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STRATFIELD CHURCH RECORDS--PART 1 Donated and transcribed by Coralynn Brown. First copied March 27, 1924. Says Coralynn,"I'm typing it very much as it IS, which will puzzle the readers a bit but they'll catch on if they just examine it thoroughly." |
Elizabeth Trowbridge (dau of James) - Sept 10, 1704 John Beardsley (son of John) - Ephraim Jackson (son of Joseph) - Oct 22, 1704 Elnathan Tredwell (son of Edward) - Nov 5, 1704 Benjamin Watkins (son of Joseph) - Elizabeth Mitchell (dau of Daniel) - John Ferris (son of Zachariah) - Dec 24, 1704 Margery Hubbell (dau of Richard) - Jan 21, 1704/05 Eliz. Beardsley (wife of William) - April 22, 1705 Deborah Burr (dau of John) - Jedidah Jackson (son of Henry) - Nathaniel Henrie (son of Samuel) - David Mallett (son of John) - April 29, 1705 Samuel Sherman (son of Benjamin) - Timothy Hawley (son of Joseph) - May 20, 1705 Sarah Phippeny (dau of James) - Betty - Negro child of Nathaniel Sherman - May 27, 1705 Jonis - negro son of Samuel Smedley - June 3, 1705 Abigail Lacy (dau of Edward) p John Tredwell (son of John) - July 1, 1705 Hannah Porter (dau of Francis) - July 8, 1704 Francis Hall (son of Francis) - aug 26, 1705 Hannah Peat (dau of John) - Robert Walker (son of Robert) - Sept 2, 1705 Mary Clark (dau of John) - Oct 19 (Stratford) Mary Hawley (dau of Thomas) - Abigail Summers (dau of Samuel) - Oct 21 John Sherwood (son of Samuel) - Nov 14 (rebecca) Anne Beardsley (dau of Daniel) - Abiah Hall (dau of John) - Nov 18, 1705 John Trowbridge (son of Samuel) - Dec 9, 1705 Samuel Odell (son of Samuel) - Dec 16, 1705 Jacob Tredwell (son of Jacob) - Jan 6, 1706 Jonathan Wakeley (son of Jonathan) - Jan 13, 1706 Abiah Tredwell (dau of Samuel Jr) - Jan 13, 1706 Jane Hall - admitted April 7, 1700 James and Sarah Seeley- admitted April 2, 1704 John and Deborah Burr - April 30, 1704 Hannah Jackson, dau of Samuel - ;Sep 3, 1704 Joseph and Elizabeth Jackson - April 1, 1705 Wm. Higby of Stratford - ;July 2, 1706/07 Henry and Mary Jackson -April 25, 1708 Zechariah Ferris Jr -May 23, 1708 Rachel, wf of Jonathan Booth - Mch 27, 1709 Rebecca, wf of Thaniel Wakeley -;Mch 9, 1711/12 Joseph Booth-wife Rebecca, the late wife of Benjamin Nicholls deceased; she m 2- _____, Mann RECORD OF N.W. COOKE Samuel Hall - admitted June 3, 1716 Mrs. Ann Cooke -Dec 16, 1716 John Hall and wife Abigail - Deliverance Cooke to Full Com -April 22, 1718 Margaret, wife of Francis Hall to F.C. -March 3, 1716 Samuel Hall wf Hannah of Chestnut Ridge -June, 1717 STRATFIELD CONG. CHURCH First Members1704 Parishoners: Nathaniel Adams David Sturges John Knap Daniel Knap Luke Guire Stephen Adams Ebenezer Guire Samuel Adams Samuel Davis Robert Lord William Osborn Nathan Adams Jr David Adams Benjamin Sherwood 1789 Increase Burr Ichabod Burr Jacob White Gershom Burr Ebenezer Osborn Samuel Osborn Thomas Belden Jonathan Darrow Henry Jackson married Jan 16, 1703/04 __________DARROW ch: Jedidah April 17, 1705 David March 14, 1707 Annah Jan 12, 1708/09 Deborah Jan 13, 1710/11 Israel May 11, 1712 Marcy Nov 30, 1713 Eunice Aug 7, 1717 Sarah Aug 19, 1717(?) James Seeley -Sarah Gregory, md Jan 21, 