" ODLE C. KNAPP, son of Nathaniel Knapp and Elizabeth C. Close, was born at Round Hill, town of Greenwich, Conn., May 26, 1815. His father was a son of Joshua and Charity (Mead) Knapp, and he was born in Westchester Co., N.Y., Feb. 27, 1790; settled in the town of Greenwich, at Round Hill as a young man, about 1812, where he was engaged in trade as a merchant. On the 17th of May 1812, he married Elizabeth C. Close, who was born April 20, 1793. Their children were as follows: Elizabeth, Odle Close, Joshua, Nathaniel A., Hannah C., Eunice, and Sarah A., all of who were born at or near Round Hill, Conn., and all of them are dead except Odle C. and Hannah C. Nathaniel Knapp was a Whig in politics, and was a postmaster at Round Hill for many years. He died Jan. 4, 1836, and his wife died Nov. 25, 1840. Mr. and Mrs. Knapp were esteemed citizens, and left the record of honest and industrious lives. The grandfather of Odle C., Knapp was Joshua Knapp, one of a large family of Brothers and sisters. We mention some of them, --viz.: Isaac, Samuel, Reuben, Joshua, Benjamin, Jared, Enoch, Shubel, and probably sisters. Nothing is known of the family farther back.*
Joshua Knapp married Charity Mead and had the following children, --viz.: Nathaniel, Joshua, Samuel, jasper, Rachel (who married and had two children), Eunice, Charity B., and Sarah. Joshua Knapp was a Revolutionary soldier, was a farmer by occupation and died at an advanced age. Odle C. Knapp received a common-school education, and was reared as a merchant in his father's store, which has been his business for himself at round Hill, Conn., and has continued until the present (October, 1880). He is a good business man, and has always been able to meet all his obligations in time. he is strictly honest in all his dealings, and has made his business pay. He is now well off, has a family of good children, and is surrounded with the comforts of a happy, genial home. He has been twice married; first, Caroline B., daughter of Guy B. Hobby, Jan 19, 1841. There children were Cornelia and Joshua (deceased). Mrs. Knapp died Feb. 27, 1848, and Mr. Knapp married, march 8, 1849, Eunice A., daughter of Abram Brown. She was born in 1822 and died March 5, 1879. Their children were as follows, --viz.: Sarah (deceased), Carolina H. (deceased), Anna M., Charles O., Kate a., John F., and Nathaniel A. In politics, Mr. Knapp was a Whig until 1856 when he joined the grand old Republican party and is very proud to-day (1880) of its glorious achievements. He has been a postmaster the greater part of his life, is a director in the Stamford National Bank, was for many years the first Vice-President of the Greenwich Savings Bank, and has been a trustee since its organization. Both of his wives were members of the Congregational Church at Round Hill and he has been a regular attendant and supporter of same.
Mr. Knapp is one of the representative men of the town of Greenwich, and is interested in everything that tends to build up the community which he resides."
SOURCE: Hurd, D. Hamilton. History of Fairfield County, Connecticut. Philadelphia: J.W. Lewis & Co. (1881), p. 403.*
[NOTE: This biography was published in 1881 and does not offer "proof" of Knapp family history. This information should be used only as possible clues to other sources.--mmead]