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The Willimantic Chronicle - Year of 1882

Published every Wednesday.

McDonald & Safford, Editors and Publishers.
Office, Hall's Block, Main & Union Sts.
$1.50 per year.

M. Wallen, A.H. Freeman, O.G. Hanks. Prompter: O.M. Richardson.

Wed Apr 5 1882: About Town.
The services of a watering cart would be acceptable.
Town Clerk Wales resumed charge of his office on Monday.
Fred L. Clark has closed out his own meat business and accepted a position with Edward Harris.
A.R. Burnham's extensive carriage shop on Valley street is raised and will soon be fit for occupancy.
George Tiffany is adding an ell to his house on Pleasant street and otherwise improving the premises.
The shoemaker, R. Goldenblum, who has so long had a shop in Bassett block has removed to Hartford.
B.D. Crandall has sold his milk route to John Congdon, of Hampton, who recently bought a farm on Babcock Hill.
There seems to be an uncommon amount of moving this spring. The rapid growth of the village probably explains it.
Mr. A.W. Luther, of Hebron, has bought the milk route in this village of J.D. Jillson and took possession April first.
John Hickey has purchased three building lots on Bassett park of J.C. Bassett and is erecting a tenement house on one of them.
It is reported that J.M. Hall, Esq. has purchased the open lot this side of Superintendent Scott's residence with the intention of building.

447. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Luther Barstow of South Windham has bought the James M. Johnson place in Windham and with his son, Dr. Barstow has gone there to reside.

448. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The post office department at Washington has given notice that on April 10th will begin the issue of a new postage stamp of the denomination of five cents.

449. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: East Hartford parties have purchased the meat business of R. Davison at the corner of Jackson and Union streets and will continue the business at that place.

450. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The Sanderson house continues to be improved and a fresh coat of paint adds much to the external appearance. An electric enunciator and other minor conveniences have been put in.

451. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The remnant of the stock of good carried by E. Perry Butts & Co., which were bought by W.H. Pearce have been transferred to Conantville and will be sold or bartered there to country merchants.

452. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The new gas main was not carefully laid down in the beginning and as a consequence has engaged the attention of the superintendent of the works almost constantly since excavating to stop the leaks.

453. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Warden Baldwin received a telegram last night summoning him to Hartford to attend a hearing by the legislative committee on incorporations on the Hayden Water charter. There is something in the wind.

454. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The familiar farce of Rev. Dr. Church, formerly pastor of the Methodist church, was seen on our streets last week. He is at present occupying the pulpit recently resigned by Rev. Hugh Montgomery in Greenville.

455. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Brown Brothers of Lyman Viaduct, are having a house fitted up to accommodate their help. F.M. Thompson has the contract to furnish it. He has just furnished a house of the same kind for Merrick & Conant of East Hampton. See his advertisement on another page.

456. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Mrs. Van Cott will continue to hold meetings at the Methodist church every afternoon and evening this week. She will occupy the pulpit on Sunday, and in the morning of that day will hold a "love feast."

457. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The singing school finished their help by the Linen company will close the term next Monday. The exercises for the closing evening will be interesting, showing the progress made as well as affording a pleasant hour for visitors.

458. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Truant officer Barrows committed a boy who was unmanageable either by his parents or teacher to the Reform school at Meriden Friday. In all deserving cases the officer has the hearty approval of the public in meeting out proper punishment to unruly youths. We believe Windham stand at the head of the list in sending the fewest number of bad boys proportionately to the state reformatory.

459. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The fatal accident at the depot crossing last week aroused so much feeling among our people that a petition was circulated asking the General Assembly for legislation that would give the power, through the railroad commissioners to remove the danger which now exists. We sincerely hope it will pass, and luckily it was introduced by such parties that this is almost assured. The hearing before the judiciary committee was fixed for today.

460. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Rev. S. McBurney left town yesterday to attend the Methodist general conference of this district, which is being held at Providence. There is some fear that he may not be returned to this charge again as it is understood that he has had invitations to the ministration of more important churches. We should regret to lose so able and popular a preacher as Mr. McBurney, especially so as he is also a gentleman of many good social qualities.

461. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Sigmund Thalinger, of the opera house hair dressing rooms, has just received the fashion plate for April, showing the latest fashions in hair work. The Marquerete braid by its very simplicity and gracefulness recommends itself very highly. The Empress of Austria is now wearing her hair in this style and her lead is largely followed. Mr. Thalinger is prepared to fill all orders and give instructions in regard to it. He will also be pleased to show the ladies some of the new spring styles in front pieces.

462. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: A petition bearing the signatures of upwards of one hundred persons was presented to the selectmen a short time since requesting the removal of D.A. Lyman from position of superintendent of the town farm. The board invited the petitioners to meet them on Monday and show cause why he should be removed and about twenty-five of them responded. Those who desired his displacement were made up of both republicans and democrats, and it appeared from their testimony that their motives were personal, political, religious, etc. The selectman, however, are satisfied with the way he performs his duties and it is probable that he will be retained for the present.

463. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The regular annual meeting of the Congregational society was held at the church last evening. The following officers were chosen: Society-Committee: W.C. Jillson, A.T. Fowler and Geo. A. Conant. Clerk and treasurer: D.C. Barrows. Tithingmen: C.B. Pomeroy, G.H. Alford, Philo Preston, J.A. Stillman and P.J. Miller. Ushers: A.T. Fowler, R.B. Trescott, N.A. Stearns, D.F. Terry and F.M. Wilson. It was voted to continue the Sunday morning collection and also to sell the pews next Tuesday evening.

464. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The public library will not be open Saturday on account of removal to new quarters in Bank building.

465. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Mrs. A.L. Hall, successor to Miss Nellie Gavigan, has her millinery opening next Tuesday and Wednesday.

466. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Mr. C.L. Boss took an interest in the lumber and coal business with Mr. M.E. Lincoln April 1st, and the firm name will be Lincoln, Boss & Co.

467. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: J.B. Baldwin of the firm of Baldwin & Webb, has gone in company with some Boston gentlemen to Martha's Vineyard for the sport of hunting sea fowl.

468. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Miss M.E. Whiteside has engaged the rooms formerly occupied by Miss H.E. Brainard in Union block and the millinery business will be resumed there. She is fitting the apartments attractively and will doubtless furnish fashionable millinery.

469. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The trout law was off April 1st. The first to take advantage of this freedom, who have had any success in entrapping the speckled beauties, were E.A. Damon and Arthur Kenyon. They took on Monday from the brooks hereabouts eleven handsome specimens, two of which weighed nearly a pound each.

470. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The call boxes at the post office have been advanced in rent from $1 to $1.50 per year. The increase is creating a wide feeling of dissatisfaction among the people and some prefer to get their mail at the general delivery rather than pay it. The price is unquestionably too high and we hope Postmaster Walden will reconsider this action, and return to the former figure. Public sentiment is universally against this course and he will be acting wisely to heed it.

471. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: A serious runaway accident occurred on West Main street Friday afternoon. A horse in charge of George Bradshaw was allowed to go alone into the street and laid down to roll before he could be prevented from doing so. Arnold Potter's team driven by his wife with two other ladies in the carriage came along just at that time, and the horse was frightened by the sight of the other wallowing in the street. He shied and struck the wagon against the curbing upsetting it and throwing the occupants to the ground. The horse ran a short distance dragging the wagon on its side to G.M. Harrington's store, where he was caught, having done no damage to it. The ladies were all badly shaken up by the fall. Mrs. Potter was painfully bruised and another lady had her nose split, but the other one escaped any injury. Dr. McNally was on hand and rendered the aid which was required.

472. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The intelligence came last night that Thomas Smith, president of the Linen company, died yesterday at noon at his residence in Hartford, of bronchitis at the advanced age of 80 years. The Courant says:--He had been in infirm health for some time, but the disease which resulted in his death was not contracted until a recent visit to an only son in New York. Deacon Smith was born in this city and always resided here. For many years he carried on the saddler's business with is brother Norman. About the year 1860 [or 1866] Deacon Smith sold his interest in the firm of N. & T. Smith, and thereupon the present firm of Smith, Bourn & Co., was established. Deacon Smith retired with a fortune. Since then he has not been actively engaged in business. He was one of the largest stockholders of the Wilimantic Linen Company, and succeeded the late Austin Dunham as president of that corporation.

473. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: At a burgess meeting held at the borough office Monday evening the following business was transacted: Voted to pay gas bill, $1.75; Keigwin Loomer & Stiles, rent, $25; R. Davison, rent. $56.25; James Walden, $90; U.S. Street Lighting Co., $112.75; C.R. Utley, $4.28; Luke Flynn and W.P. Worden, $62 each; Horace Hall, $4; Fanny Y. Fitch, $37.50; Labor bill, $23.13. A proposition was received and accepted from I. Sanderson to present a lamp and post in front of the Sanderson house to the borough provided they would keep it lighted. The street lamp opposite that hotel was ordered removed to some point between the corner of Milk street and L. Freeman's. The following abatements of taxes on list of 1880 were made: W.J. Connor, 45 cents; Caroline Gilman, 50 cents; E.H. Hall, 38 cents; Holland's saloon, $1.65; J.J. Kennedy, $1.65; Mary Rooney, $1.98; Edgar A. Rood, $1.98; W.C. Lyman, $3.50; Continental Life Insurance Co., $15. The warden was authorized to remove the borough property to rooms in Bank building and suitably equip the same for its reception. Voted to adjourn to Monday evening, April 17th at their new quarters.

474. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: By slow degrees the telegraph pole nuisance will disappear. Cleveland is the last city to move for the introduction of the underground wire system.

475. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: South Windham.
The last exciting event which transpired here was an attempt at suicide Saturday, on the part of a young man, a comparative stranger here, who shot himself in the breast near the residence of Mr. J.W. Martin. Frank Larkin, 19 years of age, whose home is in the vicinity of Narragansett Pier, R.I., has been visiting relatives in this vicinity for some weeks and recently engaged to work for Eldridge Brewster in Lebanon. On Saturday forenoon he called at Mr. Martin's house, which he left by a back door, and when but a few steps away shot himself with a small pistol, the ball entering the breast just forward of the shoulder and passing downward till near the bottom of the breast bone, glanced and took an upward direction. He proceeded to H.E. Card's house and after telling what he had done, he was carried to Bradford Larkin's and Dr. Barstow was summoned to examine the wound. He probed for the ball, followed its course several inches, but failed to find it and was unable to say where it had lodged. The young man was around in the evening and departed for Mr. Brewster's on the evening train. He told Dr. Barstow that the pistol was accidentally pulled from his pocket with his handkerchief, and dropping on a stone exploded; but he afterwards admitted that he fired the shot. During Saturday and Sunday he was somewhat delirious though Monday he was said to be at work. He can consider himself extremely fortunate if he recovers from the wound without any serious trouble, even if the ball only entered the flesh. He gives--I believe--no reason for the rash act but it is generally believed that his mind was not entirely straight upon some subjects. He left his home suddenly to come here on account of a disappointment in a love affair, and as I am told has acted strangely in many respects since. He attempted to cultivate an acquaintance of some of the young ladies in this place, but as his advances were distasteful to them they were rejected, and this, it is thought, was the cause of the act.
J.P. Miller had a reunion social at Music hall last week and a very pleasant time is reported.
Smith Winchester & Co. are receiving a number of new lathes and otherwise increasing their facilities for doing machine work.

476. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Andover.
Our farmers are now getting about their spring's work. Farm help is exceedingly scarce here this spring.
The first Eccl. Society held their annual meeting Wednesday March 29th, at which the following officers were elected for the coming year: Clerk, T.O.P. Hyde; Treasurer, Gurley Phelps; Committee, Geo. F. Blackman; J.S. Topliff and George Kenyon; Collector, Wm. Kerney. It was voted to leave the supply of the pulpit for the coming year with the committee. It is not yet known wither the Rev. Mr. Miller who has supplied the pulpit very satisfactory for a number of years can be obtained or not. Mr. Miller resides in Springfield, Mass., and he recently lost his wife. Mrs. Miller has visited here a number of times and was well known to many of our people. Mr. Miller has the sympathy of all our people in this his sad bereavement.
The Andover Library association held its annual meeting Saturday April 1st, at which the following officers were chosen: President, Bissell E. Post; Vice President, Elliott P. Skinner; Secretary and Treasurer, Henry T. Dorrance; Library committee, Myron P. Yeomans, Andrew Phelps and Henry F. Standish. The treasurer's report showed a balance of a little over twenty dollars in the treasury. The report of the librarian Mr. H.G. Dorrance showed a decidedly increased interest on the part of our people in the library, the number of readers having increased rapidly the past winter. A vote of thanks to Mr. Thos. Porter of New York, was unanimously passed, for his recent gift of 127 books. A committee of one for each school district was appointed to canvass the town for aid to the library.
Section master A.C. Brown of the N.Y. & N.E.R.R. has moved into Mrs. L.A. Hutchinson's house.
Mrs. F.E. Porter has a son. The little fellow arrived April 1st, but for all that he is said to be no April fool.
Mr. Wm. N. Cleveland has had his rights restored by the present general assembly. The best thing he can do now is to go and sin no more.
The sale of seats in the Cong'l church took place Monday afternoon April 3d. The bidding was not particularly spirited. A number of good seats can still be obtained by making application to the committee.

477. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Lebanon.
S. Arnold Peckham and Wm. L. Huntington left town on Monday last for Dacota.
Mrs. Ella A. Mason and Miss Katie Rogers, of South Coventry, who have been spending a couple of weeks here visiting their relatives and friends, have returned home.
Mr. Joseph Wells and wife returned last week from Charlestown S.C., where they have been sojourning during the winter. Mr. Wells reports the farmers as busily engaged planting cotton when he left; corn, potatoes and other spring crops being up and looking well.
Mr. Lyman Loomis of Willington, a brother of Joel Loomis Esq., of Liberty Hill, moved a load of goods into the "Holmes" house near Sweet & Bill's steam mill, on Friday last, to be followed by himself and family this week.
A contemptible act of vandalism was perpetrated at the Center on Sunday evening of last week. A party of hoodlums, to whom the finger of suspicion strongly points entered the district school room at the academy and amused themselves by tearing from the ceiling several yards of plastering, cutting and splitting the benches and stuffing the stove with books. One of the party also left, expressed in choice and elegant phraseology, a beautiful specimen of his handwriting upon the blackboard. As Sunday school and bible class scholars, they are the "boss" boys, and should each be presented with a number ten breech loader and a photograph of Guiteau.
At a meeting of the First Congregational society on Thursday last, it was voted to have but one Sabbath service and that to commence at 11 o'clock a.m. The hard fisted and overworked granger can now take his customary Sunday afternoon nap at home.
The Board of Education held a meeting on Tuesday March 28th, for the examination of teachers. All of the applicants received certificates. At the close of the sessions, Edward S. Hinckley chairman of the board, in a few pertinent remarks resigned his position as one of its members, as he intends soon to change his residence to Norwich. The following resolution introduced by Dr. W.P. Barber was unanimously voted: Resolved--That the thanks of the board of education of this town, be at this time given to Edward S. Hinckley for the able and efficient manner which has characterized his performance of the various duties which have been incumbent upon him during a long membership; and further resolved we accept his resignation with regret and extend to him our kindest wishes, hoping his interest in education which has been manifested by many years of successful teaching may not cease, and that he may find in his future home a field for the exercise of these qualities which we believe him so eminently qualified to use.
The following districts have been supplied with teachers: Centre, Miss Sarah Payne; Tobacco street, Miss Emma Peckham; Liberty Hill, Miss Fannie Abell; North, (Exeter) Miss Ashley of Willimantic; Uptown, (Baptist society) Miss Mary Standwish; East, (Exeter) Miss Emma Spaulding; Cedar Swamp, (Goshen) Miss Mary W. Peckham.
A very sudden and remarkable death occurred in Exeter on Friday last. Mr. Jason Whipple while on his way to Colchester, accompanied by his daughter, having proceeded from home but a short distance, dropped the lines which he was holding and slipped from his seat into the body of the wagon. His daughter thinking he was in a fit or had fainted, hurried on to a house hear by when it was discovered that the unfortunate man was dead, having undoubtedly expired instantly. His body was taken to Chesterfield for interment.

478. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The Norwich Bulletin says: At about 2 o'clock Wednesday morning a fire was discovered in the second story of the Canterbury paper mill, the smallest of the mills owned by the Reade paper Company, situated about two miles northeast of Hanover. The mill has been running night and day with two sets of workmen and was running when the fire broke out. The fire originated near the __g duster. The flames made such headway that it was impossible to save the building. The mill and the machinery were destroyed. It was with the greatest difficulty that the five tenement houses near by were saved. The total loss is about $30,000, insured $20,000.

479. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The Transcript says: "If any merchant in Danielsonville fears that railroads will ruin the trade of his own village, let him look at Willimantic, whose citizens can reach two cities in less than an hour, and yet trade is humming with the merchants in that village. So will it be here when the Ponagansett is built.

480. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The Doomed Relic. The immediate question of interest is: What will Utah do about it? It has 145,000 inhabitants, of whom about 120,000 are Mormons. It is of the utmost importance to the Territory to be admitted to the Union as a State at the earliest possible moment. Nothing but polygamy stands in the way of its admission. That relic of barbarism is a rock against the door, and none but Mormon hands can roll it away.

481. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Mr. Henry C. Bowen, publisher of the religious weekly paper known as the New York Independent, has been playing, according to all accounts, a nice trick with the Connecticut legislature, securing Roseland Park in Woodstock, Conn., an exemption from taxation as a public ground where the public can't enjoy its beauties for a day without paying fees in various ways as it would on any private ground. Bowen has so fixed things that the estate under the unconstitutional act, is preserved for the Bowens forever, an entailment of property contrary to American law. This christian publisher is reported to hold $150,000 of property in Woodstock and last year paid a tax on only $12,000.

482. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Mansfield.
Deacon Nathaniel Boynton, Post master on Spring Hill, died at his residence at that place April 3d, after a lingering illness of several weeks. In the death of Dea. Boynton the church on the hill loses a pillar, and they are doubly afflicted in the loss of deacons, for it is but a short time since they experienced a similar loss in the death of Dea. Spencer, and it is a serious question with them at present as to who will fill their vacant place, for the acting members have so dwindled away, that but few now, in comparison with former times attend to Zion's solemn feasts.
The sudden and unexpected death of Stutely M. Sweet of Coventry, who was a victim of the dangerous railroad crossing at Willimantic last week, fell like a pall and cast a feeling of gloom and sadness over the community, seldom if ever witnessed before. Mr. Sweet had a wide circle of acquaintances and his untimely death seemed to have shocked everyone. He was a substantial man, a successful farmer, upright and honest in his dealings, genial and courteous in his intercourse with all, and had a host of personal friends who will greatly miss his pleasant company and cheerful society.

483. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Columbia.
N.P. Little has purchased of Mrs. Bascomb the wood lot connected with the old hotel farm but the other premises she retains.
Frank Woodward moves his family to Colchester this week and is to be in the employ of the Hayward Rubber Co.
Chas. H. Clark, a former resident of this place but who for several year past has been residing in Hartford, has returned to the old homestead. We welcome him and his genial wife back to Columbia with gladness.
School in Pine street, Miss Lizzie Brown teacher, commences the 10th inst.
The pair of cattle levied on for the tax of S.S. Collins was sold on Thursday for the sum of $102, the only bid made. Warren A. Collins was the purchaser.
On Wednesday Seth S. Collins commenced a suit against the collector for damages from the levy upon his oxen and an attachment was made. This is but the commencement of sorrows.
Miss Edith Clark and Miss Lucy Sawyer are engaged as teachers in schools in Ellington.
Members of the Masonic fraternity attended the funeral services of Stutely M. Sweet on Friday.

484. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Ashford.
We clip the following from a late state paper:--Sebrey Griggs Weeks , a native of Ashford, went to Collinsville March 28th, 1832, fifty years ago, and nearly all that time has worked for the Collins company, and has done more days work than any man that has ever worked for them. Although nearly seventy two years of age, he still works every day, and is as active as most men at fifty.
Work on the new barn at the parsonage in Warrenville is being pushed rapidly forward. It is expected that the building will be completed the present week.
Tidings have recently been received from Prof. D.G. Lawson. He was at Cornith, Miss.

485. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Westford.
An earnest effort is being made to secure the services of the Rev. James B. Connell for another year as pastor of the Westford Baptist church. This is Mr. Connell's first charge, which covers a period of nine months, during which time the church and society have prospered and the congregation has increased to almost double the former number. Mr. Connel is highly esteemed as a Christian man and an able preacher.
Some changes have taken place this week in the occupancy of the different dwellings. Postmaster Henry H. Richmond has taken possession of the house late purchased from Buck & Dean; Charles L. Huntley will occupy the house Mr. Richmond vacated. Mr. David Russ has moved on to the Samuel Chaffee place, where he will conduct the meat business on an extensive scale.
Col. C.L. Dean, our representative, is spending a few days at the home of his mother.
The boy Huges who accidentally shot himself while amusing himself with a pistol is doing well. The ball, which entered the palm of his hand, was extracted by our resident physician.

486. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Mansfield.
The home of our well known townsman W.H. Gardiner, was on Tuesday evening of last week the scene of one of those delightful anniversary occasion which reveal to every participant, experienced in wedded life, the bright halo surrounding the earliest vows and the milder lustre of later steadfast love. Monday evening, the real anniversary, proved stormy, the surprise--as it really was--was postponed until the following evening, however, a party of friends from Willimantic, nothing daunted by the inclement weather, put in an appearance on Monday evening and pleasantly whirled the hours away, leaving substantial tokens of their friendship and affection Not a word was uttered in reference to a "tin wedding" and when a kind hearted lady (who entertains scruples about hearing her exact avoirdupois known) called at the door on Tuesday evening and remarked, if other company as being entertained she should not stay, and a host of other friends just then began to appear. Mr. Gardiner and his estimable lady began to realize that some plot, deep and dark, but instigated and executed by respect and affection had been successfully carried out without even arousing their suspicion. And now commenced one of the pleasantest evenings of social intercourse, we ever participated in. Prof. Dimock and other skilled musicians assisted in vocal and instrumental music, and words of congratulations appropriate to the occasion were spoken by Rev. Mr. Chaplin of Spring Hill, B. Frank Bennett of Willimantic, and Dr. Flint, Coventry. A plentiful collation was served at a reasonable hour. The presents were numerous and various and not at all confined to tin, many of them being of more value than could well be comprised in article composed of that metal.

487. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: South Coventry.
The life and character of Stutely M. Sweet of Coventry, who was fatally injured at the Willimantic depot March 27th, deserves more than a passing notice. Mr. Sweet was a man well and widely known, not only in his own, but in adjoining towns as being able, honest and upright in character.
He was born at West Greenwich, R.I., May 6th, 1822, and thus was nearly sixty years of age at the time of his death. He was of French ancestry, the first bearing the name, emigrating to this country early in the seventeenth century. The old family residence at West Greenwich, in which his grandfather, father and himself were born, still stands and is one of the oldest houses in that section, a mass of quarried granite in the great old fashioned stone chimney bearing the date of erection, 1753.
His only education was such as was afforded by the common schools of that day in a sparsely settled district, where the main qualifications of the teachers were to be able to read, and remain in possession of such place as was denominated the schoolhouse. Left at the age of twenty, by the death of his parents, in poverty, and possessing only his good name with which to fight the battle of life, he made himself a worthy example of New England's self-made men. He always followed the occupation of farming, and twenty-three years since removed from Coventry, R.I., to Coventry, Conn., and purchased, in company with his brother, the farm where he resided from that time till his death, a few years later purchasing his brother's interest.
In politics, Mr. Sweet was a democrat. He possessed considerable executive ability, and held the highest town offices, and also represented Coventry in the General Assembly in 1876, being the first one of his political party that had had that honor for nearly twenty-five years, he was a member of the board of selectmen, and was town agent two years of this time, after which he declined being a candidate for official position. His official duties were always discharged with integrity and faithfulness.
While the deceased will be missed by the community at large, his loss will be most keenly felt by his neighbors and family. His excellent health and strong physical developments, seemed to ensure to him perpetual youth. He took an interest in amusements such as few men of his years do, and never was too old to participate in athletic sports and games with his boys and their young friends. He was always ready to extend a helping hand, if need be, to his neighbors, and his wise counsel, good judgment, and assistance were often sought. But it is upon the bereaved family, the wife and children, that the blow will fall most heavily. No admonition came from them on that fatal morning when he went out from his home full of life and health, on his mission of love, to visit and comfort his sick brother, that it was the going out which was to know no return. The fatal event cast no shadow before to warn or prepare them for the coming gloom.
It may be said that the worldly pride, ambition and happiness of the deceased seemed centered in his family, and his greatest pleasure was in counseling and assisting them, and their pleasures and prosperities, or sorrows and misfortunes were made his own.
An affectionate husband, a kid father, and an honest, conscientious and respected citizen has gone from us.
He has been for a number of years a member of Warren Lodge No. 50 F & A. M., and was buried with Masonic honors.
He leaves a wife, three sons, William F., Charles A. and Fred S., and one daughter, the latter wife of Judge Dwight Webler of Coventry. Of the sons, William and Fred are merchants engaged in trade in South Coventry village. William is one of Coventry's representatives to the present state legislature. Two nephews, sons of a deceased sister, have for several years been members of the family, he treating them as his own children.

488. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Scotland.
April 9th, 1782, one hundred years ago next Sunday, Rev. James Coggswell, pastor of the Congregational church in this village; preached an impressive discourse, on the occasion of the funeral of Cotterel Smith, who took his own life, by hanging. The sermon was printed by John Trumbull of Norwich the following year, and probably but few copies are now in existence. The one in the possession of the writer is much the worse for wear. No reason has ever come to light why Cotterel Smith should take his own life. No circumstance can be cited to show that the act was premeditated, and his conduct on the fatal morning did not give his friends the slightest suspicion of the sad catastrophe. His father's will, dated January 27, 1782 gave Cotterel one half the lands and buildings belonging to the estate (which has ever since remained in the Smith family) and the inventory of the estate of Cotterel Smith taken May 4th, 1782, amounted to 460 pounds 10 shillings and 6 pence, which was quite a fortune in those days, so that it was not money troubles that drove him to commit the rash act. The inventory was very explicit, even "old stockings," "old boots" "scane of Twist," "old sithe and tacklen," etc. being named and a price set on them. The "real estate" was valued at 298 pounds 17 shillings and 6 pence, and the deceased had on hand in state money, 1 pound 3 shillings; hard money, 40 pounds 15 shillings; and in Continental money, 140 pounds 2 shillings. Of the sermon above referred to we have space for only a single extract, which shows that Scotland bore her part in the struggle which secured for us our national independence. The speaker said: "Your country has been in imminent danger. How many of your dear friends and neighbors have fallen in battle, or perished by inhuman cruelty in captivity. Have not many others returned enfeebled, half dead, who have only just escaped the yawning grave? And now when you had just heard of one of your number and acquaintance murdered and mangled in a manner shocking to humanity by a merciless enemy; last if all, this surprising, tragical scene was permitted to take place among you. Your acquaintance, your friend, your companion is gone; has put a period to his own life; for what motive no person in the world can so much as guess. O, then be entreated to hear Christ saying to you in this providence, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Be ye therefore ready, for at such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man cometh."
Rev. Mr. Pettibone was in town last week and will inform the Congregational society in a few days whether or not he will accept the call to preach in our village. Rev. A.A. Hurd, our former pastor has been engaged for another year in Monticello, Minn. An effort was recently made to raise funds to build him a parsonage, and one half the amount was pledged within twenty-four hours. We are glad that Mr. Hurd is among a people who can appreciate him and his work.
Charles Warner, a former resident of our village, late of Pawtucket, R.I. has taken the house at the grist mill, and will act as miller
Miss Ida Palmer has been engaged to teach the summer term of Centre school.
The person who, by mistake, took a copy of Scott's Lessons and a Murray's Reader last Saturday afternoon is requested to return them and oblige the owner.

489. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Danielsonville.
Mr. Lyman D. Adams died suddenly Sunday morning of heart disease. Mr. Adams has been engaged in blacksmithing in this village for over thirty years, and was favorably known to a large circle of friends and patrons.
Mr. Joel Witter, of the firm Waldo Bros. has brought of Mr. John Davenport his interest in his coal business, Mr. Davenport going to Putnam and succeeding Mr. Brown in the same business in Putnam.

490. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Born.
Dunham--In Willimantic, March 27th, a son, (Leon Ashley) to Walter and Vinna Dunham.

491. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882. Died.
Slate--In Mansfield, Saturday April 1, Fanny, relict of the late Dea. N. Slate, aged 84 years. A good mother and kind neighbor.
Caswell--In Lebanon, March 31st, Phoebe Caswell, aged 75.
Boynton--In Mansfield, April 3d, Deacon Nathaniel Boynton aged 68.
Bernhart--In Windham, Mar. 30th, George Bernhart, aged 42 years.
Davis--In Hop River, Mar. 31st, Calvin Davis, aged 37 years.
Champlin--In Willimantic, March 31, William A. Champlin, aged 52 years.
Clark--In Lebanon, March 31st, Julia E. Clark, aged 28 years and 9 months.
Hall--In Mansfield, April 3d, Daniel L. Hall, aged 5 weeks.

492. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Library Notice.--The Willimantic Borough library will be closed from this date to be re-opened in the front west room second story of Bank building, corner of Bank and Main streets, on Wednesday, April 12th, 1882, at 3 o'clock p.m. L.E. Baldwin, Warden. Willimantic, April 5th, 1882

493. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: The captains of several vessels which arrived in New York a few days ago report that they had passed through enormous masses of dead fish, the sea being covered with them for over forty miles. The fish had probably been killed by some volcanic eruption.

494. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: Six Zuni Indian chiefs have traveled all the way from their home in New Mexico to Boston for the purpose of paying homage to the Atlantic ocean, "the god of the waters," one of their principal deities. For 196 years their supply of holy water form the great sea had not been replenished, and the chiefs and medicine men were sent on the long journey to propitiate the Great Spirit and implore his continued favor. They were accompanied in their pilgrimage to the ocean beach by several hundred spectators. The chiefs chanted to the ocean, smoked sacred cigarettes, and filled seven demijohns with water, which they will carry back to New Mexico to use in future ceremonies.

495. TWC Wed Apr 5 1882: American Newspapers in 1882. The American Newspaper Directory, which will be issued next month by Geo. P. Rowell & Co., of New York, will contain the names of 10,611 periodicals in the United states and Territories, which is a gain of 344 in the year just passed.

497. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: About Town.
The street watering cart made its first appearance today.
Main street is undergoing a spring cleaning under the direction of Warden Baldiwn.
Mr. James H. French expects soon to remove to Bridgeport, this state, where he will engage in business.
Instead of E.W. Luther, as stated last week, it is E.W. Latham who has bought J.D. Jillson's milk route.
V.B. Jordan expects a car load of Canada horses today which will be for sale at his stable on Walnut street.
JH.T. Lynch leaves for Chicago today where he will occupy a position in the counting room of a large grain commission house.
W.C. Fuller contemplates the erection of two cottages on the open lot on Prospect street opposite the residence of Hon. Edwin A. Buck.
Mr. A.A. Conant of this village, has leased the Harrington silk mill at South Coventry and will engage in the manufacture of machine twist.
The amount of labor required to regulate the new library rooms is more than expected and in consequence it will not be open to the public today.
On Saturday the influx of country people together with a lively runaway and other commonplace happenings lent to our principal thoroughfare the dash of city life.
Fast Day was observed after the usual quiet fashion but with no religious services other than the Methodist church. Some of the stores were closed part of the day.
The roller skating rink in Colchester under the management of Baker & Webster of this place is successful. A party of ladies and gentlemen went over there Friday night and report a good time.

498. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Mr. F.C. Stark is fitting up the livery stable which he recently bought of Jas. H French, with some of the best carriages and horses which he can obtain, and he has now a stable equal to any in town.

499. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: The Stonington Mirror says of Hadlai A. Hull Esq., who read law in the office of J.L. Hunter Esq.: "The counsellor is not only handsome and accommodating but also an able jurist and thorough-going business man."

500. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Misses Lottie and Carrie Buck are home from school to spend the Easter vacation and Miss L.M. Buck is home from a winter's visit in the west. Mr. A.L. Hathaway is for a few days home from Boston where he is engaged in the law.

501. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Dr. Almy of Norwich, assisted by Dr. Barstow of Windham, performed a delicate surgical operation on the person of B.S. Wilbur, proprietor of the Windham house, yesterday. They removed a cancer from his face taking out half the cheek and at last reports the patient was doing well.

502. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: The town of Windham is for a part of this year permitted to exercise more than her allotted number of hands at the wheel of legislation in Hartford. This undue influence is obtained by the removal to this village of Mr. M.L. Barstow from Scotland and Mr. O.L. Johnson from Franklin who were each elected from the respective towns named.

503. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: The exercises which were announced for last Monday evening at the close of the Linen company's singing school, which has been under the instruction of J.J. Kennedy, have been postponed till Thursday of next week and will be at the opera house. It will be free to the help and to invited guests.

504. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Under the direction of Messrs E.F. and J.W. Burleson, formerly of this place, the young people of Jewett City are to produce Lester Wallack's play of "Rosedale" on the evening of April 25th, 27th and 29th. It will be put on the stage in elaborate style and the scenery has been painted especially for the occasion, at a cost of $125.

505. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Ross O'Laughlin was brought before Justice of the Peace Clark Monday charged with violating the liquor law in selling to a party whom the selectmen had forbidden him to furnish with liquor. He was found guilty and fined $25 and costs of prosecution. He appealed the case to the superior court and five other indictments that were held against him were adjourned until today.

506. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Rhode Island's legislators are wrathy because the Rev. S.J. Carroll, formerly of this place, at the Providence conference, made this statement: "It came from the lips of a person in the legislative halls of this state that when the temperance folks were trying to get them to pass a prohibitory law, the members of the house drank choice liquors that had been set out for them free of cost in the ante-room by the liquor sellers." The solons are taking him to task for his remarks.

507. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: The New London Day editorally says: "Willimantic will not much longer be able to retain its primitive village simplicity. The time is very near at hand when it will be necessary to substitute city for borough government. It is entirely within the limits of possibility that before the completion of the next census Willimantic will be not only the manufacturing but the general business center of eastern Connecticut." Primitive village simplicity is very good, but what about the complexity of New London?

508. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: A professional man of this place, was held on Monday for overdriving a livery horse in Norwich. It seems that he hired a horse of Charles L. Baldwin one day last week to go to Taftville and return at once. Instead of making Taftville his destination he drove to this village, and after keeping the horse several days returned the animal to the stable, and left a charge on the books in lieu of cash with Mr. Baldwin. He was so reticent as to the use he had made of the horse and so evasive in his style, that he was complained of and held to answer for the offence. His case was adjourned until Monday, May 1st.

509. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Dignitaries of the New York and New England and New London Northern railroads, among them Supt. Shepard, General Manager Felton, of the N.Y. and N.E., and Supt. Bentley of the N.L.N., by appointment met with Warden Baldwin and Burgess Buck at the depot this morning to discuss the Bridge street crossing and how to remedy the danger. It was decided to submit the matter to Jeremiah Halsey, Esq., of Norwich, as a referee to decide how far the railroads were responsible. The matter has been before the court of burgesses a number of times in previous years but to no purpose. They will return tomorrow, it is said, to view the depot surroundings.

510. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: It is reported on good authority that the Linen company will discontinue the merchandise departments in the upper part of their store building when the present stock of goods is disposed of, and transform them into offices for the use of the company. The principal offices, it is understood, will be removed from Hartford to this place. This will be good news for our town merchants outside of the grocery and meat trade, and creditable to the company in promoting the business interest of the village. Now if they would only abolish the whole establishment it would remove a widespread local enmity which has sprung up against the company on this account.

511. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: The doubt about the return of Rev. S. McBurney to this charge has been dispelled by his reappointment. This is good news. The general conference elected Rev. H.D. Robinson of New London, presiding elder for this district. The following were appointments which were made to churches in this section: Colchester, C.A. Stenhouse; Danielsonville, J.H. James; Jewett City, S. McKeown; New London, S.O. Benton; North Manchester, H.H. Martin; Putnam, J. Tregaskis; Rockville, R. Povey; South Coventry, to be supplied; South Manchester, J.C. Gowan; Stafford Springs, A.P. Palmer; Staffordville and Willington, E.M. Anthony; Tolland Lee church, W.H. Parkington; Vernon Depot, C.S. Morse; Versailles, and Baltic, J.H. Sherman; Voluntown and Griswold, W. Ruby; West Thompson, L.W. Blood.

512. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: The microscopic exhibition at Franklin hall, last Wednesday and Thursday evenings, by Prof. A.A. Starr, was instructive, amusing and astonishing. With his instruments he showed a veritable aquatic menagerie. Besides exhibiting interesting parts of minute insects magnified to a mammoth size, and showing some of the common flies, worms and parasites, he introduced his living creatures, none of which were a quarter of an inch in length, although they appeared wriggling on the screen a million times bigger than life. He had alive water fleas, a water spider, aquatic scorpions and slugs, snails and their eggs, animalculae, the larva of a neuropterous insect, all of which appeared in various acts. The feeding of the water tiger with the larva of a mosquito was a very interesting performance, the tiger being so translucent that the pieces were seen to pass to the digestive organs. The lungs of several water insects and the whole internal structure in active operation was shown. It was one of the most novel and profitable entertainments ever given here.

513. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: The legislative correspondent of the Bulletin has the following about the mater which is of vital importance to the people of this village: "The recent railroad fatality at Willimantic has led to the presentation to the legislature of a bill designed to prevent such accidents in the future. It gives to the railroad commissioners future power in the matter of regulating approaches to railway stations and of causing the change of location of depots. It is operative only in towns having 5,000 inhabitants upon complaint of the selectmen. Speaker Hall advocated the bill before the judiciary committee this afternoon and Mr. Brandegee appeared for the New London northern railroad in opposition. The latter maintained that danger at Willimantic arose from the practice of the New York & New England railroad in making up their freight trains near the depot, and that the road which he represented should not be made liable to trouble and expense because of mischiefs which it did not cause or maintain." From this it appears that it is not the New York and New England road that is the cat in the meal, but the New London Northern that does not want to furnish this village with better depot accommodations.

514. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Mansfield Center.
Mr. L.D. Brown of this place has lately placed a fine monument in his family lot in the new cemetery. It is of granite from the firm of Merritt, Gray & Co., of Groton. It is twenty feet in height and for proportional symmetry, beauty of design and artistical taste and finish, can scarcely be excelled. Judging from this specimen of their work they can successfully compete with any other company of this kind in the country.
The will of Mrs. Emily Trowbridge who died some two months ago, will be contested by parties who are her nearest relatives. The will shows plainly, that erasures and additions have been made since it was first written, and for that reason its validity is questioned. The amount of property covered is not large, but enough to furnish counsel fees and cover incidental expenses.
Also the will of Alonzo Levalley of Mt. Hope is contested, on the ground of incapacity. Making two wills that have been contested within a week, the only instances of the kind that have occurred since I.P. Fenton was elected Judge of Probate, which was twelve years ago.
Mrs. Isaac W. Storrs of Mansfield, who was cited to appear before Probate Judge Fenton on Monday, April 3d, appeared on Monday, April 10th, according to adjournment. She was cited to appear and disclose if she held any of her absconding brother's (Charles Campbell,) property in her possession, also what she knew with regard to his disposition of it. Alvan P. Hyde, Esq., of Hartford, appeared as counsel for the trustee and creditors, and Hon. John M. Hall for the opposite party. Mrs. Storrs testimony relative to her brother's affairs appeared to everyone present to be straightforward, candid and truthful, and what the result of this investigation may be, will be better known hereafter. There was as there usually is, some sparring between the counsel, objections were frequent, they wanted to "submit" often, but did not submit worth a cent.

515. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Ashford.
The Pioneer Gold & Silver Mining Co. of Westford sent a ton of rock from their mine to Providence a short time ago and it yielded $18.50 per ton, which has given the stockholders new courage to work the mine. They have leased the store in Westford and bought out the goods of Henry Richmond, the former proprietor, and are refitting and will refurnish the store and keep a larger stock of goods than has formerly been kept there. Mr. Lewis, the principal manager of the business, is very confident that the mine will pay well to work it. Hon. Chas. L. Dean has just sold a tract of land adjoining this gold mine that is said to contain some very good specimens of rock and the parties that have bought it are quite confident that there is gold in paying quantities to work. If this is so we may soon have another mine all in working order.
The Free Will Baptist church in Westford is undergoing repairs, in consequence of which there was no service held there last Sabbath. The church is in a very satisfactory condition under the pastorate of Rev. Connell notwithstanding this is her first year in the ministry.
A new barn has been built for the use of the minister at Warrenville, on the parsonage grounds and was all completed in six days and the laborers rested on the seventh.
Widow Eliza Knowlton has been dangerously sick for some days past but is at present considered a little more comfortable, although not wholly out of danger.
Edgar Kidder has been very sick with diphtheria and typhoid fever.
Mrs. John Miller has been quite sick for two weeks.
Bezaleel White is building an addition of 50 feet in length to his barn which will make the largest barn, when completed, in Ashford.
The tax collector is making his annual visit to the tax payers in town and is meeting with excellent success so far. Those that pay their taxes before the 10th of April are entitled to a deduction of one per cent.
The insurance company have adjusted the loss on the stock of goods of W.M. Whitaker who was burned out a short time ago. It is reported that he has purchased a house of Daniel Griggs and will convert a portion of it into a store and will soon be selling goods again in Ashford.
Our popular stage driver, John Bolles, has moved from Ashford to Mansfield Center. Although he has ceased to dwell among us, still we see his smiling face almost daily in the discharge of his obligation to the government and his courtesy to the citizens along his route. Although John you have ceased to abide with us, yet we love thee still.

516. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Columbia.
The mother of Walton Thompson of South Coventry, has assumed the care of his infant daughter, the other grandmother of the child, Mrs. Royal Thompson, being in feeble health from the effects of a severe attack of pneumonia.
The Ladies Society met on Wednesday with Mrs. Willard B. Clark.
A.A. Hunt had the misfortune to cut his foot with an ax several days since but is so as to be out attending to duties that do not require much exertion.
Geo. B. Fuller moved on Thursday. Mrs. Strickland occupies the premises made vacant by Fuller and Frank Collins--S.F. Ticknor's tenement house.
Alfred Lyman, builder, is getting the frame ready preparatory to making an addition to Miss Olivia Holbook's cottage. He is also making repairs of Fuller's house.
The band gives an entertainment this evening at the Town hall as their bass horn player, Will Clark, is to leave them for a residence in Willimantic. Clark has been faithful in his practice, is a good player and his many friends wish him success in his new enterprise.
Henry Kneeland has made negotiations with N.K. Holbrook for his farm on Pine street.

517. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Lebanon.
Mrs. J.G. Kneeland who has been very seriously ill with pneumonia, is reported to be more comfortable, Dr. Barber attends her.
Miss Eva G. Neff who, for the past year has filled the position of soprano in the choir of the Second Congregational church in New London and who is spending a few days with Mrs. Will Spencer, sang in the First church on Sunday last, very acceptably and to the edification of the congregation.
Dr. J. Henry Sweet of Hartford took a run down last week for a day's fishing and was lucky enough to capture a string of twenty of the finest trout that has been seen in this vicinity for years.
The celebrated hog case was on the docket again on Wednesday, Justice Kingsley presiding. For some reason or other, but just what no fellow not a Philadelphia lawyer can find out, the court was adjourned until Saturday April 15th, when Columbia and Lebanon are expected to choose sides and--fight.
We regret to learn that Capt. Henry W. Abell and his aged mother, in consequence of the increasing infirmities of the latter, now in her 90th year, have decided to break up the old home in Exeter and are about to leave town, Capt. Abell going to Illinois here he already has important business interests, and his mother Mrs. Wealthy A. Abell to reside with her daughter Mrs. William C. Strong of Colchester.
The Board of Education at a meeting on Saturday appointed the Rev. O.D. Hine to fill the vacancy in the board occasioned by the resignation of Edward B. Hinckley. The following teachers were examined and received certificates: Miss Sarah Payne, Miss Louise Robinson, Miss Annie Strong, Miss Turner and Miss Congdon of Willimantic.
The stores of N.C. Barker & Co., and O.M. Larkham were burglariously entered and robbed on Wednesday night last. The thieves entered the premises of Barker & Co., by the cellar window and by bursting the fastening of the door leading to the store above. Mr. Barker thinks there must have been ten to fifteen dollars in the money drawer and post office taken, besides several pounds of tobacco. At Larkham's the back door is double and fastened with a cross bar. The thieves effected an entrance by springing the doors apart sufficiently to admit some thin instrument like a chisel with which the bar was raised and thrown out of place. As yet Mr. Larkham has missed nothing but a box of cigars. Stedman's harness shop was also invaded by removing the window fastening and lowering the upper sash. As nothing was stolen so far as is known and no damage done save the breaking down of a favorite cactus, it is conjectured that a friendly call only was intended for the purpose of indulging in a social game of checkers. Detectives are on track of the burglars and it is hoped they will soon be caught and brought to justice.

518. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Baltic.
John D. Sullivan has bought John Donnelly's house, in this place.
The Rev. Mr. Sargent of Jewitt City preached at Sprague hall last Sunday. He will preach at the same place again next Sunday at 7:30 p.m.
The Allen Woolen company have put up the poles for their new telephone lines.
An officer from Manchaug, Mass, arrived in town at a late hour Saturday night and arrested a Canadian by the name of Leflour, for stealing horse and wagon from that place. Leflour left the team at Putnam and came here by rail. It seems that the owner of the team keeps a livery stable, and Leflour was in his employ. While his employer was absent Leflour collected a number of bills and ran away with the team. He stole a horse from a party here about a year ago.

519. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: At the annual borough election in Danielsonville last Monday the vote cast was light there being but one ticket in the field. The democrats were given the office of Warden and it was filled by M.P. Dowe Esq., than whom they could not have made a better choice. The republicans with one or two exceptions filled the remaining offices. A proposition to establish a night police was laid on the table. A Committee was appointed to consider the advisability of lighting the streets and is to report to a future meeting to be called within ten days.

520. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Col. Luther Day, one of the oldest residents of Killingly, died at his residence last Sunday, which was his eighty-first birthday. For nearly fifty years Mr. Day has followed agricultural pursuits in Killingly, and was among the most successful farmers in Windham county. In his younger days he took a great interest in organization and discipline of the state militia and so satisfactorily discharged all the duties incumbent on him that he reached the rank of colonel. At the breaking out of the rebellion Gov. Buckingham sought his services in behalf of the union cause, but his advanced age and failing strength would not permit him to take upon himself the duties of a soldier. He was an exemplary member of the Congregational church in Danielsonville during the past sixty years. During the year 1838 he represented Killingly in the legislature. He was a model citizen and his name must be added to the list of those whom our town regrets to have lost.

521. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Sex in Eggs. A correspondent of the London Journal of Horticulture says, in reference to this question: Last Winter an old poultry keeper told me he could distinguish the sex in eggs. I laughed at him, and was none the less skeptical when he told me the following secret: Eggs with the air-bladder in the center of the crown of the egg will produce cockerels; those with the bladder on one side will produce pullets. The old man was so certain of the truth of this dogma, and his poultry yard so confirmed it, that I determined to make experiments upon it this year. I have do so, carefully registering the egg bladder vernacular, or bladder on one side, rejecting every one which was not decidedly one or the other, as in some it is very lightly out of the center. The following is the result: Fifty-eight chickens were hatched, three are dead, and eleven are yet too young to decide upon their sex; of the remaining forty-four, every one has turned out true to the old man's theory. This, of course, may be an accidental coincidence, but I shall certainly try the experiment again.

522. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: People's ideas of morality may be a little mixed, but they always lean toward the side of self-interest. The probabilities are that the man who differs from you, is wrong, while there is only the barest possibility that you may be wrong yourself. Your self-respect will allow you to admit no more than that. A man justifies himself for an action that is a little off color by calling it shrewd, but the same action on the part of another has no excuse whatever, and is positively rascally.

523. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: It is not generally known that there are negro Mormons in Utah, and that there have been colored followers of Brigham Young almost from the very foundation of the church. The Prophet made no distinction as to race, color or previous condition of servitude among his proselytes, but he had a prejudice against colored saints taking unto themselves white wives and more than one colored brother was "blood atoned" for taking unto himself a white woman.

524. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Brooklyn.
Quite a ripple of excitement was caused by the report last Saturday that one of Mr. W.J. Chapman's boys was lost. The little fellow started up street to meet his brother. In some way he became confused and took the wrong road, and was found by Mr. Kenyon near the Potter farm, about 3 miles out of the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Danielson and Mrs. Robinson arrived at their home last Thursday.
Mr. Frank Chaffee, assistant on the Port Chester Journal, has been spending a few days in town with his friends.
Rev. Mr. Gates of Putnam filled the Baptist pulpit.
Rev. Mr. Bartlett of Pomfret preached at the Congregational church.
Mr. Bernie Dyer who had made a short visit at home, started to return to his business, was taken sick on the road, was brought back and was quite ill for a few days.
Arrivals: Mr. Vine Franklin and family. Mr. L.B. Cleveland, Miss N. Clark, Rev. E. Byron Bingham.

525. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Mansfield.
Edward Waite, a young man in the employ of Mr. Charles Jaco[bann?] attempted to stop a circular saw last week with his hand. His fingers were badly cut. He says he won't try it again.
Mr. Leander Shumway of Mt. Hope, harvested his annual crop of foxes last week. The corop was better than last year. By count they numbered nine--eight young ones and the old one. Foxes have no show at all when Leander goes for them. He represents that if the fox hunters want to raise foxes to hunt next winter they must not plant the crop on his place. That old feminine fox is gone.
Charles and Elijah Shumway killed a woodchuck on the first day of January. It is very unusual to see them out at this time of the year but when the Messrs. Shumway Bros. start out hunting they mean business.
John E. Knowlton has bought the place known as the Rowley place and has gone to keeping batchelor's hall. This is a warning to marriageable young ladies who want a new bonnet every few weeks.
At the town meeting held last Monday, the town voted to discontinue the roads specified in the warning but failed to get a vote to raise the wages of the road laborers from twelve and one half per hour. The changes in the road at the R.R. Crossing, near the house of the late Ziba Phelps was left discretionary with the selectmen and will probably be as the petitioners requested.

526. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Danielsonville.
Last week was chronicled the very sudden death of Mr. Lyman D. Adams.
Last Friday occurred the sudden death of Mr. Olney M. Wood of South Killingly, Mr. Wood was esteemed and respected for his many virtues. He had held many town offices, and among others that of representative.
On Sunday morning was the sudden death of Col. Luther Day of West Killingly. Col. Day was held in high esteem and respect by all citizens.
These two excellent citizens have resided in our midst during all their long and useful lives, and their names were synonyms of kindness, uprightness and integrity, and will be missed not only in their families but by the whole community. Their ages were respectively 76 and 81. Thus one by one the honored landmarks of a past generation pass away leaving sorrow and regret in every circle in which they were known.

527. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Ashford.
That nice neat little barn at the Baptist parsonage in Warrenville is completed. It was commenced on Monday morning of last week, and finished on Saturday noon! Well done! The carpenter who had the matter in charge galloped right along with it, and Dea. Lamphear, who looked after things generally, did grandly; and, as the result, the elder's horse has a new and pleasant home. Many thanks are due to all who have assisted in the matter.
Mr. John Mathewson, of the firm of Lombard & Mathewson, has recently made an improvement to his pleasant residence by enlarging it.

528. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Colchester.
The closing entertainment of the C.Y.P.C. given in the town hall on Thursday evening and well attended, was much enjoyed by the audience. The music, vocal and instrumental solos and choruses, and readings by Mr. C.N. Ranson, the songs by Mr. Livermore of New Haven, each contributed to the success of the undertaking.
The funeral of Mrs. Lucy B. Abel was attended on Thursday afternoon at the residence of her husband, Mr. F.C. Abel. Among the family friends was the Rev. I.N. Tarbox, D.D. of Boston, who was a native of Tolland county.
The road making the past week included the hill near the store of C.H. Bailey, which has long needed improving.
The John A. Geer Twine company have got well to work in their new mill, and are encouraged by the prospect of abundant work.
An ecclesiastical council is called to meet at Goshen to dismiss the Rev. Mr. Bosworth, who has accepted a call to Bozrah.

529. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: North Windham.
Mr. W.C. Burdick completed his term of singing schools last Saturday evening. On Monday evening following, April 10th his birthday, his class took him by surprise and presented him with an elegant easy chair with foot rest combined, and also remembered his wife with a nice camp rocker, the ladies delight. Then followed a social chat and supper and we have no doubt the donors think it is full as blessed to give as to receive.
Preaching next Sunday by Mr. Barlow.

530. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Scotland.
Mr. Bennett of Jewett City preached at the Congregational church last Sabbath. The altar was beautifully decorated with fine blooming plants and cut flowers.
Mr. Geo. Cooley and wife have returned to Scotland, and are now living at the "Isaac Palmer" place.
The oyster supper at the parsonage last week was a financial success. The house will soon be set in order, and it is hoped that we shall soon have a resident pastor.

531. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Pomfret Landing.
The spring term of school in district No. 9, commenced last Monday, April 3d, with Arthur Hyde for teacher.
Mr. Andrew Lanphear's son, Edwin, who attended school here the past term, has commenced a four year's term in Hartford to learn the machinists trade of Pratt, Whitney & Co., an excellent place and trade. Sorry to lose our Pomfret Landing boys.
Mr. C.G. Williams has been in the employ of Mr. Charles Bacon of Danielsonville for a few weeks and is expected to be with him several more. The daily ride to and from Danielsonville, very much improves his health.
Two weeks ago Senator Boss of Windham introduced a resolution in the senate, which was unanimously passed, appointing Mr. Albertus S. Bruce of this village as trustee of the Connecticut State Reform school. It was an appointment eminently fit to be made, as all who know Mr. Bruce will testify.

532. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Married.
Richardson-Harris--At Eagleville, April 4th, Charles Richardson of Columbia and Miss Mary A., only daughter of G.H. Harris of Eagleville.
Storrs-Cargell--At Mansfield Center, April 6th, by the Rev. K.B. Glidden, Mr. Walter F. Storrs and Miss Lucy M. Cargel, both of Willimantic.
Turner-Dorman--In Willimantic April 11th, by Rev. S.R. Free, A.W. Turner of Willimantic and Miss Agnes D. Dorman of Worcester.

533. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Died.
Cryan--In Willimantic, April 8th, Patrick Cryan, aged 2 months.
Rhoades--In Chaplin, April 10, Lydia S. Rhoades, aged 77 years.

534. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: A St. Joseph (Mo.) dispatch says that great excitement was aroused by the report that Jesse James, the leader of the notorious James gang of railroad and bank robbers, had been killed. He was living with his wife in a shanty on the outskirts of St. Joseph, and two brothers named Ford, members of his gang, were his companions. James and the two Fords were in the front room together about 9 o'clock in the morning. James took off his belt and laid his pistols on the bed, preparing to wash himself, when Robert Ford sprang up behind him and sent a bullet through his brain. The ball entered the back of his head at the base of the right brain, coming out over the eye. The Ford brothers at once made known what they had done and gave themselves up. A number of men identified the body, which was that of a fine-looking man, apparently forty years old, as being the corpse of Jesse James, The Ford brothers claim that they are detectives and that they have been on James' tricks for a long time. It is believed that they were with James in the Blue Cut train robbery, and that they were influenced in killing him by the hope of getting the big reward which had been offered for James, dead or alive, by the governor and by the express and railroad companies. Robert Ford, who did the killing, is a young man of twenty two.

535. TWC Wed Apr 12 1882: Canterbury.
George T. Sanger has removed to the Thomas Webb farm in Scotland.
Simeon Knickerbocker has arrived in town and taken possession of the William Clapp farm. He comes from Saratoga county, New York.
The Rev. John H. Kopf has been invited to take charge of the Congregational church another year. The probability is that he will remain.
Marvin H. Sanger has been suffering from a severe cold for some little time. Though in Hartford, he was not able to attend to the duties last week. He is now improving.
Dr. Ross has moved into the village and is putting his house and barn in fine order.

536. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: About Town.
Arbutus hunters are out in full force.
The hand organ--sure harbinger of spring--made its appearance yesterday. A little out of tune, however.
Spring has revived the bicyclers, and the exercise so popular in the cities is fast gaining favor in country towns.
Carpenters are at work at the new blacksmith shop on Church street. W.H. Latham & Co., are the builders.
Carroll B. Adams has been elected leader of the Willimantic band in place of T.H. Rollinson who soon goes to Boston.
The Boston Furniture store has commenced the publication of a newspaper for the promotion of their business and the benefit of the public.
The concert by the Linen company's singing school, under the direction of Prof. J.J. Kennedy, occurs tomorrow evening at the opera house.
An itinerant brass band of nine instruments visited this village Monday and gave curb stone concerts for whatever might be thrown into the hat.
All kinds of provisions are unusually high and still advancing, but wages remain the same. It is hard for the poor man to make both ends meet. What is the cause?

537. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: L. Warner has decided to close out his stock of musical goods, and will sell what he has on hand at cost previous to retiring from the business. He makes an announcement to that effect in another column.

538. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: A drunken man on Monday fell from his wagon in front of D.H. Henken's clothing store and wallowed in the gutter unable to rise, much to the amusement of a crowd of men and boys who gathered around him.

539. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: J.D. Willis has opened a wood and coal yard at the stand formerly occupied by Lincoln Smith near Bridge street with an office at 225 Main street. He solicits the patronage of the public and will attend to orders promptly.

540. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: A Norwich correspondent says: "George Loomis and Frank McGuire, the former a native of Norwich, the latter of Willimantic, arrived here from Dallas, Tex., where they have been in business for several years, on Sunday. They will soon go to New York city to engage in business.

541. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: The court of burgesses were petitioned Monday night to compel the removal of signs which overhang sidewalks and also to clear the streets and walks of other encumbrances. It would undoubtedly be an improvement to our streets if the petition should be carried into effect.

542. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: The bill introduced by petition from this village into the legislature giving the railroad commissioners power of regulation in approaches to depots with authority to cause the removal of depot buildings in towns of 5,000 inhabitants and upwards was called up in the house yesterday and passed.

543. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: The Storrs school at Mansfield has just entered upon a new term with eight or nine scholars. Solomon Mead, the principal, has resigned and returned to New Haven, leaving Professor Armsby at the head of the school. The institution is a complete fizzle and the legislature has simply thrown the money away that has been spent there.

544. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: The will of the late Deacon Thomas Smith of Hartford, president of the Willimantic Linen company, after bequeathing $400,000 to his family and relatives, gives $5,000 to the Hartford hospital, $3,000 to the Widow's society and $10,000 each to the American Home Missionary society and the American Board of commissioners for foreign missions.

545. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Warden Baldwin received a communication last week from Mr. N.P. Dowe, recently elected chief officer of the borough of Danielsonvile, asking information regarding our system of street lighting. We can assure Warden Dowe that the system works admirably and his people cannot do better than pattern after it.

546. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: The new library room was open to the public last Saturday for the first time, and the verdict seems to be general that it is a great improvement over the old one. Necessary furniture has been introduced and the floor upholstered with matting, and these together with the handiwork of carpenter and painter render the library very cheerful to patrons.

547. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Allen B. Lincoln assumed the duties of a position on the Providence Press Monday. He has had a thorough preparation for the pursuit of journalism and will doubtless be very successful as he has an aptitude for the work and is ambitious. He will be on the editorial staff in charge of the exchange department, an unusually good position for a starter.

548. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Superintendent O.M. Shepard of the New York & New England, has sent in his resignation, and will lave the road within a short time. Mr. Shepard has been connected with the road for some years, and very recently removed to Hartford, when it was decided to run the whole line from this point. Mr. Shepard will take a position with the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad, and have his office in New York.

549. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Judge Hovey of Norwich, was in town Saturday to view the surroundings of the proposed extension of Valley street to Milk and gave his consent to the extension. The law provides that no street shall be constructed within three hundred feet of a railroad unless it crosses the same without the approval of a judge of the superior court. The borough voted at its last meeting to make this continuation of Valley street and work on it will begin at an early day.

550. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Mr. Hyde Kingsley has purchased of Mrs. Jane Holland two building lots one hundred feet square each situated on the north side of Prospect at the head of North street. This is one of the most eligible locations in the village, and it will probably be adorned with one of the handsomest houses, as he is a gentleman of abundant means. The style of house he contemplates building is one and one half stories high with most of the rooms on the first story.

551. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Warden Baldwin has a gang of laborers at work repairing and improving our principal thoroughfare. They have removed the rubbish and are now taking up and relaying the crosswalks. The condition of crosswalks has been particularly annoying in driving along the street from the fact that they arose above the level of the street to an extent that made it uncomfortable riding over them. Besides being lowered some of the crossings have been widened and the approaches to them paved. Compliments for the efficiency of our warden are numerous and deserved.

552. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: At a meeting of the court of burgesses held in their new rooms in Bank building Monday evening the following matters were acted upon: A petition from W.E. Barrows and fifty-five others relative to the Union and Main street railroad crossings, desiring that the railroad commissioners compel the companies to establish gates, was submitted and received and is under consideration. Voted that the board of engineers be allowed the use of the borough rooms for their meetings, said meetings not to interfere with the board meetings. Voted to notify the people living between Milk and Jackson streets to appear before the board to be heard in relation to land damages. The following bills were ordered paid: John Robinson, $1.45; Dennis Murphy $3.25; L.E. Baldwin, $26.12; Robert Fenton, $61.24; Voted to adjourn one week.

553. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: On Wednesday April 22d, an immense stock of books consigned by a large publishing house in New York will be opened to the store in Bank building, which will be sold at retail during the day at prices never before known, and at auction in the evening to the highest bidder. It will be the largest and most valuable stock of books ever seen in Willimantic.

554. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Sunday night the whole heavens presented a remarkable appearance between twelve and one o'clock. The entire atmosphere seemed to charge with electricity. Luminous clouds radiated from almost every quarter of the horizon toward the zenith, where a heavy luminous mass resembling a white translucent cloud, through which the stars could be indistinctly seen, whirled as if forced by the wind, while flashes of electricity were flying toward it from every quarter. From the northeasten and northwestern horizons a broad crimson belt extended toward the starlit dome of the sky, almost meeting overhead. While the air was perfectly quiet the luminous clouds overhead spun around, first appearing in masses, and then in a narrow and widening belts, exhibiting great agitation. Persons who witnessed the phenomena must have been convinced that here is nothing in art which can equal nature in sublimity and grandeur.

555. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: The report that the Linen company had resolved to abolish a part of their store within a short time is on some hands denied, but, notwithstanding, the fact remains that such had been the orders from headquarters. But why the plan has been changed since our last issue we are unable to state. We are sorry, however, that the wish of the entire business community has not been gratified in removing the eye-sore to them. It is true that the Willimantic Linen company is one of the vitals of this village, but it would be the same in whatever locality it was situated, and if it persisted in aversion to every public measure for local improvement it would receive the same opposition. Its business is protected at the expense of every consumer of thread while it is able to protect itself, and in return it is fairness that the people should receive whatever benefits the company can without injury to itself bestow. It is true that the store was built in a spirit of spite for what was considered unjust taxation; but were our merchants to blame for this? That the interests of the Linen company and Willimantic are identical is mythical, for little of the earnings go into the pockets of our citizens--the stock is owned abroad. What advantage could it be to the company whether the village outside of their own premises flourished or not? It might increase the value of their property to a limited extent, but the increase would be offset by the expense of their assistance. Abolish the store and become one of the real factors in the town's prosperity! We deal with this subject thusly because it is the true feeling of the public mind and we prefer to candidly perform our duties as a public medium rather than hide our light under the bushel of prevarication and corporation pap in the interest of rings.

556. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Officer Barrows on Monday arrested Hugh J. Kelly, a lad of about ten years, for truancy and the boy was so much under the influence of liquor that he could hardly stand alone. The case was put into the hands of Prosecuting Agent Sumner who will push it to the extent of the law when the boy confesses where he obtained liquor. The trial is set down for Thursday before Justice Bowen. The practice of selling rum to minors, and minors young in years too, has become alarmingly prevalent in this village. They are allowed to hang around saloons with the greatest freedom and drink whenever they choose. Selling rum to boys is the most devilish occupation that can be conceived and turns the dealer from all claims to humanity and makes him lower than the brute. The severest penalty that can be inflicted under the law should be administered to all such offenders.

557. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Mr. H.F. Royce, treasurer of the Willimantic Savings Institute, writes the following to the Bulletin over his own signature: " I have read with some interest your editorial in Tuesday's paper, regarding what were called unclaimed deposits in the savings banks of this state, and do not agree with the modes suggested to find the property owners….."

558. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: A.W. Turner has removed to his new store in B.H's block and added to his stock of jewelry sufficiently to make a very fine showing in the larger qualities. The store is elaborately furnished in black walnut and is very attractive.

559. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: The trial of the Malley brothers and Blanche Douglass for the murder of Jennie Cramer begun in New Haven yesterday. Chas. A. Sweet will sell, on the street, each evening upon the arrival of 8 o'clock train the New Haven Daily Register, containing a full account of each day's proceedings. The trial will probably last two months and will form one of the most celebrated of the causes celebre in criminal annals.

560. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Forest fires have been raging in woods about the village for the past few days to an alarming extent. The dry weather has brought the grass and shrubbery into a condition to burn like tinder and fire will spread with the greatest rapidity. There was a fire on Sunday beyond the shooting range of the Rifle club which spread over a large tract. Another the same day was started in the wood north of the mill No. 4 of the Linen company, and burned over about one hundred acres on the Sprague estate. It took the sharp work of a number of men to save the saw and grist mill near Bingham's bridge. The cause of these fires is attributed to the carelessness or viciousness of persons strolling about Sunday. On Monday a fire resulting more seriously occurred covering a large tract of country. It originated about two o'clock in the afternoon at a point one and one half miles this side of North Windham, near the New York and New England railroad, probably by a spark from an engine. In either direction the country was woodland and a brisk wind from the west sent it rapidly through the inflammable material. A short distance from the starting point was the dwelling and barn of Charles H. Buckingham which stood not far removed from the woods. The wind carried sparks from the raging flames to the barn roof and ignited it and it was shortly beyond all power of subjugation. Mr. Buckingham was laboring at another part of his farm and before he could get to the burning premises the barn was wrapped in flames. It spread to the house, which stood contiguous, and in a short time both buildings were completely destroyed. There was no means at hand of quenching the fire, and but few household goods were saved, and nothing but a few cattle from the barn. His loss is about $1,600 and is insured in the Tolland County Mutual for $1,000. His intention is to rebuild immediately. A barn owned by Jason Rathbun located in what is known as Ballyhack took fire several times but was saved from burning. Peter Gilbert loses about 200 cords of cut wood. It is estimated that about 1,000 acres have burned over, and the damage will run up into the thousands of dollars. Other fires of minor importance have occurred in different localities.

561. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Holmes & Walden received their first invoice of Connecticut river shad Saturday from Wm. H. Bush of New Haven and supplied the hotels.

562. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Those in want of rich millinery and up in style of arrangement should not fail to call on Miss M.E. Whiteside, at Miss Brainard's old rooms, over C.M. Palmer & Co's dry goods store. Probably Willimantic never had a more tasty milliner than Miss Whiteside.

563. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Letter from the People. Editor Chronicle:--In your issue of April 12th you say that on Fast Day there were "no religious services other than the regular meetings at the methodist church." Please allow the writer to state that according to previous appointment, religious services were held in Mission half on the morning of Fast Day and the congregation, though small, listened to a very able and instructive discourse from the pastor, Rev. J.L. Barlow. Yours for the proper observance of Fast day, J.A. Conant.

564. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Hebron.
A fire broke out in Leonard's store, in this place Monday evening very suddenly. At first the slight blaze was fanned by the strong breeze blowing at the time, and in a few moments the conflagration was beyond control. Sparks and cinders were carried on the wind, and fell in showers upon neighboring buildings, the roofs of which were ignited and soon blazed with fury. The velocity of the wind increasing, fanned the flames furiously. The Congregational church, the school house, the Hendee house, Leonard's store, S.G. Gilbert's house and barn, A.F. Norton's house and barn, and Mr. Loomis' house were all destroyed, together with almost all their contents. The losses are very heavy and will not fall short of $30,000 in amount. How much as the insurance has not yet been ascertained. The calamity has cast a gloom over the entire community. Many of the townspeople will be almost ruined.

565. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Andover.
Rev. Mr. Mack of Gilead, preached at the Baptist church Sunday April 9th.
The schools have commenced in the S.W. and N.W. districts. Miss Anna E. Marsh is teacher in the first named district and Miss Luna Bishop in the last. Miss Nellie Daggett is to teach in the S.E. district.
The sociable at Mrs. Babcock's last week was well attended and much enjoyed by all present.
The Ladies' Society gave an oyster supper at Mrs. Gurley Phelps' Tuesday evening April 4th. Though the evening was quite stormy, there were enough present to fill three tables, and a considerable sum was netted for the treasury. The ladies are trying to raise money enough to paint the inside of the church, and it is certainly to be hoped that they will succeed.
Mr. David W. Post is very sick with typhoid pneumonia.

566. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Columbia.
Wednesday the 12th last, thermometer at 6 o'clock a.m., 20 degrees. Good winter weather; not very propitious for farming. The same morning there was considerable perturbation among the fowls in W.H. Yeoman's hennery and the cause seemed to be at about four rods from the building, a fox sat on his haunches awaiting an opportunity to take "biddy" along with him but some noise disturbed is lordship and before Yeomans could pay him his respects he left the premises.
Frank Woodward left town for Colchester with his family the 11th inst.
A very desirable change in the mail arrangement took effect April 13th, and one which is highly appreciated by the community, due Wm. C. Jillson, P.M., and his efficient assistant, W.W. Lyon, who by their untiring efforts in the matter have done the public a great favor. Heretofore the mail came on the noon express and was liable to be dumped into the river as it has been several times, or thrown so the cars passed over the mail bag cutting it to pieces and destroying some of the mail entirely. Now the mail is delivered from a train that stops at the station later in the day and the result is very satisfactory to the general public.
Rev. Josiah Mack, of Gilead, has been in attendance at some of the evening meetings during the past week and occupied the pulpit Sunday, in exchange with the pastor.
We miss Dr. T.R. Parker's genial countenance from our midst. His many friends regret his departure and kind wishes for his future success attend him to his new field of practice.
Henry Kneeland has moved his goods to his new residence and his family are expected Tuesday.
Miss Julia S. Avery and her brother Fred are in town for a few days.
The Joseph Clark farm was sold at auction Wednesday the 12th inst. to L.C. Clark.
Warren We_ley, of Hartford, was in town over the Sabbath.
Howard W. Yeomans on Saturday afternoon, in an hour's time, succeeded in luring two fine "speckled beauties" from their native element.
E_bert C. Little, of Norwich, is at his father's for a few months to improve his health which has become impaired from close attention to business, and later grief for his young wife whom he laid in our quiet cemetery a few weeks since.

567. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Prosecuting Agent Leach of Putnam, is continued in that office by the County Commissioners, the charges brought against him not being sustained.

568. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: The mills and various business places between Norwich and Putnam are to be connected by telephone and possibly with Providence, Boston, etc.

569. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: The Kirke mills, Central Village, have nearly all the machinery moved from Packersville into their mills at Central Village, and will probably have it under motion in course of a few weeks.

570. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Colorado has a "Putnam colony," that is, many of the citizens of that place have emigrated to the western wilds in search of prosperity.

571. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: It is a dull week indeed when Putnam does not have at least half a dozen arrests for the sale of intoxicating liquor. Well, they voted to have no rum sold in that town and we commend them for their zeal in not permitting the law to remain a dead letter.

572. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: A man went into a drug store and asked for something to cure a headache. The druggist held a bottle of hartshorn to his nose and he was nearly overpowered by its pungency. As soon as he recovered he began to rail at the druggist and threatened to punch his head. "But didn't it help your headache?" asked the apothecary. "Help my headache!" gasped the man. "I haven't any headache. It's my wife that's got the headache."

573. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Camels in a wild state, it seems, are rapidly increasing in number in Arizona and New Mexico. The enterprising who imported them twenty-five years ago could not use them profitably on the Western plains, so they were sent out into the wilderness to take care of themselves.

574. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Married.
Moriarty-Mott--At Mansfield Center, April 15th, by Rev. K.B. Glidden, J. Moriarty Mr. Patrick and Miss Lizzie Mott, both of Mansfield.

575. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Died.
Preston--In Willimantic, April 18th, Fredus Preston, aged 85 years.
Webber--In Willimantic, April 17th, Nellie L. Webber, aged 16 years.

576. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: A Fine Lot of Horses.--Canada Bred. The subscriber has at his stable on Walnut St., a carload of Horses which he is showing, and which are for sale at reasonable prices. Both work and speed horses. Any one desiring to purchase good horses is invited to call and see them. V.B. Jordan.

577. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Lebanon.
Johnson Brothers since moving their steam mill to Brownsville are turning off 10,000 ft. of lumber per day.
A dwelling house in Goshen belonging to Wm. Lathrop was burned on Tuesday night April 11th. As the house was unoccupied, it was evidently the work of an incendiary. The loss is said to be fully covered by insurance.
The hog case, Scoville vs. Palmer, was again before Justice Kingsley on Saturday and decided in favor of the plaintiff. Mr. Scoville recovering twelve dollars damage and costs. This hog is less valuable perhaps than some other son Liberty Hill, but it has cost more to bring him up.
Wm. Smith a farm hand in the employ of Capt. L.L. Huntington, got on a spree one day last week and after maliciously wringing the neck of the captain's favorite Plymouth Rock rooster, not fearing the face of man or woman proceeded to the house of Henry Hyde where he had been temporarily stopping and did then and there threaten, frighten, scare and intimidate both Mr. and Mrs. Hyde, contrary to the statute in such cases made and provided. Capt. Huntington having been sent for in great haste, soon arrived upon the scene, and as William was already ripe for the harvest, immediately gathered him in, much to his surprise and chagrin at finding his frolic so suddenly and abruptly terminated and himself in the hands of the Philistines. As son as the necessary papers could be procured the prisoner was taken before Judge Spencer of Deep River who fortunately happened to be in town, charged with intoxication and a breach of the peace. Smith at first pleaded not guilty, but on reflection changed his plea to that of guilty, thus saving time and expense, and was consequently let off with a fine of only five dollars and costs and 30 days imprisonment. The next morning the culprit was again arraigned before his honor from Deep River, for the crime of killing and carrying off the rooster, and was promptly fined seven dollars and costs and given 30 days more in jail. The nuts will be brown when William is permitted to visit his friends again.

TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: North Windham.
Quite an extensive fire raged south of the village Monday afternoon and evening, caused by sparks from the engine. The dry pine tops and fierce gale of Monday afternoon furnished both food and force to the flames, and they were soon beyond control. Their path was in a south east line from the ledges, and in a short time the buildings of Mr. Charles H. Buckingham were reached, and all were burned, saving little but the farm stock. The loss is a heavy one, and sad too, for Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham at their time of life. We are informed that they are insured in the Tolland County Mutual. Mr. Eber Harris had lately moved into Mr. Buckingham’s house to carry on his farm, and he lost everything, with no insurance. Several buildings, with hard labor, near Beaver Hill, were saved. The flames only stopped, for want of food, at Follett’s pond. A great amount of timber, fences, etc. were destroyed, but those who are homeless have our greatest sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham are now with Mr. Samuel Flint and family, and Mr. Harris has taken for his temporary home a part of the old town building, near by.
E.H. Hall & Son have been, and are still making improvements around the cold spring near the bridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chamberlin have lately moved into Mrs. A. Lincoln’s house near the railroad bridge.

TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Woodstock.
Mrs. Bradford, widow of the late Dr. Milton Bradford, was seriously hurt last Wednesday evening, the 12th inst., by the accidental discharge of a double-barreled shot-gun. Her son, Dr. Cary Bradford, had been duck hunting, on coming home late, he was suddenly called to attend to some matter speedily, and placed the gun inside of a closet which had been used for years as a medicine depository-intending as soon as possible to clean the gun and put it away in its accustomed place. An inmate of the family went to the closet about 8:30 p.m., and in some way, probably hitting the butt of the gun with her foot, the gun fell forward into the room where Mrs. Bradford was sitting at the table reading. As it fell over the hammer came in contact with the floor and exploded the cap and powder, while the muzzle had not yet reached the floor. The charge struck Mrs. B. slantingly to the right of the spine and passed around between the flesh and the bones of the pelvis-most of it stopping just at the right side-and some of it, probably, passing further around. The larger portion of the charge had its momentum diminished by passing through a round in the chair back which was cut completely in two. No important members of the body were severed but the wound is a large one, and Mrs. B. is somewhat advanced in years, and the period of suppuration and healing will be watched with solicitude. Thus far the patient is doing very well, with the attendance of her sons and Dr. Leonard. Her sister and niece, Mrs. and Miss Briggs, arrived from New Bedford on Friday.
The prisoners arrested some days ago for alleged burning of barn of J.M. Herendeen, were taken to Brooklyn for trial. Frank Corkins is still in jail, but Calvin Easterbrooks, the other party, is out on bail, which was fixed at $500 in both cases. The barn-a large and valued one was burned last November-the loss being about $2,000. A detective from Webster, Mass., was employed to work up the case and a confession was obtained from Corkins and the other secured.

TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Mansfield Center.
The Red spring, (chalybeate vide Gen. Cummings’ hist.) posses a charm for young people of both sexes and is quite a fashionable piece of resort at present. Whether the waters of this far-famed spring possess more real virtue on Sunday than on any other day of the week has not been ascertained. It is said by those who have tried the experiment, that an addition of tanglefoot whiskey in large proportions improves its flavors and produces a quicker action on the system. These waters have never been known to make any visible improvement on the moral or religious condition of those using it, but are supposed to be used only for physical ailments. The country swain and rural nymph, apparently in good health and condition from their frequent visits, seem to derive great benefit from its healing qualities. The devious paths and walks diverging from it, and the gentle murmur of Fenton river together with the musical ripple of the contiguous brook, also the unsurpassed beauty of the surrounding scenery, all combine to make it a favorite and common resort for pleasure seekers, One thing pertaining to this famous spring and its visitors, is, that a large part of them come and go as they went into the Ark,- in pairs.
A false report relative to the proceedings of the court before Judge Fenton April 10 (of which mention was made in your last issue) has been in circulation. It is reported that Mr. Chapin of New York, lost his temper and used unbecoming language in replying to personal allusion made by Lawyer Hall of Willimantic. This is untrue. But it is a fact that Mr. Speaker Hall did, at that court, make an unprovoked and entirely uncalled for wordy assault upon Mr. Chapin which was out of place and ungentlemanly, to say the least. Mr. Chapin, at the request of Mr. Hyde, his counsel, made no reply to Mr. Hall’s personal and vituperous remarks. Mr. Hall, at this court, in the manner and frequency of his objections, appeared to be decidedly in a negative mood. But the unbiased and impartial rulings of the court in this matter seemed to equalize things generally and in the end objections did not amount to much.

TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: Danielsonville.
A borough meeting is to be held Thursday evening of this week to consider the subject of lighting the streets.
It is estimated that the cost of 100 lamps and posts, and locating the same will be about $1,000, and the annual expense of oil and care of the same will be about $1,000. Public opinion respecting the expediency and necessity of this project is very much divided.
When it is remembered that about one year since this borough surrendered the care and keeping of the streets to the towns of Killingly and Brooklyn because the expense of the same was more than it felt able to bear, notwithstanding the borough received annual aid from these towns of about $475, it seems somewhat inconsistent that having plead poverty in an expenditure of a much less amount then, that now it entertains a project involving a larger amount and of much less necessity.
The Rev. Mr. James, the new pastor of the Methodist church, occupied the pulpit for the first time last Sabbath, and made a decidedly favorable impression, not only with his own people, but with the numerous attendants from other congregations who were present.
The second term of Windham County court since the new arrangement relating to the courts, was held (by the young gentlemen of the high school) in School hall last Tursday evening. The personal of the court was Fred Franklin, Judge; James McLaughlin, Clerk; Geo. Babson, Sheriff; Emanuel Pilling and Charles Schofield, for the state; Frank Young and Frank Williams, for the defense. A young man employed on the Transcript was arrested for burning a barn in this borough last December. It seemed after the testimony of the state was in that the young man would be retired from society to Wethersfield, but the counsel for the prisoner made a vigorous and successful effort in behalf of their brother, or “pal,” and the Transcript still retains one of her excellent compositors.
The business men met last Monday evening to complete arrangements and contracts to sprinkle or water the streets the coming season. A much needed and beneficial object.

582. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: “Jumbo”, the largest captive elephant in the world, weighing about six tons, arrived in New York a few days ago on an ocean steamship direct from the London Zoological gardens.

583. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: John F. Slater, of Norwich Conn., one of the leading manufacturers of the country and the wealthiest man in this State, has decided to give $1,000,000 for the education of colored people in the South.

584. TWC Wed Apr. 19 1882: Rumors of the assassination of Governor Crittenden, of Missouri, in revenge for the killing of Jesse James, proved to be founded on a mistake; but it is believed that the governor may be assassinated any moment of Frank James or some other desperate member of the gang.

585. TWC Wed Apr. 19 1882: The Mormons of Salt Lake City purpose hereafter not to trade with the Gentiles. A secret meeting of business men were held, at which stringent pledges to that effect were signed.

586. TWC Wed Apr. 19 1882: Mrs. Scoville filed a petition in the county court, at Chicago, praying that a conservator be appointed for the person and estate of her brother, Charles J. Guiteau. She alleges that both are residents of Chicago, and that he is possessed of copyrights, manuscripts, etc., valued at several thousand dollars, and has a large income from the sale of photographs and autographs, that by reason of his insanity he is incompetent to take charge of this property. She alleges also that he is negotiating a sale of his body to be preserved after death.

587. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: In regard to the petition of Mrs. Scoville in behalf of Guiteau, filed in Chicago, Judge Loomis says he cannot issued an order for any one not a resident of Illinois, and considers Guiteau not a resident of Illinois, so that be will not issue an order or warrant. If they want Guiteau tried for insanity they must take him there.

588. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: After a retirement from public notice of some months Guiteau again looms up in the following letter, which he has issued from his prison cell to the public: “Mrs. Frances M. Scoville, according to newspaper report, has impudently filed a petition in Chicago for a conservator of my estate. The only estate I have is the copyright of my books, ‘The Truth’ and ‘The Removal,’ now in press. The absurdity of her pretension is apparent from the fact that I don’t live in Illinois, and his not for nearly three years; besides, I am not a lunatic. This was officially decided on my trial. I have lived in Washington for over a year, and this is my legal residence. The court had better dismiss the petition peremptorily. The Scovilles are a nuisance, and I want nothing to do with them.”

589. TWC Wed Apr 19 1882: The book upon which Guiteau has been for some time engaged has just been printed, and copies have been sent to various representatives of the press. It is entitled “The Truth and the Removal.” The first part is a reprint of the theological argument published by Guiteau some years since upon the second coming of Christ. The second part is a summary and a review of the recent trial, interspersed with quotations from newspapers. In an appendix are collected fifty or sixty letters of sympathy which the author says he has received. Referring to his crime he says: “I spit on adverse opinion on this subject. I say I am right. Garfield ought to have been removed, and I was God’s man to do it. If I am murdered on the gallows this nation and the officials who do it will pay well for it. It will be a long time before the Almighty lets up on them. I had rather go to glory in June than to Auburn for life.

TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: About Town.
Edward Taylor is building on Milk Street.
Dr. I.B. Gallup will remove his office to 10 Pearl street May 1st.
Frank Blish is improving his property on maple street by the addition of a piazza and other things.
Mrs. J.P. Abel, a resident of Maple street, was stricken with paralysis Saturday and her recovery is doubtful.
Rev. S. McBurney will preach in the M.E. church next Sabbath evening on “The Bloody Religion.” All are welcome
The seats in the M.E. Church have nearly all been sold. The sales have been larger than ever before and only a few seats remain unsold.
Would it not in the end be good economy to pave Main and Railroad streets? We give this suggestion for what it is worth—and perhaps it is worth considering.

579. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Miss Eva G. Neff, of Danielsonville, will be present at the temperance meeting in Bank building next Sunday evening and sing. We can give assurance that she is a very good soprano and it will pay our people to hear her.

580. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: The attachment which horses form for others with which they have associated was strikingly illustrated on the streets Monday. A horse used on Hasting’s express wagon had been supplanted by another but it was so uneasy to be with its mate that it broke loose and followed him about the streets wherever he went. The performance aroused the curiosity of observers.

581. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Addison Kingsbury, of South Coventry, was thrown from his carriage at the corner of Main and North streets, Saturday and was considerably hurt about the head and in his left hip. The cause of the accident was the breaking of a holdback, which started the horse on a run. The carriage and harness were wrecked. Mr. Kingsbury was taken to Dr. Hill’s office and attended to.

582. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Charles L. Boss has purchased a lot on the hill at the corner of Church and Summit streets with the intention of building, Frank F. Webb is about to begin the foundation of his house in that locality and Hyde Kingsley will erect a dwelling near by. Others are looking at sites in that neighborhood with an idea of buying. On the whole this seems to be the popular place to build.

583. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Warden Baldwin has received notice that a hearing will be held at the borough office tomorrow (Thursday) at 10:30 o’clock, before the railroad commissioners on the application for establishment of gates at the different railroad crossings of the village. It is intended to get at the views of the people on the matter and it is essential that everybody who is interested should be present and give their testimony. This is the only way to accomplish what is asked for and we hope a large number of our prominent men will be present.

584. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: It perhaps cannot be avoided but we hear complaint that the streets are sprinkled so thoroughly that they are too muddy. However that may be we had rather endure the mud than suffer from blinding dust. But in watering the streets the crosswalks should be skipped and at least keep them free from mud.

585. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: The Boston Journal says: “Mr. J.J. Kennedy, well known among cotton manufacturers as an expert mule spinner and successful manager of cotton facturies has decided to abandon music as a business in Willimantic Ct., and return to his old occupation as manager.” Mr. Kennedy has the reputation of being a first cotton manufacturer.

586. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: The closing exercises of the singing school furnished their help by the Willimantic Thread Co., under the direction of Prof. J.J. Kennedy, was held on Thursday evening last, at the opera house in the presence of about fifteen hundred people, and was decidedly a surprise, reflecting much credit upon both teacher and pupils considering that only a week was had in which to prepare, after it was decided to hold the exercises in the opera house. The singing throughout was excellent.

587. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: A painful example of the danger which is constantly threatening the children of families residing in the Stone Row occurred last Thursday. A two-year-old daughter of Christopher Pairier was playing about the railroad tracks and to escape its mother ran on to them just as the noon freight of the New London Northern road approached. The child ran directly before the locomotive, and was caught and both legs were severed at the knees, before the very eyes of its mother. Dr. Houghton was called as were also Drs. Hills and Cotton to render surgical aid but the child died in about two hours. The question now arises why has not proper steps been taken long ago for guarding the railroads at this point in a way to insure safety to human life. Where the responsibility lies we do not know, but steps should be taken to ascertain.

588. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: At a meeting of the court of burgesses held Monday evening the following business was transacted: A petition was received for the construction of a crosswalk on Union Street near Centre and received favorable action providing Dennis Shea furnish the material. Voted to give the selectmen permission to lower the street at a point on south Main street opposite the Oaks, work to be under the supervision of the warden. Curbing was ordered laid on the north side of South Main street along property that is not already provided for to be furnished by the first of June. An order was issued for the laying of curbing on West Main street from Windham company’s property westward to Hardin H. Fitch’s residence to be finished by July first. Voted to pay G.W. Burnham $4.50 expenses to Pawtucket in the interest of proposed fountain offered as a gift. Keigwin & Clark $4.65, Keigwin, Loomer & Stiles, $2.00. Michael Sullivan, $167. 90.

589. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Officer Flynn was notified yesterday morning by Mr. Charles Smith of South Windham, that a tramp was loitering around that village which answered the description of the tramp who committed the daring outrage upon an unprotected female in Norwich Sunday. The officer went immediately in the direction of South Windham and arrested the fellow, after a stubborn resistance, near the place where the roads leading to Windham and South Windham diverge, and brought him to this village and deposited him in the lockup. The police of Norwich were informed and called upon to prove his identity and he was taken down on the 10:25 a.m. train by Lieut. Grant of that city. He is a man about 35 years of age, medium height with a sandy bear, wears dark clothing, a cap, and otherwise answers the description given by the authorities. The following are the particulars of the crime:
“The people at Norwich Town were thrown into a high state of excitement on Sunday, by the discovery of Miss Lizzie S. Jewett, the youngest daughter of the late Dr. Charles Jewett, lying bound and insensible on the front hall of her mother’s residence on the New London turnpike at that place. She had just returned from New York and feeling somewhat exhausted from traveling remained at home while her mother and her sister, Mrs. Lucy Smith, went to church. Upon their departure she locked all the doors and went to the sitting room to rest. Just after 11 o’clock a.m., while reclining upon a lounge, she heard some one knock at the back door. Thinking that her sister had returned from church or that some neighbor had called, she went to the kitchen to discover a tramp who made a peremptory demand for something to eat. Being frightened by his appearance, she shut and bolted the door leading from the kitchen to the dining room, when the man hurled a brick through the dining room window, threw off the “catch” and attempted to raise the lower sash. Finding it held by other fastenings he pushed the upper sash down and leaped over both sashes into the room, following Miss Jewett as she ran into the front hall to give an alarm. As he passed the dining room table he seized a red tablecloth , and catching Miss Jewett just as she had unbolted the front door, wound the cloth about head, neck and arms in such a manner as to prevent an outcry and render her helpless. in this condition she swooned. The tramp then rebolted the door, and going to the pantry helped himself to a large number of sugar cookies and a quart of milk, after which he left the house by the back door. The neighbors rendered prompt and efficient services, and during the afternoon large squads of angry citizens and officers searched the woods in all directions for the villain. Had he been found, he undoubtedly would have been lynched. Upon being restored consciousness, Miss Jewett was able to give a description of the man. He is about five feet and seven inches tall, has brown hair and a sandy moustache and chin whiskers. He wore a cap, dark coat and brown pantaloons. He wore a leather boot on one foot and an artic boot on the other.” The dastardly assault has created a feeling of indignation in this village and every stranger who bears the indications of a tramp has been closely scrutinized.
Information received this morning states that the person arrested by Officer Flynn was not the right one although he bore a close resemblance. He gave his name as John O’Laughlin.

590. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Mansfield Center.
All is bustle and activity at the Hollow. A large force of workmen are engaged in digging for a foundation and quarrying stone for the thread company’s new mill and dye house. Work on the walls of the latter has already commenced. George Jordan of Willimantic has the contract for the stone work and Gilbert S. Williams of Mansfield the wood work, both of them experienced and practical workmen. The mill will be 145 feet in length by 52 in width two stories above the basement. The dye house will be 84 x 26 two stories, both of them built of granite, laid in blocks in the most substantial manner. The stone used are found on the premises and in the immediate vicinity, and are, when quarried, splendid specimens of native granite and for building purposes cannot be surpassed by any in the country. Two derricks are in position and use, one for laying, operated by horse power, and the other for hoisting from the quarry operated by a donkey engine. These buildings when completed will be as important addition to the Hollow and will add materially to the manufacturing interests of the town. The company has an abundant and never failing power from the Natchaug river which with the new mill in operation will be turned to good account. The president and chief manager of the company, Mr. M.M. Johnson, is a man of ability, experience and energy, which is a reasonable guarantee of success for the new undertaking. Although the inducements for investing in this town at present in real estate, or other taxable property, are not very flattering, for with a fearful rate of taxation, --two per cent,--to pay interest on a large debt, which accrued in war times, and for ordinary expenses, the outlook is anything but encouraging for tax payers, and to those who would otherwise purchase or invest, it amounts to an obstacle.” And in the face of this burden of taxes, it requires a large amount of pluck and energy to attempt what the National Thread company has commenced at the Hollow. At the same time, there are those who would be materially and permanently benefited by these improvements, and who are so blind to their own interests, and to the general prosperity of their village, that, without discommoding themselves in the least, they would not sell a small fragment of land to accommodate the company that is doing so much to enhance the value of their adjoining property, unless they could obtain several times its real value. Whether this spirit arises from a jealousy of the prosperity of others or whether it emanates from a greed of gain, and a desire to take the advantage of circumstances, we know not, but at all events, it is not very commendable.
The Baptist church at Spring Hill has recently lost by death both of its deacons, who left widows. The two deacons of the Congregational church at the Center, have within a short time both lost their wives, thus leaving within a distance of three miles, two deacons without wives and two who were wives, without deacons.
“That post bugle” of John’s, spoken of by a Mansfield correspondent of the Journal of March 10th, has lately degenerated into a more common and less pleasing primitive instrument after leaving the Center. This probably results from a change of drivers at this place, for when John leaves the stage the music changes. Formerly, when the Ashford chariot with its fiery steeds attached rolled majestically and rapidly across the plain, and through the Boulevards, the aeolian strains and operatic airs of John’s bugle were “music to our ears.” But since the change of drivers, the incoming coach is heralded by the discordant and ear-splitting solos of a fish horn, blown with a force sufficient to raise a young cyclone. Yet as long as the stage comes in on time, and there is room for one more, we don’t miss our chance, we will find no fault with the style of music that gives us timely warning of its approach.

TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: North Windham.
There is some prospect of the R.R. Co. making reparation of the losses sustained by the recent fire. The Tolland Ins. Co’s have made a settlement with Mr. Buckingham, and he is undecided whether to rebuild or not.
On Sunday last the Sabbath school reorganized, with the same corps of officers viz. Robert Harley, Sup’t; C.W. Burdick, Ass’t. Sup’t; C.M. Bates, Sec. and Treas; Alice M. Hunt Librarian, with Nellie Lincoln Ass’t. The school also presented Mrs. Frank Martin a silver butter dish, in appreciation of her faithful services as librarian.
Rev. Mr. Free preached to a full house last Sunday afternoon. Next Sunday we expect to hear Rev. Mr. Barlow at 2 p.m.

TWC Wed Apr. 26 1882: South Windham.
The American Wood Type Co. are preparing a pamphlet containing samples of their type and other original designs which is intended to be both an advertising medium and a catalogue from which these goods may be readily ordered. They have some fine specimens in type and border.
The store of Johnson & Williams has been repainted and sanded.
E. Stiles is to build a barn on the premises occupied by Charles Fisher. It will be an accommodation to his tenants.
A number of boats have been placed in the reservoir and are ready for summer use. Much satisfaction will be obtained from them and a great deal of pleasure before summer leaves us.

TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Scotland.
Rev. Mr. Pettibone has formally declined the call to occupy the pulpit of the Congregational church in this village, and Rev. S. McBurney of Willimantic supplicator the presents.
The farm and mills of the Reynolds Bros. are offered for sale. This is a valuable plant, with never failing water power and will be sold on reasonable terms owing to the recent death of one of the proprietors. See advertisement.
Alfred W. Carey has moved to his new home in Willimantic.

594. TWC Wed Apr. 26 1882: Monohansett Manufacturing company of Putnam, has been incorporated.

595. TWC Wed Apr. 26 1882: The Mansfield Drum corps always does the square thing by its friends as is evidenced by the material lift which they gave their former townsman, Mr. A.G. Hammond, in his race for the prize as being the most popular mill superintendent in Putnam.

596. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Upon the subject of village improvements an exchange remarks: “One hundred elms are to be set out in South Coventry, by way of village improvement, says an exchange, and in several of our county villages tree planting is to occur this spring. Everybody who drives through the avenue of trees set out by Luther Alexander, of Dayville, or halts his horse beneath the fine shade trees fronting Woodstock, Eastford, Thompson and Pomfret homesteads, or admires the green arching of Brooklyn’s “church road,” or taken his ease beneath the mammoth trees in the delightful R---land Park, must discover the ‘lesson of the leaves’ which he who runs, or rides, or walks, or sits, may read.”

597. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: District of Andover, ss. Probate Court, Columbia, April 22, 1882. Estate of Edward C. Worth, of Columbia in said district insolvent. The Court of Probate for the district of Andover hath limited and allowed three months from date of this order, for the creditors of said estate, represented insolvent in which to exhibit their claims against said estate: and has appointed James L. Downer and Carlos Collins Esqs. of said Columbia commissioners to receive and examine said claims. Certified by William A. Collins, Judge. The subscribers give notice that they shall meet at residence of Carlos Collins in said Columbia on the 27th day of May and 24th day of July at 10 o’clock in the forenoon on each of said days, for the purpose of attending to the business of said appointment. Carlos Collins, J.L. Downer, Commissioners. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to William H. Yeomans, Trustee.

598. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Baltic.
The station of the New York & New England railroad at this place was broken into between the hours of eleven and twelve last Friday morning and $57 taken therefrom. Entrance was effected by cutting the sash of the ticket window in the ladies’ room, so that the spring that fastened it could be worked. A Canadian by the name of Joseph Sharkey had been hanging around the depot that morning, and as soon as the agent discovered his loss be saw this man leaving the place hastily. He followed him quite a distance, until he came to the river bank just below the mammoth cotton mill, when Sharkey jumped into the water and swam to the village and passed on to Barber’s woods where he disappeared. Sharkey is about twenty years of age and his people live in Taftville. Officers were put on his track and was captured at Bean Hill. The money was found on his person. He was brought before Justice Brophy, Friday evening, and pleading guilty, he was sent to the castle on the hill in the Rose of New England, there to remain until brought before a higher tribunal.
The millinery opening of Mrs. C.M. Dow occurred last Saturday in rooms over P.S. Cote’s store. She is a good milliner and has a nice selection of goods.

599. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Chaffeeville.
Mr. W.I. Swift is building a new barn, this spring.
There was a large and pleasant gathering at the home of Freemont Dunham, recently, taking him by surprise. His many friends were glad to greet him once more before he left his native town to seek a fortune in an adjoining state, we wish him much success.
The energetic and enterprising firm of O.S. Chaffee & Son, are pushing business. They are also adorning the place, by putting on three coats of paint to all their buildings. They do not believe in doing anything that will not pay to do well; if one coat of paint pays, three will pay better.
Henry Nason proposes to put in a watering-tub under the large maple tree, a few rods south of his house. The spring never has failed, it will be a public benefit.
Mr. Nelson Conant moves back to the Origen Conant place, and Mr. Eddy goes up to the turnpike near the Isaac Freeman farm.

600. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Columbia.
Monday, the 17th inst. The tenement house owned by Marshall Holbrook, occupied by Louis Gregory, caught fire in three different places on the roof but was speedily extinguished.
On Tuesday morning the boys of Pine street school discovered a small flame issuing from the roof of Chas. Holbrook’s blacksmith shop. Prompt notice and prompt action did the work effectually.
Last Tuesday L.C. Clark lost a three-year-old heifer by getting cast in the bar yard.
Sunday, the 26th inst. a flock of 26 wild geese found a resting place in the waters of the reservoir.
Mrs. Martin Webler and daughter from Hartford, came to the residence of the former last week.
Wednesday, the 19th inst. two boys at play set a fire on a ledge of rocks, and quite a flame was kindled thereby the fire running on the ground and to such an extent that an alarm was given by the ringing of the bells, and citizens flocked to the scene of the disaster and by united efforts succeeded in arresting the fire just as the welcome rain came and put on a damper. S.S. Collins had almost twenty acres burned over and had the wind been a little more easterly the buildings of Oliver Fox would have been in imminent danger. A warning to boys to be more careful.
Miss Alice Clark, daughter of the late Chas. Clark of Iowa is the guest of her uncle, W.B. Clark.
Miss Alice Richardson is ill with bilious fever.
S.B. West and Chas. E. Little are appointed delegates to the Sunday school convention in Norwich in May.
W.H. Yeomans has recently purchased the first ten volumes of Scribner’s magazine to complete a full set.
Miss Lilian I. Fuller has begun her labors as teacher in Chestnut Hill.

601. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Ashford.
Frances L. Fitts a respected citizen of Ashford, passed quietly into rest, on Thursday of last week. He died of Bright’s disease having been sick but a short time. His loss will be very great in the community in which he lived.
Charles A. Lee has taken the contract to carry the mail from Warrenville to Bolton for three years, and commencing May 1st., E.B. Backus the present carrier retiring to engage in other business.
Stephen Lewis was in town last week and brought with him the gold taken from a ton of rock from the Westford mine, that was sent to Providence to be assayed, the piece being worth a trifle over 16 dollars, and was not quite as large as a twenty dollar gold piece. He is very confident that the mine will pay a good profit to work it., and it is expected that machinery will soon arrive for the purpose of crushing and separating the rock.
Edwin Knowlton has just had two new boats constructed and will put them upon his pond, for the accommodation of himself and those that he is willing should fish in his pond. He has constructed an nice boat house near the water, and put every thing in good order, for the fishing campaign. His pond is stocked with pickerel and is the best place to fish in Ashford. Edwin is a remarkable good fellow but you must not fish there without his consent, remember that!
Two small boys belonging to George W. Young were using an ax near the house when the older boy accidentally struck the younger lad a blow with the ax across the hand and nearly severed two of the fingers. Dr. J.H. Simmons was called and dressed the wound and it is thought the fingers will grow on again.
Christopher Avery of Lebanon has bought the farm belonging to A.T. Walker in the village of Ashford and has moved there. This farm contains about 300 acres, and before the dwelling house was burned last winter, was considered one of the most desirable places in Ashford.
A horse belonging to Dea. A.N. Byles that was left standing near Mathewson Bros. Store in Warrenville, became dissatisfied with his location, started on a run towards home, but meeting with several men in front of J.A. Murphy & Co., store was compelled to make a halt there, until the good deacon could come up and take a seat in the carriage and accompany him on his journey. The deacon seemed pleased to recover his team so easily, and consequently no profane language was used on the occasion.

602. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Andover.
Mr. David W. post, whose severe illness was noticed in last week’s Chronicle, died Wednesday the 19th inst. He was sixty-two years of age. His funeral was attended from his late residence Friday the 21st, the Rev. Mr. Ellsworth, of St. Peter’s Episcopal church of Hebron, officiating. Mr. Post leaves a widow and one son; his oldest son, Charles, having died recently after a short illness. Mr. Post was a native of Hebron (Gilead Society) but came to Andover to reside many years ago, after having spent some time in California, in the time of the gold excitement. He built the house now owned and occupied by Asa Prentice and soon after built an ax helve factory on the stream below B.E. Post’s saw mill, which was burned soon after. A few years ago he traded his house at the center for the farm which he occupied at the time of his death. Mr. Post was a natural mechanic and he was often called upon beyond citizens to supply wants which in a city would be expected to require the knowledge of at least a dozen trades. Mr. Post was a good neighbor and a useful citizen, one who will be much missed in our community.
Mr. Appleton Dorrance has been quite feeble for some time.
Many of our citizens have been to Hebron to view the ruins left by the recent fire. It forcibly reminded us of how near we came to having our village swept away at the time the railroad station was burned nearly two years ago.
Mrs. L.A. Hutchinson discovered her house to be on fire Saturday morning, but the fire was soon put out without doing any serious damage.
The Rev. Mr. Walker found a tie on the track of the New York and New England railroad a few days ago, and a boy near by watching it. Mr. Walker removed the tie and the boy ran away. Though the boy is known, our authorities have made no effort so far to secure his arrest.
Mr. N.B. Bailey has recently sold his place here to Mr. Henry C. Gilbert of Springfield, Mass. Price, $3,500. Mr. Gilbert, who is a son of the late Judge Ralph Gilbert of Hebron, will soon move here with his family.
Over one hundred new books were received for the library last week. They were presented by Mr. G.W. Edwards, a former resident of Andover.

TWC Wed Apr. 26 1882: Died.
Bailey—In Willimantic, April 25th, Eunice Bailey, aged 76 yrs.
Page—In Holyoke, April 25th, Winfield Page, only son of Thomas and Harriett Page, aged 22 years. Funeral Friday April 28.

TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Auroral Displays.
The recent auroral display on a Sunday night extended all over the country, and was the most brilliant display of the kind since 1860. Professor Henry Draper, the astronomer, said to a New York reporter that he viewed it through the spectrum with a great deal of interest. “It was not so well defined in its colors as the display in 1860,” he remarked. “We know more about the aurora borealis now than we did then, but there is still much to be learned. It is of course an electrical display, and is about 100 miles above the earth. Young, who is good authority on the subject, connects it with spots on the sun, and there is a good deal of evidence bearing on the point. Should any new spots be discovered on the sun that would be further proof. There is almost a vacuum where this display takes place. We can produce something like it in a vacuum tube. The red lines are caused by vapor in the atmosphere, but what causes the green lines is not known.”

605. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: An extraordinary supplement to the killing of Jesse James by the Ford brothers is reported for the scene of the tragedy, St. Joseph, Mo. The Ford boys were indicted by the St. Joseph grand jury for murder in the first degree; an hour later they were taken into court, pleaded guilty, were at once sentenced to be hanged on May 16, and then were instantly granted an unconditional pardon by Governor Crittenden.
The Ford brothers, slayers of Jesse James, have been served with a warrant of arrest on a second charge of murder. The warrants were served by the sheriff of Ray county, Mo., and charged the Fords with complicity in the murder of Wood Hite, one of the James gang.

606. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Guiteau is out with another card, in which he denounces his relatives in unmeasured terms. “Had they all died,” he says, “twenty-five years ago, it would have been a godsend to me.” He charges Mr. Scoville with a desire to get control of his (Guiteau’s) book, and say he has already paid Mr. Scoville $275—“which is more than his alleged services are worth.” Guiteau claims that his case might have had the benefit of great legal ability if Mr. Scoville had not intercepted letters from lawyers tendering their services, “and thereby elbowed competent counsel off the case.”

607. TWC Wed Apr 26 1882: Twenty-four wagon loads of furniture and household articles, taken from the White House, were sold at auction a few days ago at high prices. It was the first sale of the kind since Buchanan’s administration. Fully 5,000 persons, including many well known individuals, were present. The effects included the furniture of the East room, part of that of the Green room, mattresses, maps, chandeliers, two high chairs for children—ordered by Mr. Hayes—chairs, bedsteads, a plaster chart of Santo Domingo and old iron. A globe formerly owned by Nellie Grant was eagerly bid for. Among the rat traps sold was the historical one in which the rat was caught that ate up President Lincoln’s clothes. About $6,000 was obtained.

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