1702 Sarah Jan 29, 1703/04 md Samuel Trowbridge Jr, Aug 3, 1722 James April 1, 1706, died soon Ann June 30, 1707 Seth May 15, 1710; died July 29, 1727 Hannah May 23, 1713; md Wm. Bennet, son of Isaac Nathan March 22, 1714; md Eunice Rebecca Eunice Stephen May 16, 1721, died young James July 29, 1722, md Mabel Abel Sep 7, 1725, md Mercy Bennet Aug 24, 1741 Sarah Gregory, dau of Samuel of Stratfield; Rebecca Wheeler At a meeting Sept 20, 1703, the inhabitants of Stratfield voted that Stratfield would be at the charge of building a School;16 X 21, built near the White Oak, bounded between that and the run of water from out Capt. Sherwoods pasture John Odell Jr, Aben Binjham; Richard Hubbell: to build MARRIAGES Elnathan Lyon and Eunice Jennings - Jan 13, 1731/32 (Shill) Elijah Crane and Elizabeth Wakeley - Aug 3, 1732 Ebenezer Harts Horn and Miriam Gregory - Nov 2, 1732 Phineas Price and Mary Knapp Ezekiel Sanford and Sarah Treadwell - June 13, 1733 Samuel Cook and Abigail Moss - Aug 6, 1733 (by Maj. Burr) Gideon Hawley and Anna Bennitt - July 20, 1711 Lemuel Sherwood and Experience Wheeler - May 17, 1711 (2nd wife) Nathaniel Knapp and May 28, 1712 Job Sherman and Sarah Seeley - May 18, 1712 Benjah Strong and Sarah Sherman - Oct 8, 1713 Samuel Cook, born Guilford, Nov 9, 1687, died 1747 Ann Trowbridge, born New Haven, July 22, 1688 (d aug 11, 1721) They married New Haven, Nov 30, 1708 Their children: Thomas, b New Haven - Sept 1, 1709 Samuel - July 22, 1711 Sarah - June 8, 1713 John - March 31, 1715 (d Dec 12, 1813) Anna Jr - April 4, 1718 b Stratfield William - May 29, 1720 Samuel Cook Marr #2: Elizabeth ______; died May 16, 1732 Marriages: STRATFIELD CHURCH Burr, md Deborah Barlow John - 1701 Abigail - ___25, 1705 Deborah - 1708 Mary - Dec 9, 1711 William - 1714 Joseph Samuel Trowbridge Sr and Sarah Lacy, md Dec 3, 1697 She born Jan 1698; died May 25, 1699 (1769?) Samuel - Aug 26, 1700 Elizabeth - June 25, 1710 Sarah - Nov 15, 1715 John - Dec 4, 1705 Hannah - Oct 22, 1712 Samuel Trowbridge Jr and Sarah Seeley, md Aug 30, 1722 Abigail - July 9, 1724 Luke - June 24, 1729 Wm - ;March 13, 1732/33 Benjamin Fayerwether and Sarah Sherwood, dau of Matthew Katherine - Mar 20, 1693 Sarah - Dec 28, 1696 Andrew - Feb 15, 1698/99 John - Dec 28, 1703 Penelope - Feb 18, 1705/06 Jedediah - Dec 28, 1700 Joseph - Nov 4, 1707 Thomas - Oct 17, 1709 Walter - Dec 7, 1711; died Dec 26, 1717 Mary - Jan 13, 1715/16 Sarah - Sept 22 Benjamin - Oct 1, 1717, a twin James - 1721; died HISTORY OF STRATFIELD CHURCH, Printed on HISTORICAL ANNIVERSARY 3rd leaf On the S.W. cor of Division St (Park Ave) and old Stratfield Main St (Probably Pacific St) or old Country road was a Parsonage lot of 3 acres, given to the 1st Cong. Society by the wife of Rev. Robert Ross for the use and benefit of the parish for the time being, the dead of which may be found with the Clerk of said Society. It is provided that if ever sold the title should revert back. The 2nd Church was situated on an old Fairfield road near Division St. in 1717 - taken down 1834. Newspaper Copy Lt. David Sherman lived on Division St. opposite Capt. Thaddeus Bennett, a shoemaker. He was son of Samuel Sherman