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Early settler of Stamford, CT
by James G. Brown
Francis Brown[1],[2],[3],[4],[5] was born circa 1628 at England.[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11] He married Adrea Corlet? circa 1654 at Farmington?, Hartford Co., CT. He married (2) Martha Chapman on 17 Dec 1657 at Stamford, Fairfield Co., CT. He married (3) Judith Ogden circa 1680. He died after 1707 at Rye, Westchester Co., NY[12],[13],[14],[15],[16],[17]
Francis Brown of Windsor, Farmington, Stamford, Connecticut and Rye, New York, has often been confused with Francis Brown of New Haven, Connecticut. They were two entirely different men. This work is another attempt to set the record straight since it seems that confusion still exists as contemporary authors continue to quote from old published sources without further investigation.
A two-part article on Francis Brown appeared in the Bulletin of the Stamford Genealogical Society in the September, 1962 (Volume 5, Number 1) and January, 1963 (Volume 5, Number 2) issues. These articles, prepared from information compiled and contributed by Mrs. Frank Brown of Elkhart, Indiana, noted this confusion and provided a great deal of information on the descendants of Francis Brown. I have borrowed freely from this article as a basis for this work and want to give credit where it is due.
A good deal of the confusion stems from Spencer P. Mead's Ye Historie of Ye Towne of Greenwich, published in 1911. This work, an update of Daniel M. Mead's 1857 History of the Town of Greenwich, includes brief genealogies of many early families of Greenwich and Stamford through the first several generations. In his work, Spencer Mead sets forth an account of the family of Francis Brown of Stamford. Mead mistakenly merged information on Francis Brown of Stamford and Francis Brown of New Haven into one individual, not realizing they were two different people.
This early error has persisted over the last eighty years despite the correcting work done by Donald Lines Jacobus in his first-rate monumental efforts, Families Of Ancient New Haven, 1924, and Families Of Old Fairfield, 1930. In these classic works, Jacobus clearly demonstrates there were two distinct Francis Browns.
Francis Brown of New Haven was from Ratcliffe, York, England according to Families of Ancient New Haven. He was born about 1610 and died 1668 in New Haven. He was a tailor and apparently came to Boston about 1637 (Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, James Savage, 1860) before settling in New Haven about 1639. He married Mary Edwards circa 1636. He is not the subject of this work and, as best as can be determined, is no relation to Francis Brown of Stamford.
Adding somewhat to the confusion is the supposition in Ye Historie of Ye Town of Greenwich, Families Of Old Fairfield and other sources that Francis Brown was "probably a brother of Peter Brown" who was also an early settler in Stamford. Peter Brown, a baker by trade, was at New Haven in 1639, about the same time Francis Brown of New Haven is first mentioned. I believe early researchers simply assumed they were related. In addition, the presence of Francis Brown of Stamford complicated things.
Genealogist Grenville MacKenzie, in typewritten genealogical notes at the Westchester Historical Society, states that Peter Brown was born in Sussex, England about 1610. He came to Concord, Massachusetts in 1632, removed to Cambridge, then to New Haven in 1639 and to Stamford in 1647. He died 22 August, 1658 (Stamford VR) and his will was presented in New Haven 19 Aug., 1658. The inventory of his estate was taken 29 November, 1658 and is attested to by his widow, Unica and oldest son, Thomas. Peter's children seem to have settled in Rye, New York and became the progenitors of one of the large Brown families of Westchester County, New York.
The Francis Brown of Stamford-Peter Brown relationship may be true, but I am doubtful for several reasons. While Jacobus was perhaps the most professional and reliable genealogist of all time, much of the supposed relationship is based on tenuous circumstantial evidence. Jacobus himself even says Francis was "probably" a brother of Peter. He must not have been totally convinced of the relationship either.
The most convincing argument for the relationship is the physical presence of both men in Stamford as contemporaries. However, they came to Stamford by different routes. Peter from Sussex, England in the southeast, to Concord, Cambridge, New Haven and Stamford. Francis Brown from England (a possible origin is discussed later), to Windsor, Farmington and Stamford. They seem, therefore, to have followed different paths to a common destination.
The estimated date of birth for Peter Brown and Francis Brown of New Haven has been placed as about 1610 for both men. This date is perhaps 15-18 years before an estimated birth year for Francis Brown of Stamford which is addressed later in this narrative. While Peter may have been an older brother of Francis Brown of Stamford, he would seem to be more of a contemporary of Francis Brown of New Haven.
There is other evidence that argues against the relationship. Peter Brown does not mention Francis Brown in his will in 1658. It would appear logical if they were related and living near each other, Peter would have turned to someone close in his final days. Even if Francis was excluded from the will, Peter might logically have named a younger brother to act as executor, especially when Peter's eldest son, Thomas, was apparently only about age 20 when Peter died. This then tends to indicate there was no relation.
