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St. Mark's Episcopal Cemetery, New Canan,
These records have been contributed by Fairfield County, CT researcher Barbara Kaye. The data has been collected from several sources, including the Hale Cemetery Collection (see history, below). We need you! If you live near a cemetery in Fairfield County, CT and wish to contribute data or add additional information to an existing cemetery collection, please email Barbara Kaye. She will see to it that your information is added. If you are interested in volunteering to transcribe other cemetery records, we'll help get you started! The CharlesR. HaleCollection of Headstone Inscriptions resides at the Connecticut State Library.Charles Hale was a member of the Sons of Union Veterans of the CivilWar.In 1916, he became involved in locating and decorating the graves of Revolutionary and Civil War veterans in his home town of Rocky Hill. In ordertomake iteasier to find these graves, he decided to record each veteran's name, date of death and military service. He was persuaded by State Librarian George S. Godard tosearch also for veterans of other wars. In 1919, the General Assembly made an appropriation to carry on this work throughout the State. In 1933 and 1934, with grants from the F.E.R.A. and the W.P.A., Mr. Hale began copying and indexing the essential information from every headstone in the State. Two copies of these listings were deposited in the State Library. Records for individual towns were made available to libraries and historical societies throughout Connecticut. Note: These records may contain errors in dates or names. Some errors were made either at the time of the survey of the cemeteries or during the transcription in1935. One common error in reading old headstones is mistakinga four for a one.We have tried very hard to avoid creating new errors during the retyping ofthis data for the internet. In addition, we have attempted to correct some ofthe original errors, either by revisiting these cemeteriesor by recalculatingdates or ages based on known dates of birth for some of these people. However,someof the stones that were legible in 1934 are either missing or no longerlegible. I have also attempted to identify these people, using census and other vital records. Anything added within brackets like these [ ] indicates a suggestion as to the identity of theperson. If a wife's name does not include a separate surname, it is not knownatthis time.Many couples in early Fairfield County were second or third cousins withthe same surname.There are many surnames that have several alternate spellings.(See spellings for a list of common surnamesand their alternate spellings.) Some people appear in more thanone listing because some graves were moved to newer cemeteries, new stoneswere carved, and the old stones were left behind. Although much of the dataon the various families in early Faifield County is accurate, there will always beerrors, many of which are found in published genealogies. It is recommendedthat you write to the Town Clerk's office for death or birth certificatesfor your ancestors. If you have documentation that supplies any missing informationor corrects an error, please email Barbara Kaye. St. Mark’s Episcopal
New Canaan, CT
