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Wed Apr 7 1880: About Town.
The venerable ex-Governor Cleveland of Hampton was in town on Monday.
A load of birches came into town yesterday drawn by seen pairs of oxen.
Silk winders, doublers and spoolers wanted at Mansfield Centre. Also girls to learn the business. See advt.
Mr. J.A. Lewis began on Saturday to supply our local market with lettuce. It retails for three cents a head.
Rev. K.B. Glidden will preach at North Windham next Sabbath afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Subject, "The Giant Cities of Basham."
The plate-glass fever is still raging among our merchants, and it has led to a wonderfully improved appearance of some of the store fronts.
Frank Bean put his forefinger on the saw at the steam saw mill on Monday, and received a bad cut. The wound was dressed by Dr. Jacobs.
Dr. Colgrove has removed his office and residence to Union street, between Centre and Jackson. Office hours, 7 to 9 a.m., 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.
Daniel Shea will sell seven cows and seven pigs at auction at the house of Ephraim Herrick on Milk street, Saturday, Apr. 10, at 2 o'clock p.m.
E. Perry Butts & Co. had a stormy evening for their opening on Saturday. They have a fine assortment and invite all to call and examine their goods. See advt.

682. Wed Apr 7 1880: We are glad to learn that Charlie Dennison has so far recovered his health as to be at work once more. He may be found at the store of E. Perry Butts & Co. in Opera House block.

683. Wed Apr 7 1880: The Receivers of the Willimantic Trust company give notice in another column that they will apply to Judge Park on Saturday next for an allowance for expenses and services.

684. Wed Apr 7 1880: Messrs. James A. Smith and George E. Bean have formed a co-partnership and are running a steam saw mill on the road between Windham and North Windham. They are now at work on an order for 200,00 feet of lumber for the Willimantic Linen company.

685. Wed Apr 7 1880: The geology class will meet this (Wednesday) evening at the house of Mrs. Babcock on Church street.

686. Wed Apr 7 1880: Dr. Jacobs has removed his office and residence to Commercial block. Entrance first door below Turner's dry goods store.

687. Wed Apr 7 1880: Frank Hanover is settled in his new paint shop over the Willimantic marble works, corner of Main and Bank streets, and is prepared to do all kinds of sign work and graining.

688. Wed Apr 7 1880: Lewis Burlingham lost a valuable Alderney heifer on Sunday by her slipping and breaking her leg, which made it necessary to kill her. The heifer was sold and was to be delivered on Monday.

689. Wed Apr 7 1880: Maryland has passed a law against taking oysters between April 15 and September 15, and Virginia has passed a law against dredging. Now look out for a rise in the price of the bivalves.

690. Wed Apr 7 1880: The new court room is rapidly approaching completion and it is intended that it shall be ready for occupancy by the first of May. The judges bench will be twelve feet long and of Vermont marble.

691. Wed Apr 7 1880: J.J. Kennedy opened his music store in Opera House block last Thursday evening. He has an assortment of organs, and musical merchandise which is worth looking at. Warner, the sewing machine man has his office in the same room.

692. Wed Apr 7 1880: Mr. Harris, in Hall's block, on Main Street, calls attention to his manner of cleaning and repairing gentlemen's clothing in a way to have them look as good as new. Take your spring and summer suits to him, and he will give you satisfaction every time.

693. Wed Apr 7 1880: Wm. Dodge has completed his arrangements for bleaching, pressing and dyeing all kinds of straw hats and bonnets, and is ready for business. His rooms are over the Chronicle office, entrance on Union street. He has had considerable experience at the business, and knows how it is done.

694. Wed Apr 7 1880: During the thunder shower on Saturday morning, electricity entered the post office on the telegraph wires. The wire running to the ground had been disconnected, and the fluid caused a loud report, blackening the wall, and partially melting the heads of some of the set screws on the apparatus. The telephone box in Walden's was also disabled during the shower.

695. Wed Apr 7 1880: At the annual meeting of the First society of Spiritualists last Thursday evening, the following officers were elected: President, L.H. Clark; vice-president, W.C. Cargel; secretary and treasurer, L.J. Fuller; trustee, D.A. Lyman, Whiting Hayden, Mrs. Jennie C. Robinson, Miss Eunice Ripley, George W. Burnham.

696. Wed Apr 7 1880: We would call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of C.M. Palmer & Co., of new spring goods to be found in another column. This firm in an old one, has acquired an enviable reputation for fair dealing and the good quality and styles of their goods and their inducements to purchasers should not be forgotten in their search for bargains.

697. Wed Apr 7 1880: The First Congregational society held its annual meeting on Monday evening. The by-laws were changed to permit of the appointment of a society committee of three members instead of one as heretofore, and William C. Jillson, A.T. Fowler and C.O. Bottum were chosen as that committee. D.C. Barrows was chosen clerk and treasurer. The annual sale of pews was appointed for Wednesday evening April 14th.

698. Wed Apr 7 1880: H.E. Remington & Co. will have an opening in their new rooms tomorrow evening.

699. Wed Apr 7 1880: The owner of a keg of lead found on Main street can find his property at Geo. M. Harrington's.

700. Wed Apr 7 1880: C.N. Andrews has lost his young shepherd dog. He answers to the name of "Rover." He had a nickle-plated chain around his neck when lost. Mr. Andrew will give a suitable reward for his recovery.

701. Wed Apr 7 1880: George F. Johnson, who formerly kept the hotel at Windham Green, but is now landlord of the Mortlake House at Brooklyn, in this state, gave a ball and turkey supper on Wednesday evening of last week and the whole affair is said, by those who were present, to have been a perfect success. The music for dancing was furnished by the Plainfield orchestra, and the prompting was done by our townsman, George Wheeler. The supper was one of the most elaborate spreads ever made in Brooklyn, and was enjoyed by the hundred or more who were so fortunate as to partake of it. We hear that Mr. Johnson is making the Mortlake one of the most popular hotels in eastern Connecticut.

702. Wed Apr 7 1880: The store lately vacated by Gilbert, the confectioner, is being refurbished and will be occupied by Mrs. E.F. Trowbridge, millinery and fancy goods.

703. Wed Apr 7 1880: Messrs. A.A. Conant & Co. are the successors to E. Stiles & Son in the insurance business.

704. Wed Apr 7 1880: The Emmet Club. The members of the Emmet club of this village have made all necessary arrangements for their grand ball on the evening of the 16th. The former efforts of the club are too well known to need any comment at our hands, and this affair will no doubt excel all previous dances given by the members. At their last meeting they voted to engage the Wheeler & Wilson band of Bridgeport, and this fact alone should draw all lovers of music to the concert, which occupies one hour, from 8 to 9. The committee of arrangements, T.J. Kelly, J. Keon, John F. Carey, J. Ryan and J. O'Sullivan, have determined to make this assembly the crowning one of the season; and to make the programme complete, C.N. Wadsworth, the new proprietor of the National house, will furnish a first-class supper. This will be his first attempt at catering for a ball in Wilimantic, and he feels confident of giving satisfaction. Dancing tickets have been placed at $1; gallery at 25 cents, with reserved seats at 50 cents. Reliable Gurdon Cady will officiate as prompter.

705. Wed Apr 7 1880: Court of Burgesses.--At the meeting on Monday evening, the Court of Burgesses, it was voted to pay the following bills:--Willimantic Gas Company for gas, $1.65; O.H.K Risley for interest, $758.33; James Conlin repairing tools, $1.32; bill for labor, 225.95; James Walden rent on account of fire department, $60.00; R. Davison rent on account of fire department, $56.25; R. Davison salary as Warden for quarter ending April 1st, $100.00; Keigwin, Loomer and Stiles rent of library and borough office for quarter ending April 1st, $25.00. permission was voted to Levi A. Frink to build a three story wood building on the site of his present dwelling on Main street, also to R. Davison to continue building the wood addition to his building on corner of Main and Jackson streets which he had commenced to build without respecting the borough ordinance. The vote passed a year ago, giving permission to the late G.W. Hanover to build a wood building on the foundation next to Insurance block, on Union street, was rescinded. It was voted to abate $17.40 of the tax of J.M. Reid the same being an error. The bonds of Special Constable D.E. Potter were accepted.

706. Wed Apr 7 1880: Scotland.
Lewis Gager has disposed of his farm and has bought the Downing place in the village. He will take possession this week.
O.S. Remington has accepted a position in the thread mill at Mansfield Hollow and will rent his farm.
Miss Matilda Webb, who has been ill for a long time, died on Sunday night.
Horatio M. Reed, who has lived at the grist mill for two years, has moved to a farm near Jewett City.
Frank V. Lyon has left the Devotion farm, and it is rumored that he will take O.S. Remington's farm for the year.
Oliver Crandall has moved to his old place in Palmerton.
Philo Bingham is suffering from a bad felon on his finger, and the trout are having a rest.
Samuel Hughes's dog had a go-as-you-please race with a hound after a fox the other day, starting early in the morning and running till 11 o'clock at night. He has not been able to be out since.
There continues to be a good deal of sickness in town.

707. Wed Apr 7 1880: Mansfield.
Some one has defaced and marred one of the new marble tombstones standing near the highway in the old cemetery at Mansfield Center. It is probably the work of mischievous boys, who made it a target for throwing stones and who ought to be taught better.
Colds are prevalent, and several are confined to their homes in consequence thereof. Rev. A.E. Chaplin of Spring Hill is one of the sufferers.