Research has shown that family names seem to persist in the families of each of the Browns. Francis of New Haven features Eleazer, Samuel, Ebenezer and Daniel. Peter Brown's descendants include Hachaliah, Thomas, Deliverance and Benjamin. The descendants of Francis Brown of Stamford include Joseph, Francis, David, Nathaniel and Jonathan. It would not have been unusual for different branches of the same family to use distinctive names to set them apart. However, in this case, I believe the three men represent 3 distinctive and different families.
Reinforcing this supposition is the probable origin of each of these Brown forebearers. Peter Brown, as previously mentioned, was from Sussex in the southeast, Francis of New Haven from York in the north and Francis of Stamford was possibly from Somerset in the west of England. Clearly these are three different parts of the country and this indicates that the three early settlers were from different families.
The Peter Brown-Francis Brown relationship may eventually be proved true. However, given the weight of the evidence, I lean toward the conclusion they were from separate families and ended up by chance living in close proximity to each other. This coincidence had given several generations of genealogical researchers fits endeavoring to sort out the facts.
Regardless, the errors and myths about Francis Brown of Stamford have been perpetuated in such recent publications as, The Early Settlement Of Stamford, Connecticut, 1641-1700, by Jeanne Majdalany, 1990, and Westchester Patriarchs, A Dictionary of Westchester County, NY Families Prior to 1755, by Norman Davis, 1988. The Stamford book gives an erroneous date of death and first wife of Francis Brown. The Westchester book includes a rehash of Mead's erroneous information combined with some information from the Families Of Old Fairfield. Hopefully, this work will make some progress in setting the record straight once and for all.
Francis Brown of Stamford, the progenitor of those covered in this work, was probably born about 1625-28. This is a working estimate and a likely year of birth will be discussed later. He came to Windsor, Connecticut about 1641 as a servant or apprentice to Mr. Henry Wolcott. The term servant may not have been a waiting servant as we know it today. The description in the 1640 time period could have been applied to those who indentured themselves in varying capacities.
Records show Francis Brown purchased his freedom in 1649 and he moved soon after to Farmington where he married about 1653-54. His first marriage and the identity of his first wife has also been somewhat of a puzzle. In the original work for Families of Old Fairfield, Jacobus surmises that Francis Brown married "probably a relative of Nathaniel Ruscoe.ä This supposition was prompted by an entry in Governor John Winthrop's medical journal which states he treated "Mary Browne, aged 12, daughter of Francis of Stamford, lives with Nathaniel Ruscoe ("Reskue") of Hartford as his adopted daughter." Nathaniel Ruscoe, in his will dated 23 July, 1673 later leaves a heifer to his "kinswoman, Mary Browne." These two pieces of evidence led to the early conclusion that the first wife of Francis Brown was logically a "relative of Nathaniel Ruscoe."
Jacobus discovered new information after the publication of Families of Old Fairfield in 1930. A follow-up note in Volume II (page 1071) of that work states that the first wife of Francis Brown was "Adey or Audrey, widow of George Bennett of Boston, Mass."
Supporting this is the Brown manuscript file at the Connecticut Historical Society which contains the original notes of Donald Lines Jacobus pertaining to Connecticut Brown families. It includes work he did for the addendum to FOF. It also includes the work he did in conjunction with Donald Almon Torrey's New England Marriages Prior to 1700 which was acquired by the New England Historic Genealogical Society after Torrey's death in 1962.
Jacobus, in his supplemental work, surmises: "It is not seen how Mary Brown, through either parent, could have been closely related to Nathaniel Ruscoe, whose parents and brothers and sisters are fully known. However, his wife, Joanna (Corlet) Ruscoe is believed to have been the sister of Elijah Corlet, the famous schoolmaster of Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is possible that Mary Brown's mother, Adrea, was a sister of Elijah and Joanna Corlet, which would make Mary Brown niece of Nathaniel Ruscoe's wife and thus explain his calling her a kinswoman."
"It would also explain how Francis Brown came to meet Adrea, at a time she was widow of a Boston man (George Bennett, drowned 27 March, 1652), for she could have been visiting her sister Mrs. Ruscoe in Hartford and Brown then lived in the neighborhood. It may also be noted in passing, that Mary named a son Elijah Hurlbut, which would have been a compliment to her noted uncle, the Cambridge schoolmaster. "Mary also named her eldest child Adrea and thus tends to confirm Francis Brown's first marriage as related by Jacobus and in New England Marriages. It appears that Adrea died at, or shortly after Mary's birth circa 1655. At about this time, Francis Brown was in Farmington where he bought and sold land in 1656. Soon after he moved to Stamford and must have left his young daughter, Mary in the care of his sister in law, Joanna Ruscoe.
