilman is raising the building near the Sanderson house, recently bought by him, one story.
The iron bridge between this city and the Borough of Windham is to be replanked immediately.
Mrs. E.J. Day of Norwich got 20 yards of black silk on an order found in a can of Davis Baking Powder.
A.R. Morrison has purchased the fine place on the west side of Bellevue street owned by Don F. Johnson.
Truant Officer Barrows is after the runaway urchins with a sharp stick. He took in a group of four yesterday.
E.H. Hall & Son have one of the handsomest of mills at North Windham; made so by extensive improvements.
The west store in Cranston’s block is fitted up very tastily by Mrs. V.A. Bartlett for her millinery business. It was opened for business last Saturday.

418. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: James Case had his face badly burned Saturday by pouring molten lead into a hole in a rock in which was water, on the Linen company’s premises.

419. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Lombard & Mathewson’s steam saw mill at Goshen depot was entirely consumed by fire last Friday night causing a loss of about $800. No insurance.

420. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Edna White tripped on a carpet in the Conantville boarding house Thursday and by falling broke her leg. Dr. Nally was called and reduced the fracture.

421. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: George Tiffany and George A. Ashley of Springfield have formed a copartnership in the wholesale and retail meat business, and located in Congdon block, Church street.

422. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Mrs. S.J. Brierly has in her spring stock of millinery and fancy goods and on May 1st, 2nd and 3d will have the opening of trimmed hats and bonnets at 7 Church street.

423. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: The Rev. Father Quinn of St. Patrick’s church, Norwich, has been transferred to St. Joseph’s church in this place, to the place left vacant by the recent death of Rev. Father Arnold.

424. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: The committee on capitol furniture and grounds in the legislature report in favor of appropriating $3,500 for a statue of Nathan Hale, to be placed on the east side of the capitol building.

425. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Rev. S.R. Free held the pulpit in the Congregational church as usual last Sunday, having recovered from his recent attack of sickness. Next Sunday evening he will deliver his discourse on “Evolution.”

426. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: John Bowman has an exceptionally fine assortment of hats and caps and gentlemen’s furnishing goods of the latest patterns and styles. His style of cloths for custom clothing are also the latest designs.

427. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: The opening of spring reminds some property owner that he has a sidewalk which must be repaired or relaid, and we remind him that S.C. Davis will do that thing for him with his matchless concrete.

428. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: It is remarkable how much increase the change from one shop to another has made in the business of A.R. Burnham & Co. carriage builders. At their large shops on Valley street they are just now fairly overrun. Cause: good work.

429. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: L.B. Egan foreman for D.E. Potter, contractor and builder, left Monday for Minnesota. He will take a trip through the north-west with a view to locating there if the country suits him. He is one of the most expert of mechanics.

430. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: John Hennessy’s store in the lower village was broken into Sunday night and considerable merchandise taken therefrom. An entrance was effected from the front by taking out one of the large lights of glass. The offence was probably committed by boys.

431. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: M.L. Barstow has been appointed by the Court of Burgesses superintendent of repairs on the street. Now that the streets are about settled we hope some vigorous work in repairing, cleaning and relieving them of cobble stones will be done. They need it badly enough.

432. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Quite a number of our Methodist people attended the recent conference in Providence. Rev. S. McBurney has been assigned to Wellfleet down on Cape Cod, in charge of a large and flourishing church. Rev. D.P. Leavitt comes from Weymouth and brings a very fine reputation both as a man and a preacher.

433. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: It is thought advisable to erect a double monument over the resting places of the late clergymen interred in St. Joseph’s church yard, and Rev. Fl. DeBruycker, Messrs. J.E. Murray, Jules Archambault, J. O’Sullivan and Dr. McNally, have been appointed a committee to take the entire matter in charge. The subscriptions thus far are very liberal.

434. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: They are having a pool tournament down at Norwich for the championship of New London and Windham counties in which two Willimantic players take a hand. Yesterday morning’s Bulletin has the following on it: “The pool tournament at the White Elephant billiard rooms was large attended last night. The first series of games between F.A. Sanderson and D.F. Hooker of Willimantic were won by the latter by a score of 8 to 2. The second series between F.A. Sanderson of Willimantic and H.T. Hale of New London were won by Sanderson by a score of 8 to 1. The third series between D.F. Hooker of Willimantic and H.T. Hale of New London were well played and many good shots were made. Hale made seven straight games and defeated Hooker by a score of 8 to 1. The playing was exciting. The spectators applauded the players enthusiastically.”

435. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Rev. Peter DeRoo, of Baker City, Oregon, who has been visiting with Father DeBruycker for some weeks, delivered a lecture on Spiritualism in St. Joseph’s church last Sunday evening to a very large congregation composed of about all the local denominations. It seems that that clergyman is stationed in a locality where spiritualism is very strong and that he has given the subject much thought and study. He is an exceptionally clear reasoner and made out a case against modern spiritualism. The main points which the speaker essayed to prove were: The hypocritical character of Spiritualism; Evidence that the spirits of the dead do not return to this earth; that alleged spiritual manifestations are but works of the devil. At the conclusion of his lecture G.W. Burnham requested the privilege of asking a few questions, but he was not allowed on account of the rules of that church prohibiting any layman from speaking therein.

426. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Typhoid fever is raging in the vicinity of Jackson street at the present time to an alarming extent. The attention of the borough government was called to its existence last week and Saturday a delegation composed of Warden Harrington and Burgesses Scott and Elliott visited the infected district. They found the condition of things there really sickening and wondered that the disease was not even more extensive. The fumes from cesspools and outbuildings were very pronounced and the entire surroundings indicate utter neglect of all sanitary laws. In one tenement of but four rooms ten adult persons were housed and a general over-crowding was noticeable in about all the dwellings. There have been two deaths in one house within a short time and many more are sick in the neighborhood. Before typhoid becomes epidemic the proper authorities should appoint a committee to look after the many disease breeding places in this village. There should be a board of health and it should have the power to adopt stringent measures if necessary. This village has suffered enough in the past from typhoid fever to take proper precaution in the future.

427. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Safe Burglary.—Early Saturday morning the report went out that the flour and grain store of Ansel Arnold & Co. had been entered by burglars and the safe therein blown open and rifled of its contents of valuables. The robbery is thought to have been committed at about two o’clock in the night as at that time a sound as if an explosion, was heard by Mrs. Chapman, wife of the junior member of the firm, who occupies a room in the second story of the building. She aroused her husband and informed him, but he attributed it to the bursting of a torpedo on the railroad track an occurrence which is not infrequent at night time in the depot yard. The servant girl who sleeps on the same floor of the robbery also claims to have heard the sound and felt the jar and to have lain awake until after the striking of the three o’clock mill bells. No investigation was made at that time. Mr. Arnold came down about six o’clock Saturday morning by the rear stairs and found the door leading to the store barricaded with two barrels of flour one standing on the other. This condition of things convinced him that something was wrong and he discovered upon entering the store by the front door that his office safe had been blown open. It is a large-sized Valentine & Butler safe, the same one used by the Willimantic Savings Institute, when that bank was located in the store now occupied by Warden Harrington and his said to have been blown open by burglars While in use of that institution. Examination of the cracksmen’s work revealed the fact that they had bored three small holes slanting into the keyhole which would not without this operation have admitted any explosive, the keyhole being no thicker than a wafer. A large number of grain sacks were piled up around the safe to deaden the sound. The door succumbed to the explosive and the four flanges were blown off. They also pried off the fastenings of the money drawer with a jimmy and after taking what there was threw the drawer into an oat bin down cellar. It was at first thought that they had carried off valuable papers between $20,000 and $30,000 in amount but subsequent search show that but about $10,000 was gone, the remainder being found in the debris strewn about the floor. Among the paper taken was the following: $2,000 in bonds of Nelson Lumber Co. Minn.; $1,000 bond Northwestern Car Co., of Minn.; $1,500 stock certificates of the W.G. & A.R. Morrison Machine Co., this place; $2,000 certificates of stock of Continental Life Insurance Co., Hartford. Beside they obtained about $40 in money. How the burglars entered the store does not appear but it is supposed they got in by way of the basement. No light was kept burning in the store and by stretching a meal bag across the front window the gaze of the policeman was excluded. It was undoubtedly the work of professional burglars and it is probable that a gang are working in Eastern Connecticut as several accounts of burglaries in different localities have appeared in the newspapers recently. The swag that they obtained here is not negotiable, but it will case some trouble for Mr. Arnold to have the papers duplicated.

428. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: The exhibition given by the school at Windham drew a large crowd to the hall and all passed away very smoothly. The exercises consisted of readings, recitations, tableaux and two dramas. In the latter Miss Wilbur and Mr. Larrabee are deserving of special mention as their parts were well taken. But the honors of the evening were carried off by Miss Gussie Stapling whose fine acting and the plain, distinct rendering of her part, were the subject of many comments, which were very complimentary.

429. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Says the Danielsonville Transcript;--“Prof. Wood hopes to give next Sunday morning as the voluntary in the Congregational church a new and beautiful arrangement of the popular hymn “Nearer my God to Thee” in which Miss Hedly and Mr. Day and Messrs. Hayward and Day will have duets.” And we wish that choir, which has few equals outside the larger cities, might be transferred to Willimantic. The best of it is, it is all home talent. We of course, don’t mean to say that this place is entirely barren of musical talent, for it is not; but there is a painful apathy in the development of musical taste here. We hope, however, that the study of music, in the schools may have a healthful influence.

430. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: “Our eastern Connecticut neighbors” says the Woonsocket Reporter, “are getting into a terrible tangle regarding county boundaries, and every few days we read of some new propositions for new counties, the abolition of the old, for changes in existing ones. The fact is, when these lines were drawn, county capitals were generally centrally located towns, as centrally located in those days meant—equi-distant from the extreme corners of the county; but now a central location is that which is most accessible by rail, and is, in fact, the railroad centre. If the old county seat is a ‘hill town’ the chances are that it is avoided by the railroad, which clings to the river valleys. Railroad building is their only remedy. New England has many such, and Tolland and Windham, in Connecticut, are prominent examples. Tolland and Brooklyn may take comfort from the fact that many of these ‘stage’ county seats would have been changed ere this, only that the big towns have been unable to agree on the division of spoils.

431. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Conference Appointments.—At the close of the conference exercises Monday evening the appointment of pastors in the jurisdiction of the Southern New England Methodist conference were announced by Bishop Simpson. The following clergymen have been consigned to churches in the Norwich district:
H.D. Robinson, presiding elder.
Norwich—East Main Street, C.W. Holden; Central church, E. Tinker; Sachem street, G.C. King; Norwich Town, to be supplied.
Greeneville—Supplied by F.C. Baker.
Attawaugan—E.J. Ayers.
Baltic—To be supplied.
Burnside—W.A. Luce.
Colchester and Salem—C.A. Stenhouse.
Danielsonville—J.H. James and G.W. Brewster.
Eastford—To be supplied.
East Glastonbury—G.H. Butler.
East Hampton—J.H. Sherman.
East Thompson—Supplied by S.V.B. Cross.
East Woodstock—Supplied by G.B. Bentley.
Gales Ferry—Wm. Linkington.
Gurleyville—C.H. Dalrymple.
Haddam Neck—Supplied by F.L. Hayward.
Hazardville—W. Ela.
Hockanum—W.P. Stoddard.
Hopeville—Supplied by S. Amidon.
Jewett City—S. McKeown.
Lyme—To be supplied.
Marlboro and Hebron—To be supplied.
Mashapaug—Jacob Bets.
Montville—Supplied by H.N. Brown.
Moodus—H.C. Newell.
Moosup—R.C. Dyson.
Mystic—E.F. Smith.
Mystic Bridge—A.J. Coultas, Jr.
New London—S.O. Benton.
Niantic and Chesterfield—R. Clark.
Noank—To be supplied.
North Grosvenordale—D.L. Brown.
North Manchester—H.H. Martin.
Portland—R. Povey.
Putnam—James Tregaskis.
Quarryville—N. Goodrich.
Rockville—O.H. Fernald.
Somers and Square Pond—To be supplied by J.M. Tabor and E.O. Thayer.
South Coventry—Supplied by W.W. Ellis.
South Glastonbury—Supplied by John McVey.
South Manchester—E. Terrell.
Stafford Springs—J.E. Hawkins
Staffordville and Willington—E.M. Anthony.
Thompsonville—John Oldham.
Tolland—Lee church and Wesley chapel, F.A. Crofts.
Uncasville—C.S. Morse.
Vernon Depot—C.S. Davis.
Versailles—L.W. Blood.
Voluntown and Griswold—William Kirkby.
Wapping—Supplied by W.A. Taylor.
Warehouse Point—W.H. Turkington.
West Thompson—C. Hammond.
Willimantic—D.P. Leavitt.
Windsorville—H.M. Call.
H. Montgomery, city missionary, Norwich.
The charges in other districts which are given to ministers known in this place are:
Providence—Mathewson street, W.T. Worth; Cranston street, W.H. Stetsen.
Centreville—S. Leader.
East Blackstone—A.J. Church.
East Weymouth—S.J. Carroll.
Westerly—G.W. Anderson.
Fall River—First church, D.A. Jordan; North church, J.G. Gammons; North Main street, G.E. Fuller.
Wellfleet—S. McBurney.

432. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Temperance—Editor Chronicle: The brief reports some weeks since in several issues of the Chronicle of the Mission Hall temperance meetings lead me to hope that your readers might find this subject noticed regularly. I am informed that these meetings have been held regularly for the last three years and that the one held last Sunday evening was in all respects one of the best if not the very best held. It was opened by reading the Scriptures and prayer. Then followed earnest and ringing words from our old friend Geo. E. Bean who has just returned from Florida. Logical reasoning from E.F. Reed the builder to the youth present as to their building character for life and eternity. J.A. Lewis quoted Luke, vi, 46 “Why call lye me, Lord, Lord and do not the things which I say” and wanted to know why professing Christians say they want prohibition and vote the other way. Warren Atwood thought if we could prevent contracting the vile habit of using (?) tobacco by the youth we should avoid the chief incentive to drink. Miss M. Case delivered a charming speech and expressed her delight to find all united on prohibition “quackery.” Mrs. Nichols spoke pleasantly for training the young to say “No” to every evil influence. W.C. Cobb spoke eloquently for the right which without regard to numbers, with God could not fail. W.D. Pember spoke pathetically concerning our duty to shield the youth from the dangers of the saloon, and J.A. Conant exhorted them to commence the building of character on the sure foundation of Christ the Lord. These meetings are supported entirely by voluntary contributions and while the ladies contribute liberally it is not singular that the gentlemen contribute even more liberally which is but their reasonable duty to continue to do.

433. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: South Windham.
Ground has been broken for a new green house by A. Kinne Jr. which is to be pushed rapidly to completion. A ready market has been found for all blossoms and buds and the deficiency has been in the supply not the demand.
Miss Berintha Crowell died at the residence of Ralph Chappell Sunday morning at the advanced age of 96 years and 6 months.
At the singing school last week Mr. Fuller gave an exhibition of his skill with the banjo. His playing and singing were fine and were highly applauded. There is a desire among a large number to secure Mr. Fuller’s services to conduct a school here next winter, as everyone seems satisfied with the result of his teaching this term. He is an excellent teacher and a pleasant and agreeable gentleman and his presence here once a week will be welcome.
W.L. Williams ought to be congratulated and I hereby subscribe. ‘Tis a boy they say.

434. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Mansfield.
We are sorry to note that Mr. L.H. Hooker has had another touch of paralysis. This time it has affected his speech and he speaks only in monosyllables.
Mr. Henry Bicknell of Ashford who was injured by a falling tree recently, is slowly improving but the injury was such that it will necessitate his lying by for many months. Dr. Simmons finds one rib broken besides a scalp wound and one shoulder badly bruised.
The case of J.W. Yeomans is considered almost a miracle as he is steadily improving. The case was considered hopeless once but his friends now have hopes of his recovery. Messrs. Bennett and Dean have added fresh laurels to their wreaths in this case.
We are sorry to learn that the Rev. Mr. Gammons of Gurleyville is going to leave us. He is a man of great magnetic powers and to become acquainted with him meant friendship. He meets his people of all classes upon a level and those who are beneath him morally, mentally or religiously, he endeavored to lift up instead of posting himself upon some lofty pinnacle and working at arms length. Mr. Gammons can rest assured of the lasting friendship of all he has come in contact with here and their best wishes go with him. We hear he goes to Fall River.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel L. Knowlton of West Ashford to the number of about one hundred met at their house by invitation to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding. Many were the presents brought both useful and ornamental. More noticeable were a marble top centre table and a loaf of cake ornamented with a golden horse shoe the sign of good luck, and quantities of glassware. The fore part of the evening was taken up by singing, instrumental music, and reading of poems written by friends for the occasion. One written by an uncle of Mrs. K. (Dr. Charles Fiske of Greenfield) and read by Davis A. Baker Esq. was very touching and appropriate and beautifully rendered. After partaking of a bountiful repast the party adjourned to a spacious hall where all had their fill of dancing to the music of Messrs. Phillips, Murphy and Shumway. The party broke up near morning leaving their best wishes for the future happiness of the pair and hoping they might be spared many more years to celebrate their silver and golden wedding.
Elijah and Leander Shumway have commenced to harvest their annual crop of foxes taking in four last week. The north end of the town now tallies twenty-six within the last twelve months. How’s that south end.
Death has been busy with us last week. Mr. Salmon Barrows passed away after attaining the ripe old age of ninety-seven years. He was the oldest man in town, also Mrs. Laura Storrs who died of pneumonia. Rose Jacobs died Sunday morning of pneumonia.

435. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Lebanon.
Miss Emily Hinckley lies dangerously ill with pneumonia.
Our worth representative, C.J. Abell Esq., chairman of the female suffrage committee, has introduced a very popular variety of measles into town; everybody not yet supplied seems to be taking them.
There is considerable sickness at the present time. Measles, influenza and pneumonia being the more prevalent complaints.
For the past two weeks Dr. Barber has been unable to visit all of his patients as often as desired.
The members of the Lebanon brass band together with a few of their friends, met by invitation at the residence of Wm. H. Loomis Esq. on Friday evening last. This band—organized the past winter and almost wholly comprised of new beginners—received its preliminary training at the hands of the leader. Mr. O.C. Tucker; having for the past few weeks been under the instruction of the talented and popular musician, Mr. Dwight Abell of Bozrah. Several of its member are taking private lessons and all together are making rapid improvements. Notwithstanding the absence of their instructor and several veteran “blowers” from South Windham who had been expected to be present, the boys decided to “play it alone” and did succeed in performing a number of pieces in a very praiseworthy manner. They were then invited into the dining room where a bountiful spread most temptingly displayed was in readiness for them. Stewed oysters, sandwiches, concentrated extract of old Java and several varieties of cake—in the construction of which, the reputation Mrs. Loomis has long enjoyed as an expert in the mysteries and methods of high art, cookery, was fully sustained—composed the more substantial part of the entertainment; after which oranges, confections and cigars in generous abundance were served and partaken of until repletion was complete. A vote of thanks proposed by O.C. Tucker was enthusiastically given, and after an hour spent in social enjoyment they bade their host and hostess good night, each with a full and realizing sense of having had a gorge-ous time.
The old Loring mansion owned by E.B. Avery is undergoing the beautifying service of the paint brush for the first time in fifty years and it is also being embellished with other improvements.

436. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Dennis Shea, Dealer in and direct receiver of the finest brands of foreign and domestic wines & liquors, for family use and medial purposes. Has also, the leading brands of imported ales & porters. Agent for the famous Highland Spring, and other grades of fine ale & lager beer, which we bottle to order, and deliver at short notice to any part of the city. All goods warranted pure, and of the best quality. 56 Union and 79 Main street, Willimantic, Conn.

437. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: The Windham county Sunbeam will move to Putnam, and we, of course, hope and expect it will thrive there.

438. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: The Tolland County Press of Stafford has been changed to “The Press” and with its twenty-sixth year dons a new dress of handsome-faced type. Brother McLoughlin, we congratulate you on your age and prosperity. The Press is a good paper.

439. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Scotland.
Death of Samuel Hoxie.—The sudden death of Mr. Hoxie last week took our people by surprise. Three weeks ago Mr. Hoxie, with his wife went to Manchester, where he took a position as flagman on the N.Y. & N.E. railroad. On the day of his death, a gang of men was putting down a couple of new rails near the depot. A train was due in ten minutes, and fearing that the work would not be done in time, Mr. Hoxie was sent out some distance on the line to flag the train if it should be necessary. He walked rapidly away, apparently in the best of health and spirits. The rails were laid and fastened before the train was due and the section master turned to beckon to Mr. Hoxie to come back, but he was nowhere in sight. A man was dispatched to see what had become of him, and found him lying beside the track. Without stopping to investigate the matter the messenger ran back to the depot and notified Maurice Latham, Mr. Hoxie’s son-in-law, who went to the spot and found that life had fled. He evidently died instantly as he was walking along and fell without a struggle, never to move again. The funeral took place on Monday, and the body was interred at Packersville. Mr. Hoxie was a quiet, industrious citizen, and had been a resident of this town for many years. His loss falls most heavily upon the widow, who during long years of ill health had learned to depend on his strong and willing arm for many little attentions which no other can supply. Mrs. Hoxie will remain with her youngest daughter Mrs. Maurice Lathan, for the present, and the home in this village will be broken up.
Miss Ellen Bromley has just returned from a visit to friends in Hartford.
Mrs. Gilbert Ashley has sold her farm to A.E. Weldon of Willimantic. Henry Wilcox will occupy the premises this year. Mrs. Ashley and daughter are in Willimantic.
Miss Josie Gallup has been engaged to teach the summer term of school at Lower Scotland.
Samuel Hughes now occupies the tenement in Egbert Bingham’s house, and Charles Beckwith has moved to John P. Gager’s house at the grist mill. Norman Perrigo has moved to the Davison house in the village.
Frank Allen will improve Mr. Ray’s farm this season.
William M. Burnham is quite ill with bilious fever.

440. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: South Coventry.
The concert given at the Congregational church Wednesday evening was a success. The house was well filled by those who can fully appreciate fine music. The violin solos by Miss Beeman, of Hartford, were very acceptably rendered and she was frequently encored. The four quartet singers from Amherst college rendered their selections in a manner worthy of themselves and pleasing to the large audience seated before them. This concert was the closing up of the citizens’ course of lectures which have been given during the three months previous.
J.M. Wood and George L. Phillips have recently received 4000 live miniature trout, and they are now putting them into the different trout brooks and streams for propagation. There are a number of available streams running through this town well adapted to trout culture. Messrs. Wood and Phillips expect to reap the fruit of their labor in this matter by and by in angling for the speckled beauties.
A fire occurred in the shoddy mill of E.A. Tracy last Monday. It was seen in time, and the flames were extinguished before much damage was done.

441. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Chaplin.
Now is the time when moving is in order. Mr. Harvey, who lived on the Griggs homestead last year, has moved into the house on West street owned by D. Sherman, and the Griggs farm is rented to E. Loomis.
Jas. H. Griggs has gone to Ashford to the Platt place, and Augustus Robinson takes his place on H. Clark’s farm.
Fred Landon and Chas. Badger have gone to West Ashford to carry on blacksmithing at that place.
The summer terms of school are commencing. M.F. Palmer teaches at Natchaug again, Mrs. A.M. Griggs has the Center and Miss Iola Clark the Southeast school.
Edith Church is teaching at Mount Hope Mansfield.
Mrs. Corey who has been quite ill with pneumonia is recovering. We hear that her son, Leonard G. Corey, is very ill in consequence of a cut on his foot, which he dressed himself with a plaster so tightly as to cause a sore to break out near his knee. He is unable to be moved in his bed and suffers greatly.
The sewing society met at the residence of Mrs. Case Wednesday eve and spent a very enjoyable evening, 87 were present, the largest number for some time.
Rev. and Mrs. Phipps of Prospect will spend the week with her parents at the parsonage in this town.
Rev. C.E. Griggs, who has been quite ill with erysipelas in his face, is recovering slowly.
Now is the time when the jovial cat sits under the window, late in the evening, and boasts of the number of squirrels that he has bagged.
Miss Hattie Palmer has gone to Missouri to visit or reside with her aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowers are in town for a visit at her father’s.

442. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Joseph A. Barber, formerly of Wauregan and a brakeman on the Consolidated road, is said to have been willed $40,000 by J.A. Armstrong, a Brooklyn merchant whose life he once saved.

443. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: North Mansfield.
The funeral of Salmon Barrows was attended from the north parish church last Saturday April 7th. Mr. Barrows was deacon of this church a number of years, and was the oldest member belonging to the church being ninety-seven years and eight months old. Well, we might say a good man has gone to his rest.
Moving has been all the go here of late. Wallace and Joseph King have tried the Harlow Turner place and moved there last week.
Mr. David V. King who learned his trade of Mr. Cummings of Stafford has leased the wagon shop of Mr. Augustus Storrs and will take possession April 16, and any one in need of wagon work will do well to give David a call.
Mr. Henry Bradley the steer trainer has moved to Willimantic.
Charles Anderson has moved into Mr. A. Storrs cottage opposite the church.
I am very glad to learn that our board of selectmen have again appointed Mr. Wm. Reynolds to collect the tax in the south parish and G.W. Reynolds to collect in the north parish for we are sure now that the tax will be collected for these gentlemen known how to do that every time. By the way I believe that it would be for the interest of the town to give to those men the office of assessor for I believe the property would all have to go into the list if they were elected assessors and not part of it be left out as it was this last year.
Mr. Levi A. Hall who lives not far from this place and has a store in Coventry is thinking of boarding there the coming summer. Mr. Hall is having a good trade judging somewhat of the goods that he delivers on his way home from his store every night. His wagon is well loaded with goods when he starts. Nearly every family on his route trades more or less with him which goes to show that Mr. Hall is a fair man to trade with. He has but one price for all and this price the lowest and any one that trades with Mr. Hall will get his money’s worth every time.

444. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Died.
Fenton—In Willimantic, April 4th, Mary Fenton, aged 19 years.
Perry—In Willimantic, April 5th, Matilda Perry, aged 40 years.
Driscoll—In Willimantic April 6th, Johanna Driscoll, aged 20 years.
Dunham—In Willimantic, April 7th, Ralph Dunham, aged 60 years.
Brown—In Willimantic, April 8th, Josiah H. Brown, aged 41 years.
Crowell—In South Windham, April 8th, Berintha F. Crowell, aged 96 years, 6 months and 6 days.
Jacobs—In Mansfield, April 8th, Anthony R. Jacobs, aged 66 years.
Barrows—In Mansfield, April 5th, Salmon Barrows, aged 97 years and 8 months.
Storrs—In Mansfield, April 5th, Laura Storrs, aged 67 years.
Matthews—In Willimantic, April 4th, Ellen Matthews, aged 46 years.

445. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: A first-class restaurant is the one kept by Dumont Kingsley, 118 Main street. Our eating apartment has been arranged with a special view to accommodate the public, and everything to satisfy the appetite will be provided temptingly cooked. We have established a reputation for keeping the very best confectionery, tobacco, and cigars, and we shall endeavor to sustain it. The very best quality of fruit of all kinds, and in large variety, we keep in its season. Polite attention accorded to all. Dumont Kingsley, 118 Main St., Willimantic.

446. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: I would like to sell a mortgage on property on Walnut street nearly opposite of Meadow street, consisting of one large barn, and a nice building lot quite available,--right in town. The amount of my mortgage is $500 with interest. Hyde Kingsley, Willimantic, Conn., April 10, 1883.

447. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Concrete Walks, gravel roofs, etc. I am prepared to promptly fill all orders for all kinds of concrete hard or soft walks, gravel roofs, etc. Walks second to none in the U.S. for durability and finish. Old gravel roofs repaired, and tin roofs painted with a composition which will last three times as long as any paint in the market. Will wear as long as the tin itself. For full information apply to S.C. Davis, Willimantic, Conn.

448. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Music Lessons.—Miss Garretson, will receive pupils in vocal or instrumental music. (piano or organ.) Residence, “the Arnold Cottage,” South Main street.

449. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: A Sioux Indian, at the Pine Ridge (D.T.) Agency, having lost one of his eyes while chopping wood, writes to Washington asking that the “Great Father” will send him another one, as he says he can have it put in at the agency.

450. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Andover.
Mr. C.D. Norton has returned from Bolton where he has resided for two or three years, and has moved into the house lately vacated by Mr. R.E. Bishop.
Mr. Chas. Bliven has purchased a place in Bolton and intends to move there soon.
There are more vacant tenements in town now, than there has been at any time before during the past five years.
The N.Y. & N.E. Co. have at last taken down and removed the old tank house which has so long been an unsightly object.
Deacon N.B. Lyman has been suffering for some time past from an affection of the heart, which while it does not prevent his keeping about renders him unable to perform any physical labor.
A meeting of our citizens has been called for Monday evening April 16th, to consider the project of starting a creamery and to see what steps can be taken to increase our manufacturies. With all our fine water power and other advantages it would certainly seem as though our place had ought to become an important manufacturing centre.
Our taxes for all purposes have for a number of years been only ten mills on the dollar. Our town debt is only about $1500, less resources, land is cheap and plenty of it.
In regard to healthfulness it is only necessary to say that we have not had any doctor in town for years, and yet we have a very large population of old people, many past eighty years and quite a number past ninety.
Miss Emily Carver has lately been married to Mr. Stoddard of South Wilbraham, Mass., and has gone there to reside.
Mrs. Sarah Tarbox is quite ill.
Miss Addie Hall has recovered her health and has resumed her duties in the telegraph office.
Miss Sarah Fuller of Wethersfield, daughter of Mrs. Chadwick of our place is dead. Her remains will be brought here for interment Wednesday.
Schools commenced Monday in the N.E. and N.W. districts, Miss Nellie Brown teacher in the former and Miss Flemming in the latter.
The railroad company are purchasing land along the line to be used for their double track.

451. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Columbia.
We have the pleasure to announce the gift of a beautiful ice pitcher to William H. Yeomans Supt. Of the Housatonic R.R. The pitcher became his by virtue of ballots cast at a Catholic fair held in the western part of the state during the latter part of the winter in which Supt. Yeomans of the Housatontic [sic] and Supt. Jones of the Conn. Western were the principal contestants, whereby the former greatly distanced the latter and was made the recipient of a valuable testimonial of esteem.
The many friends of Hubert Little will be pained to hear of the illness of his only daughter a bright little girl of two years and that her condition is considered hopeless by attending physicians.
The funeral of Mrs. Geo. Carpenter a victim of consumption, was attended from her late residence on Tuesday. She leaves a husband and three sons to mourn her loss. Burial in West street cemetery.
Miss Clara Holbrook as teacher commences her labors in Pine street school Monday.
Fred A. Lyman who has been teaching in Woonsocket is home for a few days and on his return will be accompanied by his mother as the family are intending to make the former place their home after Mr. Lyman has settled up business matters and got off a large bill of lumber for which he has contracted with a Worcester party and that job will occupy a portion of next winter.
Geo. W. Thompson has moved into the vacant house on the farm owned by W.H. Yeomans, West street.
Bailey’s steam saw mill was moved last Friday to the lot recently purchased of W.B. Little. It was thought by some that the roads were so muddy it would be impossible to get it through, it weighing between six and seven tons but were successful in landing it at its destination drawn by three yoke of oxen and two span of mules.
Mrs. W.H. Yeomans with her daughter Eveline will visit her sister Mrs. Kimball in Washington on the course of a couple of weeks.
S.B. Lyman entertained people at an auction last Thursday in his usual witty and pleasing manner and we are confident he adds greatly to the fund by his thorough knowledge of the business and his amusing way of auctioneering.
One of our young men started for Willimantic with a load of white birches last Thursday with three yoke of oxen but when near Robert Brown’s on account of the depth of mud was obliged to abandon his load and return with his oxen, we trust since then the crisis has been reached and the roads will be more passable as it is rare at this late season the traveling is so bad.
Mrs. A.O. Wright seems to be a confirmed invalid and Mr. Wright is still feeble but as settled weather advances his friends hope he will continue to improve and be out among them in his usual cheery manner.
The children of Mrs. Chas. Backus are spending a time at their grandfather’s Mr. Simeon Jacobs while she is away recruiting her health.

452. TWC Wed Apr. 11, 1883: Fred G. Stark, (successor to J.H. French), livery and feed stable, Main St., Willimantic, Conn. Hacks furnished on all occasions. Persons wishing teams can order them by telephone taken to their residences.

453. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: About Town.
Mr. Barstow is an excellent man to have charge of street repairs.
Hyde Kingsley has sold a house and lot on Meadow street to Lewis Blish.
Rev. S. McBurney preached for Rev. Mr. Holman at the Baptist church last Sunday.
Chas. H. Bradeen has engaged the store at 15 Church street and will convert it into a lunch room.
The New Orleans Times Democrat received by us notices the arrival of D.G. Lawson in that city.
The selectmen are taking stone from a quarry on the town farm to be used in walls about the almshouse.
Chas. W. Alpaugh held the lucky number which drew one of the prizes offered by the Boston Furniture Store.
Steps have been taken looking to an appropriate observance of Decoration Day by Francis S. Long Post, G.A.R.
G.G. Cross has hired the vacant store in Hanover block and is fitting it up prettily for the fruit and restaurant business.
The largest plate glass window in town has just been put into McAvoy’s block, displacing the former one in the Boston shoe store.
A.R. Briggs has left the Adams Express company’s employ and taken a position in Dumont Kingsley’s restaurant. Wm. Palmer takes his place.
Miss Garretson, an accomplished musician residing with Rev. L.h. Wells on West Main street, will receive pupils in vocal and instrumental music.

454. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Mr. Ansel Arnold has received no information as to his stolen bonds and has taken steps to have them duplicated. His loss will be confined to the amount of money taken.

455. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Rev. D.P. Leavitt, the new Methodist pastor preached his first sermon in that church last Sunday to a large congregation. He created a decidedly favorable impression.

456. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Joel W. Webb at his market on Church street has the cutest family of young foxes imaginable. There are five of them and all were taken from one burrow in the town of Hebron.

457. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: John Hickey has sent a son to Baker City, Oregon, to be educated by Rev. Peter DeRoo, who has been visiting Father DeBruycker for some weeks and returned last Thursday.

458. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Messrs. Hooker and Sanderson of this village are making good records in the pool tournament at Norwich and there is a probability that one of them may carry off the championship.

459. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: R.E. Rogers has been appointed permanent agent of the Erie & New England express office here, Mr. Bassett’s health not permitting him again to take the office. He has gone to Fenton, Mich., to recuperate.

460. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: C.E. Congdon is adding granite trimmings to his old building to conform with those on the new block. He intends to occupy one of the new stores in the grocery business in partnership with his son.

461. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: John Crawford of this place has been engaged to coach a party of young people belonging to the St. Mary’s Total Abstinance and Benevolent society of Norwich in the presentation of the “Octoroon” in that city May 31st.

462. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: A.B. Holmes, the Railroad street fish dealer, has just completed extensive improvements to his market inside and out. He has added to his business a fruit department and will constantly keep a supply of the choicest.

463. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: A grand masquerade skating carnival will be given in the Third regiment armory next Tuesday evening by Chas. H. Webster, costumes by Whaley of Norwich; music by Willimantic band; Geo. L. Wheeler prompter for dancing; tickets in advance at Wilson & Leonard’s.

464. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: John Cooney had his ankle thrown out of joint and a bone of the leg fractured by a caving down of a bank Friday afternoon while he was at work in Hyde Kingsley’s cellar on Prospect street. Dr. McNally rendered the necessary surgical service.

465. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: William Monroe was kicked in the abdomen by a horse at Eaton’s ice houses in Mansfield yesterday afternoon. The injury received was very severe and it was thought at the time would prove fatal but Dr. Cotton was hastily summoned and he rendered efficient surgical aid which will probably lead to his recovery. Monroe was passing behind the horse in the stable.

466. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: A fancy dress party has been arranged to come off at the roller skating rink in Armory Hall Saturday evening, April 28. At this may be the closing up session at the risk special pains will be taken to make it a brilliant affair. About 300 Chinese lanterns will illuminate the hall and the Willimantic band will furnish music. Robert Alpaugh, manager.

467. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: The Episcopalians of this place are in luck, since having a lot given them on which to erect a church they have had a church given them for its moving. It is a cozy church edifice belonging to the Episcopal society as Central Village at the east of this county, but has not for some time been in use there on account of the disbandment of the church. The contract for removing it to this village has been awarded to James Picknell.

468. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Scarcely a night passes but that the police are called upon for a lodging place by persons who are tramping through the village and frequently of late the lock-up has been in demand beyond its capacity for this purpose. There is no disguising the fact that the tramps are increasing again to an alarming extent. Instead of making our laws less stringent, an earnest effort should be made in every town to enforce it. There is no good reason why our scattered communities should not be reasonably safe, at all hours of the day or night, but they cannot be so unless there is some effort made to send and keep tramps beyond our borders. Let a copy of the law be posted as conspicuously as for a time after its original passage. It can do no harm certainly.

469. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: A family feud created a disgraceful scene on Meadow street Monday afternoon. The father of a fifteen year old girl cruelly abused her in the street because she preferred to live with her mother, she being separated from her husband, rather than him. The neighbors are very outspoken in their denunciations. If all accounts are true of what has occurred since a liberal coating of tar and feathers would not be out of place.

470. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: It seems that a portion of our female colored population do not dwell together in the greatest harmony and peace. A little neighborhood quarrel on Spring street which dates back some time, resulted in an eruption between Lucinda Bash and Emma Harrington yesterday afternoon. No razors were called into use to settle the controversy, they being contented to contest the matter with finger nails and hair pulling –the good old way so dear to the hearts of all females. Mrs. Harrington being worsted in the fracas she applied to the law for redress and had Mrs. Bash fined $1 and costs for assault and battery. What is popularly known as a “circus” occurred in the court room during the process of the trial.

471. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Matthew Curry and John McCormick hired a team at Killourey’s livery stable Monday to go to North Windham. They drove out on to Jackson street and stopped at the railroad crossing to await the passage of an engine. When the gates were hoisted and the horse was crossing the tracks the engine began to blow off steam, which frightened him and he made a sharp turn, tipping the carriage on its side and throwing Curry against a lamppost and McCormick heavily to the ground. The former was rendered senseless and it was thought by lookers-on that he had been killed; the latter regained his feet in time to overtake the horse before he had run far or done more than slight damage to the carriage. Curry was taken in an express wagon and driven to his home where he remained unconscious for two hours, but was finally resuscitated by Dr. McNally. The injury was to his stomach but will not prove dangerous.

472. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Judge Hovey’s decision in the Superior court in the case of Jerry S. Wilson against the Linen company awarding to the plaintiff damages to the amount of $3,000 and costs has been sustained by the Supreme court of this state Chief Justice Park writing the opinion. It only remains now for the company to pay over the damages with legal interest thereon. The suit has been contested inch by inch and the defense has figured in every way to escape the inevitable. This has been all through a most pitiful case and has brought down on the company an unstinted amount of censure from the community at large for its (the company’s) treatment of the young man who was crippled for life in its employ. There has been of late a great deal of prating about “flowers for the sick” “crackers and milk” and “beef tea,” but here is an instance where one was maimed for life in the Linen company’s employ and has for nearly two years been compelled to subsist on charity. Of course all these delicacies are good in their places and advertise well, but in a loaf of bread to a cripple in want there is more practical religion. We like to see people do about the square thing by their fellow men.

473. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Team Stolen.—Mr. George C. Martin attended service at the Congregational church last Sunday evening and hitched his horse on Walnut street. When the congregation was dismissed he went for his team but it was gone. Supposing that it was simply the work of boys who had taken it for a ride he caused search about town but it could not be found, and he then concluded that it had been stolen. A description of the team was sent by telephone to all the surrounding towns that could be reached Sunday night and the next day information leading to its recovery was obtained. A fellow by the name of Charles Peckham who had been loitering about the village for a week took the team. He drove from here to Baltic and thence to Norwich and Jewett City and at the last place tried to have the horse fed but not succeeding he proceeded to Danielsonville. There he put up at the Olive Branch hotel and tried to sell the team to Landlord Cole for $100. He fell from that price and was willing to sell it for whatever was offered. Mr. Cole thinking that something was wrong telephoned to Norwich and in return was informed that a team had been stolen the night before in Willimantic. He telephoned to Selectman Lincoln, who had taken up the search for Mr. Martin’s team, and he went over there on the 10:30 train Monday and identified the property. Peckham was arrested, tried and bound over to the May term of the superior court. His story was that he bought the team in Baltic, but that is disproven by sufficient evidence.

474. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Horse Thief Captured.—Charles H. Bill hired a team of Joseph Nichols Friday April 6th to go to Colchester intending, as he said, to be absent five days. He was a stranger to Mr. Nichols but having hired a team previously and paid for it and being recommended by a party in town who knew him he having lived in this section many years ago Mr. N. had no hesitation in accommodating him. He paid $10 for the use of the team previous to taking it. Not returning as agreed Mr. Nichols' suspicions were aroused and he gave Sheriff Cummings of Lebanon the job of looking the fellow up who in company with Sheriff Mosher of Portland, Ct., captured him in Chatham, Ct., at the house of a friend. In Bill’s five days journeyings about he had traded horses fifteen times so he says, which proves if true that he is a pretty lively sort of a chap. The incident which probably led to his arrest was an accident which befell him. On Wednesday night while intoxicated he mistook a railroad track near Portland for the highway and drove about half a mile when he came to a bridge crossing a stream where all tumbled into the river below a distance of 26 feet. The horse’s neck was broken, the wagon wrecked and the driver knocked senseless. He recovered consciousness after lying in shallow water about three hours and sought relief from his injuries in Portland. Thence he went to Chatham and was concealed in the house of a friend for two days. He was finally captured and brought to this village for trial, Monday. He begged off for a while until he could communicate with his son-in-law at Burnside, Mr. Frank Hanmer, who is a gentlemen of means thinking he might get him out of the scrape. Mr. Hanmer came here yesterday but refused to render any assistance for the reason that Bill was a worthless character. He was given a hearing before Justice Sumner Tuesday afternoon and sufficient cause was found for binding him over to the May term of Superior Court and he was committed to jail in default of $500 bail.

475. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Mansfield Centre.
Mrs. Dr. Cotton has been engaged to teach the Centre school – summer term – district No. 1.
Joseph P. Barrows roadmaster in the Centre district, has with a force of en and teams been repairing the highways in his section. Financially considered, it is regarded as an able, and pious idea to work the roads thus early, for one dollar expended now is worth two next fall.
P.W. Morse, for several years general overseer of National Thread company’s mill at Mansfield Hollow, ahs resigned his position there for a very desirable one with the Beldings at Montreal, Canada. One the eve of his departure, the operatives formerly under his charge, wishing to give him some token of esteem, made himn a visit, coupled with several valuable presents. Among the latter was a copy of Webster’s large pictorial dictionary, a silver revolving butter dish, a valuable cake basket, etc. John Gardiner, boarding master, with some appropriate and happy remarks made the presentation. Mr. Morse responded with many thanks for the substantial evidences of good will thus shown to him, also gave the young men present some good advice. The party had an evening full of pleasure, and after a few shakes of the “light fantastic toe,” departed in the “wee sma hours,” resolved that all had fully enjoyed a good time.
Elery C. Pike of Mansfield city had the misfortune some two or three weeks ago to cut his hand with an ax. The wound was a severe one, severing the cords across the back and causing partial loss of use to fingers. Lately erysipelas has got into the wound which retards its healing and renders it very painful.

476. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Ashford.
N.C. Ide had over forty acres of woodland and pasture burned over last Sunday afternoon. About ten men were engaged for five hours in their endeavors to get the flames under control. The damages will amount to a large sum the fire having nearly ruined the woodland.
Miss Nellie Morey commenced Monday the summer session of school in West Ashford. Miss Abbe Morey is also keeping school in Westford.
William Roberts, 72 years of age, has chopped during the winter some one hundred and twenty-five cords of wood. Who can beat it?
Chas. H. Babcock who was seriously injured by the falling of a tree while in the employ of Lombard & Mathewson is better and able to walk out.
There has just been one hundred volumes added to the Babcock library which now numbers over two thousand volumes.
Col. C.L. Dean has sold a farm in Westford to William C. Taylor.
Wm. W. Gardiner has returned to Warrenville and is again at work in his blacksmith shop where all his old customers are glad to see him. Lewis Pike who occupied the shop last winter has removed to Willimantic where he will work at his trade and no doubt will do well as he is an excellent workman.
Chas. Badger and Freel Langdon of Chaplin have opened a blacksmth shop in Westford and are doing a good business.

477. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Scotland.
Mr. Egbert Bingham has sold his farm in Brunswick district to Mr. Frank Weaver.
Mr. Charles Weaver has rented the Perley Fuller farm this season.
C.M. Smith and Wm. Dorrance have just repainted their houses. Quite an improvement. W. Bass and J.B. Bacon were the painters.
Mrs. D.F. Smith is quite feeble this spring.
Col. Asa Cary of Washington, D.C. was on town Monday. He is a brother of Mrs. H.B. Geer.
Contractor Bass is building a large barn in North Windham for A. Bates.
Mrs. Hoxie is moving away her household goods.
Rev. Mr. Holman of Willimantic supplied the pulpit in the Congregational church, last Sabbath.

478. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: A book agent named Etta M. Lewis, aged only nineteen, has been arrested in Bridgeport for forging and other capers.

479. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Speaking of the next Presidency, Senator Logan is credited with the remark that the next candidate of the Republican party will come from Illinois. He is, of course, too modest to mean that he will be the fortunate or the unfortunate man, and the presumption is that he has young Mr. Lincoln in his eye. Mr. Lincoln has made a pretty fair Secretary of War. Indeed it is difficult to see, considering the unimportance of the office, how he could well have made a bad one. The only claim, however, which Mr. Lincoln appears to have is that he is the son of a great Republican President. This is a very poor recommendation.

480. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Rather Hard on the Old Man. A young lady residing in a border town remarked, in regard to her father’s snoring, that “the neighbors all set their washtubs out, thinking a thunder shower was coming on.” And sensible people who are afflicted with Itching piles, and humors of every name and nature, procure a box of Swayne’s Ointment and bring about a speedy cure. Why fret, scratch and suffer for years, when fifty cents’ worth of the above invaluable preparation will make you feel as rich as a Jew and as happy as a clam at high water.

481. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: A.B. Holmes, Dealers in Fresh and Salt Fish of All Kinds, Shell Oysters, Scollops, Clams & Quahaugs constantly in stock. The Oyster Trade a Specialty. ____ furnished with any desired quantity at short notice. Correspondence salicited. A.B. Holmes, 7 Railroad St. Willimantic.

482. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: The branch Jewelry Store of H.A. Kingsbury, is open with a full line of Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Spectacles etc. etc., which the public is cordially invited to call and examine. I have procured the sole agency for the celebrated Quick Train Rockford Watches. These watches are especially adapted for Railroad use, or anywhere where close time is required. Also, a full line of Waltham, Elgin, Hampden, Springfield and the best Swiss watches, all of which are warranted to five satisfaction or the money refunded. Repairing of all kinds promptly done, and all work warranted. H.A. Kingsbury, Hayden Block 41 Willimantic.

483. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Three Farms for Sale! Located in the Town of Ashford. No. 1. One Farm in the north part of Ashford containing 38 acres of land, suitably divided into mowing, pasturage and tillage, with a variety of fruit, and house and barn nearly new. No. 2. Saw, Grist & Shingle Mill with splendid water power, and a good farm containing about 100 acres of land, large house and barn, wood sufficient for fire, fruit trees in bearing sufficient for family use. No. 3. Farm No. 3, situated in the south part of Ashford, contains 238 acres of land, suitably divided into mowing, pasturage and tillage land, well adapted to stock raising or dairy purposes. Will cut hay sufficient to keep 35 or 40 head of cattle through the winter. Enquire of Edwin A. Buck. Willimantic, Conn.

484. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Change of Business. Somers Brothers have decided to go out of the Domestic Goods of all kinds and adapt their future business to their location and store facilities. With this purpose, they are to clear out all Domestic Goods, Cloaks, Shawls, Dress Goods, Blankets, Flannels, Sheeting, Shirtings, etc. At a great sacrifice. Also, hosiery, ladies’ and children’s knit goods, underwear of all kinds, millinery goods! Hair goods, music, etc. at nominal prices. They have just purchased a large invoice of Ladies’ Underwear the balance of stock left from a retiring manufacturer, for less than cost for cash, which they are offering at lower prices than ever given in Willimantic. The goods are made in the very best manner, of Dwight Heavy Long Cloth and New York Mills Muslin. A good opportunity to secure Bargains in Good Goods. Somers Bros. European House Block.

485. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Geo. M. Harrington keeps a First-Class Line of Groceries, Boots and Shoes, and Domestic Dry Goods, and ____ces will always be found in accordance with the Lowest Market Prices. Our Stock is complete as can be found anywhere, and it will be our highest aim to please our customers in every respect. We Deliver Goods to any part of the village. Geo. M. Harrington, Upper Main Street. Agent for this town for Eureka Safety Valve, for preventing the explosion of kerosene lamps. Nobody should be without them.

486. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: M. Naquet comes to the rescue of those who wish to dye their hair with no risk of injuring their health, and gives the following formula for an innocuous coloring lotion: dissolve 100 of bismuth (the metal) in about 250 parts of ordinary nitric acid. To this add 75 parts of tartaric acid in water and then considerable water to insure complete precipitation. Throw the whole on a filter and wash the residue with water until the washings are no longer acid. The magma, or residuum left on the filter, is put into a dish and a solution of ammonia is stirred in until all is dissolved. To this liquor add 75 parts of hyposulphite of soda in powder and when the salt is dissolved the product is filtered and bottled. One or two per cent of glycerine may be added. The hair or beard is saturated with the solution and in five or six hours it becomes a chestnut hue. After washing it turns to a flaxen hue, but if the process is repeated daily the hair becomes a deep chestnut color.

487. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Bottled Lager, put up expressly for Family use, 60 cents per doz. Robert Smith’s India Pale Stock Ale, 70 cents per doz. Wines, Liquors, Porters & Cider bottled especially for Family Trade, by Thomas J. Kelley, Agent for Jones’ Portsmouth & Bay State Ales.

488. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Sewing Machines, Oil Stoves, with rediators, Butterick’s Patterns, Picture Frames, Music Goods, &c, &c. at E.A. Barrows, 139 Main Street, Willimantic.

489. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: C.N. Andrew, Fire Insurance Agency, Bank Building, Willimantic, Conn. Insures against Fire and Lightening at Lowest Rates for Reliable Companies. He still retains the well-known Agricultural Insurance Company (of Watertown, N.Y.) for insuring Farm Property. When you have insurance to place give us a call and we will do you good. Willimantic, Conn. May 20, 1880. To whom it may concern: This is to certify that I have this day received from the hands of the adjuster of the Agricultural Insurance company, the payment for loss of my house in full and to my entire satisfaction, and I heartily indorse the company to all my friends and the public generally as being fair and honorable in all their dealings with their patrons, and should advise farmers and owners of private residences to insure in the above company. Charles Hall, Represented by C.N. Andrew, Willimantic, Ct.

490. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Hanks Hill. This is a silk manufacturing village, and is a busy little place. It is located in the eastern part of the town, (Mansfield) between Spring Hill and Gurleyville somewhere about equidistant from each place. In altitude it is above the level of the Fenton river and below the level of Spring Hill, some hundreds of feet each way. It is situated on a small plateau, gradually rising towards Spring Hill on the west, and gently sloping to Fenton river on the east. It is neat and tidy in its appearance and bears evidence of taste and refinement. Here no dilapidated old buildings are to be seen and no useless debris is found lying carelessly scattered around, but everything about the premises appears in perfect order, (we are speaking from a general observation before the destruction of the mill by fire). The power required for operating the machinery in the mill is obtained from a small stream on which there are two reservoirs, one across the street opposite the mill, on the margin of which is a grassy walk which add to the beauty of the surrounding scenery. The other is located father up stream, and is sometimes used as a baptistry by the church on Spring Hill. This pleasant little village is historic in the annals of silk manufacture. It was here that the first successful attempt at its manufacture by machinery was made on the Western Hemisphere. Here remains the little mill 12x14 (removed from its original site) wherein the attempt was made a success and wherein started the germ of this great and prosperous industry. Here the Grandfather Rodney Hanks who started and made it a success, lived and died. Here the father George R. Hanks still lives and takes an interest in the business and here the sons John S. and P.G. Hanks were until the recent fire pursuing the same occupation. Therefore the name of Hanks Hill, is more than appropriate and well recognized throughout the surrounding country. One thing in connection with this village wherein it differs from most other small manufacturing places, it is now, always has been, and according to present indications, always will be, in politics, - Democratic. The first church bell ever casst in America was cast by a member of the Hanks family in this place. Previous to the manufacture of silk by machinery, Horace Hanks a relative of the same family invented the “double geared wheel head” which was used on the common spinning wheel and which proved a valuable invention, and a great help in the manufacture of silk by hand. Some of your older readers well remember the busy whirr and whiz of this old fashioned institution the relics of which can be found in many an old-garret at the present day. In those days silk and twist were sold by the skein and formed an important medium of change, amounting almost to a standard currency in the silk-producing districts. The raw article was of home product and a source of revenue to such as engaged in its cultivation. The mulberry flourished spontaneously and the business furnished employment alike for young and old of both sexes. The younger part usually gathered or “picked the leaves” from the trees, in which occupation the boys and young men were compelled either from their superior agility, or motives of modesty to gather from the topmost branches, while the gentler sex gathered from the lower. The leaves were gathered in a strong cloth wallet suspended in front by shoulder straps with a string to tie it about the waist to keep it from flopping about. A hundred pounds a day in ordinary picking was considered a fair day’s work. The silk worm developed rapidly in growth, shed its skin three times and then crawled into the bushes conveniently placed for that special purpose spun or “wound” its silken insides into a “ball” or cocoon completely enveloping itself in a hard fibrous shroud preparatory to emerging in the form of a miller. It was during this intermediate state after the “winding” that the silk was reeled from the cocoon. The worms were lively at feeding time other than that they were quiet and orderly insects; lying about half their length horizontally with their heads raised to nearly a perpendicular, apparently in deep and pensive meditation. They were harmless but possessed a cold, icy feeling when taken in the hand, and as they required removing and handling several times during their growth this part was left with and performed by the “wimmen folks” which would possibly create unpleasant sensations to the present generation of young ladies. But we have drifted away from our starting point and will return to Hanks Hill. George R. Hanks the elder and John S. one of his sons have both represented the town in the state legislature both of them sent there by the democrats in the face of a strong republican majority thus giving evidence of their popularity as citizens. If we mistake not George R. Hanks was associated with his father Rodney in his early attempt to silk manufacture by machinery and they also in company at one time carried on an extensive business in the manufacture of cannon swabs for government. After it became an established fact that silk could be manufactured by machinery curiosity and speculation were rife to witness the operation. The doors of the mill were kept closed against strangers and the process kept a secret as far as possible. On one occasion while George R. Hanks then quite a young man was super of a small mill at Gurleyville a stranger entered the mill when Mr. Hanks politely but firmly ordered him out. The stranger subsequently proved to be the Hon. Wm. L. Marcy then governor of New York and afterwards member of the cabinet under Martin Van Buren. From the foregoing it will be seen that from Hanks Hill and from the Hanks’ family sprung this great and prosperous industry requiring nameless millions of capital and giving employment to an unnumbered multitude of operatives. On last Christmas the Hanks had the misfortune to lose their mill, machinery stock manufactured and raw, in fact everything appertaining to their business, by fire. The loss was partially covered by insurance but to an amount far from adequate to rebuild and restock with machinery. Still in the face of this difficulty with characteristic energy and enterprise which marked the career of the family at the outset, they have commenced to rebuild and will soon start in business again. May they be successful, and may the memorable spot where originated this gigantic industry continue to thrive in this business long in the dim and distant future.

491. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Henry H. Flint, Wholesale and Retail Druggist. The best place in Willimantic to find the best and ONLY compete stock of Leads and Oils, Coach and Carriage Goods, Artists’ and Chromo Lithographic Materials, Wax Flower Sundries, Including English, B.B., Jewett, Lewis, Hall, Bradley & Co.’s and Keystone Lead. Wadsworth, Martinez & Longman Pure Prepared Paints. Any building that is not satisfactory when painted with our Prepared Paints, we will repaint at our expense with such White Lead or other Paints as the property owner may select. This agreement will be promptly fulfilled upon notice from the Dealer that our paints have not given satisfaction. Raynold & Masury’s Coach Painter’s Goods, Alabastine for finishing walls and ceilings, is the most durable and economical material known. It is a valuable discovery, and is rapidly superceding Kalomine and other wall finish. Manufactured in a variety of beautiful tints, and can be applied by any one. Babcock’s Varnishes, Windsor & Newton’s Tube Colors. Fulton White The new non-poisonous heavy body pigment, ground specially for inside and outside use, possesses 25 per cent more covering properties and works more freely under the brush than the best white lead.

492. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: G.G. Standish. F.M. Thompson. Spring 1883. We feel great satisfaction in stating to our patrons and the public, that our Spring Goods are better in style and quality than ever before. We have been careful in selecting, to get the best city styles and from the best makers. In purchasing of us you may feel assured there are no better styles, no better fitting goods, none that will wear better, and that you are buying the latest made good cheaper than you can get them in any city. You are cordially invited to look at goods at any time, whether you purchase or not. Yours very respectfully, Standish & Thompson, 144 Main Street. N.B. Furniture of every description for sale by F.M. Thompson. I keep only the Latest Styles, and can name the lowest prices. Three parlor suites received last week, covered with Plush and Silk to be sold cheap, at Standish & Thompson’s Boot & Shoe Store.

493. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: News of the Week.
Saturday. Alfred G. Packer, the white cannibal, has been found guilty of murder at Denver, Col. And sentenced to be hanged.
Sunday. Dr. C.A. Ward, a travelling doctor, has been arrested for bigamy at Waterbury, in this state.
Thursday. Sitting Bull will soon be admitted into the communion of the Catholic church.

494. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Died.
Smith – In Ashford, April 16, Lydia Smith, aged _8 [looks like 28 or 88] years and 8 months.
Welden – In Willimantic, April 11, Lillie A. Welden, aged 7 years and 3 months.

495. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: I would like a bid on fifty Shares of Continental Life Insurance Stock of Hartford. Hyde Kingsley. Willimantic, April 10, 1883.

496. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Columbia.
Albert F. Yeomans, and [sic] employee on the Western Division of the N.Y. & N.E. road, spent the Sunday with his family.
Ralph McIntosh, at present in the telephone office at Hartford spent the Sunday among his friends in West street.
Walter E. Palmer is going to try the virtues of Quinnipiac fertilizers the coming season, having procured 1 ½ tons of the local agent.
A protective tariff enables the Linen company to pay the farmers $5 per cord for spool timber to the amount of 75 cords.
Mr. H.B. Frink met with an adventure in Willimantic Wednesday, but for which unusual quiet would have reigned in that usually busy place. He had come to town with a load of hay that he had previously sold to a sewing machine agent, and it was bargained that cash was to be paid. Instead, when deposited in the barn, the agent failed to have the cash in hand and peramulating the streets with a big valise in hand failed to find anyone ready to loan it. At this state, after abusing Frink, threatening to “mop the floor” with him, etc., he told Frink to go and get his hay if he was afraid to trust him. This Frank proceeded to do, when the agent appeared and paid for the hay with money he claimed he procured from his mother. But from the fact that we were present and witnessed the encounter we would hardly have believed the little fellow with the big valise possessed of such a mighty big bump of combativeness.
The prospects for a library building are not as encouraging as at one time, still it is voted to build on land of Mr. John Ticknor. This will require an outlay of $20 in excess of the amount required had it been decided to set it on the parsonage lot. But the guarantee of a prospective proprietor fell through at the critical moment for reasons as yet unexplained.
We learn that the remains of the 13 ½ pound boy of “Cobb Hollow” fame was removed by the “farther” when he was here soon after its demise. Such haste to dispose of its remains after it as given out that it was not to be removed only adds to the mystery connected with the case; yet there are those who express themselves satisfied from the first that it was a case that should have been investigated, and would have been in almost any other community.

497. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: The original Windham Frog Song, and a history of the Bull Frog Scare, in a neat little pamphlet, for only five cents. Sent postpaid on receipt of price. Address, The Chronicle, Willimantic, Conn.

498. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Know 1. In search of Holiday Gifts should fail to visit A.C. Andrew’s Music Warerooms, where you will find elegant Upright and Square Pianos and all the latest styles of Parlor Organs for sale at the Lowest Prices and on Easy Terms. Also, sheet music, music books, accordeons, harmonicas, violins, violin bows, violin, banjo, and guitar strings and trimmings, in fact, everything in the music line that one could wish, from the five cent Jewsharp to the five hundred dollar Grand Piano. We invite special attention to our stock of Accordeons. One makes an elegant Christmas Present. Call and see us. Every one welcome whether they buy or not. A.C. Andrew, music dealer, Bank Building, 177 Main St., Willimantic.

499. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: M.A. Gilman, Ice Cream Parlors, Brainard House Block, corner Main and Church streets, Willimantic. Lunch rooms on European plan. Fruit and Confectionery of all kinds constantly on hand. A large stock of cigars and tobacco. Our pure Havana-filled Five Cent Cigars are the best in town. Try them. Domestic Bakery. Fresh bread, rolls and biscuit every afternoon. Pies and cakes made to order on short notice. Ornamental Wedding Cake made to order at a low price. Hot brown bread every morning including Sunday. None but first-class bakers employed. Fresh sweet milk by the quart. Milk brought in every morning and night. M.A. Gilman.

500. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Columbia.
The Engine at N.P. Little’s is inactive for a few days caused by the breaking of a bolt and its falling into the cylinder necessarily causing a delay.
Mrs. Dr. C.N. Gallup is in Colchester for a few days visiting her parents and other friends.
The mill used in sawing Sanford’s lumber turns off 2,000 feet per hour. This mill is owned by Bailey of Bozrah and will be moved to that place about May 1st.
Walter Palmer has been buying potatoes of different farmers for shipping.
W.P. Robertson of Hartford spent the Sabbath in town. He being a general favorite among this people is always welcomed and these frequent visits in one direction tend to enforce the idea that in the not distant future he may take from our midst some one to share his journey’s to and from this place and also the journey of life.
The site for locating the library building having been decided upon and the deed given work will now begin on the foundation. Lumber is being donated, solicitations for gratuitous labor meeting with a ready response providing the building is pushed forward at an early date so as not to interfere with farm labor when the season advances. Wm. B. Little has the credit of getting the first lumber on the ground ready for use. Wm. H. Yeomans is appointed by the committee to superintend the erection of the building.
John H. Bascom is active in buying all kinds of produce for Hartford market.

501. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: North Windham.
Real estate sales still continue. The Bennett property on the Mansfield road, has recently changed hands and the house is now being tastefully remodeled. Its present owners Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Peck will soon take up their abode there.
Mr. G.E. Bennett has secured a tenement in the house with Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Snow.
Very little moving of families here this spring but the mania for erecting barns seems to be epidemic. Mr. Caroline Lincoln has the lumber in readiness for one as has also Mr. Martin Flint, and Mr. C.A. Buckingham. Farther down the road Mr. Albert Bates has the foundation laid, and the frame prepared for a very capacious barn on the site of the old potash works. Mr. Geo. Polley is adding largely to his father’s house thereby securing a home for his family.
Mr. M. Welch has been confined to his house several weeks by sickness.
Mr. M.A. Bates is well established in his store and will be pleased to deal squarely with all who may give him their patronage. He has been appointed postmaster’s clerk and performs the duties of the office. With Mr. L.M. Hartson as P.M. and E.H. Hall Jr., assistant P.M. thorough is ensured.

502. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Andover.
The annual meeting of the library association was held Saturday evening, April 14th and the following officers elected president, B.E. Post; vice-president, J.S. Topliff; secretary and treasurer, H.G. Dorrance; library committee, M.P. Yeomans, Andrew Phelps, and H.F. Standish. The report of the librarian shows that over four hundred books have been added to the library during the past year bringing the number up to nearly eight hundred in all. Over one thousand books have been drawn the past year against less than three hundred last year. The report of the treasurer shows a balance of $22 in the treasury.
Edmund D. Gilbert who was bound over to the Superior Court last fall for willfully destroying John M. Smith’s cabbages pleaded guilty to Tolland and in consideration of the fact that he had already been in jail three months the court let him off with only thirty days more.
A meeting of our citizens was held at the conference house Monday evening April 16th looking to the encouragement of our manufacturing interests. The meeting organized by the appointment of B.E. Post, Esq., chairman, and M.I. Yeomans, secretary. After some informal discussion, Messrs. E.P. Skinner, Wm. Keeney, Charles F. Johnson and R.E. Phelps, were chosen a committee to confer with the farmers in regard to the project of starting a creamery and Messrs. S. H. Daggett, M.P. Yeomans, W.H. Bishop and C.B. Stearns, were appointed a committee to consider and report upon some plan looking to the encouragement of manufacturing in Andover. Both committees were instructed to report if possible at an adjourned meeting to be held April 30. The utmost harmony prevailed and it is hoped that from this small beginning our people may go forward in a united effort to advance the material interest of our place.
The ladies society will give a sociable at the house of Mrs. Gurley Phelps Thursday evening.

503. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Attempted Murder and Suicide Near Danielsonville. Last Saturday morning Mr. Olney Burgess living in Foster, R.I., near the Connecticut and Rhode Island line, called on Mr. Henry Burlingame and his brother Daniel Burlingame, who live in Killingly, near the state line, and ate breakfast with them. The three had some conversation about a wheel and in a friendly manner talked of other matters. Mr. Henry Burlingame’s family were engaged in making pies for Mr. Burgess. Without warning, Mr. Burgess drew a revolver and fired at Daniel, inflicting a flesh wound, somewhat troublesome but not dangerous. Henry, intending to save his brother from further harm, attempted to obtain possession of the revolver in Burgess’ hands; Mr. Burgess resisted, and in the struggle for the weapon shot Henry twice; the first time wounding him slightly on top of the head, but the second tie the ball – a small one of thirty0two calibre – entered near the nostrils, and its location on Saturday had not been ascertained. Physicians were sent from Danielsonville, Drs. Hutchins and Jenkins, who say that the second wound is dangerous. Mr. William Hopkins, a constable, took the assailant into custody and took him to Danielsonville. Mr. Burgess voluntarily started with Constable Hopkins, but on the way jumped from the wagon and attempted to escape. He was easily secured by the officer. On his arrival in Danielsonville officers took him to the lock-up. As Mr. Burgess was about to enter the cell, he said to the officers: “If you will let me jump into that pond I will save the state trouble and expense; I don’t know how I came do [sic] what I have done.” Not long after locking up his prisoner Sheriff Bowen returned to see how he was and found that he had torn things up in the cell badly and was then seriously ill. He sent for doctors who found the prisoner was suffering from poison. All efforts to save him were unavailing and he died in about two hours after being found by Mr. Bowen. Mr. Burgess could speak only with great difficulty while he was being attended, but he said he had “taken it on purpose,” and, as near as could be understood, he had taken “jessamine,” while on the way to Danielsonville with Mr. Hopkins. The deceased has been for some time in a bad condition mentally, and undoubtedly growing worse during the past year. He had considerable knowledge of the compounding and use of medicines, and had prepared his dose of poison with fatal accuracy. He was possessed of great skill as a mechanic. About three years ago he shot a young man named Henry Owens, so that Owens will be blind during his life. It was thought at the time he had good cause to shoot. He leaves a son and daughter. He was about fifty years of age.

504. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Gurleyville. Rev. Mr. Gammons of this place has left his Methodist charge here, and gone to Fall River Mass. Mr. Gammons has been with us a year and endeared himself, not only to the people of his congregation, but to many others who have had the good fortune to make his acquaintance. His departure from our midst is a matter of universal regret, and to those outside the church quite unexpected. His social qualities, and genial disposition won for him the good will, esteem, and warm friendship of those denominated world’s people, among whom the writer should be classed. He gave his attention strictly to his calling, and to his own personal affairs. In this respect he differed from some of his neighboring clergymen for he never intermeddled in politics, or postponed a religious service, for the sake of a primary meeting, and playing the role of caucus lobbyist therein. Neither did he deem it beneath his dignity, or hesitate when occasion required, or opportunity offered, to lay aside his clerical garment, and perform manual labor. In the pulpit he will be missed, and it is doubtful if his place can readily be filled. His company was always welcome among all classes and as a neighbor, and friend he had but few equals.

505. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Special Bargains! Goods at Less than Cost. 50 prs. of Childrens Lace Shoes sizes 6 to 9. Price 50cts. As good to wear as any $1.00 made. 50 prs. Lace Shoes sizes 9 to 13 for 98cts. Better to wear than any $1.50 Button Shoe made. 50 prs. Ladies Kid Button Shoes at $1.87 sizes 2 ½ to 5 as good as any $2.50 shoe sold. These are first quality Goods and are sold at these prices only to close out these Odd Lots. They cannot be Duplicated. Come early if you wish to secure any of these Bargains. Respectfully, W.N. Potter.

506. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: For the Spring Trade Fine Dry and Fancy Goods. Arrival of our New Spring Stock Every Day. Elegant new styles in dress goods and trimming. Great bargains in black silk. All the new shades of cassimere and dress flannels, dress ginghams and prints. New buttons every day. Superior line of domestic, white goods. A full stock of towels, linens and other staple goods. Corsets, hosiery and kid gloves. We have got Good Goods and mark the Price Low. C.M. Palmer & Co.

507. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: S.B. Kenyon, Manufacturer of Single & Double Harnesses, and dealer in Halters, Blankets, Whips, Lap Robes, Axle Grease, &c. Also, an improved Wrench that fits any wheel. I pay special attention to repairing, and do it neatly and immediately. 23 Church Street, Opp. M.E. Church, Willimantic, Conn.

508. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Voluntown Bazar, 245 Main St. Willimantic. The best and the cheapest assortment of Stoves, Tin, Glass, Crockery, Etc. Plumbing, and Tin Roofing, Sheet Iron, Copper and Tin Work, done to order at short notice and in the best manner. All Stove Repairing is Cash on delivery. Levi A. Frink.

509. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: National House, State St., New London, Ct. Recently refitted and Refurnished. Good board by the day or week on reasonable terms. George A. Davis, Proprietor.

510. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Chas. N. Gallup, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, Columbia, Conn. Special attention given to all forms of Consumption.

511. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Daniel C. McGuinness, M.D. Office and Residence, Commercial Block, over Apothecaries Hall. Willimantic, Conn. Dr. McGuinness will make diseases of the lungs and kidneys a specialty, also surgery. Office open at all hours day and night. Graduate of Columbia Medical College, N.Y. City.

512. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: T.H. McNally, M.D., Physician & Surgeon. Office and Residence, Union Street, Corner of Centre. Open Day and Night.

513. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: W.H. Latham & Co. Contractors and Builders. Odd sizes of Sash and Doors made to order. Turning, Scroll Sawing, and General Jobbing. Painting, Paper Hanging, Calcimining, Graining and Sign Lettering. Orders solicited and promptly attended to at Reasonable rates. Shop on Spring St., between Walnut & Pearl.

514. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Dr. Samuel David & Son, Physicians and Surgeons, Office: Hickey’s House, Union St. Dr. Samuel David will make a specialty of diseases peculiar to the Female Sex, also surgery. Office open at all hours day and night. Graduates of Victoria college, Canada.

515. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Isaac B. Gallup, M.D., Physician & Surgeon Office at Residence, No. 10 Pearl St., Willimantic, Ct. Graduated from College and began the practice of medicine in January, 1871. Also, a member of the Connecticut Medical Association. Office Open Day and Night. Telephone in Office. Office Hours – 7 to 10 and 11 to 12 a.m., and evenings.

516. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Shea Brothers, Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Flour, Etc. John C. Shea’s Old Stand. Jackson Street, Willimantic, Conn.

517. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: G.B. Hamlin, Dentist. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Laughing Gas constantly on hand. Office: Union Block, Main Street, Willimantic, Conn.

518. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: J.D. Jillson, Dentist, Rooms in the Second Story of Post Office Block, Willimantic, Conn. Residence, Corner Prospect and Bellevue Streets.

519. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: F.S. Blood, Dentist, Stiles & Alpaugh Building, Willimantic, Conn.

520. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: J. O’Sullivan, Builder and Joiner, Estimates given on work of every description. Jobbing will receive prompt attention at the shop on Valley Street, between Jackson and Center, Willimantic, Conn.

521. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: John Killourey, Hack, Livery, and Boarding Stable. Has a fine new Hearse. Jackson Street. Carriages furnished for Funerals, Weddings, etc. Horses boarded by the Day or Week. Prices Reasonable.

522. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: T.R. Congdon, Dealer in Crockery, China, Glassware, Stoves, Tinware, Etc. Jobbing in Tin and Copper. Work done at Short Notice. Main Street, Willimantic, Conn.

523. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Cess. Pools, Sink Drains, and Privy Vaults cleaned and taken care of on reasonable terms. No slops left behind. Address or call on Earl S. Crantons, Willimantic, Conn.

524. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: For Sale. Two well located houses with building lots for sale on easy terms. Enquire A.S. Turner.

525. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: For Sale – Very Pleasant building lots for sale at reasonable prices and on easy terms. Also, a house and lot corner of North and Spring streets. For particulars, enquire of J.A. Conant.

526. TWC Wed Apr. 18, 1883: Notice. To give everybody a chance to supply themselves with good goods cheap, will offer at discount of 15 per cent for every dollar’s worth of goods purchased for cash, commencing Saturday, April 21, continuing to Saturday, April 28 inclusive. J.A. Stillman’s.

527. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: About Town.
Holmes has nice russet apples.
Fresh lobsters Saturday, at Holmes market.
S.G. Adams is extending a line of water pipes up Church street.
Reunion of the Twenty-first regiment in this village Wednesday May 16th.
B.W. Taft has opened a barber shop in the brick building opposite the Sanderson House.
John Killoury is making preparations to enter into the undertaking business on Jackson street.
Mrs. V.A. Bartlett, in Cranston block, has a select stock of the latest styles in spring millinery.
Rev. S.R. Free unexpectedly exchanged pulpits with Rev. K.B. Glidden of Mansfield Center Sunday morning.
The Episcopal church has arrived from Central Village occupying four cars. It is in unexpectedly good condition.
C.M. Palmer & Co. have a fine line of seasonable dress trimmings and also some novelties in fancy goods for ladies wear.
Walter Chamberlain of this village was one of the party who dug from one burrow in Chaplin five young foxes on Monday.
C.W. Turner’s meat market has been removed from the brick building near Walnut street to the east store in Cunningham block.
A.R. Briggs has resumed his old job on the Adams Express delivery and Henry Hyde takes his place at Dumont Kingsley’s restaurant.
The telephone central office is to be removed from its present location to the second story of the block occupied by H. E. Remington & Co.
Rev. Mr. Wells will lecture at Dunham hall next Sunday evening at 7 o’clock on the subject “The Belief that is necessary to be an Episcopalian.”
The time for registering dogs expires May 1st. After that the owner of an unregistered canine is liable to prosecution. Forewarned is forearmed.

528. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Mrs. Edward Bass lost her pocket-book containing $30 Saturday it was picked up by J.H. Gray front of the Brainard house and restored to her by him.

529. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The Boston & Willimantic Clothing company are going to give away a pair of roller skates to each purchaser of boys suits to the amount of $5 and upwards. Enterprising firm.

530. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: G.G. Cross opened his five cent lunchroom and fruit store at the corner of Union and Temple streets Tuesday. He calls it “The Gem” and has fitted it up very attractively.”

531. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: A very handsome plate glass front has just been put into the store in Union block owned by E. Stiles and occupied by J.M. Alpaugh. It is similar to Baldwin & Webb’s in the same block.

532. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The ministers of the Ashford Baptist association held a conference at the church in this place yesterday morning. Last evening Rev. Mr. Stubbett of Putnam, a very able preacher, delivered an eloquent discourse to a good congregation.

533. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: If all that the promoters of the Providence, Danielsonville and Willimantic railroad were after was a charter to build that line they were gratified by its passage last Wednesday by the legislature. But does anybody suppose it will ever be built? We wish it might be.

534. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: E.T. Hamlin, of the opera house boot and shoe store, has received his new spring goods comprising the latest and best styles in foot wear.

535. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The masquerade party at Armory hall last evening under the management of C.H. Webster was large and enjoyable. The Willimantic band furnished music for the roller skating after which the opera house orchestra was called into use for dancing and that continued till a late hour under the direction of Geo. L. Wheeler as prompter.

536. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Officer Flynn arrested Timothy Sullivan while drunk Monday afternoon for an unprovoked assault on Michael Duggan gatekeeper at the Main street railroad crossing. He was brought before Justice Hunter Tuesday morning who dismissed the charge for drunkenness but fined him $1 and costs for assault amounting to $11.91. His father settled.

537. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: In speaking of crossing the dangerous railroad crossing at the depot Mr. Hyde Kingsley, the other day made a surprising statement that his team had passed there for about sixteen years making over 48,000 trips and during that period had never received the slightest injury from the cars. He considers this immunity principally owing to a gentle team and a careful driver.

538. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The hours of daily session at the Natchaug high school have undergone a slight change whereby the scholars are dismissed at 2:45 each afternoon. There is no recess but a half hour intermission at noon is given making practically one session a day. The hours in the undergrades are also slightly changed their being no recess in any but the primary departments and school is dismissed a little earlier.

539. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The family of Stutely M. Sweet, who was killed at the railroad crossing at this station about a year since, has sued the New York and New England company and the case is now on trial in the superior court at Tolland before Judge Loomis. The suit has occupied a number of days and it is thought by some who have listened to the trial the plaintiffs have made out a pretty good case and will recover damages.

540. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Miss Mary E. Carney, Pleasant street, was agreeably surprised last Friday evening by a number of her young acquaintances who called on her for the purpose of bestowing a token of their esteem and friendship in the shape of a costly pair of bracelets. They were pleasantly presented by the visitors after which the young people spent the evening in sociability and refreshments and dispersed at a seasonable hour.

541. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The event of the season on roller skates will be the closing session of the season at the rink in Armory hall next Saturday evening which will be a dress party. The proprietor, George A. Baker will spare no pains to make it the best which has ever occurred here, and in this endeavor will be assisted by Robert Alpaugh as general manager. The hall will be brilliantly illuminated by 300 Chinese lanterns and the Willimantic band will furnish their best music for the occasion.

542. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: At the annual assembly of Olive Branch Council No. 10 R & S, masters held Tuesday evening at Masonic hall the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing year: - T.I.M., Chas. J. Fox, M.D., R.I.D.M., Chester Tilden; I.P.C of W., John H. Bullard; C. of G., Chas. S. Billings, Comp. Treas. E.T. Hamlin; Comp. Rec. James Harries Jr.; Comp. Cond., Henry W. King; Comp. Steward, Henry M. Graupner; Comp. Sen. Wm. Thompson. The officers elected were duly installed by Past T.I.M., Chas. S. Billings assisted by Comp. A.R. Morrison as Marshal.

543. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The Jewett City correspondent of the Norwich Bulletin has the following about a former esteemed resident of this village. “Mr. A.B. Burleson has made the Baptist society a present of a very desirable building lot situated just across the bridge, in the town of Lisbon. We learn that the gift has been accepted and building will be commenced soon. The generous donation was worth at least four hundred dollars. Mr. Ensworth, learning of Mr. Burleson’s generosity, kindly released the Baptist society from their obligations to him.”

544. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The roller skating exhibition at Armory hall Saturday evening was a very brilliant affair on the part of the skaters and the attendance was larger than on any previous occasion this season. It was conducted by C.A. Dunn of Norwich skating rink who gave the people of this village the pleasure of witnessing the skill of four of the best skaters in New England – Miss Carrie Gilmor and Prof. Livesey of Worcester and Messrs. Battey and Hecker of Providence. The audience was highly pleased with the exhibition and expressed its appreciation by frequent applause.

545. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: At a special meeting of the Court of Burgesses held at the Borough Office Monday evening the following business was discharged: Albert Barrows went before the board and gave notice that the borough in grading Mansfield Avenue had encroached upon his property and asked that some action be taken in the matter. A petition signed by Hyde Kingsley and others asking that a cross walk be laid across Church street between C.E. Congdon’s and W.H.H. Bingham’s properties. Was voted to erect a lamp post and lantern on Church street near W.H.H. Bingham’s store the exact location to be determined by the street committee. The following bills were ordered paid: Joseph Wood, assisting surveyor, $6.13; Hyde Kingsley, rent Bucket Co., $25.56; Buck, Durkee & Stiles, gasoline, $147.70; E.S. Boss, $17; H.N. Wales, $24.65; Voted to dissolve.

546. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Following is the result of the recent pool contest played at Norwich for the championship of New London and Windham counties in which this village carries off the honors: “The last game of the tournament which was to decide the winner of the third and fourth prizes the first having been won by F.A. Sanderson of Willimantic, was played at the White Elephant rooms between Hooker of Willimantic and Baldwin of new London the former winning the game by a score of eight to five. The prizes were awarded Monday evening at the White Elephant rooms to the following persons: 1st prize $50 and the championship to Sanderson of Willimantic; 2nd prize $25 to E.G. Hannis, 3rd prize, $15, to Dwight Hooker of Willimantic; 4th prize, $10, to Thomas Baldwin of New London. The cue is of several of the finest woods beautifully inlaid with pearl and inscribed, Pool Championship of New London and Windham counties.”

547. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: As we go to press the fire alarm strikes and we learn that a barn containing a cow and other valuables, is nearly consumed. It is owned by Patrick Roban [Rohan?] and located near E.B. Sumner’s residence on Pleasant street.

548. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Obituary. The sudden and unlooked-for death of Charlie C. Spencer on Friday evening at 7 o’clock cast a dark shadow of gloom over his young associates, his family and everybody who knew him. He was the son of Thomas Spencer Jr. and seventeen years of age at the time of his death. He had previously been subject to bilious attacks but the immediate cause of his death was an aggravated attack of inflammation of the bowels. A week ago Saturday he assisted his father in unloading some hay and a strain received at that time is thought to have induced the disease. He went to school Monday following but was obliged to return home in the afternoon and take his bed. A physician was called and everything possible was done to overthrow the disease. He was a member of the senior class at the Willimantic high school and would have graduated in two terms at which time it had been arranged that he should enter Yale college. In school he was an exceptionally bright scholar and being universally popular with his associates was looked up to as a young man of exemplary character and praiseworthy ambition. He gave promise of being an intelligent and useful man. His funeral was held at the Congregational church Monday at 1 o’clock and was attended by the entire high school in a body. Rev. S.R. Free preached an appropriate sermon over the remains, after which Principal Holbrook paid a touching tribute to the memory of one of his brightest and most promising pupils. On the coffin were laid some very elaborate floral momentos, among them a harp from the Debating Club of which he was a member, a pillow on which was the inscription “our brother” and a wreath bearing the word “namesake” from Charles A. Andrews. The pall bearers were: Willie Buck, Timothy Reagan, Fred Beckwith and Master Cranston, and the remains were interred in the Willimantic cemetery.

549. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Temperance – Notwithstanding the inclement weather there was a good attendance at the temperance meeting in Mission hall last Sunday. As is the custom in these meetings considerable time was occupied in prayer, several persons taking part. Miss Case and Messrs. Fox, Pember, Reed, Smith, Lewis, and others made interesting speeches in which the young were especially remembered, a goodly number of whom were present. How important that all Christian people work wisely and in earnest to save the young from entering the legal road to the drunkard’s grave. The quarterly meeting of this society for the election of officers occurs next Monday evening in Mission hall at 7:30 o’clock.

550. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Storrs’ Agricultural School. – Following is a report of the proceedings in the House of Representatives on the proposition to make an additional appropriation for this school:
In the house to-day (Tuesday) the resolution appropriating $5,000 to the Storrs Agricultural school, in addition to the regular contribution of $5,000 made yearly by the state, gave rise to much discussion both before and after the noon recess. The appropriation was advocated by Messrs. Terrill of Middlefield and Ladd of North Haven of the committee on agriculture and T.M. Orange of Bradley. Mr. Carter of Waterbury offered an amendment providing that the appropriation should not be paid until the grantor of the property comprising the school shall give a quit claim deed of the property to the state. The amendment was opposed by Messrs. Henry of Vernon, Simonds of Canton, Terrill of Middlefield and Starr of Litchfield. The latter held that the school is one of the most useful institutions in the state, and it was the earnest desire that its interests should be conserved and protected.
Mr. Sumner of Mansfield advocated the appropriation showing that it was necessary for the maintenance of the school which is doing good work. Mr. Foote of North Branford took the same view.
Mr. Savage of Cromwell offered an amendment which was accepted as a substitute for the former providing that before the payment of the money the donor of the estate should execute an agreement to reimburse the state for permanent improvements upon the property in case of a reversion.
Mr. Andrews of New Britain took the floor and began a sarcastic attack upon the policy and management of the school and everything connected with it. He denounced that philanthropy, which for a small consideration gives the name of the donor to an institution which the state is to support. The property is a piece of miserably poor land with rickety buildings. Young men education at this institution will never go into farming hereabouts, never. The institution was a pot for a hungry crowed to sit around.
Dr. Sumner of Mansfield said that Mr. Storrs was disposed to be fair in this matter, and that as some might feel there was a possibility of a reversion, it was proposed to do away with any such objections (referring to the amendment.) He then alluded to the economical way money had been expended at the school. The trustees, who had devoted much time to the enterprise, willingly gave their services. Mr. Simonds of Canton said that if the amendment were to be adopted there should be provisions for assessment of the value of improvements in case of reversion.
Mr. Bentley of New London now led off in a brief speech against the amendment as unworthy of the state. Mr. Gates followed in the same strain. If the state did not want to longer continue the school, it should withdraw its support in an open manner. Mr. Lockwood of Bridgeport objected to “These picayune amendments.” At this point, Mr. Brown of Norwich moved the previous question and the amendment was rejected by a large majority. The resolution then passed with, perhaps, a dozen dissenting votes.

551. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Mansfield.
Saturday last as we were riding through a part of the town of Chaplin we noticed large quantities of ice remaining in the swamps and woods and at the same time the peep frogs kept up their music perhaps perched on the ragged edge of frozen despair trying to keep their courage up till the ice and snow should disappear.
Several of our town people had occasion to visit Tolland last week on court business and as they toiled up and over the rugged hills they could but wish that Mansfield belonged to Windham county so that their court business could be held at Willimantic. Judge Loomis is holding court and a large amount of business is being disposed of.
The legal fraternity is well represented, among the number we noticed J.L. Hunter, J.M. Hall, J.R. Arnold and E.B. Sumner of Willimantic, M.R. West of Hartford, Marcy and Bill of Rockville, King and Davison of Stafford and several others we did not know. Surely with such an array of talent justice ought to be meeted out to all.
The appropriation of $10,000 for the Storrs experimental farm will keep the concern alive for another year and cats and old horses will continue to be in demand. The examples set the past year by that institution will enable farmers to put in their crops scientifically and largely increased crops may be expected the coming season.
The Hanks brothers are preparing the foundation for their new silk mill which will be completed at an early day.

552. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Mansfield Centre.
Abner Shippee, the Atwoodville groceryman, missed from front of his store the other evening a fine beef ham. As it was too dark for crows to fly the theft is supposed to be the work of an owl.

553. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Willington.
Rev. Oscar Bissell of Westford occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church last Sabbath of last week by exchange.
The pastor of the Congregational church – Rev. F.A. Holden – is necessarily absent from his studies at the Hartford Seminary on account of the dangerous illness of his father at Fitchburg, Mass.
Owing to the removal and consequent resignation of S.C. Eaton, the duties of school visiting devolve upon the two remaining members of the board, viz., L.W. Holt and Jason Bugbee Jr., the former taking the Thread Mill and Centre schools under his supervision.
Dr. W.E. Holt of New London is at home sick.
C.P. Rider Esq. of Moline, Ill., was in town Saturday week.
We enjoyed a pleasant call a few days since on our much esteemed friends P.G. and J.S. Hanks at Mansfield and found them busily engaged on the work of their proposed mill, to be erected on the old site. Work is to be rapidly pushed and the new mill which is to be one story and 84 feet in length is expected to be ready for occupancy by July next. The company possessing indomitable energy and perseverance are surely deserving of success and we trust they will meet an abundant supply of it.
J.K. Hall who has spent the winter in Springfield, Mass., has arrived home.
Henry Green of Tolland has leased the “Leander Hull” farm and moved thereon. George Barber formerly residing near Daleville has moved to his farm in Mansfield.
Mrs. Hannah Irons, aged 96 years, deceased, was buried last Friday. She was the oldest person in town.

554. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Two seals were caught Thursday off Guilford. An attempt to land them alive was unsuccessful, as they died from being kept too long under water.

555. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Spring Millinery now ready at No. 7 Church Street. Also a full line of Fancy Goods. Stamping done to order. Opening of Trimmed Hats & Bonnets May 1st, 2nd and 3d. S.J. Briefley

556. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: For Sale. A double tenement house on High Street. For particulars enquire of S.F. Loomer, or at Baldwin & Webb’s Clothing Store.

557. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: A contributor to the Hartford Courant says Harry Rockwell, who died last week in East Hampton in his eighty-eighth year, went to sea a few years after he married; leaving a wife and three children, who heard nothing from his for sixteen years. Believing her husband dead, Mrs. Rockwell married a man named Evans and had three children, after which he died. Rockwell returned in 1835 greatly changed, and hunting up his wife, first gathering the family history from neighbors. By a strange coincidence, two nights before he visited his wife, one of their children dreamed of his return, and minutely described a peculiar vest he wore. On going to the house, on a pretense of seeking refuge from a rainstorm, Rockwell wore a peculiar vest which attracted his wife’s attention, and caused her to exhibit great emotion. She explained it by telling her child’s dream. This led to a recognition. They were remarried, and lived together happily many years.

558. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: A strange story comes from East Hartford. These facts have been known among acquaintances near to the family for some time past, but friendship has dictated the preservation of their secret as an agreement had been reached satisfying to public opinion. About last Christmas a cherished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brewer died at the age of sixteen, and in accordance with a promise by her father, actuated by her own dread of burial; the body has ever since been kept in the parlor and is yet there. It has been treated with preservatives by an undertaker of Hartford, who has made frequent visits for that purpose. It is related as a curious feature of the affair that Mr. Brewster [sic] has frequently passed the hours from midnight to daylight with the body. Yielding to the solicitations of his wife and friends Mr. Brewer has consented to the burial of the body in a vault to be constructed in the yard of his residence. It is said by some who assume to be conversant with the affair that Mr. Brewer’s course is due, in some degree to remorse. Some time before her death he sent her away to school, much against her wishes, and while absent she contracted the disease from which she died.

559. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Deputy Sheriff Rogers arrested John D. Nolan, William Russell and John Nevin, Wednesday night, who are suspected of burglarizing several stores in Norwich and surrounding towns. Russell confessed the crime, and conducted the officers to a rendezvous in an unoccupied house in the northern part of the town, where Nolan was found asleep. They went with the sheriff to the woods, where $200 worth of goods were concealed in the rocks. All are young men. The goods recovered represent property from four stores which had been entered. The burglars were well armed and prepared to make a regular business of thieving.

560. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: J.E. Murray & Co. New Firm! New Goods! Low Prices! The undersigned wish to inform the Ladies of Willimantic and Vicinity that they are now prepared to open the Spring Trade with one of the Best and Most Varied Stocks of Spring and Summer Dress Goods, Hosiery, Underwear and Notions. White Goods, Hamburg Edgings, Irish Trimming, Gloves, Buttons, Ruchings, in fact, everything to be found in a First Class Stock can be found on our shelves. James E. Murray thanks his many friends and patrons for their liberal patronage during the past eight years, and the new firm hope by keeping a larger stock and selling at Bottom Prices to merit a continuance of the former patronage and merit a large increase of new trade. J.E. Murray, J.H. Maxwell, J.H. Dawson, Tanner Block, Main Street, Willimantic, Conn.

561. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The mention of Samuel J. Tilden as a possible Democratic candidate for President in 1884, sets all the Republican organs a-groaning.

562. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The ostrich farm recently started in Southern California for the production of plumes, is succeeding admirably. Several of the birds are incubating, and the place and climate chosen favor eminently fit.

563. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The further revelations in the Tewksbury Almshouse scandal show with what easy grace crime can masquerade in the garb of charity. “Stealing the livery of the court of Heaven to serve the devil in.”

564. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Oleomargarine, it seems, is not the only or the most disagreeable imitation of butter which finds a place in the market. There is an abomination called “sucine,” made from the fat of hogs, which was the cause, not long since, of prostrating an entire family at Cleveland with trichinosis. The proper punishment for the vendor of such an article would be to compel him to eat it.

565. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Louisa M. Gardiner, by Charles S. Johnson, Guardian vs. Harriet R. Wyllys et al. Order of Notice. State of Connecticut, New London County ss. Norwich, April 23, A.D. 1883. Upon the complaint of the said Louisa M. Gardiner, praying for the reasons therein set forth for a foreclosure of a mortgage given by Edward and Mercy Raymond to Henry Gardiner of a lot of land in the town of Windham in Windham County about one hundred rods easterly of Windham Green on the northerly side of the highway, and bounded easterly on land of Henry Page, southerly on said highway, and northerly and westerly by land of Sanford H. Backus; containing about one-eighth of an acre. Which complaint is returnable before the Superior Court in and for Windham County to be holden on the second Tuesday of May, A.D. 1883. It appearing to and being found by the subscribing authority that some of the said defendants are absent from this state and that the names and residences of some of the heirs of Edward Raymond who are made defendants in said complaint are unknown. Therefore, ordered, that notice of the pendency [sic] of said complaint be given to the said non-resident defendants and heirs of Edward Raymond whose names and residences are unknown by publishing this order in the Willimantic Chronicle, a newspaper printed in Willimantic two weeks successively commencing on or before the 26th day of April, A.D. 1883, and by depositing a copy of this order of notice in the post office, postage paid, directed to said non-resident defendants whose names and places of residence are known, at their respective residences as named in said complaint on or before the 26th day of April, 1883 by some proper officer or person indifferent. James A. Hovey, A Judge of the Superior Court.

566. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: To Rent. Room in Tanner Block, in rear of Sherman’s Fruit Store suitable for office or shop. Entrance on North street. Apply at Town Clerk’s Office, to Henry N. Wales.

567. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Great Bargain for the next Thirty Days in Furniture and Carpets. Prices very low! A handsome Chamber Set for $16.00. Best Live Geese Feathers, for 70 cents per pound. A few rolls of Hartford and Lowell best Ingrain Carpets for 85 and 90 cents per yard. Bargains in every Department. Every purchaser receives a bargain for himself or herself, and does not have to help pay for one for Somebody Else. Pictures Frames, Upholstering and Repairing neatly done at reasonable prices. Hair Mattresses made over in the very best manner. All goods as represented. Quick sales and small profits our motto. Respectfully Yours, Marshall Tilden, Willimantic, Conn.

568. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Irving Loper, a suicide at Southington, Conn., who shot himself in the head on March 31, died yesterday living twenty-one days with a bullet in his brain.

569. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Miss Maude Granger is seriously ill at Meridan, Conn.

570. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Mr. Edgar Brewer, of East Hartford, who has retained the embalmed corpse of his daughter in his parlor for several weeks, has, in deference of public sentiment, finally consented to its burial.

571. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: South Coventry.
Last Thursday James Daly purchased the Brace place formerly owned by Potter.
John Franklin moved his building on Wall street last week back into the lot and when graded off in front to compare with the lawns on that street will be a great improvement to the place.
Mrs. Fanny Preston is visiting friends in Stamford and will be joined there by her daughter, Mrs. W. Briggs of New York who will come here to spend the season with her young son.
Mrs. Henry F. Dimock, who usually spent the summer months at her husband’s old home in this place, is intending to visit Europe, and with a party of friends visit places of interest and then repair to some springs in Germany where she will spend the season for the benefit of her health, accompanied by her daughter Susie.
Messrs. Sweet and Webler are arranging to occupy D.W. Huntington’s silk mill and carry on business there.
Rev. J.O. Dodge is making repairs on the old Catholic church converting it into tenement which will soon be ready for occupancy.
Mrs. Don F. Lathrop has been home for a couple of weeks opening her house and preparing it for being left through the season – she with her daughter Mamie spent the winter in Norwich and will spend the coming season in that place.
The tall chimney on the Calvin Manning house toppled over with a crash and very much frightening the lady inmates of the house.
Mrs. Clarence Hoxie is intending soon to leave town and make her home in Cleveland where her husband is bookkeeper for the Cleveland Manufacturing Co., one of the firm being W.A. Babcock of this place. Mrs. Hoxie will be much missed by her many friends in town, being organist in the Congregational church and active in every public and private enterprise beside being an excellent teacher in music. She is a lady very much beloved and her friends wish her all happiness in her new home.
Dr. H.S. Dean has a telephone connected with his office.
Mrs. Spaulding, who has been spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. Harding Fitch of Willimantic, has returned to her home on Monument Hill.
Grandma Morgan is quite ill at the residence of her son, James S. Morgan. She has arrived to the advanced age of 90 years and grave fears are entertained as to her recovery.
John Bogue superintends work on the roads this year, and active work has commenced.
The bay window of Mrs. Norman Dunham presents a beautiful appearance to the passerby “and what must it be to be there.”
Albert Rogers has gone down to Cape Cod engaged in fishing.
Mrs. Albert Rogers has issued invitations to a party of young misses to celebrate the birthday of her only daughter, Hattie, this afternoon.

572. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Andover.
The ladies society met at the house of Mrs. Gurley Phelps last Thursday evening and was well attended. A fine scarf was disposed of by lottery and was drawn by Dr. Myron Maine of Quarryville.
The Rev. Father Lovejoy of Baltic occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church last Sabbath.
A number of our spirited citizens turned out last Thursday afternoon and set out about twenty tree around the Congregational church. The trees consisted of elms, hard and soft maples and ash. Mr. E.P. Skinner brought a greater number of trees than any one else, but Mrs. Caroline Clark sent the largest tree, a fine, straight, hard maple.
Mr. L.H. Porter has been quite sick since last Wednesday but is now better. Mr. Chas. Bliven has moved to Bolton where he has purchased a place. Mr. A .C. Woodworth is intending to move his family to Willimantic this week.
School commenced in the southwest district Monday April 16th, Miss Carrie Bell teacher. Mr. R.W. Post was in town over Sunday.
The officers of the N.Y. & N.E.R.R. Co. have not yet decided where they will locate their double track west of our place. They intend starting a survey soon, running in a very distinct line from Burnside to Andover. This the engineers say, will involve a tunnel one half a mile in length in the west part of Bolton but the rest of the route will be quite feasible. It would reduce the distance about six miles and make a great improvement in the grades.

573. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Scotland.
Mr. S.B. Sprague has purchased the Hebard farm now occupied by J.M. Palmer. John Stone will move his steam saw mill on to the wood lot as soon as he gets his lot cleared of timber.
One of J.D. Kimball’s team horses died last week. He has lost two within a few months.
J.D. Moffitt is building a new mill on the Sharp place where the old grist mill used to stand.
One of C.M. Smith’s horses got hurt quite badly while harrowing one day last week. He got his hind feet on the harrow teeth when it was turned over and stuck a tooth in each foot.
Mr. Oliver Crandall is very feeble this spring. He is not able to leave the house at all.
Miss Fannie Ames has been engaged to teach the school in Brunswick and Miss Trowbridge in Pudding Hill district.

574. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Columbia.
James L. Downer shot a white robin a few mornings since and will add it to his fine collection of stuffed birds.
Drs. Parker and Jillson were in town last week trying their persuasive powers upon wild ducks on the reservoir.
Fred A. Lyman’s pupils at the close of the school, presented him with an elegant pair of slippers as a token of their appreciation of his services among them during the past year.
A monument to the memory of Mrs. Mary A. Bascom was erected in our cemetery last week, Tuesday.
Lovely flowers are exhibited to the public in the windows at the residence of Mrs. A.H. Fox, Mrs. Carlos Collins and Mrs. Fred Hunt.
Excavation for the foundation of the library building has already begun and in the no distant future, although work progresses slowly we hope to see it opened to the public.
Warren Worth has been quite ill for several weeks with sciatic rheumatism.
Chestnut Hill school, Miss L.J. Fuller, and Hop River school Miss J.L. Fuller, commenced last week.

575. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Born.
Gallup – in Willimantic April 19 a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Dr. I.B. Gallup.

576. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Died.
Chappell – In South Windham, April 18th, R. Chappell aged 60 years.
Lyman – In Montville, April 21st, Harriet E. Lyman aged 29 years.
Spencer – In Willimantic, April 19th Charles C. Spencer, aged 17.
Ahern – In Willimantic, April 22 Bridget Ahern aged 46 years.
Shea – In Willimantic April 22, Maggie Shea aged 2 years.
Sullivan – In Willimantic, April 24th Abbie Sullivan aged 18 months.

577. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: To Rent. The Commodious Double Tenement House – well situated, spring water, beautiful view. Inquire at her residence on Jackson street for F.C. Byers.

578. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: At a Court of Probate Holden at Chaplin within and for the district of Chaplin on the 21st day of April, A.D. 1883. Present, Ephraim W. Day, Judge. This Court doth direct the executrix on the estate of Miner Allen late of Chaplin in said district deceased, represented to be insolvent to give notice to all persons interested in the estate of said deceased, to appear, (if they see cause,) before the court of probate to the holden at the probate office in said district on the 28th day of April, 1883, at 1 o’clock p.m., to be heard relative to the appointment of commissioners on said estate, by posting said order of notice on a public sign-post in said town of Chaplin nearest to the place where the deceased last dwelt, and by advertising the same in a newspaper published in Willimantic. Certified from record, E.W. Day, Judge.

579. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: I have secured the agency of the best coal mined Delaware, Lackawanna & Hudson Canal Co. Coal. My route is from Willimantic to Bolton, Willimantic to Jewett City, Willimantic to Elliott’s. Can deliver any time in ten days after the order. That is the only kind that I keep in stock and I don’t want any other. I also have the best assortment of Lumber, that I ever carried, and all at fair prices. I keep everything to build a house but hardware. Call and see me. Hyde Kingsley. Willimantic, May 1st, 1883. (Journal please copy.)

580. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: The Subscriber Gives Notice that the property, choses in action, and good will of the Mount Hope Spoke Company ha been sold to Mr. Joseph H. Bacon, a former partner in the concern, who has assumed all the outstanding debts and liabilities of the Company, and will continue the business at the old stand at Mount Hope, Mansfield. Geo. W. LeValley. Of the old Mount Hope Spoke Co. Mount Hope, April 6, 1883.

581. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: John Henry Gibbs, the colored boy who was recently arrested in New Haven on charges of rape and attempted rape, has been bound over for trial by the superior court.

582. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: J.D. Sweet & Co. Dealers in Fresh & Salt Fish. Oysters of the best quality. Clams & Quahaugs. Also spices, eggs, extracts, etc. A share of the public patronage is solicited.

583. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Wanted! Wanted! 1000 housekeepers at No. 96 Main Street to buy Furniture for Parlor, Library, Bedroom, Kitchen, Office and Veranda, Window Cornices, Curtains & Fixtures, Carpets in Tapestry and Body Brussels, Velvet Brussels, Wool, Cotton, Dutch, Hemp, Matting, Oilcloth &c. And at Bottom Prices. Upholstering and Repairing done by experienced workmen. Respectfully, J.C. Lincoln.

584. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: A.W. Bill, has a large lot of Ranges, cook, parlor and office stoves, glass, crockery and tin ware for sale very low, regardless of cost.

585. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Carrying Concealed Weapons. It must be admitted that with the growth of this country and with its advancement in civilization crime should have decreased. It cannot truthfully be said that this is the case. Without seeking other causes, it can be asserted, without fear of contradiction, that one reason for this is the criminal habit of carrying concealed weapons. We use the word “criminal” advisedly, for whatever is contrary to law is criminal. We do not consider it a mark of a brave man to carry concealed weapons, but rather the contrary. Of course there are circumstances in which carrying them is justifiable, but for a man to put on his pistol in the morning as regularly as he puts on his coat does not credit to him as a citizen nor as a man. Especially is this a dangerous habit in the young. Many of them think that it is manly. Poor fools. True manhood consists of courage of soul, in daring to do right, in abhorring bullying, braggadocio, and rowdyism. Let a thin-skinned youth of violent temper and great idea of his own importance and honor – heaven save the mark – stick a pistol habitually in his pocket and he is making of himself a dangerous element in a community. – Mobile Register.

586. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Farmers! Attention! Fifty tons fertilizers just received, including Stockbridge Manures, Dry Ground Fish, Fish and Potash, Bowkers Brighton Phosphate, Bay State Fertilizer, Darling’s Fine Ground Bone, Darling’s Animal Fertilizer, Crocker’s Ammoniated Bone Superphosphate, and Crocker’s Potato and Hop Phosphate, at manufacturers’ prices. Will it cost any more to plow and tend an acre for 300 bushels of potatoes than for 100 bushels? Will it not require equal labor to plow, cultivate and harvest ten, as it would fifty bushels of corn per acre? Feed the land and the land will not only feed you, but you will thereby magnify your calling and elevate agricultural enterprise. I offer also a good line of Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Plants, Vines and Roses. 100,000 Wakefield, Henderson’s Early, and Early Flat Dutch Cabbage Plants, all transplanted and rready as soon as wanted. Lettuce, tomato, pepper, celery and sweet potato plants in their season. Orders by mail or telephone promptly and carefully attended to. J.A. Lewis. April 2d, 1883.

587. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Marshall Tilden, Furnishing Undertaker. Coffins and Caskets, Caps, Shrouds, Etc. This branch of the business will receive the personal attention of A.E. Welden, who has for several years represented E.C. Potter in this line. E.C. Potter’s Old Stand.

588. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Lebanon.
A new dooryard fence and an addition to the L of his house, are some of the improvements recently made by N.B. Loomis Esq.
Early pigs are scarce and command good prices. Oliver Sherman had a very fine litter of ten of the Poland-China variety that sold like hot cakes at $5 per head.
Ex-Sheriff Cummings returned from his little excursion in search of Charles H. Bill the horse-trader(?) on Tuesday. As usual he was successful and bagged his game. The temperature is unusually low when William fails to make it hot for the party he gets in pursuit of.
A singular cloud formation was observed on Friday morning about five o’clock. A white narrow cloud, with edges sharply defined, with a uniform width of about twice that of a rainbow, extending from horizon to horizon from northwest to southeast passing directly through the zenith. It was moving rapidly and kept its peculiar shape for about half an hour. Our local bigwigs and bald-heads are unable to furnish any satisfactory explanation of the phenomenon; the cloud being too far gone to the west of Mansfield to be attributed to any unusual disturbance in that region.

589. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Willington.
The funeral of Mr. Elisha Shaffer, son of William Shaffer of this town, who died on Saturday 21st, in Drummonsville Canada, took place on Tuesday 25th, from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. William Waldo, at Glass Village. He was 41 years of age.
C.P. Rider returned to Moline, Ill., last week.
A Children’s Mission Band was organized on Saturday last, at the Baptist parsonage by the appointment of the following officers: President, Mrs. (Rev.) J.L. Phillips; Vice-President, Mrs. Solyman [sic] Taylor; Secretary, Miss Etta T. Holt; Treasurer, Miss Stella C. Potter. The enterprise is a good one, and it is hope it may result in the cultivation of a missionary spirit among the young people.
Rev. F.A. Holden has been invited to supply the pulpit of the Congregational church during the year and gives his answer next Sunday. He is almost universally liked, regardless of denominational proclivities for the reason of his possession of a truly union loving heart, and it is hoped he may decide to remain here.
James Hoyle is manufacturing pretty styles of ladies cloaking at his mills at Daleville.

590. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Tolland.
The annual meeting of the Tolland County medical society was held at the County Hotel on Thursday last at 10 o’clock a.m. There was a fair attendance, physicians being present from various parts of the county. The session proved an interesting one, subjects of interest to the profession and rare cases of disease being considered and related. Officers for the current year were elected as follows: chairman, M.B. Bennett M.D. of North Coventry; clerk, G.H. Preston M.D. of Tolland; Representatives to the state medical convention, E.P. Flint, M.D. of South Coventry, A.R. Goodrich, M.D. of Vernon, and S.G. Risley, M.D. of Rockville. Representatives to the National Medical convention E.K. Leonard M.D. of Rockville, C.B. Sumner, M.D. of Bolton, Censor, F.L. Smith M.D. of Stafford Springs; reporter, S.G. Risley, M.D. of Rockville. The repast provided by Landlord Johnson was very creditable to his ability as a caterer.

591. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Canterbury.
Mrs. Safford, an aged lady, died Thursday morning. Her demise had been expected by her family for some days. She was the mother of Mr. A.R. Safford and J.P. Kingsley, Esq.
Mr. Adolphus Imer died suddenly Wednesday night from rheumatic fever, aged about forty-nine years. He was of German birth. He had lived on Westminster hill for many years, was postmaster at the time of his death, and kept store. He was a man of robust constitution, a thriving and useful citizen. He will be mourned by the community, as well as the large family he leaves behind.
Mrs. O’Brien, a widow lady who resided alone in her own house near A.H. Bennett’s mill, a mile south of Canterbury green, was awakened from sleep Thursday night just in time to escape from her burning dwelling. It was entirely consumed with its contents. The origin of the fire is not known.

592. TWC Wed Apr. 25, 1883: Mamie, a ten year old daughter of I.E. Ayres of Falls Village, was burned to death by a bonfire Wednesday night.

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