708. Wed Apr 7 1880: South Coventry.
From the American Mercury May 22nd, 1785: "By authentic information from Connecticut, we learn that a few weeks since a person on his travels through the town of Coventry, in that state, stopped on a Saturday at the house of the Rev. Joseph Huntington, D.D. and acquainted the Doctor that he had been preaching at Susquehannah for a considerable time, was so unfortunate as to be driven from his possessions there by the Indians--that his property was destroyed by them--that he was then bound to the state of Massachusetts, where he had some friends residing, and at the same time begged charity. The Doctor, who is by no means a stranger to acts of hospitality was very liberal and charitable to the clergyman, invited him to spend the Sabbath, as there would be an impropriety in his travelling the succeeding days, which invitation the stranger accepted. The Doctor then requested his brother clergyman to assist him in the duties of his office; but he objected and said that his clothes were not sufficiently decent to appear in the pulpit. In order to obviate this difficulty, the Doctor offered him a suite of clothes, which he had not long since received room the tailor, and desired him to try them on, which he did and found they suited very well. The objection being removed, the clergyman accordingly agreed to assist the Doctor the succeeding day, and desired to be by himself that evening to study his discourse. A fire was then made in his bed chamber, where he repaired with his new garb, at the same time acquainting the Doctor, that he must study until late at night, and hoped no noise which he might make would disturb the repose of the family. Sunday morning came, the adroit clergyman was sent for to breakfast, but to the great surprise of the family he was not to be found; for during the night he had taken his exit not forgetting the garment so well suited to his clerical dignity and leaving behind the following select and well adapted text, prefixed at the top of the paper intended for his sermon:--'Ye shall seek me and shall not find me; and where I am, thither ye cannot come.'--John 7:34."
A person in this village has a fac-simile of the first paper, The New England Courant, ever printed by Benjamin Franklin, Queen street, Boston. It is indeed a quaint and curious relic, a two-page volume 8 1-3 inches wide by 12 1-3 inches long, two columns upon a page. Published Feb. 11th, 1723. The editorial column is headed with the latin motto "Non ego mordaci difirinxi Carmine puenguam, Nul'n vonenato Litera onifta Joco est." The following items appear in this column:--"There is no Man in Boston better qualified than old James for a Couranteer, or if you please, an Observator, being a Man of such remarkable Opticks, as to look two ways at once." "P.S. Gentle Readers, we design never to let a Paper pass without a Latin Motto if we can possibly pick one up, which carries a Charm to the Vulgar and the learned admire the pleasure of Construing. We should have obliged the World with a Greek scrap or two, but the Printer has no Types, and therefore we entreat the candid Reader not to impute the defect to our Ignorance, for our Doctor can say all the Greek letters by heart." Midway the second column commences, "His MAJESTY'S most Gracious SPEECH to both Houses of Parliament, on Thursday, October 11th, 1722." Then there are three items of "Public News" and a list of names of persons who had "Entred Inwards," "Cleared Out" and were "Outward Bound." In the lower right hand corner are inserted the following advertisements:--"The best Philadelphia Townbolted Flower, sold by Mr. William Clark, in Merchants Row--A Servant Boy's Time for 4 years to be disposed of. He is about 16 Years of Age and can keep Accounts. Enquire at the Blue Ball in Union street and know further."
The numerous friends of the Rev. J.P. Hawley, formerly pastor of the Congregational church in this village, will be interested to hear what a Chester correspondent writes to the Hartford Times:--"At the Congregational church upon Easter Sunday the display of flowering plants and cut flowers was fine, consisting of ivies, calceolaria primroses, century plants, etc. The number of persons at this church Sunday afternoon far exceeded that at any service, for many years previous, the reason of this was, the popular pastor the Rev. J.P. Hawley was to preach his farewell sermon. The usual service at the Baptist church was omitted that the congregation might also attend. Mr. H. gave his reasons for the change he was about to make. He set at rest many stories flying around, and satisfied all with a few exceptions, that the trouble was the fault of other parties. Great dissatisfaction is expressed that the society should permit him to go. The pews at the annual sale brought more than at any time for a number of years, it being supposed that Mr. Hawley was to remain. After holding up under the affliction of another term of trial candidating, it is extremely improbable that a pastor will be found, who will give such universal satisfaction as the one just lost. The farewell sermon of Mr. Hawley was one of his best efforts. The text was, "The open door." In the evening a special sermon was given to the young men which contained some excellent advice."
Last week while James Squires and wife were away from home, their house and contents were destroyed by fire. Four years ago a similar calamity befell them in Columbia. They then purchased a house in this place for $600, which debt had been chiefly paid through the industry of Mrs. Squires.
Mr. Perry from Columbia, has purchased the property known as the Widow Bingham farm, and took possession last week.
Mrs. J.K. Hammond and Miss Jennie Kolb visited city friends last week.
Cross-of-Malta shaped rosetts worn in the days of pretty Polly Shaw of ancient London will be used to decorate Spring toilets.
Moses Hann the happy-go-jolly peddler, exhibited last week, the finest lot of dry goods ever shown in town by one of the packmen fraternity.
Strew a handful of flax seed into the pores of a nice Mediterranean sponge, cut basket-shaped, suspend in a sunny place, moisten daily, and in three weeks you will be surprised by the thickly growing leafy tendrils falling around like a pretty hanging plant "Love in a tangle."
During the heavy shower Saturday morning the lightning played several mischievous freaks, displacing a machine in the Washburn silk mill, furrowing the soil and striking a tree near by. The effect of the electric current running along the telegraph wires prostrated Mr. Amos Hammond and several were quite overcome by the shock.
Mr. Seagraves has been indisposed, and at present writing Mr. Harlin Thompson is very low.
Owing to the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Morton, at the Cong. church last Sunday only a morning service was held. Dea. Morgan reading to a rather thin congregation a sermon by the Rev. H.W. Beecher the theme of which was Special Providence.
The Rev. J.O. Dodge of the M.E. church preached his farewell sermon last Sunday. After the singing of a hymn, M.J.D. Wilson gave notice of the beginning of Conference, adding that the wheel of itinerancy might return them their present pastor.

709. Wed Apr 7 1880: Our friend Mr. Frank Spaulding spoke on the subject of temperance, at Hartford, last Sunday evening, and the Hartford Courant of Monday thus compliments his efforts:--"Mr. Frank Spaulding of Plainfield gave a thrilling and powerful temperance address last evening at the South Park Methodist church under the auspices of the Reform Club, before an audience which filled the house. Mr. Spaulding spoke for over an hour, urging total abstinence as the only safe way, and deeply moving his audience by his eloquence and pathos."

710. Wed Apr 7 1880: Notice is Hereby Given that the Receivers o the Willimantic Trust Co. will apply to Hon. John D. Park, Judge of the Supreme Court for an allowance for services and expenses in execution of said trust on Saturday, April 10th, 1880, at 10 o'clock a.m. at office of Jeremiah Halsey at Norwich, Conn. Dated at Willimantic, April 6th, 1880. John M. Hall, Attorney for Receivers.

711. Wed Apr 7 1880: Silk Help Wanted. Ten girls, winders, doublers and spoolers. Also ten Girls to learn the business. O.S. Chaffee & Son. Mansfield Centre. Conn.

712. Wed Apr 7 1880: Ashford.
Henry E. Knowlton lost an ox last week while working him. He lay down and died almost immediately.
James H. Burrill of Westford will build a new house on the spot where the one was burned last winter.
Lewis Fitts has raised his barn and has it nearly covered.
This week the tax collectors call for contributions from the people. Those who pay their taxes before the 10th, are entitled to one per cent deduction.
Last week was moving week, and several families changed their residences.
The pleasantest event of the week was the marriage of Miss Abbie Murphy of Warrenville, to Olander Balch of Mansfield, which took place at the residence of the bride's parents at Warrenville, Tuesday evening, March 31st. The ceremony was performed by Rev. K.B. Glidden of Mansfield in well-chosen and appropriate words. After the salutations to the bride and groom, which were numerous and responsive, the party retired to the dining room for refreshments, where the tables were literally groaning under the weight of their burdens. The presents were numerous and varied, coming from nearly all the guests, and members of the family and friends. Grandmother Spaulding who was prevented from attending in person on account of sickness, presented the bride and groom with a very large and elegant Bible. The "light fantastic toe" was tripped to the melodious strains of the violin in the hands of James Macfarlane until the wee small hours of the morning. Mr. Balch is to take up his residence with his father-in-law, J.A. Murphy.

713. Wed Apr 7 1880: North Windham.
Messrs. Smith & Bean have commenced operations on the wood lot purchased of Mrs. Smith, and have their steam saw in working order, and a mill partially completed, which stands on the land adjoining owned by Andrew Frink, near a never-failing spring of water from which the boiler is to be supplied.
Mr. Howlitt and family have removed to Willimantic. Levi Lincoln has moved to Bricktop. David Lincoln has taken possession of his new farm at "Ballyhack." Orrin Knight has gone to South Windham. Mrs. Lyon has removed to Ashford.
The children of George Lincoln, who have been quite sick with diphtheria, are recovering.
We are very thankful if we were mistaken in regard to wine being served at the Farmer's club meeting at the residence of M.P. Wyllys, and wish it could be dispensed with on other occasions as well, likewise cider. We think it might be a blessing to the community. We would inform "One who was there" that he was laboring under a mistake,--that Mr. W. buried a good wife some four years ago and has never since taken a new one. So the kind lady who assisted Mr. W. and his daughter in waiting upon his guests can take the compliment to herself.
Charles Smith will assist M. Bates in his farming the coming season.
Mrs. Bates commenced her school at Chaplin, Charles Spafford his school at Bricktop, and Mr. Avery and Miss Hunt the school in this district on Monday, the 29th march.

714. Wed Apr 7 1880: Plainfield.
The town farm is to be managed the coming year by Mr. Briggs, a healthy change from the last administration.
As a part of the fruit of the recent revival at Moosup, the Rev. J.N. Shipman administered the rite of baptism to four candidates last Sunday.
George P. Bradford of New York is spending a few days at his home on the Street.
A little son of Daniel Allen fell from a chair last Saturday night, breaking his collar. Dr. Sweet of Lebanon was sent for and reduced the fracture.
Calvin Starkweather on Monday made complaint before Grand Juror Joseph A. Deane against two persons, one being the negro Hazard, connected with the Tillinghast-Wilcox robbery, and the other a white man well known in this vicinity. The grand juror will investigate the matter at once. Startling developments in connection with the recent thieving transactions may yet be looked for.
John L. Chapman, Charles Kinne and Denison Richmond have each lost a valuable horse recently.
The spring and summer term of school on the Street, Miss Nettie Gallup teacher, will commence next Monday.
Rev. J. Marsland of Central Village is having a vacation and visiting friends at Chester, Pa. Rev. J.N. Shipman of Moosup supplies his pulpit during his absence, the Sunday service being in the afternoon.
Rev. S.H. Fellows of Wauregan is enjoying a vacation with his son-in-law, Henry Lewis, at Chicago. His pulpit was occupied last Sunday by Rev. W.C. Carr of Danielsonville.
F.E. Collins of Providence has leased the premises near Plainfield Junction, recently occupied by Eugene Stoughton, and will carry on the business of blacksmithing and wagon repairing.
A beautiful juvenile cantata entitled "A Quarrel Among the Roses," in which some 26 misses will take part, will be presented in the Congregational church, Plainfield street, on Wednesday evening, April 14th, under the able direction of George J. Favor. In connection with this entertainment the ladies of the society will provide an excellent supper.

715. Wed Apr 7 1880: North Mansfield.
Upon & Son are busily engaged in preparing the lumber for Levi Fisk's new house at the Four Corners.
Mrs. A.F. Richardson has just been having an addition to her barn put up.
Henry Fisher has removed his family to his place near Fenton river.
David F. White is having an addition made to his house on Spring Hill.
Henry Williams of Gurleyville has moved to the Phillips place on Spring hill and repairs have been made on the house.
Augustus Storrs has been making a short stay at the stock farm in North Mansfield.
Prof. Hall's little concert at the town hall, Spring Hill, was a very enjoyable affair, and speaks well for his capability as a teacher of music.

716. Wed Apr 7 1880: Colchester.
The schools in the academy have closed for a short vacation. Miss Alice Kelsey was awarded the prize in spelling, which was a Webster's dictionary. She passed the term without missing a word.
Tracy & Watson, proprietor of Standish mills seem to be full of business. They intend to purchase an endless saw which will be a great improvement in their line of business.
It is said that Daniel Webster has the smartest cold in town. We think so, too.
Rev. W.N. Walden preached his farewell sermon in the Baptist church the last Sunday in March. His leaving occasions general regret among those who have known him here.
Bertie Kellogg has gone to Janesville, Wisconsin, to learn telegraphing in all its branches.
John Allen had the misfortune to cut himself while chopping a few days since. We hope it will not prove dangerous.

717. Wed Apr 7 1880: Portland.
The public schools closed last week Thursday, a week earlier than it would have done, but for illness of the principal. The old teachers will be retained for next term except Mr. Benedick in the Rose Hill district. He returns to Wesleyan University to complete his college course.
Rev. F.W. Harriman, will commence his services with the parish of the Holy Trinity next Sabbath. The rectory will soon be put in readiness for him.
Rev. Wm. Nutting, delivered his last of a series of lectures in the Methodist church last week Wednesday evening on "Popular Errors," which was followed with a good supper, ice-cream, etc. He preaches his farewell sermon next Sabbath, as he has decided on account of the illness of his family, to remove, greatly to the regret of many.

718. Wed Apr 7 1880: Born.
Snow--In Windham, March 28th, a son to Wade A. and R. Snow.
Miller--In Ashford, April 3, a son to Chas. And Lillian Miller.

719. Wed Apr 7 1880: Died.
Manny--In Columbia, April 3, Barbary Manny, aged 96.
Staniford--In Windham, April 5, James C. Staniford, aged 7[seventy something - not readable]
Snowe--In Willington, April 6, Geo. B. Snowe, aged 59.
Barrows--In Mansfield, April 6, Elizabeth Barrows, aged 61.
Peck--In Merrows Station, April 1st, Marth W. Peck, aged 79.
Kingsley--In Lebanon, April 3d, M. Ella Kingsley, aged 28.
Bennett--In Willimantic, April 4, Walter C. Bennett, aged 32.
Webb--In Scotland, April 5, Matilda C. Webb, aged 67.