Here Francis married on 17 Dec., 1657 for the second time another widow, Martha, who had been first, the wife of Thomas Lawrence of Milford, Connecticut and then of John Chapman of Stamford. Francis Brown had four known children by Martha, all apparently born in Stamford, although there is no record of this. Joseph born about 1658, Sarah born about 1662, Rebecca born about 1664 and Mercy born say about 1666. (I have placed Sarah before Rebecca since she married in 1680 and Rebecca married before 1682. The dates of birth for all the girls are a guess.)
The first record of Francis in Stamford is his marriage to Martha Chapman 17 Dec., 1657 (Stamford Vital Records). He is also mentioned in 1658 in a description of Richard Law's lands and is witness 17 June, 1658 to Henry Accorly's will.
E. B. Huntington, in The History of Stamford, relates that Francis Brown "seems to have been a pertinacious stickler for the largest liberty of the individual." This is born out by accounts of his efforts in various histories of Stamford, Greenwich and Rye, NY.
Huntington continues, "in 1662 he (Francis Brown) headed a petition to the general court at New Haven, respecting the franchise of all citizens, respecting equalizing the rates of the several colonies then under the jurisdiction of New Haven, and respecting the Colony School. The court, rather curtly, gave him to understand that Îwhatever liberties or privileges our laws do allow them, that they should have.â He then desires a special court in Stamford for the settlement of these questions."
Prior to 1662, Stamford came under the jurisdiction of the New Haven Colony. As such, legislative deputies were sent to New Haven to represent the interests of the inhabitants of Stamford. The Connecticut Colony, with its seat of government in Hartford, was a separate body and had its own jurisdiction. As a result, a dispute grew between the two colonies over which would become the predominant entity.
As the years passed, dissatisfaction with the New Haven Colony increased among the Stamford colonists. Among their complaints were the limitation of the franchise to church members and prohibitions in the fundamental laws of the colony. The petition presented to the New Haven Court headed by Francis Brown undoubtedly was a result of this dissent.
A resolution of the dispute between the New Haven and Connecticut Colonies came late in 1662. The Connecticut Colony received a new charter from England that gave it the authority to cover Stamford and Westchester, "now in New York.ä Henceforth, Stamford became a part of the Connecticut Colony in Hartford.
The transfer of power was not immediately approved and Stamford continued to send deputies to New Haven in 1663. At the same time they recognized the new relationship and were represented in Hartford also. It appears though, that a majority of the people of Stamford were for the transfer of allegiance to Connecticut and this finally occurred late in 1664.
During this period in 1663, Francis Brown was sworn in as a "constable" for the Town of Stamford to the General Court of Connecticut. The coming change in jurisdiction must have pleased him after his dispute with the New Haven Court.
The feelings were apparently mutual for in the same year (1663), the New Haven Court appointed a committee to state their grievances to the Connecticut Colony and demand redress. A part of the statement that resulted referred to Stamford and how important that town's decision would be.
"Before your general assembly in October last, 1663, our committee sent a letter unto the said assembly, whereby they did request that our members by you unjustly sent from us should be by you restored unto us, according to our frequent desires and according to Mr. Winthrop's letter and promise to authority in England, and according to justice, and according to the conclusion of the commissioners in their last session in Boston, whereunto you returned a real negative answer, contrary to all the promises by making one Brown your constable at Stamford, who hath been sundry ways injurious to us and hath scandalously acted in the highest degree of contempt, not only against the authority of this jurisdiction, but also of the king himself, pulling down with contumelies the declaration which was sent thither by the court of magistrates for this colony, in the king's name, and commanded to be set up, in public place, that it might be read and obeyed by all his majesties subjects, inhabiting our town of Stamford."
Once the change in jurisdiction was accepted and implemented, Francis Brown represented Stamford in the Connecticut General Assembly in May 1665, May 1667, October 1668 and May 1669. He was also a townsman, the equivalent of a selectman, of Stamford January 1667/68 and February 1668/69.
Francis Brown continues to be mentioned frequently in the Stamford records. An article about Francis Brown in the Stamford Genealogical Society Bulletin, December, 1962 gives the following. In April, 1667 his name appears with 56 other Stamford settlers having "privilege of ye horse pasture.ä He was fined "tenn shilling to ye country use" for a minor infraction of town regulations and in December, 1667 he was chosen as one of seven men "who are to indeavor to know the quantity of the land & allsoe to laye it out & to dispose it according to right and to order where the fence shoulde goe and to measur it out, as allsoe to sett the time when the fence should be done.ä
In February, 1669 Francis Brown was to receive a house lot and Francis Bell, John Holly and Richard Laws are chosen to "view a peece of land..." in conjunction with this. A number of other references continue in the town records concerning this transaction.
Francis Brown and two others were chosen in January, 1670/71 to hire the first school teacher for the town. In January, 1672/73 he is one of the fence viewers, and again serves in this capacity in September, 1677. March, 1672 found him, along with Francis Bell and John Green, appointed to a committee to "treat with the ÎEnginsâ and understand what they have to say to the town that the said Indians may receive an answer from the town."