Jr, of Old Mill 7 gr son of one of the first settlers in Stratford. Deacon David Sherman uncle of Lt. David, died at 65 is in old Parish Burial Ground. Had son Elnathan md Eunice Gregory - Jonathan unm. - David md Mary Sterling, this David was killed by lightning in the Church where John Burr was, July 1771. He had dau Huldah and 2 sons, David who md Rebecca French and Isaac Sterling md Anna Kirtland. David - lost at sea Isaac - unm Mary Ellen - md Samuel Porter MEMBERS July 28, 1731 Andrew Wheeler wife Jabez Crane son of Elijah Jr, 1st born Feb 27, 1733 1813 Hiram Adams from Danbury Ezekiel Jackson from Danbury Daniel Lacy wf Mary Sarah Gregory wf to Ezra, 1808 Silas Sherman wf Abby MARRIAGES - LAST PAGE Noah Morehouse - Oct 6, 1708 Hannah Jackson - April 15, 1709 John Sturdevant and Mary Jackson - June 13, 1709 Nathan Beardsley - June 13, 1709 Peter Bulkely and Hannah - Oct 25, 1709 Thomas Turney and Abigail Wells - Nov 24, 1709 Peter Hubbell and Katherine - Jan 19, 1709/10 Henry Wakelee and Sarah - Jan 26, 1709/10 Jno Summers and Mary - Aug 3, 1710 Matthew Sherman - Dec 1710 William Castle and Rebecca Seeley - Feb 1, 1710/11 Jonathan Squire and Bethia - Feb 1, 1710/11 Gideon Hawley and Anna Bennit - Feb 20, 1711 Lemuel Sherwood, md his 2nd wf Experience Wheeler - May 17, 1711 Sgt. Wells md his 3rd wife Abigail - Oct 25, 1711 Jno Hubbell to Ann Wells - Nov 6, 1711 John Beardsley to 2nd wf Deborah Hull - Nov 27, 1711 Nathaniel Knapp to _____ - May 18, 1712 Jno Corbit and Mary Peat - Dec 4, 1712 Nathan Beardsley and Elizabeth Hubbell - Jan 7, 1712 Timothy Wheeler and Ann Wakeley - Jan 7, 1712 Jno Downs and Deborah Odell - May 25, 1712 Job Sherman and Sarah Seeley - May 25, 1712 Benajah Strong and Sarah Sherman - Oct 8, 1713 Daniel Comstock and Sarah Odell - Nov 10, 1713 Jonathan Hubbell and Peaceable Silliman - Nov 18, 1713 MARRIED BY REV. SAMUEL COOKE Lt. Richard Miles and Mrs. Elizabeth Chauncey - Apr 10, 1716 Henry Lacy and Hannah Morehouse - Dec 11, 1716 John Mann and wid. Rebecca Nichols - May 29, 1716 David Wheeler and Esther Nichols - Mar 28, 1717 Ephraim Hubbell and Abigail Bradley - Oct 17, 1717 Samuel Lyon and Mary Davis - May 8, 1718 John Clugstone and Elizabeth Wells - June 11, 1718 Henry Rowland and Tamer Sherman - Sept 25, 1718 William Odell and Abigail Smith - Oct 29, 1718 Jonadab Bassett and Mary Phippany - May 28, 1719 Samuel Cable and Ann Wheeler - July 21, 1731 William Bennett and Hannah Seeley (by Maj. Burr) - feb 19, 1731 Elnathan Lyon and Eunice Jennings - Jan 13, 1731/32 Elijah Crane and Elizabeth Wakeley - Aug 1, 1732 Ebenezer Hartshorne and Miriam Gregory - Nov 2, 1732 Nathaniel Burr and Mary Turney - Nov 23, 1732 John Burr and Eunice Booth - Apr 2, 1749/50 Hezekiah Seley and Joannah Beardslee - Sept 27, 1750 STRATFIELD CHURCH - MARRIAGES Joshua Jennings and Rebecca Adams - 1724/25 _aruch Taylor and Abigail Jackson - 1785 - Nov 24 Wm. Peet and Jemima Darrow - 1785 - Nov 6 Ezra Knapp and Eunice Trubee - 1796 - July 14 Joel Goodsell and Polly Kirtland - 1796 - Nov 6 Su___ Couch and Sally Burr - 1805 - May 18 David Curtis and Betsey Seeley - 1805 - Nov 30 Azor Osborn and Sally Sturges - 1807 - Dec 23 Edmund