720. Wed Apr 7 1880: Columbia.
On Friday of last week the president of the Tolland County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Lucius Fuller, Esq., was in town and made an adjustment of the recent fire losses, which were paid immediately. The Tolland Company is a company that promptly pays its losses.
Seth S. Collins held his last reception for taxpayers at G.B. Fuller's store on Saturday, April 3d. Delinquents must remember that they are now paying 12 per cent interest upon the amount of their taxes while they are unpaid.
Leverett Watrous has moved into a tenement belonging to L.C. Clark.
The addition to Fuller & Lyman's store will soon be completed.
The Literary Association held their last meeting for the season on Friday evening. The programme was varied. Officers were appointed as follows:--for president, Charles B. Little; vice-president, Henry E. Lyman. There was select reading by Miss Emma Bascomb, subject, "The Two Glasses." This was followed by a spelling match, in which Miss Estella J. Downer and Miss Emma Bascomb were leaders and William H. Yeomans spelling master. The contest was lively and resulted in the success of Payson E. Little, who was on the side of Miss Bascomb. The words were selected from Monroe's speller. This was followed by a promiscuous match with Charles H. Richardson and Payson E. Little as leaders and Charles E. little as pronouncer. Miss Lucy Sawyer was the last upon the floor of Mr. Richardson's side. A second spelling match followed with Edward P. Lyman and Charles E. Little as leaders and Mr. Yeomans as spelling master. In this contest Hon. William A. Collins was the last to go down.

721. Wed Apr 7 1880: Hebron.
At the last meeting of the literary society the following programme was carried out: A reading by Mrs. E.W. Lathan; vocal music by Miss Annie Bissell; song by the Misses Phelps. The debate followed on the question: Resolved, That irredeemable greenbacks should be issued by the United States, according to the policy of the greenback party. The question was argued in the affirmative by C.J. Douglass and C.H. Brown; in the negative by L.A. Waldo and G.H. Hodge. The question was decided by the president on the weight of argument in the negative. After the debate the following officers were elected from the next two months: President, G.W. Thompson, vice-presidents, C.J. Douglass and Mrs. E.W. Latham. The meeting then adjourned for two weeks.
Last Friday the barn belonging to Fuller and Root of Columbia was destroyed by fire at Gilead. The loss was covered by insurance.

722. Wed Apr 7 1880: At a Court of Probate holden at Windham, within and for the district of Windham on the 31st day of March, A.D. 1880. Present, Huber Clark Esq, Judge. On motion of Henry Hendrick, Administrator on the intestate estate of Thomas Campbell late of Windham within said district, deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the said administrator, and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic, and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign-post in said town of Windham nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record, Huber Clark, Judge.

. Wed Apr 14 1880: About Town.
John W.F. Burleson left town for Jewett City on Monday.
S.F. Loomer has laid an asphalt walk in front of Opera House block.
A new barber shop has opened inn Stephen Kimbel's building on Main street.
The street sprinkler was started on Monday and the streets froze up Monday night.
George Rood expects to arrive from the West to-morrow with about 25 young horses.
The foundations for the walls of the new armory are nearly completed, and the brick is expected next week.
A.B. Palmer was taken dangerously ill on Saturday with throat disease, but is now recovering, and we hope to see him out again soon.
Julian Jordan, assisted by Julius Jordan and other musicians is giving concerts in Southern Connecticut and Rhode Island. Carroll B. Adams is on the staff as solo violinist.
Rev. Fl. De Bruycker, pastor of St. Joseph's, is spending a few weeks vacation out of town, and Father Arnold his coadjutor will conduct the services next Sunday.
Thomas Ronan was holding a drill for another man to strike on Saturday at the Linen Co.'s quarry, when the striker missed the drill and struck Ronan's hand, bruising it badly.
E. Perry Butts is in New York buying more goods.
L. Warner, the sewing machine man lost his horse yesterday.
Rev. Edgar F. Clark, formerly pastor of the M.E. church, was in town yesterday.
James Dungan has opened a grocery store in Burlingham's building on Union street.
A sociable will be held in Bidwell's hall, South Coventry, to-morrow evening, and the posters say it will be "Go-as-you-please."

724. Wed Apr 14 1880: Letters from E.C. Potter show that there has been no permanent improvement in his health since his arrival in Florida. He expects to come home next month.

725. Wed Apr 14 1880: William Martin, for a number of years night watchman at the depot in this village, has been assigned day duty recently, and his place has been filled by O. Bradley Nason.

726. Wed Apr 14 1880: Mrs. E.F. Trowbridge invites the attention of the ladies to her stock of millinery, fancy goods, trimming, hair goods, etc., at her new rooms in Commercial block an the first floor. See advt.

727. Wed Apr 14 1880: A team belonging to William Lynch started from Arnold's grain store Monday noon, and ran down Main street as far as the Willimantic Linen Co.'s office, smashing the wagon and scattering the contents.

728. Wed Apr 14 1880: Mrs. G.B. Hamlin was thrown from her wagon last Friday evening on Main street and bruised considerably. The accident was caused by the breaking of the pole strap. The wagon was overturned and wrecked.

729. Wed Apr 14 1880: The receivers of the Willimantic Trust company appeared before Chief Justice Park at Norwich, on Saturday, asking for an allowance for their services. The sum of $2500 was allowed to the 1st of January last. The receivers have acted since May, 1878.

730. Wed Apr 14 1880: The Prohibitions at their caucus on Monday evening appointed J.A. Lewis, E.F. Reed, G.E. Bean and W.D. Pember delegates, and J.M. Hebard, A.J. Lawton, F.M. Thompson D.S. Perkins alternates to the state convention to be held in Hartford on the 21st.

731. Wed Apr 14 1880: Levi Frink is preparing to move his old house back from the street and put up a three story building with brick basement in its place. He will occupy the lower rooms in the new building for the Voluntown Bazar, and will have a number of tenements to rent in the upper part.

732. Wed Apr 14 1880: The Willimantic Farmers' Club will meet at North Windham Friday, April 16th at 7 o'clock p.m., at the house of Mason Bates. Subject, "What can be done with the uncultivated or neglected farms." Opened with an address by Mr. Origin Bennett. The meeting is free to all.

733. Wed Apr 14 1880: The Windham hotel on Windham Green, will be dedicated by the new landlord, Mr. Wilbur, on Tuesday evening of next week, by a grand ball and turkey supper. Lucius Sessions of our village, has been appointed Master of ceremonies, and Gurdon Cady will furnish music and do the prompting. A good sized party from this village will be present.

734. Wed Apr 14 1880: Our lady readers will observe that Miss Cora A. Comins advertises that she has received all the latest and best styles of spring millinery. One can find now-a-days almost every conceivable shape in ladies hats or bonnets, but the regulation affair, to be au fait and fully to merit the title of 'a duck of a bonnet" requires the skillful manipulations of the milliner in putting on the trimming, etc. Miss Comins is ready to serve her customers at her old stand over G.GT. Cross' confectionery store in Union block.

735. Wed Apr 14 1880: Mr. Hooker, proprietor of the Hooker House in Colchester, opened his billiard room in the Opera House block on Monday evening. It is as handsome and well appointed a room of its kind as is to be found in eastern Connecticut, and if Mr. Hooker shows is as much adaptation to his new business as he has to running a hotel, and we doubt not he will, he will keep a first-class place. Those who patronize such places should take pride in encouraging Mr. Hooker's effort to give us a city rank in the way of a billiard room.

736. Wed Apr 14 1880: A post office has been established at Hop River with Wm. C. Jillson as postmaster.

737. Wed Apr 14 1880: Prof. Fuller has secured a chorus of over forty voices for his oratorio, and all is working well for the success of the entertainment.

738. Wed Apr 14 1880: Mrs. Sarah A. Avery, died very suddenly on Monday morning of apoplexy. She went to church on Sunday, and appeared as well as usual on Monday until a few minutes before her death. She was a widow and the mother of William B. Avery, of this village.

739. Wed Apr 14 1880: Upon the invitation of the selectmen, some 30 or more of our citizens came together in the selectmen's room on Monday evening to consider the question whether it would be advisable to have some sort of a public demonstration in connection with the turning over of our new court-room to the town. The prevailing opinion among those present seemed to be that it would be well to take notice of the matter in some sort of a public way, and a committee of 15 was appointed to take the matter under advisement and report next Monday evening to an adjourned meeting. The committee is composed of the following gentlemen: E.A. Buck, Henry Page, Wm. B. Avery, H.L. Hall, E.E. Burnham, John M. Hall, Huber Clark, John L. Hunter, James E. Hayden, G.W. Burnham, E.S. Boss, Dennis McCarty, James Walden, Samuel Burlingham, John G. Keigwin.

740. Wed Apr 14 1880: Census Enumerators. The Hartford Courant announces the following as the enumerators appointed by Supervisor Stone, in Windham and Tolland counties:--
Windham County.
Windham--Horace A. Adams, Lloyd E. Baldwin, Porter B. Peck.
Brooklyn--John M. Brown.
Ashford--E.M. Grant.
Canterbury--William S. Adams.
Chaplin--William N. Webster.
Eastford--P.B. Sibley.
Hampton--George M. Holt.
Killingly--J.E. Bassett, F.E. Greenslit, J.N. Tucker.
Plainfield--John S. French, E.E. Brown.
Pomfret--Charles G. Williams.
Putnam--L.H. Fuller, C.H. Cheseboro.
Scotland--A.Walker Maine.
Sterling--A.A. Stanton.
Thompson--O. Tourtellote, J.M. Munyan.
Voluntown--F.A. Douglas.
Woodstock--F.M. Fox, L.A. Chandler.
Tolland County.
Tolland--William Holman.
Andover--M.P. Yeomans.
Bolton--J.L. White.
Columbia--C.T. Clarke.
Coventry--No appointment yet.
Ellington--No appointment yet.
Hebron--D.M. Buell.
Mansfield--George F. Swift.
Somers--L.D. Converse.
Stafford--J.F. Chamberlain, J. Risley.
Union--M.H. Kinney.
Vernon--C.W. Burpee, H.F. Parker, C.P. Thompson.
Willington--Albert Sharp.

741. Wed Apr 14 1880: Ashford.
Henry H. Platt lost a horse last week. It had been ailing for some time.
George Copeland, who drives a four hourse team from Warrenville to Willimantic lost one of his horses from disease last week.
Charles A. Lee, who has driven Lombard & Mathewson's team for several years past, is to have a situation in David Clark's livery stable at Willimantic.
William H. Platt has obtained a situation in Hislop, Porteous & Mitchel's dry goods store at Norwich.
Dwight Moulton has a situation in the Willimantic Linen Co.'s office at Willimantic.
The measles are quite prevalent at West Ashford.
Rev. Bronson preached at the Baptist church in Warrenville last Sabbath, and the church talk of giving him a call to preach there the coming season. Rev. E. P. Mathewson, who has been their pastor for several years is to go to other fields to labor.
Wm. W. Gardner has been quite sick for a few days past, but is better now. This is something quite unusual for him to be unable to attend to his numerous customers.
The delegates appointed to attend the State Convention on the 28th are John S. Fitts, Loomis E. Stowell, George Platt and Dwight Clark.

742. Wed Apr 14 1880: Hebron.
One of the most interesting and pleasing entertainments ever given in Hebron was given by the Literary Society on Thursday and Friday evenings of last week. The entertainment commenced with a recitation by Miss Ida Porter, "The fall of Pemberton Mill." Then followed the drama "Among the Breakers," with the following cast of characters: David Murry, The keeper of Fairpoint Light, E. W. Latham; Larry Divine, his attentant, G.W. Thompson; hon. Bruce Hunter, Elisa Spafford; Clarance Hunter, his ward, W.H. Wyman; Pet Paragrapher, a newspaper reporter, L.M. Lord; Scud, Hutner's colored servant, C.J. Douglass; Miss Minnie Daye, Hunter's niece, Miss Hattie Bissill; Bess Starbright, cast up by the waves, Miss Clara Porter; Mother Cary, a fortune teller, Miss Annie Strong; Biddy Beanan, Irish girl, Miss Ida Porter. After the drama Sir Thomas's improved orchestra appeared and entertained the audience. It consisted of an organ, violin, bass-viol, buck saw and saw horse, churn, wash tub and rub board, a rag baby trotted by a lady, another lady sewing and a darkey dancing, all keeping time to the tune of Yankee Doodle. Widow Bedott's Tea Party followed, with Miss Lizzie Sumner, Miss Jennie Goodnough, B.W. Strong and L.M. Lord as actors, which closed the evening's entertainment. The entertainment was heartily applauded. Time and space will not permit us to give each actor the credit due them. Long before the entertainment closed requests came to the committee to repeat it the following evening, which was done with the addition of some very fine music on the organ by Miss Julia Shaw of Cummington, Mass., who is paying a visit to her friend and chum, Miss Annie Strong, and a song by Elisha Spafford.