Francis Brown is listed several times in the reconstructed 1670 Census for Connecticut compiled by the Holbrook Research Institute, 1977. It is interesting to note the total population of the colony is estimated to have been 8,492 as of that date.
Martha Brown died about 1680, most likely in Stamford. Soon after, circa 1682-83, Francis Brown married, for the third time, another widow Judith (Budd) Ogden. She had been the wife of John Ogden of Stamford. Soon after he moved west to Rye, New York.
On 15 September, 1684 Francis Brown made a deed of gift to his son, Joseph Brown. It provided for the conveyance of "ye one half of my home lot next to John Waterberys home lot together with half ye fence....further...the other half of my home lot...after ye decease of myself and my wife, he paying £20 to my daughter Mary Hallebort (Hurlbut)." Joseph received also other lots totaling about 13 acres, mostly "in the east field at Wescos."
Francis Brown removed to Rye, New York about this time and the transfer of land may have been prompted by this relocation. Soon after this he apparently become ill and made a will in Rye dated 5 February, 1685/86 which was recorded in the Rye records 6 November, 1686. This will mentions his wife Judith (formerly wife of John Ogden dec'd), and children Joseph, "Benninonie" Galpin, Thomas "Hollibird" (Hurlbut), Jonathan Scudder and Mercy Brown. Because of this will, many earlier researchers assumed Francis Brown died soon after it was recorded late in 1686. However, he recovered and, according to Jacobus in Families of Old Fairfield, he "signified his intention of renewing its (his will) terms from year to year.ä
That same year (1686) John Winter sold Francis Brown forty acres of land on Budd's Neck in Rye on the "path commonly called the Stamford Road.ä The next year he conveyed to Joseph Horton Jr. "all my estate in Rye, that is to say all my lands which I have in Rye, and howsis and meadows and Cattle and movables and unmovables within dores and without dores and all my estate whatsoever that I now have in Rye." This transaction, recorded 7 February, 1687/88 was made with the condition that Francis Brown was to be provided with a comfortable maintenance for life, and the children of John Ogden, dec'd. were to be paid "their legacies when they come to full age."
The records show that on the same date, Joseph Horton, Sr., conveyed all the previously mentioned estate to Judith, wife of Francis Brown, with the same conditions. With this transaction, Francis Brown must have been taking care of his third wife's children. This may also explain the move to Rye in that he perhaps went to live on his wife's inherited property there at the same time gifting his own property in Stamford to his son, Joseph. This makes sense since Joseph Horton married Jane Budd, a sister of Judith (Budd) Ogden. Joseph Horton may have been asked to act as guardian in the event of Francis Brown's death and hence his participation in the transfer of assets.
Francis Brown gave conveyances as late as 1707 according to the Rye records. He died, probably in Rye, sometime after this. There is no record of this nor has a gravesite been located.
There are many different Brown families who settled in Connecticut, Rhode Island and Westchester in the early years of the colonial period. In addition, many Browns moved across the Sound from Long Island to live in Connecticut and eastern New York. As best can be determined, Francis Brown had nothing in common with these other families.
It may eventually turn out that there is a connection to one of the other Brown families. However, as of now, the family of Francis Brown seems to be unique. The question then becomes; where did Francis Brown come from?
While several sources suggested a relationship to other Brown families, particularly Peter Brown of Stamford and Westchester and hence a possible connection to Sussex, England there is no hard evidence to support this. Instead we must look at how and with whom Francis Brown came to New England. We know that Francis Brown came to Windsor, Connecticut with Henry Wolcott. The Wolcott Genealogy tells of Henry Wolcott's journey back to England in 1640 to claim his inheritance at the death of his brother.
Wolcott was from Tolland, Somersetshire, England. He returned to Connecticut from his trip in 1641 and this is the same time Savage, in the Dictionary of Early New England Settlers, says Francis Brown appears in America. Francis Brown no doubt came to New England with Henry Wolcott on this return trip. Perhaps the Brown family was friendly with the Wolcotts in England or Francis may have been an orphan who was given the chance for success in the New World by apprenticing to Henry Wolcott. This circumstantial evidence points to a possible origin for Francis Brown and it may be surmised that he was also from Tolland, Somersetshire. This is only an assumption and until research is done in England to prove or disprove this supposition, it must remain only that.
The question of a date of birth for Francis Brown may be a little easier. The best clue is the date he bought his freedom. If Francis Brown had reached the legal age of twenty-one in 1649 this would translate into a date of birth of 1628. If this was true, Francis Brown would have been thirteen in 1641 when he came to Connecticut. This is an age well within the time period a male might have been bound over as a "servant" or apprentice. A birthdate of 1628 would mean that would make him seventy-nine in 1707 when he conveyed land. Not beyond the realm of possibilities. It may never be possible to establish the true date of birth for Francis Brown unless a birth record came be located in England. In the meantime, a date of 1628 does seem to be a reasonable guess.