Darrow and Eunice Sherwood - 1813 - Nov 7 Levi Burr and Ann Sherwood - 1816 DEATHS Stephen Adams - age 86 - Nov 5, 1794 Samuel Osborn - age 45 - Feb 20, 1803 STRATFIELD CHURCH - BAPTISMS Obadiah Beardsle and wife Mercy - Oct 3, 1731 Elijah Crane and wife - Jan 1732 Zechariah Hubbell - June 23, 1695 Benj Wheeler (Timothy) - July 14 Jonathan and Abigail Jackson (Samuel) - July 21 Jane - other child (Isaac Hall Jr Isaac Hall - Aug 11 John Chauncey - Nov 10 Samuel Hall (Isaac) - Nov 17 Mary Tredwell (Edward) - Dec 2 Ebenezer Wheeler son of Samuel - Feb 15 Tamar Sherman, dau of David - March 1695/96 Eliz and Mary Bennitt, daus of ye ship wright - May 10 Abigail Bingham and Abel - June 7 James Seeley (Nathaniel) - July 5 Ebenezer Seeley (Hannah) - July 3 Deborah French - Aug 2 James Bennett (shiprite) - Aug 9 Richard Hubbell, Richard's son - Oct 18 Mary Smilaway - Nov 8 Esther Jackson other sons Nathaniel Seeley and Robert Jackson (Moses J)- Nov 22 Ebenezer Gregory - Samuel Sr. - Dec 6 Jeremiah Bennitt - Lt. Son - Dec 27 Jemima Sherwood - John - Jan 14 Elizabeth Wells - Samuel - Jan 31 Abigah Wheeler - Ephraim - Mar 12, 1696/97 Mary Morehouse - Samuel - Mar 14, 1696/97 Benj Bennett - ship wrights son - Apr 4 Wm Odell - John - July 18 Ephraim Wheeler - son of Joseph - Aug 1, 1696/97 Jabez Sherman - son of Matthew - Sept 26 Abiah Sherman - son of David - Oct 31 Rebecca Wheeler - dau of Timothy - Oct 31 James and Abigail Bennett (dau of James Jr) - Nov 7 Damaris Bennett (dau of James Jr) - Dec 12 Mary Bingham (dau of Abel) - Dec 19 Elizabeth Wheeler (dau of Isaac) - Dec 26 Moses Jackson Abigail Seeley His wives dau - July 6 Deborah Jackson, his own dau - Ruth Treadwell (dau of Edward) - March 20 David Beardsley (son of Daniel) - Mar 27 Abigail Crane (dau of Elijah) - May 24 Benjamin Beaardsley (son of Daniel) - June 5 _____ril Fairchild (dau of Zacharies) - June 5 David Hubble (son of Samuel) - July 3 Hannah (dau of Richard) - July 10 David Tredwell (son of Samuel) - July 17 John Burr (son of John) - Aug 28, 1698 Lydia Hall (dau of Isaac) - Sept 25 Ebenezer Jackson (son of Samuel) - Oct 16 Joshua Jackson (son of Joshua) - Oct 16 Sarah Trowbridge (dau of Samuel) - Jan 22, 1698 Andrew Wheeler (son of Ephraim) - Feb 19 Deborah Crane (dau of Elijah) - Apr 2 Tabitha Odell (dau of John) - Apr 23, 1699 Philip Bennett (son of Samuel) - Nov 5, 1699 Eunice Sherman (dau of David) - Jan 28, 1699 Abiah Chauncey Andrew Wheeler (son of Ephraim) - Feb 19, 1698/99 Deborah Crane (dau of Elijah) - Apr 2, 1698/99 Mary Crane (dau of Elijah) - Sept 15, 1700 Jedediah Wheeler (son of Ephraim) - Dec 29, 1700 Thaddeus Gregory (son of Samuel Jr) - July 13, 1701 Elizabeth Treadwell (dau of Edward) - Mar 1, 1701 Sarah Treadwell ( dau of Edward) - June 2, 1706 Martha Treadwell (dau of Samuel) - Aug 23, 1701 Abigail Treadwell (dau of John) - Oct 11, 1702 Rebecca Treadwell (dau of Samuel Jr) - Aug 27, 1704 Jacob Treadwell (son of Ephraim) - Jan 6, 1705/06 Ruth Treadwell (dau of Ephraim) - May 23, 1708 Israel Crane (son of Elijah) - Mar 28, 1700 Comfort Crane (dau of Elijah) - June 16, 1706 Abigail Crane (dau of Elijah) - June 29, 1716 Robert Treadwell (son of Samuel