743. Wed Apr 14 1880: Mansfield Centre.
Philo Chaffee had an ox drop dead in his team near here one day last week.
Robert J. McNally has resigned his position as overseer in the finishing room at the National thread company, which place he has filled for several years acceptably to both company and employees.
General T.S. Cummings and family have returned from New York city to their beautiful residence.
Dea. Barrows's wife died suddenly on Tuesday and was buried on Thursday, one week from the day that she was last about her usual house work. She was a native of this town, and 61 years old. Although her loss will be felt most at home, yet the poor and needy have lost a friend, and the society one of its influential members.
Col. Turner is having the sidewalk in front of the old cemetery and Mr. Jackson's fixed up. It has needed it a long time.
O.S. Chaffee & Son, the silk men of our town, are running their mill to its fullest capacity, and part of their machinery throughout the night. They have the reputation of making first-class goods.
Eugene Eaton is in Kansas. He saw C.G. Southworth start with his goods for Colorado, where he and his son Samuel are moving.

744. Wed Apr 14 1880: South Coventry.
Rev. W.D. Morton of the Cong. church, whose absence from the pulpit last week was occasioned by the death of his mother, preached an excellent sermon last Sunday morning.
A New Britain correspondent writes to a Hartford daily as follows:--"Mr. Frederick L. Edgerton of the firm of A.L. Ellis & Co., clothiers died yesterday morning, April 6th after a week's illness of an organic disease of the heart. The deceased has been a resident of this city for the past five years, and a year ago last January entered into partnership with Mr. Ellis. In the same month he was married to Miss Florence G. Reynolds of Farmingdale, N.Y., and has resided at 93 Arch street since. He was nearly 28 years of age, and by his acquaintances was greatly liked for his genial, frank, pleasing manners, and in business relations esteemed for his utmost integrity. The funeral services will be held at his late residence Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock and his remains will be taken to Farmingdale for interment. Mr. Edgarton was born in South Coventry, his parents reside at present at Manchester, Conn."

745. Wed Apr 14 1880: Brooklyn.
Moving time seems to be over in this town. Quite a number has moved out, and about an equal number moved in. We lost two good citizens in John Potter and Baldwin, who, with their families have moved to Hampton, and have gained one in Mr. Bradford, who has bought the Joseph Williams farm.
If building and repairing are any indication of a revival of business, our town has waked up wonderfully this spring. Hon. T.S. Marlor's house is being newly papered, frescoed and furnished. D.B. Hatch's country residence has been greatly improved by a bay window on the south side and an addition and piazza on the west. Carpenters began work on Dea. E. Robinson's house this week. James Lowery who is doing the work, assisted by E. Patrick, has just finished putting up a barn and out-buildings on the farm now owned by H.I. Brayton. The Post office building is being improved by a coat of paint.
The democrats met in caucus at the Brooklyn hotel Saturday evening, April 10. Joseph K. Green and Darius Day were chosen delegates to the convention at Hartford on the 28th.
The ladies of the Cong. Benevolent society will meet at Mrs. S. Dabney's on Wednesday afternoon and eve.
Hon. T.S. Marlor, who has the finest stud of horses in the county, has made an addition to it the past week, of a fine bay saddle horse.
Arrivals.--Mr. and Mrs. T.B. Marlor, Mrs. D.H. Hatch from N.Y., Mrs. D. Holmes from Prov., R.I.; Mrs. Holbrook and Mr. Clarence Atwood, two former residents of this place.

746. Wed Apr 14 1880: The "Mexican Doctor." Dr. Jefferson, who figured here as the "Mexican Doctor," some two years ago, and suddenly left, turning up in Bridgeport where he married his landlady's daughter, who upon finding out that he was a fraud refused to live with him, has been heard from in the matrimonial field. It seems that he married a lady in Manchester, N.H. before coming to Willimantic; this woman he deserted as soon as he got all her property. From Bridgeport he went to Colorado and married a woman in Golden, Jefferson County. In March he left Golden with his new wife pretending he was going to Mexico. The next heard of him he had married again at Colorado Springs under the name of Henry Franz. What had become of the Golden wife when he married at Colorado Springs is not known. The Bridgeport wife obtained a divorce after the Dr. had fled that city just in time to avoid an arrest for bigamy.

747. Wed Apr 14 1880: Died.
Avery--In Willimantic, April 12th, Sarah A. Avery, aged 69.
Ferrell--In Chaplin, April 10th, Martin Ferrell, aged 55.

748. Wed Apr 14 1880: Plainfield.
Poor human frailty! Henry Howey of Central Village was intoxicated again last Friday, and has "skipped" the town to avoid the sentence recently imposed upon him by Justice Chapman in case he fell again, viz.: a home for 30 days in the Brooklyn jail.
Rev. G.W. Hunt of Moosup was a member of the court appointed by the Providence M.E. conference at Norwich for the trial of A.W. Paige of Glastonbury.
The school at Central Village, George Hyde teacher of the grammar department, and Mrs. Fannie Brewster of the primary, commenced the spring and summer term last Monday. School on Black Hill, Miss Myra Dawley teacher, will commence next Monday.
Rev. E.S. Beard of Brooklyn supplied the pulpit of Rev. S.H. Fellows at Wauregan last Sunday.
Owing to the absence of the pastor, Rev. G.W. Hunt, there were no services at the Methodist church last Sunday. Very many of the number availed themselves of the opportunity to attend divine service at the Baptist church where the Rev. J.N. Shipman preached.
The Packerville Baptist Sunday school elected the following officers last Sunday for the ensuing year: Superintendent, William Shepard; assistant superintendent, Allen Davis; secretrary and treasurer, Walter L. Palmer; librarians, Nathaniel Olin and W.L. Palmer.
The officers of the Baptist Sunday School at Moosup for the ensuing year, which were chosen last Sunday, are as follows: Superintendent, Waldo Tillinghast: assistant superintendent, Charles F. Gordon; secretary and treasurer, Daniel H. Grover; librarians, Alfred Hill, A.G. Denison and Albert J. Gibson. Superintendent Tillinghast expressed a wish to retire from the position which has so acceptably filled for the last decade of years, but was met with such persistent unwillingness on the part of the entire school to release him, that he kindly consented to yield again to their wishes.
The Wauregan company are about to erect three new four tenement houses and one two-tenement house in the South village.
Verily the business boom has reached Moosup, and nowhere is the healthful influence of better times more manifest, Milner & Aldrich have two score of men at work upon their new woolen mill at Almyville, and the walls have already reached the height of the first story. Andrews & Hill have completed the basement above the first tier of windows of their steam mill near the depot. Capt. Gray's fine house is fast approaching external completion. William Hurlburt's new drug-store, the second story of which is to be occupied for millinery rooms, is well under way. E.H. Lamb of Jewett City has leased the Kenyon house, and Oscar Harrington of Foster, R.I., the Union house. On the whole, our Moosup friends are, as they should be, satisfied with the outlook and--happy.

749. Wed Apr 14 1880: Columbia.
The flowers in full bloom in the little green house of Mrs. George H. Loomis make a beautiful appearance. She has picked large numbers of bouquets during the past winter.
Dr. LaPierre who has spent six years of practice in this place, feeling the need of a wider field of labor, is now closing up his business preparatory to a departure. By his skill in his practice, his kind and sympathetic nature, uniform courtesy, and close attention to business, the people have become very much attached to him and his companion, and very much regret his leaving; but making a virtue of necessity, their best wishes will follow their friends in their departure.
Fuller & Lyman having had their store renovated will give greater activity to business.
The friends of Samuel B. Lyman will be pleased to learn that he is gradually improving.
The usual Sunday afternoon services were omitted on last Sunday to make place for a Sabbath school concert. The subject of the concert was "The House of the Lord." The exercises consisted of text responses to seventy-one questions, singing and recitations. The singing was from the "Book of Praise" and "Bright jewels" with the exception of one piece "I was glad" sung as a quartette by Frank Cobb, bass; Fred A. Lyman, tenor; Mrs. Geo. B. Fuller, alto; Misses Hattie J. Fuller and Emma Bascomb, soprano. The recitations were well rendered and were as follows: "The House of God," by Miss Lizzie J. Brown; "The Lonely Church," by Charles E. Little; "Homeward,' by Miss Hortense Downer; "The Country Church," by Miss Elida F. Clark.
This town is now furnishing school teachers abroad as follows: Misses Elida Hutchins and Clara J. Sawyer at Rockville, Miss Orilla J. Fuller at Willimantic, Miss Elida F. Clark at Mansfield, Charles E. Little at Vernon and probably others that we have not learned.
The schools here have commenced as follows: On Monday, April 5th, Centre district, Miss Julia S. Avery teacher; North district, Miss Lizzie J. Brown teacher; pine Street district, Miss Estella S. Downer teacher. On Monday, April 21st, Hop River district, Miss Edith L. Clark teacher. Teachers are engaged for the remaining districts as follows: Chestnut Hill district, Miss Clara E. Holbrook; West district, Miss Hattie E. Robinson of Lebanon; South West district, Miss Ada S. Townsend.
William N. Card having lost a valuable hog his neighbors and others have contributed towards his relief.
Amasa A. Hunt held a singing school on Sunday evening.

750. Wed Apr 14 1880: Mansfield.
A female physician has lately visited our town, by, as she claims, special direction from the Lord. She says she can cure all kinds of disease, cause the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak. She cures by faith and oil, she anoints and prays and tells her patients if they have sufficient faith they will be healed. She has not met with much success owing possibly to lack of faith among her customers. She hails from Dr. Cully's establishment, Boston, Mass.
Mrs. Elizabeth Barrows, wife of Dea. Robert P. Barrows, died suddenly at Mansfield Centre last week. Mrs. Barrows was a model wife and mother, an exemplary Christian, and universally esteemed and beloved by all who were acquainted with her. She will be greatly missed. Her bereaved companion and family have the sympathy of the entire community in which she lived.
John M. Kingsbury has a flock of thirty five hens from which he has realized on the eggs a clear profit of $25.05 over and above the cost of keeping since the first of January.
Rev. A.J. Chaplin will continue his labors with the Spring Hill Baptist church for another year.

751. Wed Apr 14 1880: Eastford.
The mill run by E.M. Smith for the past eleven months, manufacturing the Dauntress warp, will be run by the owner, E.G. Harris after the first of May, 1880. He will manufacture wrapping twine and carpet warp.
S.O. Bowen and D.P. Carpenter arrived last Thursday with a car load of as nice Ohio horses as ever visited this town. All buyers should call and learn their prices.
Monroe F. Latham has succeeded in doing the "fifteen" puzzle, and can give an explanation so that it can be done every time.
The auction sale at Emily Clark's took place last week, and Judge Backus officiated for S.O. Bowen, he being in Charton.

752. Wed Apr 14 1880: Scotland.
Lewis Gager sold his stock, farming tools, etc. at auction on Thursday, and took possession of the Downing place in the village on Friday. E.B. Gager returned to his post on Saturday, having spent his vacation and the extra week of absence granted him, in Scotland.
Mrs. Downing and Mrs. Sherwin have taken rooms in the house of S.S. Safford.
Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Geer have resumed their residence on their farm.
Wm. R. Dorrance while trying the experiment of putting on his coat while standing in his wagon, was thrown backward by the starting of the horse, laming one side and shoulder considerably.
Egbert Bingham is suffering from a very lame shoulder, caused by falling while attempting to get on a load of hay. Mrs. William Cunningham is limping with a sprained ankle which she gained by a misstep at her own door.
Mrs. Benj. Hovey has been quite ill for the past week.
Mrs. Reynolds will take charge of her farm again, the present year.
Allen Capwell who has been quite ill, seems to be recovering.
J.L. Cady started last week to join the Heywood Bros.' party at Athol, Mass., for a season in the show business.

