Litchfield County

Surname Registry - Web Pages & Queries

We are updating this page.  Some of the entries date back a few years, so If you find any broken links, or if you would like to register your Litchfield County surnames, please contact the interim County Coordinator, Shirley Cullum  Please put Litchfield County in your subject line. Your participation is very welcome!  We can add and contact information to this site.

Recent Queries from Researchers.....Can you help?

Kibbee -  Root

I am researching the surnames Kibbee and Root in Litchfield County. James Kibbee married Almira Root in the 1820s.  I need Almira's parents names.  Thanks very much for your help. (Querie added 12/16/16)

Deborah Crain

Judson - Hine - Warner - Parmelee - Dudley - Hurlburt/Hurlbut - Peckham - Bradley - Dunning - Cornwall ... (Please note that we do not have a working email for Linda-Jeanne. We will update if we hear from her.
email: Linda-Jeanne Dolby or Web page

Ambler - Brace - Buell - Hinsdale - Hubbell - Hull - Mead - Messenger ...
Allan Gilbertson's Web Page

Jerome - Graves - Brooks - Cook - Payne - Frost - Hoar - Barnes - Hotchkiss ...
email: Gurrie Rhoads

Andrews - Bassett - Beach - Thomas - Porter - Kilborne - Merrill - Tuttle ...
Ross Andrews' Web Page

Moore - Handy ...
email: Kathleen Musser Williams or Web page

Hart - Oliver - Hoult ...
email: Richard Hart or Web page

Rogers ...
email: Bryant W. Rogers or Web page

Stone - Judd - Stuart and related families ...
email: Linda Z. O'Halloran or Web page

Stancliff/Stanclift - Kelsey - Slade - Mix - Downs ...
email: Bob Stancliff or Web page

Bennett - Boardman - Bosworth - Curtis - Farrand ...
email: Charlotte Brennan or Web page

Calhoun (of Washington) ...
email: Roberta DeYoung Calhoun or Web page

White - Washburn - Tefft ...
email: Marjorie Chamberlin or Web page

Ramey - Townsend - Kitchel Family ...
email: Bess Ramey or Web page or Townsend Web page

Hill - Hills - Lee ...
email: Gina Forestieri Scott or Web page

Matthews - Mathews - Woodruff - Hibbard - Bradley ...
email: Dianne Mathews Grandfield or Web page

Beardsley - Booth - Butler - Converse = Curtis - Galpin - Harris - Miner/Minor - Murray - Wilterton ...
email: Sue or Web page

Peck - White ...
email: Joyce Peck or Web page

Waugh ...
email: Donald E. Gradeless or Web page


Surname Registry E-Mail Only
(no website)


Newton - Blakeslee - Curtiss - Sanford - Leavenworth - Woodward - Atwood - Turney - Morse - Moss - Prindle - Beard - Baldwin ...
email: Anita McKinney

Brewster - Prence - Freeman - Gross - Dodd - Carrington - Wibley - Wilson ...
email: Linda Hagedorn

Rosseter ...
email: Lillian Brown

Booth - Galpin - Leavenworth - Terrill - Hunt - Moss ...
email: Jackie Pacholke

Haviland - Cleaveland/Cleveland ...
email: Mark Haviland

Haney ...
email: Patricia Haney

Agard - Coe - Richards ...
email: Zachery Relyea

Lawton - White - Kenworty ...
email: Joan Smith

Stocking - Gilbert - Minor ...
email: Deb Hanna

Dunning - Wolf(e) ...
email: Destiny Warwick

Bly/Bligh(e) ...
email: Robert Johns

Baldwin - Buck - Beebe

email: Marsha Buck

Please contact the Litchfield County Coordinator to add your SURNAMES, or if you find a broken link.  Pat Sabin 

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