Jr) - Nov 30, 1707 Experience Adams (dau of Freegrace) Esther Warner (dau of Dr. Warner) - June 27, 1708 Waterbury Elijah Crane (son of Elijah) - Nov 7, 1708 Elizabeth Trowbridge (dau of James) - Sept 10, 1704 Jedidah Jackson (dau of Henry) - Apr 22, 1705 Sarah Phippany (dau of James) - May 20, 1705 Abigail Lacy (dau of Edward) - June 3, 1705 Phebe Picket (dau of David, Stratford) - April 27, 1707 Hannah Lewis (dau of Edmund) - April 27, 1707 Hannah Smedly (dau of Samuel) - May 29, 1709 Tabitha Castle (dau of William) - March 16, 1711 Bethia Castle (dau of William) - April 22, 1716 Jabez Castle (son of William) - May 4, 1718 Tabitha Treadwell (dau of Edward, Capt.) - April 24, 1715 Damaris Smedley (dau of Samuel) - July 19, 1716 John Crane (son of Elijah Jr) - Feb 17, 1733 (1sr born) John Bingham (son of Abel) - July 11, 1700 Benjamin Tredwell (son of Edward) - July 18 Abigail Beardsley (dau of Daniel) - March 31 Adonijah Fitch (son of Daniel, Norwalk) - April 12 Isaac, Francis John Mary Abigail Hall (ch of Isaac Sr) - April 28 Mary Whitachus (dau of Jonathan) - May 26 William Beardsley (son of William) - June 16 Deborah Ferris (dau of Zacharies) - June 23 Samuel and Abigail Summers (twins of Samuel) - June 30 ______ Hubbell (of Richard) - Aug 18 Samuel Trowbridge (son of Samuel) - Sept 8 Elizabeth Bennett (dau of James) - Sept 8 Mary Crane (dau of Elijah) - Sept 15 Zachariah Tredwell (son of Samuel) - Oct 6 Hezekiah Odell (son of John) - Oct 13 Joseph Jackson (son of Joseph) - Oct 20 John Porter (son of Nathaniel) - Nov 17 Jedediah Wheeler (son of Ephraim) - Dec 29 Tabitha Hubbell (dau of Samuel) - Dec 29 Adonijah Bidwell (son of John) - Jan 19 Abigail Burr (dau of John) - March 16, 1700 Henry, Hannah and Deborah Jackson ( of Samuel) - April 6 Samuel Wheeler (son of Samuel) - May 11 Thaddeus Gregory (son of Samuel Jr) - July 13, 1701 Ebenezer Bearssley(Beardsley??) (son of William) - Sept 7 Robert Chauncey (son of _____) - Nov 2 Burges Hall (son of Isaac) - Nov 16, 1701 Zachariah Fairchild (son of Zach) - Nov 31, 1701 Abigail French (dau of Samuel) - Elizabeth and Hannah Morehouse (dau of Samuel) - July 1, 1701/02 David Summers (son of Samuel Jr) - July 8 Elizabeth Tredwell (twin dau Edward) - March 1 Elizabeth Bingham (dau of Abel) - Mar 29 Esterh Sherman (dau of Abel) - April 6 Stephen Bennitt (son of James) - June 21 Nathaniel Hubbell (son of Richard) - Aug 16 Martha Tredwell (dau of Samuel) - Aug 23 Samuel Smedley (son of Samuel) - Sept 6 Abigail Tredwell (dau of John) - Oct 11, 1702 Gershom Odell (son of John) - Oct 18 Rebecca Porter (dau of Nathaniel) - Oct 25 Joseph Hubbell (son of Samuel) - Nov 1 Elizabeth Jackson (dau of Joseph) - Nov 15 John Fairchild (son of Alexander) - Dec 20 Samuel Beardsley (son of Daniel) - Jan 17 Hannah Wheeler (dau of Samuel) - Jan 31 John, Joseph, Rebecca, Abigail, Hannah, Ruth, children of John Seeley - March 28, 1703 Israell(?) Crane - March 28, 1703 Benjamin Sherman (son of Benjamin) - Peter Tigeby, (young son of William) - April 11, 1703 Benj - John Dunning Ebenezer Hurd (son of John) - Hannah Patterson (dau of Andrew) - May 30 Margaret Peat (dau of John) - May 30 Ebenezer Hawley (son of