753. Wed Apr 14 1880: At a Court of Probate holden at Coventry, within and for the district of Coventry on the 10th day of April, A.D. 1880. Present, Dwight Webler, Judge. This Court doth direct Isaac P. Fenton, Trustee on the assigned estate of Samuel P. Swift of said Coventry to cite all persons interested to appear before said Court on the 20th day of April, A.D., 1880 at 10 o'clock a.m. at the Probate Office in said district to be heard relative to the appointment of commissioners to receive and examine the claims against said estate, and directs that public notice of this order be given by posting a copy thereof on the sign post in said Coventry, and by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic. Dwight Webler, Judge.

754. Wed Apr 14 1880: At a Court of Probate holden at Windham within and for the district of Windham on the 9th day of April, A.D. 1880. Present, Huber Clark, Esq. Judge. On motion of Alfred A. Robinson, Executor of the last will and testament of Matilda C. Webb late of Scotland within said district, deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the said executor and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in newspaper published in Willimantic and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said Town of Scotland nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record. Huber Clark, Judge.

755. Wed Apr 14 1880: At a Court of Probate holden at Lebanon, within and for the district of Lebanon on the 7th day of April, A.D. 1880. Present, Geo. D. Spencer, Judge. On motion of Charles B. Noyes, executor of the last will and testament of Miss Martha E. Kingsley late of Lebanon within said district deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the executor and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic, and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said town of Lebanon nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt and make return to this court. Attest, Geo. D. Spencer. Judge.

756. Wed Apr 14 1880: Account for Sale. A judgment against Charles H. Barrows of Willimantic, for about $800, with interest for sale on reasonable terms. Address H. Page, Box 1042 New Haven, Ct.

. Wed Apr 21 1880: About Town.
C.N. Andrew has bought out the insurance business of E. Stiles & Son.
William H. Latham & Co. are putting a new Mansard roof on the house of Jonathan Hatch at South Windham.
John L. Walden and Charles Bailey started on a trip to Omaha last Thursday, stopping at Niagara on the way.
George C. Martin and Dwight Lincoln started on a trip to California and Oregon last week.
Just take a look at the nobby light spring suits at Baldwin & Webb's. They have lots of them, and the prices are down to hard pan.
Levi A. Frink's house has been moved from the position it has occupied on Main street for more than half a century, to make room for the Voluntown Bazar block.
Miss Hattie King received a surprise visit from her fellow teachers on the evening of her birthday last week, and was presented with a pair of elegant vases as a token of their esteem.

758. Wed Apr 21 1880: Wales & Larrabee's grocery store was entered by burglars last Friday morning and robbed of about $30 worth of candy and cigars. A pan of glass was broken by the thieves to gain admittance.

759. Wed Apr 21 1880: At the Democratic Caucus last Saturday evening the following gentlemen were chosen as delegates to the State Convention: John L. Hunter, W.H. Osborne, E.H. Holmes Jr., James M. Johnson.

760. Wed Apr 21 1880: At the annual assembly of Fraternity Council, No. 4, held at Fidelity hall on Wednesday evening, April 14, the following companions were duly elected as officers for the ensuing term: A.S. Griffing, C. of C.; H.A. Watters, S. of C.; C.A. Young, J. of C.; George B. Abbott, R. of C.; Chester Tilden, Treas. Of C., Chap. Of C.; James A. Clark, M. of C.; J.D. Willis, D.M. of C.; R.M. Wiggins, P. of C.; George H. Millerd, W. of C.

761. Wed Apr 21 1880: On Thursday of last week that old offender, Oliver Kingsley, was brought before John L. Hunter, Esq., charged with stealing from a wagon, hitched in front of J.A. McAvoy's store, a buffalo robe and a market basket. He was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of $7 and costs and to stand committed till paid, and also to 30 days' imprisonment. Kingsley when out of jail spends his nights in prowling around looking for opportunities to steal, and day times he crawls away into some barn or outbuilding and sleeps. He had so lost the run of time that he could not tell the justice the day of the week.

762. Wed Apr 21 1880: Rev. Horace Winslow preached at the M.E. church last Sunday afternoon.

763. Wed Apr 21 1880: Miss Mattie Balch is advertised to give a dramatic reading at Franklin hall on Friday evening.

764. Wed Apr 21 1880: Dea. N.A. Stearns has moved his harness shop to the commodious store in Card's building.

765. Wed Apr 21 1880: Dea. Gillette, the church street grocer is doing a rapidly increasing business, sending out goods day and night.

766. Wed Apr 21 1880: H.H. Flint has purchased of S.F. Loomer and taken possession of the property on North street formerly owned by W.J. Barber. Price about $2,600.

767. Wed Apr 21 1880: The brick masons will commence work on the new armory next week, under charge of H.W. Leach of Cambridgeport.

768. Wed Apr 21 1880: There are 27 grocery stores in Willimantic, and a printer can keep house just two years and a quarter before he has to pay for anything.

769. Wed Apr 21 1880: Messrs. Lincoln & Smith are preparing to erect a coal shed 100 by 25 feet, back of our railroad trap, to accommodate their rapidly increasing business. Men are now at work there blasting rock and clearing the land.

770. Wed Apr 21 1880: The boarder who sleeps in Room 7 of the _____hotel had better blow the light out just a leetle sooner. His costume as seen last night would bring tears to a wax doll. Jimmy, "a word to the wise," etc.

771. Wed Apr 21 1880: Prof. B.G. Northrop, secretary of the state board of education, will give a free lecture at Mansfield Center Friday evening next, on the "Need of the Times." Miss Ludella L. Peck will be present and entertain the audience with a few of her choice selections in reading.

772. Wed Apr 21 1880: James Hosmer's store on Pleasant street has been leased by James N. Bailey and Horace Gallup, who will open a new stock of groceries early next week.

773. Wed Apr 21 1880: The census enumeration districts for the town of Windham are as follows: First district, Horace A. Adams enumerator, that part of school district No. 2, lying within the borough limits; second district, Loyed E. Baldwin enumerator, that part of school district No. 1, lying within the borough limits; district No. 3, Porter B. Peck enumerator, comprises the remainder of the town.

774. Wed Apr 21 1880: Death of William Tew. Many of our readers will be pained to learn of the death of William Tew, a well-known and much respected citizen of this village, at an early hour this morning. He has been for a long time afflicted with consumption, and finally succumbed to the terrible disease. Mr. Tew was an upright, conscientious man, honest in all his dealings toward his fellow-man, and in his death the borough loses a valuable citizen. The funeral will take place on Friday.

775. Wed Apr 21 1880: Court of Burgesses. At the meeting of the warden and burgesses on Monday evening, it was voted to pay Cryne & Moriarty for repairs on tools, $11.20; Charles A. Capen, making rate bill, $15; William Vanderman, repairs on hydrants, $2.72; Fanny Fitch, for interest on loan, $25. The petition of Albert R. Moulton and others, asking for a change in the lay-out of Jackson street so that the westerly line of said street shall be in a line with the westerly line of Spruce street at the intersection of Maple avenue, was discussed and laid on the table till the next meeting. The petition of A.T. Walker and others, asking for the layout and construction of a new street north from Prospect street, between the residences of Edwin Bugbee and C.B. Pomeroy to the line of proposed Summit street, thence on said proposed Summit street to the borough line, was discussed and laid on the table till the next meeting.

776. Wed Apr 21 1880: Windham County Conference. The following order of exercises has been prepared for the meeting of the Windham county conference of Congregational churches at Mansfield Center, April 27 and 28: Tuesday, 10:30 a.m., prayer-meeting, led by Rev. N. Beach; 11 a.m., organization; topic--"The importance of a higher spiritual life in the church," Rev. A. Adams; 1:30 p.m., first topic--"Parish work in its relation to ministers and church members," Rev. E.S. Beard; second topic, "What has the church to do with the Sabbath-school?" Rev. Mr. Bartlett. Evening: 7 o'clock, first topic--"Claims of the temperance reform," Rev. F. Williams; second topic, "How can the temperance cause be most successfully promoted?" Wednesday: 9 o'clock a.m., prayer meeting, F. Thompson; 10 a.m., first topic, "The skepticism of the times and how to meet it," Rev. Mr. Dingwell; second topic, "Christian worship, its use and manner, Rev. A.A. Hurd; 1:30 p.m., consecration, Rev. Mr. Wilcox.

777. Wed Apr 21 1880: A Card. A report having been circulated about town that I was found asleep in the doorway of Albert Turner's store when on duty as night watchman, I hereby brand all such reports as falsehoods having no foundation in fact; and I further affirm that I was not in that doorway except to try the door on the night in question. I would request the person who originated and circulated the above report to be more careful in the future and be sure of the person whom he finds asleep before making statements calculated to injury my character. F.H. Shaffer.

778. Wed Apr 21 1880: Scotland.
Miss Bessie Smith of Hanover began her school in the Pinch Street district on Monday of this week. She will board with John Ashley. Miss Ida Palmer began her school in Lower Scotland last week. Miss Waterman of Providence began teaching in the village last week, and the Brunswick term of school is nearly finished.
Jonathan Anthony is building a new house on his place on Pudding Hill.
Samuel Moffit has the cellar dug for a new house near the Kimball sawmill.
Jonathan and Oliver Maine have gone to Vermont and Canada after stock for their own pastures.
Asa Budd Smith of Woodchuck Hill died on Tuesday of this week.
Mrs. Benj. Hovey is still very ill but hopes are now entertained of her recovery.
Mrs. Phares Barrows is quite ill with bilious fever.
Clinton Smith has just recovered from a severe attack of pleurisy and David Wilson's youngest son is suffering from the same disease.
S.S. Safford has so far recovered from his illness as to be about the house once more.
Charles Beckwith has moved from the village to Robert Stanton's farm in Jerusalem.
Miss M. Gertrude Bass of Pinch Street has been engaged to teach in Atwoodville the coming term.

779. Wed Apr 21 1880: Mansfield.
At the democratic caucus last night George R. Hanks, L.D. Brown, Henry Spafford and N.P. Perkins were chosen delegates to the state convention at Hartford.
A goodly number from this village went to Windham last evening to attend the opening of the Windham hotel under the management of Mr. Wilbur, its new proprietor. The ball and supper were both first-class, and everybody seemed satisfied with the manner in which it was conducted. Mr. Wilbur begins very auspiciously, and there is little doubt that he will make the undertaking successful. The hotel has been repaired thoroughly, and can be classed as a first-class house.

780. Wed Apr 21 1880: Packerville.
Miss Susie E. Witter of this place is to return to her music class in So. Charleston, R.I.
C.B. Montgomery has made a contract to sing through the coming campaign for the fusionists of Maine. He is to leave here June 1st.
Rev. J.T. Temple has been engaged to preach at the Baptist church another year.
W.S. Adams, the veteran school master, began the village school last Monday morning. Mr. A. is an old and good teacher.
John R. McDonald was in town last week. John is looking finely. Hope to see him often.

781. Wed Apr 21 1880: Eastford.
H.P. Bullard is about to re-fill the old store with fresh drugs and groceries, and is to take eggs, poultry and produce in exchange.
Rev. Mr. Thomas leaves us soon, and his place will be filled by Rev. C.V. B. Cross from Mashpaug.
H.B. Burnham is rushing the shoe business, and is employing some 60 hands or more.
E.G. Harris is to put in more machinery in his mill after the 1st of May.

782. Wed Apr 21 1880: Hebron.
One day last week Jasper Porter dug out of the burrow and killed six young foxes, for which he received a bounty of $12.00 from the town. A good day's work Jap.
Don't fail to hear Rev. H. Bryant's historical sermon next Sunday.
Mrs. Clarrissa Post, a lady much loved and respected, died very suddenly of heart disease at her residence on Saturday evening last. She had felt as well as usual during the day, and retired at about 9 o'clock in the evening and died at 11. Her age was 76 years.