1778-1903 Near the Church District School Copied Apr. 5, 1907 by William A.D. Eardley Notes in ( ) added by Mr. Eardley 1. Abbott, Jonathan, born Apr. 14, 1770, died Aug. 11, 1847, aged 77 yrs. 3 mos. 28 days. 2. Abbott, Polly, wife of Jonathan, died June 2, 1860, aged 73 yrs. 8 mos. 3. Abbott, Jonathan, died Aug. 7, 1798, aged in his 39th year. 4. Betts, Stephen, died May 23, 1831, aged 20 yrs. 7 mos. 5. Batterson, Antoinette, wife of Wilkey W. Batterson, no dates. 6. Badeau, Zebedee, died Oct. 28, 1874, aged 78 yrs. 7. Badeau, Hannah, wife of Zebedee, died Nov. 14, 1851, aged 50 yrs. 5 mos. 19 days. 8. Bouton, Waters, died Nov. 10, 1860, aged 55 yrs. 5 mos. 20 days. [son of Jakin Bouton and Anna Jarvis] 9. Bouton, Esther, wife of Waters, died Nov. 22, 1891, aged 96 yrs. 8 mos. 17 days. [Esther Raymond] 10. Badeau, Catherine E., died June 18, 1888, aged 62 yrs. 5 mos. 10 days. 11. Badeau, Willis F., died July 29, 1889, aged 31 yrs. 10 mos. 14 days. 12. Badeau, Anne E., wife of Hanford S. Badeau, died Nov. 6, 1903, aged 73 yrs. 6 mos. 8 days. 13. Betts, Lewis, died Feb. 19, 1810, aged 13 yrs. a son of Stephen and Ruth Betts. (Note: he was born Oct. 24, 1796 in Norwalk, Conn.) 14. Betts, Stephen, died Nov. 28, 1832, aged 76 yrs. (Note: he was born July 15, 1756 in Wilton, Conn., a son of Isaac Betts and Elizabeth GRIFFITH) 15. Betts, Ruth, wife of Captain Stephen, died Mar. 24, 1835, aged 75 yrs. (Note: Stephen Betts married Jan. 4, 1784 Ruth CHURCH) 16. Raymond, Esther, wife of Lewis, died June 19, 1881, aged in her 91st year. (Note: she was a daughter of Stephen and Ruth Betts.) 17. Betts, Ann R., died Aug. 22, 1834, aged 31 yrs. 18. Betts, Harriet, died Sept. 18, 1795, aged in her 9th year, a daughter of Stephen and Ruth Betts. (Note: she was born Dec. 7, 1786.) 19. Betts, Jesse, died Dec. 12, 1862, aged 78 yrs. 20. Craft, Stephen, died May 7, 1832, aged in his 96th (??) year. 21. Craft, Anna, wife of Stephen Craft, died Feb. 23, 1849, aged 73 yrs. 22. Craft, James, died June 29, 1824, aged 55 yrs. 2 mos. 8 days. 23. Chichester, J. Harvey, died Oct. 15, 1844, aged 47 yrs. 5 mos. and 7 days. (Note: he was born James Hervey Chichester, a son of Stephen Chichester and Betsey WEED) 24. Chichester, Julia E., wife of J. Harvey, died Jan. 22, 1892, aged 85 yrs. 8 mos. 7 days. 25. Doty, Orin A., died Sept. 24, 1894, aged 86 yrs. 25a. Doty, Ann Elizabeth, wife of Orin A., died Mar. 20, 1866, aged 49 yrs. 2 mos. and 10 days. [Ann Elizabeth Bouton, daughter of Waters Bouton and Esther Raymond] 26. Dixon, George, died Mar. 13, 1896, aged 66 yrs. 27. Ferris, Hannah, wife of Gould Ferris, died Feb. 23, 1851, aged 83 yrs. 9 mos. 28. Jarvis, John, died Aug. 17, 1778, aged in his 34th year. 29. Jarvis, Catharine, wife of John, died Jan. 17, 1810, aged in her 84th year. 30. Lockwood, Cornelia Augusta, died July 6, 1852, aged 12 yrs. 8 mos. and 10 days, a daughter of Sidney R. Tempe Lockwood. 