Children of Francis Brown and Adrea Corlet? were:
i. Mary [18],[19],[20] died;[21],[22],[23] born circa 1655 at Farmington, Hartford Co., CT[24] married Thomas Hurlbut circa 1673.[25],[26],[27]
Mary Brown, the only child of Francis Brown and Adrea (Audrey, Edrei) Corlet (?) Bennett, was born probably in Windsor, Connecticut about 1655, although she may have been born a year earlier. Her mother died either at her birth or very soon after this event.
Mary most likely accompanied her father as he moved from Windsor to Farmington, a short distance away. Caring for a small child must have been a real problem for Francis and it is probable he looked to his brother and sister in law, Nathaniel and Joanna Ruscoe, for help in raising her and tending to the needs of an infant.
Because of her age I have assumed that Mary remained with the Ruscoes when Francis removed to Stamford which most likely occured in 1657. Although Francis remarried 17 December, 1657, soon after settling in Stamford, I think Mary may have stayed on with the Ruscoes. There is some precedent for this happening and although Francis and Martha Brown may have been ready to assume the parental duties, the birth of their son, Joseph probably in 1658, perhaps kept their hands full. Even if Mary did join her father at the time of his move, she was back in Hartford in 1667 when Winthrop treated her and described her as the adopted daughter of Nathaniel Reskue.
Mary married Thomas Hurlbut in Hartford or Wethersfield. She is referred to as Mary Brown by Nathaniel Ruscoe in his will made 23 July, 1673 and her daughter Adrea was born probably in 1674 (she died 24 November, 1737 and her tombstone gives her age as 63). These two facts help place the date of the marriage as most likely sometime in the second half of 1673.
Thomas Hurlbut was the son of Thomas Hurlbut and his first wife, whose name is unknown. He was born about 1650/51 and like his father, he was a blacksmith. He received land for his shop in Wethersfield from his father in 1671. This most likely coincides with reaching the age of majority and helps place the year of his birth.
He bought more land in Wethersfield in 1673 and 1676 but did not remain there. In 1678 he went with his brother, Joseph, to the Town of Woodbury which had only recently been settled. Thomas and Mary did not remain. Thomas purchased land in Fairfield, Connecticut 27 March, 1690 and he settled there about that time.
Thomas "Halliberth" is mentioned as jailkeeper at Fairfield in June, 1692 and testified stating his age as 41, in connection with the Disbrow witchcraft trial. Francis Brown called him Thomas "Hollibird" in his will made in 1685/86.
Thomas Hurlbut died in Fairfield in 1697. The inventory of his estate was entered in court 2 November, 1697. Samuel Couch was ordered by the court to take the estate into his hands and give security for it. The court records also state that his son, Elijah, chose his brother, Gideon, as his guardian on 1 December, 1714. There is no record of the death of Mary (Brown) Hurlbut but it may have occured before this action took place.
Mary Brown and Thomas Hurlbut had seven children. Four were baptized at Woodbury and one at Fairfield. The other two children are proved by a conveyance of land at Woodbury. According to Families of Old Fairfield, "On 9 February, 1725/26 Thomas, Gideon and Elijah Hurlbut, Samuel Couch and Edrei his wife and John Blackman and Jemima his wife all of Fairfield and Ebenezer Mead and Kezia his wife of Bedford, NY, conveyed land in Woodbury, calling themselves the sons and daus. of Thomas Hurlbut of Woodbury, dec'd."
I have used the Hurlbut Genealogy by Henry H. Hurlbut, published by Joel Munsell's Sons, Publishers, Albany, NY, 1888 as a primary source in establishing the descendants of Mary Brown. This work contains many errors especially in the first several generations. Jacobus and other researchers have attempted to straighten out these early errors. I have relied on Jacobus' published work and his Hurlbut manuscript file at the Connecticut Historical Society as the other source of information for this work.
I believe I have sorted things out in establishing the lines of descent through Mary. However, others interested in this line should use the Hurlbut Genealogy as a starting point and use primary records where available to further document subsequent generations.[28],[29],[30]
Children of Francis Brown and (2) Martha Chapman were as follows:
i. Joseph2;[31],[32],[33],[34],[35] born circa 1658 at Stamford, Fairfield Co., CT[36],[37],[38],[39],[40],[41] married Mary (--?--)1685 at Stamford, CT; died 28 Jan 1738 at Stamford, Fairfield Co., CT[42],[43],[44],[45],[46],[47]
Joseph Brown, the only known son of Francis Brown, was born about 1658 in Stamford, Connecticut according to Jacobus in Families Of Old Fairfield. He married Mary, surname unknown circa 1683-85 as their first child was born in 1686. Joseph received land in Stamford from his father, 15 December, 1684 and this may have coincided with his marriage as well as Francis Brown's removal to Rye, New York.