783. Wed Apr 21 1880: A young woman who is teaching the Indians at Hampton, Va., was recently drilling a company of girls on the hymn, "Yield not to Temptation," and trying to explain to them the meaning of the words. Some time after the class was dismissed a pupil came to her and said, "Me victory!" meaning that she had gained a victory. Being asked to explain, she said: "Indian girl, she big temptation to me; I no yield--I fight her."

784. Wed Apr 21 1880: Allen Convicted. The trial of Allen for the murder of the night watchman at the state prison on the night of September 1, 1877, which has been in progress at Hartford for the past three weeks, was concluded last Saturday by the jury rendering a verdict of murder in the second degree, which is punishable by imprisonment for life. This is the fifth trial which Allen has had. Once he has been convicted of murder in the first degree--obtaining a new trial on account of improper instructions to the jury--and once he has come very near getting an acquittal. Hamlin, the confederate of Allen, who elected to be tried by the court instead of a jury, was convicted of murder in the first degree and is sentenced to be hung on the 28th of next month, gave to the press on Saturday what he claims to be a full account of the occurrences on the night of the killing of Shipman, the watchman. The narrative is a long one and is better corroborated by the circumstantial evidence in the Allen trial than the evidence given by Allen. Hamlin says that the shot that killed Shipman was fired by Allen and that Allen planned the attempted escape out of which came the taking off of Shipman. The result of the Allen trial is a serious impeachment of the independence, respect for law and love of justice which jurors are presumed to have. There was evidently a screw loose somewhere with the jury in this case, and it was so intimated soon after the jury had been impaneled. We think in the trial of capital cases, the system of keeping the jury together after the commencement of the trial till a verdict is reached or the jury discharged, which pertains in many states, would be an improvement over our present plan--either this or some better method of designating who shall serve as jurors.

785. Wed Apr 21 1880: North Windham.
M.E.H. Hall is making quite extensive improvements on his dwelling house, and when done will have a commodious bath-room etc.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sisson celebrated the fifth anniversary of their marriage on Tuesday eve. the 13th. About thirty of their friends were present and left behind them as tokens of their regard various articles made of wood, silver, etc. Music both vocal and instrumental together with games beguiled the hours until refreshments were served, to which all did ample justice.
Mr. Charles Lincoln, Jr. and Miss Ella Welden were married on Saturday eve.
The Farmers' Club met with Mr. Mason Bates on Friday evening. (No wind.) There was a dance at the hall the same evening with a small attendance.
Mr. Hewlit for some reason did not move to Willimantic as was reported but on Wednesday moved to Atwoodville.
Mr. Glidden preached at the church on Sabbath afternoon.

786. Wed Apr 21 1880: Columbia.
Joel Tucker had a severe time in fighting fire a few days since to prevent its approach to his barn.
Amasa A. Hunt closed his singing school at the Town hall on Sunday evening.
Norman P. Little and his son George and daughter Isabel had a narrow escape from a run-away on Saturday in Willimantic. In passing a team one of the hold-back straps was broken, letting the buggy upon the horse's heels frightening it into a run. The occupants succeeded in arresting the progress of the horse without receiving any personal injury and but little to buggy and harness.
Dr. La Pierre has decided upon making Spring Arbor, a suburb of Jackson, Michigan, his future home.
There is to be a Fellowship meeting at Gilead the present Wednesday at which Rev. F.D. Avery speaks in the forenoon, and Joseph Hutchins upon the need of a deeper spirituality of the church.
Albert Squires has moved into the old John M. Smith house by the reservoir now owned by George B. Fuller.
George B. Fuller and James P. Little have a partnership in the fertilizer business, consisting of ground bone, Pine island guano and Quinnipiac phosphates, a cargo of which they received last week.

787. Wed Apr 21 1880: Ashford.
Some suckers have been caught this spring weighing over 2 1-4 pounds.

788. Wed Apr 21 1880: Plainfield.
At the Democratic caucus last Saturday evening, Frank W. Spaulding, Walter Palmer, Merrill A. Ladd and Albert B. Sprague were appointed delegates to the State convention.
We hear the name of our esteemed friend, T.W. Greenslit of Danielsonville Sentinel, spoken of as delegate from Windham county to the National Democratic Convention. The appointment belongs to the fourteenth district, and no better selection can be made.
A large congregation greeted the new pastor. Rev. E.J. Ayers at the Methodist church last Sunday.
Rev. J. Marsland of Central Village has returned from his vacation and occupied his pulpit last Sabbath.
David K. Douglas the genial and efficient proprietor of the Plainfield Hotel is to remain another year. Under his management, ably assisted by the excellent ladies of the household this old and well known house has regained its ancient reputation--thus proving that keeping a hotel is no longer one of the "lost arts"--and become deservedly popular with the traveling public, while to those who seek retirement during the summer months from the heat and sultriness of the city it offers all the privileges and comforts of real home. No village in Windham county can boast of superior attractions in a moral, social, physical or sanitary view than our beautiful Plainfield. Its broad streets shaded by majestic old elms, pleasant drives in either direction, varied and delightful scenery, fine old homesteads with their fruits and flowers, interspersed with those of modern build, schools and church, excellent fishing in immediate vicinity, and the entire absence of vicious and depraving influences, combined with its easy accessibility from all points render it a superlatively desirable resort during the summer months, for the individual or family.
A good audience assembled at the Congregational church on the Street last Wednesday evening to witness the presentation of the beautiful juvenile Cantata, "A quarrel among the Flowers." Prof. Favor directed the exercises and L.W. Cleveland presided at the organ. Twenty-five young misses participated in the recitations and chorus. The leading performers selected according to size and dressed to correspond with character assumed were as follows: Rose, Annie Kinnie; crocus, Mary Turner; dahlia, Mary E. Tillinghast; snowdrop, Jennie B. Olin; pink, Bessie K. Wilcox; sunflower, Hattie E. Northrop; water lily; Mary Bennett; violet, Alice Robinson. Mr. Favor and Miss Julia Fry then sang in exquisite manner "On Mossy Banks," after which an adjournment was made to the vestry where an oyster supper with cakes and ice cream was served by the ladies. The company separated at a seasonable hour highly delighted with the evening's entertainment.

789. Wed Apr 21 1880: Rockville.
Agent Wade of the American mill and editor of the Fanciers Journal has stocked the American pond with some half-pound gold fish, procured of D. Eaton, our local breeder.
Lyon Bros. of Ashford have recently opened the newly-repaired store in Skinner's block, where they have a large lie of groceries, boots, shoes, crockery, dry goods, etc.
Nathan Doan, who has just returned from a two months' trip in the South, thinks of taking another trip there at an early day.
Fuller Ransom, Esq., caught a 2 1-2 pound salmon near the Snipsic dam on Thursday.
Richard Povey is our newly appointed M.E. clergyman, commencing his labors last Saturday. Rev. Mr. Axtell, the former pastor, goes to Bangor, Me.

790. Wed Apr 21 1880: Born.
Kingsley--In Plainfield, April 16, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Kingsley.
Jeannette--In Willimantic, April 10th, a son to John and Mary Jeannette.

791. Wed Apr 21 1880: Died.
Hanna--In Hebron, April 16, Geo. Hanna, aged 43.
Woodward--In Windham, April 17, Everett Woodward, aged 2 mos.
Pellett--In Windham, April 19, Lizzie E. Pellett, aged 37.
Post--In Hebron, April 18th, Clarrisa Post, aged 76.

792. Wed Apr 21 1880: At a Court of Probate holden at Coventry, within and for the district of Coventry on the 20th day of April, A.D. 1880. Present Dwight Webler, Judge. This Court doth direct Joseph V. Lathrop trustee on the assigned estate of Luther P. Robinson of said Coventry, to cite all persons interested to appear before said court on the 1st day of May, A.D. 1880 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the Probate Office in said district to be heard relative to the appointment of commissioners to receive and examine the claims against said estate and directs that public notice of this order be given by posting a copy thereof on the public signpost in said Coventry and by advertising the same in a newspaper published in Willimantic. Dwight Webler, Judge.

793. Wed Apr 21 1880: District of Coventry, ss. Probate Court April 20th, 1880. Estate of Samuel P. Swift, of Coventry, in said district an insolvent debtor. The Court of Probate for the district of Coventry hath limited and allowed three months from the date of this order for the creditors of said estate represented insolvent in which to exhibit their claims against said estate: and has appointed Charles A. Brown and Alanson Washburn Commissioners to receive and examine said claims. Certified by Dwight Webler, Judge. The subscribers given notice that they shall meet at the Probate Office in said district on the 1st day of May and the 10th day of July next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon on each of said days, for the purpose of attending to the business of said appointment. Charles A. Brown, Alanson Washburn, Commissioners. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to Isaac P. Fenton, Trustee.

794. Wed Apr 21 1880: The Lowell (Mass.) Sun says that the current of French-Canadian emigration into the United States seems to have suddenly changed its destination from the factory centers of the East to the farming lands of the West. Railroad authorities at Chicago estimate that ten thousand Canadian emigrants will during the summer seek new homes in the West and Northwest. The Canadian railroads report the emigration movement to western points as already heavier than at any time last year.

795. Wed Apr 21 1880: The Fear of Fat. No doubt it is unpleasant to be excessively obese; but the morbid dread of fat which has in recent years become fashionable has no foundation in physiological fact. Fat answers two purposes--it acts as a non-conducting envelope for the body and protects it from too rapid loss of heat, and it serves as a store of fuel. In the course of exhausting diseases it not infrequently happens that the life of a patient may be prolonged until the reserve of fat is exhausted, and then he dies of inanition. Fats supply the material of the heating process on which vitality mainly depends. In great excess it is inconvenient; but the external layings on of the fat is no certain measure of the internal development of adipose tissue; much less does a tendency to grow fat imply or even suggest, a tendency to what is known as "fatty degeneration." It is time to speak out on this point, as the most absurd motions seem to prevail. Again, it is not true that special forms of food determine fat. That is an old and exploded notion. Some organisms will make fat, let them be fed on the leanest and scantiest and least saccharine descriptions of food, while other will not be "fattened" let them feed on the most "fattening" of diets. The mater is one in regard to which it is supremely desirable and politic to be natural, adapting the food taken to the requirements of health rather than substance. Simple food, sufficient exercise, and regular habits, with moderation in the use of stimulants, compose the maxim of a safe and healthy way of life. --London Lancet.

Wed Apr 28 1880: About Town.
Our business men are putting up awnings over the plate glass windows.
Rev. Fl. DeBruycker will return from his three weeks' visit the latter part of this week and officiate at St. Joseph's next Sunday. He will be welcomed by his parishioners.
Winans and O'Neil, who committed several burglaries in Willington recently, have been found guilty at the session of the superior court for Tolland county, and have been sentenced to the state prison. The former gets two years and the latter one year.
D.H. Henken & Co. have a large stock of clothing and gents' furnishing goods of the latest styles, and offer them at low prices. Their stock is all new and worth looking at.
J. O'Sullivan, the Valley street contractor is pushing the wood-work on Shea's new building and expects to see the building completed by the 1st of August. The marble trimmings have arrived and when put up will add beauty and neatness to the structure.
The Haydens are making preparations to erect a large building on Main street opposite Walnut. They do not know what the building will be used for.

797. Wed Apr 28 1880: At the annual convocation of Trinity Chapter, No. 9, R.A. Masons, held at Masonic hall, Thursday evening, April 22, the following companions were duly elected and installed as officers for the ensuing masonic year: Edwin T. Hamlin, H.P.; James Harries, Jr., K.; John G. Keigwin, S.; Chester Tilden, Treas.; Frank S. Fowler, Secretary; Charles S. Billings, C. of H.; George W. Phillips, P.S.; Ebenezer Baker, R.A.C.; Herbert R. Chappell, M. 3d v.; George W. Dawley, M. 2d v.; Orlando D. Brown, M. 1st V.; William Thompson, tyler; J.G.Davoll, chaplain; Robert F. Stanton, organist.