31. Lockwood, Elias, died Jan. 28, 1857, aged 78 yrs. 3 mos. and 13 days. (Note: he was a son of Ephraim Lockwood and Sarah SLAWSON) 32. Lockwood, Lucretia, wife of Elias, died Sept. 19, 1818, aged 35 yrs. (Note: she was born Aug. 6, 1783, as Lucretia WHITNEY, a daughter of Stephen Whitney and Esther JARVIS. She was born in Kent, Conn.) 33. child: no name : no dates : child of Elias and Lucretia Lockwood 34. child: no name : no dates : child of Elias and Lucretia Lockwood 35. child: no name : no dates : child of Elias and Lucretia Lockwood 36. Lockwood, Mary E., died June 8, 1889, aged 75 yrs. (Note: she was born Jan. 26, 1813 as Mary Esther Lockwood, a daughter of Elias and Lucretia Lockwood; she married Elias Bates Lockwood, a son of Northrop Lockwood and Phebe CONKLIN) 37. Lockwood, Isaac, died Jan. 22, 1840, aged 65 yrs. 9 mos. and 6 days. 38. Lockwood, Hannah B., died Mar. 4, 1819, aged 10 yrs. , a daughter of Isaac and Mary Lockwood 39. Lockwood, Hette, wife of Elias, died Sept. 8, 1849, aged 66 yrs. 5 mos. 12 days. 40. Lockwood, William H., died June 5, 1839, aged 23 yrs. 8 mos. and 23 days, a son of Elias and Lucretia Lockwood. (Note: he was William Henry Lockwood) 41. Lockwood, Sarah E., died June 3, 1835, aged 12 yrs. a daughter of Elias and “Hetty” Lockwood. (Note: she was born 27 June 1823, as Sarah Elizabeth Lockwood; her mother was Hetty HOYT.) 42. Mather, Sally, wife of Joseph Mather, Jr., died Apr. 1, 1819, aged 19 yrs. 43. Osborn, Lucretia, died Mar. 16, 1863, aged 45 yrs. [possibly Lucretia Bouton, daughter of Waters Bouton & Esther Raymond] 44. Pennoyer, Selleck, died Apr. 25, 1840, aged in his 61st year. 45. Pennoyer, Richard H., born Nov. 25, 1808, died July 23, 1883, “A.F. A.M.” 46. Pennoyer, Mary Ann, wife of Richard H., died June 23, 1875, aged 69 yrs. 9 mos. 23 days. 47. Pennoyer, Abigail, died Feb. 16, 1864, aged 77 yrs. 47a. Pennoyer, Isabella, died Feb. 23, 1826, aged 54 yrs. 48. Pennoyer, Sally, died Jan. 15, 1873, aged 82 yrs. 49. Pennoyer, Gould S., died May 4, 1816, aged in his 69th year. (Note: he was born Jan. 16, 1746, in Stamford, Conn., as Gould Selleck Pennoyer, a son of Samuel Pennoyer and Abigail LOCKWOOD) 50. Pennoyer, Sarah, wife of Gould S., died May 24, 1821, aged in her 72nd year. 51. Pennoyer, Frederick H., died Sept. 17, 1890, aged 24 yrs. 3 mos. 52. Pennoyer, Amzi L., died Mar. 25, 1891, aged 62 yrs. 7 mos. 17 days. 53. Raymond, Ellen, died Dec. 11, 1825, aged in her 60th year. 54. Raymond, Luke, died July 13, 1816, aged 75 yrs. 55. Raymond, Horatio, died Dec. 16, 1871, aged 72 yrs. 8 mos. 9 days. 56. Raymond, Eliza, wife of Horatio, died Nov. 6, 1857, aged 58 yrs. 5 mos. 15 days. 57. Raymond, Nancy, died July 21, 1818, aged 34 yrs. 58. Raymond, George, died Aug. 26, 1895, aged 32 yrs. 4 mos. 23 days. 59. Raymond, Lydia, wife of Luke, died Dec. 3, 1812, aged 72 yrs. 60. Ruscoe, James, died June 14, 1800 or 1806, aged in his 89th year. 61. Ruscoe, Jerusha, wife of James, died June 19, 1793, aged 79 yrs. 62. Raymond, Martha, wife of Ebenezer, died Feb. 8, 1823, aged in her 77th year. (Note: Ebenezer Raymond married Oct. 24, 1771 Martha HINMAN) 63. Raymond, Esther, died July 8, 1866, aged 89 yrs. 11 mos. 5 days. 64. Raymond, John, died Feb. 25, 1826, aged 71 yrs. (Note: he was a son of Lemuel Raymond and Sarah STURGES) [another record show her as Sarah Squires] 65. Raymond, Deborah, wife of John, died May 23, 1843, aged 85 yrs. (Note: she was Deborah WATERS) 66. Raymond, Alfred, died Aug. 6, 1875, aged 78 yrs. 67. Raymond, Harriet, wife of Alfred, died Feb. 25, 1862, aged 61 yrs. (66 & 67 are on the same stone) 68. Raymond, Edward W., died Aug. 2, 1844, aged 6 yrs. 2 mos. and 22 days, a son of Alfred and Harriet Raymond. 