Joseph probably had nine children; Francis, Joseph, Hannah, Sarah, Nathaniel, Nathan, Jonathan, David and Mary. All had children except David, who died in 1711 and Hannah who probably died young. It is through Joseph that the Brown name has continued.
There is some question as to whether Hannah and Sarah are one and the same. This arises because of a torn corner of the original Stamford Town Record which removed the first letters of the third childâs name leaving the last two letters, "ah" and a fragment of the letter preceding the "ah. Mead, in Ye Historie of Greenwich, includes Hannah as a child. Jacobus also includes her, concluding she died young, but notes that it may be a misreading of Sarah. Hannah is included here with the caveat given above. There is an additional puzzle connected with the marriages of Sarah Brown and that is dealt with in detail under her name.
Joseph may have gone to Rye, New York with his father, but this seems unlikely since he received land in Stamford in 1683-84/85. If he did accompany his father, he soon returned to Stamford, as he is continually mentioned in the land records from 1686 to the time of his death.
Joseph Brown is mentioned in the list of estates made out in Stamford in January, 1701. His estate is valued at 78 Pounds 10 Shillings, which seems to be a fair amount for the time period.
Joseph may have been fairly well to do, for his will, dated 21 September, 1736 and probated 28 April, 1738, details many assets that are distributed to his family. Included in his estate are "my rights of land in Rye or what shall befall.ä Apparently he had property or rights to property in Rye at this date. It may or may not have been property inherited from his father.
The will mentions his wife, Mary, sons Francis, Nathaniel, Nathan, Jonathan and Joseph deceased. Also mentioned are "my two daughters, Sarah Blackman and Mary Skelding" and grandchildren, "the sons of my son Joseph deceased, Joseph, David and Peter Brown.ä Sons Francis and Nathaniel are named as executors.
Joseph Brown died 3 July, 1738 in Stamford.[48],[49],[50],[51],[52]
ii. Sarah[53],[54],[55] [56],[57],[58] born circa 1662 at Stamford, Fairfield Co., CT married Jonathan Scudder, son of Henry Scudder and Catherine Este, 14 Nov 1680 at Huntington, Suffolk Co., NY[59],[60],[61]
Sarah Brown, daughter of Francis Brown and Martha ( ) Chapman was born probably about 1660/62. Other sources estimate her date of birth later than this. Jacobus lists her as the second born daughter after Rebecca. I have changed this order and placed her first due to the probability of her marrying earlier than her sister, Rebecca. Since we know for a fact that Sarah married in 1680 it is reasonable to assume she would have been at least seventeen and more likely a little older when she married. Since her brother, Joseph was born about 1658/59 the next child might have reasonably been born at a two year interval and hence my guess of 1660/62.
Sarah was born in Stamford, although there is no record of either her birth or baptism. She grew up as her father was actively involved in the politics of the Town of Stamford. At the same time there was a great deal of commercial activity within the colonies in what is now Connecticut and with New York colonies, across Long Island Sound.
Because of this, it is likely Sarah met Jonathan Scudder from Huntington, Long Island through either her father's travels or excursions by the Scudder family. Huntington, New York is almost directly across the sound from Stamford. Her marriage to Jonathan Scudder on 14 November, 1680 is recorded in the Huntington Town Records.
Jonathan Scudder was the eldest son of Henry and Catherine (Este) Scudder born 31 January 1656/57 in Southold on Long Island. Shortly before this, on 1 March, 1656 Henry sold land in Southold to John Elton. The family then moved to Huntington soon after the birth of Jonathan.
Jeffrey Este, Catherine's father, who had resided in Salem, Massachusetts, died 4 January, 1657/58 in Huntington and his death is the first recorded death there. In his will, he leaves his house and lot to his grandson, Jonathan Scudder and the remainder of his estate to his son-in-law, Henry Scudder.
Catherine Scudder remarried, after the death of Henry, to Thomas Jones. According to the Scudder Family Bulletin, XXI, October, 1962, ...Katherine Jones of Huntington Long Island in New Yorkshar, New England formerly wife of Henry Scudder deceasedä deeded land to her son, Jonathan Scudder on 22 August, 1680 which may have coincided with his intentions to marry Sarah Brown.
Jonathan acquired considerable land and was a tax collector for Huntington in 1684 and 1687. In the 1687 record he is referred to as Ensign .ä He died 10 December, 1690 in Huntington according to the Huntington Town Records. His will, which was recorded at Brookhaven on Long Island in ye County of Suffolk in ye Province of N. Yorkä 22 October, 1691 mentions his wife, Sarah, son Jonathan and daughters Abigail, Rebecca and Sarah. Sarah is described as who is not compos Mentis. The will provides that Sarah is to be taken care of by his wife Sarah and in the event Sarah outlives her mother, then son Jonathan is to provide for her.
There is no recorded date of death for Sarah (Brown) Scudder. It seems very possibly that she remarried after the death of Jonathan Scudder since this was a common practice at the time. However, no record of this has been found.