798. Wed Apr 28 1880: At a regular meeting of Fidelity Temple of Honor, held Tuesday evening, April 28, 1880, the following brothers were elected officers for the ensuing term: James A. Clark, W.C.T.; Charles Webster, W.V.T.; Charles Dimmick, W.R.; Frank Lewis, W.A.R.; George B. Abbott, W. Chap.; Chester Tilden, W. Treas.; James Dougherty, W.F.R.; J.D. Willis, W.U.; A.S. Griffing, W.D.U; G.C. Cahoon, W.G.; Levi Frink, W.S. Brethren are requested to meet at the hall Thursday at 1 p.m. to attend the funeral of Bro hayes.

799. Wed Apr 28 1880: The corn doctor has been about again, but E.T. Hamlin has sold so many bottles of Pel's corn solvent that he found rather poor business in this town.

800. Wed Apr 28 1880: We hear that Will Huntington, who is well know here, recently stole another horse in Hartford.

801. Wed Apr 28 1880: Miss Annie Hickey, who has recently been carrying on the dressmaking business in Baltic, has leased rooms in the Opera house building, and will be pleased to see all her old friends and as many new ones as will favor her with their patronage. Give her a call and help along a new branch of industry.

802. Wed Apr 28 1880: R.G. Millward, the genial "drummer" for the house of W.E. & N.H. Camp, Philadelphia, has distributed a beautiful specimen card of the firm to his friends in this village. He is always welcome here.

803. Wed Apr 28 1880: Wm. Martin has resumed the duties of night watchman at the depot once more.

804. Wed Apr 28 1880: Mr. Hutchinson of Glastonbury has taken the position formerly held by Charles Daniels in the freight business at the depot.

805. Wed Apr 28 1880: The Willimantic Linen Co. is making use of a flock of sheep as lawn mowers.

806. Wed Apr 28 1880: The few who attended D.G. Lawson's literary entertainment at Franklin hall on Saturday evening were well pleased. Miss Carrie B. Glidden and Mrs. M.E.R. Ward with Miss Hooker as accompanist, favored the audience with some fine vocal selections which were heartily encored. The Band of Hope was present in full force.

807. Wed Apr 28 1880: H.E. Remington & Co. have rented the east store in Bill's block to Kurts Bros. of New London, who will put in a stock of fancy crockery, willow ware, etc.

808. Wed Apr 28 1880: Mrs. Balch had a small audience at her reading on Friday evening. Those who attended were well pleased with the entertainment.

809. Wed Apr 28 1880: All the barbers in town have signed a paper agreeing to close their shops on Sunday hereafter, and have agreed that any one violating this pledge shall be considered a violator of the law and shall be complained of and prosecuted as the law directs. This is a step in the right direction, as there is no reason why our barbers should work seven days a week.

810. Wed Apr 28 1880: Mrs. Deborah Hall Bennett, who died at Mansfield April 23, aged 94 years and 4 months, was born at Mansfield "City" in January, 1876. At the age of 20 years she married Eleazer Bennett and moved to the place where she has lived for 74 years and where she died, within one and one-half miles of her birth-place. She saw the fourth generation of her descendants, and lived to see some of them married. She was one of the constituent members of the Baptist church in Mansfield none of whom survive her. She was a pensioner of the war of 1812, and the last surviving member of her own and her husband's family.

811. Wed Apr 28 1880: A.H. Eaton, the Rockville seedsman, offers to send his new catalogue free to all applicants.

812. Wed Apr 28 1880: William P. Worden, one of our street night patrolmen, was arraigned before Huber Clark, Esq., on Friday last charged with assaulting Bernard Cunningham. It seems that as the Emmet club ball broke up there was a little fracas hear the national house which drew a crowd and led to Mr. Worden being called to quiet matters. Bernard Cunningham, who had just come out from the hall, hearing the disturbance up street went up to see what the trouble was. As he was standing on the opposite side of the street Worden came over and ordered him to move on and pushed him. Cunningham obeyed the order and made no words, but it seems he made haste too slowly to suit Worden and the latter seized him; threw him down and struck him. Worden testified that he struck Cunningham, but that Cunningham had seized him and in trying to get away he struck him. From all the evidence, it appeared that there was considerable excitement at the time, but that the striking of Cunningham was not justified by any conduct on his part. Justice Clark acquitted the accused.

813. Wed Apr 28 1880: Death by Burning. Mary Earlhey, a little girl six years of age, residing on Hooper's Lane in the upper end of the village, was burned to death one day last week by playing with matches of which she became possessed in the absence of her mother, who left her in company with two other children while she went into the room of a neighbor living in the other part of the house. The cries of the little one brought several neighbors to the spot, and Dr. Maguinnes was immediately summoned, but too late to render any assistance, the little girl having evidently been suffocated by the fumes of sulphur. She lingered in agony from 2 in the afternoon until 1 o'clock the next morning when death came to her relief.

814. Wed Apr 28 1880: Brutal Assault. Monday evening about 10 o'clock a brutal assault with intent to rob was made upon Mr. A.J. Kimball, a grocery merchant of this village, by two young roughs named Joseph Clark and Daniel Croakin; aged respectively 18 and 16 years of age. The robbery was unsuccessful, however, and they are now in Brooklyn jail awaiting the action of the superior court next month. The particulars, as near as can be ascertained, are as follows: It seems from evidence already disclosed that Clark was the one who started the scheme, and secured for his accomplice a lad named Croakin, who had already served a term in the state reform school, and seemed well adapted to the task laid out for him. Both of them had armed themselves with weapons sufficient to make sure of their victim, and only awaited his approach to carry out their design. Mr. Kimball, as he neared his home noticed two young men talking together, but paying little or no attention to them, entered the gate which led to the door of his house. As soon as his back was turned, both of the boys made a blow at his head, one with a loaded whip-stock the other with a heavy cane, and in an instant he was felled to the ground. While falling, he shouted for help, and in a few minutes several person assembled to learn the cause of the outcry. They found him stretched out on the ground and beside him lay the two weapons which were left behind by the two youthful criminals. Officer Sessions was then notified, and as soon as he saw the cane, instantly recognized it as one belonging to young Clark. He made inquiries at the National house where Clark was formerly employed, and learned that the boy was living with his father. Going there the officer found the lad, and after a good deal of cross-questioning he confessed the whole affair, also giving the name of his accomplice, Croakin. Officer Sessions then started out in pursuit of the second thief, but he could not be found. Meanwhile Clark was taken to the lock-up, and in the morning Constable Luke Flynn was put on the track of Croakin, who had been seen on the railroad leading towards Hampton. Officer Flynn then hired a team, drove as far as Hampton station and after some inquiry learned that Croakin, or a young man answering his description, had passed that way about 30 minutes previously. Officer Flynn at once gave up the team, threw his coat over his arm, rolled up his sleeves, assumed the style of a tramp, and jogged along the railroad track as though traveling from one town to another, At every curve in the track Flynn would run as fast as he knew how, and coming in sight of Croakin would settle down to an ordinary walk. Finally Croakin, suspecting nothing, allowed Flynn to approach within speaking distance, and Flynn then tapped him on the shoulder saying, "I guess you're my man." Clark, on hearing this, made a sudden dash and bounded away with Flynn after him, who, after a sharp run, succeeded in overtaking him. He was brought back to the village, and in company with Clark was tried before Justice E.B. Sumner. Both boys pleaded guilty to the charge of assault with intent to rob, and were committed in default of $1000 each. George W. Melony, Esq., was the prosecuting attorney. The penalty for the crime is not less than two nor more than five years in the state prison, and no doubt the law will be carried out tot he fullest extent, as both boys have already served a term in the reform school for theft, and no sympathy whatever is felt for either of them. Young Clark ha always had a desire for reading blood and thunder literature, and perhaps this accounts for this desire to become a highwayman. Much credit is due to both Officers Sessions and Flynn in successfully working up the case, and in the arrest of these two young ruffians the village will be rid of a brace of vagabonds. The latest report from Dr. T.M. Hills, Mr. Kimball's attending physician, is that the wounds are not considered fatal. Mr. Kimball has not been able to sit up as yet, but will probably recover.

815. Wed Apr 28 1880: List of Patents. Granted by the United States to citizens of this State for the week ending April 20, 1880, furnished for the Chronicle from the Law and Patent Office of J. McC. Perkins, 809, L Street (just north of Patent Office, Washington, D.C.)
E.L. Bryant, assignor to Wallace & Sons, Ansonia, hanging or suspension lamp.
B.L. D'Aubigne, Waterbury, button and button fastener.
W.T. Lane and J.P. Avery, Norwich, machine for pressing and ornamenting harness loops.
W.R. Mackay, assignor to Meriden silver plate company, Meriden, butter holder for butter dishes.
J. North, assignor of one-half interest to G.M. Pratt, H.S. White and A.G. Sherman, Middletown, said Sherman, assignor to L.C. White, Waterbury, type distributing machine.
W.B. Pardee, New Haven, grinding mill.
W.E. Sparks, assignor to P. & F. Corbin, New Britain, sliding door-lock handle.
F.W. Tilling, New Haven, magazine fire-arm.
T.O. Tucker, Hartford, stop motion for looms.
T.B. Stillman, Plainfield, N.J., assignor to Eastern manufacturing company, Middletown, manufacture of nitrogen gas.

816. Wed Apr 28 1880: South Coventry.
Mrs. Daniel Clark of South Windham, whose husband is abiding in Arcadia, is at present recuperating her health among the violet vales at Winchester Place.
Miss E.M. Mason, organist at the Congregational church, has been spending a couple of weeks in New York.
The new owner took possession of the Barber homestead last week Monday. A few repairs and a new lawn fence improve the appearance. On the same day R.W. barber moved into the new and handsome residence on Main street. Hygiene suggests a house-warming, and wouldn't it be nice to have it the next cold snap?
Mr. H.F. Barrows, who has been often and not unfitly styled the village caterer, moved his family to Willimantic last week. In the social circles they will be missed very much; in the preparation of the collation upon memorial or gala-day occasions the services of Mr. Barrows have been appreciated and quite indispensable.

817. Wed Apr 28 1880: A Worcester County, Mass., man who committed suicide last week, left the following in a note to a friend: "Method, poisoned by prussic acid; cause, none of your business; destination, Hell."

818. Wed Apr 28 1880: Rev. John Davies, pastor of the Central Baptist church, at Norwich, died in Havre, France, last week. Mr. Davies was a native of England and was pastor there of a Baptist church. He came to this country in 1867. He preached in South Norwalk till 1872, when he went to Norwich. In January, while preaching a memorial discourse, he suddenly fell over backward, and remained unconscious for nearly an hour. A short time after this he started on a trip to England with the hope of recovering his health, but he grew worse till his death. As a minister he was faithful in the discharge of his duties, and outside of his church he had may friends.

819. Wed Apr 28 1880: Among the remarkable family gatherings of late was that on Saturday, at the old homestead of Horatio Kibbe at Ellington, when 90 children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren sat down together to celebrate the 90th birthday of Mrs. Valorous Kibbe, who was born in Ellington, the daughter of Allerton Cushman, and so a direct descendant of Thomas Cushman and Mary Allerton of Mayflower and Pilgrim fame. She is a woman of strong character, and retains her mental and physical vigor to a large degree.

820. Wed Apr 28 1880: Born.
Utley--In Columbia, April 23d, a daughter to James and Carrie Utley.
Sessions--In Willimantic Apr. 27, a daughter to O.A. and Maria Sessions.

821. Wed Apr 28 1880: Died.
Barrows--In Scotland, April 22, at the residence of Dea. Waldo Bas, Mrs. Caroline Barrows, wife of the late Phares Barrows, aged 76.
Hayes--In Willimantic, April 26th, James Hayes, aged 26.
Bennett--In Mansfield, April 21, Deborah Bennett, aged 94.
Foley--At Eagleville, April 26th, Johanna Foley, aged 38.
Purington--In Willimantic, April 25th, Jane Purington, aged 69.