69. Raymond, Azor, died Mar. 9, 1796, aged 18 yrs. 2 mos. 5 days. 70. Raymond, Luke, died Nov. 24, 1812, aged 81 yrs. 3 mos. and 27 days. (Note: he married May 8, 1765 Lydia BETTS; he was a son of Lemuel Raymond and Sarah SQUIRE) 71. Raymond, Hannah, widow of Daniel Warren, died Oct. 13, 1821, aged 85 yrs. (Note: she was a daughter of Lemuel Raymond and Sarah SQUIRE) 72. Raymond, John, died June 9, 1879, aged 94 yrs. 4 mos. 4 days. 73. Raymond, Sarah, died Apr. 24, 1860, aged 81 yrs. (72 & 73 are on the same stone.) 74. Silliman, Harriet, wife of Elisha L., died Oct. 6, 1816, aged in her 19th year, a daughter of Stephen and Ruth Betts. (Note: she was born Mar. 14, 1798 in Norwalk, Conn. 75. Tuttle, Betsey, wife of Smith Tuttle, died June 1, 1830, aged 50 yrs. 76. Tuttle, William, no dates. 77. Taylor, Betsey H., wife of James H., died June 18, 1836, aged 47 yrs. 78. Tuttle, Abigail, wife of Daniel Tuttle, died July 25, 1851, aged 95 yrs. 6 mos. 79. Tuttle, Angeline, born Feb. 22, 1811, died Oct. 10, 1893. 80. Tuttle, Samuel P., died Sept. 15, 1877, aged 76 yrs. 81. Tuttle, Harriet, wife of Samuel P., died May 28, 1864, aged 54 yrs. 82. Tuttle, Aurinda, died Sept. 30, 1843, aged 38 yrs. 2 mos. 17 days. 83. Tuttle, Lydia E., wife of Erastus, died Aug. 14, 1848, aged 18 yrs. 5 mos. 7 days. 84. Tuttle, Betsey, wife of Erastus W., died Aug. 14, 1871, aged 47 yrs. 5 mos. 1 day. 85. Tuttle, Sarah M., died May 1, 1870, aged 10 yrs. 11 mos. 1 day, a daughter of Erastus and Betsey Tuttle. 86. Tuttle, Ida Elizabeth, died Nov. 27, 1880, aged 24 yrs. 1 month and 24 days, a daughter of Augustus and Hannah Tuttle. 87. Tuttle, William, born Oct. 22, 1807, died Apr. 8, 1883. 88. Tuttle, Rebecca Ann, wife of William, died Sept. 20, 1897, aged 85 yrs. 5 mos. 21 days. 89. Terrell, Hiram, born June 8, 1819, died May 11, 1893. 90. Terrell, Harriet A., wife of Hiram, born Mar. 12, 1820, died Dec. 24, 1903. 91. Terrell, Martha J., born Feb. 20, 1843, died Aug. 27, 1845, a daughter of Hiram and Harriet Terrell. 92. Warren, Almira, died Dec. 7, 1877, aged 19 yrs. a daughter of George P. and Mary A. Warren. 93. Warren, Sarah Jane, died Jan. 9, 1859, aged 21 yrs. 4 mos. 15 days, a daughter of Daniel R. and Lorinda Warren. 94. Warren, Daniel R., died Oct. 12, 1841, aged 37 yrs. 1 month, 25 days. 95. “Our Mother” no name, (probably Lorinda Warren) died Sept. 27, 1853, aged 43 yrs. 96. Warren, Solomon, died Aug. 19, 1853, aged 87 yrs. 11 mos. 27 days. [son of Nathan Waring, Jr. & Elizabeth Bell] 97. Warren, Rhoda, wife of Solomon, died Apr. 29, 1852, aged 79 yrs. 10 mos. 21 days. 98. Warren, Solomon Platt, died June 21, 1819, aged 18 yrs. 8 mos. 27 days, a son of Solomon and Rhoda Warren. 99. Warren, Julia A., died Sept. 8, 1890, aged 82 yrs. 9 mos., a daughter of Solomon and Rhoda Warren. 100. Warren, Mary, died Feb. 15, 1837, aged 82 yrs. 8 mos. 7 days. 101. Warren, Sarah, died Oct. 30, 1854, aged 84 yrs. 10 mos. 102. Whitney, James, died Apr. 15, 1855, aged 63 yrs. 103. Whitney, Esther, widow of Stephen Whitney, died Aug. 10, 1840, aged 80 yrs. 11 mos. 6 days. [Esther Jarvis] 104. Walmsley, Mrs. Elizabeth, died Sept. 28, 1858, aged 86 yrs. The oldest stone is #28. John Jarvis, Aug. 17, 1778. The latest stone is #90. Harriet A. Tuttle, Dec. 24, 1903. (in 1907) |
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please E-mail Barbara Kaye.
© Copyright 1996 to 2003. Updated 12/6/02.
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