As with many families of descendants of Francis Brown the descendants of Henry Scudder have been hard to trace. Consequently not much information is available on the descendants of Jonathan Scudder and Sarah Brown. I have as yet been able to track the family through only the third or fourth generations. More work can be done on these descendants of Francis Brown, especially the male lines.[62],[63],[64]
iii. Rebecca[65] born circa 1664 at Stamford, Fairfield Co., CT married Benjamin Galpin, son of Philip Galpin and Elizabeth Smith circa 1682;[66],[67] died 8 Feb 1743 at Woodbury, Litchfield Co., CT[68],[69]
Rebecca Brown, whom I have placed in chronological order as the third daughter of Francis Brown and the second daughter by Martha Chapman, was probably born about 1663/64. She was probably born in Stamford, Connecticut although it may have taken place in what was actually Greenwich. She was married by 1682/83, when her first child was baptized according to Jacobus. If she was married after Sarah, it is also likely she was born after Sarah. Hence my working estimate of 1663/64 for her date of birth.
Rebecca most likely spent her early years in Stamford or Greenwich. She married Benjamin Galpin, probably in Stamford, although no record of this exists. She then removed to Woodbury, Connecticut with her husband and raised her family.
Benjamin Galpin was the son of Philip Galpin of New Haven, Fairfield and Rye, New York. He was born about 1654 in New Haven. He moved with his parents to Fairfield and became an apprentice to Michael Try there in 1676. He moved on to Stratford and then to Woodbury about 1680. He was admitted to the Congregational Church in Woodbury 1 May, 1681. Benjamin served in the Militia during King William's War.
Benjamin's father, Philip, died in Rye, New York in 1684. His will dated 27 March, 1684 and proved in Rye 19 November, 1684 mentions his wife and children, including Benjamin. Benjamin received his inheritance 29 October, 1685 and acknowledged his mother in accepting it.
Benjamin married Rebecca Brown probably about 1681/82, most likely in Stamford or Greenwich as their first child, Elizabeth was baptized 16 March, 1682/83. They remained in Woodbury and all their children were born there. Benjamin Galpin received Lot A-24 in the New Meadow at Woodbury in February, 1703.
Benjamin Galpin died in Woodbury 6 January, 1730/31. His will, dated 5 January, 1730 (1730/31) named his son, Samuel as executor. It mentions his wife, Rebecca and children, Joseph, Samuel, Elizabeth, Martha, Sarah and Thankful.
Rebecca Brown Galpin died also in Woodbury, 6 February, 1743. The Galpin Family in America, by William Freeman Galpin, Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1955 has been used as a primary source for the Galpin Descendants of Francis Brown. Also The History of Ancient Woodbury, by William Cothren, Bronson Brothers, Waterbury, Connecticut, 1854 contained information used in this work. Both works seem to be reliable given the spot checks I have made. However, primary sources should be used to corroborate the information in this work.[70]
iv. Mercy;[71],[72],[73],[74] born circa 1666 at Stamford, Fairfield Co., CT.
Mercy Brown is the last known child of Francis Brown and Martha Chapman. The only mention of her is in the will of Francis Brown made in Rye, New York in 1685/86. Most researchers have listed her as the youngest child. This seems logical and I have not made any adjustment to this supposition. I have placed an estimated date of birth as about 1666/67 given a two year interval from the estimated birth of her sister, Rebecca.
Mercy was probably born in Stamford or Greenwich and was unmarried at the time Francis made his will in 1686. Since there is no further information about her there are many questions as to what became of her. If she survived and married there may yet be a record found. Given the circumstances, it is possible there is a whole line of descendants of Francis Brown awaiting discovery.[75],[76]
There were no children of Francis Brown and (3) Judith Ogden
Printed on: 02 Sep 1999
Prepared by: JamesGBrown@Prodigy.net
Galpin, William Freeman. The Galpin Family in America in no series (Ann Arbor, MI: Edward Brothers, 1955).
Hurlbut Manuscript File, Connecticut Historical Society, n.d., (?) Connecticut Historical Society Library.
Hurlbut, Henry H.. The Hurlbut Genealogy in no series (Albany, NY: Joel Munsell's Sons, Publishers, 1888).
Jacobus, Donald Lines. Families Of Old Fairfield in no series (New Haven, CT: Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor, Co., reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Company,, 1932 , Reprint 1976).
Mead, Spencer P.. Ye Historie Of Ye Town Of Greenwich in no series (New York, New York: Knickerbocker Press, Reprinted by Harbor Hill Books, 1911).
Savage, James. Genealogcal Dictionary First Settlers of New England in no series (Boston, MA, Reprint Baltimore, MD: Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Company, 1860-62, Reprint 1965).
Stamford CT Vital Records, n.d., (?) Connecticut State Library.
Street, Charles R.. Huntington, NY Town Records in no series (n.p.: Huntington, 1887).