822. Wed Apr 28 1880: Removal. Having removed to the commodious store, No. 2 Commercial Block, I invite the attention of the Ladies to a full line of Millinery & Fancy Goods, Dress Trimmings, Etc. Bonnets and hats Trimmed, and orders promptly filled. Children's hats a specialty. Also, Children's Hosiery. Hair Goods, in al the latest styles, with Hair Ornaments in the most Unique Designs, with prices as low as the lowest. Respectfully, E.F. Trowbridge.

823. Wed Apr 28 1880: Plainfield.
Apollos Richmond and wife have removed from Brooklyn to Moosup, occupying the residence of their son-in-law Charles F. Almy. Mr. Almy and family it is announced, will soon remove to Tilton, N.H., where he has purchased large cotton manufacturing interests.
Edward Hampton Lovegrove, for upwards of fifty years a resident of this town died in Providence, R.I., the 20th, aged 88 years. His funeral took place at Packerville last Friday.
Last Wednesday Mr. Otis Smith was married to Miss Flora E. Safford at the residence of the bride's father Nelson Safford, Esq. near Plainfield Junction. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A.H. Wilcox pastor of the Congregational church. But a select few of the immediate friends of the bride and bridegroom were present. After the close of the marriage ceremonies, congratulations followed, and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Smith were wished many happy years of married life. An elegant collation was then served and the happy couple took the boat train--stopping expressly for them--for Norwich, their future home.
Elisha L. Potter, formerly of this town, long known and highly esteemed throughout eastern Conn., being of late years engaged in the business of commission merchant and dealer in flour and grain in New York city died in Brooklyn, N.Y. the 21st. His remains were brought to Plainfield and the funeral services took place from the residence of George P. Bradford on the Street last Saturday at 10 o'clock a.m. Rev. Mr. Wilcox officiating. Despite the inclement weather a large number of personal friends, many coming from a distance, assembled with the relatives of the deceased to pay the last sad tribute of respect to the friend and brother, who will ever be tenderly remembered for his solid virtues and attractive social qualities.

824. Wed Apr 28 1880: Putnam.
Some rascal entered the house of Frederick Averill on Elm St. on Friday night and robbed him of about $50. It is supposed he entered the house through a window and escaped without awakening anyone.
Fire entirely destroyed the barn of Orill Potter on the Woodstock road Saturday afternoon about six o'clock, a small quantity of hay and a sleigh was also destroyed. The building was insured for $150 which will not cover half the value.
M'me. Rentz minstrels exhibit in Bugbee hall, Thursday, Apr. 29th. This is a new feature in the minstrel line for Putnam and no doubt will call out a crowded house.
The Putnam Trotting Park has been sold at auction to Warren W. White.
Mr. Leclair employed A. Viau, while driving Sunday was thrown from his wagon and seriously injured, his skull being fractured and otherwise badly bruised. He lies at present in a critical condition.
Andrew Leavens while delivering fruit trees Monday morning was thrown from his wagon and seriously injured but it is expected he will recover.

825. Wed Apr 28 1880: Rockville.
A four-pound bass was caught in Snipsic Sunday.
H.T. Bolls has a new office on Market street.
The American mill-pond has been stocked with gold fish.
Large numbers of land-locked salmon have been caught from our lake of late--some three-pounders having been taken.
Dr. Leonard is preparing to build a nice residence on Union street.
Some half-dozen new awnings have been put up on Main street by our enterprising merchants.
Large numbers of German emigrants are weekly coming to our village to find homes and work.
Randall has not sold out his grocery business to his sons as has been reported, but still holds himself in readiness to furnish anything, from a pinch of snuff to a bottle of ale.
Prosecuting Agent Fay has gone to Waterbury to set up some machinery in a mill. Meantime the liquor law will not be pushed, of course.

826. Wed Apr 28 1880: North Windham.
Mr. Charles Spencer, a former resident of this village, and father of Freeman D. Spencer, died at his home in Rhode Island, and was brought to Windham Centre on Wednesday for burial. He was over 80 years of age.
Mrs. Phares Barrows, who was intending to make it her home with Mrs. Sylvester Barrows, died at Scotland, and was buried on Sunday.
Miss Eunice Flint has been home the past week recreating.
Carpet rag sewing bees are in vogue.
E.H. Hall & Son, have just received four car loads of cotton.
Mr. P.L. Peck lost a fine cow on Saturday. She was found dead in the stable.
Mr. M.M. Welch seems to be doing a thriving business, both in the meat and grocery business.
Miss Theresa Eaton of Mansfield commenced the summer term of school at the Back Road district on Tuesday, April 20.

827. Wed Apr 28 1880: Colchester.
Prof. Turner has opened a singing school in the Methodist vestry with every promise of success.
The store of E.A. Buck was entered a few nights ago and goods to the amount of about $40 was carried off.
The rubber works are expected to start up the 1st of May and run steadily all the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Curtis are expected to return soon from their trip to the Bermuda Islands.
Dr. Carrington has one of the pleasantest residences in the town.
Miss Lydia Comstock has fully recovered from her illness.
Quite a number of changes have been made in the stores of our village. Fred Baker has accepted a position in Hartford, George Lord a position in Middletown, William Tryon accepts a position in G.G. Standish's store, Charles Ball fills his former position in William Ball's store, and William West has been obliged to retire from the business altogether.

828. Wed Apr 28 1880: Columbia.
The work on the parsonage barn is being pushed. The frame is up and partly covered.
The Ladies' Benevolent Society met with Mrs. Jerusha C. Williams on Thursday of last week.
Norman P. Little has taken water into his house by gravitation from a stream near-by and in doing so, has not forgotten the beast, having placed a barrel for the accommodation of the travelling public, by the roadside.
Henry C. Clark has been erecting a family monument. It is of marble on the college plan standing about five feet high surrounded with an urn.
George W. Thompson is the boss troutist, having come in with ten beauties a few days since.
On Saturday Miss Emily C. Williams gave a party to her own Sunday school class of little girls, and another class of about the same age, where they spent the afternoon very pleasantly.
At a democratic caucus held at the Town hall on Thursday evening, Seth S. Collins and Carlos Collins were chosen delegates to attend the State Convention, with the power of substitution.
Dr. La Pierre has most of his goods packed and is expecting to ship them sometime this week.
Quite a number went to Hebron on Sunday to hear the historical discourses of Rev. Mr. Bryant who closes his services with the Episcopal church.
Rev. O.D. Hine of Lebanon preached here on Sunday by exchange with Rev. Mr. Avery.

829. Wed Apr 28 1880: Scotland.
Mrs. Caroline Barrows, widow of the late Phares Barrows died on Thursday of last week at the house of Dea. Waldo Bass, after a short illness. The funeral took place on Sunday and the body was taken to Mansfield for burial. She was a most estimable woman, and a large number of sorrowing friends attended the funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Smith will go to Nebraska in a few days to spend the summer. They have lived for the past year with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin I. Cook in Preston.
J.L. Cady, who is traveling with Heywood Bros. combination, was in town over Sunday.
Charles Kannahan has moved to the Reade Paper Co.'s lower mill below Hanover.
Brainard Walden has moved to Willimantic to work at his trade as a mason.
George Brown has a young owl captured a few days since which bids fair to become a big bird when he gets his growth.

830. Wed Apr 28 1880: At a Court of Probate holden at Windham, within and for the district of Windham on the 28th day of April, A.D. 1880. Present, Huber Clark Esq. Judge. On motion of George Lincoln, executor of the last will and testament of Caroline Barrows late of Scotland within said district deceased. This Court doth decree that six months be allowed and limited for the creditors of said estate to exhibit their claims against the same to the said executor and directs that public notice be given of this order by advertising in a newspaper published in Willimantic and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said town of Scotland nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record. Huber Clark, Judge.

831. Wed Apr 28 1880: Salutation. We extend a cordial invitation to all to call and inspect our new store. Novelties in Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods and household Specialties. Representations. All Goods purchased with Cash, our prices are the lowest and marked on each article in plain figures, honest words, and unvarying courtesy to every one. Our Motto: The best at lowest prices. Respectfully, E. Perry Butts & Co. Store No. 1, Loomer Opera house, Willimantic, Conn.

832. Wed Apr 28 1880: Stanley's African Expedition. The Rev. Father Carrie, superior of the Roman Catholic mission to the Congo, writing from Landana, gives some information respecting Mr. Stanley's Congo expedition: The personnel of Mr. Stanley, he writes, is very numerous. Beside Mr. Stanley there are a superintendent, an engineer, a captain, several mechanics, carpenters, etc., in all twenty whites, of different nations--Belgians, Americans, English, Italians, Danes. The expedition has recently been joined by a French naturalist, M. Protche. Many of the Europeans had already succumbed to fever and the hardships of the work involved. The following of blacks consisted of about one hundred men--Arabs or natives of Sierra Leone and the Congo. There are five small steamers and several other boats, with carts and other machinery for land transportation, wooden houses ready to be set up, etc. The first station of Mr. Stanley's expedition is named Vivi. It is on the right bank of the river about 150 miles from the coast, and four or five miles below the first of the Gellala cataracts. When Mr. Carrie reached it, Stanley was away among the mountains in the direction of the great village of Vivi. It appears that Stanley sets out on his excursions and returns without giving notice to any one. While awaiting the end of the rainy season Mr. Stanley is solidly establishing himself in his first station, which is to be the basis of all future operations, and maturing his plans for overcoming the difficulties ahead. These difficulties are so great that Father Carrie thinks it will take years before the termination of the terrible chain of mountains can be reached, and the second station established at Stanley's Pool, 200 miles distant. Mr. Stanley's intention is to ascend the Congo to the Lualaba, where he hopes to find his Arab friend Tibu Tib. Then he will explore the western part of the Congo as well as the country on its two banks, attempting at the same time to attract the ivory trade to Mboma.

833. Wed Apr 28 1880: Liberty Hill.
Anyone wishing to see a rare collection of flowering plants in bloom have only to persuade Mrs. Geo. H. Loomis at the R.R. station to show them into her greenhouse and they will be well pleased and paid by the sight of them. We have been.
D.T. Fuller's store was burglarized Wednesday night the 21st. The thief gained an entrance by forcing out a window sash at the north end of the building and then prying off the wooden shutter inside of the window, also broke out a large window light front side. The money drawer was rifled of its contents in which was thought to be the sum of two or more dollars in small change. It was probably the work of a new beginner and a bungler at that.
Mrs. Lizzie D. Lee, who has been a resident of this place for several years will leave for Hartford this week where she intends to stay for the present.
There has been a series of meetings at the church the past week conducted by the Rev. Mr. Emmerson from Lyme.
A cow belonging to Frank Brown ran away from him as he was leading along last Thursday and has not been heard from. The animal is spotted and much like a coach dog in color.
Oliver Sherman, Philo Burgess, Wm. M. Cummings and N.B. Loomis are delegates to the democratic State Convention at Hartford this week.

834. Wed Apr 28 1880: Brooklyn.
Mr. George Gilbert was chosen to represent the Cong'l church of this place at the convention to be held at Mansfield Centre, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 27th and 28th.
Next Sabbath will be taken up in the churches the first collection for the benefit of the Brooklyn Bible Society. This society was formed for the distribution of Bibles. Any wishing to purchase a nice family Bible can be supplied at a reasonable rate. Those not able to buy, on making application to the treasurer, Rev. E.S. Beard, or the vice-president, Revs. T. Teny and C. James, will be furnished free of charge.
The Cong'l Ladies Sewing Society will meet at Mrs. F.E. Baker's, Wednesday afternoon and eve.
Pat Kinney's new barn is fast approaching completion under L.D. Chaffee's skillful management.
The Brooklyn hotel has been undergoing a treatment of paint, whitewash and paper at the hands of Delos Snow, and is much improved in looks.
Arrivals--Mr. D.B. Hatch of N.Y., Miss Mary Swift and Mrs. J. Bolles from N.Y.

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