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The USGenWeb Project Fairfield County, Connecticut


This record is a summons to Thomas MARSHALL, filed on behalf of Amos MEAD, both of Greenwich, CT.
The document is dated 7 October 1763, almost 243 years old!

Click on the small image at the bottom to see the other side.

Greenwich Court Summons 1763: Amos Mead vs. Thomas Marshall

To the Sheriff of the County of Fairfield ~~~or his Deputy, or either of the Constables of the Town of Greenwich ~~~ within said County; Greeting

IN HIS MAJESTY'S NAME, You are hereby commanded to summon ~~~Thomas Marshall of said Greenwich~~~ to appear before the ~~~ County court to be holden at Fairfield ~~~ within and for the County of Fairfield ~~~ on the Third Tuesday of Novemr next ~ then and there to answer unto ~~~ Amos Mead of said Greenwich~~~~~~~

in a Plea of the Case, wherein the Plaintiff declares and says, that the Defendant, in and by a certain Writing, or Note, under his Hand, by him well executed, dated the ~~~17th Day of February ~~~Anno Domini, 1759 promised this Plaintiff to pay him ^or Order (for the Value received) the Sum of Two pounds & thirteen shillings & four pence Current Money of New York on Demand with the Lawful Interest ~~~~~~~

as by the said Writing or Note, ready in Court to be shewn, appears: ~~~

Now the Plaintiff further says, that the Defendant, his said Promise not regarding, hath never performed the same, (tho' often requested and demanded). ~~~

which is to the Damage of the Plaintiff, the Sum of £3..15..New York Money And for the Recovery thereof with just Costs, the Plaintiff brings this Suit. [ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~] Hereof fail not, and of this Writ, with your Doings thereon, make due Return according to Law. Dated at Fairfield the ~~~~ 7th day of October ~~~ Anno Domini 1763. And in the ~~~3d __ Year of his Majesty's Reign.

David Rowland, Jus. P [hard to read]


The outside of the summons

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