Thomas) - June 6 Marie Beardsley (dau of John) - June 27 Samuel Beardsly (son of William) - Aug 8 Bulah Gregory (dau of Samuel) - Aug 8 Henry Summers (son of ____) - Aug 29 Mary Seely (dau of John) - Sept 12 Joseph Ferris (son of Zachariah Jr) - Oct 3 Phebe Nichols (dau of Abram) - Nov 7 Nathan Somers (son of Samuel) - Nov 14 Jine Neal (dau of Isaac) - Dec 19 Rebecca Neall (dau of Francis) - Dec 19 John Fairwether (son of _____) - Jan 2 Ichabod Wolcott (son of ____ Chauncy) - Jan 9 Eunice Odell (dau of Samuel) - March 12, 1704 Samuel Bidwell (son of Ephraim) - March 12, 1704 Ebenezer Lacy (son of Edward) - March 19, 1704 Abiah Fairchld (dau of Idon(u)) - March 19, 1704 Mary Odell (dau of John) - March 26, 1704 Sarah Seely (dau of James) - April 9, 1704 Abigail Wheeler (dau of Timothy) - May 7, 1704 Elizabeth French (dau of Samuel) - June 11, 1704 Abigail (?) Bingham (dau of Abel) - June 18, 1704 Alexander Fairchild (son of Alex) - July 2, 1704 AT STRATFORD Sarah Beardsley (dau of Daniel) - July 23, 1704 Samuel Foot (son of Daniel) - July 23, 1704 Ann Peat (dau of Benjamin) - July 23, 1704 Samuel DeForest (son of Josiah) - July 23, 1704 Eli Burritt (son of Josiah) - July 23, 1704 Mary Uffoot (dau of Samuel) - July 23, 1704 Mary Porter (dau of John) - July 23, 1704 Sarah Kimberley (dau of Edward) - July 23, 1704 Joanna Smith (dau of William) - July 23, 1704 Elizabeth Bostwick (dau of Zachariah) - July 23, 1704 Ann Beach (dau of Nathaniel) - July 23, 1704 (m Elnathan Beers) Experience Adams (dau of Freegrace) - July 23, 1704 Abigail Clark (dau of Ephraim) - July 23, 1704 Rebecca Tredwell (dau of Ephraim) - July 23, 1704 end of STRATFORD Elizabeth Trowbridge (dau of James) - Sept 10, 1704 John Beardsley (son of John) - Ephraim Jackson (son of Joseph) - Oct 22, 1704 Elnathan Tredwell (son of Edward) - Nov 5, 1704 Benjamin Watkins (son of Joseph) - Elizabeth Mitchell (dau of Daniel) - John Ferris (son of Zachariah) - Dec 24, 1704 Margery Hubbell (dau of Richard) - Jan 21, 1704/05 Eliz. Beardsley (wife of William) - April 22, 1705 Deborah Burr (dau of John) - Jedidah Jackson (son of Henry) - Nathaniel Henrie (son of Samuel) - David Mallett (son of John) - April 29, 1705 Samuel Sherman (son of Benjamin) - Timothy Hawley (son of Joseph) - May 20, 1705 Sarah Phippeny (dau of James) - Betty - Negro child of Nathaniel Sherman - May 27, 1705 Jonis - negro son of Samuel Smedley - June 3, 1705 Abigail Lacy (dau of Edward) p John Tredwell (son of John) - July 1, 1705 Hannah Porter (dau of Francis) - July 8, 1704 Francis Hall (son of Francis) - aug 26, 1705 Hannah Peat (dau of John) - Robert Walker (son of Robert) - Sept 2, 1705 Mary Clark (dau of John) - Oct 19 (Stratford) Mary Hawley (dau of Thomas) - Abigail Summers (dau of Samuel) - Oct 21 John Sherwood (son of Samuel) - Nov 14 (rebecca) Anne Beardsley (dau of Daniel) - Abiah Hall (dau of John) - Nov 18, 1705 John Trowbridge (son of Samuel) - Dec 9, 1705 Samuel Odell (son of Samuel) - Dec 16, 1705 Jacob Tredwell (son of Jacob) - Jan 6, 1706 Jonathan Wakeley (son of Jonathan) - Jan 13, 1706 Abiah Tredwell (dau of Samuel Jr) - Jan 13, 1706 |
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