Will of Francis Brown, n.d., RIN#2088.
Will Of Joseph Brown, n.d., RIN#2089, (?) Connecticut State Library.
Woodbury CT Vital Records, n.d., (?) Connecticut State Library.
_________. Brown Manuscript File, Connecticut Historical Society in no series (n.p.: n.pub., n.d.).
[1]James Savage, Genealogcal Dictionary First Settlers of New England in no series (Boston, MA, Reprint Baltimore, MD: Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Company, 1860-62, Reprint 1965), Vol. I, p.266.
[2]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield in no series (New Haven, CT: Tuttle, Morehouse and Taylor, Co., reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Company,, 1932 , Reprint 1976), Vol. I, p. 106.
[3]Spencer P. Mead, Ye Historie of Ye Town of Greenwich in no series (New York, New York: Knickerbocker Press, Reprinted by Harbor Hill Books, 1911).
[4]Stamford CT Vital Records, n.d., p. 26, (?) Connecticut State Library.
[5]Will of Francis Brown, n.d., RIN#2088.
[6]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol. I, p.106.
[7]Ibid., Vol. I, p. 106.
[8]James Savage, Genealogical Dictionary First Settlers, Vol. I, p.266.
[9]Stamford CT Vital Records, p. 26.
[10]Will of Francis Brown.
[11]Spencer P. Mead, Ye Historie of Ye.
[12]Rye Records.
[13]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol. I, p. 106.
[14]James Savage, Genealogical Dictionary First Settlers, Vol. I, p.266.
[15]Stamford CT Vital Records, p. 26.
[16]Will of Francis Brown.
[17]Spencer P. Mead, Ye Historie of Ye.
[18]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I, p. 106.
[19]Will of Francis Brown.
[20]Henry H. Hurlbut, The Hurlbut Genealogy in no series (Albany, NY: Joel Munsell's Sons, Publishers, 1888).
[21]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I, p. 106.
[22]Will of Francis Brown.
[23]Henry H. Hurlbut, The Hurlbut Genealogy.
[24]Henry H. Hurlbut, The Hurlbut Genealogy.
[25]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I, p. 106.
[26]Henry H. Hurlbut, The Hurlbut Genealogy, p. 23.
[27]Hurlbut Manuscript File, Connecticut Historical Society, n.d., Jacobus' notes, (?) Connecticut Historical Society Library.
[28]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I, p. 106.
[29]Will of Francis Brown.
[30]Henry H. Hurlbut, The Hurlbut Genealogy.
[31]James Savage, Genealogcal Dictionary First Settlers, p. 266.
[32]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I p. 106.
[33]Spencer P. Mead, Ye Historie Of Ye, p.507.
[34]Stamford CT Vital Records, p. 27.
[35]Will Of Joseph Brown, n.d., RIN#2089, (?) Connecticut State Library.
[36]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol. I, p. 106.
[37]Ibid., Vol I p. 106.
[38]James Savage, Genealogical Dictionary First Settlers, p. 266.
[39]Spencer P. Mead, Ye Historie Of Ye, p.507.
[40]Will Of Joseph Brown.
[41]Stamford CT Vital Records, p. 27.
[43]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I p. 106.
[44]James Savage, Genealogical Dictionary First Settlers, p. 266.
[45]Spencer P. Mead, Ye Historie Of Ye, p.507.
[46]Will Of Joseph Brown.
[47]Stamford CT Vital Records, p. 27.
[48]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I p. 106.
[49]James Savage, Genealogical Dictionary First Settlers, p. 266.
[50]Spencer P. Mead, Ye Historie Of Ye, p.507.
[51]Will Of Joseph Brown.
[52]Stamford CT Vital Records, p. 27.
[53]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I, p. 106.
[54]Will of Francis Brown.
[55]Charles R. Street, Huntington, NY Town Records in no series (n.p.: Huntington, 1887), p.289.
[56]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I, p. 106.
[57]Will of Francis Brown.
[58]Charles R. Street, Huntington, NY Town Records, p.289.
[59]Charles R. Street, Huntington, NY Town Records.
[60]Will of Francis Brown.
[61]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield.
[62]Ibid., Vol I, p. 106.
[63]Will of Francis Brown.
[64]Charles R. Street, Huntington, NY Town Records, p.289.
[65]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I, p. 106.
[66]Ibid., Vol I, p. 106.
[67]William Freeman Galpin, The Galpin Family in America in no series (Ann Arbor, MI: Edward Brothers, 1955), p. 11.
[68]Woodbury CT Vital Records, n.d., p. 31, (?) Connecticut State Library.
[69]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I, p. 106.
[71]Will of Francis Brown.
[72]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I, p. 106.
[73]Will of Francis Brown.
[74]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I, p. 106.
[75]Will of Francis Brown.
[76]Donald Lines Jacobus, Families Of Old Fairfield, Vol I, p. 106.
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