Tolland County Connecticut



Family Outlines

 Family History Records - Tolland County Records

Dart Family
The family of Daniel Darte starts with Richard Darte, his father, and his siblings, all from New London, Connecticut. Descendants of some of the other siblings are available by contacting Frank Manning. Also a digital copy of the Thaddeus Bolton book “Genealogy of the Dart Family in America” is also available free. This book is the source for some of the information supplied in this report as well as helpful descendants found on the internet. They are not all referenced, but many other sources are listed. Any additions or corrections would be greatly appreciated.

Jonathan Barnes Esq.
Donated by Helen Barnes

William Hibbard Revolutionary War Record
Transcribed by Susan W. Pieroth

Grant Family
(with many collateral lines) of Tolland County, CT by Rick Duffy

Hall/ Halls, Lincolns, Flints Family
(with many collateral lines) of Tolland County, CT by Rick Duffy

Hulburt Family
Several Ancestral Lines

Woodward Family
Several Ancestral Lines

Cross & Vinton Families
Several Ancestral Lines

Moses Hyde and his Wife Sarah Dana
Several Ancestral Lines

Ray Brown's Place for New England Genealogy

Commemorative Biographical Record of Tolland and Windham Counties
A COMPLETE INDEX OF : "Connecticut" donated by Linda Pingel

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